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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query HYENA. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Caller ID: Hyena ‘whoops’ feature individual signatures

Study also finds repetition of whoops may improve identification

Peer-Reviewed Publication





As dusk begins cloaking the Maasai Mara grasslands of southwestern Kenya, a spotted hyena slinks beneath the woody umbrella that is the acacia tree.

The carnivore pauses, its rounded ears cocking forward as a faint sound sails in, an airborne missive traversing three miles at 767 miles per hour. Again, then again. Whhhhhooo-OOOppp! There it is… the call of a fellow spotted hyena, repeated rapidly enough to warrant attention. A warning of lions in the area, maybe, or of one hyena clan encroaching on another’s territory.

To help or not to help? With so much ground to cover, and so much potential peril lying beyond it, the answer could depend on who, exactly, is on the other end of the long-distance call. For spotted hyenas, then, identification is no laughing matter. But it is a whooping one, says a new study from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Kenna Lehmann and colleagues.

By applying machine learning to audio clips collected from the field, the team has concluded that hyena whoops feature signatures unique to individuals — a form of caller ID distinct enough that hyenas can likely tell one from another. For the first time, the researchers also managed to quantify how much repeating a call, as spotted hyenas do, might improve the odds of being identified.

The fact that spotted hyena clans are built on hierarchies of social rank, yet consist of multiple families that regularly come together and disperse across the savanna, makes individual identity especially important.

“Hyenas don’t treat every individual in the clan the same, so if they’re deciding whether to show up and help someone, they want to know who they’re showing up to help,” said Lehmann, a postdoctoral researcher at Nebraska.

In its search for vocal signatures, the team turned to what’s known as a random forest model. The researchers first trained the model by feeding it the identities of each hyena they had recorded, along with a massive number of acoustic traits extracted from each of its whoops.

From there, the model used a randomly selected series, or bout, of whoops from one hyena to generate decision trees. Each branch of a tree represented a binary choice in an acoustic trait from a batch that was also randomly selected. The model might begin by splitting the hyena whoops by higher vs. lower frequencies, for instance, then further divide those groupings into, say, longer vs. shorter calls, and so on. Ultimately, the tip of every branch represented a vote in favor of a particular hyena.

After assembling 500 of those haphazard decision trees — a random forest — the model predicted a given whoop’s identity based on which hyena received the most votes from those 500 trees. The team put its trained model to the test by asking it to identify which one of 13 hyenas produced a randomly selected bout of whoops, then repeated that test 999 times.

The model correctly paired a whoop bout with its hyena roughly 54% of the time, or about six times more often than would be expected by chance. That success rate suggests there’s enough variation in the whoops of different hyenas, and enough consistency within the whoops of a single hyena, for the model to reasonably tell them apart. And if the model can discern those differences, Lehmann said, it’s reasonable to presume that the hyenas can, too.

Three traits of the whoops seemed especially instructive: the duration of a call, the highest frequency of the call, and the average frequency during the portion of the call that was most consistent in pitch. The greater the disparity in those traits, the more likely the model — and potentially, hyenas themselves — would be to distinguish among the sources of the respective whoops.

Still, 54% is well short of 100%, even before accounting for the challenges inherent to communicating with a fellow hyena in the Maasai Mara. For one, spotted hyena clans can swell to more than 125 members, a number to seemingly strain even the most voluminous, airtight memories. There’s also the possibility of acoustic nuances getting lost in transmission, particularly when those signals are traveling multiple miles before reaching rounded ears. Wind, rain and other animal calls, meanwhile, can introduce noise to the signal.

“There’s an understanding that one of the ways to get your message across is to repeat it,” Lehmann said, “especially if you’re in a noisy environment or if you’re communicating over long distances.”

Prior research has shown that penguins, for example, reiterate their calls more often when the wind picks up. And other studies have found evidence that various animal species favor repetition under similarly noisy circumstances. But as far as Lehmann and her colleagues could tell, none had quantified the extent to which repeating an animal call might actually improve the transmission of information.

So the team again resorted to its random forest model. When the model guessed the identity of a hyena on the basis of just one whoop, it correctly pegged that identity only about half as often as it did when provided with three whoops. That accuracy rose even further with additional calls, peaking at seven whoops.

“It’s like getting a little bit more information (each time),” said Lehmann, who previously studied vocalizations in orcas. “The first time you hear it, you might notice: Oh, that was definitely a male or a female voice. Then, the next whoop, you might be able to narrow it down further.”

Lehmann and her colleagues knew that the calls of some animal species also contain signatures that differentiate the groups to which they belong from other same-species groups they might come across — somewhat akin to human accents or dialects. She recalled that some researchers studying orcas had become so familiar with pod signatures that the researchers could instinctively tell them apart. (One researcher claimed that a certain pod’s calls were “more nasally” than others’.)

Given the size of spotted hyena clans, Lehmann figured that their whoops, too, might employ a group-specific signature.

“Obviously, if you just have to remember what your group sounds like, and you don’t have to remember each of the 100-plus individual voices, that would be a lot easier to do,” she said.

When the researchers went looking for a group signature in the random forest, though, they couldn’t find one. One potential explanation: The apparent ability to memorize so many individual signatures may have rendered a clan signature either useless or, at best, not useful enough to bother developing.

“If you know who the individual is, you know what group they’re in,” Lehmann said. “Animals are pretty good at associating that information.

“So if they need individual signatures for other reasons, then there just may have never been a need to also develop a group signature, which is what this finding suggests. They should be able to keep track of all the individual voices and be able to distinguish: If this is Individual X, they’re in my group. I can choose to help them based on them being a group member, but maybe there are more decisions to be made about whether they’re a group mate that I actually want to help.”

‘A million different stars that have to align’

All of the team’s findings — the presence of individual signatures, the absence of a clan signature, the utility of repetition — ultimately originated not from a random forest but from the savanna of Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve. There, Michigan State University’s Kay Holekamp and colleagues have been conducting research on the spotted hyena since the late 1980s.

Lehmann herself spent a year in the Maasai Mara, which takes its name from the Maasai people who have long inhabited it. From 2014 to 2015, the then-doctoral student and several colleagues regularly drove west from Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, to a field site at the reserve.

“The first time I went out there … I thought, ‘Oh, I’m gonna be sleeping on the ground for 10 months, in a sleeping bag,’” said Lehmann, who soon learned that a sizable canvas tent and a soft bed awaited her. “But we were pretty spoiled out there, to be perfectly honest.”

If the accommodations were cushier than expected, the data collection proved anything but. From their vantage point in a Toyota Land Cruiser, Lehmann and her colleagues would point a directional microphone out the window and flip on an audio recorder. Unfortunately, the team was very much subject to the vagaries of Murphy’s law.

“You need to not be driving. And the car has to be turned off,” she said, noting that its engine drowned out the sounds of the Maasai Mara. “And the hyena has to whoop. And you have to be able to actually … see who it is. They can’t be in a bush. And they have to be close enough so that you can get a good recording. And the other hyenas need to be quiet at the same time. There are just, like, a million different stars that have to align to get a good recording that you can then use in an analysis like this.”

Under those circumstances, Lehmann said, patience was more than a virtue. It was a necessity.

“With this handheld recording equipment, we were opportunistically, constantly recording and just hoping that they whooped for us,” she said, laughing.

Over those months of hoping and waiting, the researchers stayed busy observing and chronicling behaviors that would inform other studies. As they did, they caught glimpses of the individuality that their analyses of the hyenas’ whoops would, years later, come to affirm.

“You definitely get to know that different individuals have different personalities or might react a certain way in different situations,” Lehmann said. “So it’s always fun to just get to know the hyenas and their little interactions and the dramas that might be going on in their lives.”

The team reported its findings in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Lehmann and Holekamp authored the study with Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin of the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Frants Jensen of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Andrew Gersick of Princeton University. The researchers received support in part from the National Science Foundation.

Saturday, August 07, 2021

Gruesome horde of thousands of animal bones leftovers from hyenas, including those from humans, found in Saudi Arabia

Researchers found gnaw marks on most of the bones pointing to striped hyenas.

The Umm Jirsan lava tube in Saudi Arabia. Credit: Richard Clark-Wilson.

Although hyenas look and hunt like canines, they’re members of the mongoose family and therefore more closely related to a cat. However, just like dogs, hyenas have an affinity for hiding bones — it’s just that they can tend to go a bit overboard. Case in point, archaeologists were left speechless after they stumbled across a lava tube cavern in northwestern Saudi Arabia that is packed with hundreds of thousands of bones gathered by striped hyenas over the course of 7,000 years.
The ultimate hoarders

The gruesome floor filled with ancient animal bones was found deep in a lava tube system — a network of caverns carved by lava flow. The site, known as Umm Jirsan, was discovered in 2007, but it was only recently that researchers ventured deep into the dark caverns.

Mathew Stewart, a zooarchaeologist at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Germany, led a team of researchers who cataloged nearly 2,000 bones and teeth belonging to at least 14 different species, including cattle, horses, camels, rodents, and even humans. Hundreds of thousands of other bones that are yet to be analyzed still lie on the cavernous floor.

Radiocarbon dating of the samples suggests the animal remains range from 439 to 6,839 years ago, which can only mean these lava tubes had been used as dens for at least 6,000 years
Images of Saudi Arabia’s Umm Jirsan “hyena cave”: A: Entrance to the western passage and surrounding area. B: Entrance to the western passage. Note the team members on the right-hand wall for scale. C: The back chamber in which the excavation was carried out. D: Plotted sampling square before surface collection and excavation. Credit: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.

The striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) is a bit smaller than spotted and brown hyenas. They have a broad head with dark eyes, a thick muzzle, and large, pointed ears, with a mane of long hair growing along the back. Their most striking feature is the legs: the front legs are much longer than the hind legs. This gives hyenas their distinctive walk, making them seem like they’re always limping uphill.

Hyenas are nocturnal or crepuscular predators that stay out of sight during the day, preferably in a natural cave or a burrow dug into the hillside. Sometimes they may take over the dens of other creatures where they transport bones to be eaten, fed to the young, or cached for later use.

It’s a well-established fact that hyena dens aren’t tidy at all, being normal to find leftover bones scattered across the floor. However, the lava tube horde stunned even the researchers who were most familiar with the hyenas.
Hyenas will eat an entire human body — except for the skull cap

Although they didn’t find hyenas at the site, the researchers are certain this was one of their dens judging from the cuts, bites, and digestion marks left on the bones. The presence of human skull fragments was also telling of hyena presence since the animals are known to scavenge through burial grounds in search of food. They normally will consume everything except for the top of the skull.

“The size and composition of the bone accumulation, as well as the presence of hyena skeletal remains and coprolites, suggest that the assemblage was primarily accumulated by striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena),” the authors wrote in a study published in the journal Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.

Molars and mandibles belonging to wild cows, rabbits, wild goats, camels, and wolves. Credit: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.

It’s highly unlikely that the six skullcaps with gnaw marks on them found at the site belong to humans who were killed by a hyena hunting party. The mammals are mostly scavengers but when they do hunt they prefer to target hares, birds, and antelopes. However, the possibility that some hunter-gatherers were killed by hyena packs cannot be entirely ruled out.

Today, striped hyenas are a threatened species in Saudia Arabia but thousands of years ago they were common across the Arabian Peninsula. The current investigation at Umm Jirsan was undertaken as part of the Paleodeserts Project, a large-scale research initiative aimed at tracking environmental and climate change in the Arabian Desert region over the past one million years.

Of particular interest is how human and animal migration in the region waxed and waned with the changing climate. This is a challenging goal since the unforgiving desert climate in the region tends to destroy any exposed organic matter. Luckily, the Umm Jirsan lava tubes create a perfect time capsule that will give scientists material to work with for years to come.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Daytime pastoralist activities do not negatively affect spotted hyenas in Tanzania

Daytime pastoralist activities do not negatively affect spotted hyenas in Tanzania
Spotted hyena with Maasai pastoralist and cattle in Ngorongoro Crater.
 Credit: Oliver Höner/Leibniz-IZW

Pastoralists herding their livestock through the territories of spotted hyena clans along dedicated paths during daytime do not reduce the reproductive performance of hyena clans, nor elevate the physiological "stress" of spotted hyenas. This is the result of a new study led by scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA).

The scientists analyzed 24 years of demographic and  from eight  clans—two of which were exposed to activities by pastoralists. The activities of pastoralists were predictable, diurnal and did not disrupt important behaviors in the mostly nocturnal . This may have allowed the population to perform well, the scientists suggest. The open access paper is published in the Journal of Animal Ecology.

Human activities can strongly affect wildlife but the effects can vary greatly, depending on the type of activity and the characteristics of the wildlife species involved. To promote human-wildlife coexistence, it is therefore important to assess which activities are sustainable for a given species.

Most past research has documented major changes in the behavioral response of such species to human activities, but did not examine whether such changes are indicative of the Darwinian fitness of wildlife (in terms of its survival and reproductive success) or physiological effects such as "stress" or allostatic load, which are much more relevant to conservation.

"Acquiring the long-term data for such research—especially on large, group-living carnivores, which may be particularly conflict-prone—is not easy because of the enormous financial and temporal demands involved. We assessed for the first time the Darwinian fitness and the physiological effects of a common human activity—livestock herding—in light of the biology and social system of our wildlife species," explains first author Arjun Dheer, doctoral student at the Leibniz-IZW.

The investigation was conducted on eight clans of spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) living in the Ngorongoro Crater, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in northern Tanzania. "Livestock grazing and using mineral licks occurred predictably on a near-daily basis within the territories of two of our eight study clans between 1996 and 2016," adds Dheer.

This created a natural experiment of exposed and unexposed clans which the scientists exploited. "We tested whether the hyenas of the exposed clans had fewer surviving offspring than the unexposed hyenas and whether the herding activities increased the physiological 'stress' of the hyenas," explains Dr. Oliver Höner (Leibniz-IZW), head of the Ngorongoro Hyena Project and senior author of the paper.

To assess the fitness effects, the scientists used 24 years of detailed demographic data from the eight clans and to estimate physiological stress, they measured the concentration of glucocorticoid metabolites (fGMC) in 975 feces from 475 hyenas. The team also accounted for the effects of additional ecological parameters such as disease outbreaks and the abundance of African lions (Panthera leo), the hyenas' main competitor, and prey.

The main result was that hyena clans exposed to Maasai pastoralists moving through their territory with their livestock had similar juvenile recruitment and fGMC levels as unexposed clans. "Our results suggest that the hyenas in the Ngorongoro Crater coped well with daytime pastoralism," explains Dheer. A likely explanation for the lack of detectable effect on hyenas is that the activity was predictable and minimally disruptive because it occurred during daytime.

"Hyenas are mostly nocturnal when it comes to critical behaviors such as hunting," explains Höner. Even if pastoralist activities forced other critical hyena behaviors such as the nursing of young cubs into nighttime, it might not have been too much of an adjustment for them to make. "Spotted hyenas are behaviourally flexible. In other areas, they were observed to move their cubs to dens further away from the paths that pastoralists used, or to nurse more at night," Höner says.

The authors caution that such results should not be extrapolated in uncritical fashion. "In areas where pastoralism is more intense and environmental conditions such as the abundance of wild prey are less favorable than in the Ngorongoro Crater, pastoralist activities may well have a significant detrimental effect even on a behaviorally highly flexible species such as the spotted hyena," explains Höner.

"Our investigation highlights the need to develop evidence-based coexistence strategies within a local context to benefit both stakeholders and wildlife. It also underscores the importance of interpreting the effects of human activity in light of the socio-ecology of the species of conservation interest," concludes Victoria Shayo (Head, Department of Wildlife and Rangeland Management, Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority). Additional scientific analyses that cover a variety of anthropogenic activities and species—and that measure effects on fitness and physiology—will be conducive to promoting human-wildlife coexistence.Emotions and culture are most important for acceptance of carnivore management strategies

More information: Arjun Dheer et al, Diurnal pastoralism does not reduce juvenile recruitment nor elevate allostatic load in spotted hyenas, Journal of Animal Ecology (2022). DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13812
Journal information: Journal of Animal Ecology 

Thursday, July 15, 2021


High-ranking hyena mothers pass their social networks to their cubs

Using 27 years of detailed data on hyena social interactions, a team led by Penn biologists nailed down a pattern of social network inheritance and its implications for social structure, rank, and survival


Research News




Hyenas are a highly social species, living in groups that can number more than 100. But within their clans, there is order: A specific matrilineal hierarchy governs societies in this species where females are dominant to males.

While researchers have intensively studied the social structure of hyenas and other animals, it's only recently that scientists have begun to investigate how this structure arises. A new study led by Penn biologists, which relies upon 27 years of detailed observations of hyena social behavior collected by researchers at Michigan State University, pulls back the curtain on how social order comes to be.

Their findings show that hyenas inherit their mother's social networks, so their social connections resemble their mother's. However, offspring of higher-ranking individuals more faithfully replicate their mother's interactions, winding up with social networks that more closely resemble their mother's than do offspring of females that rank lower on the clan's social ladder. The team reported their findings in the journal Science.

"We knew that the social structure of hyenas is based in part on one's rank in the agonistic hierarchy, which we know is inherited from mothers" says Erol Akçay, a study coauthor and associate professor in Penn's School of Arts & Sciences. "But what we found, that affiliative, or friendly interactions, are also inherited, hadn't been shown."

"This is a very simple process of social inheritance that we show works very, very well," says Amiyaal Ilany, a senior lecturer at Israel's Bar-Ilan University. "Individuals that were born to higher rank are more accurate in their inheritance, and they have good reason to do so. It fits well with what is already known about inheritance of rank. There are very strict rules about what place you sit in the hierarchy if you are a hyena."

The work builds on a theoretical model of social network inheritance Akçay and Ilany developed in 2016. According to that simple framework, animals establish their networks by "social inheritance," or copying their mother's behaviors. The model fit well with snapshots of real-world social networks from not only hyenas but also three other social species: bottle-nosed dolphins, rock hyrax, and sleepy lizards.

In the new work, the team aimed to refine their model to better understand the intricacies of social inheritance in hyenas. They were fortunate to have a robust dataset collected by Akçay and Ilany's coauthor, zoologist Kay Holekamp of Michigan State University, consisting of 27 years of detailed accounting of a clan's social interactions.

"We realized we could use that dataset to directly test our model, to see if social ties are inherited or not," Akçay says.

Field biologists from Holekamp's research group had meticulously tracked how hyenas in a clan interacted, including who spent time with whom as well as the social rank of each member. To do so, researchers spent months getting to know each member of the clan by sight.

"They are there year-round, every day, identifying individuals by their specific spot patterns and other characteristics," Ilany says.

These observations allowed Akçay, Ilany, and Holekamp to map out hyenas' social networks based on which individuals spent time close together.

"This use of proximity to track social networks isn't possible with humans, as two strangers might randomly get into an elevator together," Ilany says. "But with hyenas, if one individual gets within a few meters of another, that suggests that they have a social connection."

With this picture of each individual's social affiliations in hand, the researchers compared the social networks of mothers to their offspring. "We developed a new metric to measure social inheritance, to track how faithfully an offspring's network reproduces its mother's network," Akçay says.

Hyena cubs stick close to their mothers for the first couple years of life, so the networks of mothers and their offsprings were quite similar to start. However, the researchers noticed that even as the young stopped spending so much time in close proximity to their mothers they still sustained quite similar networks, particularly for female offspring, who generally remain members of the clan for life. "We have data in some cases showing that the network similarity between mothers and offspring, especially female offspring, was still very high after six or so years," says Ilany. "You may not be seeing your mother as often, or she even may have died, but you still have similar friends."

This pattern was especially strong for the higher-ranking mothers, for whom social inheritance was the strongest in the group.

"That is kind of intuitive because things like that happen in human society as well," Akçay says. "It happens so much we take it for granted. We inherit social connections, and there's a lot of social science research that shows that this has a huge influence on people's life trajectory."

Offspring of lower-ranking mothers were less likely to reproduce their mother's social networks, perhaps trying to compensate for their more lowly origins by associating with a greater variety of individuals.

There is no genetic inheritance of rank or close associates in this species, so in Holekamp's opinion one of the most remarkable things about the phenomenon documented here is that the youngsters' relationships with their mothers' close associates are all learned very early in life. One explanation for why inheritance of social networks works better for high- than for low-ranking hyenas may be that low-ranking females tend to go off on their own more often to avoid competition with higher-ranking hyenas, so their cubs have fewer learning opportunities than cubs of high-ranking females.

Mother-offspring pairs with more similar social networks also lived longer, the team found. This effect on survivorship may owe to the fact that offspring who spend more time with their mothers and thus replicate their social networks benefit from the increased care.

Social rank also had an effect on survivorship and reproductive success.

"Rank is super important," says Akçay. "If you're born to a lower-ranked mother, you are less likely to survive and to reproduce."

The researchers note that social network inheritance likely contributes to a group's stability and also has implications for how behaviors are learned and spread through groups.

The study also underscores how factors other than genetics hold sway in key evolutionary outcomes, including reproductive success and overall survival. "A lot of things that are considered by default to be genetically determined may depend on environmental and social processes," says Ilany.


Erol Akçay is an associate professor of biology in the School of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania.

Amiyaal Ilany is a senior lecturer at the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences at Bar-Ilan University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship working with Akçay at Penn.

Kay Holekamp is a professor of zoology at Michigan State University.

The research was supported by the Israel Science Foundation (grants 244/19 and 245/19), U.S. Army Research Office (Grant W911NF-17-1-0017), Israel-U.S. Binational Science Foundation (grants 2015088 and 2019156), and National Science Foundation (grants 185

Inherited social networks shape spotted hyena society and survival


Research News

In spotted hyena societies, inherited social networks - passed from mothers to offspring - are essential to hyena life and survival, according to a new study. While the structure of animal social networks plays an important role in all social processes as well as health, survival and reproductive success, the general mechanisms that determine social structure in the wild remain unknown. One proposed model, termed social inheritance, suggests that an offspring's social affiliations tend to resemble those of their parents, particularly those of the mother. Previous research has indicated that these inherited social networks may influence social structure across generations in multiple species. Here, Amiyaal Ilany and colleagues evaluate the role of social inheritance in spotted hyena society, which is female-dominated and highly structured. Combining social network analysis and a transgenerational dataset comprised of 73,767 social observations among a population of wild hyenas collected over 27 years, Ilany et al. found that that the social relationships of juvenile hyenas are similar to those of their mothers and that the degree of similarity increases with the mother's social rank. What's more, the results show that the strength of the maternal relationship affects social inheritance and is also positively correlated with the long-term survival for both mother and offspring. According to the authors, the findings suggest that selection for social inheritance might play an essential role in shaping hyena social behavior and the fitness of individual hyenas. "Future work should seek to examine how widely specific social relationships are inherited in a range of population structures and what implications this has for the rate of evolution of the many processes that depend on social network structure," write Josh Firth and Ben Sheldon in a related Perspective.


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A massive study of data collected over 27 years, published today in the journal Science, sheds new light on social networks, rank and survival of spotted hyenas.

Dr. Amiyaal Ilany, a biologist at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, integrates behavioral ecology, network science, and social science, to study broad aspects of social behavior in the wild. As a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, he developed, together with Dr. Erol Akçay, a theoretical model suggesting that social inheritance - in which offspring inherit their social bonds from their parents, either passively or by copying them - could explain the social networks of multiple species. To test their model Ilany and Akçay forged a partnership with Dr. Kay Holekamp, of Michigan State University. Holekamp had spent the previous 27 years observing wild spotted hyenas in Kenya. Poring over Holekamp's data, which included nearly 74,000 social interactions among the spotted creatures, they were able to show, for the first time on such a large scale, that their model correctly hypothesized that a process of social inheritance determines how offspring relationships are formed and maintained. Their study also elucidates the major role that social rank plays in structuring the spotted hyena clan, and how this affects survival.


Lily Johnson-Ulrich

Among spotted hyenas, social ties are inherited

Massive study of data collected over 27 years sheds light on social networks, rank, and survival of this African species


Research News




Social networks among animals are critical to various aspects of their lives, including reproductive success and survival, and could even teach us more about human relationships.

Dr. Amiyaal Ilany, a biologist at the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, integrates behavioral ecology, network science, and social science, to study broad aspects of social behavior in the wild. As a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, he developed, together with Dr. Erol Akçay, a theoretical model suggesting that social inheritance - in which offspring inherit their social bonds from their parents, either passively or by copying them - could explain the social networks of multiple species.

In a study published today in the journal Science, the researchers show, for the first time on such a large scale, that their model correctly hypothesized that a process of social inheritance determines how offspring relationships are formed and maintained. Their study also elucidates the major role that social rank plays in structuring the spotted hyena clan, and how this affects survival.

To test their model Ilany and Akçay forged a partnership with Dr. Kay Holekamp, of Michigan State University. Holekamp had spent the previous 27 years observing wild spotted hyenas in Kenya. The researchers pored over Holekamp's data, which included nearly 74,000 social interactions among the spotted creatures.

"Social affiliations are, indeed, inherited within clusters of hyenas. The plethora of data on spotted hyenas that was collected by Kay Holecamp provided us with a golden opportunity to test the model we developed several years ago," says Dr. Ilany, the lead author of the study. "We found overwhelming evidence that social connections of offspring are similar to those of the mother. A mother who has social affiliations with another hyena can connect her offspring to that hyena and the two, in turn, will form a social bond. Even after the mother-offspring bond itself weakens dramatically, the offspring still remain connected to their mother's friends."

Spotted hyenas live in clans, the size of which depends on the abundance of prey and may vary from only a few individuals to more than a hundred. Life in the clan can be difficult for lower-ranked individuals. They may be excluded and may not get access to food.

"Rank is super important," says Dr. Akçay, who co-authored the study. "Spotted hyena live in a matriarchal society. Those born to a lower-ranked mother are less likely to survive and to reproduce." Descendants of high-class individuals face fewer constraints than descendants of lower-class individuals in choosing their social partners. The researchers found that offspring born to high-ranked mothers copied their mother's bonds more accurately than those born to low-ranked mothers.

Social inheritance plays an important role in survival, and the researchers discovered an association between the two in both mothers and female offspring. There was a positive relationship between offspring survival and social associations that were similar to their mothers, but only in offspring of high-ranked mothers. Mothers of offspring who were more similar to them in social association were more likely to survive to the following year, possibly reflecting a change in maternal relationships as they get older.

The results of this study suggest that social inheritance plays an important role in building the social networks of hyenas and further supports Ilany's and Akçay's hypothesis that in species with stable social groups, the inheritance of social connections from parents is the cornerstone of social structure. In several species successful social integration is associated with higher survival and reproductive success. The results add to this by showing that social inheritance is also associated with both offspring and mother survival.

The researchers note that social network inheritance likely contributes to a group's stability, and also has implications for how behaviors are learned and spread through groups. The study also underscores how factors other than genetics hold sway in key evolutionary outcomes, including reproductive success and overall survival. "A lot of things that are considered by default to be genetically determined may depend on environmental and social processes," concludes Ilany.


A massive study of data collected over 27 years, published today in the journal Science, sheds new light on social networks, rank and survival of spotted hyenas.

Dr. Amiyaal Ilany, a biologist at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, integrates behavioral ecology, network science, and social science, to study broad aspects of social behavior in the wild. As a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, he developed, together with Dr. Erol Akçay, a theoretical model suggesting that social inheritance - in which offspring inherit their social bonds from their parents, either passively or by copying them - could explain the social networks of multiple species. To test their model Ilany and Akçay forged a partnership with Dr. Kay Holekamp, of Michigan State University. Holekamp had spent the previous 27 years observing wild spotted hyenas in Kenya.

Poring over Holekamp's data, which included nearly 74,000 social interactions among the spotted creatures, they were able to show, for the first time on such a large scale, that their model correctly hypothesized that a process of social inheritance determines how offspring relationships are formed and maintained. Their study also elucidates the major role that social rank plays in structuring the spotted hyena clan, and how this affects survival.


Lily Johnson-Ulrich

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Early-life social connections influence gene expression, stress resilience


Research News




Having friends may not only be good for the health of your social life, but also for your actual health--if you're a hyena, that is. Strong social connections and greater maternal care early in life can influence molecular markers related to gene expression in DNA and future stress response, suggests a new University of Colorado Boulder study of spotted hyenas in the wild.

Researchers found that more social connection and maternal care during a hyena's cub and subadult, or "teenage," years corresponded with lower adult stress hormone levels and fewer modifications to DNA, including near genes involved in immune function, inflammation and aging. 

Published this week in Nature Communications, the study is one of the first to examine the association between early-life social environments and later effects on markers of health and stress response in wild animals.

"This study supports this idea that, yes, these early experiences do matter. They seem to have an effect at the molecular level and future stress response--and they're persistent," said lead author Zach Laubach, a postdoctoral fellow in ecology and evolutionary biology.

As far back as the 1950s and 60s, laboratory research has drawn associations between early life experiences in rodents, primates and humans and behavioral and physiological differences later in life. One landmark study published in 2004 also showed that the offspring of rats who got licked and groomed more by their mothers had less DNA methylation in a gene involved in regulating stress response. This kick-started the desire for more evidence that early life experiences could be related to patterns of modification in genes that influence stress and health.

One of the missing pieces in the past 20 years of research has been the ability to study this relationship in wild animals.

Enter the Masai Mara Hyena Project. Launched by co-authors Kay E. Holekamp and Laura Smale of Michigan State University in the 1980s, the project has collected more than 30 years of uninterrupted data on hyena populations in Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. With this invaluable resource for studying animal behavior, evolution and conservation, the researchers have been able to utilize generations of data on individually known animals to draw connections between their interactions, behaviors and biological markers.

"Being able to measure behavior, physiology and molecular markers from the same population has allowed us to dig deeper into the possible mechanisms," said Laubach, who has been working with data from this project for nearly a decade.

Healthy stress response

Hyenas are ideal for such research as they are devoted mothers, have a strict social hierarchy and follow a consistent timeline for raising their cubs. Instead of giving birth to larger litters, they typically have one or two cubs at a time. Soon after birth, the cubs move into a communal den, where they are integrated into their peer group. For the next year, they still nurse and their mother licks and grooms them, but after that the cubs start to wander out of the den and, like teenagers, learn to start making their way in the world.

The researchers found that the more socially connected hyenas were during their teenage years, the lower their baseline stress hormone levels were later in life. This generally indicates a healthy stress response: Stress hormones can be elevated in an appropriate situation--like when being chased by a lion or a higher-ranking hyena--and when nothing's happening, levels of stress hormones remain low.

"So if you have more friends as a subadult, essentially, you have lower stress hormone levels as an adult," said Laubach. "This suggests that the type, timing and mechanisms that link these early life experiences with stress seem to be important not only in controlled laboratory settings but also in the wild, where animals are subject to natural variation."

In general, hyenas, like other vertebrates, benefit from the effects of stress hormones (e.g. cortisol) mobilizing energy, increasing their heart rate and shutting down non-essential functions, like digestion or reproduction, when escaping a dangerous situation. However, there are significant physical drawbacks to these processes occurring chronically, day after day in humans or other animals as the result of chronic stressors. That's why having a healthy stress response is so critical.

"We need these stress hormones because they are critical to a variety of basic biological functions," said Laubach. "And in the right context, like when escaping a predator, they can save your life. But when elevated chronically, these hormones can be detrimental to your health," said Laubach.

Time travel through DNA

The researchers also wanted to find out if the relationships between early life social experiences and how stress presents later in life is managed by molecular mechanisms.

To do this, Laubach and his co-authors measured and analyzed the level of care and interaction the animal received in early life and their associations with certain modifications to its DNA later in life. These modifications can, through a process known as DNA methylation, end up changing the expression of certain genes, which can in turn, affect an animal's physiology or behavior.

The researchers found that the maternal care hyenas received during their first year of life, as well as their social connections after den independence, corresponded to differences in DNA methylation levels.

"This echoes a growing body of epidemiological work which studies how the timing of an exposure affects a health outcome. The idea is that, as an organism develops, there are certain points in time, often referred to as sensitive periods, when an exposure has a larger and a more persistent effect than if that exposure occurred at a later point in time," said Laubach.


Additional authors on this paper include Julia R. Greenberg, Julie W. Turner and Kay E. Holekamp of Michigan State University and the Mara Hyena Project; Tracy M. Montgomery of Michigan State University, the Mara Hyena Project and the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior; Malit O. Pioon of the Mara Hyena Project; Maggie A. Sawdy, and Laura Smale of Michigan State University; Raymond G. Cavalcante, Karthik R. Padmanabhan and Claudia Lalancette of the University of Michigan; Bridgett vonHoldt of Princeton University; Christopher D. Faulk of the University of Minnesota; Dana C. Dolinoy of the University of Michigan and University of Michigan School of Public Health; and Wei Perng of the University of Colorado Denver.

Monday, April 01, 2024


Small birds spice up the already diverse diet of spotted hyenas in Namibia

Spotted hyena hunting birds at a waterhole in Namibia 



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Hyenas are generalist predators (and scavengers) with a broad range of prey species. They are known for hunting (or scavenging) larger mammals such as antelopes and occasionally feed on smaller mammals and reptiles. Being flexible in the choice of prey is a strategy of generalists – and this even extends to small passerine birds, as scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) and the University of Ljubljana observed in Namibia: Spotted hyenas pursued red-billed queleas, picked them from the ground or the surface of a waterhole and swallowed them whole, at a success rate of approximately one bird every three minutes. These observations were described for the first time in word, photos and videos in the scientific journal “Food Webs”.

The diet breadth of hyenas is matched by few other carnivores. Spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) are known to hunt a variety of larger mammals such as zebras and antelopes in southern and eastern Africa – but also ostriches, flamingos, reptiles, other carnivores. They also scavenge on carcasses from giraffes to elephants and cattle. Until now very few observations of hyenas feeding on small birds were reported. “In our paper we describe for the first time the hunting and feeding behaviour of spotted hyenas on red-billed queleas (Quelea quelea), a passerine bird known for its huge flocks, at a waterhole in the Etosha National Park in Namibia”, say Rubén Portas and Dr. Miha Krofel, scientists working for the Leibniz-IZW and the University of Ljubljana. On two different days they observed, filmed and photographed spotted hyenas chasing flying birds or picking them from the ground or the water surface, and devouring them whole at the waterhole. “We observed that a single hyena can catch on average one bird every three minutes”, the scientists conclude from their observations.

The scientists could draw some conclusions about the feeding behaviour of spotted hyenas from their observations. “It adds to the known variety of the spotted hyena diet and hunting tactics, since this behaviour has not been documented before”, says Portas. “It confirms their flexibility and ability to exploit foraging opportunities and obtaining food from unusual sources. We can also provide a first estimate on the capture rates and the food intake of hyenas hunting passerine birds.” As the observations were limited to a single waterhole, it is possible that the described foraging tactic was specific to the hyenas from the observed clan and occurred as an opportunistic response to an abundant food source, the authors say. Between May and August, thousands of wintering red-billed queleas gather at waterholes in Namibia.

Portas and Krofel regularly carry out field research on vultures, lions, leopards and hyenas and investigate carnivore-scavenger interactions and information transfer in the scavenger community for the GAIA Initiative and InterMuc projects in Etosha National Park. The GAIA Initiative is an alliance of research institutes, conservation organisations and companies with the aim of creating a high-tech early warning system for environmental changes. In several projects, the GAIA partners conduct wildlife research on selected species, their interaction and the functioning of ecosystems they inhabit. On this basis, the GAIA scientists and engineers build and utilize high-tech interfaces to the senses and intelligence of sentinel animals in order to detect critical changes or incidents in ecosystems fast and effectively. To this end, they develop a new generation of animal tags equipped with on-board artificial intelligence (AI), a camera, energy-efficient electronics and satellite-based communication technology.