Saturday, September 10, 2022

Rare-earth based materials: An effective toolbox for brain technology

Peer-Reviewed Publication


The overview of recent development and applications of rare-earth based materials for brain disease diagnosis and treatments. 



Brain diseases, including tumors and neurodegenerative disorders, are among the most serious health problems. Non-invasively high-resolution imaging techniques are required to gain anatomical and functional information of the brain. In addition, efficient diagnosis technology is also needed to treat brain disease. Rare-earth based materials possess unique optical properties, superior magnetism, and high X-ray absorption abilities, enabling high-resolution imaging of the brain through magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography imaging, and fluorescence imaging technologies. In addition, rare-earth based materials can be used for the detection, treatment, and regulation of brain diseases through fine modulation of their structures and functions. Importantly, rare-earth based materials coupled with biomolecules such as antibodies, peptides, and drugs are able to overcome the blood-brain barrier and can be used for targeted therapy.

In a new review published in Light Science & Applications, a team of scientists, led by Associate Professor Fan Wang from State Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Resource Utilization, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, and co-workers have summarized the recent research and development of rare-earth based materials for brain imaging, therapy, monitoring, and neuromodulation.

  • brain imaging
  1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): MRI has emerged as a safe, painless, non-invasive, and powerful diagnostic tool, which is widely used in brain imaging. Rare-earth based composites with superior optical and magnetic properties attract great attention due to their unique 4f external electronic structure. In particular, Gd3+ ions can provide a high electron magnetic moment and effectively shorten the electron relaxation time owing to its seven unpaired 4f electrons (8S7/2) and symmetrical ground state. Gd-based complexes can significantly improve the imaging quality by increasing the imaging contrast between diseased tissue and normal tissue. This section summarizes the modification of traditional Gd-based small molecule contrast agents, for example, grafting them onto polymers to increase their relaxation rate and prolong their circulation time in vivo. In addition, surface modifications are also applied to improve their biocompatibility and enable them to pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB).
  2. Fluorescence imaging: Fluorescence imaging mainly focused on the visible region (400-700 nm) and NIR-I window (700-900 nm). However, photon scattering or photon absorption always occur when light enters tissue or bone, resulting in inevitable thermal damage, low signal-to-noise ratio and limited penetration depth. In addition, craniotomy, bone window opening and cranial grinding processes are usually required for traditional fluorescence imaging, further leading to damage to brain tissue and cerebral vessels. NIR-II fluorescence (1000-1700 nm) imaging technology is proved to have a higher spatial resolution, less thermal damage, deeper penetration depth and lower tissue auto-fluorescence. Rare earth-based materials have superior photostability, long fluorescence lifetimes, and narrow emission bandwidths. Particularly, their rich energy level transitions allow for the tunable NIR-II emission by changing the doped ion species. Thus, they are the ideal materials to realize NIR-II fluorescence imaging of the brain. Researchers have developed a series of Ce-doped Er-based rare earth nanoparticles with outstanding NIR-II emission at 1525 nm, which could support non-invasive cerebrovascular visualization. Besides, organic dyes and quantum dots (QDs) with large extinction coefficients are also employed as antennas to absorb and transfer energy effectively.
  3. Multi-modal imaging: Due to the complex spatial structure and vascular information of the brain, single-mode imaging is difficult to meet the needs of multi-target detection and collaborative imaging. To address these shortcomings, multi-modal imaging was developed to provide more accurate imaging information of brain for further clinical applications. Ln3+ ions possess superior optical, magnetic properties, and high X-ray absorption coefficients, enabling simultaneous MRI, fluorescence imaging and CT imaging on a single material. The Multi-modal imaging realized real-time dynamic imaging and accurate diagnosis of brain tumor.


  • brain diseases therapy
  1. Radiotherapy: Gd-based therapeutic agents with a high X-ray attenuation coefficient are attractive agents for radiotherapy, which can increase the deposition of local radiation dose at the tumor site and significantly enhance the therapeutic effect.
  2. Photodynamic therapy (PDT): PDT eliminates tumor cells by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) through reacting photosensitizers with oxygen under the irradiation. However, most photosensitizer molecules are excited by the UV or visible light that hardly penetrates the deep tissues and brain skeleton. The rare earth-based nanoparticles (RENPs) could emit tunable luminescence to sensitize the photosensitizers under NIR excitation, which greatly improve the penetration depth of PDT.
  3. Photothermal therapy (PTT): Photothermal therapy is another phototherapy that uses photothermal agents to convert light into heat energy to treat disease, which is also limited by the photothermal agents that need to be excited by UV or visible light. Rare earth-based upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) with anti-Stokes emissions under NIR light excitation can effectively activate the photothermal energy conversion of photothermal agents to  eliminate tumor cells.
  4. Other therapies: Other new strategies have also been applied to synergistically treat brain disease with rare-earth based materials. For example, a NIR-light triggered nanophotosynthetic (NPT) biosystem consisting of core-shell Nd3+-doped UCNPs and photoautotroph cyanobacterium (S. elongatus) was developed to treat ischemic stroke.


  • brain disease diagnosis and monitoring

RENPs are promising candidates for monitoring brain neuronal activity and diagnosing brain diseases due to their superior luminescent properties. UCNPs-mediated visualization of dynein-driven retrograde axonal transport provided insights into the mechanism of dynein movement, neurological disease pathology and the role of various neural circuits in the brain. Besides, by utilizing the Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) strategy between hexanitrodiphenylamine (DPA) and UCNPs, NIR-excited optical voltage sensors were designed to real-time monitor the neuronal activity


  • brain modulation through optogenetics

Optogenetics is an optical technique that exploits visible light to activate channel proteins expressed in specific cells for remote stimulation of specific neurons deep in the brain. However, the visible light is strongly scattered in the tissues and cannot penetrate deep into brain. In addition, optical fibers are always required and invaded into brain for the optogenetics. UCNP-mediated wireless optogenetics technology provides a minimally invasive technique that gets rid of the dependence on optical fibers, avoiding the damage to brain tissue caused by optical fibers. UCNP-mediated optogenetics realizes the activation / inhibition of neuronal cells, and further regulates the motor state and neural behavior of animals.


In the end, perspectives and potential challenges toward clinical application with rare-earth based materials are presented:

  1. The development of highly robust synthetic methods and efficient structural modulation strategies is required to enhance the optical performance of RENPs.
  2. The development of RENPs with excitation wavelengths located in the NIR-II region is required to achieve deeper tissue penetration depths and higher spatial resolution.
  3. The development of longer wavelength fluorescent probes and imaging instruments is urgently required, which will promote the further expansion of multi-modal imaging technology based on the NIR-II region.
  4. Other BBB-crossing methods including cell penetrating peptide/cells mediated brain delivery and receptor-mediated BBB opening need to be further explored
  5. It is necessary to develop effective synthesis and assembly strategies to improve the stability, biocompatibility and in vivo clearance of rare-earth based materials.
  6. Seeking new approaches to deliver UCNPs across BBB and anchor them onto specific neurons via exceptionally precise molecular recognition processes is urgently needed.

Replacing social media use by physical activity


Peer-Reviewed Publication


Julia Brailovskaia 



If you spend 30 minutes less on social media every day and engage in physical activity instead, you do a lot to improve your mental health. This is shown in a study conducted by a team from the Mental Health Research and Treatment Center at Ruhr-Universität Bochum headed by assistant professor Dr. Julia Brailovskaia. Participants who followed this advice for two weeks felt happier, more satisfied, less stressed by the Covid-19 pandemic and less depressed than a control group. These effects lasted even six months after the study had ended. The researchers published their findings in the Journal of Public Health on Sept. 2, 2022.

The downside of social media

In times of lockdowns and contact restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, social media channels like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp ensured that we still felt connected to other people. They distracted us from the stress brought about by the pandemic, which caused many people to experience anxiety, insecurities, and hopelessness. But social media consumption has also its drawbacks. Heavy use can lead to addictive behaviour that manifests itself in, for example, a close emotional bond to the social media. In addition, fake news and conspiracy theories can spread uncontrollably on social channels and trigger even more anxiety.

“Given that we don’t know for certain how long the coronavirus crisis will last, we wanted to know how to protect people’s mental health with services that are as free and low-threshold as possible,” explains Julia Brailovskaia. To find out whether the type and duration of social media use can contribute to this, she conducted an experimental study as part of her fellowship at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS).

A two-week experiment

She and her team recruited a total of 642 volunteers, assigning them randomly to one of four groups of roughly equal size. The first group reduced the daily social media consumption by 30 minutes during an intervention period of two weeks. Since previous studies had shown that physical activity can increase well-being and reduce depressive symptoms, the second group increased the duration of physical activity by 30 minutes daily during this period, while continuing to use social media as usual. The third group combined both, reducing social media use and increasing physical activity. A control group didn’t change the behaviour during the intervention phase.

Before, during and up to six months after the two-week intervention phase, the participants responded to online surveys on the duration, intensity and emotional significance of their social media use, physical activity, their satisfaction with life, their subjective feeling of happiness, depressive symptoms, the psychological burden of the Covid-19 pandemic and their cigarette consumption.

Healthy and happy in the age of digitalisation

The findings clearly showed that both reducing the amount of time spent on social media each day and increasing physical activity have a positive impact on people’s well-being. And particularly the combination of the two interventions increases one’s satisfaction with life and subjective feeling of happiness and reduces depressive symptoms. The effects last for a long time: even six months after the two-week intervention phase had ended, participants in all three intervention groups spent less time on social media than before: namely about a half hour in the groups that had either reduced social media time or increased their daily exercise, and about three-quarters of an hour in the group that had combined both measures. Six months after the intervention, the combination group engaged one hour and 39 minutes more each week in physical activity than before the experiment. The positive influence on mental health continued throughout the entire follow-up period.

“This shows us how vital it is to reduce our availability online from time to time and to go back to our human roots,” concludes Julia Brailovskaia. “These measures can be easily implemented into one’s everyday life and they’re completely free – and, at the same time, they help us to stay happy and healthy in the digital age.”

Light accelerates conductivity in nature’s ‘electric grid’

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Caption: Bacteria producing nanowires made up of cytochrome OmcS. (Credit: Ella Maru Studio) 



September 7, 2022

New Haven, Conn. — The natural world possesses its own intrinsic electrical grid composed of a global web of tiny bacteria-generated nanowires in the soil and oceans that “breathe” by exhaling excess electrons.

In a new study, Yale University researchers discovered that light is a surprising ally in fostering this electronic activity within biofilm bacteria. Exposing bacteria-produced nanowires to light, they found, yielded an up to a 100-fold increase in electrical conductivity.

The findings were published Sept. 7 in the journal Nature Communications,

“The dramatic current increases in nanowires exposed to light show a stable and robust photocurrent that persists for hours,” said senior author Nikhil Malvankar, associate professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (MBB) at Yale’s Microbial Sciences Institute on Yale’s West Campus.

The results could provide new insights as scientists pursue ways to exploit this hidden electrical current for a variety of purposes, from eliminating biohazard waste and creating new renewable fuel sources.

Almost all living things breathe oxygen to get rid of excess electrons when converting nutrients into energy. Without access to oxygen, however, soil bacteria living deep under oceans or buried underground over billions of years have developed a way to respire by “breathing minerals,” like snorkeling, through tiny protein filaments called nanowires.

When bacteria were exposed to light, the increase in electrical current surprised researchers because most of the bacteria tested exist deep in the soil, far from the reach of light. Previous studies had shown that when exposed to light nanowire-producing bacteria grew faster.

 “Nobody knew how this happens,” Malvankar said.

In the new study, a Yale team led by postdoctoral researcher Jens Neu and graduate student Catharine Shipps concluded that a metal-containing protein known as cytochrome OmcS — which makes up bacterial nanowires — acts as a natural photoconductor: the nanowires greatly facilitate electron transfer when biofilms are exposed to light.

“It is a completely different form of photosynthesis,” Malvankar said. “Here, light is accelerating breathing by bacteria due to rapid electron transfer between nanowires.”

Malvankar’s lab is exploring how this insight into bacterial electrical conductivity could be used to spur growth in optoelectronics — a subfield of photonics that studies devices and  systems that find and control light — and capture methane, a greenhouse gas known to be a significant contributor to global climate change.

Other authors of the paper are Matthew Guberman-Pfeffer, Cong Shen, Vishok Srikanth, Sibel Ebru Yalcin from the Malvankar Lab at Yale; Jacob Spies, Professor Gary Brudvig and Professor Victor Batista from the Yale Department of Chemistry; and Nathan Kirchhofer from Oxford Instruments.

Researchers have identified antibodies that may make coronavirus vaccines unnecessary

Breakthrough in the fight against COVID-19

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Dr. Natalia Freund 



  • Tel Aviv University researchers have isolated two antibodies that neutralize all known strains of COVID-19 – including Omicron – with up to 95% efficiency.
  • The researchers: Targeted treatment with antibodies and their delivery to the body in high concentrations may serve as an effective substitute for vaccines, especially for at-risk populations and those with weakened immune systems. By using antibody treatment, there is a possibility that the need to provide repeated booster shots to the entire population every time a new variant emerges will be eliminated.


A scientific breakthrough by Tel Aviv University: A team of researchers from the university has demonstrated that antibodies isolated from the immune system of recovered COVID-19 patients are effective in neutralizing all known strains of the virus, including the Delta and the Omicron variants. According to the researchers, this discovery may eliminate the need for repeated booster vaccinations and strengthen the immune system of populations at risk.


The research was led by Dr. Natalia Freund and doctoral students Michael Mor and Ruofan Lee of the Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine. The study was conducted in collaboration with Dr. Ben Croker of the University of California San Diego. Prof. Ye Xiang of Tsinghua University in Beijing. Prof. Meital Gal-Tanamy and Dr. Moshe Dessau of Bar-Ilan University also took part in the study. The study was published in the Nature journal Communications Biology.


The present study is a continuation of a preliminary study conducted in October 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 crisis. At that time, Dr. Freund and her colleagues sequenced all the B immune system cells from the blood of people who had recovered from the original COVID strain in Israel, and isolated nine antibodies that the patients produced. The researchers now found that some of these antibodies are very effective in neutralizing the new coronavirus variants, Delta and Omicron.


Dr. Freund: “In the previous study, we showed that the various antibodies that are formed in response to infection with the original virus are directed against different sites of the virus. The most effective antibodies were those that bound to the virus’s ‘spike’ protein, in the same place where the spike binds the cellular receptor ACE2. Of course, we were not the only ones to isolate these antibodies, and the global health system made extensive use of them until the arrival of the different variants of the coronavirus, which in fact rendered most of those antibodies useless.


“In the current study, we proved that two other antibodies, TAU-1109 and TAU-2310, which bind the viral spike protein in a different area from the region where most of the antibodies were concentrated until now (and were therefore less effective in neutralizing the original strain) are actually very effective in neutralizing the Delta and Omicron variants. According to our findings, the effectiveness of the first antibody, TAU-1109, in neutralizing the Omicron strain is 92%, and in neutralizing the Delta strain, 90%. The second antibody, TAU-2310, neutralizes the Omicron variant with an efficacy of 84%, and the Delta variant with an efficacy of 97%.”


According to Dr. Freund, the surprising effectiveness of these antibodies might be related to the evolution of the virus: “The infectivity of the virus increased with each variant because each time, it changed the amino acid sequence of the part of the spike protein that binds to the ACE2 receptor, thereby increasing its infectivity and at the same time evading the natural antibodies that were created following vaccinations. In contrast, the antibodies TAU-1109 and TAU-2310 don’t bind to the ACE2 receptor binding site, but to another region of the spike protein – an area of ​​the viral spike that for some reason does not undergo many mutations – and they are therefore effective in neutralizing more viral variants. These findings emerged as we tested all the known COVID strains to date.”


The two antibodies, cloned in Dr. Freund’s laboratory at Tel Aviv University, were sent for tests to check their effectiveness against live viruses in laboratory cultures at the University of California San Diego, and against pseudoviruses in the laboratories of the Faculty of Medicine of Bar-Ilan University in the Galilee; the results were identical and equally encouraging in both tests.


Dr. Freund believes that the antibodies can bring about a real revolution in the fight against COVID-19: “We need to look at the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of previous disease outbreaks that humankind has witnessed. People who were vaccinated against smallpox at birth and who today are 50 years old still have antibodies, so they are probably protected, at least partially, from the monkeypox virus that we have recently been hearing about. Unfortunately, this is not the case with the coronavirus. For reasons we still don’t yet fully understand, the level of antibodies against COVID-19 declines significantly after three months, which is why we see people getting infected again and again, even after being vaccinated three times. In our view, targeted treatment with antibodies and their delivery to the body in high concentrations can serve as an effective substitute for repeated boosters, especially for at-risk populations and those with weakened immune systems. COVID-19 infection can cause serious illness, and we know that providing antibodies in the first days following infection can stop the spread of the virus. It is therefore possible that by using effective antibody treatment, we will not have to provide booster doses to the entire population every time there is a new variant.”


Link to the article:

Engineering industrial microalgae for producing healthy biological oil

Peer-Reviewed Publication


A mechanistic model of NoDGAT2s-mediated MCT synthesis in N. oceanica 



The genetic talents of a marine microalga are now unlocked, to produce medium-chain triacylglycerols, which is a kind of plant oil with a variety of health benefits, according to a study led by researchers from the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology (QIBEBT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

This study was published in Plant Physiology on August 30.

Called triacylglycerols, these biological oils are the main form of energy storage in cells and found in all vegetable oils and animal fats — but they are not made equal.

Each triacylglycerol molecule consists of three fatty acid moieties that are anchored to a glycerol scaffold. Depending on the chain-length of the fatty acids, each molecule can be classified as long-chain triacylglycerol or a medium-chain triacylglycerol (MCT), which are distinct in application area, economical value and market potential.

"During digestion, MCTs are converted to medium-chain fatty acids, which bypass fat tissue, lowering the chance of it converting into fat tissue," said XU Jian, a professor at Single-Cell Center of QIBEBT. "It also increases energy expenditure, fat oxidation and satiety and lowers energy and food intake in both lean and obese individuals."

The issue is availability. MCT oil can only be manufactured by processing oils from palm and coconut plants, both of which are limited to growth in tropical and subtropical regions.

"Moreover, only about 3% of the whole plant mass is stored in the form of oil, so we need a more efficient and versatile feedstock," said XIN Yi, an associate professor at Single-Cell Center, explaining that the limited availability of MCT has hindered exploration of the product on a large scale.

The marine microalgae Nannochloropsis oceanica has drawn significant attention in the research community with its high photosynthetic growth potential and rich oil content, but has generally been found to only contain 0.01% to 0.05% of MCT. Despite this low content, a genetic analysis previously revealed evidence of a native MCT-assembling mechanism in this microalga.

In this study, the researchers discovered in the microalga two specific enzymes that are dedicated to assembling medium-chain fatty acids. These two very talented enzymes, when stacked with additional enzymes that feed substrates to the specialized MCT-assembly mechanism, can elevate MCT productivity by 64.8-fold at the peak phase of oil production.

Such functional specialization of these proteins in chain-length determination of products reveals a previously unknown dimension of control in cellular triacylglycerol, which can be exploited for producing customizable oils in microalgae.

The researchers plan to further enhance MCT production by genetically manipulating the molecules to halt degradation, control how long fatty acids can be and to increase the total triacylglycerol content.

"Such efforts should further enhance cellular MCT production and accelerate the pace of engineering industrial microalgae into efficient and sustainable feedstock for customizable oils," said HU Chunxiu, an associate professor at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of CAS.

This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program, the DICP-QIBEBT Joint Innovation Program and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Artificial ocean cooling to weaken hurricanes is futile, study finds

Researchers suggest ocean cooling is an effectively impossible solution to mitigate disasters

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Artificial ocean cooling to weaken hurricanes is futile, study finds 



A new study found that even if we did have the infinite power to artificially cool enough of the oceans to weaken a hurricane, the benefits would be minimal. The study led by scientists at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric and Earth Science showed that the energy alone that is needed to use intervention technology to weaken a hurricane before landfall makes it a highly inefficient solution to mitigate disasters.

“The main result from our study is that massive amounts of artificially cooled water would be needed for only a modest weakening in hurricane intensity before landfall,” said the study’s lead author James Hlywiak, a graduate of the UM Rosenstiel School. “Plus, weakening the intensity by marginal amounts doesn’t necessarily mean that the likelihood for inland damages and safety risks would decrease as well. While any amount of weakening before landfall is a good thing, for these reasons it makes more sense to direct focus towards adaptation strategies such as reinforcing infrastructure, improving the efficiency of evacuation procedures, and advancing the science around detection and prediction of impending storms.”

To scientifically answer questions about the effectiveness of artificially cooling the ocean to weaken hurricanes, the authors used a combination of air-sea interaction theories and a highly sophisticated computer model of the atmosphere.

In their computer simulations, they cooled areas of the ocean up to 260,000 km2 in size - larger than the state of Oregon and equating to 21,000 cubic kilometers of water - by up to 2 degrees Celsius. Even with the largest area of cooling, the simulated hurricanes weakened by only 15 percent. The amount of energy extracted from the ocean to achieve this small reduction is equivalent to more than 100 times the amount consumed across the entire United States in 2019 alone.

“You might think that the main finding of our article, that it’s pointless to try to weaken hurricanes, should be obvious,” said David Nolan, a professor of atmospheric sciences at the UM Rosenstiel School and senior author of the study. “And yet, various ideas for hurricane modification appear often in popular media and are even submitted for patents every few years. We’re happy to be able to put something into the peer-reviewed literature that actually addresses this.”

The study, titled “Targeted Ocean Cooling to Weaken Tropical Cyclones Would Be Futile,” was published in the journal Nature Communications Earth & Environment. The study was supported by a University of Miami Graduate Fellowship and National Science Foundation PREEVENTS grant (Award # 1663947).


The University of Miami is a private research university and academic health system with a distinct geographic capacity to connect institutions, individuals, and ideas across the hemisphere and around the world. The University’s vibrant and diverse academic community comprises 12 schools and colleges serving more than 17,000 undergraduate and graduate students in more than 180 majors and programs. Located within one of the most dynamic and multicultural cities in the world, the University is building new bridges across geographic, cultural, and intellectual borders, bringing a passion for scholarly excellence, a spirit of innovation, a respect for including and elevating diverse voices, and a commitment to tackling the challenges facing our world. Founded in the 1940’s, the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science has grown into one of the world’s premier marine and atmospheric research institutions. Offering dynamic interdisciplinary academics, the Rosenstiel School is dedicated to helping communities to better understand the planet, participating in the establishment of environmental policies, and aiding in the improvement of society and quality of life.



Climate change is affecting drinking water quality

The disappearance of forests will have consequences for water quality in reservoirs

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Rappbode reservoir in the Harz region (Germany) 



Heat waves, drought, floods, forest fires – the consequences of climate change are increasing and are changing our environment. A prime example is the countryside in the catchment area for the Rappbode reservoir in the eastern Harz region. This is the largest drinking water reservoir in Germany and provides drinking water for roughly one million people. Long periods of drought over the years from 2015 to 2020 have so severely weakened the tree population in the Harz region that parasites such as bark beetles have been able to propagate. This further exacerbated the effect: The trees were further damaged and quickly died off. "Over the past four years, the Rappbode catchment area, characterized by conifers, primarily spruce, has lost over 50 percent of its forest," says UFZ hydrologist and last author Prof. Michael Rode. "This massive forest dieback is advancing rapidly and is dramatic. This will have consequences for the drinking water reservoir."

Forests play a key role in the water cycle. They filter the water and bind nutrients and are therefore necessary for good water quality. The fewer nutrients – i.e. nitrogen or phosphorous compounds – contained in reservoir water, the better it is for drinking water treatment. "This makes it more difficult for algae to develop, making drinking water treatment in the waterworks more cost-effective and easier," explains UFZ lake researcher and co-author Dr. Karsten Rinke. "Nutrient management in water conservation areas is therefore very important. Over the past decades, long-term concepts with close cooperation between forest and water management have advanced the development of large areas of forest in the Rappbode reservoir catchment area." The rapid forest decline in the eastern Harz region is now a matter of grave concern for the reservoir and waterworks operators.

Spurred by this development, the UFZ team has investigated the effects of climate-induced deforestation on reservoir water quality in their model study. This study was based on data from the TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observatories) environmental observatory network, in which the UFZ is a participant with the Harz/Central German Lowland Observatory. "We were able to access environmental data from a period of over ten years, providing us with a solid set of data," says Dr. Xiangzhen Kong, also a UFZ environmental scientist and lead author of the study. The team used data from the international ISIMIP project (Inter-sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project) to predict future climate changes. "We first fed these data into a model in order to estimate the climate-related effects on the nutrient balance in the catchment area," explains Kong. "The resulting data were then processed in a reservoir ecosystem model with which we were able to determine the effects of different deforestation scenarios on the predicted water quality for 2035.

The Rappbode reservoir is supplied by three different catchment areas, two of which were included in the study. "The Hassel catchment area is characterized by agriculture, while that of the Rappbode is predominantly forest – at least that was the case before the spruce forests died," says Kong. Before the water from the two catchment area flows into the large Rappbode reservoir, it is first retained by an upstream pre-dam. The agricultural influence results in a significantly higher nutrient content in the water in the Hassel pre-dam than that in the Rappbode pre-dam. "We were able to demonstrate that, for an anticipated deforestation of up to 80 percent, the Rappbode predam will experience an 85 percent increase in dissolved phosphorus concentration and a more than 120 percent increase in nitrogen concentration within only 15 years. The Rappbode pre-dam will thus reach nearly the same nutrient levels as the Hassel pre-dam," says Kong. This will result in a more than 80 percent increase in diatoms and more than 200 percent increase in green algae in the Rappbode pre-dam. These results highlight the coming necessity for a wide range of adaptations in drinking water management. "Nutrient input to reservoir catchment areas should be reduced even more than previously, reforestation projects with drought-resistant tree species should be further promoted and waterworks should be adapted to the impending developments with selective water removal strategies," says Rode. "And what remains important and must be further increased: extensive, granular environmental monitoring."

The results for the Rappbode reservoir can be applied to other reservoir catchment areas in similar regions. "Forest dieback as an indirect consequence of climate change has a more pronounced effect on reservoir water quality than direct effects of climate change such as elevated water temperature. We were actually surprised by the extent of this effect", says Kong.

Climate models unreliable in predicting wave damage to coral reefs, say scientists 

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Feather Reef 



Climate models are unreliable when it comes to predicting the damage that tropical cyclones will do to sensitive coral reefs, according to a study published in the journal Earth’s Future

With the expectation that tropical cyclones will increase in intensity with climate change, there has been interest among conservationists to use the models to identify the vulnerability of reef communities to storm damage, and to target conservation and protection efforts at those coral reefs that are less likely to be impacted by climate change. 

But a team of researchers from the University of Leeds in the UK, the Australian Institute for Marine Science and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CISRO) is urging caution when using the climate models, arguing they are not yet reliable enough to determine which reefs will be most at risk from cyclone damage. 

Cyclones are a moving weather system that create storm conditions including heavy rainfall, waves and powerful circular winds. The most damaging weather is found close to the eye of a cyclone, an area with a typical diameter of about 50 km. 

Heavy waves can break apart the coral reefs - and the most destructive impact is seen when cyclones that are intense move  or track close to coral reef ecosystems. 

Dr Marji Puotinen, a spatial and ecological data scientist at the Australian Institute of Marine Science and co-author of the paper, said: “It can take decades to centuries for coral communities to recover from the damage that is caused by extreme weather events - and it is important that conservationists target their limited resources at those reefs which are more likely to survive climate change. 

“To do that, they need to assess the vulnerability of coral reefs in the face of more extreme weather patterns. But currently, we are urging caution when it comes to predicting the damage that could be done to a coral reef from future cyclones.” 

To test the accuracy of the climate models, the research team looked at how well they simulated recent extreme weather events. They found the models failed to capture all the features of a cyclone that result in waves that can damage a coral reef. 

At the global scale, the climate models had a medium to high confidence that the average cyclone will be more intense in the future because of climate change. However, the models were less certain about the impact of tropical cyclone wave damage on coral reefs. 

For example, although the cyclone might be more intense – they might not track or pass near the coral reefs. 

Adele Dixon, a doctoral researcher at the University of Leeds who led the study, said: “Our investigation has identified the pros and cons of using climate models in coral reef conservation work. 

“The models are accurate in projecting at a global scale that cyclones in the future are highly likely to be more intense because of climate change. But they are less accurate in projecting how those cyclones will affect individual coral reefs – that is the result of more localised conditions such as the pounding of waves.”  

The researchers have published their study - Coral reef exposure to damaging tropical cyclone waves in a warming climate - in the scientific journal Earth’s Future

The scientists call for further research to better understand the impacts of climate change on tropical cyclone characteristics that influence coral reef damage.