Saturday, September 05, 2020

Expert on the radical right warns that vigilantes are preparing ‘to launch a coup’

Published on September 5, 2020 By Chauncey Devega, Salon
People fight around a Confederate flag during an extreme-right rally and left-wing counter-demonstration at Stone Mountain, Georgia, on August 15, 2020 Logan Cyrus AFP/File

In the Age of Trump, Portland, Oregon, is no longer just another city. Now it is a symbol and almost a Rorschach test for the country’s deep and explosive political divides.

For Trumpists, Republicans and members of the far right, Portland is all that is wrong with “the Left” and “Liberals,” a chaotic nightmare zone where Black Lives Matter, antifa and other “enemies” are running amok while they attack “patriotism” and “real American values.”

To TrumpWorld, Portland and other Democratic-led big cities (which of course is virtually all of them) are hives of scum and villainy, overrun by criminals and “rioters,” which must be conquered by Trump’s enforcers and armed vigilante supporters.
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Trump’s “law and order” politics, and its inherent racism and violence, are believed by many to be his path back to the White House. In this view, Portland and other “Democrat cities” and communities are targets of opportunity for the Trump regime.

Writing at Washington Monthly, David Atkins explains Trump’s mindset:

He sees the violence as politically beneficial, a useful cudgel against Democratic nominee Joe Biden — even though the violence is happening while Trump himself is president, not Biden.

Trump’s election theme is that Americans won’t be safe in a Biden presidency. The opposite is true. Americans won’t be safe as long as a white supremacist president is leading a movement of bigots to incite a civil war, and attempting to ensure that the majority of Americans with cosmopolitan, egalitarian values remain politically disenfranchised and under the thumb of those who fear and despise them.

Trump’s campaign of racial authoritarianism and stochastic terrorism, as well as overt threats of “law and order,” resulted in a group of his supporters driving into Portland last weekend, armed with mace and paintball guns, to seek out confrontations with Black Lives Matter and anti-fascist protesters. During one such encounter, a member of the right-wing militia group Patriot Prayer, Aaron Danielson, was shot and killed. On Thursday night, the apparent shooter, Michael Reinoehl, was himself shot and killed by U.S. marshals in Olympia, Washington.

Despite this lamentable violence — for which Trump and the right must bear ultimate responsibility — for progressives and other people of conscience Portland is a symbol of resistance and hope. As part of the nationwide people’s uprising sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, protesters have been outside the Portland federal courthouse for more than 100 days.

The protests were largely peaceful until Trump and acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf deployed federal police forces to the city in July. Their presence, as designed, escalated the tension and led to increasing levels of property damage and incidents of violence.

Previewing Trump’s plan for other parts of the nation, these federal shock troops made journalists and reporters a special focus of their violence. They also kidnapped protesters and other “enemies” of Donald Trump’s regime off the street as though they were operating in a banana republic.

Much of the mainstream American news media’s coverage of the recent events in Portland lacks meaningful context. Writing at Medium, a Portland press collective describes one such example of this “parachute journalism”:

One night last week, during one of the smaller demonstrations, a tall white man in a clean ballistic helmet and brand-new plate carrier emblazoned with “PRESS” strolled through the crowd in front of the Hatfield Federal Courthouse in Portland, Oregon. He stopped by a gaggle of other journalists, most out-of-towners. “I’ve only been around for the last week,” he said, “but the protests in Portland feel a lot more performative than the ones I’ve seen in other cities. Less genuine.” A local journalist mentioned having been present for over 50 nights of the protests, starting in early June. “Yeah, I can only speak for what I’ve seen this week,” said Clean Helmet. “I’m flying back to DC tomorrow.” … Clean Helmet was on the ground in Portland, by his own description, for less than a week. This means that he was present for approximately 1/10th of Portland’s BLM protests, thus far. I’m sure he got some great footage.

The Parachutes (as we have come to know them) come with money, and zero community connections. Their goal is the clip that can make the nightly news. They want a story that will dominate the news cycle. They do not know what is happening in Portland, and they do not care. They are coming to a city with a vibrant, scrappy community of street-level journalists. By and large, they do not want the context that those journalists can provide. And soon they will come to a city near you. When the Feds and the Parachutes come to your town, you’ll want everyone to understand the context there, too. And they are coming. Clean Helmet is already back in DC, and on to the next assignment.

The important context which “the Parachutes” usually omit includes the way Portland is depicted as a liberal oasis in America’s popular imagination. In reality, Portland is a very race and class-segregated city. As historian and activist Walidah Imarisha and others have richly documented, the Oregon territory passed laws in 1844 explicitly excluding Black people from the region under punishment of whippings and other violence. The state of Oregon formally included white supremacy in its constitution, explicitly banning nonwhites.

To this day, Oregon remains a redoubt of white supremacy, where white supremacists and other right-wing extremists have a large presence in the state and surrounding region. Portland itself has a long and ongoing history of right-wing violence.

Alexander Reid Ross is a doctoral fellow at the Center for Analysis of the Radical Right. His most recent book is “Against the Fascist Creep.” Ross has also completed new research which documents more than 500 incidents in which white vigilantes and other right-wing extremists have confronted Black Lives Matter protests. This includes hundreds of acts of intimidation and other threats as well as dozens of examples in which right-wing extremists have assaulted or attacked Black Lives Matter protesters

In this conversation Ross shares his firsthand experiences with the recent George Floyd protests in Portland. He also provides some context for those events and the police and federal response. Ross also details the long history of right-wing paramilitaries and political street gangs in Portland and their relationship with local police and other law enforcement.

Reid warns that Portland, the right-wing vigilante killings in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and the hundreds of other attacks by right-wing extremists on Black Lives Matter protesters is just a preview of the massive violence that Donald Trump and his movement may unleash before and after Election Day — perhaps including the arrest or imprisonment of prominent Democrats, journalists, and others deemed to be enemies of the state.

After almost four years of Trump and his regime’s authoritarian, neofascist behavior, some voices in the mainstream American news media now use that correct and appropriate language to describe the reality of the situation. Why was there so much fear and denial about the obvious? Even when they use the correct terminology, the coverage is largely superficial and avoids serious discussion of the dire implications.

You must also take into account that many so-called left-leaning voices have also been interfering with bringing that truth to light. There were writers at the Guardian, for example, who were trying to sound the alarm about the dangers of right-wing extremism and fascism in America, but they were derided by their peers across the political spectrum.

I also believe that publications such as the Washington Post and the New York Times saw themselves as being aloof from questions of the mob and political violence in America. There is a tendency among elite voices to want to say that, “We’re above political violence here in America and we resolve our differences through conversation. Therefore, let’s give everyone a hearing and let’s debate these issues, regardless of how extreme they may be. That is what a democratic country should act like.”

In a sense, they put their faith completely in some abstract idea of “democracy” instead of taking the temperature of what is really happening on the ground.

You live in Portland. How is your experience different from the narrative being offered by the mainstream American news media and other outside observers?

We in Portland have been dealing with right-wing extremists and police abuse for a long time. Portland has experience with the likes of right-wing extremist groups such as Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys. This is not new to us.

I would go out to protests and see how the political violence is not a result of the breakdown in the monopoly of violence held by the police. The political violence was a result of the Proud Boys and the police effectively acting as two different elements of the same side. It wasn’t that the police had lost the monopoly of violence. It was the police were shooting us in order to allow the Proud Boys to march through the city without proper permits.

Most mainstream news media coverage of the protests which have taken place here in Portland, recently and before, totally fail to acknowledge or even fathom the police involvement in the rise of the far right in this community. That failure has cascaded to the point that we are now at a point where the press is painting the current crisis as some type of grudge match between the feds and the anarchists. In fact, the protest movement is a very diverse group of people — especially by Portland standards — who are coming out night after night and making extraordinarily clear demands and being absolutely brutalized in the streets every night.

What too many reporters in many cases are trying to do is figure out how to resolve the situation, rather than understanding it and properly explaining to the public what is really happening and the context for it. By doing so, too many reporters are creating false equivalencies regarding the various forces at play here in Portland.

What does Portland exemplify, in terms of the protests and the Trump’s regime’s reaction?

It is an example of Donald Trump attempting to rise to the level of a right-wing political strongman. Donald Trump is using classic authoritarian tactics that one does not often see in a healthy democracy. Donald Trump is deliberately undermining the Constitution by using federal law to circumvent local governments’ control over their police forces.

Trump and William Barr’s de facto secret police are literally disappearing people off the streets of Portland and in other parts of the country where the Democratic Party is in power. How do you explain what is happening to people who do not live in those communities? Who are not being targeted by Trump and his henchmen?

The specific federal forces involved are BORTAC — the Border Patrol Tactical Unit — and the U.S. Marshals Special Operations Group and others, under the coordination of the Department of Homeland Security. BORTAC have been in Portland shooting at people and launching tear gas. BORTAC is not trained for crowd or riot control. They are trained to engage in raids against migrants and to separate children from their mothers. That is what BORTAC does. They pride themselves on being the most militarized branch and group of the U.S. law enforcement community. BORTAC members are extreme Trump supporters. What is happening in Portland and other parts of the country is the border closing in on the citizens of the United States.BORTAC is loyal to Donald Trump and that’s why he is using them. He’s not using them because they’re the most skilled and adept at riot and crowd control management. That also explains why there are so many incidents of people being shot in the face and otherwise abused here in Portland and other places where BORTAC and other such forces are being deployed by the Trump administration.They don’t know what they’re doing at all.

BORTAC is being used because Trump feels that they are his most loyal forces. That is fully in keeping with the tactics of authoritarian leaders who cultivate secret police whose main function is to serve as the government leader’s private force, one that operates outside of any restraints such as internal review.

The [former] Chilean dictatorship is explicitly supported by Trump’s own supporters, who wear T-shirts that say, “Right-wing death squad” and “Pinochet did nothing wrong.” The American mainstream news media is far too charitable with its narrative that “Trump is playing to his base.”

During the recent protests in Portland, were there moments where you feared that the federal forces were going to start shooting the crowd with lethal rounds?

The fear is very real and it’s constant. The federal forces have assault rifles. They are loaded with live rounds. There are protesters who were throwing fireworks and things of that sort at the courthouse. What if one of the feds has an itchy trigger finger? What if a firework explodes and they then open fire on an entire group of unarmed people?

Trump and their defenders and other apologists will just say, “Well, these poor agents have been overworked for 60 days and look at all the things that have been thrown at them” and so on and so forth. We know what the narrative will be. All a person can do when protesting is to act accordingly and stay focused.

You have been documenting what are now almost 500 attacks, acts of intimidation, vehicular assaults, shootings and other threats by Trump supporters and other members of the right against Black Lives Matter protests. What do we know?

I have never seen this amount of anti-left vigilantism from the right. During the first year of Barack Obama’s administration, the Tea Party was huge, and they mobilized with events all over the country. There were also armed protests in opposition to Obamacare. But those right-wing protesters were not coming out to confront and intimidate a much smaller group of anti-racists. Of course, those anti-Obama Tea Party and anti-health-care type protesters were extremely racist and a breath away from being fascists, but there was not that same energy and menace that we are seeing today.

The idea of these right-wing protesters and militia types being “anti-government” — again, a narrative circulated by the mainstream American news media — is very uncritical, a total misnomer. They are really pro-government. They are entirely in favor of the United States government as controlled by Donald Trump. Their claim to be “libertarians” is a joke.

Those right-wing militias and others sympathetic to them are arming in opposition to Democrats, liberals and progressives.

Right-wing extremists and other terrorists, including white supremacists and neo-Nazis, are also coordinating at times with the police.

They actually say that they are at the protests to “protect the police.” Think about that claim: They are “anti-government” vigilantes who promise that they are trying to protect the police. In essence, these right-wing militias and the like are American citizens who believe it is their role not to become police, but to guard the police. Such a claim is ludicrous. It is a paramilitary force. These right-wing forces are coordinating and positioning themselves to be able to launch a coup against American democracy and the Democratic Party, if the latter gains control of the presidency and government.

The closest parallel with what we are seeing with Trump’s movement would be the “massive resistance” by white people against racial integration in the South during the civil rights movement. I am of the opinion that the United States has not seen such a mobilization of violent, far-right forces to this extent since the 1960s.

Recently, a Trumpist and right-wing militia supporter traveled to Kenosha, Wisconsin and involved himself in the protests there. He apparently shot three people, killing two of them. He crossed state lines illegally with a weapon he was not allowed to own. He was only a teenager, and was radicalized online into right-wing extremism. He is now being valorized by the right-wing media machine. Trump has defended this young man as a hero who was fighting against “criminals” and “looters.” This apparent killer now has hundreds of thousands of dollars pledged to his defense.

Trump has defended Kyle Rittenhouse with the claim he was firing in “self-defense.” In essence, Donald Trump supports the right-wing vigilante movement, which represents the disintegration of the rule of law.

We are witnessing an erosion of democratic norms in this country by Republicans. They accept breaking the law as being viable if it supports “traditional values” — meaning racism. As a practical matter, Donald Trump is spearheading the movement of the Republican Party into a full-on violent racist organization that encourages vigilantism.

In terms of engaging in the worst type of “both-sides-ism” and false equivalencies that helped Trump win and now keep power, the American mainstream news media is now advancing a “mutual combat” narrative in its coverage of Trump’s supporters and the violence in Portland last weekend. How does that narrative contradict what really happened in Portland?

The “mutual combat” framing is inane, legally a non-starter, and obviously supportive of the aggressive party, which is typically the Trump supporters. Their strategy is to provoke fights and then call for “law and order” intervention from a corrupt president.

Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson has not been leading protests in Portland for a long time. He is a marginal figure, but the American news media has suddenly selected him and lifted him up for no apparent reason other than that he participated in an aggressive and bellicose Trump “caravan” last week during which right-wing vigilantes tried to run people over with their trucks, shot protesters and bystanders with paintball guns, and used pepper spray to attack people.

Should Black Lives Matter, antifascist and other human rights and social justice supporters stop protesting in order to deny Trump’s supporters and other right-wing hooligans a narrative that could hurt Joe Biden nd the the Democrats? In essence, should they make a tactical withdrawal to deny Trump a strategic victory, because of how events will likely be distorted by the media to his advantage?

I will not say what protesters should or shouldn’t do. I do not think what they choose to do or not do will matter much. What is significant is that the far right will deepen its insurgency against the left the more that Donald Trump falters and as he continues demanding “law and order.”

The left would be remiss to engage them on this level. The left is not in the streets to spark a civil war or escalate violent encounters to the point of breaking civil society into protracted sectarian warfare. The left is in the streets to make life better for ordinary people, and to present a version of the future that would be better and more prosperous for everyone. The more the left maintains its sanity against overwhelming odds, the more the right’s paranoia and hysteria will marginalize it in American society. This will create new spaces for progressive causes and movements.

What do you want to warn the American people about? What do you think happens next?

I am worried about crackdowns by Donald Trump and his forces against their direct enemies. This would involve dragging Democrats in front of kangaroo courts and starting to criminalize dissent such that the average American who has a bumper sticker or other affiliation with the Democratic Party or liberal or progressive causes becomes a target for Trump’s zealots. I worry that Trump will find some way to round up the leaders of the Democratic Party and put them in jail or execute them.

That is the future that right-wing conspiracists such as the QAnon people want. They are the crowd that Donald Trump is signaling to. I do not believe that there is much stopping Donald Trump from following through on his extreme impulses. At this point Donald Trump is desperate. If Trump wins again it will just be more fuel on the fire for his followers. The right wing will follow through on his cues and start attacking regular people, not just protesters, who they believe are Democrats.


Heavily armed Trump supporters in combat gear clash with BLM protesters marching for Breonna Taylor in Louisville on Kentucky Derby day - while fans start to arrive at Churchill Downs

  • Pro-Trump activists and far-right militia members gathered at Cox Park in Louisville, Saturday morning  
  • Men dressed in military gear and armed with semi-automatic weapons were out in force vowing to protect the city from any destruction brought by protesters 
  • A number of social justice groups announced plans to rally over the police shooting of Breonna Taylor 
  • Taylor, a 26-year-old EMT, was shot dead in her home by Louisville cops during a botched police raid in March


Heavily armed Trump supporters have faced off with Black Lives Matter protesters in Louisville after the two opposing groups took to the streets during the first ever Kentucky Derby without spectators.  

Hundreds of far-right activists dressed in combat gear and armed with semi-automatic weapons confronted members of anti-racism groups after they gathered downtown on Saturday to rally against the police shooting of Breonna Taylor.

A number of social justice organizations had announced plans to demonstrate near Churchill Downs on Derby Day, one of the city's biggest events of the year, in response to officials' handling of the case.

Taylor, 26, was shot dead by cops during a botched police raid in her apartment in March. The three officers involved in her death have not been charged. Her death has fueled tense demonstrations for 100 consecutive days in the city. 

Meanwhile, a group of about 200 pro-Trump and pro-police demonstrators called 'The Angry Vikings' assembled at Cox Park earlier this morning vowing to defend the city from protesters. 

Clashes broke out in downtown Louisville after far-right groups confronted Black Lives Matter protesters holding a rally for Breonna Taylor

Clashes broke out in downtown Louisville after far-right groups confronted Black Lives Matter protesters holding a rally for Breonna Taylor 

Black Lives Matter protesters and far-right activists were seen facing off in downtown Louisville, during the Kentucky Derby

Black Lives Matter protesters and far-right activists were seen facing off in downtown Louisville, during the Kentucky Derby

Members of a Trump-supporting militia rallied together earlier vowing to protect the city from protesters

Members of a Trump-supporting militia rallied together earlier vowing to protect the city from protesters 

A man dressed in combat gear and holding a rifle is seen in a confrontation with a Black Lives Matter activist

A man dressed in combat gear and holding a rifle is seen in a confrontation with a Black Lives Matter activist 

The 146th annual Kentucky Derby was postponed to September 5 this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. A spectator is seen blocking his eyes from the sun as the first race kicks off at Churchill Downs

The 146th annual Kentucky Derby was postponed to September 5 this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. A spectator is seen blocking his eyes from the sun as the first race kicks off at Churchill Downs

The self-described 'patriots' and militia members were seen toting guns, American flags, and Trump 2020 signs as they prepared for a confrontation with rival groups. 

The group told local news stations they are fed up with the protests and destruction that have rocked the country over the past three months and were there to defend the city from any chaos that's to come. 

The far-right activists were seen clearing out the park just after 11am before marching downtown, where protests and counterprotests were expected to kick off during the race. 

Footage shared on social media showed the armed Trump supporters toting American flags as they marched down the street chanting, 'USA, USA, USA!' 

Black armed militia, NFAC and Until Freedom, both of which have held rallies for Taylor in the city in the past, were among the groups that had planned demonstrations on Derby Day.

Taylor's shooting remains under investigation however, protesters vowed to take to the streets during famous horse racing event if investigators hadn't come to a decision ahead of the weekend.  

Social justice group Until Freedom planned to protest the annual derby over the city's response to the police shooting of Breonna Taylor
The 26-year-old EMT was shot dead in her home during a botched police raid in March

Social justice group Until Freedom planned to protest the annual derby over the city's response to the police shooting of Breonna Taylor. The 26-year-old EMT (right) was shot dead in her home during a botched police raid in March 

A man holding a semi-automatic shotgun stands in front of Dylan Stevens, who calls himself 'The Angry Viking' at a gathering of far-right activists and self-described militia on the day of the Kentucky Derby horse race in Louisville

A man holding a semi-automatic shotgun stands in front of Dylan Stevens, who calls himself 'The Angry Viking' at a gathering of far-right activists and self-described militia on the day of the Kentucky Derby horse race in Louisville

Dozens of men dressed in military gear and armed with semi-automatic weapons were out in force at Cox Park on Saturday morning ahead of planned demonstrations demanding justice for Breonna Taylor

Dozens of men dressed in military gear and armed with semi-automatic weapons were out in force at Cox Park on Saturday morning ahead of planned demonstrations demanding justice for Breonna Taylor 

A man stands as security during the rally on Saturday. The group said it planned to protect the city from any destruction brought by protesters

A man stands as security during the rally on Saturday. The group said it planned to protect the city from any destruction brought by protesters 

Law enforcement are bracing for a day of protests and potential counterprotests planned to take place during the derby. A banner that reads 'No Justice, No Derby was hung on the Big Four Bridge by Waterfront Park before the race

Law enforcement are bracing for a day of protests and potential counterprotests planned to take place during the derby. A banner that reads 'No Justice, No Derby was hung on the Big Four Bridge by Waterfront Park before the race 

The prospect of unrest on Derby Day has its participants unsure what to expect. 

The Louisville Metropolitan Police Department said it would coordinate with the groups to allow protesters to express their freedom of assembly while also ensuring safety in the streets.

None of the cheering - or cursing after losing wagers - from 150,000 fans will be heard this year at Churchill Downs, where America's longest continuously held sports event will take place, four months later than usual.   

The race, which is usually held on the first Saturday in May, was rescheduled due to the COVID-19 pandemic and organizers had planned to welcome a reduced crowd of less than 23,000 spectators, until escalating positivity rates for COVID-19 in Louisville dictated otherwise. 

The 17-horse field will break from a new starting gate on Saturday, one to be used only for the Derby. It fits 20 horses, the typical size of the field, which is slightly smaller this year. 

Full Authority is walked by a trainer in the paddock before a race. Saturday's event marks the first time the derby will be held without spectators thanks to the coronavirus pandemic

Full Authority is walked by a trainer in the paddock before a race. Saturday's event marks the first time the derby will be held without spectators thanks to the coronavirus pandemic 

Guest of Kentucky Derby entry Tiz the Law stand during the national anthem before the 146th running of the famous horse race on Saturday

Guest of Kentucky Derby entry Tiz the Law stand during the national anthem before the 146th running of the famous horse race on Saturday

Two national Guard members mill about in the grandstands of Churchill Downs as a horse is lead to the paddock for the first race before the 146th Kentucky Derby

Two national Guard members mill about in the grandstands of Churchill Downs as a horse is lead to the paddock for the first race before the 146th Kentucky Derby

Two women look at a program before the 146th running of the Kentucky Derby
Horse owner Keith Delaney dons a face mask as he watches the first race

A handful of people were allowed in the venue as the event kicked off. Horse owner Keith Delaney (right) donned a mask as he watched the first race

Horse owners walk through the paddock before the 146th Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs

Horse owners walk through the paddock before the 146th Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs

Chuck Schumer Backs Bernie Sanders' Call For Regime Change Plan To Force Trump From Office

© AP Photo / Paul Sancya

US 05.09.2020 by James Tweedie FOX.RU

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and other Democratic Party leaders claim that US President Donald Trump will appear to win on election night only to lose once millions of mail-in votes are counted. They say he is already laying the ground to claim ballot fraud and refuse to concede defeat.

US Democratic Party Senate leader Chuck Schumer has backed Bernie Sanders' call for a plan for the "nightmarish scenario" of President Donald Trump refusing to concede in November's election.

Vermont Senator Sanders is the latest Democrat to claim Trump will refuse to accept defeat if he loses the election scheduled for November 3, in an interview with website Politico.

"This is not just idle speculation," Sanders insisted, quoting the presidents comments at the Republican National Convention in August. "Trump was saying... ‘the only way they can take this election away from us is if this is a rigged election’."

"What we have got to do in the next two months is to alert the American people about what that nightmarish scenario might look like in order to prepare them for that possibility and talk about what we do if that happens," Sanders warned. "This is not just a ‘constitutional crisis.’ This is a threat to everything this country stands for."

Democratic Senate minority leader Schumer tweeted on Saturday that he was "standing side-by-side" with Sanders on his call for a regime change plan.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) September 5, 2020

In recent week, Democrats including former president Bill Clinton and failed candidates Al Gore and Hillary Clinton claim that Trump might win based on votes cast at polling stations, only to lose when millions of postal votes are counted over the following weeks.

© CC0
Mark Zuckerberg Warns There is Risk of Civil Unrest During and After US Presidential Election    

Trump and other Republicans have repeatedly claimed that allowing all voters to cast their ballots by post is a recipe for electoral fraud. Several states have proposed that measure to reduce the risk of transmitting the Covid-19 virus at polling stations.

Democrats have in turn accused Trump of blocking funds to the US Postal Service to stop mail-in ballots arriving in time. 

"The nightmare scenario there is that, at a time when some states like Pennsylvania are finding that they don’t have the resources right now to count votes, their mail-in ballots, in a rapid way, that it is possible that in some states Trump will be winning on election night, and yet when all of the votes are counted, he will be behind. He will lose," Sanders told Politico.

"But that during that interval, he will create chaos and confusion by claiming that there is massive fraud within the mail-in ballot process."

In a late August TV interview, Hillary Clinton insisted: "Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances."
"I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don't give an inch, and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is," she added.

Days later, Gore told Reuters that if Biden emerged as the winner, the military, police and intelligence services would have to obey him and oust Trump.

"If a new president is elected… the police force, the Secret Service, the military, all of the executive branch officers, will respond to the command and the direction of the new president," he said.

General Mark Miley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, dismissed that idea, saying: "I foresee no role for the US armed forces in this process.”

This week Bill Clinton joked that Trump "probably won't even come to Biden's inauguration. He'll be stacking sandbags in front of the White House."
The upper class has trouble reading other people's emotional states, study says
In contrast, those from lower social classes were far better at perceiving others' emotions
People walk by yachts moored at the Hercules Port in Monaco on September 25, 2019 during the 28th edition of the International Monaco Yacht Show. - The Monaco Yacht Show is considered the most prestigious pleasure boat show in the world with the exhibition of 500 major companies in luxury yachting and featuring over a hundred super and megayachts. (VALERY HACHE/AFP via Getty Images)

SEPTEMBER 4, 2020 

Anew study reveals that people from higher income backgrounds struggle with certain aspects of empathy when compared to individuals who have lower incomes, who are better at reading people's emotions.

The research paper, which was published in the "Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin," asked individuals from different class backgrounds to infer others' emotional states by looking at images of their eyes and to attempt to assume the visual perspective of other people.

The findings suggest that our socioeconomic status may affect the way we see and interact with other people.

Researchers know that there are many things can make it difficult for one person to effectively empathize with another, including neurological conditions like autism and psychological illnesses like schizophrenia. In their study, researchers Pia Dietze of the University of California, Irvine and Eric D. Knowles of New York University attempted to better understand how social class specifically influences Theory of Mind.

"[Theory of Mind] encompasses a range of competencies that together enable people to solve problems in a world full of other minds," the authors explain. "Examples of ToM include our ability to infer people's emotions, understand others' visual perspectives, trace behavior to actors' underlying intentions and desires, and grasp the fact that others' beliefs might misportray reality. We focus on two facets of [Theory of Mind] in this work: emotion perception and visual perspective taking."

The authors concluded, both from their research and by analyzing previous research (some of which they felt was unreliable), that "higher social class is associated with attenuated [theory of mind] performance," with individuals from higher income backgrounds struggling more to ascertain the emotions and empathize with the visual points of view of other people. One possible explanation for this is that "lower-class individuals—owing to their greater levels of cultural interdependence—may appraise other human beings as more relevant to their goals and well-being than do higher-class individuals." This would also help people from lower classes to "spontaneously calculate other people's perspectives."

Dietze and Knowles also point out that their conclusion "stands in clear contrast to the common discourse concerning neurocognitive deficits among the lower classes." They also note that "decades of research documents that lower-class individuals are more likely to exhibit attentional deficits and display impaired working-memory performance. The evidence provided here suggests that these deficits may be domain-specific. Indeed, we show that lower-class performance outcomes are reversed in the social realm." The term "domain-specific" refers to the theory of learning which holds that there are multiple forms of intelligence rather than a single way to assess where one has cognitive strengths and/or weaknesses.

This is not the only new research which sheds light on how being wealthy can lead to harmful psychological behaviors and personal habits. In July a different study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that individuals from affluent backgrounds would often deny their class privilege by "increasing their claims of personal hardships and hard work, to cover [their] privilege in a veneer of meritocracy."

"Flying in the face of meritocratic prescriptions, evidence of privilege threatens recipients' self-regard by calling into question whether they deserve their successes," the authors wrote in their study. "Evidence of class privilege demonstrates that many life outcomes are determined by factors not attributable to individuals' efforts alone, but are caused in part by systemic inequities that privilege some over others."

Another study, this one published in June in the journal Nature Communications, argued that the consumption patterns of the affluent are so egregiously unsustainable from an ecological standpoint that only a concerted effort by the wealthy to consume less can prevent catastrophes like global warming, pollution and biodiversity loss.

"The affluent citizens of the world are responsible for most environmental impacts and are central to any future prospect of retreating to safer environmental conditions," the authors wrote, adding that "existing societies, economies and cultures incite consumption expansion and the structural imperative for growth in competitive market economies inhibits necessary societal change." They advocated "a global and rapid decoupling of detrimental impacts from economic activity," pointing out that "the world's top 10% of income earners are responsible for between 25 and 43% of environmental impact" while "the world's bottom 10% income earners exert only around 3–5% of environmental impact."


Matthew Rozsa is a staff writer for Salon. He holds an MA in History from Rutgers University-Newark and is ABD in his PhD program in History at Lehigh University. His work has appeared in Mic, Quartz and MSNBC.MORE FROM MATTHEW
WHO official warns no widespread COVID-19 vaccine expected until mid-2021

Published September 4, 2020 Common Dreams
Vaccine Shot AFP/File / Johannes EISELE

The sobering comments from a spokesperson for the global health agency come on the heels of the CDC asking states to prepare for potential distribution of a Covid-19 vaccine by November 1.

A World Health Organization spokesperson said on Friday that widespread vaccination against Covid-19 is not expected until mid-2021, a statement that stood in stark contrast with President Donald Trump’s recent claim that a vaccine could be ready by the November general election.

Speaking at a United Nations briefing in Geneva, WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris said that none of the candidate vaccines currently in advanced clinical trials has shown “a clear signal” of being at least 50% effective, the minimum level of acceptability according to many scientists.

“We are really not expecting to see widespread vaccination until the middle of next year,” said Harris, who explained that “phase three [clinical trials] must take longer because we need to see how truly protective the vaccine is and we also need to see how safe it is.”

“A lot of people have been vaccinated and what we don’t know is whether the vaccine works,” she added. “At this stage we do not have the clear signal of whether or not it has the level of worthwhile efficacy and safety.”

Harris’ remarks stood in contrast to an August 6 claim by Trump that a Covid-19 vaccine could be available by early November. Experts have repeatedly countered that an effective vaccine would take until at least the middle of next year to develop, produce and distribute. Dr. Walter Orenstein, associate director of the Emory Vaccine Center in Atlanta, said that vaccine development in less than a year would be a “miracle.”

On Thursday, Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the administration’s own chief vaccine adviser, told NPR that it was “extremely unlikely” that a vaccine would be available as the “October surprise” Trump seeks to boost his reelection chances.

Medical experts and health officials have warned that the administration’s politically motivated push to rush a Covid-19 vaccine to production before the presidential election, and its stated willingness to fast-track unproven experimental vaccines, poses serious public health risks.

On August 27, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield sent a letter to state governors urging them to select and prepare locations for potential Covid-19 vaccine distribution on November 1. Officials in at least three states—California, New York, and Washington—have suggested they would refuse to distribute vaccines they deemed to be inadequately vetted or politically motivated

“If the U.S. FDA were to proceed with an abbreviated process and approve a vaccine through the Emergency Use Authorization I think that would raise concern,” said Dr. Nirav Shah, director of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, on Thursday.

More than 170 nations are currently in talks to join the Covid-19 Vaccines Global Access (Covax) Facility, a WHO-led global initiative to fast-track development, production, and equitable worldwide distribution of a coronavirus vaccine. Covax aims to deliver two billion doses of vaccines by the end of 2021.

Conspicuously absent from the list of participating countries is the United States, as the Trump administration claimed on Tuesday that it “will not be constrained by multilateral organizations influenced by the corrupt World Health Organization and China.”

Trump—who has been widely criticized for his handling of the pandemic in a nation that has by far suffered the most Covid-19 cases and deaths in the world—has long been at odds with the WHO. The president has called the agency “a puppet of China” and has claimed without evidence that it caved to pressure from Beijing “to mislead the world” about the nascent pandemic.

In July, Trump followed through on an earlier threat to withdraw from the WHO by formally notifying the agency that the U.S. would leave it in July 2021. The American Medical Association strongly opposed the move, calling it a “major setback to science, public health, and the global coordination of efforts needed to defeat Covid-19” and warning that it “puts the health of our country at grave risk.”

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden responded to Trump’s WHO withdrawal announcement by saying the U.S. would rejoin the the organization on his first day in office.

Americans are safer when America is engaged in strengthening global health. On my first day as President, I will rejoin the @WHO and restore our leadership on the world stage.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 7, 2020

On Wednesday, the Trump administration announced it will not pay $80 million in WHO dues owed for 2019 and 2020 and will instead redirect the money to help pay its United Nations bill. Georgetown Law professor Lawrence Gostin slammed the move as “unethical… and patently unlawful.”