Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Trump’s delay in signing the stimulus bill could keep $5.9 billion from unemployed Americans

© Provided by Business Insider Donald Trump. Getty

President Donald Trump finally signed the $900 billion COVID-19 relief bill nearly a week after it was passed by Congress.

The delay means that unemployed Americans have already missed a week of the $300 supplemental unemployment insurance the bill provides.

With nearly 20 million Americans receiving some form of unemployment benefits as of early December, that would add up to almost $6 billion in foregone payments.

On Sunday, President Donald Trump finally signed the $900 billion COVID-19 relief package and $1.4 trillion omnibus package funding the government and avoiding a shutdown.

While many of the new law's provisions will help support individual, businesses, and communities across America, Trump's delay in signing the bill for nearly a week after it was passed by Congress is likely to be very costly for Americans receiving unemployment benefits.

Insider calculated how much, and it's quite a few billion.

Different kinds of funding

First, we need to consider the pipes through which this stimulus actually gets to people.

Video: Trump asks Congress to amend COVID aid bill to increase payouts (FOX News)

One of the provisions in the relief package is a weekly $300 supplement to unemployment insurance, similar to the $600 weekly additional pay for unemployed workers included in the CARES Act in the spring and early summer.

The just-passed bill included an 11-week extension of the $300 supplemental payments, running through March 14, 2021. But because of Trump's delay in signing the bill into law, the first week of those payments has been missed, leaving millions of Americans without that initial $300 payment.

The supplemental payments go out to unemployed Americans receiving benefits from traditional state-run unemployment programs, as well as two federal programs implemented in the CARES Act. The Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program provides unemployment benefits to workers who have exceeded their normal state unemployment benefits, while the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program supports workers who would typically not be covered by traditional unemployment, like gig workers and workers directly affected by the pandemic.

As of the week ending December 5, the most recent data available from the Labor Department, about 5.5 million Americans were receiving traditional unemployment, 9.3 million were receiving checks from the PUA program, and 4.8 million were receiving pandemic emergency unemployment compensation.

The cost a week makes

All together, about 19.5 million Americans were receiving benefits from one of those three programs, and thus missed out on last week's $300 supplemental pay that they would have received if Trump had signed the legislation by Saturday. That represents about $5.9 billion in total supplemental unemployment insurance that wasn't paid out, assuming roughly similar numbers of Americans receiving benefits last week.

Although, as noted above, the supplemental $300 benefit was originally intended to run for 11 weeks, the missing week now effectively means that only 10 weeks of the extra money will be paid out, since the benefit is scheduled to end on March 14. Per The New York Times, it remains unclear whether or not states will be able to retroactively pay that money, with Labor Department guidance coming in the near future.

That could be just the start of problems caused by the delay - the PEUC and PUA programs were also slated to expire last week under the CARES Act, and were extended in the new bill. The Washington Post wrote that the delay in signing the bill could lead to further slowdowns in states implementing those extended programs, putting benefits for millions of Americans at risk.

Rasmussen quotes Stalin in tweet on US election

Republican-leaning pollster Rasmussen invoked a quote attributed to Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in a Twitter thread Sunday suggesting Vice President Pence could attempt to overturn the results of the presidential election

© Getty Images Rasmussen quotes Stalin in tweet on US election

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. - Stalin," the pollster tweeted, before going on to outline a scenario in which Pence refuses to certify the results in swing states.

Supporters of President Trump have made similar arguments that Pence, as president of the Senate, has the power to reject Electoral College results.

However, the theory is based on a misreading of U.S. code that simply authorizes the vice president to call on states to submit their electoral votes if they do not do so by the fourth Wednesday in December, according to The Washington Post.

"The Vice President is not supposed to control the outcome of the process for counting the electoral votes from the states. That's true from the perspective of the Constitution as well as the Electoral Count Act," Edward Foley, a law professor at the Ohio State University, told The Hill in an email.

"The Vice President chairs the joint session, but does not decide what electoral votes to count," he added, noting it "was clearly understood...that the Vice President might be a candidate in the election under consideration, and they did not want this conflict of interest to affect the result."

T. Greg Doucette, an attorney and Trump critic who frequently fields questions about the president's capacity to legally challenge the results of the election, tweeted that "Pence has no power to 'strike' anything. He opens the envelopes, gives the certificates to the tellers, the tellers count."

As for the quote attributed to Stalin, frequently invoked as a warning against totalitarianism, it is disputed whether the Soviet leader actually said it. A variation on it appears in Russian in a 2002 memoir by Stalin's secretary Boris Bazhanov, who attributed it to his former boss discussing a vote by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

The Hill has reached out to Rasmussen for comment.

Analysis: Why Trump's 'enemy of the people' smear will have long-lasting effects
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A version of this article first appeared in the "Reliable Sources" newsletter. 
© Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump walk to board Air Force One prior to departure from Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, December 23, 2020, as they travel to Mar-a-lago for Christmas and New Year's. 

If someone managed to sleep through the Trump years, and asked me what they'd missed, I'd start with "enemy of the people." Why? Because Trump's demonization of the media explains almost everything. He convinced his fans that the people covering him were lying. He advised them to trust certain Fox shows and ignore practically everything else. He said he was in a "running war with the media" on his very first weekend in office, and never stopped.

Many times, in many influential corners of the mainstream media, there was an impulse to ignore Trump's attacks. To deprive him of oxygen. But here's the counter-argument: Americans are drinking from a poisoned well of information. It's what caused some of the fractures in America and exacerbated so many of the others. And the poison is advertised as an antidote! Whataboutism, cherry-picked controversies, cover-ups of Trump's corruption -- all of it flows 24/7 from a parallel universe of news, a universe that is largely predicated on criticism of legacy news outlets. All of it relates back to Trump's endless campaign against the people who report the news. The people he labeled as the "enemy."

Trump said it more and more every year, between 2017 and 2020, according to Factba.se data. And his base believed it. Disdain for the media glued his base together. That's why, in my view, "enemy of the people" is the No. 1 thing to understand about the past four years. It needs to be factored into every story about governmental action and inaction, every analysis of American politics, even after President-elect Biden is sworn in...

A "cult president"

David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center, wrote this about Suffolk and USA Today's newest poll: "What does it mean to be a 'cult president' — one whose supporters will believe and trust him no matter what any other government officials, academics, journalists, politicians, and 'professional' experts say? Donald Trump could at the very least be characterized as one of the few presidents with a cult of personality and a cult-like following."

"A whopping 78 percent of Republicans do NOT believe that Joe Biden was legitimately elected president," Paleologos wrote. In the poll, he wrote, "we ask a question about which television and news sources are trusted the most. Among those who trust Fox News, 16% said that Biden was elected legitimately and 83% said he was not. If you combine the next seven news sources including PBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC, 93% said Biden was legitimately elected and 6% said he was not."

Biden was elected legitimately. The widespread belief that he was not -- that a vast conspiracy rigged the election against Trump -- is evidence of radicalization among the Fox-GOP base. Conservative columnist and CNN contributor Matt Lewis tweeted on Monday, "As a lifelong conservative, I am still surprised by how many people I thought were like me have revealed themselves to be right-wing AUTHORITARIANS."
Fresh source of false hope

January 6, the date Congress will certify the 2020 election results, is emerging as a fresh source of false hope for Trump dead-enders. There is mounting pressure on VP Mike Pence to do... something... that day.

CNN Business managing editor Alex Koppelman writes: "The new person being set up as the anti-Trump villain is Mike Pence! That's where the poisoned well leads -- every fact is wrong, every person with expertise is a liar, everyone who acts in any way against what you want is a traitor. It's the monster the conservative movement created and found itself unable to fight against when Trump started using it for himself, it's what has been hurting Fox recently -- and, helped out by Trump's efforts, it will stick around after him. Anything that contradicts your worldview is a lie, it's from biased people, it's a conspiracy, any effort to push back on the lies we tell is proof of bias -- that's where Trump's war on truth has brought his base..."

Sunday's special edition of "Reliable..."

...was all about how Trump changed the media and how the media changed him. Trump retweeted a post about Sunday's broadcast on Monday afternoon -- it was a Mark Levin tweet insulting Jake Tapper and me.

Tapper responded on Twitter and I reacted on Instagram if you're interested. Anyway, here's the part that Levin, and then Trump, complained about: Tapper said that some Trump aides are "just so mendacious, I just wouldn't put them on air. Kayleigh McEnany, I never booked her. Jason Miller from the Trump campaign, I would never book him. I mean, these are just people who just -- they just tell lies the way that, you know, most people breathe and there was no value in that."

That comment got picked up across the websites and networks that Tapper ID'ed as the "MAGA media." Personally I thought his comments a couple minutes later were more newsworthy: He said "I think that Donald Trump succeeded with many of our colleagues in, you know, throwing the ball close to the batter so that they were scared. You know, the brush ball. I think he scared people away. And I think a lot of our colleagues failed to rise to the challenge." Click here to watch part one and part two of our conversation...

Here's how to catch up on the show

Jim Acosta, Abby Phillip, Jeremy Diamond, and Kaitlan Collins all joined me to discuss their experiences covering the Trump WH. We talked about the "blood sport" aspect of Trump's anti-media attacks and how his unhealthy TV addiction affected all of us. I also talked with fact-checker Daniel Dale about "calling a lie a lie." Watch the video clips on CNN.com... Catch the entire episode via CNNgo or VOD... Or listen to the podcast via Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, or your favorite app.
Opinion: What a journalist's jailing for heroic Covid coverage exposes about China

Opinion by Steven Butler

My business -- documenting attacks on journalists in Asia and advocating on their behalf -- requires a thick skin. I can't let every case get to me, or I couldn't function. But sometimes a case pierces through the armor. That happened Monday morning when I awoke to the news that a Chinese court had sentenced journalist Zhang Zhan, 37, to four years in jail for "picking quarrels and provoking trouble." This follows the government indictment, which accused her of "publishing large amounts of fake information."
© Allen J. Schaben/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images PASADENA, CA - NOVEMBER 15: A car follows a funeral caravan with poster of Zhang Zhan, a Chinese citizen journalist who criticized the Chinese government's handling of the coronavirus crisis and is being held in a Shanghai prison. The Visual Artists Guild held a horse-drawn hearse caravan funeral procession in memory of the victims of COVID-19 down Colorado Blvd Sunday, Nov. 15, 2020 in Pasadena. Participants will call on the Chinese government to release imprisoned journalists who reported on the virus and to allow international researchers to go to Wuhan to research the virus at its place of origin. 

Zhang's real crime: to report factually on the ground at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, at its then epicenter, Wuhan, in video dispatches that challenged the government's official narrative. And then to stubbornly defy the Chinese government by insisting on her innocence.

Why did this case rise above others? Maybe it's the photos we at the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) received of her in jail, just before the trial. Behind bars and a clear barrier that partly reflects light and obscures her image, a face mask is pulled down just enough to show the feeding tubes fastened into her nostrils. Prison guards shaved the front of her head. Her eyes look right into the camera. They scream misery.

Arrested in May, Zhang went on a hunger strike during her detention, according to Amnesty International. In response, prison authorities have restrained her and forced nutrients into her. Her lawyer told the CPJ, where I work, that she had lost a great deal of weight and had aged decades in jail. Zhang said she fears she will die there. She even showed up at her trial in a wheelchair.

Yet, despite Zhang's misery, her eyes also scream defiance. She's not a pathetic figure. Just the opposite. She's a hero. Zhang, a lawyer by training, went to Wuhan on her own accord. Her reports consisted of talking to ordinary people about what they thought and posting the accounts on Twitter and YouTube.

Yes, sure, she also criticized the government response to the pandemic -- harshly, in fact. But in jail, with a lawyer's sensibility, she has repeatedly denied reporting false news and insisted Chinese law gives her the right to report. And she's correct. Article 35 of China's constitution states: "Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration." During her trial, Zhang insisted that people's speech should not be censored.

On December 1, China held 47 journalists in prison, including Zhang, the most of any other nation, according to an annual prison census conducted by the CPJ. Several others are held for reporting on Covid-19. Others have reported on human rights abuses or labor unrest. Some, like Huang Qi, a pioneer of human rights reporting, are repeat offenders, have suffered from medical neglect and seen their lawyers forced to resign or even disbarred. The Chinese government did not respond to CPJ's questions for comment.

Their treatment is harsh, as described to CPJ by the formerly jailed Lu Yuyu, who recently told The Wall Street Journal that the government crackdown meant "(t)here's no point" continuing his past work documenting unrest. The Chinese government did not respond to CPJ's or the Journal's request for comment.

For all these reasons, Zhang's trial and conviction are about much more than one person running afoul of China's ruling Communist Party. It shows that Chinese citizens can still muster the courage to defy the Communist Party. Her case exposes in sharp relief the hypocrisy of the Chinese government and its application of its constitution, and it is a reminder to all of us about the true character of the regime that has put her in jail and cannot tolerate anyone telling the truth about how it governs.

Foreign governments dealing with China cannot ignore this reality, and they must insist that China end its repeated and gross violations of the human rights of its own people, including its journalists.

Steven Butler

© courtesy Committee to Protect Journalists

50 journalists killed in 2020: watchdog

Fifty journalists and media workers were killed in connection with their work in 2020, the majority in countries that are not at war, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said Tuesday.
© MIGUEL MEDINA Reporters Without Borders said it was concerned that measures imposed by governments to fight the pandemic had contributed to a "significant peak in violations of press freedom"

The figure shows an increase in the targeting of reporters investigating organized crime, corruption or environmental issues, the watchdog said.

It highlighted murders in Mexico, India and Pakistan.

Eighty-four percent of those killed this year were "deliberately targeted" for their work, RSF said in its annual report, compared to 63 percent in 2019.

"For several years now, Reporters Without Borders has noted that investigative journalists are really in the crosshairs of states, or cartels," said Pauline Ades-Mevel, RSF editor-in-chief.

Mexico was the deadliest country, with eight killed. "Links between drug traffickers and politicians remain, and journalists who dare to cover these or related issues continue to be the targets of barbaric murders," said the report.

None of the Mexico killings had yet been punished, added RSF, which has compiled annual data on violence against journalists around the globe since 1995.

Five journalists were killed in war-torn Afghanistan, it said, noting an increase in targeted attacks on media workers in recent months even as peace talks between the government and Taliban are ongoing.

RSF also highlighted the case of Iranian opposition figure Ruhollah Zam, who ran a popular social media channel that rallied regime opponents, and who was executed in December.

His execution "confirms Iran's record as a country that has officially put the most journalists to death in the past half-century," it said.

- Covid whistleblowers -

Ades-Mevel said RSF had also noted the "developing" trend of violence against media workers covering protests, notably in the United States following the killing of George Floyd, and in France against a controversial new security law.

The total number of journalists killed in 2020 was lower than the 53 reported in 2019, although RSF said fewer journalists worked in the field this year because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the first part of the report, published this month, RSF said it was concerned that measures imposed by governments to fight the pandemic had contributed to a "significant peak in violations of press freedom".

It listed 387 jailed journalists, which it called "a historically high number".

Fourteen of those had been arrested in connection with their coverage of the coronavirus crisis, it said.

On Monday Chinese citizen journalist Zhang Zhan, who sent dispatches from Wuhan during the chaotic initial stages of the outbreak, was jailed for four years for "picking quarrels and provoking trouble".

Chinese authorities have punished eight virus whistleblowers so far as they curb criticism of the government's response to the outbreak.

BC Nurses’ Union calls COVID-19 variant first identified in U.K. ‘concerning’

The president of the BC Nurses' Union says health-care workers are bracing for a possible surge in COVID-19 cases after the holidays.
© Leah Hennel, Government of Alberta 
The B.C. Nurses union says their concerned about the new variant of COVID-19 here in B.C.

On top of that, B.C.'s health ministry confirmed Sunday that a COVID-19 variant had been detected in a person in the Island Health region, who had recently arrived from the U.K., and started feeling symptoms while in quarantine.

Video: Virus trends in B.C.

BCNU president Christine Sorensen said the variant of the virus is bringing more anxiety to nurses who are already understaffed and overworked.

"Nurses have been challenged through this whole pandemic both physically and mentally, so certainly another new variation of this virus is concerning and adds to that challenge," Sorensen said.

Read more: Visit restrictions amid COVID-19 caused ‘spike in depression’ in long-term care homes

She went on to say nurses are still having problems getting personal protective equipment.

"We don't know enough about this new variant," Sorensen said. "Nurses are asking for unfettered access to PPE and unfortunately still having difficulties accessing N95 masks or other equipment to keep themselves and their patients safe.

VIDEO B.C. nurse frustrated anti-mask rallies continue amid COVID-19 case surge

"That is the reality of this novel coronavirus, we don't have enough information at hand and now we have a new variant."

Monday, December 28, 2020

Surveys identify relationship between waves, coastal cliff erosion

Study shows waves, rainfall important parts of erosion process, providing new opportunity to improve forecasts


Research News




Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego researchers have uncovered how rain and waves act on different parts of coastal cliffs.

Following three years of cliff surveys in and near the coastal city of Del Mar, Calif., they determined that wave impacts directly affect the base, and rain mostly impacts the upper region of the cliffs.

The study appears in the journal Geomorphology and was funded by California State Parks. California's State Parks Oceanography program supports climate adaptation and resilience efforts through coastal and cliff erosion observations and modeling, measuring and predicting storm surge and wave variability, and establishing wave condition baselines for use in the design and operation of coastal projects.

"It's something that I've been trying to quantify for a long time, which is exciting," said coastal geomorphologist Adam Young, who is the lead author on the paper. "We've always known that waves were an important part of the cliff erosion process, but we haven't been able to separate the influence of waves and rain before."

After decades of debate over the differing roles that waves and rain play in cliff erosion, the findings provide a new opportunity to improve forecasts, which is a pressing issue both in Del Mar and across the California coast. For example, neighborhoods and a railroad line the cliff edge in Del Mar. Past episodes of cliff failures have resulted in several train derailments and landslides, which trigger temporary rail closures and emergency repairs. The consequences can be costly.

Prior to Young's study, the exact relationship between waves, rain, and cliff failures were unclear, mostly because it is difficult to measure the impacts of waves on the cliff base.

"Anytime a study involves sensors in the coastal zone, it's a challenge," said Young. For example, his team at Scripps Oceanography's Center for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation buries sensors in the sand that measure wave energy. Big surf and erosion can shift the sensors and prevent scientists from collecting reliable measurements.

The key to their success, according to Young, was to visit and measure the cliffs every week for three years -- an effort that was among the most detailed ever undertaken for studying coastal cliffs. These records along the 1.5 mile-long stretch in Del Mar allowed Young's team to untangle the effects of rainfall and groundwater runoff from wave impacts.

"We can now better predict how much erosion will occur during a particular storm using the wave and rainfall erosion relationship that we've identified here," said Young.

Young's group combined measurements from the sensors buried in the sand with computer models of wave energy, as well as with three-dimensional maps of the beach and cliffs collected using a LiDAR device - a laser mapping tool - that was mounted onto trucks driven along the beach. The team also analyzed rainfall data from a local Del Mar weather station.

Because rainfall and associated elevated groundwater levels trigger larger landslides, cliff erosion generally appears to be more correlated with rain. Teasing out the wave-driven cliff erosion is a more subtle and difficult process, but important because the wave-driven erosion weakens the cliff base and sets the stage for those rain-driven landslides.

Understanding the way that cliffs and waves behave together will help improve short-term models that forecast cliff retreat, but the researchers will need more information to predict how future rainfall and waves will drive cliff erosion in the long term.

Young and his group plan to continue to collect data in Del Mar, and are developing a website to make the information about the conditions leading to coastal landslides readily available.


Saudi court hands prison sentence to women's rights activist - local media

By Reuters Staff

FILE PHOTO: Saudi women's rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul is seen in this undated handout picture. Marieke Wijntjes/Handout via REUTERS

DUBAI (Reuters) - A Saudi court on Monday sentenced prominent women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul to five years and eight months in prison, local media reported, in a trial that has drawn international condemnation and as Riyadh faces new U.S. scrutiny.

Hathloul, 31, has been held since 2018 following her arrest along with at least a dozen other women’s rights activist.

The verdict, reported by Sabq and al-Shark al-Awsat newspapers, poses an early challenge to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s relationship with U.S. President-elect Joe Biden, who has described Riyadh as a “pariah” for its human rights record.

Hathloul was charged with seeking to change the Saudi political system and harming national security, local media said. The court suspended two years and 10 months of her sentence, or time served since Hathloul was arrested on May 15, 2018, the newspapers said.

United Nations human rights experts have called the charges against her spurious, and along with leading rights groups and lawmakers in the United States and Europe have called for her release.

The detentions of women activitsts occured shortly before and after the kingdom lifted a ban on women driving, which many activists had long championed, as part of reforms introduced by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that were also accompanied by a crackdown on dissent and an anti-corruption purge.

Hathloul’s sentencing came just nearly three weeks after a Riyadh court jailed U.S.-Saudi physician Walid al-Fitaihi for six years, despite U.S. pressure to release him, in a case rights groups have called politically motivated.

Reporting by Aziz El Yaakoubi and Raya Jalabi; writing by Raya Jalabi; Editing by Gareth Jones and Angus MacSwan

Saudi women’s rights activist sentenced to nearly 6 years

By Aya Batrawy The Associated Press
Mon., Dec. 28, 2020

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - One of Saudi Arabia’s most prominent women’s rights activists was sentenced Monday to nearly six years in prison, according to state-linked media, under a vague and broadly worded counterterrorism law. The ruling nearly brings to a close a case that has drawn international criticism and the ire of U.S. lawmakers.

Loujain al-Hathloul has already been in pre-trial detention and has endured several stretches of solitary confinement. Her continued imprisonment was likely to be a point of contention in relations between the kingdom and the incoming presidency of Joe Biden, whose inauguration takes place in January — around two months before what is now expected to be al-Hathloul’s release date.

Rights group “Prisoners of Conscience,” which focuses on Saudi political detainees, said al-Hathloul could be released in March 2021 based on time served. She has been imprisoned since May 2018, and 34 months of her sentencing will be suspended.

Her family said in a statement she will be barred from leaving the kingdom for five years and required to serve three years of probation after her release.

Biden has vowed to review the U.S.-Saudi relationship and take into greater consideration human rights and democratic principles. He has also vowed to reverse President Donald Trump’s policy of giving Saudi Arabia “a blank check to pursue a disastrous set of policies,” including the targeting of female activists.

Al-Hathloul was found guilty and sentenced to five years and eight months by the kingdom’s anti-terrorism court on charges of agitating for change, pursuing a foreign agenda, using the internet to harm public order and co-operating with individuals and entities that have committed crimes under anti-terror laws, according to state-linked Saudi news site Sabq. The charges all come under the country’s broadly worded counterterrorism law.

She has 30 days to appeal the verdict.

“She was charged, tried and convicted using counter-terrorism laws,” her sister, Lina al-Hathloul, said in a statement. “My sister is not a terrorist, she is an activist. To be sentenced for her activism for the very reforms that MBS and the Saudi kingdom so proudly tout is the ultimate hypocrisy,” she said, referring to the Saudi crown prince by his initials.

Sabq, which said its reporter was allowed inside the courtroom, reported that the judge said the defendant had confessed to committing the crimes and that her confessions were made voluntarily and without coercion. The report said the verdict was issued in the presence of the prosecutor, the defendant, a representative from the government’s Human Rights Commission and a handful of select local media representatives.

The 31-year-old Saudi activist has long been defiantly outspoken about human rights in Saudi Arabia, even from behind bars. She launched hunger strikes to protest her imprisonment and joined other female activists in telling Saudi judges that she was tortured and sexually assaulted by masked men during interrogations. The women say they were caned, electrocuted and waterboarded. Some say they were forcibly groped and threatened with rape.

Al-Hathloul rejected an offer to rescind her allegations of torture in exchange for early release, according to her family. A court recently dismissed her allegations, citing a lack of evidence.

Among other allegations was that one of the masked interrogators was Saud al-Qahtani, a close confidante and advisor to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the time. Al-Qahtani was later sanctioned by the U.S. for his alleged role in the murder of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi in the kingdom’s consulate in Turkey.

While more than a dozen other Saudi women’s rights activists face trial, have spent time in prison or remain jailed, al-Hathloul’s case stood out in part because she was the only female rights activist to be referred to the Specialized Criminal Court, which tries terrorism cases.

In many ways, her case came to symbolize Prince Mohammed’s dual strategy of being credited for ushering in sweeping social reforms and simultaneously cracking down on activists who had long pushed for change.

While some activists and their families have been pressured into silence, al-Hathloul’s siblings, who reside in the U.S. and Europe, consistently spoke out against the state prosecutor’s case and launched campaigns calling for her release.

The prosecutor had called for the maximum sentence of 20 years, citing evidence such as al-Hathloul’s tweets in support of lifting a decades-long ban on women driving and speaking out against male guardianship laws that had led to multiple instances of Saudi women fleeing abusive families for refuge abroad. Al-Hathloul’s family said the prosecutor’s evidence also included her contacts with rights group Amnesty International and speaking to European diplomats about human rights in Saudi Arabia.

The longtime activist was first detained in 2014 under the previous monarch, King Abdullah, and held for more than 70 days after she attempted to livestream herself driving from the United Arab Emirates to Saudi Arabia to protest the ban on women driving.

She’s also spoken out against guardianship laws that barred women from travelling abroad without the consent of a male relative, such as a father, husband or brother. The kingdom eased guardianship laws last year, allowing women to apply for a passport and travel freely.

Her activism landed her multiple human rights awards and spreads in magazines like Vanity Fair in a photo shoot next to Meghan Markle, who would later become the Duchess of Sussex. She was also a Nobel Peace Prize nominee.

Al-Hathloul’s family say in 2018, shortly after attending a U.N.-related meeting in Geneva about the situation of women’s rights in Saudi Arabia, she was kidnapped by Emirati security forces in Abu Dhabi, where she’d been residing and pursuing a master’s degree. She was then forced on a plane to Saudi Arabia, where she was barred from travelling and later arrested.

Al-Hathloul was among three female activists targeted that year by state-linked media, which circulated her picture online and dubbed her a traitor.

Saudi activist jail sentence paves way for release within months: family


A Saudi court on Monday sentenced prominent activist Loujain al-Hathloul to five years and eight months in prison for terrorism-related crimes, but she is expected to be released within months, her family said.

Hathloul, 31, was arrested in May 2018 with about a dozen other women activists just weeks before the historic lifting of a decades-long ban on female drivers, a reform they had long campaigned for, sparking a torrent of international criticism.

The women's rights activist was convicted of "various activities prohibited by the anti-terrorism law", the pro-government online outlet Sabq and other media allowed to attend her trial cited the court as saying.

The court handed a prison term of five years and eight months, but suspended two years and 10 months of the sentence "if she does not commit any crime" within the next three years, they added.

"A suspension of 2 years and 10 months in addition to the time already served (since May 2018) would see her (released) in approximately two months," Lina al-Hathloul, the activist's sister, wrote on Twitter.

Another source close to her family and the London-based campaign group ALQST said she would be released by March next year.

The court also banned the activist from leaving the kingdom for five years, her sister said.

This verdict was a "face saving exit strategy" for the Saudi government after coming under severe international pressure for her release, the source told AFP.

A motion to appeal can be filed within 30 days, local media reported.

After being tried in Riyadh's criminal court, her trial was transferred last month to the Specialised Criminal Court, or the anti-terrorism court, which campaigners say is notorious for issuing long jail terms and is used to silence critical voices under the cover of fighting terrorism.

Earlier this month, Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan told AFP that Hathloul was accused of contacting "unfriendly" states and providing classified information, but her family said no evidence to support the allegations had been put forward.

While some detained women activists have been provisionally released, Hathloul and others remain imprisoned on what rights groups describe as opaque charges.

The pro-government Saudi media has branded them as "traitors" and Hathloul's family alleges she experienced sexual harassment and torture in detention. Saudi authorities deny the charges.

- Spotlight on human rights -

Saudi Arabia, an absolute monarchy, has faced growing international criticism for its human rights record.

But the kingdom appears to be doubling down on dissent, even as US President-elect Joe Biden's incoming administration could intensify scrutiny of its human rights failings.

Aside from a host of international campaigners and celebrities, United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations has demanded the "immediate and unconditional release" of Hathloul.

The detention of women activists has cast a spotlight on the human rights record of the kingdom, which has also faced intense criticism over the 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in its Istanbul consulate.

Hathloul began a hunger strike in prison on October 26 to demand regular contact with her family, but felt compelled to end it two weeks later, her siblings said.

"She was being woken up by the guards every two hours, day and night, as a brutal tactic to break her," Amnesty said last month, citing the activist's family.

"Yet, she is far from broken."

The Specialised Criminal Court was established in 2008 to handle terrorism-related cases, but has been widely used to try political dissidents and human rights activists.

In a report earlier this year, Amnesty International said the secretive court was being used to silence critical voices under the cover of fighting terrorism.

Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/saudi-activist-loujain-al-hathloul-jailed-for-5-years-8-months/article/583128#ixzz6hzLA8K1S

Essential Science: Immuno-antibiotics, the answer to resistance?
The search for new antibiotics and other antimicrobials continues to be a pressing need in humanity's battle against bacterial infection. A new class of antibiotics, called immuno-antibiotics, may present the answer.

Scientists rom The Wistar Institute have developed a new class of dual-acting immuno-antibiotics. These drugs appear capable of blocking an essential pathway in bacteria and activate the human body's adaptive immune response.

The new research represents a double-pronged strategy. It is about developing new molecules that can eliminate difficult-to-treat bacterial infections while, at the same time, enhancing the natural host immune response to the infection. The rationale is that by harnessing the immune system to tackle bacterial infections from two different sides, this means that it becomes far harder to the organisms of concern to develop resistance.

The issue of resistance is an increasingly pressing one for humanity.

The problem of antimicrobial resistance

For the past 70 years, antimicrobial drugs, such as antibiotics, have been successfully used to treat patients with bacterial and infectious diseases. Over time, however,
many infectious organisms have adapted to the drugs designed to kill them, making the products less effective. A growing number of disease-causing organisms (pathogens) are resistant to one or more antimicrobial drugs used for treatment.

E. coli magnified 10,000 times using an electron microscope.

Over the past several years, bacterial resistance has increased at an alarming rate. Antimicrobial resistance is a complex and multifaceted problem that is driven by many factors, including:

Bacterial population density in health care facilities, which allows transfer of bacteria within a community and enables resistance to emerge;

Inadequate adherence to proven hospital hygiene measures;

An increasing number of high risk populations, including chemotherapy, dialysis, and transplant patients as well as those in long-term care facilities;

Overuse of antibiotics in agriculture;

Global travel and trade, which can lead to transfer of resistant infections and resistance genes;

Poor sanitation in certain areas, which can contaminate water systems and spread resistant bacteria in sewage;

Inappropriate use of antibiotics in human medicine (e.g., for viral infections);

Overprescribing of broad-spectrum drugs, which can exert selective pressure on commensal bacteria and predispose to secondary infection; and

Lack of rapid diagnostics to help guide appropriate use of antibiotics.

The rise of multi-drug resistance

Of particular concern are
multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs). These are bacteria that are resistant to one or more of the antibiotics used to treat them. n MDROs can develop when antibiotics are not used appropriately. Factors that can contribute to the development of MDROs include taking antibiotics for the incorrect duration or using antibiotics when they are not needed (such as for viral infections).

Microbes: Staphylococcus is a common bacteria which can cause anything from a simple boil to horrible flesh-eating infections
Vano Shlamov, AFP/File

MDROs can cause
a variety of infections in the body, including but not limited to:
Urinary Tract,
Surgical Site.

MDROs can be spread from person to person through direct contact. Sometimes they can also be spread by sharing personal items, such as towels or razors. In the hospital, MDROs can spread through equipment that is contaminated or improperly reused. The mechanism of spread can depend on the type of organism.

The problems around drug development

Even as antimicrobial resistance has accelerated, antibiotic discovery and development efforts have declined, with many major pharmaceutical companies discontinuing their antibiotic development programs over the past decade.

This decline is due to a number of factors, including the low return on investment of antibacterials compared with other therapeutics, difficulty in identifying new compounds via traditional discovery methods, and regulatory requirements necessitating large and complex clinical trials for approval.

A laboratory technician works on coronavirus samples at "Fire Eye" laboratory in Wuhan

The research that is taking place in largely centered in academia. New technologies have helped with the quest for new agents. For example, opportunities are now available to examine biological systems (i.e., metabolic, immunologic, signaling, and regulatory pathways) beyond their individual components. These holistic approaches offer new research strategies to understand the functional molecular networks generated by the interactions of the host with the pathogen in response to therapeutic treatment.

New research

In approaching the new development, researchers examined a metabolic pathway required by almost all bacteria but absent in humans. This made the pathway - methyl-D-erythritol phosphate - an ideal site. The pathway plays a role in the biosynthesis of isoprenoids; these are molecules required for bacterial cell survival.

This inoculated MacConkey agar culture plate cultivated colonial growth of Gram-negative, small rod-shaped and facultatively anaerobic Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria.

study targeted the IspH enzyme, which is necessary for isoprenoid biosynthesis. This proved to be the mechanism for blocking the methyl-D-erythritol phosphate pathway and hence killing pathogenic bacteria. What is of most interest about the pathway and the enzyme IspH is the fact that most bacteria require it in order to survive.

In order to identify the necessary drug active substance, the scientists deployed computer modeling in order to screen several million commercially available compounds. The focus was on finding a compound capable of binding to the enzyme. Those compounds found to be capable of inhibiting IspH function became the launch points for drug discovery.

Later studies showed the selected IspH inhibitors outperformed most established antibiotics in killing bacterial cells. Tests were conducted against several multidrug-resistant bacteria, including those from the genera Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Vibrio, Shigella, Salmonella, Yersinia, Mycobacterium and Bacillus.

A Bacillus species bacterium growing on a Petri-dish (from Tim Sandle's laboratory)
Tim Sandle

The compounds were also shown to be non-toxic to human cells, and thus providing the basis for the development of a safe medication.

Research paper

The new research has been published in the journal Nature. The research paper is titled "IspH inhibitors kill Gram-negative bacteria and mobilize immune clearance."

Essential Science

This article forms part of Digital Journal’s long-running Essential Science series, where new research items relating to wider science stories of interest are presented by Tim Sandle on a weekly basis.

Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/tech-and-science/science/essential-science-immuno-antibiotics-the-answer-to-resistance/article/583114#ixzz6hwzbrG4U
The fate of Boston Dynamics
By Ben Dickson
-December 15, 2020

This article is part of our series that explore the business of artificial intelligence

Last week, Hyundai officially announced the much-anticipated deal to acquire a controlling interest in famous robotics company Boston Dynamics. According to a joint press release by the two companies, Hyundai will buy an 80-percent stake in Boston Dynamics, and SoftBank, the previous owner of the robotics company, will retain 20 percent ownership after the transaction is completed in June 2021. While details have yet to be revealed, the deal puts Boston Robotics at a $1.1 billion valuation.

The mere fact that Boston Dynamics has managed to survive so long in an industry that has been marked with failures and shuttered companies is commendable. But what will the acquisition mean for the future of the company that made its fame with YouTube videos of robots performing impressive feats? The press release and the history of the company provide some hints. And depending on what you expect from Boston Dynamics, the outcome can be both good and bad.

What is the value of Boston Dynamics?

Boston Dynamics was founded in 1992 as a spinoff from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, working on robotics projects largely funded by the military. In 2013, as advances and interest in deep learning began to pick pace, Google’s moonshot subsidiary Google X bought the robotics company for an undisclosed amount.

But Google did not succeed in turning Boston Dynamics—or any of its other robotic ventures—into a profitable business. It eventually shut down Google X Robotics and sold Boston Dynamics to Japanese investment giant SoftBank for a reported $165 million in 2017.

Therefore, even though changing hands three times in a decade is not a good outlook for any company, the $1.1 billion valuation shows that Boston Dynamics’ value has increased, and SoftBank is making a lot of money out of the deal.

“Boston Dynamics is at the heart of smart robotics,” Masayoshi Son, the chairman and CEO of SoftBank said, according to Friday’s release. “We are thrilled to partner with Hyundai, one of the world’s leading global mobility companies, to accelerate the company’s path to commercialization. Boston Dynamics has a very bright future and we remain invested in the company’s success.”

This begs the question: If Boston Dynamics has “a very bright future,” then why sell your major stake? This probably means that its “present” is not very bright.

Running a robot company is hard

The past few years have seen the fall of several robotics companies. After running out of money to support its hardware and software business, Anki, a startup that raised $200 million to create cute home robots, shut down in 2019 and later sold its assets to edtech startup Digital Dream Labs. Mayfield Robotics, the maker of the Kuri home robot, also ceased operations in 2018. Rethink Robotics, the manufacturer of the famous Baxter and Sawyer robots, also closed shop in 2018. Its assets were later acquired by German automation firm HAHN Group.

Meanwhile, under the SoftBank ownership, Boston Dynamics tripled its staff, bought new headquarters, and finally started leasing the quadruped robot Spot for an undisclosed price in 2019. Earlier this year, Boston Dynamics started selling the robot at a hefty $74,500.

Friday’s press release states that after the launch of Spot, Boston Dynamics has sold “hundreds of robots in a variety of industries, such as power utilities, construction, manufacturing, oil and gas, and mining.”

According to a Bloomberg report, the real sales figure is close to 400 units, which amounts to about $30 million. But Boston Dynamics’ operations cost SoftBank more than $150 million, which means the company is still far from being profitable.

Also, so far, Spot’s biggest use case has been navigating and inspecting complex environments. In June, Zack Jackowski, Boston Dynamics’ lead robotics engineer, told The Verge, “We mostly sell the robot to industrial and commercial customers who have a sensor they want to take somewhere they don’t want a person to go. Usually because it’s dangerous or because they need to do it so often that it would drive someone mad. Like carrying a camera around a factory 40 times a day and taking the same pictures each time.”

But inspection is a task that drones can already accomplish with much less difficulty and at lower costs. In fact, several companies already provide drone inspection solutions for the industries mentioned in Boston Dynamics’ press release.

This means that at present, Boston Dynamics faces a tough challenge growing in a market that has already been largely conquered by drones equipped with advanced computer vision technology.

So why would Hyundai pay such a huge sum for a company will not be profitable for the time being? This brings us back to Son’s remark about the “bright future” of Boston Dynamics.

Boston Dynamics under Hyundai

The true benefit of Spot and other robots Boston Dynamics is creating is their ability to interact with and manipulate their environment. In fact, one of the advertised features of Spot was its ability to attach and use props such as a mechanical arm that can open doors and pick up objects. But the technology is still in early stages and dexterous manipulation of objects is a hot area of artificial intelligence research.

That is the future of Boston Dynamics. To get there, the company will need more time and money that SoftBank could not provide.

This is where Hyundai enters the picture. From the press release: “Hyundai Motor Group will provide Boston Dynamics a strategic partner affording access to Hyundai Motor Group’s in-house manufacturing capability and cost benefits stemming from efficiencies of scale (emphasis mine).”

With the backing of Hyundai, Boston Dynamics will be able to reduce manufacturing costs and sell Spot and its future robots at much more competitive prices and sell more units.

Beyond economies of scale, Boston Dynamics will benefit from becoming a subsidiary of one of the world leaders in robotics. Hyundai is already heavily invested in robotics research and production. It is engaged in several projects that, like Boston Dynamics’ robots, are focused on solving mobility problems. The integration will provide Boston Dynamics with the right tools to speed up its research in a cost-efficient way and develop robots that can do more than just inspect their environment.

While I don’t have enough information to provide an exact estimate, but I believe that under Hyundai, Boston Dynamics finally has the potential to develop a profitable business model. In this light, it makes sense for SoftBank to relinquish major ownership, knowing that its 20-percent stake will become much more valuable if Boston Dynamics has access to the right manufacturing infrastructure and facilities.
The long-term impact on Hyundai and Boston Dynamics

“Over time, Hyundai Motor Group plans to expand its presence into the humanoid robot market with the aim of developing humanoid robots for sophisticated services such as caregiving for patients at hospitals,” according to the release.

This is an important statement, I believe, for two reasons. First, it shows that Hyundai shares Boston Dynamics’ vision in biped (and quadruped) robots. And second, Hyundai also acknowledges that this is an area that requires long-term investment.

So, as long as Hyundai doesn’t give up on its dreams of creating human-like robots, Boston Dynamics is in good hands even if it isn’t profitable.

But long-term dreams tend to change. While Hyundai’s vision for caregiving robots is commendable, it is also a very complicated problem, one that cannot be solved with today’s AI technologies and has no clear solution in sight (prominent roboticist Rodney Brooks has a series of posts that discuss this challenge).

Hyundai a publicly-traded company that is expected to turn in profits every year. Should the company see that its robotics efforts will not yield results in a timely fashion, it might have a change of heart. What will happen to Boston Dynamics then?

As we’ve seen with DeepMind and OpenAI, when an AI research lab becomes too enmeshed with commercial entities, it gradually undergoes a transformation, drifting from pushing the limits of science to developing products that turn in short-term return on investment.

Boston Dynamics might claim to be a commercial company. But at heart, it is still an AI and robotics research lab. It has built its fame on its advanced research and a continuous stream of videos showing robots doing things that were previously thought impossible. The reality, however, real-world applications seldom use cutting-edge AI and robotics technology. Today’s businesses don’t have much use for dancing and backflipping robots. What they need are stable solutions that can integrate with their current software and hardware ecosystem, boost their operations, and cut costs.

As Boston Dynamics’ vice president of business development Michael Perry told The Verge in June, “[A] lot of the most interesting stuff from a business perspective are things that people would find boring, like enabling the robot to read analogue gauges in an industrial facility. That’s not something that will set the internet on fire, but it’s transformative for a lot of businesses.”

So, the good is that under Hyundai, Boston Dynamics has a better chance to survive. The bad: It might have to shed some of this coolness and become a bit boring. You can’t build a profitable robotics company on viral YouTube videos.

Ben Dickson

Ben is a software engineer and the founder of TechTalks. He writes about technology, business and politics.