Wednesday, December 06, 2006

December 6 Will Live In Infamy

Yes I know this was FDR's famous quote about December 7, but for Canadians who had never experienced deliberate gender based misogynist mass murder, well today, December 6th, is that day.

The War on Women remains the foremost criminal social issue today. And it remains one that this current New Law and Order Government fails to address.

In fact it avoids addressing it except tangetally. In eliminating funding for all forms of advocacy, the Conservative State says there is no problem that cannot be fixed by increasing minimum sentences, more cops and more state control over judges.

And the rememberance celebrations that will happen today across Canada will be overshadowed in Parliament by the Same Sex Marriage Issue raised by the Patriarchs of the Right. That is their biggest concern, the sacredness of the social institution of womens slavery as chattel property; marriage.

The original meaning of the word "family" (familia) is not that compound of sentimentality and domestic strife which forms the ideal of the present-day philistine; among the Romans it did not at first even refer to the married pair and their children, but only to the slaves. Famulus means domestic slave, and familia is the total number of slaves belonging to one man.

Fredrick Engels,

The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State

It is Harpers attempt to appease the Counter-Reformists of the Right who have a political anathema to the Sexual Revolution, The politcal/social origin of both Feminism and Gay Rignts.

Religion, especially the Christian religion, has condemned woman to the life of an inferior, a slave. It has thwarted her nature and fettered her soul, yet the Christian religion has no greater supporter, none more devout, than woman. Indeed, it is safe to say that religion would have long ceased to be a factor in the lives of the people, if it were not for the support it receives from woman. The most ardent churchworkers, the most tireless missionaries the world over, are women, always sacrificing on the altar of the gods that have chained her spirit and enslaved her body.

Emma Goldman,

Woman Suffrage


Violence Against Women

Same Sex Marriage




Gun Registry

Real Crime

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The War On Christmas

Takes a new twist;

Dwarf Mistletoe Joins War on Christmas, Attacks Christmas Trees they are in Canada, heading towards the North Pole and Santa Clause.

One source indicates the christmas hating mistletoe has opened a fifth column here in the United States.

Damn secular socialists in Canada and their secret weapon, mistletoe. So we do have a mistle system, good to know.





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Socialism Is Love

Some say Chavez embraces Castroism, I would contend that it is Gueveraism. Che Guevera, paraphrased by Hugo Chavez.

"Long live the socialist revolution! Destiny has been written," Chávez told supporters Sunday night. "No one should fear socialism; socialism is human. Socialism is love."

At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality.Che Guevera

But then again Chavez is catholic in his beliefs.

Socialism is solidarty, mutual aid, hence love in action, that same Agape that Gnostic heretics applied humanistically during the Third Revolution commonly known as the Reformation.




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Globalization Sucks

The Americans and French have more in common than they think.

Job worries damp public support for globalisation

Public support for economic globalisation is rising on both sides of the Atlantic but US and French voters are worried that freer trade costs jobs, according to a survey released yesterday. There is much less support for further liberalisation of trade, with 59 per cent of Americans and 58 per cent of French thinking that freer trade will cost them more jobs than it creates.

Despite the apparent free-market consensus in US politics, worries about stagnant real earnings across most of the workforce have raised fears that trade, particularly with China, is holding down pay and eliminating jobs. The cost of losing a job is far higher in the US than in the European Union because of a less generous public welfare system and the paucity of publicly provided healthcare.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Paris-based intergovernmental policy institute, calculates that the income of a single-earner household in the US drops to 41 per cent of its former level if the breadwinner's job is lost, compared with 68 per cent in Germany, 70 per cent in France and 73 per cent in the UK.

Jack Thurston, transatlantic fellow of the GMF, said: "In both France and the US there is a strain of economic nationalism where any particular proposition is judged on whether it is good for the country or a vocal minority within it, rather than supported on principle."

Its what Lou Dobbs and LePen have in common too.

Lou Dobbs and the Dead-End of White Anti-Corporate Populism





Lou Dobbs

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Vive Chavez

Chavez hails landslide election victory as defeat for 'devil' Bush

How many democratic elections does a guy have to win, by a landslide, before the American media will stop refering to him as a "Dictator".

Venezuelans Give Chávez a Mandate to Tighten His Grip

The landslide victory of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela's presidential election Sunday caps off 12 elections across Latin America since November 2005 that, taken together, reveal a broad electoral shift to the left.

Any day now I suspect reading these headlines.

Chávez triumph brings emollient words from US Guardian Unlimited

Envoys offer Chavez an olive branch
Houston Chronicle, United States - 1 hour ago
CARACAS, VENEZUELA — High-level US diplomats reached out to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Monday, a day after the loudest Latin American critic of the ...

US welcomes Chavez's victory

US praises Venezuela's democracy

Chavez's revenge against those who call him Tyrant, Despot, Dictator, Devil, Evil, etc. is to get re-elected.

CITGO is the retail arm of Venezuela's Nationalized Oil Company. Which has a very effective PR campaign underway on America TV about being a socially and environmentally responisble company.
Venezuela uses petro-dollars to help US poor

Joe Kennedy and U.S. Rep. William Delahunt (D-Quincy) yesterday defended the expansion of Citgo’s expanded ties with Kennedy’s energy-assistance program, saying the Venezuelan firm is the only oil company to make a major commitment to helping the poor.

In order to counteract the US Government National Security State Politicians who are promoting political boycotts of CITGO.

Hearts and Minds. It's all about Hearts and Minds. In the war against American Hegemony and Imperialism.



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Monday, December 04, 2006

Bush Sr. Declares Son A Loser

At his final official Leadership Council, today, Florida Govenor Jeb Bush invited Daddy to speak. Unfortunately Daddy broke down, shown on video on CNN's the Situation Room, and declared that his other son, the current President, was incapable of accepting defeat. As he choked back the tears he declared that some people never learn. A clear reference to his namesake in the the White House.

He was celebrating Jebs forced retirement as Govenor, and talking about his victories and defeats when the spirit of the lord came upon him in a swelling epiphany. That upon the mention of the word defeat the image of Chavez's devil Bush came upon the old man, overwhelming him with guilt.

The enoromity of the Iraq SNAFU literally left him a brokenman. Speechless he simply sobbed piteously, in public.

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Strom's Curse

Others are now commenting on the Curse. Ed Stelmach being Alberta's 13th Premier will he inherit the Strom Curse? I have said so pundits from the right including his opponent Ted Morton have said so. And now the MSM are speculating.

Stelmach confronts ghost of Harry Strom
Albertans ask if new Premier will suffer fate of Socred boss's 1971 loss to Lougheed

The worst criticism of Stelmach during the campaign was that he was dull and unimaginative. More than once, particularly in the last week, he was referred to unfavourably as the ''next Harry Strom,'' the last Social Credit premier in that party's 36-year reign.

But even if he can suture his party's wounds, another question is being whispered in Tory circles: is Stelmach the next Harry Strom? Strom was the province's last farmer turned premier. He was elected leader of the Social Credit party in 1968, then lost the next general election to Peter Lougheed's Progressive Conservatives in 1971.

Alliance Party Leader Paul Hinman said Stelmach's "good guy" persona is reminiscent of Socred Harry Strom, who turned over the reins of power to the Tories in 1971. "He's working on healing the party and talking to the grassroots," said Hinman. "I think it's a little too late and that this is the beginning of the end of the Tories."

Strom and Stelmach share something else. They are Alberta's 'rural' Premiers. Sharing the roles of Minister of Agriculture and now the Minister of Everything.

Mr. Stelmach's victory was due in large part to the thousands of rural voters who turned out to support him across northern Alberta, compared with the hundreds who voted for his rivals in each of the province's urban and southern ridings. "People wanted somebody they could believe in and trust," said Luke Ouellette, a rural Tory backbencher who supported Mr. Stelmach's bid.

It's the curse. Not that Strom was a bad Premier he was just a lame duck Premier in a province about to burst forth in a decade long boom. Hmmm sounds familiar.

He Had good ideas and put public education and post secondary education at the top of his agenda. The Socreds opened the U of L as one of few truly experimental open liberal arts universities in North America.

All in all Strom's short term in office was good for Alberta. It just was the party, it had staled and now rather than being a beer bash was really suffering a thrity years hangover, and the blahs. Like a bad guest you discover has stayed behind, after the last partier left, still wearing a lampshade because he thought it was funny before he passed out.

The party was stale, out of ideas, marking time, pacing in one place, in other words it sounds like the Tories of today. Is there really a Strom Curse?

Is 13 really unlucky? And what will it mean for Alberta's 13th Premier?

The origin of Unlucky 13

Or does it signify ultimate change, as in the 13th card in the Tarot.



13. Death.--Death, Change, Transformation, Alteration for the worse; R. Death just escaped, Partial change, Alteration for the better.

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color image

The veil or mask of life is perpetuated in change, transformation and passage from lower to higher, and this is more fitly represented in the rectified Tarot by one of the apocalyptic visions than by the crude notion of the reaping skeleton. Behind it lies the whole world of ascent in the spirit. The mysterious horseman moves slowly, bearing a black banner emblazoned with the Mystic Rose, which signifies life. Between two pillars on the verge of the horizon there shines the sun of immortality. The horseman carries no visible weapon, but king and child and maiden fall before him, while a prelate with clasped hands awaits his end.

Death (La Mort)
The Child of the Great Transformers; The Lord of the Gate of Death

Card Number: 13
Key Number: 24
Rulership: Scorpio
Hebrew Letter: Nun
Translation: Fish
Numerical Value: 12

Divinatory meaning
Upright - The beginning of a new life. As a result of underlying circumstances transformation and change. Major changes. The end of a phase in life which has served its purpose. Abrupt and complete change of circumstances, way of life and patterns of behaviour due to past events and actions. Alterations.

Ill Dignified or Reversed - Change that is both painful and unpleasant. A refusal to face the fear of change or change itself. Agonising periods of transition. Inertia. Lethargy. Mental, physical or emotional exhaustion.

The Symbolism of the Tarot
by P. D. Ouspensky [1913]

Fatigued by the flashing of the Wheel of Life, I sank to earth and shut my eyes. But it seemed to me that the Wheel kept turning before me and that the four creatures continued sitting in the clouds and reading their books.

Suddenly, on opening my eyes, I saw a gigantic rider on a white horse, dressed in black armour, with a black helmet and black plume. A skeleton's face looked out from under the helmet. One bony hand held a large, black, slowly-waving banner, and the other held a black bridle ornamented with skulls and bones.

And, wherever the white horse passed, night and death followed; flowers withered, leaves drooped, the earth covered itself with a white shroud; graveyards appeared; towers, castles and cities were destroyed.

Kings in the full splendour of their fame and their power; beautiful women loved and loving; high priests invested by power from God; innocent children--when they saw the white horse all fell on their knees before him, stretched out their hands in terror and despair, and fell down to rise no more.

Afar, behind two towers, the sun sank.

A deadly cold enveloped me. The heavy hoofs of the horse seemed to step on my breast, and I felt the world sink into an abyss.

But all at once something familiar, but faintly seen and heard, seemed to come from the measured step of the horse. A moment more and I heard in his steps the movement of the Wheel of Life!

An illumination entered me, and, looking at the receding rider and the descending sun, I understood that the Path of Life consists of the steps of the horse of Death.

The sun sinks at one point and rises at another. Each moment of its motion is a descent at one point and an ascent at another. I understood that it rises while sinking and sinks while rising, and that life, in coming to birth, dies, and in dying, comes to birth.

"Yes," said the voice. The sun does not think of its going down and coming up. What does it know of earth, of the going and coming observed by men? It goes its own way, over its own orbit, round an unknown Centre. Life, death, rising and falling--do you not know that all these things are thoughts and dreams and fears of the Fool"?

Which means the death of the Tories under Ed just as it was the trouble with Harry for the Socreds.

And in Canadian politics 13 has been unlucky.

13th Prime Minister
John Diefenbaker
(Progressive Conservative)

Harry Corwin Nixon
Harry Nixon

In office
May 18, 1943 – August 17, 1943

13th PM of Quebec

Félix-Gabriel Marchand

As premier, Marchand attempted to create a Ministry of Education in 1898. At the time, education was entirely in the hands of the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church in the province. His legislation was passed by the Legislative Assembly (the lower chamber of Quebec's legislature), but was defeated in the Legislative Council (the upper house). It was not until 1964 that a Ministry of Education was finally created in Quebec.

As it has in American politics

Millard Fillmore
Millard Fillmore

In office
July 9, 1850March 4, 1853
Vice President(s) none
Preceded by Zachary Taylor
Succeeded by Franklin Pierce

In office
March 4, 1849July 9, 1850
President Zachary Taylor
Preceded by George M. Dallas
Succeeded by William R. King

Born January 7, 1800
Summerhill, New York
Died March 8, 1874
Buffalo, New York
Political party Whig
Spouse Abigail Powers Fillmore (1st wife)
Mrs. Caroline Carmichael McIntosh (2nd wife)
Religion Unitarian

Millard Fillmore (January 7, 1800March 8, 1874) was the thirteenth President of the United States, serving from 1850 until 1853, and the last member of the Whig Party to hold that office. He succeeded from the Vice Presidency on the death of President Zachary Taylor, who died of acute gastroenteritis, becoming the second U.S. President to assume the office in this manner. Fillmore was never elected President in his own right; after serving out Taylor's term he was not nominated for the Presidency by the Whigs in the 1852 Presidential election, and in 1856 he again failed to win election as President as the Know Nothing Party candidate.

After all when it comes to the irrational, politics and the occult share a common psychology.


Conservative Leadership Race

Harry Strom


Ed Stemach

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Conservative Women Discover Feminism

Oh joy, oh serendipity, conservative women have discovered thier identity as women, as seperate from the male dominated blogger society.

it occurred to me that there is no Conservative Women's Blog roll in the blogosphere (at least that I am aware of)

As bloggers, as activists, as thinkers, debaters, engagers, they have come to this simple recognition of their need for independence, identity, self-recognitiion, in other words conservative women have come to the conclusion that as individuals they have power in a communal identity. That is feminism. Even if it is from the right.

One small step towards libertarian- individualist-anarchist
One small step away from social conservatism.

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Some Same Sex Marriage Ok Say Tories

How did they get this? Could it have been leaked to them from the PMO.....

OTTAWA, December 1, 2006 (
- has obtained the wording of the Conservative Motion to be debated next week. Parliamentary sources have revealed that the motion states: "That this house call on the government to introduce legislation to restore the traditional definition of marriage without affecting civil unions, and while respecting existing same sex marriages."

So the Conservatives will recognize existing Same Sex Marriages while saying Marriage is to be defined as being between a Man and a Woman.

This makes about as much sense as saying "We recognize the world is round except we believe it is flat."

The Tories are still recognizing and supporting Same Sex Marriages, as long as they were done under the existing law. So what happens after this motion fails to pass? Because it's a 10000000 to 1 shot it passes. Or if it actually passed?

Nothing. It's another waste of Parliaments time just like their Quebecois are a nation, motion.

A tip o' the blog to Red Tory



Same Sex Marriage

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Ed Stelmach=Harry Strom

Its a day of joy in mudville, the safe guy won the PC Leadership Race...Ed Stelmach.Yeee Haw as Howard Dean once said. The joy the joy. Just counting the days till the dissolution of the PC's. They just elected their very own Harry Strom.

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So will Jim Dinning run for Kevin Tafts job? Inquiring minds want to know.


Conservative Leadership Race

Harry Strom


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