Sunday, May 16, 2021


Understanding the Rise of the Radical Right

106 Views14 Pages
How can we understand the reasons behind the rise of the radical right? Why has it gained such momentum? Explanations often pose the dilemma of: is it the social question, or racism? In the words of Stuart Hall, we can say that “the problem is not if economic structures are relevant for racial divisions, but how they are connected”. He continues: “It is not the question if people make racist ascriptions, but what are the specific conditions under which racism become socially decisive and historically effective”. And what is to be done?

The Rise of Global Authoritarianism Nineteen theses on its causes and defining moments

2019, Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation
151 Views6 Pages
We live in the age of monsters. As the organic crisis of the old neoliberal project of globalization continues, nearly everywhere in Europe—but also in the US, Latin America, Asia, and Africa—we are seeing the rise of an authoritarian and radical right wing. How can the rise of the radical right be understood? There have of course always been forms of authoritarian rule (cf. Marx’s 18th Brumaire), about which the Left has developed a rich corpus of theory. Thus the question is not whether this kind of authoritarianism exists; it always has. Rather, what are the specific conditions which give it global social importance and historical effectiveness today? How has this phenomenon been able to become so significant precisely now? The following are a few theses (intended as a starting-point for further research).

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