Sunday, November 19, 2006

Christian Cannibals

This is what happens when you deny the reality of evolution. You end up eating your relatives.

The Demise of the Great Apes of Africa
Kerry Bowman

The great apes of Africa are being pushed to extinction. Across the forest region of West and Central Africa commercial hunting, facilitated by western-owned logging operations in the area, has become the leading threat to the survival of many primates, including gorillas and chimpanzees. This is a wildlife crisis of huge proportion, with impacts on the Great Apes, African economies, ways of life, and human health.

In the utterly remote rain forest of central Africa large populations of lowland gorillas and chimpanzees have been shielded from outside disturbance since before the last Ice Age. In recent years however the drive to sell African rainforest hardwood has had a catastrophic side effect - the explosion of gorilla and chimpanzee hunting for what is known as "bushmeat'. This commerce, facilitated by new logging roads into the pristine forests of the Congo, is now a major wildlife crisis.

The depletion of west Africa's forests, where Europe traditionally bought its tropical hardwoods, has launched an influx of French, German and Middle Eastern logging companies into the more inaccessible forests of central Africa. At the same time, a regional economic crisis has only accelerated the timber boom: Local currency devaluations in the mid-1990s effectively halved the cost of hauling 800-year-old trees through hundreds of miles of forest to the parquet-flooring and furniture-making markets of Europe and Japan.

Strapped for cash because of slumping cacao exports, the central African governments have gratefully seized a multi-million dollar lifeline created by logging revenues. At the same time, the appetite for wild animal meat is strong in the teeming cities of central Africa. Forest animals including gorillas and chimpanzees, have been a staple of local villagers' diets for millennia, but Africa's swelling urban populations, nostalgic for village foods, have turned a subsistence activity into a burgeoning, multimillion-dollar industry.I learned that these people were not monstrous and selfish, purposely ignoring an environmental crisis and the suffering of a human-like endangered species; rather, they simply held a different worldview. Their views on the natural world represented a tight weave of fatalism, fundamental Christian beliefs and Animism. Generally people believed the natural world was able to replenish itself. It was God-given and well beyond human influence. People also did not see the environment or animals in finite terms. As one white-haired man put it This is the part of Africa with an abundance of forests and animals; eventually the trees grow back and the animals give birth. What most people were saying implied that people cannot affect the natural environment. A hunter put it this way. It's natural that animals are going to be eaten. People eat animals. Animals eat each other. That is the way things are. It really doesn't matter what we say or what laws we have. No one I interviewed saw the death of the great apes in moral terms, rather they saw animals as a God given food supply. As one hunter said: Gorillas are not people. Animals don't suffer the way people do. They are not the same as us. God has not given them reason and feelings. In reality, the expansion of human moral vision to include the great apes seems to occur only in Western culture, and even there is intermittent.


Eating Raoul




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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Contraception Contradiction

The Bush Regime just does not give up its Faith Based, read fundamentalist Christian, politics. Here is a guy who opposes contraception in charge of giving out contraception. This will be as successful as the Bush regimes abstience program around AIDS in the developing world.

Birth Control Opponent Appointed to Chief of Federal Family Planning Department

Anti-choice, anti-birth control advocate Eric Keroack was appointed chief of family-planning programs at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) by President Bush yesterday. Dr. Keroack will be in charge of overseeing the distribution of
Title X funding, which amounts to $283 million in grants per year, that is "designed to provide access to contraceptive supplies and information to all who want and need them with priority given to low-income persons," according to HHS, the Washington Post reports. Dr. Keroack himself is opposed to contraceptives; the group of "crisis pregnancy centers" (CPCs) of which Keoack is the medical director states on its website that the "crass commercialization and distribution" of contraception is "demeaning to women, degrading of human sexuality and adverse to human health and happiness," according to the Washington Post. The program Keroack will now head is responsible for supporting 4,600 family planning clinics that help five million people each year.

Of course the right wing praises this guy who is a throw back to the dark ages. To them he is a vigilante advocate opposed to abortion. Of course to the fetus fetishists Contraception=abortion. You will never find real libertarian conservatives supporting these theocrats.



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Capitalism Endangers Orangutan

Orangutans Displaced, Killed by Indonesian Forest Fires
Intentionally lit forest fires on the island of Borneo are killing Southeast Asia's endangered orangutans, conservationists warn. The fires are lit annually to clear land for oil palm plantations and agricultural fields. Many of the blazes quickly rage out of control.

A mother orangutan and her baby rest in a tree in Gunung Palung National Park on the island of Borneo in Indonesia. Forest fires set intentionally to clear farmland have been raging on Borneo for weeks, killing about a thousand orangutans and forcing others to flee the forests. Experts say if the pace of destruction continues, the animals may be extinct within a decade.

"Fires Threaten Orangutans"
11 November 2006

Deliberate fires to clear land around the park have burned out of control and are destroying thousands of hectares of forest. Orangutans in the park have fled to the interior to escape the fires. But these interior forests are at risk. And orangutans outside the park are facing grave danger.

Orphaned orangutans are arriving in OFI's Care Center nearly every day. Your donations will help buy food, medicine and staff support to care for them.

Click here to Help Fight the Fires.

IMAGE: Satellite image showing fire hotspots and dense haze covering Borneo.

Cargill today owns and operates five palm plantations through its business unit CTP Holdings. Two are in Indonesia: one on the island of Sumatra (P.T. Hindoli) and one on the island of Borneo in Kalimantan (Harapan Sawit Lestari).

Cargill and Temasek Holdings Invest in Palm Plantations in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea

Singapore — Cargill and Temasek Holdings have acquired CDC Group plc’s palm plantation interests in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. These include a plantation in Kalimantan (Indonesia) and a majority shareholding in four other plantations in the region. One of these plantations is located in Sumatra (Indonesia), with the other three in Higaturu, Milne Bay and Poliamba (Papua New Guinea).

The new venture is registered in Singapore as CTP Holdings Pte Ltd (CTP). Cargill is the majority shareholder of CTP and will assume managerial and operational responsibilities. Cargill’s existing palm plantation in Sumatra will now become part of CTP.

Plans to create the world's largest palm oil plantation along Indonesia's mountainous border with Malaysia could have a devastating impact on the forests, wildlife and indigenous people of Borneo, warns World Wildlife Fund.

The proposed scheme, funded by China and supported by the Indonesian government, is expected to cover an area of 4.4 million acres on the island of Borneo. Most of this mountainous region, part of the "Heart of Borneo," still holds huge tracts of forests supporting endangered species like orangutans and pygmy elephants, and 14 of the island's 20 major rivers originate there. According to WWF, new species have been discovered there at a rate of three per month over the last decade, making the area one of the richest on the globe for biodiversity.

Planet Ark : Biofuel to Drive Indonesian Palm Oil Expansion

JAKARTA - Indonesia's government plans to develop 3 million hectares of palm oil plantations in the next five years to meet increasing demand for biofuel as an alternative source of energy, the agriculture minister said on Wednesday.

Indonesian Forest Fact Sheet

The forests of Indonesia, along with the thousands of animals and plants that live there, are facing grave danger as they are destroyed at an alarming rate due to massive illegal logging and clearing for palm oil plantations. These tropical forests are of global importance, ranked second in terms of size to those of Brazil and covering over 406,000 square miles. The rapid deterioration of tropical forests is causing an incalculable loss in terms of biodiversity and is pushing species such as the orangutan ever closer to extinction.

Indonesia’s Forests Are Disappearing at an Alarming Rate

Indonesia’s forests represent 10% of the world’s remaining tropical rainforests and cover about 260 million acres. According to the European League, by 2001 Indonesia has lost 99 million acres of forest in the last 32 years, which is equivalent to the combined size of Germany and the Netherlands. The current rate of forest loss is about 6.2 million acres a year, but the rate is accelerating.

Plant and Animal Populations Are Also Decreasing Rapidly

Indonesia is one of the five most species-diverse countries in the world, home to 12% of all mammal species, 16% of all reptile and amphibian species, and 17% of all bird species. It also contains 33% of insect species, 24% of fungi species, and 10% of higher plant species. Tanjung Puting National Park (TPNP), site of Camp Leakey, is home to more than 220 bird species, at least 17 reptile species, and 29 mammal species.

IMAGE: Poachers were killing proboscis monkeys along the river en route to Camp Leakey until OFI began patrolling the area. (47K)
Poachers were killing proboscis monkeys along the river
en route to Camp Leakey until OFI began patrolling the area.
Behind Malaysia and the United States, Indonesia has the third highest number of threatened species with 772. It has the highest number of threatened mammal species, however, with 147 - an increase of seven species since the year 2000. According to a recent article in the conservation journal Oryx, 1000 orangutans are lost in Sumatra each year; in Borneo, the number is probably even higher.

Illegal Logging Largely to Blame for Forest Depletion

A study done in 2000 by the Indonesia-United Kingdom Tropical Forest Management Programme concluded that 73% of logging done in Indonesia was illegal. While Indonesia’s forest ministry official harvest figures are just under 882 million cubic feet per year, the combined log consumption capacity of plywood, sawn wood, and pulp and paper industries is 2.6 billion cubic feet per year, which means that industries obtain between one-half and two-thirds of their logs from illegal or unsustainable sources. Illegal logging produces 1.8 billion cubic feet of logs annually, resulting in state financial losses of approximately $3.37 billion. The value of timber stolen from TPNP alone is $8 million each year.

IMAGE: Illegal loggers working in the forest in Lamandau. (58K)
Illegal loggers working in the forest in Lamandau.

Increased Demand for Palm Oil Causes Conversion of Forests

Because of its versatility, world demand for palm oil has increased by 32% over the last five years with the advent of the rapidly expanding food and industrial manufacturing industries, growing at a rate of 7% each year. In fact, palm oil is the world’s best-selling vegetable oil, representing 40% of the total global trade in edible oils. Indonesia accounts for 31% of the world’s production of palm oil, and is expected to be responsible for 41% by 2005. The aim of the former Suharto government was to create a total of 13.5 million acres of palm oil plantations by 2000 - by 1999 the figure had reached 7.4 million, which is nearly five times the size of Bali. The sudden increase in palm oil use has led to the clearing of Indonesia's tropical forests to create monoculture palm oil plantations. Studies in Malaysia and Indonesia have shown that between 80 and 100% of the species of fauna inhabiting tropical rainforests cannot survive in oil palm monocultures (Wakker 2000). In 1999, nearly 800,000 acres of forest were converted for palm oil. Global demand is expected to increase by 50% in the next five years, primarily because palm oil profits are assured by cheap labor, low-priced land, a lack of effective environmental controls, easy availability of finance and support, and a short growth cycle.

Demand for Paper Production Increases, Leading to More Logging

As much as 40% of the wood used by Indonesian pulp producers between 1995 and 1999 came from illegal sources. Massive expansion in plywood, pulp, and paper production in the last two decades has brought demand for wood fiber to exceed the legal supply by 1.2-1.4 billion cubic feet per year. Pulp and paper subsectors have expanded by nearly 700% since 1987.

Timber and Plantation Companies Burn Forests to Clear Land

Approximately 22 million acres of land were damaged by the 1997 and 1998 fires in Indonesia largely caused by timber and palm oil plantation companies clearing land. According to Remote Sensing Solutions GMBH, the 0.80 to 2.57 billion tons of carbon released during that time was the biggest ever measured, corresponding to 13 to 40 percent of the annual global production by burning fossil fuels like oil, coal, and gas. The estimated financial consequences of the fires were over $3 billion from losses in timber, agriculture, and non-timber products, plus the loss of hydrological and soil conservation services as well as biodiversity benefits. Haze from the fires cost an additional $1.4 billion for health treatment and lost tourism revenues.

Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) Works Towards Research, Conservation, and Education

OFI is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of wild orangutans and their rainforest habitat. Founded by Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas and Dr. Gary Shapiro in 1986, OFI operates Camp Leakey, an orangutan research area within Tanjung Puting National Park. OFI also runs the Orangutan Care Center and Quarantine Facility in Pangkalan Bun, which is home to 200 displaced orphan orangutans, and co-manages the Lamandau Nature Reserve, where rehabilitated orangutans are being released into the wild. OFI partners with the Orangutan Conservation Forum, a consortium of groups that is working to counter the primary threats to orangutan survival throughout Indonesia. Through its field programs, OFI also provides employment for over 220 local Indonesians in the vicinity of Tanjung Puting National Park and the Lamandau Nature Reserve.

"Unless extreme action is taken soon," said Dr. Galdikas, "these forests could be gone within the next five to 10 years, and wild orangutans along with them."






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True Love

My condolences to Ed Broadbent and his family on the passing of his true love, Lucille Broadbent. There can be no better example of real friendship than to give up your career to care for those you love. Ed Broadbent's 'moral compass' loses battle with cancer

After an almost decade long battle with metastasized breast cancer, Lucille Broadbent died in her sleep at her Ottawa home on Friday evening. She was 71. Her husband Ed Broadbent, former leader of the New Democratic Party, was at her side. He had given up politics in May 2005 to care for his ailing wife.

"I simply cannot continue in the future with all the work expected of an MP and meet my deeply felt obligations to the person who is the love of my life," Mr. Broadbent said, at a press conference announcing his decision.

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This Is What Democracy Looks Like

In Afghanistan.

For an hour, the minister of energy and water listened in silence as his employees complained about their department's dismal image: People called them lazy, corrupt and inefficient. Customers accused them of demanding bribes for the smallest services.

Ismail Khan sat on a stage in a dank meeting hall and glowered beneath his wild white beard. His eyes were narrow slits beneath his fierce black eyebrows. At last he spoke.

"Baseless lies!" he spat out. That was the end of it.

Khan runs his ministry the way he once ruled over western Afghanistan as supreme warlord from his headquarters in Herat. His word is law.

But Khan the warlord is now also Khan the public servant. In his gleaming white robes and black-and-white headdress, he still looks like a strutting pasha. However, he works in an office adorned with ancient maps of Kabul's power grid. And he is accountable to the public for failures in what even his critics acknowledge is an impossible mission.

Afghans expected a great leap of progress after U.S. forces, aided by Northern Alliance warlords such as Khan, toppled the Taliban regime five years ago. But electrical service is as unreliable as ever, despite millions of dollars in aid and U.S. promises of a modern, developed Afghanistan. Khan's ministry is barely able to provide two hours of electricity per day to Kabul, the capital, and 90% of the rest of this ruined nation gets none. His own ministry's offices are without power several times a day.

Khan represents one of the grand experiments of the post-Taliban era: the transformation of warlords into public servants. Five years ago, President Hamid Karzai declared that Afghanistan's "era of warlordism is over."

With U.S. help, he strong-armed Khan and other major warlords into relinquishing their roles and maneuvered them into jobs as ministers and governors, asking them to deliver services for Afghanistan's first democratically elected government.

But despite Karzai's declaration, the warlords are among the most powerful forces in the country. Scores of them are as entrenched as ever in the provinces, fielding private armies, profiting from the opium trade and co-opting police officials. Those who have come to Kabul know they could easily reconstitute their militias. In the meantime, they are untouchable.



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Blair Admits Defeat

Iraq war 'pretty much a disaster', Blair concedes

Gee it only took him three years. Seems he suffers from self inflicted delusions like his buddy Bush.

But since this interview was broadcast on the new english languate al-Jazeera the PM's office is saying he was misquoted.
On TV.
In an English language interview, with Sir David Frost.

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Book Your Flight With The Pentagon

Is this the real reason that they turfed Rumsfeld? And they don't give out airmiles either.

Pentagon pays for $500M travel site, but would Orbitz work better?:
You can apparently add a $500 million travel booking system to the $600 toilet seat cover, the $434 hammer and other expensive boondoggles approved –- and paid for -– by the Pentagon. The latest effort is the travel booking site, which Senate investigators say "fails to find the cheapest airfares, offers an incomplete list of flights and hotels and won't recognize travel categories used by the National Guard and Reserves," according to The Associated Press. A Senate investigation committee looked at the half-billion-dollar "Defense Travel System." The Pentagon implemented the system hoping that it would be a money-saving travel portal to help its workers book travel. But, in addition to faults like not finding all available airfares, workers say the clunky system takes 30 minutes to complete a booking that can be done in as little as five minutes by a travel agent or at sites like Travelocity or Expedia.

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Harper Treats Us Like Idiots

Guardian columnist George Monbiot is touring Canada promoting his new book on Climate Change.

And what does he think of Canada's Clean Air Act?

"Oh!" he says, his disgust clear in that single syllable. "It seems, to a complete outsider, to be a misreading of the national mood. That bill was treating people like idiots, both lumping together local pollution with carbon dioxide pollution, and talking about the intensity of carbon emissions. It's almost like putting up a sign saying 'I think the people of this nation are suckers." The Harper government, he says, is becoming an international embarrassment because of its environmental policies.



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Cheese Science

Missing a day at the Cheese Factory allowed for the creation of the periodic table of elements.

UCLA Chemist Provides New Insights into one of Science's Icons and its History

Mendelev, who called himself the Newton of chemistry, conceived the periodic system while writing a textbook, "The Principles of Chemistry," and spent at least four years refining the periodic table. He also developed the Russian oil industry, served as director of the Russian institute for weights and measures and was a consultant to Russian cheese factories. On the day he devised the periodic system, he was supposed to inspect a cheese factory, Scerri said, and decided not to go; Mendelev sketched his first periodic table on the back of an invitation that day, Feb. 17, 1869.

Mendelev produced the first version of a full periodic table that included most of the known elements, even though the background ideas may have been developing over a period of about 10 years, Scerri said. The first published periodic system of Mendelev's contains divisions into main and subgroups. Significantly, there are several vacant spaces in the table, and in this first publication, Mendelev made several predictions, anticipating many unknown elements -- far more predictions than any of the co-discoverers of the periodic system.

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Bush Finally Gets It

Three years after everyone else got it Bush finally figures it out. Amazing what that loss of 'political capital' to the Democrats can do to ones political insight.

Bush draws parallels with Iraq in Vietnam

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Murder Most Foul

Had this happened to a MSM journalist it would be all over the news. However the death of freelance reporter Brad Will in Oaxaca is as under reported as the events in that province itself. Because it challenges the fact that the current self appointed el Presidente of Mexico is facing a crisis of dual power.

The Inconvenient Death of Brad Will
Mexican police gun down a counterculture hero
by Sarah Ferguson
November 14th, 2006 11:51 AM
The last time I saw independent journalist and activist Brad Will was in September in an East Village yoga studio. I turned my head and found him lying on the mat next to me in the darkened room, his pale, flat stomach rising and falling serenely with the rhythm of his breathing. So on October 27, when I saw the photos posted on the Internet showing the 36-year-old Will's mortally wounded body laid out on a street in Oaxaca, Mexico, I cringed. There was that same pale, flat stomach now punctured by a bullet.

Around the world, activists and friends who knew Will—and many people who didn't—were having the same visceral reaction. Within hours of his shooting by plainclothes gunmen firing on a group of striking demonstrators, images of his murder ricocheted around the Web. There were photos of Will's limp body being carried through the streets by frantic demonstrators screaming for help. Equally shocking were the pictures posted by El Universal and other Mexican media showing his alleged killers firing brazenly into the crowd, as if aiming at the cameras. The same gunmen who shot Will also wounded a photographer for the Mexico City daily Milenio, who was at Will's side.

When images of the shooters aired on Mexican TV, viewers began phoning in to identify the gunmen. They have since been confirmed in the media as the police chief and two officers from Santa Lucia del Camino, the municipality where Will was shot, along with the town councillor for the state governing party, his chief of security, and the former head of a neighboring barrio.

Then came the most horrifying evidence of all: Will's final videotape, uploaded on the Web the next day. In his zeal to capture the state-backed repression of the popular uprising that has rocked Oaxaca for the last five months, Will succeeded in recording his own murder.

Armed with an HD camera he had picked up on eBay, Will went to Oaxaca to document the broad-based movement of striking teachers, peasants, urban residents, and left-wing forces that had seized control of government offices and taken over the central square to demand the removal of governor Ulises Ruiz.

But by becoming the first American journalist killed in the unrest, Will became a pretext for Mexican president Vicente Fox to send in 4,000 federal police officers to put down the revolt, which Fox characterized as "radical groups, out of control," who "had put at risk the peace of the citizenry." Since then at least two more protesters have died in the heavy clashes with federal police, who stormed the barricades with tear gas and water cannons, and more than 80 demonstrators have been arrested as the federales continue to vie for control of the city.


Oaxaca Mexican Revolution Continues

Dual Power In Mexico

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No Nukes

Our PM denounces nukes in North Korea but remains silent about that other rogue nation that has nukes and does not belong to the Non-Proliferation Pact; India.

Opps thats right we sold them the nuclear reactors.



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More On Friedman

Two good articles on the death of the daddy of neo-conservative economics; Milton Friedman.

Relentlessly Progressive Economics


Milton Friedman and the Economics of Empire

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Made In Canda Kyoto Accord

Looks like the Conservatives convinced the world that it is 'impossible' for any country to meet its Kyoto obligations.

Congratulations to Rona Ambrose for getting the UN to sign on to her Made In Canada Kyoto accord.

It is a pragmatic decision, one that recognizes that you cannot reform capitalism to make it sustainable. Now lets get on with making lots of money before the heat death of the planet.

Canada has joined more than 165 countries in agreeing to review the Kyoto Protocol in 2008, setting the stage for the next phase of the treaty to combat global warming.

The agreement imposes no new emissions-cutting commitments on countries but it keeps the Kyoto process alive at a time when some feared the whole effort could collapse.

"Canada's very pleased with the outcomes," Environment Minister Rona Ambrose said.

Member countries acknowledged for the first time that global carbon dioxide emissions must be cut 50 per cent to avoid dangerous climate change.

Industrial countries hope the next phase of the treaty will involve new commitments by developing countries, especially China and India, but this is not a sure thing.

Environmentalists were disappointed, saying the conference did not recognize the need for urgent action.

Following a long week of criticism, blame and damage control, Environment Minister Rona Ambrose said she was finally ready to show the world Canada can make the Kyoto Protocol a success back at home.

"When I was appointed as environment minister, we were faced with a very difficult challenge, and at that time, I was very hesitant about saying that we would participate in this protocol in the way that we hoped we could," she said.

"We've made a lot of progress in the last nine months to make sure that we can align our domestic policy with what we'd like to do internationally _ with our international obligations _ and so now we can say that."



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Censorship and Art

Very early on, proponents of modernism were demagogued as radicals, anarchists, and communists. This strategy proved spectacularly effective for opponents of modernist designs for public murals, such as Diego Rivera’s infamous Man at the Crossroads. Rivera included an image of Vladimir Lenin that outraged the press and led to the mural’s destruction by angry workmen.
Visual Shock: A History of Art Controversies in American Culture

Actually the so called angry workmen were nothing of the sort, they were hired hands of Rockefeller who commissioned the mural by Diego Rivera for the Rockefeller Center. Controversy erupted over the mural and the managers of the Rockefeller Center demanded the removal of Lenin.

"Seeking a compromise, Rockefeller suggested that Rivera should replace Lenin with some unknown face; the artist offered to add Lincoln but refused to expunge Lenin. Charged with willful propagandizing, he declared only that "All art is propaganda." Since he had accepted his payment, Rivera was unable to force the Rockefellers to exhibit or even keep his work. The mural was subsequently removed from the wall..." The Encyclopedia of Censorship, J. Green, Facts on File, pg. 254

Diego Rivera & André Breton


100 years of the Avante Garde 1905 2005

Oriental Origins of Post modernism

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Reds Under The Bed

In the early days of the Cold War and during the Post McCarthy Anti-Communist Witch hunts paranoid nutbars of the extreme right found communist conspiracies everywhere. It was the politics of fear; Reds Under The Bed of the None Dare Call It Conspiracy crowd.

With the decline of the New Left at the end of the seventies, McCarthyism rose again in the New Right under Reagan. They launched the new culture wars of the eighties and ninties. The same McCartyhite mentality was used to attack academics, universities etc. It is still going on. As one can see daily on American cable news TV or the attacks on unothodox academics of the left such as Ward Churchill and Noam Chomsky.

The Culture War of the Right is really just good old McCarthyism without the power of the Senate and HUAC. But it is no less paranoid, and no less ridiculous. Oh yes it is now being called The War On Christianity.

Marxist Subversion And Perversion Of America's Youth
By Linda Kimball

The plain truth is that both the GSA and Gay, Lesbian, Straight Educators Network (GLSEN), the organization that registers GSAs, are part of a vast, interconnected network of Cultural Marxist front groups known collectively as the New Left. For over forty years, the New Left -- a collection of Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists, and anarchists have been waging a Gramscian style "quiet revolution" for the overthrow of Christianity and America's Constitution, Rule of Law, sovereignty, and way of life.

While propagandists in the media have deftly kept the attention of most folks riveted on what they've been told to believe are the 'real threats' to America, such as gas prices, genuine Christianity, and mad cow disease, Marxist-trained psychopoliticians, propagandists, and change agents have descended upon the schools and are subjecting children and older youth to thought control and social re-engineering methodologies.

Intellectual Indoctrination and Academic Fraud at Temple University
By David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

The faculty treatments of Marx on the Intellectual Heritage Department website lack the basic apparatus of academic inquiry. No critical literature on Marx and Marxism is offered. There is no confrontation with the most serious question that a thinker like Marx poses, since his ideas have had a vast and vastly destructive impact on the history of mankind, namely: Did these ideas lead directly to the murder of 100 million human beings and the poverty of billions? Judging from the Intellectual Heritage webpages, Temple students are not even aware that this question needs to be asked.

Linda Kimball a fundamentalist evangelical born again right winger goes at it again falsifying history and the facts to create confusion, hysteria to justify her political witchhunt. She is in good company with former New Leftist turned right wing conspiracy theorist David Horowitz.

Kimball blames Gramsci for the subversion of America. Funny that he spent his years in an Italian jail under Mussolini, and died there. His prison notebooks are not exactly a dick and jane reader issued to students in schools.

Horowitz makes the usual right wing claim that Marx=Stalin, which of course is a perjorative canard. That's like saying Adam Smith=The Great Depression which is equally untrue.

For folks complaining of the Left taking over society these intellectual dunces use some flimsy arguments. But then again the basis of the right wing attack on the left is the Big Lie. Repeat the same unfounded accusations over and over again. Hence Kimball and Horowitz=Goebbels.


Secular Democracy

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Friday, November 17, 2006

Not So Cute Seals

Suffice to say, if you have younger children, you should take the PG rating seriously. There are some remarkably intense scenes regarding an ice-avalanche and an attack by a Jaws-like leopard seal (only in a movie about penguins could seals lose their "cute'').Not a perky penguin

Now if only this had been a leopard seal there would be no divorce.


Seal Hunt

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Cats and Dogs

Woman claims puppies were born to cat

Brazilian says neighborhood mutt impregnated feline; tests due next week

Kitten with dog like traits claimed


MEOW-WOOF?: A Brazilian family claim their cat has given birth to kittens with dog-like traits, three

Unlikely hybrids have happened before but always between closely related species.

Lions and tigers have produced 'ligers', while a 'wolphin', half killer whale and half bottlenose dolphin, also exists. -

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For the new English Language al-Jazeera network.

Prime Minister Tony Blair will be one of the first interviewees on the English-language version of Arab news channel al-Jazeera, it was reported. He will be interviewed by veteran broadcaster Sir David Frost on his show, Frost Over The World on Friday.



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400 Year Old Nanotechnology

The Arabs do it again. But how did they do it? It is still a mystery.

A team led by Peter Paufler, a physicist at Germany's Technical University of Dresden, recently made that discovery when the researchers found multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) in steel from a 17th-century Damascus saber (Nature 2006, 444, 286).

First discovered just 15 years ago, single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are molecules of pure carbon with many unique properties. Smaller in diameter than a virus, nanotubes are about 100 times stronger than steel, weigh about one-sixth as much and are among the world's best electrical conductors and semi-conductors. Smalley, who devoted the last 10 years of his career to studying SWNTs, pioneered the first method for mass-producing them and many of the techniques scientists use to study them.



Danger Nanobots

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PMO Spies On Cabinet Ministers

I guess Rona Ambrose passes insepection from the PMO cause she stays on message. Even when her communications director is away working on the Haskett campaign.
The rest had better shape up.

Harper's PR aide secretly asks cabinet staff to critique bosses

A tip o' the blog to
Dissonance and Disrespect for this.



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