Wednesday, December 14, 2005

WTO Who Cares?

The WTO is meeting in its long anticipated Hong Kong round to talk about agribusiness subsidies. But despite the long anticipated meeting it is going nowhere. Nor can it. Despite the anti-WTO protests, despite last summers G8 meeting pledging Trade Not Aid, despite Bono and Geldoff, the very fabric of capitalism is the industrialization of agriculture, and this is the contradiction that belies this round of trade talks. Capitalism developed out of large scale farming production with the end of the commons in England.

Today the modern form of agribusiness destroys the family farm here in the industrialized world as much as it has declared war on subsistence farming in the developing world. The subsidies given out to Agribusiness are being equated with cooperatives and producer marketing boards. Hence the attack on the Canadian Wheat Board and the Quebec Dairy boards by Americans and by our own comprador farmers from the Reform/Alliance/Conservative party. And they are no more equivalent than the subsidies given to Agribusinesses that market bananas from Ecuador, like Dole, and the farm cooperatives that grow the bananas and are paid below market price by Dole.

Ever since the GATT Uruguay talks ended, more and more subsistence farming in the Third world and the newly Industrialized nations has been replaced by large scale export farming controlled by Agribusiness Giants like ADM,Cargill, Nestles, etc..

And where export products such as sugar, rice, soya, and dairy products, are in competition with the G8 they have no fair trade market. Even in their particular unique export markets such as bananas and cocoa and coffee, the internecine trade zones between the EU and the USA punitively punish these producing countries, and do not pay a fair price for their products.

Nor are the farmers encouraged to develop subsistence farming, some for export with varied crops for their own survival. When agribusiness gets involved, farmers in the developing world become wage slaves on large scale corporate plantations.

The village farming cooperatives are a real market alternative to rapacious capitalism and its agribusiness operations, but these folks are forgotten at the WTO. They have neither local representatives nor state representatives. Nor has the Libertarian movement taken up their cause with few exceptions such as those of us on the Libertarian Left; Kevin Carson, Larry Gambone, and the Knappster, voices in the wilderness on this issue.

Think of the power that these small villages would have if rich American Libertarians who have oodles of cash were to champion their cause. But it won't happen because they aren't really Libertarians, just Republican hanger ons, more interested in privatizing public services than supporting real free markets in the real world. Because these markets are run by cooperatives and collectives, which runs counter to their individualist consumerist ideology.

The WTO talks stalled again today, and will not get anywhere because the issue to agribusiness is not the issue of sustainable farming, but of transforming the world into its supermarket as ADM brags.

And until we have fair trade that promotes open markets to farmer cooperatives in the developing world, Africa in particular, we will continue to have to feed them, and fund them, as they suffer the famines of Imperialism.

The Free Market In Children

Forget the beer and popcorn, here is a real example the right of parents to choose whats best for their children. Here is the reality of having a free market where parents can choose and the nanny state doesn't exist. Here is an example of having no state regulations, no state enforcement, and real freedom of choice. I can hear the conservatives cheering until they choke on this.....

Children with HIV/Aids in South Africa
One in 13 children in the developing world have lost a parent, it said
Hundreds of millions of children suffer discrimination and exploitation but are invisible to the world, the UN agency for children says in its annual report.

It said new laws are required to ensure that births are officially registered, and it also urged governments to do more to stop "abuse and exploitation".

Trafficking risk

The report said nearly two million children had entered the sex trade, 5.7 million were sold into slavery and 1.2 million were trafficked each year

The report said over half of the births in the developing world - apart from China - are not registered, meaning they are not recognised as citizens.

Without registered identity, they are unable to receive education, decent health care and other services. If they do not officially exist, it also means traffickers can make them "disappear" without fear of retribution.

The State of the World's Children 2006: Excluded and Invisible said exploited children were often overlooked in public debate or news stories.

Yep you can say that again.

How the NDP Blows it

The polls released on CPAC last night shows a serious decline in support for the NDP in Ontario and B.C. the hot spots that they are supposed to be fighting to win.

Now speculation has it that the significant, nope make that huge drop in the support for the NDP in Ontario is either the Buzz factor, or the Liberal Gun Ban.

Well folks its neither. It's the perennial problem of the liberal-Left and the NDP in particular, its called politeness. Yep they are to damn polite in debates.

So when debating a big mouth rightwhinger like say Ezra Le-Rant they sit quietly and try and score points by being reasonable, sounding reasonable, and not getting in your face. While Ezra or any other rightwhinger gets in your face and says the most outragous generalities about liberals and the left, and the spokesperson for the left sits there and takes it. Calmly they reply and get bulldozed over by the rightwhinger.

Its my pet peeve about liberal leftists in debates. The problem is that liberal leftists think that politics is the bloody Oxford debating society. That you score points by being clever. Well you actually have to open your mouth and say something to score points. And one of the failures of the NDP is that they don't.

Take for example last night on Mike Duffy's Countdown. We have Anne McLellan, Peter MacKay and Bill Blaikie debating. And Bill, Mr. Parlimentarian, sits there with this blank look on his face (you could almost see the cartoon squiggles of steam coming out of his ears) and doesn't butt in on the debate between Anne and Peter.

He waits. And waits. Finally the Duff asks him to speak, Bill starts and Duff asks him a question and he blows his cool and attacks Duff for interupting him. Opps faux pas, you don't criticize the moderator you attack your opponents.

Then Anne and Peter go at it hammer and tongs and on the screen between them is Bill staring out at us blank faced, and never ever said a word again. He just looked pissed off. Yep he just let them debate. The result,well here's what my pal Reg said;

I never thought....
Putting the a in smart
2005-12-13 20:49:47

I would ever feel sorry for Anne McLellan but if you just watched the absolute asskicking Peter MacKay just gave her over defense spending on Duffy's Countdown tonight, you know why I do.

Bill who? you ask, exactly. So what the hell is the NDP position on defense spending? Don't know cause Bill thought this was Oxford or the House of Commons. Where debate is regulated.

And he is not the only one. Its a major problem with the NDP communications (sic) team of Brad Lavigne and Jamey Heath. Whenever they are debating their counterparts on Don Newmans show, or the Duffs, they let the debate go between the Liberals and Tory's. They sit back politely and wait their turn. Though on CPAC the other night Brad did flip out and attacked, and attacked, with political pugilism.Atta boy Brad. Someone must have put an espresso in his Starbucks before the show.

But overall the NDP is never in the debates. They have a fear of luquacious interruptis. It's a historic problem with the NDP its why Ed Broadbent lost the debate and the election in 1988 when he sat back and let Mulroney and Turner punch it out over Free Trade. The issue was the NDP's and it was stolen by Turner. And all Ed did in the debate was sit on the sidelines slack jawed.

If the NDP wants to make any gains, let alone set the agenda of this election as they did in the spring sitting of parliment, its time to take the gloves off. Look into the camera and open your mouth and say something.

Other NDP Stories

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Can't Get No Respect

The Face of the Evil Empire. Come to the dark side Canada.

Would you trust this man with your lumber?

The 'elephant next door' has heard the mouse that roared. US Amb-ass-ador Wilkins slaps Canada upside the head for his boss the War President.

Wilkins' wide-ranging speech covered just about every issue of contention between the U.S. and Canada.

The problem is if you watch his speech you need subtitles to understand what he is saying. Either it's his strong southern good old boy accent or the fact he had his bubba foot in his mouth.

And if he thinks he has chastised the Liberals well that was a tactical error of the highest order, especially during an election.
Congratulations stupid you just influenced the election, more than the Washington Times could with their editorial supporting the Harper.

In a speech to the Canadian Club at Ottawa's historic Chateau Laurier Hotel, U.S. President George Bush's envoy to Canada accused Martin of trying to score cheap political points by bashing America. "Just think about this. What if one of our best friends criticized you directly and incorrectly almost relentlessly? What if that friend's agenda was to highlight your perceived flaws while avoiding mentioning your successes? What if that friend demanded respect but offered little in return?" Wilkins asked. Ok let me mention a success - Wal-Mart- 'nough said?!

Me thinks he doth protest too much....let's see he is speaking for an Administration that lied in order to conduct an illegal invasion of another country.

An Adminstration that continues to defy trade agreements with Canada.

An Administration that declared war on terror and invaded Afghanistan four years ago only to result in a city state surrounded by war lords, a 260% increase in opium production and left the countries defense to Canadian and NATO troops.

Are these incorrect or just flaws?

Now this Amb-ass-ador of the evil empire is well connected to the very lumber lobby that is screwing us. And as a good old southern bubba, with the confederate flag tattoed on his brain, of course he could still be smarting about the fact that the underground railroad to Canada was a success.

America owes us a lot, because without us they wouldn't be singing the Star Spangled Banner. We weren't always friends. So don't piss us off.

CTV Poll

Nope not one about the political parties but about us, about where Canadians get their election news. Blogs are behind radio, well shucks. But web sites almost match TV for being accessed for information in computer rich Canada. Mind you the fact this is a web site poll even if it for a TV network, sort of biases that anwser doesn't it. Quick vote now and vote often and blogs can beat out newspapers.

Where are you going first to follow the election campaign?

1060 votes (11 %)

4359 votes (46 %)

345 votes (4 %)

3262 votes (34 %)

533 votes (6 %)

Total Votes: 9559

Taken for Granted

So it appears that none of the national party Leaders will be visiting Alberta soon.
Albertans frustrated by lack of attention. That's what happens when you are a Blue province, in a Red Country. If you pardon the American analogy.

It also reflects the cynicism of our national poltical party's over their chances of gaining a seat in the land of the democratic deficit. We have the only one party state in North America under King Ralph. And with the exception of two seats in Edmonton, fedrally we suffer the same indignity, being almost all Tory blue.

But is that any reason not to expect the national party leaders to visit here. There are some ridings in contention here, as I have mentioned before. But it appears that the Liberal strategy for Alberta is to sit this election out, except for Landslide Anne's Edmonton Centre riding, as I reported here the other day.

A Liberal spokesperson said leader Paul Martin is committed to travelling Canada as completely as possible and that he hopes to make Alberta part of that tour. Oh do. I hope you do plan to visit, perhaps by then you will have updated all your candidates pages on your web site so you know who you are visiting.

The NDP stands a good chance in a couple of Redmonton ridings that the Liberals have abandoned. Edmonton Strathcona and Edmonton East. While the Liberals are serious contenders in Mill Woods Beaumont.

An NDP spokesperson said Jack Layton's time is better spent in areas where the party holds some seats, but the leader hopes to make a stop in Alberta next week. Good that will be the first national leader to visit since the Green Party leader Jim Harris whistle stop last weekend.

But you know its bad when the National Party Leaders are more cynical about their chances here than the electorate. And abandoning Alberta is a dumb political move for the future.

Even the Harper is taking Alberta for granted. Sort of like he took his constiuency nomination, and later when he ran for the Alliance and refused to debate. His arrogance is showing now on the national stage.
"Stephen Harper best serves the party by being in Ontario and Quebec because, at the end of the day, being in Alberta is not going to win us the government, and that's what this is about," said Stephen Carter, spokesperson for the Conservative party in Alberta. That is particualarly galling and a good reason to NOT vote Conservative. We Albertans are good at teaching lessons that way. We don't like to be taken for granted, specially by the one that brung ya to the dance.

The Return of Firewall Alberta

In a long rambling quote I heard on the radio yesterday, BQ leader Gilles Duceppe claimed that Alberta had more in common with Mexico than Quebec. Ok I said to myself, what the hell does that mean? He was talking about trade and trade links and mad cow. Uh huh right. So? And then he said this;Duceppe said Liberal Leader Paul Martin has refused to entertain the creation of trade zone "fire walls." He added these trade-zone fire walls would have shielded Quebec and other provinces from the fallout of mad cow, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

Implying that Alberta was to blame for the BSE crisis, and the closing of the markets to safe healthy independeniste Quebecois cattle. But he said Firewall. He meant it to be around Alberta, not Quebec. Now the last guy to say that was Stephen Harper, and he said it about Alberta too, when he was President of the NCC, but he meant it as a form of psuedo-seperation.

Dr. Duceppe meant it as a way to quarantine Alberta phsyically as well as economically from the rest of the country during the BSE crisis. True the BSE crisis was centred in Alberta as a result of deregulation and privatization. However it did also occur in other provinces and in the US after they closed their border to us. Dr. Duceppe is implying that Alberta had been an economic Typhoid Mary.

Or perhaps he was just agreeing with the Old Harper. Nope read that quote again, it implies quarantine.
Duceppe has just insulted every Albertan, and Canadian with that remark. Now this is certainly as big a gaffe as Beer and Popcorn. It was a throw away remark, a cheap shot at Alberta's expense. And a frightening one at that by its implications.

Wonder what the New Harper has to say about this, or the Alberta Conservative MP's or the ex-Reform Party Alberta MLA's like Firewall co-signor Ted Morton, or even King Ralph.

Harper Republican Lite

During the NFATA debate in Canada the Economist magazine on their front page refered to the Mulroney Government as Bleeding Heart Tory's, saying they were to the left of even the Democrats in the U.S. Todays Conservative party is nowhere close to the party of Mulroney, having been created as a right wing opposition to his bleeding heart conservatism. Harper's reply shows that his election focused Conservative party remains Republican Lite, ala John McCain.

Harper responds to Washington Times endorsement

Conservative leader Stephen Harper has responded to an opinion piece in the Washington Times in which Harper was called "the most pro-American leader in the Western world. Free-market economist Stephen Harper, leader of the opposition Conservative Party, is pro-free trade, pro-Iraq war, anti-Kyoto, and socially conservative."

Monday, December 12, 2005

How About $500 for Dancing or Music Lessons

With the Harper announcement of a so called $500 tax credit for sports what does that really mean? Sound good on the surface but is it really for all 'sports'? Or just the expensive recreational sports like hockey and sking?

Cause as every soccer Mom knows, soccer is the cheapest sport around. Is it for Tae Kwon Do or boxing lessons? What about gymnastics or swimming or golf lessons? What about Rodeo entrance fees? Dancing is a physical activity, as well as a cultural one so will these fees be covered?Could be. Not sure what the Conservatives define as 'sports'?

Harper says sports builds character. Sure it does but so do music lessons, and learning to paint or sculpt, or to speak a second language, and other aspects of Culture, so why not a tax credit for them as well.

Ethnic dancing while subsidized by community groups still parents have to pay fees for this too. Playing a musical instrument costs parents money, for the instrument and lessons. What about second language lessons outside of the home? While not a team activity like sports, these too build character. And may lead to groups activities like singing in a Choir or being in a dance troupe. Or is this a little too multicultural for the Torys?

While sports are part of a better health program, which the Conservatives are focusing on, they are not the only activity that parents pay user fees for their children to participate in. Why aren't these fees covered as well?

Blogging Tory's Don't Get Day Care

It is obvious that it is Conservative men making the comments about the problem with the idea of publicly funded, certified, non-profit day care centres for being too institutional (subtext it's a prison) and a one size fits all without flexibility for working parents, and it won't work in rural Canada, and, and, and, and......

Tories offer Choice in Childcare says Bill McBeath, Conservative Organizer for Edmonton
Strange as it seems, the tory policy for childcare centres around... wait for it... choice! The fundamental idea that parents are the best people to raise children, and hsould be allowed to choose where government money (tax money, their money) get spent.The tory plan is more generous, more flexible, and more in touch with the many different families in Canada. Unlike the inflexible 9-5 institutional daycare plan of the Liberals, the Conservative plan allows parents who are shift workers, lower-income families, stay at home parents, and all families in general meet their child care needs.

When it isn't the Harper attacking public regulated day care it's one of the male conservatives in the blogosphere. Like my fellow Redmontonian; DazzlinDino of the Blogging Party of Canada. He says the following and it is the oft repeated criticism that the Conservatives are using as their messaging;

Let me make this clear, the federal daycare idea, the nine to five life, does not work for far too many people. How many of you would actually be able to take advantage of this. Can you tell your boss "Sorry, I can only work from 10-4 cause my kid is in daycare."? Think he is going to be looking for a replacement? If you live in a small community, will you benifit from this.....NO YOU WON't. I'm not a big fan of either idea, but there is no way a federal daycare would work, not in a private sector......

Yep he has obviously not sent his kids to daycare or aftercare. Lots of families work around their day care hours, parents adapting their work patterns to their family needs. Many working families who don't have the choice of having a well paid job that can support a stay at home parent, choose work that offers them at least the chance to have one parent off shift at home. Because there ARE NO PUBLIC DAY CARE SPACES FOR THEM.

Hmm I thought more and more employers were being flexible, thats all the rhetoric that unions face when negotiating for shift work. And speaking of the private sector it is Corporate Canada that has been derelict in its duty in providing on site day care for its employees. Been waiting for tax breaks I guess. Wait they have gotten tax breaks, they just didn't use them for day care for their workers. The CIBC got an innovation award this year from the Conference Board of Canada because they actually did create a flexible day care option for their workers. They were one of the only private corporations in Canada to do this hence the award. Whereas many public institutions are ahead of Corporate Canada, especially post seconday education institutions, when it comes to offering its staff and students day care.

Those of the professional classes are the ones who want a tax credit, not out of some wish to help single mothers or working class parents who have two jobs to make ends meet. But with typical conservative aplomb, they can afford to have a stay at home mom who gives up her lucrative career because dad has a lucrative career too, they believe they are being cheated and should have the same advantage of the family of two working parents or the single mother. As if being a member of the working poor or a single mother is a 'choice', like the one they made.

My wife and I have made made the descision that it is best for our family (and two daughters) if one of us were at home. My wife is a brilliant (and beautiful...hi sweety) person who completed a Physics Degree and Education Degree and gave up a career in teaching to raise our kids.We gave up her salary and day care tax breaks - but we did so gladly. It is our choice and all we ask is for our government to stay out of our business. Stop saying that we are ignorant. Stop comparing stay-at-home parents to people who would choose not to use a doctor for medical care - as if day care professionals can be a better parent. Political Staples

This is the same arguement made by right wingers about abortion. I remember debating a woman who had university law degree, but choose to stay at home and have children. She was a voracious opponent of a womans right to choose, abortion. Her husband was a vice president of a major oil company. She could afford to have a child, and she probably eventually had a nanny to. She insisted that a woman had no right to choose abortion, rather she should 'choose' to have the child and 'choose' to stay home and raise the child, like Ms. Professional did.

Fellow Redmonton blogger Idealistic Pragmatist also commented on Staples arguement and noted that it all comes down to a fetish of making a social issue into a 'personal issue'. A comment to his blog article clearly points out that for the majority of working Canadian families day care is a very real social neccesity, not a matter of personal choice.

But to be fair while many of the bloggers on this topic are men, its not just men who promote this false dichotomy between baby sitting and public day care. Edmonton Spruce Grove Conservative MP and psuedo-feminist,
Rona Ambrose, who challenged the Liberal plan in the House as being a plan proposed by 'old white men',again identifies what makes the Tory plan different than the Liberals. It will pay for parents to leave their kids with babysitters, "a relative, a grandparent, or a neighbour" she told Mike Duffy on CTV today.

Conservative MP Rona Ambrose, who represents Edmonton-Spruce Grove, worked with Harper to write the Conservative child-care policy. She spoke with Larry Johnsrude, reporter/editor for
"We feel very strongly that our plan should be universal and equitable. The Liberal plan is regulated nine-to-five public day care through an public infrastructure and is a small percentage of the total child-care options being used by parents right now and is their last choice. Their first choice is for one of them to stay at home if they can afford to. Their second choice is (to leave their children) with a trusted neighbour or friend and the last choice is institutionalized care."

So it's ok to leave your kids with a stranger, the neighbour but not with trained certified early childhood educators. "Who knows better than parents how to raise their kids" says Rona. Well would you leave the education of your children to "a relative, a grandparent, or a neighbour" ? Of course not, unless like many social conservatives you choose home schooling. But home schooling is not a public education system. And neither is the Tory plan a national day care program.

If there are no public day care spaces then there is no real choice for parents. The choice is
"a relative, a grandparent, or a neighbour". Which was the choice my parents had when the worked out of the home forty years ago. I was baby sat by my Baba and Dido, and my parents got their monthly family allowance cheque for my sister and I. Yep the Tory plan could be called Forward to the Past.

Whereas the NDP plan announced today will guarantee, by legislation, the creation of public regulated certified, non profit day care centres. And it will give parents real economic choice by giving a $1000 tax credit per child, while subsidizing child care space to the tune of $9000 per child. Now that is different, as the Canadian Tire ads say, than the Tory or Liberal Policies of non commitment to affordable public day care.

And in one of those twists of electoral fate, the NDP can thank Scott Reid for keeping day care in the news, with his arrogant remarks yesterday about Beer and Popcorn. Otherwise their announcement today would have been swamped by his party's Health Care Waiting Times Benchmark annoucement. Scott did the NDP a timely favour, another reason his boss will be chewing his ass off.

Also see:

Whose Family Values

Day Care

Defend Public Day Care

Giving Buzz da Boot

Straight Goods the first left of centre Canadian on-line journal has launched a humourous if vitorlic campaign against Liberal Luvin Buzz.

Buzz on Buzz:

Take the online
Straight Goods Survey
and qualify for a chance to win Straight Goods gear.

Now what's interesting is the buzzing on the left on line over all this. Rabble has taken an implicitly soft stand on Buzz and, as I reported here earlier, Straight Goods has taken offense over Buzz's finger in the wind politics.

Now Straight Goods , despite being it's predecesor, doesn't get the same buzz that Rabble does ,in the left and MSM, with its high profile owner Judy Rebick, and her pals like Jim Stanford of CAW. Nope they are the little on-line mag that could. So do I detect some political and commercial rivalry over this?

Rabble has attempted to be less partisan by running a Buzz commentary defending himself, while publishing columnists opposing Buzz, and its babble forum where all hell broke loose.

Straight Goods on the other hand has always identified itself with 'The Party'.
They have columnists like Watkins and Tielman (who worked for the BCFL and the BC NDP),representing the old guard of the NDP. They sniffled over the upstarts at Rabble, Rebick and Stanford, who were the voice of the NPI, New Politics Initivative, which despite their support from Buzz, flamed out when it tried to reform the NDP.

This could be described as a classic confrontation between the old left and the new left in Canadian social democratic politics. Except I am not sure which is which. Since Mel Watkins founder of the left wing Waffle is onside with Straight Goods and Rebick and Stanford the NPI are on side with Buzz.

Both groups were the new left in the NDP in their day. And the NPI folks with the support of Buzz and the CAW disolved in favour of Jack Layton. See what I mean, its confusing without a program.

And while Jack is keeping tight lipped about all this, smart thing too, the NDP rank and file and their supporters have declared war on Buzz. Both the old left and new left. Should the NDP not gain seats in this election both will unite in blaming Buzz, no matter what they say or do now. And blaming Buzz will be giving him too much credit and it will be just the ego-boo he wants.

You see Buzz is all about, well Buzz. He loves all this attention he has been getting. He has become the ISSUE for the NDP in this election.He wants to be King Maker, whether in the Labour movement or the NDP, and failling that he would love to be King on his own island.

So if his overtures to Paul work out he can position himself against both Georgetti of the CLC and Layton of the NDP. Oh what a tangled web he weaves with nary a care for the result as long as it benefits Buzz.

More Buzz Stories

There is no I in Team

What a strange thing for a self professed Libertarian to say;"Harper said sports encourages teamwork"

There is no individualist "I" in team, specially sports teams. Its a, 'gasp', collective effort. No one 'star' can win the game, unless it's tennis. Suddenly Harper has mellowed, he believes that the cooperation and collectivism of sports "builds character".

Gone is the rabid individualist ideology of the past. No longer the anti-state liberaltarian, he is calling for more money from the State to go to parents to pay for user fees;
which is just another form of taxation. Tories promise tax credit for kids' sports fees

My how the New Harper has changed from the Old Harper.

On being ‘libertarian’
“But I'm very libertarian in the sense that I believe in small government and, as a general rule, I don't believe in imposing values upon people.” (National Post, March 6, 2004)

Gee and wouldn't character building and team work be considered 'values'?

Economic conservatism, Harper says during an interview in his Calgary office, is libertarian in nature, emphasizing markets and choice. Libertarian conservatives work to dismantle the remaining elements of the interventionist state and move towards “a market society for the 21st century.” (Toronto Star, April 6, 1997)

Paying for user fees is the state intervening in the marketplace isn't it?

Scott Reid Conservative Commentator

"Duh' Oh"

Oh boy did the blogoshpere heat up yesterday when Liberal Party Communications (sic) Director, and the right hand of PM, Scott Reid came out with his comment that all the Harper Baby Bonus plan would do was provide for beer and popcorn for working parents. He probably thought he was being clever. I think he meant beer and peanuts. It was one of those gaffes that makes elections exciting on slow news days.

Anyways the off the cuff remark has caused a swirl of controversy, mainly fueled by the hypocritical Bloggin Tory's and our favorite 'f****ing moron'; Warren Kinsella. Yep much ado about nothing here folks.

Reid just sounded like a Conservative, or neo-con pundit many of whom have said similar things about the poor, folks on welfare, gays, the homeless, single mothers,women in general, immigrants, union folks, etc.etc. After all Ezra Levant has told us that 77% of Canadians are 'stupid'. So there. Take that. Those who live in glass houses........

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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Another Train Jumps the Track

Leak from CN car forces evacuation of town block This is no longer NEWS its getting to be business as usual for the Continental National Disaster we call CN rail. It's now officially a weekly incident as it has been for the last six months. Just like clockwork. What was that old saying about the trains running on time, in this case its the trains being derailed on time, thanks to Just In Time flexibility for the bottom line. Just remember this when some neo-con says privatization or the private sector does it better than the public sector. Didn't have these problems when CN was still a crown corporation. But they are occuring after the privatization and sale of B.C. Rail to privatized CN.

More CN Privatization = Disasters Stories:

Le Revue Gauche

Red Between the Lines

Before Privatization

After Privatization

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The Election Blogs In the News

Oh lookee the Edmonton Journal has discovered the election blogs. And the fact that Jack doesn't. Though leader Jack Layton blogged during the June 2004 election, the NDP is the only big federal party now going without one.

Just Do It

King Ralph threatens again,Klein says he'll quit if Alta. Tories don't strongly support him next spring Just shut up and quit already. His backpedaling on smoking, refusal to outline what the Third Way for Healthcare really means, blathering about the Federal Liberals, backpedaling on not taking Fed money for Alberta Daycare, what anyone else would call lame duck leadership shows the King has gone mad in his counting house. Time for him to go.

Alberta Uber Alles

Ralphs World

Winter came and went

In Edmonton this week we had winter for three days, and now its gone. We have had an exceptionally warm November. In fact it was warmer than July according to Environment Canada.

For three days this week starting on Monday we had -20 c with a windchill of
-29 c, and snow.

As of Thursday we have had double digit highs at the opposite end of the scale hitting +19 c. And the snow is gone. Today as I write we are at +11 c. The forecast is more of the same for the next week before Xmas.

Some much for Winter it came and went. We are now as warm as we get in the Spring.

But wait it's still only Fall. Winter does not officially start until Solstice, December 21. Ah sigh, well one can dream he said humming "To Dream the Impossible Dream".

Workers Rights are Human Rights

Layton Endorses Workers’ Bill Of Rights on December 10 the day we celebrate the UN Declaration of Human Rights, written by a Canadian 30 years before we even had them entrenched in our law, including the right to organize and belong to a union which is still not a right in many provinces in Canada. Including Alberta.

So Mr. Labour Friendly Paul Martin where do you Stand?

Liberals Abandon Redmonton

The Liberals appear to have abandoned Redmonton figuring on a Tory landslide and neck and neck race in Edmonton Centre. Their website listing of Edmonton Candidates is empty with two exceptions. And its ten days into the election.

With the exceptions of Edmonton Centre Landslide Anne's constiuency. and Stephen Haroun running in Edmonton St. Albert, the other candidates have no profiles.

The other race that could be theirs is Edmonton Mill Woods-Beaumont, but all they have on their candidates page is a picture of their candidate, Amjarit Grewal.

Ditto for Nicole Martel their candidate in Edmonton East. Just a picture. She has a web page and they haven't connected to it, heck even I have done that here.

Ditto for these candidates

Edmonton--Sherwood Park Ron Symic
Edmonton--Spruce Grove Brad Enge

Jim Jacuta
But at least they have a photos of them.

Ontheir page for Edmonton Leduc Liberal candidate Jim Jacuta's all they have is a silouette. Poor Jim. And its not like he hasn't run before, he is one of their high profile candidates. He ran against Deb Grey for Edmonton North.
Sheesh you'd think they would have a photo of him and his bio.

And no phone numbers to campaign offices, or web links, or bios or sfa on any of these links.

It appears that there is real disconnect between the Liberals national campaign and their candidates in Edmonton. More so than for instance their candidates in Calgary.

Federal candidates prepare for 8-week race
In Alberta, there are 28 seats to be filled – but little suspense over who will take most of them. In the 2004 election, all but two seats were won by the Conservatives, with the Liberals taking two Edmonton ridings. However, Edmonton-Beaumont MP David Kilgour who won as a Liberal, left the party and was sitting as an independent when the 38th Parliament wrapped up. He is not running again. That leaves Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan, who represents Edmonton Centre, as the last Liberal standing in the province going into this election.

And here's the rub if you want to find out about the Liberal candidates in Redmonton, you can find them on the CBC web site. With pictures and bios, and web links. ( well they don't have a picture for Jim Jacuta but at least they don't use the stupid silouette). Everything that should be on the Liberal web site and isn't. Guess the Liberals figure that taxpayer funded Mothercorp should do their work for them.

It appears the Liberal candidates are suffering abandonment by the National campaign. Which does a disservice to not only all Edmontonians but all Albertans. So why would they expect us to vote for them if they can't even bother to campaign here seriously?!

In Harper Country, your choice for change this election is the NDP. They at least have candidate profiles on their web site.

Edmonton Strathcona Liberal MIA

Andy Hladyshevsky

A stronger voice for Edmonton Strathcona!
Óêðà¿íñüêà âåðñ³ÿ Francais

The Liberal Candidate in Edmonton Strathcona appears to be running as an independent. His web site does not identify him as a Liberal let alone a member of Team Martin. No red maple leaf logos, no big L, nada, nothing.

And his website is still the one he had for his nomination as the Liberal candidate in Edmonton Strathcona, which he won.

The Liberals don't even know he is running for them since they have no candidate listing, as of today, on their candidate web site for Edmonton Strathcona. Opps.

Hey this is the end of Election week two. Over and done with and the Liberals have Andy running apparently for them in Edmonton Strathcona, but who knows...even CBC doesn't....

Note to Strategic Voters: I have said before this is going to be a two way race between Linda Duncan of the NDP and Rahim Jaffer of the Conservatives.

Ya'all vote Linda and we beat Rahim.

Homosexual Sex Marriage

Birds of a Feather

In this campaign Stephen Harper has Ralph Klein, and Jack Layton is discovering he's got Buzz.

Giving the Boot to Buzz

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Blogging Tory's Heart Kinsella

Another BloggingTory has given Kinsella the Harper Seal of Approval.

And no its not the kiss of peace, cause we know they are not into that 'homosexuality-sex marriage' thingee.

This tip o the blog came from Dispatches from the Socialist Gulag;

Note to CARP: Pissing off Warren Kinsella isn't a good idea.In an attempt to save their asses, CARP is now blaming our dear friend, & apparently Stephen Harper's too, Warren Kinsella for the whole income trust leak debacle.Very bad move fellas. The last thing anyone needs is to have Warren Kinsella as your enemy,

Yep he might call them 'morons'. Ooooo scary that.


Income Trust leak

The Losers

"I can't win for losing here," Clinton said, with the prime minister at his side.

Funny you should say that Bill, my thoughts exactly.

Oh look UN photo op, Bill still wants to be elected alrighty as the next Secretary General of the UN. And his pal Paul could help him. So what's a little politicking between pals eh?

Hot Air at the Climate Conference

"I was glad to have a chance to meet with the prime minister but I'm not involved in your politics here," Clinton said. Then with a chuckle, he added: "I also know what the law is, as well as what the custom is."

Martin rejected the idea he was seeking to borrow some of Clinton's star power.

"This is not a political meeting," the prime minister said.

Gales of laughter as the flash bulbs go off.

Political Morality

Clinton may have the ignoble distinction of being the second U.S. president ever impeached. But none of that appears to make a whit of difference to Canadians.

We Canadians are after all used to Sex in the Highest Office of the Land. We had years of Trudeau in power with his many pecadillos and escapades, not mention those of Mrs. Trudeau and her fondness for ALL of the Rolling Stones. Trudeau wasn't known as Canada's Swinging PM for nothing. In fact one of his former lovers is the Liberal Candidate running against Jack Layton. Cheeky eh.

PM Radio Address All A Buzz

Clever Liberals they started their weekly radio chat with Fireside Paul before the election was called, just, so that they could continue them through out the campaign. So which PM is addressing us? Paul Martin or the Prime Minister? And if he gets to do this during the campaign do the other parties get equal time?

Well he sure used his role of being PM as PM photo op with Bill Clinton.
And speaking of name dropping in this weeks radio address PM, Paul Martin that is, forgets the name of the President of Daimler Chrysler but makes sure we know he is pals with Buzz. They are like this, tight, like real buds. Buzz and Me. And the other guy from Daimler Chrysler, like this, tight.

Hello there.
Greetings from Windsor, Ontario- where I grew up.
I came here earlier today to finish off the second week of this election campaign. I was in town with the President of Daimler Chrysler and Buzz Hargrove, the head of the Canadian Auto Workers union, to mark the construction of a new facility that will mean new, well-paying jobs.

Meanwhile Buzz tries to tell us that this is really all part of clever political strategy that is accepted by everyone on the Left. Except the NDP who are all just so politically immature, and spoil sports; like everybody else on the Left who doesn't agree with him. Yep clever strategy that, Buzz. And if you think Paul Martin is Left wing then it must be because you and he are like this, tight, buds.

Making the most of opportunity
My call last week for Canadians to re-elect a minority Liberal government, with the NDP holding a clear balance of power, sent shockwaves through the federal campaign. And I'm still somewhat puzzled as to why. For I've simply given expression to a sentiment that is clearly shared by almost everyone on the Canadian left — including most NDP members.

Oh boy I see another definition for my Devils Dictionary;
Opportunism; Buzz Hargrove.

Ottawa's Revolving Door

Shoved out of the Harpers inner sanctum at the end of June, his PR/Media point man Geoff Norquay went through the revolving door that is Ottawa and ended up at the prestigous lobbying firm of Earnscliffe, faster than you can say 'cooling off period'.

Earnscliffe is one of Canada's top lobbying firms with Liberal ties. Ironic that eh, Geoff went from being the Conservative flack on point about Liberal corruption and Earnscliffe's involvement to becoming a flack for Earnscliffe.

Earnscliffe, known for many years as a firm that employed several of Prime Minister Paul Martin's key political supporters, was hired to do polling and communications work on budgets and fiscal updates during Mr. Martin's tenure as finance minister from 1993 to 2002. His successor in finance, John Manley, ended the contract.

He must be replacing David Herle who has left Earnscliffe to work full time for his boss PM. And we all remember the little faux pas that David and his pals in the PMO pulled off just a week before the election was called. Untendered deal went to campaign manager David Herle provided mini-budget advice and polling to Liberals in federal contract

Do you think maybe Geoff let his pals in the Conservatives know about this little contract? Nah perish the thought. On the other hand Earnscliffe is being smart to begin to distance itself from the Liberals and just in case the Harper wins, have an ace in the hole like they have always had in the PMO.

Which is why it's only the NDP that's credible about a cooling off period for Ottawa's revolving door of lobbyists.

The Conservatives have it in their platform too, but Geoff's rush to the arms of Earnscliffe, before the door out of the Leader of the Oppostions office hit him on the ass, makes a joke out of that.

If the Liberals put accountability for lobbyists in their platform it would be a conflict of interest.

New chant for both Harper and Martin rallies; Earnscliffe! Earnscliffe!

Devils Dictionary Redux Updated

I have added two new definitions to my Devils Dictionary Redux; Creationism and Moron.

Political Prisoners USA

Dec. 10 is the International Day for Human Rights a celebration of the 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights. In the United States one of the fundamental freedoms denied its citizens is the right not to be murdered by the State. Like they did to Joe Hill.

The Death Penalty continues to exist and be used against Political Prisoners. I am speaking here in particular of Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu Jamal.
By DAVE LINDORFF; December 7, 2005 - Counterpunch

The recent high profile case of Tookie Williams and his pending execution in California has once again raised the question of the State Terror and the oppression of peoples of colour and their struggles against the Empire of Capitalism.

On this day we should not forget them. As the old Wobbly slogan goes; We are in here for you. You are out there for us.

“This has been one of the hardest years of my imprisonment, it might not
be the most brutal physical hardship that I have had to endure, but at
my age and with my poor health it was extremely difficult. The almost
two months “in transit” from Leavenworth to Lewisburg were sheer
torture, and I am alive today only because of those of you who supported
me and moved heaven and earth to get me out of solitary confinement.
During the time of my transfer odyssey Calvin Jumping Bull passed on and
immediately after that my brother Steve Robideau went. One of the
heaviest burdens to bear is that so many of my friends and family have
passed on to the spirit world without me being able to say goodbye, or
see them for the last time. Now I am told that at this point one of my
elders, Russell Loud Hawk, has survived a most critical surgery after an
automobile accident and his chances were very slim. His strength and the
strength of all my people, who live in the starkest conditions, in this
country that consumes twenty five percent of the world’s resources, and
overcome unimaginable challenges every day living under siege, gives me
the encouragement that I need to still walk tall behind these oppressive
walls. My body, my spirit, and my heart keep getting pounded but I am
not giving up. I will never give up and those of you who accompany me in
this hard struggle mean the world to me, I could not walk this
treacherous road alone.

Privatization Leads To This

Like Canada's airports, services for airports are privatized, whether it is security or baggage handling. P3 operations of Canada's airports were brought in by the Liberals and plague us still. Here is another example of the entreprenaurial spirit of privatized public services.

RCMP investigating Vancouver airport company

CTV News Vancouver has learned that a company that handles baggage and freight at YVR is the target of a major criminal investigation by the RCMP.

Servisair/GlobeGround handles everything from passenger service to freight at 175 airports including the Vancouver airport.

The company employs baggage handlers, security screeners, ticket agents and the people who refuel planes.

According the Servisair/GlobeGround website, it has more than 20,000 employees who handle 1.4 million aircraft movements and 800,000 tonnes of cargo every year.

Goodale Tag Team Match Up

It's a tag team wrassling match over the Goodale File on Income Trusts, and who knew what, when, and why the markets responded like someone knew something.

In the left corner we have
Mini Marauder, the one with the hyphenated last name.

In the right corner we have the
Mouth That Roared, from Medicine Hat.

They are merciless in the political circle squared. They have wrestled the Goodale down and now they have him in a
double leg suplex.

Will they succeed in making the hold stick, will Goodale squirm out before the three count?

Watch this space for more Wacky Wrestling Politicians.

Coming Soon:

Stronach Arm Wrestles McKay over who is more 'progressive'

Who Is Missing

Though the Conservatives do well from the west’s sense of alienation from Ottawa, the federal capital, beyond the region they are weak.
Despite the sleaze scandal and a ruling party that looks weak, the opposition party has gained surprisingly little in the polls since the last election—not unlike America. But Canada differs from its southern neighbour in a big respect. The two big parties must compete with the NDP across the country.

The Ecomomist ran this photo with their article about the election in Canada. And after mentioning the NDP they forgot to include Jack in the photo. Or did they? Perhaps they have a hidden agenda, after all they are a conservative capitalist business magazine. Do ya think?

For the Economist this is the closest that they get to making an endorsement of the NDP sans Jacks picture.

But Canadians are grumpy. They worry about government ethics, but they fret even more about things like the state of their health-care system. The Liberals have a 12-year run in government behind them. They are likely—but not guaranteed—to convince Canadians to give them yet another chance. But a majority in the House of Commons may again elude them.

Gee, on second thought not being in this rogues gallery may actually benefit Jack. As in these three amigos are more of the same.

Sayeth the Harper

"Take taxation, for example. There are real limits to tax-cutting if conservatives cannot dispute anything about how or why a government actually does what it does. If conservatives accept all legislated social liberalism with balanced budgets and corporate grants - as do some in the business community - then there really are no differences between a conservative and a Paul Martin. "

Rediscovering The Right Agenda By Stephen Harper
June 2003 - Report Magazine

Seniors: Tax Cuts or Long Term Investment

Well as to be expected the Harper announced his Seniors bribe, err policy two days after the NDP announced their plan. And Harpers was well wait for it, yep tax cuts. 2.2 billion by 2010. To increase the amount of pension income that can be sheltered from income tax from its current $1,000 a year to $2,000 a year -- and increase it to $2,500 over five years. Yep if you are a coupon clipper and living off your investment income this helps you. But not the majority of Canadian seniors who are not as well off. And who do not have RRSP's and rely upon CPP, OAS, and GIS for their retirement.

However when it comes to seniors who are the poorest, and in need of care the NDP announced it would invest in seniors care and home care, for a total of $7.5 billion over the same time period. Investment is always better than taking a dividend, which is all a tax cut really is.
The money would provide home care for about 100,000 people, Layton said, taking some pressure off hospitals, and helping to ease wait times.

Harper promises not to touch CPP, OAS, GIS and keep their COLA updated. Thats good because unlike his tax cut for the cuopon clippers, the majority of seniors in Canada rely on their income from these programs to supplement their other pensions.

Seniors on the margins: Aging in poverty in Canada

Until recently, the percentage of seniors with low incomes had been declining. It went from 21% in 1980, to 10% in 1990, to 7% in 2003.4 The National Council of Welfare points out that this catch-up period is over. Since the middle of the 1990s, seniors' income has reached a ceiling and the gap between seniors' revenues and those of other Canadians is now increasing. Between 1997 and 2003, the mean income of senior households increased by $4,100 while the average income of other Canadian households increased by $9,000.5 The situation is even more pronounced for seniors living alone.

The significant increase in seniors' income over the last 25 years was the result of the maturation of Canada's public pension plans, as more and more people became eligible for the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and its Quebec equivalent, the QPP. In 1999, 85% of seniors received these benefits, while in 1983, there were fewer than 75%. This increase reflects the greater presence of women in the paid labour force since the 1970s. Another change was the growing number of pensioners receiving the maximum amount of pension benefits. The plans were established in 1966, and the first workers to receive full CPP/QPP benefits turned 65 in 1976. It is only by the 1990s that a majority of retirees were receiving full benefits. This means that the effect of the CPP/QPP on seniors' income has now reached its maximum. An OECD study acknowledged the success of Canada's public pension system in increasing seniors' income, but it also points out that "a large public system matures only once."6 Between 1980 and 1995, gaps in income decreased among seniors, the poorest seniors seeing the largest increases in income, thanks to their participation in public pension plans and to increases in the OAS benefits.7

The Harper tax cut will do little for women seniors who make up the majority of seniors who live in poverty. So much for family values.


Note: The number of women 65 and older in economic families who are poor increased from 5.4% in 2000 to 5.9% in 2001.
• 40% of all seniors living alone are poor
• 45.6% of senior women living alone are poor
• 32.8% of senior men living alone are poor

Oh yes and the Harper has never found a public pension fund he liked, when he was in the Reform party, the Alliance party or as President of the right wing business lobby NCC. So his promise now to protect them rings hollow.

Mr. Stephen Harper (Calgary West, Ref.): It may take 10 years to balance the budget, 10 years to lower taxes, and 10 years to reform people's pension Hansard, Thursday, March 7, 1996 -- STATEMENTS BY MEMBERS (008)

Cheeky Comments

I have left a cheeky comment on bloggingtory Stephen Taylors CTV blog article Kyoto hypocrisy

And one here about the Conservative tax cuts being called bribes. Choice Is Important

Who Really Stands Up For Canada

Well no sooner had I pointed out that both the NDP and Conservatives are using Stand Up as a slogan on their web sites than a day later, and a loonie shy, the young flogger at CPC Energy caught on to this little fact. He got quite verklempt about it all. Literally gets his knickers in a twist over it. Me thinks he doth protest too much.

Tch,Tch, shouldn't draw attention to the obvious....and then advertise your opponents use of the slogan and include a graphic to prove the point. That's called advertising for the NDP. Good Go. Keep up the good work promoting the NDP, oh anonymous CPC flogger.

And speaking of the anonymous floggers at the Conservative web site, it appears their secret identities may have been revealed by none other than the anonymous blogger Phantom Observer. He has upset some Blogging Torys with his expose. One of them complains that it's rather rich for anonymous to out anonymous.
Doesn't anyone take themselves seriously enough to like, blog with their own names?

Why Every Conservative Should Vote; Ignatieff

A Vote for Ignatieff
Is a Vote For
The Security State
State Security

A tip o the blog to
His blog campaign against Ignatieff, one of many blogs commenting on this, has created the largest backlash campaign against any candidate since Trent Lott in the U.S.

A Confused Alberta Liberal

Who supports the Federal Tory's and for some reason thinks he belongs in Progressive Bloggers and Blogging Tories, but only flags BT on his page. He maybe the blogospheres first case of multiple personality blogging. I am speaking of Alberta Avenue aka Calgary Observer aka Running for Alberta.

In his latest blog ramble; Limousine Liberals, he uses one of those classic neo-con red baiting strategies; putting down left wing media figures like Chomsky and Moore for being ahhuh, wait for it, middle class.

Owning a big house or having stock holdings is enough to send Mr. Liberal-Conservative into a tizzy, a literal apoplexy of joy for uncovering some sort of unsavoriness in being left wing and middle class.

Well at least they don't have Filipina nannies. That is the ultimate status symbol of the American Ruling Class.

AA/CO/RFA is definitely a Blogging Tory as sure as he is definitely not a Progressive Blogger.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Conservative Blog Bashed by Blogging Tory

Well its not just those of us on the left wing of the blogosphere, or the MSM election blogs that have a problem with the Conservative Party Web Site Blog.

Its taken a week but finally a bloggingtory;
Blue Blogging Soapbox has given up in frustration and vented.

"Just to be clear, I think the CPC Campaign Blog sucks. I don't know why they even call it a blog.

1. No permalinks
2. No trackbacks
3. No comments
4. Anonymous poster - come on - it's an election campaign. If it's a paid staffer blogging, then identify the person. If it's a volunteer, at least give us a screen name and an email for feedback and comment.

There is no way to link to individual posts, other than providing a link to that week's posts. It's as bad as Kinsella's musings page, masquerading as a blog."

Oh I like the cut of your jib fella. That last line was choice. It's a real good comparison. Hmm maybe WK is ghostblogging.....

Praise from the Right for NDP TV AD

So even the rightwhingnutz in the blogosphere like the new NDP TV AD called 'The Gift'.

Now THIS is a good ad
Political Staples
Very effective. An attack with humour. Perfect.

1st NDP ad
Dispatches from the Socialist Gulag
but they do know how to make a good TV ad. I just saw it this morning on Newsworld & I laughed my ass off. Very funny & very well done, which cannot be said lamentably about the Tory ads.