Saturday, November 21, 2020

Facebook Has A Rule To Stop Calls To Arms. Moderators Didn't Enforce It Ahead Of The Kenosha Shootings.

“What we learned after Kenosha is that Facebook’s call to arms policy didn’t just fail. It was never designed to function properly in the first place.”

Ryan MacBuzzFeed News Reporter
Craig SilvermanBuzzFeed News Reporter

Posted on November 16, 2020

Andrew Lichtenstein / Getty Images
A small memorial decorates a lamppost near where a 17-year-old shot and killed Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, two supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in August.

In August, following a Facebook event at which two protesters were shot and killed in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Mark Zuckerberg called the company’s failure to take down the event page asking militant attendees to bring weapons “an operational mistake.” There had been a new policy established earlier that month “to restrict” the ability of right-wing militants to post or organize in groups, Facebook’s CEO said, and under that rule, the event page should have been removed.

BuzzFeed News has learned, however, that Facebook also failed to enforce a separate year-old call to arms policy that specifically prohibited event pages from encouraging people to bring weapons to intimidate and harass vulnerable individuals. Three sources familiar with the company’s content moderation practices told BuzzFeed News that Facebook had not instructed third-party content moderators to enforce a part of its call to arms policy that was first established in June 2019.

“What we learned after Kenosha is that Facebook’s call to arms policy didn’t just fail,” said Farhana Khera, the executive director of Muslim Advocates, a civil rights organization that pressured Facebook to create the rule. “It was never designed to function properly in the first place.”

“It was never designed to function properly in the first place.”

Facebook’s lack of enforcement around its call to arms policy exacerbated its failure to prevent violence in Kenosha, where, on the night of Aug. 25, armed right-wing militants heeded a call on Facebook to counterprotests against the police shooting of a 29-year-old Black man, Jacob Blake. It also shows that while Facebook touts its stated policies, its enforcement of those rules can be haphazard and hamstrung by internal restrictions that render its army of contract moderators unable to act in the face of dangerous content and organizations.

On Monday, 15 Democratic senators sent a letter to Zuckerberg that condemned Facebook for its abetting of violence and hate speech against Muslims, as well as its failure to enforce the call to arms policy. The year-old rule was created in large part due to pressure from Muslim advocacy groups, which since 2015 had flagged multiple instances where organizers of Facebook events had advocated for followers to bring weapons to mosques and other places of worship.

“We understand that the contractors who review user-reported content are not instructed to enforce a core component of the call to arms policy,” Sens. Chris Coons, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and others wrote to Zuckerberg. “It is not apparent that Facebook ensures meaningful enforcement of this policy, and that is not acceptable.”

Two sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity told BuzzFeed News that after discussions with Facebook, they learned that the company only selectively enforced its call to arms policy. If, for example, an event page specifically asked people to bring guns to a place of worship or other high-risk locations, a third-party content moderator had the ability to disable that event.

If, however, an event page asked people to bring guns but didn’t explicitly intimidate a protected group or target a high-risk area, third-party moderators could not take action or rule against the page, those people said.

“Our global team of content reviewers are trained to enforce our policies including against hate speech, violence and incitement and dangerous organizations, but certain elements of our policies require additional context and expertise to enforce and in those cases, it is our specialized teams that review this content and take action accordingly,” said Facebook spokesperson Liz Bourgeois.

She did not specifically say why the company’s "specialized teams" did not take action on the posts calling for people to bring weapons to Kenosha.
Do you work at Facebook or another technology company? We’d love to hear from you. Reach out at,, or via one of our tip line channels.

The lack of enforcement on a portion of the call to arms policy, which was introduced in June 2019 as the company was undergoing a civil rights audit, is part of the reason why the Kenosha Facebook event stayed online long after it led to the shooting deaths of two protesters. As BuzzFeed News previously reported, Facebook users had flagged the event page, “Armed Citizens to Protect our Lives and Property,” 455 times ahead of its start date on the night of Aug. 25, but four moderators had deemed it “non-violating” of any Facebook rules.

During a companywide meeting in late August following the night of violence, Zuckerberg acknowledged the company had made a mistake in not taking the event down sooner, particularly because it violated a rule labeling right-wing militant groups as “Dangerous Individuals and Organizations” for their celebrations of violence.

The company did not catch the page despite user reports, Zuckerberg said, because the complaints had been sent to content moderation contractors who were not versed in “how certain militias” operate. “On second review, doing it more sensitively, the team that was responsible for dangerous organizations recognized that this violated the policies and we took it down.”

Zuckerberg made no mention of the call to arms policy, part of which Facebook had not instructed moderators to enforce, according to Khera. She told BuzzFeed News that shortly after the shooting deaths in Kenosha, Muslim Advocates held a call with members of Facebook’s policy, content, and dangerous organizations teams to understand what had happened.

“Based on Facebook’s response, it became clear not only that the call to arms policy should have applied to the Kenosha Guard event page, but also that the people whose job was to receive complaints about the page were not trained to enforce the policy and did not know they were supposed to escalate complaints about a call to arms,” Khera said. “As a result, when the complaints started coming in about Kenosha, the content reviewers effectively denied them and did not escalate anything.”

Facebook is now facing a lawsuit from Black Lives Matter protesters and the partner of a man who was killed in Kenosha. That suit, which was filed in September in Wisconsin federal courts, argues that Facebook was negligent in allowing the militant group Kenosha Guard to persist on its platform and ultimately create an event page.

In previous statements, Facebook said the alleged Kenosha shooter did not RSVP to the Kenosha Guard’s event and did not follow its page. It remains unclear if he viewed the page or otherwise knew about the event.

“It seems like only a matter of time before this happens again,” said Joan Donovan, the research director of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy. “Facebook must confront its business model that favors scale over public health and well-being.”

“Facebook must confront its business model that favors scale over public health and well-being.”

On Tuesday, Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey are expected to testify in a Senate Judiciary hearing focused on exploring censorship and platform moderation on the world’s largest social networks. With their letter, the 15 Democratic senators are signaling Facebook’s leader may be in for plenty of questioning — and criticism — during the event.

“As members of Congress who are deeply disturbed by the proliferation of this hate speech on your platform, we urge you to do more,” they wrote.

Harvard lecturer and content moderation researcher evelyn douek commended the senators’ letter for attempting to highlight the gap between Facebook’s policy announcements and its applications of those policies.

“We've gotten to a place where for many of the major platforms, their policies on paper are mostly fine and good,” she said. “But the question is always, always ‘Can and will they enforce them effectively?’”

This Neo-Nazi Group Is Organizing On Facebook 
Despite A Year-Old Ban

Ukraine’s Azov movement, which the State Department calls a “nationalist hate group,” is running ads, organizing violence, and exporting its far-right ideas.

Christopher MillerBuzzFeed News Contributor

Posted on November 16, 2020

Sopa Images / SOPA Images/LightRocket via Gett
Members of the Azov movement shout slogans during the March of Patriots in Kyiv, March 2020.

Despite attempts to drive it off the platform, a violent Ukrainian far-right group with ties to American white supremacists is using Facebook to recruit new members, organize violence, and spread its far-right ideology across the world.

Although it banned the Azov movement and its leaders more than a year ago, Facebook continues to profit from ads placed by the far-right organization as recently as Monday.

Since July, Azov, which sprung up during the Russian invasion in 2014, has opened at least a dozen new Facebook pages. Alla Zasyadko, a 25-year-old member, has used one to place 82 ads on the social network, paying Facebook at least $3,726, according to the platform’s ad library. Many of the ads called for street protests against the Ukrainian government. One of the ads encourages children to sign up for a patriotic youth training course. Similar courses have included firearms training.

Zasyadko did not respond to requests for comment.

A Facebook spokesperson told BuzzFeed News, “The Azov Battalion is banned from our platforms and we remove content that represents, praises or supports them when we’re made aware of it.”

At the time this story was published, the Azov movement’s main Facebook page, listed as Ukrainian Corps — a name that resembles that of the movement’s political arm, National Corps — was still active.

Facebook has come under heavy criticism for allowing US right-wing militant organizations to organize and run ads on the platform. Some of those groups have committed violence during Black Lives Matter protests, advocated for civil war, and allegedly conspired to kidnap and kill elected political officials. Facebook said last month that it had deleted thousands of pages and groups tied to “militarized social movements.” Many of those pages and groups were taken down after BuzzFeed News brought them to Facebook’s attention.

But driving right-wing extremists from the social network has proven difficult, with many of them popping up again days or weeks after removal.

Sopa Images / SOPA Images/LightRocket via Gett
Far-right activists with the Azov movement and other groups hold a banner during the March of Patriots in Kyiv, March 2020.

Facebook banned the Azov movement, which has many members who espouse neo-Nazi beliefs, in April 2019. The company removed several pages associated with the group, including those operated by its senior members and the various branches they lead.

But since July 16, the group has been operating the new Ukrainian Corps page. The page does not try to hide that it belongs to the Azov National Corps — it openly discusses National Corps activities and leaders, links to Azov’s websites and email, and posts photos of members in uniforms at rallies and torchlight marches.

Facebook has no reason not to know that the Azov movement is dangerous. In the wake of a series of violent attacks on Roma and LGBTQ people across Ukraine by members of the National Corps and its paramilitary street wing, the National Militia, the US State Department named Azov’s National Corps a “nationalist hate group.”

Matthew Schaaf, who leads the Ukraine office of the human rights group Freedom House and has closely observed the group, said the Azov movement’s ability to mobilize people through social media poses a threat to society.

“In the last couple of years, participants of Azov-affiliated groups have used violence against vulnerable groups in Ukrainian society and threatened public officials, with social media serving as an important tool to organize these actions and share their results,” Schaaf told BuzzFeed News. “Many of these assaults are accompanied by before-and-after propagandistic posts on social media.”

Azov began in 2014 as a volunteer military battalion that helped Ukraine defend itself against an invasion by Russia and its separatist proxy forces. The battalion’s symbol is similar to that of the Wolfsangel, the insignia widely used by the German military during World War II. Although human rights groups accused the battalion of torture and war crimes during the early months of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, in late 2014, Ukraine’s National Guard incorporated the Azov battalion into its official fold, where it was renamed the Azov regiment.

The military unit has been a favorite bogeyman of the Kremlin, with Russian President Vladimir Putin using the group to justify his attacks against Ukraine as fighting against fascism. Although the group is not broadly popular in Ukraine, its neo-Nazi links are clear. In 2010, the battalion’s founder, Andriy Biletsky, said that Ukraine ought to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans].”

Biletsky could not be reached for comment.

While the regiment still looks to Biletsky for inspiration, he has moved into politics; he served as a member of the Ukrainian parliament from 2014 to 2019 but lost reelection. He now heads the National Corps political party, which has been largely unsuccessful at getting members into elected positions but is using social media to try to grow support. He is also one of the founders of the movement’s Intermarium project, which builds bridges to white nationalists and neo-Nazis in Western Europe and the US.

Although Facebook previously took down Intermarium pages, a new Intermarium page was created on Sept. 9. Run by the National Corps’ international secretary, Olena Semenyaka, it has been sharing news and information about far-right and neo-Nazi figures in Europe and promoting “cultural” events at its Kyiv office.

After a ban, Semenyaka too has reopened Facebook and Instagram accounts under a pseudonym.

Semenyaka did not respond to a request for comment.

Thanks in part to social media, the National Corps has made inroads with white nationalist groups in the US, including the California-based Rise Above Movement, whose members participated in 2017’s Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, but saw charges over their actions later dropped. In April 2018, RAM founder Robert Rundo visited Kyiv and took part in an Azov-organized fight club. That October, the FBI wrote that it believed Azov was involved in “training and radicalizing United States-based white supremacy organizations.”

Last month, Ukraine deported two American neo-Nazis associated with the US-based Atomwaffen Division who had attempted to set up a local branch of the group with Azov fighters to gain “combat experience.”

As Azov uses Facebook to expand beyond Ukraine’s borders, experts are growing concerned. “The use of violence and the possibility that they could muster large crowds of mostly young men ready to use violence, all of it facilitated by social media,” Schaaf said, “gives them power.”

Facebook Continues To Host Militant Groups And Ads Despite A Ban On Right-Wing Extremism
Salvador Hernandez · Oct. 19, 2020
Christopher Miller · Oct. 8, 2020
Salvador Hernandez · Oct. 24, 2020
Amber Jamieson · Oct. 8, 2020

Christopher Miller is a Kyiv-based American journalist and editor.
Luck By Chance: Meteorite Worth Rs 9.8 Crore Comes Crashing Through Man's House in Indonesia

Screenshot from video uploaded by Josua Hutagalung.

Josua Hutagalung, a coffin-maker by profession was reportedly working outside his home in August, when a 2.1 kg precious space rock rushed through the roof of his living room in the Kolang area, North of Sumatra in Indonesia.


An Indonesian man saw a meteoric rise in his fortunes after a rare type of precious meteorite smashed through his roof.

According to the local news outlet Kompas, Josua Hutagalung, a coffin-maker by profession was reportedly working outside his home in August, when a 2.1 kg precious space rock rushed through the roof of his living room in the Kolang area, North of Sumatra in Indonesia.

“The sound was so loud that parts of the house were shaking too. And after I searched, I saw that the tin roof of the house had broken,” he told the news outlet. A video of the incident shows where the meteorite made its landing in his house. The space rock had buried itself several inches in the soil due to its impact.

Watch the video here:

According to a report on the Independent, the meteorite is classified as a CM1/2 carbonaceous chondrite. It is an extremely rare variety and estimated to be 4.5 billion years old. The rare celestial drop is reportedly worth around 645 pounds per gram (approx. Rs 63,000).

Hutagalung was reportedly paid over 1 million pounds or roughly Rs 9.8 crore. He sold the rock to a specialist collector Jared Collins from the United States. Collins, in turn, reportedly re-sold it to one Jay Piatek, a fellow collector with a doctorate at the Meteor Study Center, Arizona State University.

Such a once in a lifetime incident gave Hutagalung a celebrity status locally, as dozens flocked to his house to see the heavenly rock.

He did not specify the exact amount he was paid in exchange for the meteorite. However, he indicated that the amount was over a million pounds.

The amount is reportedly equivalent to 30 years’ worth of salary for his find, with which he plans to retire and build a new church in his village.

Greenland is melting, and a new model suggests we underestimate its impact.

Greenland is the largest island in the world and has the largest ice mass in the northern golfers. If all that ice melted, the ocean would rise More than 7 meters.

But it’s not going to happen, is it? Well, not too soon, but realizing how much ice sheet could melt over the next century is a critical and important question that scientists are trying to deal with using micro numerical models of ice sheets. The rest interacts with the weather system.

The problem is that the models are not so good at reproducing recent observations and are limited by our poor knowledge of the sub-glass area and the elaborate topography of the Fjords, in which snow passes and falls.

One way around this problem is to see how the ice sheet reacted to changes in the weather in the past and compared the predictions of models for the future with changes in temperature. That’s what my colleagues and I just did in a new study published in a journal Nature communication.

We looked at three of Greenland’s largest glaciers, and scientists used historical aerial photographs with measurements taken directly over the years to reconstruct how the amount of these glaciers changed between 1880 and 2012. Was.

The approach is based on the idea that the past can help inform the future, not only in science, but in all aspects of life.

But unlike other “classes” in history, the future weather and earth system will not be a carbon copy of the past. Nevertheless, if we understand how sensitive the ice sheet has been to temperature changes in the last century, it can provide a useful guide to how it will react in the next century.

We found that the three largest glaciers were responsible for an 8.1 mm rise in sea level, about 15 percent of the total ice sheet contribution.

During the period of our study, the sea level has risen by about 20 centimeters globally, about the height of an A5 booklet, and about that, the width of a finger is entirely due to the melting of the ice from those three Greenland glaciers.
Usually melting

So what does this tell us about the future behavior of the ice sheet? In 2013, a Modeling studies Fez Nick and colleagues looked at the same “big three” glaciers (Jacobshavan Isbrai in the west of the island and Helhem and Kangerlusuak in the east) and predicted how they would respond in different future seasons.

These scenes are called the most RCP 8.5 And it believes that economic growth will continue throughout the 21st century, resulting in a global mean temperature of about 3.7 ˚ C (4.8 ˚ C above pre-industrial levels or after 1850).

This scenario is sometimes referred to as Business General (BAU), and is one Active debate About how difficult RCP 8.5 is among weather researchers. It is interesting to note, however, that according to a recent study by a group of US scientists, this may be the most appropriate scenario. At least until 2050.

Because of something Polar applicationThe Arctic is likely to accelerate more than twice the global average, with climate models indicating a very moderate 8.3 degrees Celsius on Greenland, RCP 8.5.

Despite this dramatic and dramatic rise in temperature, Fez’s modeling study predicts that the “big three” will contribute to raising the sea level by 2100, which is exactly what we will achieve in the 20th century, just over 1.5 degrees Celsius. . .

 How can this be?

Our conclusion is that there is a dearth of models, even Available with the latest and best available modes Which is being used to assess how the whole ice sheet will respond to the next century Climate change.

These models show a relatively weak link between climate change and ice melting, when Our results Suggest that it is too strong.

Estimates based on these models are therefore less likely to be underestimated by the impact on the ice sheet. Other lines of evidence Support This Conclusion.

What does all this mean? If we continue with the increasingly frightening RCP 8.5 greenhouse gas emissions, Greenland’s ice sheets will begin to melt at very low rates we haven’t seen for at least 130,000 years, the sea floor and its dire consequences. With being. Many millions of people Who live in low-lying coastal areas.

Jonathan Bomber, Professor of Physical Geography, University of Bristol.
An iceberg may not have sunk the Titanic, a new study finds
by Raven Weber September 19, 2020 Science

From famous mechanics
A new paper wonders about solar flare-up activity Contributed to the sinking Of Titanic.

The sun The giant solar storm leaves It can also shake the earth.
The right (wrong) type of solar flare can interfere with navigation And Radio, affected TitanicRescue response as well as moves.

Just knowing when we think we know everything here TitanicUnsinkable ships, giant icebergs, “I am the king of the world,” etc. – come with interesting new discoveries that raise big questions about what really happened on the terrible night of April 14, 1912. The effect of weather from space Really the reason Titanic Drowning?

🚢 You like ugly planes. So do we. Let’s get them together.

The main finding of the new study is that the Northern Hemisphere was hit by a “moderate to severe” magnetic storm that night, which could have caused a change. TitanicThe navigational readings of, both affect its planned course And The crew shared their position during the SOS signals.

The idea is very simple. The sun, powered by an atomic dynamo that burns millions of degrees, is engulfed in sunshine. These, in turn, are punctuated by the size of the Earth by giant explosives or even larger: solar flares.

“In just a few minutes, they heat the material to millions of degrees and generate one billion megatons of TNT.” As soon as the release is released, ” NASA explains. These flares are often caused by magnetic changes or crashes, and their explosions cause magnetic waves through the solar system.

It instinctively suggests that the hottest thing in the solar system experiences a lot of responses to rotating and changing magnetic fields. Earth is a successful habitat for living things, partly because humans have a protective magnetic field that represents a huge deal of solar radiation and cosmic air that would throw us into a bald, lifeless, Mars-like planetary surface. .

This magnetic field changes and changes over time, especially as magnetic poles revolve around the earth’s surface. Animals and humans have learned to rely on magnetic poles, in the form of man-made devices such as compasses. Animal knowledge for migration and navigation. Compasses, like clocks, must be adjusted to the correct units e.g. Accounting for magnetic answers As it turns out in a normal way.

It is here that we reconnect Titanic. The paper is owned by author Mila Zinkova Published about four previous papers Titanic In the journal RMetS weather, Investigating a theory that mirrors or other visual disturbances played a role in the sinking. Now, Zinkova is using weather and space data to explore a different theory.

If a solar flare is so severe that it is marked by the so-called Aurora borealis on that historic night, it could encircle the Earth’s magnetic field and wreak havoc with magnetic devices such as the compass. Even today, solar flares disrupt power grid and space traffic, and truly valuable file backups. Safety can be kept in the Faraday cage.

Photo credit: Paramount – 20th Century FocusMore

The impact on the compass affected the coordinates reported in the crisis signs, Zhinkova wrote. “The Of the Titanic A fourth officer, Joseph Baxhall, worked for the ship’s SOS status. Baxhall’s location was about 13 nautical kilometers (24 kilometers) from their original location, “Zinkova writes.

But the rescue plane Carpathia Maybe that was misinformation. “Carpathia compasses could be under the influence of a geomagnetic storm for 5.5 hours, before and after. TitanicHas SOS, and until it reaches the lifeboats, “Zinkova continues. “Therefore, a possible combined compass error could be one of the factors contributing to the successful rescue of Titanic survivors.”

It also points to how the solar flare was localized. Ships ignited in a certain area. Received radio calls or missed them altogether. Back on the ground or outside the affected area, everything seemed normal except when contacting or trying Titanic And other ships nearby.
World's most powerful radar telescope at Arecibo will be scrapped

Among the vital science conducted at the facility is the tracking of near-Earth objects -- comets or asteroids that could collide with Earth and destroy large regions.

Photo courtesy of University of Central Florida

ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 19 (UPI) -- The iconic 18-acre radar telescope at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico cannot be salvaged after it was damaged by broken cables and will be demolished, the National Science Foundation announced Thursday.

The damage from cable breaks in August and early November has left the radar dish and surrounding structures unsafe and subject to further collapse at any time, foundation officials said.

"We're actually taking measures to preserve their people and assets to ensure the facility does move forward in some fashion," said Ashley Zauderer, program director in the Division of Astronomical Sciences at the foundation.

Ancillary facilities at Arecibo that also conduct astronomical observations may be salvaged, but the central structure, the large radar telescope, will either fail on its own or be demolished as safely as possible, Zauderer said.

RELATED Arecibo Observatory incurs more damage as another support cable snaps

"The decision comes after [the foundation] evaluated multiple assessments by independent engineering companies that found the telescope structure is in danger of a catastrophic failure and its cables may no longer be capable of carrying the loads they were designed to support," a statement from the foundation said.

The telescope has been the scene of ground-breaking science and astronomy discoveries for 57 years. Two scientists using data from the dish have won Nobel Prizes. It was also the scene of popular movies like 1995's GoldenEye and Species, and 1997's Contact.

The University of Central Florida, which manages the facility, had recently submitted a request to the foundation for $10.5 million to begin repairs on the August damage. That work would include at least six massive cables, which range in thickness from 3 inches to 6 inches.

RELATED Arecibo Observatory seeks $10.5M for cable repairs after accident

But that work hadn't begun when a second larger cable broke.

"Our team has worked tirelessly...looking for ways to stabilize the telescope with minimal risk," UCF President Alexander Cartwright said Thursday in a statement.

"While this outcome is not what we had been working toward, and we are disheartened to see such an important scientific resource decommissioned, safety is our top priority," Cartwright said.

RELATED Iconic space observatory in Puerto Rico recovers after Hurricane Maria

The cables support a six-story structure and platform suspended above the dish, which houses the world's most powerful radio telescope transmitter and other instruments. When functioning properly, the observatory can beam radio waves at asteroids and other space objects, obtaining images and data as the waves bounce back to Earth.

Among the vital science conducted at the facility is the tracking of near-Earth objects -- comets or asteroids that could collide with Earth and destroy large regions.

The telescope "has allowed NASA to fully characterize the precise orbits, sizes and shapes" of such objects after they are discovered by a different technology, known as a wide-field optical telescope survey, the agency said Thursday in a statement.

"NASA respects the National Science Foundation's decision to put the safety of those who work, visit and study at the historic observatory above all else," NASA stated.

NASA's Goldstone Observatory in California, another planetary radar, recently returned to operation after equipment upgrades and can also characterize near-Earth objects.

The observatory has been a tourist attraction and education center for decades on the Caribbean island. The foundation intends to continue funding certain aspects of the facility, including its visitor center.

The Arecibo location has a unique bowl-shaped valley that was considered ideal for the construction of a large dish when scientists with Cornell University scouted for a telescope site in the 1950s.

The observatory, the foundation and UCF should consider possible future uses for the site, leaders of the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology said in a statement.

"Moving forward, we encourage [the foundation] to continue its support for the Angel Ramos Foundation Science and Visitor Center as an active hub of ... education and outreach programming in Puerto Rico, and to explore opportunities to use the site for exciting new science in the future," committee Chairwoman Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Texas, and ranking member Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Okla., wrote.

The famous Arecibo telescope that worked to make the James Bond movie GOLDEN EYE
by Raven Weber November 21, 2020 Science

The Arecibo Observatory reflector dish is damaged by a broken cable.
University of Central Florida

This is a sad day for the world of astronomy. The Arecibo Observatory In Puerto Rico, the home of an epic telescopic bowl, saying goodbye. The Observatory suffered serious injuries Damage due to a cable failure in August, And the situation only got worse.

The The National Science Foundation (NSF) made the announcement on Thursday That it will launch a 305-meter (1000-foot) telescope, ending the device’s 57 years of service.

The NSF said in a statement: “This decision follows an assessment by a number of independent engineering companies which found that the telescopic structure was in danger of a catastrophic failure and that its cables were no longer capable of carrying that weight. They may have been designed to support, “the NSF said in a statement. .

This November 2020 image shows a giant gas in the Arecibo Observatory dish.
University of Central Florida

A. The second cable failed In early November. It was a main cable and broke and fell into the reflector dish, damaging both the dish and the surrounding cable. The cables were designed to support a 900-ton platform 450 feet above the dish.

“Every remaining cable in the trench is now supporting a heavier weight than before, increasing the likelihood of another cable failing, which is likely to result in the entire structure tumbling,” he said. The University of Central Florida said in a statement On November 13. UCF manages the facility for the National Science Foundation.

The Observatory was set against a dramatic battle scene in the 1995 James Bond film Golden New With Pierce Brosnan. She also appeared in the 1997 film Jody Foster Contact. But in the real legacy of Arecibo Lots of scientific discoveries It was possible. It examined pulsars, expanded our knowledge of Mercury, observed exoplanets, and exploded high-speed radios.

Scientists took to Twitter to mourn for the observatory. “It’s such a big scientific gut punch. The end of an era.” Said astronomer Tania Harrison.

This is a great scientific intestinal punch. The end of an era. 😢

Looking at last night’s contact at the memorial is definitely going to be a pour for Arecibo.

– Dr. Tania Harrison (TenyOfMars) November 19, 2020

Field geophysicist Mika McKinnon tweeted“I’m surprised we’re losing Arcibo. Even if you don’t pay much attention to ground-based astronomy, you know this telescope from pop culture and movies. It’s something special.”

I’m surprised we’re losing Arsibo.

Even if you don’t pay much attention to ground-based astronomy, you know this telescope from pop culture and movies. This is very special.

– Mika McKinnon (MikMikkinen) November 19, 2020

The NSF’s condemnation plan will focus on binoculars in an effort to protect surrounding surveillance structures. “Once all the necessary preparations have been made, the binoculars will be subjected to deregulation,” the foundation said.

Back from the brink of extinction, blue whales return to South Georgia

During an expedition in February, scientist spotted a few dozen blue whales off the coast of South Georgia. Photo by Russell Leaper

Nov. 19 (UPI) -- After being nearly completely wiped out by whalers, new research suggests Antarctic blue whales have returned to the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia.

Researchers were able to confirm the dramatic comeback with the help of documented sightings, photographs and underwater sound recordings collected over the last three decades.

Scientists detailed the discovery in a new paper, published Thursday in the journal Endangered Species Research.

Blue whales were abundant off the coast of South Georgia, but between 1904 and 1971, the industrial whaling industry killed 42,698 whales.

Blue whale singing patterns reverse when they start to migrate

Between 1998 and 2018, whaling surveys turned up only a single sighting.

However, in February, scientists documented 58 blue whale sightings and recorded dozens of blue whale calls.

"The continued absence of blue whales at South Georgia has been seen as an iconic example of a population that was locally exploited beyond the point where it could recover," lead study author Susannah Calderan said in a news release.

"But over the past few years we've been working at South Georgia, we have become quite optimistic about the numbers of blue whales seen and heard around the island, which hadn't been happening until very recently," said Calderan, a researcher at the Scottish Association for Marine Science.

In addition to relying on their own visual and sonic observations, scientists surveyed blue whale sightings by sailors and tourist ship passengers reported to the South Georgia Museum.

Over the last few years, the museum has also fielded photographs of blue whales snapped by seafarers.

So far, 41 blue whales in South Georgia have been photo-identified between 2011 and 2020. None of the South Georgia whales matched the profiles of the 517 whales in the Antarctic blue whale photographic catalogue.

"We don't quite know why it has taken the blue whales so long to come back," Calderan said. "It may be that so many of them were killed at South Georgia that there was a loss of cultural memory in the population that the area was a foraging ground, and that it is only now being rediscovered."

Conducting whale surveys in South Georgia, where the seas are often rough and the weather unforgiving, is difficult work, researchers said. But for conservationists, knowing where blue whales are is essential the task of safeguarding the species.

High levels of mercury, plastic toxins found in stranded whales, dolphins

"This is an exciting discovery and a really positive step forward for conservation of the Antarctic blue whale," said study co-author Jennifer Jackson, researcher with the British Antarctic Survey.

"With South Georgia waters designated as a Marine Protected Area by the Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, we hope that these increased numbers of blue whales are a sign of things to come and that our research can continue to contribute to effective management of the area," said Jackson, a researcher with the British Antarctic Survey.

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WHO advises against using antiviral drug remdesivir for COVID-19

The Gilead campus in Foster City, Calif., is seen on April 23. The company said Friday it is "disappointed" with the conclusion of the World Health Organization. File Photo by Terry Schmitt/UPI | License Photo


Nov. 20 (UPI) -- The World Health Organization has recommended against using the antiviral drug remdesivir to treat hospitalized COVID-19 patients, regardless of the severity of their illness.

The WHO's Guideline Development Group panel of international experts made the recommendation Thursday in updated medical guidelines published in the British medical journal The BMJ.

"After thoroughly reviewing this evidence, the WHO GDG expert panel, which includes experts from around the world including four patients who have had COVID-19, concluded that remdesivir has no meaningful effect on mortality or on other important outcomes for patients, such as the need for mechanical ventilation or time to clinical improvement," they wrote.

Remdesivir, a costly experimental antiviral drug and one of the first treatments to emerge for COVID-19, is produced in a collaboration between Gilead Sciences, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.

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After first being used to against the Ebola virus in 2014, remdesivir was tested in the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic. Early evidence suggested that it could shorten recovery times for severely ill hospitalized patients.

The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved an emergency use authorization to a combination of remdesivir and the rheumatoid arthritis drug baricitinib to treat COVID-19. President Donald Trump was given multiple doses after he was hospitalized in October.

Treatment with the drug, however, has not yet been proven to save significantly more lives than standard medical care, and evidence is mixed on whether it leads to any clinical improvement, The BMJ study said.

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Interim results from WHO's 30-country "Solidarity" clinical trial have shown remdesivir has no significant impact on mortality, length of hospital stay or need for ventilation among hospitalized patients.

"[Remdesivir] is recognized as a standard of care for the treatment of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in guidelines from numerous credible national organizations, including the U.S. National Institutes of Health and Infectious Diseases Society of America, Japan, U.K. and Germany," Gilead Sciences told CNBC.

"We are disappointed the WHO guidelines appear to ignore this evidence at a time when cases are dramatically increasing," added Gilead spokesman Chris Ridley.
CDC: HIV-related deaths dropped 48% over past decade

New CDC data suggests deaths among those with HIV have declined over the past 10 years, with the increased number of people who know their diagnostic status playing a large role. Photo by Equality Michigan/Wikimedia Commons

Nov. 19 (UPI) -- Deaths related to HIV in the United States have declined 48% over the past decade, according to data released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

However, mortality rates for the virus are about 40% higher among Black people than for White and Latinx people, the CDC said.

The trends are based on an analysis of deaths among HIV patients in the United States between 2010 and 2018. Knowledge of their status and effective antiviral therapies are among the reasons researchers found patients are living longer.

Historically, many people with HIV didn't know they had it -- and thus didn't receive treatment. The new data shows 86% of those age 13 and older knew their HIV status, up from 82% in 2010.

Overall, death rates among HIV-positive people -- of all causes -- dropped 37% between 2010 and 2018, to 12 per 1,000 persons, the data shows.But deaths related to the patients' HIV fell 48%, to 4.7 per 1,000 persons with diagnosed HIV in 2017 from 9.1 per 1,000 in 2010.

Meanwhile, deaths from non-HIV-related causes declined 8.6% over the same period, to 8.5 per 1,000 persons with HIV from 9.3 per 1,000 persons, the data showed.

Black patients had a higher death rate -- 5.6 per 1,000 persons with HIV -- compared to White and Latinx patients with 3.9 per 1,000 persons, according to the CDC.

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Death rates were also 20% higher among women, at 5.4 per 1,000 persons, than men, at 4.5 per 1,000, the data showed.

Many people with HIV are living longer thanks to effective antiviral therapies, the CDC said.

"Deaths caused by HIV infection have likely decreased because of improvements in diagnosing infections and in treatment and medical care," the researchers wrote.

Cancer takes heavy toll on women's work, finances, study shows

Young women with cancer are at a high risk for employment and financial consequences, a new study finds.

"Our study addresses the burden of employment disruption and financial hardship among young women with cancer -- a group who may be at particular risk for poor financial outcomes after cancer given their age and gender," said researcher Clare Meernik, a fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.

She and her colleagues surveyed more than 1,300 women in North Carolina and California a median of seven years after diagnosis. Their cancer was diagnosed when they were 15 to 39 years of age and working.

Following their diagnosis, 32% of the women had to stop working or cut back on their hours. Twenty-seven percent said they had to borrow money, go into debt or file for bankruptcy because of cancer treatment.

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Women with disrupted employment were more likely -- by 17 percentage points -- to have these problems than women who were able to keep working.

Half of the women said they were stressed about their big medical bills, and women with disrupted employment were more likely to suffer psychological distress by 8 percentage points than women who were able to keep working.

The findings were published online Oct. 12 in the journal Cancer.

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"Our findings highlight the need for effective interventions to promote job maintenance and transition back to the workforce after cancer treatment, as well as increased workplace accommodations and benefits, to improve cancer outcomes for young women," Meernik said in a journal news release.

More information

To learn more about work and financial effects of cancer, visit the American Cancer Society.

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