Saturday, January 28, 2006

Union Free State Capitalism

Neo-liberal state capitalism is not nationalized industry operated by the state, instead its the state funding of private capitalism.

In this case it's the Nova Scotia government funding the French Multinational Michelin which proudly proclaims itself 'Union Free'.

For Nova Scotias decades of investment, over $80 million dollars ,one would expect that workers who pay the taxes to support Michelin would have the right to unionize. But no such luck under neo-liberal state capitalism the state puts impediments in the way of unionizing.

Union at the gate, but Michelin to pump millions into Nova Scotia ... CBC News

Organizing the Michelin workers has been a tough struggle for unions, due largely to a law known as the Michelin bill requiring activists to organize workers at the entire organization in the province, rather than on a plant-by-plant basis. The Canadian Auto Workers have tried repeatedly to unionize despite the law, with the last attempt collapsing five years ago.

Usually it's he who pays the piper that calls the tune. But not with neo-liberal state capitalism, it's the government that gives the carrots; tax breaks and investment capital, and business that carries the big stick; threats to relocate refusal to accept unionization, environmental restrictions, regulations, etc.

Nova Scotia will spend another $10.8 million to back Michelin's expansion plans in Waterville. The company says this means 75 new jobs.

Wow what a deal. That works out to an investment of $133,333,333 per job.


Bait and Switch

Here is the Canadian corporate capitalist version of bait and switch. Same thing happened when Maple Leaf closed their Gainers plant in Edmonton and a plant in Brampton to open one up in Manitoba.

Hog plant still on Winnipeg Sun -
Plans to build a new pork-processing plant in Winnipeg aren't being turfed in spite of closures of a similar swine slaughterhouse in Quebec. Olymel plant closing a shock for town Montreal Gazette

Well it shouldn't be surprise since in both the case of Maple Leaf Foods and now Olymel the union involved was UFCW. In both these cases UFCW advised workers to strike, and in losing the strikes ended up losing the jobs as the companies declared plants redundant and moved.

Yet with the relocation of the plants, UFCW retains unionized members. And union dues.It's collusion between the bosses and this yellow rat union. They are no better than CLAC whom they compete with in attempting to control workers in the agribusiness industry in Canada.

Time for a real workers union in retail and wholesale agribusiness in Canada not a yellow business union. Time for an autonomous worker controlled union, not a branch plant of an American business union.

While none of this story is on the UFCW website, Olymel provides us with an overview of the sellout of the workers in Quebec.
January 27, 2006
Olymel L.P. announces investments in several areas and redeployment of other operations
14:00 ET
November 14, 2005
1,100 Jobs Created in Winnipeg with $200 million OlyWest Pork Processing Plant Investment 16:09 ET
October 20, 2005
Given the rejection of the Memorandum of Agreement by St-Hyacinthe plant employees, Olymel L.P. must assume its responsibilities 14:40 ET
October 17, 2005
Saint-Hyacinthe plant: Olymel L.P. and union reach agreement 13:47 ET
September 20, 2005
Olymel L.P. turns the page on its plan to reopen its Princeville plant 12:45 ET
May 6, 2005
Olymel l.p. announces the redeployment of a portion of its operations from three of its Quebec plants 10:00 ET
April 14, 2005
Favourable Opinion from the Competition Bureau: Supraliment l.p. and Olymel l.p. undertake a Promising Merger 10:00 ET Photos
February 12, 2004
Olymel confirms final shutdown 13:16 ET
February 6, 2004
Olymel Is Consolidating Its Processing Activities and Closing Operations at Its Princeville Plant

See This is Class War


Opportunism has a name

Gee wasn't that Federal Election only six days ago. It's barely cold. And already one newly elected MP has turned his eyes to greener pastures.

Pallister to return to Manitoba, explore PC leadership options

No sooner was he elected as a Conservative MP then he announces he plans to quit.
If he likes the direction of the winds of change blowing in Manitoba. Uh huh, wait a minute the Conservative leadership race in Manitoba was announced some time ago wasn't it. Yep it was.

And on election night when asked about his intentions
Pallister squelches rumours he’s after Manitoba Tory leadership

Can you spell opportunism? P A L L I S T E R

Why even the Blogging Tories are stunned.
This is wrong

All I can say is Go Pallister Go.

That would leave Harper with 123 MP's and a byelection.


Here Here

Couldn't have said it better myself; David Frum is an Idiot

My Frum stories


There Is Only One Liberal Leader

Frank McKenna and John Manley have bowed out, Stephane Dion is playing coy. Sheila Copps has another job. Belinda is pondering it. But the fix is in. The Liberals do not have leadership contests they have royal accension and crowings with laurels of the the victor.

So please all you Liberal Bloggers, and those Blogging Tories, who are given to speculation as to who the new Liberal Party Leader will be.

Stop before you hurt yourselves. There is only one leader for the party

It was a foregone conclusion, why speculate. It is Michael Igantieff. Now shut up and lets get on with the coronation.

Intelligent designs

If Paul Martin, the current prime minister and Liberal leader, loses on Monday, and Ignatieff hangs on and wins his constituency, he will be very well placed for a leadership contest. "There's no doubt about it. He's going to be one of the Liberal stars, and they're looking for a star," says Aileen McCabe, a parliamentary correspondent in Ottawa for the CanWest News Service. "With Trudeau, there was a glamour to it, and we haven't had much glamour since."

Ignatieff’s path to the top takes the long way
Canada asks Ignatieff: Are you one of us?

Mr Ignatieff had been widely tipped as a future Liberal leader after his surprise entry into the fray. That might explain his willingness to trade his chair in human rights at Harvard University for a backwater in western Toronto, a mixed district of wealthy mansions, poor housing estates and big eastern European communities.

The great bright hope
The idea of Ignatieff’s return to Canada seemed simple enough back in the spring of 2004, when a group of influential Liberal activists - lawyers, businessmen and others - met one night on the porch of Alfred Apps, a Toronto lawyer and party veteran, to discuss the state of the nation. Over some soggy Caesar salad, one of the businessmen, Rocco Rossi, mentioned Michael Ignatieff, whom he had seen giving a captivating lecture on the future of the Liberal imagination at the University of Toronto. “That man could be prime minister one day,” he said. The others agreed.

Oh and did I mention he is the Toronto Star's fave politico. So there, thats all done but the TV show; Liberal Leadership Idol.

Ignatieff says he'll deal with Liberal `mess'

Michael Ignatieff admits the Liberal government's "failings" and tells a voter he'll take a shovel to Ottawa to "try to clean up the mess" if he's elected as MP for Etobicoke-Lakeshore.The former Harvard professor is using his rookie status to bluntly criticize the multi-million-dollar Quebec sponsorship scandal as he campaigns to keep the riding, held by Jean Augustine since 1993, in Liberal hands as voters express a desire for change.

Ignatieff's defeat would be our loss
Toronto Star, Canada - 2 Jan 2006
Whatever they do to Liberals across the country, voters in Toronto's Etobicoke-Lakeshore should rally to Michael Ignatieff. Why? ...


Harpers Corns

A very good and very funny satire on the Harper going to the Hospital. In this case it's Ms. Prime Minister Designate going to the hospital for her corns. I know here it comes.....wait for it......... it's cornball humour. Oh and did I mention that it is poltical. Of course from one of our own Redmonton Blogging Tories. How could it not be. But still funny. Read it here.


Chris McKinstry

A follow up on my article on the Canadian Cyberfreek that committed suicide in Chile, while livve broadcasting over the net.

Here are links about his life, death and the aftermath.

The repercussions have impacted the blogosphere in that at least one major software site has shut down its chat forums, because McKinstry left his suicide note on their Forum.

Folks weren't sure if it was a joke or serious. Those who did take it seriously contacted authorities in Chile. To late.

This is the reality of instant communications. That exist in real time. We are used to time slowing, the seven second delay on radio and TV.

When I read news on the internet for instance I am surprised to see it a day later as headlines in the papers. Sometimes articles I find in the news appear days later.

On TV same thing, the 24/7 cable news is the ever present now. Sometimes. Such as the BBC coverage of last years tsunami. Whereas it appeared on the American cable news channels hours later. After the obligatory car chase and missing kids stories.

And communications by email or even in chat rooms can be delayed though the later is almost instantaneous. Which makes it even more foreboding when someone does commit suicide on line. You have no time to talk them down. Unlike phone and face to face communications. You are talking to an anonymous entity in cyberspace who may not be real. And in that time that you have to judge the reality or seriousness of this persons threat, it may be the moments have ticked by already. Too late.

The fact is that McKinstry lived in cyberspace, and died in cyberspace. As I pointed out in my original article he was an alienated individual alone, and living in a world of his own making. His suicide note was an existential statement of his (alienated) individuality to the world outside of his own. He was alone and he was a cyborg.

Also see my articles:

Good Morning Dave

Gothic Capitalism


So Long, Thanks For All The Fish

Not only are the Blogging Tories resigning from the blogosphere, now that their guy got elected. (What no more scandals to uncover? Just wait.) But now the last Chretienite Standing; Warren Kinsella, has folded up his tent and left the blogosphere to others.

His work here is done. Like the BT, WK was a one trick pony, out to dis PM as PM. But wait perhaps he isn't really gone. Hard to tell from his blog, where he announces his imminent retirement only to come out of retirement to say people are asking him not to retire.

Yeah I know its confusing but it's WK. It's like his politics. He really isn't a liberal. He is a Liberal of convenience.Its all about getting work for his lobbying and research business.

He has moved on now to provincial politics with Dalton McGuinty's Liberals. And as usual scandal follows.

Harinder Takhar broke Integrity Act: Commissioner

Takhar won't quit post despite his promise

Land deals behind Sorbara probe

McGuinty staffer gets job with lottery group

WK is the Typhoid Mary of the Liberals. Has no one figured out that when it comes to scandal, it follows WK around. Apparently not.

A tip o the blog to
Bowie Call for this

My blog articles on Warren


Conservative Morality

Here is a fine example of Conservative morality. It's ok to lie to the media. It's ok to lie. Sounds familar doesn't it. Sounds like the moral values of Dr. Goebbels. "If you tell a lie, tell a big one."

In this case outspoken American rightwhingnut Paul Weyrich admits he lied to , lied not misled, a Canadian reporter during the election, about the American Right wing involvement with Harper and the Conservatives, according to the Globe and Mail.

And he is rather proud of himself for it too.
So if you lie, then why should we believe anything you say.

Mr. Weyrich acknowledges in the commentary that he evaded questions last week from Canadian journalists who called asking him about an e-mail he wrote to fellow conservatives urging them to stay mum if they were asked to comment on the coming Canadian vote.

In the e-mail, copies of which were obtained by The Globe and Mail and The Canadian Press, Mr. Weyrich said that voters in Canada had been led to believe that U.S. conservatives were "scary" so it would be best if right-wing leaders kept their mouths shut before crowing about a likely Tory win.

Last week, Mr. Weyrich declined to confirm that he wrote the e-mail and said he did not know Gerard Chipeur, the Calgary lawyer and Harper supporter who had asked Mr. Weyrich to get the no-interview message across to other U.S. conservatives.

But in this week's commentary, Mr. Weyrich recounted the story with some gloating. He explained how Mr. Chipeur had contacted him "out of concern for what the left-wing Canadian media could do to obtain from some unsuspecting United States conservative an off-the-charts quote which could be hung around Prime Minister-elect Stephen Harper's neck."

Mr. Weyrich described how he had asked his associate, Bob Thompson, to write up the e-mail seeking to muzzle his fellow conservatives until after the election, only to discover that the message had soon been leaked to the press.

"After speaking with two Canadian reporters, I chose not to return such telephone calls. In the end, there just wasn't enough there to make a fuss, although there was potential to blow this sky high. Conservatives did not conduct interviews. Small victory."

And he accuses Canada of being cultural Marxists, there's that shade of Dr. Goebbels again hovering in the rhetoric of the American right.

The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never again escape from it.


Poor American rightwhingnuts can't tell the difference between social democracy, socialism and Marxism. But what the hell do you expect from cultural conservatives who take the bible literally and think dinosaurs lived with men.

Here is another ironic comparison between Dr. Goebbels and Mr. Weyrich;
both of them suffered from disabilities.Perhaps their outrageous views are a compensation factor, or it could just be a coincidence of history.

And yet because of his disability Weyrich supports public ownership of rail and transit, by right wing standards that would be a form of National Socialism.

Who is Paul Weyrich and why should you care? Read this; Harper: Free advice from Weyrich, godfather of the right


Hamas Refuses To Recognize Harper

An unnamed spokesman for Hamas today told this blog that the new Hamas government in Palestine will not recognize Stephen Harper as Prime Minister of Canada or his new Conservative Government.

"We had a landslide victory and Harper refuses to recognize us as the legitimate government of the Palestinians, what a joke. He has a squeeker of an election and a minority government and he wants recognition. We certainly have more legitimacy then his government. "

The unnamed Hamas spokesman suggested the Conservative Leader and PM designate was unduly influenced by Canadian Blogger Warren Kinsella and expatriates like David Frum.

"Now that Carolyn Parrish is gone they only have Hamas to kick around" the unnamed spokesman said.

Harper,the new Canadian PM designate is upset over the issue of the Palestianian armed struggle.

"He is mad because we have a military and he doesn't." said the unnamed spokesman.

The Palestinians' democratic choice must be respected

The excuses given for refusing to deal with Hamas will not wash. This is a chance for Europe to have an independent role

Jonathan Steele
Friday January 27, 2006
The Guardian

A tip o the blog to BBS and Arabian Dissent for this, you guys inspired me.

Yes this is a satire.

For a good non-satirical article see:
The government of Hamas should be recognized!

Previous articles on Hamas
