Sunday, May 30, 2021

Why we need to democratize wealth

Photo by Nate Johnston on Unsplash
man in black by a white sports car

Richard D. Wolff and Independent Media Institute May 27, 2021

Throughout its history—wherever it arrived and settled in as the dominant economic system—capitalism provoked struggles over the redistribution of wealth. In other words, this system always distributes wealth in a particular way and likewise produces dissatisfaction with that particular distribution. Those dissatisfied then struggle, more or less, consciously or not, peacefully or violently to redistribute wealth. The struggles are socially divisive and sometimes rise to civil war levels.

The French Revolution marked the end of French feudalism and its transition to capitalism. The revolutionaries' slogans promised the transition would bring with it "liberté, égalité, fraternité" (liberty, equality and fraternity). In other words, equality was to be a key accompaniment to or product of capitalism's establishment, of finally replacing feudalism's lord-serf organization of production with capitalism's very different employer-employee system. Transition to capitalism would erase the gross inequalities of French feudalism. The American Revolution likewise broke not only from its British colonial master but also from the feudal monarchy of George III. "All men are created equal" was a central theme of its profound commitment to equality together with capitalism.

In France, the United States and beyond, capitalism justified itself by reference to its achievement or at least its targeting of equality in general. This equality included the distribution of wealth and income, at least in theory and rhetoric. Yet from the beginning, all capitalisms wrestled with contradictions between lip service to equality and inequality in their actual practices. Adam Smith worried about the "accumulation of stock" (wealth or "capital") in some hands but not in others. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton had different visions of the future of an independent United States in terms of whether it would or would not secure wealth equality later dubbed "Jeffersonian democracy." There was and always remained in the United States an awkward dissonance between theoretical and rhetorical commitments to equality and the realities of slavery and then systemic racist inequalities. The inequalities of gender likewise contradicted commitments to equality. It took centuries of capitalism to achieve even the merely formal political equality of universal suffrage.

Thus, there should be no surprise that U.S. capitalism—like most other capitalisms—provokes a widely troubling contradiction between the actual wealth inequality it produces and tendentially deepens (as Thomas Piketty has definitively shown) and its repeatedly professed commitment to equality. Efforts to redistribute wealth—to thereby move from less to more equal distributions—follow. Yet, they also disturbingly divide societies where the capitalist economic system prevails.

Wealth redistributions take from those who have and give to those who have not. Those whose wealth is redistributed resent or resist this taking, while those who receive during the redistributions of wealth develop rationales to justify that receipt. Each side of such redistributions often demonizes the other. Politics typically becomes the arena where demonizations and conflicts over redistribution occur. Those at risk of being deprived due to redistributions aim either to oppose redistribution or else to escape it. If the opposition is impossible or difficult, escape is the chosen strategy. Thus, if profits of capitalists are to be taxed to redistribute wealth to the poor, big businesses may escape by moving politically to shift the burden of taxation onto small or medium businesses. Alternatively, all businesses may unite to shift the burden of such redistributive taxation onto higher-paid employees' wages and salaries, and away from business profits

Recipients of redistributions face parallel political problems of whom to target for contributing to wealth redistribution. Will recipients support a tax on all profits or rather a tax just on big business with maybe some redistribution flowing from big to medium and small business? Or might low-wage recipients target high-wage workers for redistributive taxation?

All kinds of other redistributions between regions, races and genders display comparable strategic political choices.

Conflicts over redistributions are thus intrinsic to capitalism and always have been. They reflect but also deepen social divisions. They can and often have become violent and socially disruptive. They may trigger demands for system change. They may function as catalysts for revolutions. Because pre-capitalist economic systems like slavery and feudalism had fewer theoretical and rhetorical commitments to equality in general, they had fewer redistribution struggles. Those finally emerged when inequalities became relatively more extreme than the levels of inequality that more frequently provoked redistribution struggles in capitalism.

No "solution" to divisive struggles over wealth redistribution in capitalism was ever found. Capitalisms keep reproducing both theoretical and rhetorical appeals to equality as self-celebrations alongside actualities of deep and deepening wealth inequalities. Criticisms of capitalism on grounds of wealth inequality dog the system everywhere. Divisive social conflicts over capitalism's unequal wealth distributions persist. Endless efforts to find and implement a successful redistributive system or mechanism continue. The latest comprises various proposals for universal basic incomes.

To avoid divisive social conflict over redistribution, the solution is not to distribute unequally in the first place. That can remove the cause and impetus for redistributive struggles and thus the need for endless and so far fruitless efforts to find the "right" redistribution formula or mechanism. The way forward is to democratize the decision about distributing wealth as it emerges from production. This can be accomplished by democratizing the enterprise, converting workplaces from their current capitalist organization (i.e., hierarchical divisions into employers—public or private—and employees) into worker cooperatives. In the latter, each worker has one vote, and all basic workplace issues are decided by majority vote after a free and open debate. That is when different views on what distribution of output should occur are articulated and democratically decided.

No redistribution is required, necessitated, or provoked. Workplace members are free to reopen, debate and decide anew on initial wealth distributions at any time. The same procedure would apply to workplace decisions governing what to produce, which technology to deploy, and where to locate production. All workers collectively and democratically decide what wage the collective of workers pays to each of them individually. They likewise decide how to dispose of or allocate any surplus, which is above the total individual wage bill and replacement of used-up inputs, that the enterprise might generate.

A parable can illustrate the basic point. Imagine parents taking their twins—Mary and John—to a park where there is an ice-cream vendor. The parents buy two ice creams and give both to Mary. John's wails provoke a search for an appropriate redistribution of ice creams. The parents take away one of the ice creams from Mary and hand it to John. Anger, resentment, bitterness, envy and rage distress the rest of the day and divide family members. If affection and emotional support are similarly distributed and redistributed, deep and divisive scars result. The lesson: we don't need a "better" or "right" redistribution; we need to distribute more equally and democratically in the first place.

Richard D. Wolff is professor of economics emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a visiting professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University, in New York. Wolff's weekly show, "Economic Update," is syndicated by more than 100 radio stations and goes to 55 million TV receivers via Free Speech TV. His three recent books with Democracy at Work are The Sickness Is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us From Pandemics or Itself, Understanding Marxism, and Understanding Socialism.

This article was produced by Economy for All, a project of the Independent Media Institute.
Native American communities living on the route of the Line 3 pipeline project rally to stop it


Technicians in personal protective equipment prepare pipe before cutting and removing the section from the Enbridge pipeline oil spill site near Marshall, Michigan.
Sonali Kolhatkar and
Independent Media Institute May 28, 2021

A decades-old pipeline called Line 3, run by the Canadian company Enbridge, is in the midst of a controversial upgrade sparking fierce resistance from Indigenous communities living along the route. Line 3 is being replaced in order to enable the transport of nearly 800,000 barrels of dirty tar sands crude oil per day from Calgary, Canada, to Wisconsin. The majority of the pipeline cuts across northern Minnesota through the heart of lands where the Anishinaabe people have treaty rights to hunt, fish and harvest wild rice and maple syrup.

Line 3 joins a growing list of controversial oil pipeline projects targeted by the burgeoning Indigenous-led climate justice movement. In his last year in office, President Barack Obama responded to the powerful and internationally hailed convergence at Standing Rock in South Dakota by halting work on the Dakota Access Pipeline project. Almost a year earlier, he had canceled the Keystone XL pipeline—which was another major target of climate protesters. Entering office in January 2017, President Donald Trump promptly revived both projects and eventually greenlit the Line 3 pipeline. Once Joe Biden entered the White House in early 2021, he canceled the doomed Keystone Pipeline but has yet to take action on reversing Trump's approval of DAPL or canceling the Line 3 project.

Indigenous leaders, embodying the spirit of Standing Rock five years ago, have been resisting the Line 3 replacement project and are now calling on all Americans, including those who are not Indigenous, to join them for what is being called a "Treaty People Gathering" from June 5 through 8 to demand an end to the project. One of them is Nancy Beaulieu, co-founder of the Resilient Indigenous Sisters Engaging (RISE) Coalition, and the northern Minnesota organizer for Beaulieu explained to me in an interview that, "as Indigenous people, we have the inherent responsibility to protect the waters and all that is sacred. And as settlers—people who signed those treaties with our ancestors—they have an obligation to uphold those treaties." In other words, "everyone has a responsibility to the treaties" signed with tribal nations.

Non-Indigenous Americans have largely forgotten not only that we have treaty obligations, but also that we live in a nation with a bloody history of settler colonialism. Former Republican Senator Rick Santorum demonstrated that ignorance in his tone-deaf comments on CNN—which later got him fired—when he said, "We birthed a nation from nothing. Yes, there were Native Americans, but there isn't much Native American culture in American culture."

Leaders like Beaulieu are determined to fight such erasure by reviving the conversations around treaty obligations and how the fight against pipelines and climate change is central to Indigenous stewardship of the natural world. She sees the June gathering as building on the Standing Rock mobilization and the Keystone pipeline activism, saying it is "the same exact thing but with different tribes."

According to Beaulieu, President Biden could cancel the Line 3 project with "the stroke of a pen," and she is perplexed about why he doesn't just do so. When the president convened a virtual climate summit in April with dozens of world leaders, he pledged to slash the U.S.'s greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent in less than a decade. That is an enormously ambitious goal—one that would only be helped by a cancelation of the Line 3 pipeline project.

"Not only should Biden stop Line 3 but he should also step in and stop these corporate giants responsible for the mess they're leaving us in in this beautiful country of ours," said Beaulieu. Instead, she worries that "corporations are just buying their way through lobbying our politicians."

When politicians do stand in their way, companies like Enbridge respond with shocking impunity. Take the case of Michigan where Gov. Gretchen Whitmer last year demanded the closure of another decades-old pipeline run by Enbridge called Line 5. That pipeline, first built in 1953, carries more than half a million barrels of crude oil per day under the Great Lakes and has had dozens of leaks over the years, spilling more than a million barrels across its length. Michigan's Great Lakes hold more than a fifth of the entire world's fresh surface water and remain in jeopardy as the aging Line 5 pipeline continues to operate. Rather than comply with Gov. Whitmer's order, Enbridge, backed by the Canadian government, simply refused to shut it down.

Enbridge is taking a similarly defiant position in northern Minnesota with its continuation of the Line 3 replacement project in the face of mass opposition. Shockingly, the company is even going as far as anticipating police responses to protesters by paying into an escrow account to reimburse local Minnesota law enforcement departments for costs related to policing the resistance. In other words, a Canadian fossil fuel corporation is essentially hiring public servants to protect their private financial interests against the public.

Pipelines leak. That fact is as inevitable as greenhouse gas emissions fueling climate change. The United States has the largest number of pipelines, both existing and planned, than any other nation on the planet. According to Greenpeace, Enbridge's pipelines have leaked hundreds of times, spilled millions of gallons of hazardous material, and contaminated water at least 30 times. The original Line 3 project suffered the largest inland oil spill in the nation's history in Minnesota in 1991, and Enbridge's Michigan Line 5 pipeline dumped hundreds of thousands of barrels of tar sands into the Kalamazoo River in 2010. So, when Indigenous leaders like Beaulieu say their treaty rights to pristine land and water are threatened by Line 3, the facts are on their side.

While the fate of our planet and human life remains precarious in the face of ongoing emissions and a changing climate, fossil fuel companies have been laughing all the way to the bank. According to one analysis, since 1990, when the impact of emissions on the climate was well established, the top four largest oil and gas companies on the planet accumulated nearly $2 trillion in profits. "It's about power," said Beaulieu. "It's about the 1 percent and who's going to be in charge of our government."

However, the climate justice movement is slowly winning. A Dutch court recently ordered Royal Dutch Shell—one of those top four profitable companies—to slash its emissions by 45 percent by the year 2030 in a remarkable and historic case that could inspire similar legal challenges to other oil and gas companies. Another one of the big four—ExxonMobil, which is the U.S.'s most profitable oil corporation—is being challenged internally by an investor shareholder who ousted two board members over the company's climate policies. It was the first time such a thing happened, prompting one analyst to exclaim, "Investors have sent a shot across the bow of Exxon, but its impact will ricochet across the boards of every major fossil fuel company."

Joining such efforts are on-the-ground movements like the one opposing the Line 3 pipeline in Minnesota. As she prepares for the mass gathering in June, Beaulieu told me, "we are going to peacefully resist this pipeline, and we're calling on all our allies across Turtle Island to come here to northern Minnesota," using the Native American term for North America. "Treaties don't only protect us as Native people. They protect those people that signed the treaties as well," she added.

Sonali Kolhatkar is the founder, host and executive producer of "Rising Up With Sonali," a television and radio show that airs on Free Speech TV and Pacifica stations. She is a writing fellow for the Economy for All project at the Independent Media Institute.

This article was produced by Economy for All, a project of the Independent Media Institute.
Biden in space: NASA budget includes largest boost ever for science programs

LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. -- Vice President Joe Biden salutes Airmen from Langley here Feb. 6. The vice president stopped by Langley on his way to a conference in Williamsburg, Va. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Vernon Young)

Mark Sumner and Daily Kos May 30, 2021

This week, President Joe Biden released a proposed budget for fiscal year 2022. Parts of that budget include proposals already working their way through Congress—or smashed up against Republican opposition in the Senate—such as the infrastructure portion of the American Jobs Plan, or the energy proposals that recently emerged from committee as the Clean Energy for America Act. The $6B proposal includes programs to address homelessness, historic investments in education at all levels, along with a whole slew of programs to support children and families.

The $6 trillion proposal also includes $24.8 billion for NASA which, historically, is a long way from the amount of the budget dedicated to space back in the 1960s and '70s. However, it does represent a $1.5 billion boost over 2021. It also features a record $7.93 billion for science programs, including boosting the planetary science program from $500 million to $3.2 billion. Which means, of course, that there are cuts in other areas.

For more than two decades, NASA has been subject to wild swings in programs. Return to the moon. Mars. No, the moon. In the process, a whole generation of heavy lift vehicles disappeared in the midst of wild swings in funding and changes of direction. At present, the agency is aimed at heading back to the moon this decade, with both a space station that will orbit the moon rather than Earth, and a recently rewarded contract for a giant lunar lander. The Space Launch System, years behind schedule, just finished a successful test, and the first rocket is on its way to Kennedy for a launch in coming months. Plans are on the table for both future manned missions, some truly challenging voyages around the solar system, and still more instruments that could study planets around distant stars.

With a new administration coming to town, NASA is looking—again—at the potential of shifting goals that could potentially invalidate years of work, and redirect the agency at new targets which could last only until the next team arrives. So what does Biden's $24.8 billion budget really buy?

One thing that's been restored to the NASA budget that was cut under Donald Trump: Earth science. It may seem contradictory, but the best system for studying what's going on down here (including the climate) often requires getting new instruments into orbit. Under Trump, every instrument that might even potentially provide a clue about melting polar ice, or rising CO2, went on the chopping block. But the first Biden budget for NASA restores $250 million aimed at continuing a program known as the Earth System Observatory. The expansion of the program was announced a week ago, and should lead up to an additional four launches between now and 2030.

That large expansion of the planetary sciences program includes another program that's really more about what could (potentially, but hopefully not) be going on back on Earth. That's where the Near Earth Object Surveyor mission comes in. This would launch a telescope designed not to look at the most distant objects in the universe, but to seek out the asteroids and comets that skim closest to Earth. This is part of NASA's aptly named "Earth Defense" program which, presumably, will also direct any real space lasers if all those recent UFO videos signal a hostile invasion.

When it comes to the space just above Earth, the budget for 2022 includes a large boost in funding for commercial development of low Earth orbit (LEO). The $101.1 million allocated here is an increase of almost 500% from the 2021 actual numbers. It includes continued support for both cargo and crew missions to the International Space Station, and additional funding that should help expand the presence of commercial launches to orbit. That could include more funds for the development of SpaceX's Starship and expanding the use of Sierra Nevada's Dream Chaser space plane. And, while NASA will continue to support ISS beyond it's original projected last-use data of 2025, it will also provide funds that could help private companies building their own next-generation space stations (something that has picked up more interest in the face of China's expansive plans for their own station). Actual funds to the ISS are essentially flat.

There is one Earth-related cancellation. That's the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) program. This isn't a rocket, but an instrument mounted in a Boeing 747 that scans the atmosphere for water vapor data that's used in climate modeling. NASA has felt for some time that they get better information from other sources and has been trying to cancel SOFIA for the last seven years … only Congress keeps putting the money back.

Planetary Science

Right now, the Perseverance rover is not just taking pictures as it drives across the surface of the red planet, it's also collecting rock samples in a way that protects them from potential contamination and readies them for a possible return to Earth. Only the Perseverance mission included no way to get those Mars rocks back to Earth. The 2022 budget includes over $650 million for the follow-on Mars Sample Return Mission that would drop a unique vehicle onto the Martian surface. This system would be designed to collect those samples already drilled out and packaged by Perseverance and blast them back to Earth with something that looks very much like space-bound artillery.

The Mars Ascent Vehicle is just one part of the Mars Sample Return mission.

Human exploration

Maybe the biggest sigh of relief for NASA watchers may be that when it comes to NASA's current plans for the moon and beyond, the biggest message sent by Biden's proposed budget is simply … carry on. The overall exploration budget goes up from $6.5 billion in 2021, to $6.8 billion in 2022, but the biggest news is that nothing major appears to have been shifted around. SLS is still on. The plan to fly an Orion capsule around the moon in the next year is still there. And the whole Artemis program to return astronauts to the moon by 2024 remains in place … even though everyone knows that date is going to slip. Then slip again.

One thing that NASA-watchers wanted to see was whether NASA's recent selection of SpaceX's enormous lunar version of Starship survived into the coming budget. It did. The biggest reason for this is the same reason that NASA made the selection in the first place: SpaceX radically undercut the proposed price of every competing lunar lander proposal, while promising much more capacity.

Proposed next generation lunar lander created by SpaceX. There are people in this picture. Look closely.

Right now the SpaceX contract to build the lander has been suspended because a team involving Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin (and a long list of traditional NASA subcontractors) has launched a suit contesting the decision to award the contract to SpaceX. If they win their suit, Congress will have to lay out more funds, because each of the competing proposals was far more costly.

Skeptics of NASA's whole SLS investment—now at least $2 billion and four years behind in development—have argued that the whole system should be cancelled. Just as the Commercial Crew program has seen astronauts return to the ISS at a fraction of the cost of developing a new NASA vehicle for that purpose, there has been considerable pressure to scrap SLS in favor of getting astronauts back to the moon on heavy lift vehicles, such as SpaceX's upcoming SuperHeavy/Starship, or Blue Origin's New Glenn. Plans have even been put forward for vehicles that might be launched using the existing Falcon Heavy or upcoming ULA Vulcan. But NASA has remained committed to SLS as America's ride to deep space, despite arguments that the fully-disposable rocket represents little advance over systems used 50 years ago.

That said, even those who oppose SLS are likely happy with Biden's proposed budget for what it doesn't do. It doesn't signal another enormous shift in priorities. That welcome signal of relative stability is something that everyone at Kennedy has to welcome … assuming any of this survives Congress.

Officially, NASA still hopes for a late 2021 launch of the first SLS system. Unofficially, don't be surprised if, after being delayed in Mississippi for extended testing, that launch slips into 2022.

 Founded in 2004 by Jeffrey Lewis, Arms Control Wonk was the first blog on arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation. It has since been a home to everything that is "too wonky or obscene" for publication about nuclear weapons. The site now features thirty-plus contributors with an archive of over three thousand articles.

Netanyahu wanted a social media blackout during IDF operation - report

Specifically, Netanyahu wanted to block TikTok, where videos of Arabs attacking Jews went viral on numerous occasions, arguing that the platform could lead to more violence.

MAY 30, 2021 

Portrait of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhu at his residence in Jerusalem, on March 18, 2021.
(photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH 90)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu supported the proposal to shut down social media platforms during the first days of Operation Guardian of the Walls in an effort to simmer down riots in the mixed cities, Walla and Haaretz reported on Sunday.

Specifically, Netanyahu wanted to block TikTok, where videos of Arabs attacking Jews went viral on numerous occasions. He argued that the platform fanned the flames that could lead to more violence.

According to sources familiar with the matter, the prime minister raised the idea up on two occasions but the idea was shot down each time by the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit, as well as other officials, Haaretz noted.

The proposal was “based on the understanding that social media platforms inflamed what was already going on in Israel,” an official told Walla, “with many of the riots and violence coming together through Facebook and TikTok videos that served as inspiration.”

One of the more viral videos showed a 17-year-old east Jerusalem Arab attacking a haredi Jew on the Jerusalem light rail. He was later arrested by Israel Police.

“Blocking access to social media is an anti-democratic act that we’ve seen in Egypt, Turkey and Russia,” Dr. Tehilla Shwartz Altshuler of the Israel Democratic Institute told Walla.
The Prime Minister did not approve blocking Instagram and Facebook in Israel,” said the Prime Minister’s Office.

However, the official who spoke to Walla insisted that the proposal included Facebook and Instagram, in an effort to block all access to the inciting content.

“He did investigate the different possibilities for dealing with the phenomenon of inciting videos on TikTok, which police and security forces concluded did contribute to the increase in violence,” Haaretz reported.
Palestinian protests and Canada’s efforts to achieve ‘quiet’

Police suppression of Palestinian protests across Canada has ignited a long overdue assessment of the role that Canadian police play in the oppression of the Palestinian people.
MAY 30, 2021

On Wednesday May 18th, Windsor, Ontario’s Palestinian community came together with hundreds of supporters to protest the recent escalations of Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing. The latest atrocities included the violent desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque, the expulsions of families in East Jerusalem, the campaign of state and mob violence against Palestinian citizens of Israel, and yet another horrific massacre against the besieged Gaza Strip.

While Palestinian activists in Windsor have experienced suppression from the Windsor police in the past, what we saw in response to this critical protest was something new. The scale of police presence and intimidation tactics that we witnessed have disturbed the entire community. We are now hearing about how Palestinian protests across Canada are being subjected to similar police suppression, and it’s bringing to light a long overdue assessment of the role that Canadian police play in the oppression of the Palestinian people.

Police approached us right at the beginning to try to prevent the protest with threats of charges and fines. After failing to deny our right to protest, it was clear to us that they were finding subversive ways to ‘neutralize’ the protest. They quickly conceded our right to hold the protest, but then focused on the unusual demand to not use any speakers due to new noise rules being implemented. They wanted no chanting, no speeches, and essentially minimal disruptions for the public. This type of intimidation and rules were not there for the relatively untouched anti-lockdown protests and labour dispute rallies that had been happening around the same time around Windsor.

Throughout the entire event, police aggressively approached individuals suspected of being organizers and took photos of their faces in what we assumed were attempts to find targets for charges. They waited until the end before finally throwing charges and large fines on someone they arbitrarily decided was a main organizer (he wasn’t). They then proceeded to hand out dozens of massive fines to people as they dispersed in their cars. We later learned of complaints over people honking their horns or playing Palestinian anthems loudly, so the police introduced a “new police initiative targeted at noise,” as their spokesperson explained in a CBC report. They blocked off streets to trap groups of cars and then passed out tickets for anything they could—not just any ‘unreasonable noise’—but also dangerously waving Palestinian flags or not wearing a seatbelt.

Ask anyone in Windsor, and they’ll likely recall many similar noisy scenes in the streets following victories by Italy’s national football team or for a socially-distanced birthday celebration. In a tweet, police announced proudly that they handed out over twenty-five tickets, with some families being given thousands of dollars worth of fines. Many witnesses reported blatant discrimination against cars with Arab drivers or Palestinian flags.

Similar scenes unfolded at protests across Canada: at least 12 people were charged for a protest in Hamilton; in Halifax, police first signaled approval for a socially-distanced car rally, but then suddenly handed out 17 tickets for both crowd and traffic rules; another socially-distanced car rally in Calgary led to an astonishing 100 traffic and noise tickets. In Mississauga, a Palestinian youth was reportedly assaulted by police and needed community intervention to avoid being detained.

So we can summarize what happened in Windsor and other cities in the last couple of weeks like this: Palestinians attempted to raise our voices about genocidal policies that are expelling and killing hundreds of people, and the response we got was a discussion about noise and traffic by-laws.

The problem is not the Palestinian community’s inability to follow city by-laws: the problem is Canada’s total complicity in Israeli oppression, to the point that we aren’t given any effective way to even raise the issue. And the reason for that is that we’re not just dealing with Israeli oppression: Palestinians need to begin recognizing the full extent of the oppression we face here in Canada.

How many Palestinians in Windsor know that the Windsor Police Department is one of many Ontario police departments that have built strong ties with the Israeli apartheid regime? Police in Ontario have repeatedly received training and resources from Israeli security forces on their suppression tactics. A 2005 Israel National News article reported: “Police chiefs from across Ontario, Canada are on a five-day visit to Israel, studying Israeli police procedures… Ontario police hoped to use the visit to improve their capacity to effectively deal with policing and security issues impacting Ontario communities.”

Not only have Canadian police departments been receiving training by Israel’s oppressive apartheid system, but they’ve repeatedly stated their intentions to emulate Israeli policies and tactics here in Canada. Palestinians here generally have no idea.

The 2008 “Canada-Israel Public Security Cooperation” is an agreement in effect right now that Canada and Israel set up to integrate the concerns, tactics, and values of Canadian police with Israeli police. According to the agreement, for at least the last 13 years, Israeli security forces have been involved in how Canadian police identify and assess “threats” and “public safety concerns.” They’ve been facilitating ongoing “technical exchange cooperation, including education, training, and exercises.” Palestinians everywhere know very well what Israeli security forces consider to be threats and what their public safety concerns revolve around: the existence of any Palestinian anywhere, especially those who refuse to give up their rights.


After the protest, many people argued over the allegations of racism from the police. Kole Kilibarda’s important report on Canada’s close security ties with Israel highlights important questions about how trying to copy Israel’s policing methods “conditions the Canadian state’s attitudes towards Arab and Muslim communities,” given how Israeli security forces view and treat Arabs and Muslims.

The discussions about us being too noisy reminded me of how “maintaining quiet” is a very common theme in the way Israelis speak about their suppression of Palestinians. For example, at the beginning of this latest massacre in Gaza, Israel summarized the goal of its operation as simply “achieving complete quiet.” At the same time that he was busy trying to silence Palestinians there, police in Canada were focused on silencing Palestinians protesting against Netanyahu’s actions. Many groups and experts have been sounding the alarm on this relationship, such as Independent Jewish Voices Canada, which states that “Canada has imported the Israeli occupation and repression of Palestinians. Through its wars and its repression of Palestinian dissent, Israel promotes its weapons as ‘battleproven’… Israel is integrated in Canada’s public security.”

So now that we have more context: is it really a surprise to see Windsor police aggressively attempt to shut down Palestinian protests? The Palestinian community in Windsor and across Canada must come to terms with the fact that the police in our communities enthusiastically endorse and work closely with Israel’s apartheid regime. For all future protests and activism, we must be aware that the police are openly allied with our oppressors: so how can we expect them to be neutral in how they deal with us? A very productive move that Palestinian communities in Canada should consider is a public meeting with their police departments demanding answers on whether they can be trusted by Palestinian-Canadians.

Whether Palestinians are living in Canada or directly under Israeli rule, the key factor that maintains their suppression is keeping them unheard and unseen by the Western public. Basic realities about our situation have been purged from all mainstream media and social institutions a long time ago; without this erasure, it would be difficult for Israel to continue its crimes or for Canada to support them. We’re of course used to this in Western media’s coverage of the Israel’s apartheid regime, but we should note how the same dynamics apply on local news coverage of Palestinian communities.

The Windsor Star’s sole article on our protest was entitled “Pro-Palestinian rally in downtown Windsor leads to charge, tickets,” because they decided to make the story about the noise violations and how disruptive the Palestinian community is. No organizer was spoken to, no message from the protest was reported, and there was not a word about what was happening to Palestinians in the entire article. The bulk of the article simply quotes Windsor Police’s statement against the protestors, coupled with clips that seem to specifically highlight the protest’s brief Arabic speeches and chants.

The erasure of our humanity has simply become the norm in this country, and all this is deeply internalized by any Palestinian living here. We are conditioned to remain silent and to accept that our society will never truly hear or see our situation. And this is the reason why we see such a huge impulse among Palestinians to be especially loud and disruptive at some of our protests: the extreme degree of helplessness and erasure leads to an extreme compulsion to finally be seen. It’s not just trying to capitalize on the rare opportunity Palestinians get to bring our plight into public consciousness: for many Palestinians, it’s also a sudden, euphoric, and very personal opportunity to assert our humanity in this country. Hence the celebratory nature of lots of the rallies. There is finally a release of the built up emotional repression that comes from being in a country where expressing basic realities about our situation is a taboo; one that we’re often taught to only whisper about in private.

This also creates the problem of many members of our community being so unfamiliar with being able to express themselves openly, and so inexperienced with having any type of dialogue with the Canadian public. There is a serious lack of strongly established, resourceful Palestinian political organizing in Canada; we don’t have a public relations machine or effective standard tactics yet—especially in Windsor. Organizing protests in Windsor has always been a struggle because of this. The Palestinian community has simply not been allowed to develop an organized infrastructure, so when the community scrambles to come together in response to the latest Israeli atrocities making headlines, people are generally very free to express themselves however they want. The honking, the loud music, the dangerous flag-waving, the Arabic chants, and basically everything that irritates the wider community so much, is simply the forceful, public self-expression of people excited to just be seen by their society.

Moreover, there is still so much effort put into informative speeches, press releases, and public relations, but we’re still always ignored. The only time we receive significant attention from the media or the wider community is when we’re too disruptive. So my view at this point is that the police and the Canadian public are completely incapable of empathizing or listening to Palestinians no matter what we do or say. That attitude towards us didn’t come from nowhere.

The Windsor Police’s spokesperson specifically said they ticketed excessive honking because it “isn’t necessary during a peaceful protest”—subtly implying that Palestinians simply honking their horns to bring attention to ethnic cleansing is bordering on violence. Both their statements and their treatment of Palestinian protestors seem to indicate that Windsor Police can’t help but see aggression embedded in Palestinian protests and that their role is to contain it.

While the bombing of Gaza has ended for now, Israel has accelerated its ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem and arrested thousands of its Palestinian citizens in a massive crackdown. The overwhelming sentiment among us in Windsor is that we must continue organizing more protests, starting with a car rally planned for next week. This will present a key test for our community in response to the police crackdown and noise complaints at the last protest: will the honking, flag-waving, and noisiness disappear in fear of more fines and charges? In this dialogue between local authorities and Palestinians, it’s my hope that we can set an example for other Canadian cities on how to finally push our struggle in this country forward.
Message to Palestinian leadership: Biden is not our ally, only the people will liberate Palestine

Antony Blinken's visit to Ramallah was not welcome by the average Palestinian in Gaza. We needed a rejection of U.S. imperialism, but instead got handshakes that amounted to little more than talks between the landlords and the thieves.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah was not welcome by the average Palestinian citizen in Gaza. What we needed from our leadership was a wholehearted demand to immediately end U.S. imperialism, but instead we got handshakes that amounted to little more than talks between the landlords and the thieves.

What is happening now in Palestine is a continuation of 1948, when Palestinians were dispossessed from our homeland which we have remained attached to since. Since then, despite violence and hardship that only gets worse on a daily basis, it has taken all means possible to express our rejection and resistance, and to achieve our mere basic human rights within the fragmented parts of our historic Palestine. And yet I can affirm, never before have the Palestinians been prouder than we are now, as we have stood as humans against the Israeli deprivation of our rights in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the unrecognized genocide in the Gaza Strip.

I am a Gaza-based Palestinian in my early 20s who is young enough to still anticipate a bright future worthy of the challenges and the sacrifice ahead, but old enough to have witnessed the different ways the occupation has dispossessed my family, and the ongoing massacres and destruction of my birthplace by Israeli F-16’s.

Over the last seven decades, the United States has itself stood, not only as an unequivocal ally of Israel, but also a significant complicit role player in the continued Israeli oppression of Palestinian land, identity, and people. The criminality of Israeli police in Jerusalem, and the Army’s attacks on Gaza, have never been clearer, and they should be held accountable by the world’s legal bodies. Because life in Palestine now is what it is because of U.S. support for Israel, the U.S. should be the first to act decisively in seeking justice and equality. Sadly, I know my hopes for American support for Palestine’s just cause against Israeli military occupation will not be met.

The recent $3.8 billion in annual military aid from the United States to Israel to keep on brutalizing Palestinians’ bodies, imprisoning them, and colonizing their lands non-stop, shows that the US government has Palestinian blood is on its hands. In addition, the US has also provided unwavering diplomatic impunity at an international level for Israel for its breaches and violations. This started from the early hours of the start of apartheid in Palestine 73 years ago and continues until today.

For these reasons, along with my fellow Palestinian activists, I see Blinken’s visit as a masquerade of politics and bad-faith diplomacy, attempting to break apart the long-standing Palestinian struggle and further entrench a settler-colonial and capitalist agenda that strikes at the trenches of the liberation movement wherever it is found in Palestine. Proof of this is in nothing more than the fact that even while this meeting was supposed to be in support of the ceasefire, Israel’s racially-discriminatory actions were still taking place simultaneously throughout Palestine with U.S. support for Israeli forces and settlers.
The US and Palestinian leadership: Anti-revolutionary pacifying forces

Palestinians reject the imposition of the United States as a broker for false “talks” between the colonizer and the defunct and corrupt leadership of Ramallah. We also reject any of the so-called well-intentioned efforts to allocate reconstruction money aid to Gaza which is only used to cover over the genocidal impact caused by the inhumane latest attacks on Gaza, which were supported by the U.S. in the first place.

What our leaders have to absorb is that our human suffering under continuous unprecedented fears and attacks every few years is not simply a statistic. The consequences last long, even longer than a leader might govern or dictate.

The events of recent weeks should have only strengthened the view of every lawful decision-maker in Palestine that we are not a country defined by political division or disorder or desperate actions, but rather a unified base of national resistance against the race-based discrimination and systematic policies of aggression, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid practiced by the occupier.

In reality, this country is ruled by military subjugation against protesters armed only with stones. These stones are just a small response to the brutality that has been passed down to the people from one generation to the next, made worse by the “defensive” military aid of our occupier’s allies.

Following the ceasefire, Netanyahu, commenting to the press, presented an aggressive promise with U.S. support and threatened a “very powerful response” if Gaza showed any resistance to the brutality of the Israeli government.

Blinken is in Ramallah to whitewash the recent result of this promise — the Israeli killing 254 innocent civilians, including 66 children, 39 women, 17 elderly, and 1,948 wounded. This is on top of totally devastating 576 residential units, and partially destroying 6,424 other homes. This is a vivid example of how Israel defends itself. They use Biden’s support when Palestinians are only responding back to the crimes committed against them in Gaza or the West Bank, not to mention those in exile and the diaspora.

And again, those statistics are not just numbers. Every one carries countless stories of belonging, hope, and steadfastness. All were killed due to their rejection of the occupation on their land. They were full of stories of hope, lifetimes of struggle, and were slowly driven into an exile. It was only their legitimate and moral persistence that led Israeli missiles to their soft bodies, which fell in shreds to the arms of their loved ones and families.

The United States government must end its decades-long policy as Israel’s benefactor and protector. The United States should foremost heed the Palestinians’ call, the call of its own citizens, and the millions of people of the world who have protested in support of Palestinian liberation, many of whom have been of course victims of oppression themselves.

Biden’s secretary of state’s statements were no more than lip services to us. We do not need the broken international community to restore our humanity and rights, and homeland. However, it is time for the U.S. to follow its supposed values of equality, justice, human rights, and freedom. For the U.S. to do so would mean an end to the prosecution of Palestinians that is sustained by American tax payer dollars, and instead support for the Palestinian plight to simply exist in the land of our ancestors.
Decolonizing Palestine is our people’s only duty

Years of incompetent Palestinian political dynamics has propelled the national resistance and struggle as Palestinians in all of occupied Palestine and the diaspora see that we share the same interests as one unified people: breaking the chains of the oppressor to not be suffocated under the occupation any longer.

As Palestinians only we are in control of our destiny; we have shown the world unparalleled unity and uprising while the occupation displays stupidity and aggressiveness.

I believe, stemming from my humble experience carrying out my mission of exposing the daily aggressions on my people, that liberating Palestine is the duty of its survivors, its people only.

Our officials flying around the world with our money and reputation, aiming to make the world pity and sympathize with us, is not what we consider persistent resistance. And as Palestinian citizens, threatened with tonnes of American-made, Israeli-piloted warplanes’ missiles, we don’t want anyone to pity us; — we want to be treated with humanity, justice, and liberty without being besieged by land, air, and sea.

It is so difficult to maintain this kind of perseverance across an entire population, but what pushes us along in the face of international complicity are hopeful dreams; the yearning to be laughing and bickering at the sea along every coastal city just for the sake of laughing and bickering. Like all humans elsewhere.

We are burdened by heartbreak, disappointment, and nostalgia, but this does not weaken our goal. As Palestinians, young and old alike, we are clutching our the keys to our homes and dreaming of our lands in occupied Palestine. This is the only Palestinian message that the world must learn.
Israel-Palestine: One-state solution is the path forward

Ahmed Yousef

30 May 2021 

In the wake of the latest Gaza massacre, it is time to shift the conversation towards a single binational state where all are treated equally

Palestinians wave flags amid an Israeli raid of Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque complex on 21 May 2021 (AFP)

The Gaza ceasefire had barely come into effect before Israeli forces had again stormed al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, a familiar cycle that has gone on for decades. The only thing that may end these incessant infractions would be a decision by Israeli leaders to genuinely protect those under their care, rather than to work towards an impossible Zionist dream. They need to understand that enough is enough.

With each onslaught, the false narrative of righteous self-defence is laid ever barer. If Israel's right-wing extremists don't come to realise that Palestinians are not a subservient people, nor will they disappear amid colonisation, then the country will continue to exist in a cycle of instability, apprehension and social discord.

While maintaining this level of resistance is exhausting, the alternative - simply accepting Israeli hegemony - is not an option

Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip have demonstrated for more than seven decades that they will not capitulate, and those evicted or expelled from the country will not give up on their right of return.

They do not need foreign armies to bolster their resolve. While maintaining this level of resistance is exhausting, the alternative - simply accepting Israeli hegemony - is not an option. Palestinians have predominantly chosen a path of death or liberty.

Lest we forget what caused the latest escalation, it was a dual-pronged assault on Palestinian existence: Israeli forces raided al-Aqsa Mosque after denying worshippers their religious rites for weeks, and protected settlers who have been forcibly evicting Palestinians from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah. The Hamas rockets fired towards Tel Aviv came only after the Israelis were given ample opportunity to withdraw from the mosque.

Disproportionate suffering

Israel's latest assault on Gaza, branded as "Operation Guardian of the Walls," reflects the state's attempt to once again paint itself as an innocent. Since 2002, Israel has branded its military campaigns with a slew of schizophrenic names: Defensive Shield, Summer Rains, Hot Winter, Cast Lead, Pillar of Defence and Protective Edge.

Notwithstanding the bizarre nomenclature, the casualty count has consistently been lopsided. And even before these onslaughts, Israel has a decades-long history of colonialism, military aggression and financial strangulation.
Palestinian volunteers and municipal workers clear rubble from Israeli air strikes in Gaza City on 25 May 2021 (AFP)

In the latest onslaught, more than 200 Palestinians were killed and hundreds more injured. But Palestinians know that such numbers matter little to Israeli officials, except as tools for the likes of "Justice" Minister Benny Gantz, who wears them with pride. In 2019, Gantz ran a campaign ad that boasted of killing 1,364 "terrorists" in the 2014 Gaza war.

As Palestinians this month commemorate the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba, we can draw parallels to Deir Yassin and other massacres remembered now only by those willing to dirty their fingers by flipping through the pages of history. Journalists did not write accounts revealing Zionist complicity back then, and most are not risking their careers by doing so now.

Western media channels meekly profess objective journalism by quoting or interviewing both sides in the "conflict," seemingly oblivious to the fact that Palestinians are disproportionately suffering amid severe Israeli repression.
Potential solutions

In the latest indiscriminate assault on Gaza, which is among the most densely populated places on earth, Israeli bombs destroyed residential apartment buildings, media offices, healthcare facilities, roads and other key infrastructure. Among the dead were more than 60 children, and thousands more people have been displaced.

Gaza: Ceasefire offers no respite from Israel's colonial siege
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Now that the drones and sirens have been silenced, there will be more discussion around potential solutions. The two-state option is frankly no longer viable. As Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy once aptly noted, no Israeli government, regardless of political party, has ever had the slightest intention of implementing a two-state solution or ending the occupation, with the Oslo Accords functioning as yet another delaying tactic.

A single binational state where everyone is treated as an equal, however, is entirely feasible, and such a shift would surely be welcomed by the people of Gaza, the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem. Moving in this direction will be difficult, requiring leaders with vision and determination, but if the oppressive Soviet Union could be dissolved, and if apartheid South Africa could be unified, then Israel-Palestine can certainly be set on a new path.

Is this proposition outlandish, with little real hope of materialising? Perhaps, but then again, in the age of citizen journalism, with social media revealing events as they unfold; and with an ever-increasing number of young Israelis realising they have been lied to, Israeli society may yet force the country's leaders to work for peace, rather than to instigate war.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

Ahmed Yousef was a political adviser to the former Palestinian Prime Mister Ismael Hanniya and is the head of the Gaza-based House of Wisdom institute.
Naftali Bennett: The right-wing millionaire who may end Netanyahu era
Maayan Lubell
Sun, 30 May 2021,

FILE PHOTO: Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett speaks during a reception hosted by the Orthodox Union in Jerusalem ahead of the opening of the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem

By Maayan Lubell

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Naftali Bennett, Israel's likely next prime minister, is a self-made tech millionaire who dreams of annexing most of the occupied West Bank.

Bennett has said that creation of a Palestinian state would be suicide for Israel, citing security reasons.

But the standard-bearer of Israel's religious right and staunch supporter of Jewish settlements said on Sunday he was joining forces with his political opponents to save the country from political disaster.

The son of American immigrants, Bennett, 49, is a generation younger than 71-year-old Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's longest-serving leader.

A former commando, Bennett named his eldest son after Netanyahu's brother, Yoni, who was killed in an Israeli raid to free hijacked passengers at Uganda's Entebbe airport in 1976.

Bennett has had a long and often rocky relationship with Netanyahu, working between 2006 and 2008 as a senior aide to the then-opposition leader before leaving on reported bad terms.

Bennett stormed into national politics in 2013, revamping a pro-settler party and serving as minister of defence as well as of education and the economy in various Netanyahu governments.

A former leader of Yesha, the main settler movement in the West Bank, Bennett made annexation of parts of the territory that Israel captured in a 1967 war a major feature of his political platform.

But as head of a so-called government of "change" that will include left-wing and centrist parties, while relying on support in parliament from Arab legislators, following through on annexation would be politically unfeasible.

Bennett said on Sunday both the right and left would have to compromise on such ideological matters.

Born in the Israeli city of Haifa to immigrants from San Francisco, Bennett is a modern-Orthodox religious Jew. He lives with his wife, Gilat, a dessert chef, and their four children in the affluent Tel Aviv suburb of Raanana.

Like Netanyahu, Bennett speaks fluent American-accented English and spent some of his childhood in north America, where his parents were on sabbatical.

While working in the high-tech sector, Bennett studied law at Jerusalem's Hebrew University. In 1999, he formed a start-up and then moved to New York, eventually selling his anti-fraud software company, Cyota, to U.S. security firm RSA for $145 million in 2005.


Last year, as Netanyahu’s government sought to press ahead with West Bank annexation and settlement building in the final months of the Trump administration, Bennett, then defence chief, said: "The building momentum in the country must not be stopped, even for a second."

The annexation plan was eventually scrapped when Israel formalised ties with the United Arab Emirates. Analysts see little chance of it being resurrected under Donald Trump's Democratic successor, President Joe Biden, if ever.

Nonetheless, Palestinians are likely to regard Bennett's elevation as a blow to hopes of a negotiated peace and an independent state, the long-standing diplomatic formula that Biden favours.

After Israel in March held its fourth election in two years Bennett, who leads the far-right Yamina party, said a fifth vote would be a national calamity and entered talks with the centre-left block that forms the main opposition to Netanyahu.

An advocate of liberalising the economy, Bennett has voiced support for cutting government red tape and taxes.

Unlike some of his former allies on the religious right, Bennett is comparatively liberal on issues such as gay rights and the relationship between religion and state in a country where Orthodox rabbis wield strong influence.

(Reporting by Maayan Lubell; Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Giles Elgood)

Israel's ex-defence minister Bennett shows Pakistani hospital in video as 'Hamas headquarters'

MENA2 min read
The New Arab Staff
30 May, 2021
Naftali Bennett, the right-wing politician who is in the running to become Israel's next prime minister, showed an image of a Pakistani hospital while describing the building as the headquarters of the Palestinian militant group.

The hospital shown in the video is located in Islamabad, Pakistan [YouTube]

Israel's former defence minister was caught out this week by Pakistani social media users who highlighted the right-wing politician's false use of a photo of a Pakistani hospital to describe the "headquarters" of Hamas in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Naftali Bennett, who is currently in talks with other Israeli opposition leaders to form a new government, used a photo of the Shifa International Hospital in the Pakistani capital Islamabad in a video posted on May 20.

The Yamina leader unwittingly used the photo to represent the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, which he falsely alleged was used as the headquarters of the Hamas militant group.

Al-Shifa is the largest hospital in the Palestinian enclave and treated hundreds of civilians injured during 11 days of intensive Israeli air strikes and shelling this month.

In the video, addressed to celebrities who have criticised Israel over the brutal bombardment and occupation of Palestinian lands, Bennett also claimed a school was being used as a weapons store by Hamas.

He also repeated the official Israeli allegation that the Al-Jalaa Tower in Gaza, which contained homes and international media offices before being completely destroyed in an air strike, was a Hamas military intelligence office. Israel has not provided any evidence for those claims.

Bennett is not the only high-profile Israeli to have shared images from another country falsely purporting to be from Palestine.


Netanyahu spokesman uses Syria war footage in anti-Hamas post
The New Arab Staff
12 May, 2021

Yair Netanyahu, son of the current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, shared a video clip of a "funeral" where bodies are lying on the ground covered in white shrouds. As the camera moves, one of the bodies can be seen moving.

Netanyahu, who is known for his controversial statements on social media, claimed that the video showed "Paliwood" actors faking deaths in the Gaza Strip. The video was in fact from a 2013 protest in Egypt.

Similarly, Ofir Gendelman, the spokesperson of Prime Minister Netanyahu, shared a video which he claimed showed Palestinian militants launching rockets in a densely populated area. The video was taken in Syria in 2018.

Gendelman also shared a video, which he said showed Palestinians staging bodies for a fake photo. The video actually showed people preparing for a bomb drill.

Another viral video claimed to show Palestinians faking injuries. The video was actually from 2017 and showed the application of film and special effects make-up as part of a medical training exercise organised by Doctors of the World.