Friday, January 12, 2024


Work Stoppages Grow at DP Australia Terminals as MUA Pay Dispute Escalates

Australia strike
Work is again stopping in the long running dispute with the MUA impacting DP World Australia's terminals (DP World)




Work at the terminals operated by DP World in Australia’s four largest ports ground to a halt on Friday, January 12, with the expectation that the dispute is likely to further escalate in the coming weeks. The Maritime Union of Australia, which has been without a contract since October 2023, won new rights to strike from Australia’s labor regulators after three days of talks to break the impasse collapsed overnight and left shippers and carriers calling for the government to intervene.

Both sides are accusing the other of elevating the dispute after 10 months of negotiations and nearly four months without a contract. DP World operates terminals in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, and Fremantle which collectively handle approximately 40 percent of Australia’s cargo volume. The company rivals Patrick, the country’s other large terminal operator.

Dockworkers walked off the job entirely at the terminals in Sydney, Brisbane, and Freemantle on Friday with only a small staff at the Melbourne terminal. This came after DP World announced plans to dock workers’ full pay starting on Friday if they took part in any industrial action. The company is also suspending pay for workers on leave and other steps in a move management told the media was designed to signal the time has come to settle the contract negotiations.

The MUA, however, is accusing DP World of not negotiating in good faith and took a new claim to Australia’s Fair Work Commission seeking to expand its job actions. The union has been staging rolling job actions across the four terminals and certain work rule limits such as refusing overtime since October 2023. They contend they started the negotiations in March 2023 in good faith.

DP World contends that the MUA is not willing to budge from its demands for a 27.5 percent pay increase over three years and is opposing work rule changes to reflect the changing business climate. The union counters that members are receiving 17 percent less pay than comparable jobs at Patrick’s terminals.

The Fair Work Commission on Friday however ruled in favor of the MUA. They said with five days’ notice the union can stop work for up to 16 hours. The MUA suspended plans for weekend job actions but has already scheduled work stoppage next week at all four of the terminals.

Maersk informed customers that it expects work stoppages in Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne next week warning of further delays beyond the port congestion already experienced around Australia. Earlier in the week, Maersk reported an extra loader, Merkur Horizon (4,300 TEU) put on the run to help with the backlogs, would be forced to omit a call at Sydney instead of discharging its cargo at the end of next week in Melbourne, instead of an earlier plan to offload Sydney cargo in Brisbane. They still plan to make the Brisbane call but now expect to transload the boxes booked for Sydney to one of three vessels, Christa Schulte, Prestige, or CMA CGM Tancredi, for Sydney discharge. They did not report the length of the delay for these shipments.

DP World acknowledged the decision of the labor regulators saying that it believes “government intervention is essential to break the deadlock.” The union says it will not be bullied into an agreement.

Frustrated by months of delays and the prospects of a worsening situation, Shipping Australia which represents shipowners, operators, and agents, called on the federal government’s Industrial Relations Minister Tony Burke to step in and use his legal authority to resolve the dispute. The Australian Logistics Council also added its voice calling for government action. Even the opposition government is also calling on the elected leaders to use their authority under the Fair Work Act to force the Fair Work Commission to intervene.

More than 100 wild animals trapped by border wall killed in Texas wildfire

Story by Nina Lakhani • GUARDIAN

Photograph: Courtesy Delcia Lopez / The Monitor© Photograph: Courtesy Delcia Lopez / The Monitor

More than a 100 wild animals including frogs, shrews and snakes were killed in a wildfire in Texas last summer, after getting trapped behind the concrete border wall.

Internal US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) memos obtained by an environmental group reveal that government scientists found scores of burnt animals against a mile-long stretch of the border wall last August, after a wildfire in the Lower Rio Grande Valley national wildlife refuge, a federally protected area

According to the email from one biologist who visited the area in the aftermath, the concrete border wall “impeded the escape of wildlife from the fire” – which swept through the long grass, rapidly scorching around 1,500 acres thanks to high winds and dry conditions.

“... This is a good reminder of the impact the border wall can have on wildlife movement, especially in emergency situations like this.”

“[Fires are] just another thing to assess for impacts to wildlife from the border fence; just like flooding, some wildlife cannot escape,” wrote another FWS biologist.

Among the animals killed in the fire were 100 frogs, most likely native Rio Grande leopard frogs, six cane toads, two shrews, six tarantula spiders, a yellow-billed cuckoo, a groove-billed ani cuckoo and a dozen snakes including Mexican racers, checkered garters and Texas patch-nosed serpents. The dead birds were most likely trying to outpace the grass fire when they hit the wall and didn’t have time to fly 30ft up in the air.

“This horrifying account of animals being burnt alive while trapped by the border wall is just the latest proof that border barriers are deathtraps for wildlife … We are fearful that this will only become a more common story as climate change progresses,” said Laiken Jordahl, south-west conservation advocate with the Center for Biological Diversity, who obtained the FWS memos.

The FWS declined to comment.

Around 40% of the entire 1,950-mile-long US-Mexico border is now fenced off, thanks mostly to construction during the Bush and Trump administrations. This includes almost 650 miles of pedestrian fencing, steel and concrete barriers impossible for most animals to cross. Biden has continued building new sections despite a campaign promise to halt all wall construction.

The Texas wildfire deaths took place at a Bush-era section of the concrete pedestrian fencing, built at the edge of the floodplain along existing earthen levees – manmade structures that wildlife were able to cross unimpeded. Some reports suggested that the wall may have helped contain the fire.

In order to fast-track construction of the wall, consecutive governments have waived more than 20 laws designed to protect flora and fauna such as the Endangered Species Act, the Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act and the National Environmental Policy Act (Nepa). As a result, there is little research into the impacts of the 30-ft tall barriers on threatened and endangered species, or on the risks posed by fires and floods.

But environmentalists have long warned that the border wall poses a serious threat as it impedes wildlife from accessing food, water, shelter, mates – and safety. In 2009, hundreds of tortoise shells were found in the Rio Grande after major floods, and the FWS suspected that other trapped animals including ocelots and jaguarundi may have also died.

Now, the climate crisis is exacerbating the risks as extreme weather events like floods, fire and drought increasingly batter the entire US – including the southern border.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has created a few dozen small wildlife openings in the newer bollard wall in parts of Arizona, but nowhere along the concrete levee sections along the river, where the animals perished last August. Some additional wildlife openings are to be installed, under terms of a settlement in a long-running lawsuit over how the Trump administration paid for wall construction.

The CBP did not respond to request for comment


New study uses machine learning to bridge the reality gap in quantum devices

Peer-Reviewed Publication



New study uses machine learning to bridge the reality gap in quantum devices

A study led by the University of Oxford has used the power of machine learning to overcome a key challenge affecting quantum devices. For the first time, the findings reveal a way to close the ‘reality gap’: the difference between predicted and observed behaviour from quantum devices. The results have been published in Physical Review X.

Quantum computing could supercharge a wealth of applications, from climate modelling and financial forecasting, to drug discovery and artificial intelligence. But this will require effective ways to scale and combine individual quantum devices (also called qubits). A major barrier against this is inherent variability: where even apparently identical units exhibit different behaviours.

Functional variability is presumed to be caused by nanoscale imperfections in the materials that quantum devices are made from. Since there is no way to measure these directly, this internal disorder cannot be captured in simulations, leading to the gap in predicted and observed outcomes.

To address this, the research group used a “physics-informed” machine learning approach to infer these disorder characteristics indirectly. This was based on how the internal disorder affected the flow of electrons through the device.

Lead researcher Associate Professor Natalia Ares (Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford) said: ‘As an analogy, when we play “crazy golf” the ball may enter a tunnel and exit with a speed or direction that doesn’t match our predictions. But with a few more shots, a crazy golf simulator, and some machine learning, we might get better at predicting the ball’s movements and narrow the reality gap.’

The researchers measured the output current for different voltage settings across an individual quantum dot device. The data was input into a simulation which calculated the difference between the measured current with the theoretical current if no internal disorder was present. By measuring the current at many different voltage settings, the simulation was constrained to find an arrangement of internal disorder that could explain the measurements at all voltage settings. This approach used a combination of mathematical and statistical approaches coupled with deep learning.

Associate Professor Ares added: ‘In the crazy golf analogy, it would be equivalent to placing a series of sensors along the tunnel, so that we could take measurements of the ball’s speed at different points. Although we still can’t see inside the tunnel, we can use the data to inform better predictions of how the ball will behave when we take the shot.’

Not only did the new model find suitable internal disorder profiles to describe the measured current values, it was also able to accurately predict voltage settings required for specific device operating regimes.

Crucially, the model provides a new method to quantify the variability between quantum devices. This could enable more accurate predictions of how devices will perform, and also help to engineer optimum materials for quantum devices. It could inform compensation approaches to mitigate the unwanted effects of material imperfections in quantum devices.

Co-author David Craig, a PhD student at the Department of Materials, University of Oxford, added, ‘Similar to how we cannot observe black holes directly but we infer their presence from their effect on surrounding matter, we have used simple measurements as a proxy for the internal variability of nanoscale quantum devices. Although the real device still has greater complexity than the model can capture, our study has demonstrated the utility of using physics-aware machine learning to narrow the reality gap.’

Notes to editors:

For media enquiries and interview requests, contact Dr Natalia Ares:

The study ‘Bridging the reality gap in quantum devices with physics-aware machine learning’ has been published in Physical Review X

About the University of Oxford

Oxford University has been placed number 1 in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for the eighth year running, and ​number 3 in the QS World Rankings 2024. At the heart of this success are the twin-pillars of our ground-breaking research and innovation and our distinctive educational offer.

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The rock that creates clouds

Feldspar is very common in rocks. As atmospheric dust, this mineral contributes efficiently to cloud formation. Researchers at TU Wien have now discovered what happens during this process.

Peer-Reviewed Publication





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Feldspar is a ubiquitous mineral and makes up about half of the Earth's crust. In the Earth's atmosphere, feldspars play a surprisingly important role. Fine powder carried by air influences cloud formation. Water molecules adhere better to feldspar dust than to other particles. Tiny feldspar grains, floating in the atmosphere, thus become excellent nucleation seeds, where water molecules stick and freeze, eventually forming a cloud.

It is unclear why feldspar has this remarkable ability to bind water efficiently and enable cloud formation. Using a highly sensitive atomic force microscope, researchers at TU Wien have shown that the unique geometry of the feldspar surface provides the perfect anchoring point for OH groups of hydrogen and oxygen—and subsequently for water.

Images with atomic resolution

"Researchers were considering several ideas why feldspar is such an effective nucleation seed," says Prof. Ulrike Diebold from the Institute of Applied Physics at TU Wien, who led the project. "It could be due to potassium atoms contained in feldspar, or perhaps certain defects in its crystal structure."

To find out, TU researchers used a very sensitive atomic force microscope. In this microscope, the surface of the crystal is scanned with a fine tip point-by-point. The force between the tip and the surface produces an image with high resolution, where the position of each atom can be precisely determined.

"We placed a piece of feldspar in the microscope's vacuum chamber and split it in half to obtain a pristine and clean surface," says Giada Franceschi, the study's first author. "We were puzzled by the results: The images of the surface looked different from what common theories had predicted."

An optimal connection: the hydroxyl layer

The cause was quickly found: Tiny water inclusions in the rock were the culprits. When the stone is broken apart, a little water vapor is released. This vapor attaches to the freshly split surface, and the water molecules break apart, forming hydroxyl (OH) groups. "Under the microscope, you don't see the feldspar surface itself but a surface covered with hydroxyl groups," explains Giada Franceschi. "In nature, the feldspar surface is also covered with such a hydroxyl layer."

Due to the geometry of the feldspar crystal, these hydroxyl groups are positioned in a way that makes them ideal anchoring points for water molecules. Water molecules can dock to the hydroxyl groups like building blocks that fit together precisely. Thus, the hydroxyl layer forms the perfect connection between feldspar and the water that attaches as ice. "The bond is established very easily and quickly, and it is also very stable," says Ulrike Diebold. "To remove the hydroxyl layer from feldspar, one would have to heat it to high temperature." Computer simulations also support this finding.

The results provide insight into why specific crystals in our atmosphere are particularly well-suited as cloud-forming nucleation seeds. Especially in the face of climate change, it is important to understand the physics of cloud formation better. And sometimes, as the research project at TU Wien shows, one has to delve deep into the world of atoms."

In 1945, George Orwell wrote an introduction to “Animal Farm.” It was not printed, and remained unknown till now. It appears here under Orwell's title:

By George Orwell
Oct. 8, 1972

Credit...The New York Times Archives
See the article in its original context from
October 8, 1972, Section SM, Page 12

About the Archive
This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them.
Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions.

This book was first thought of, so far as the central idea goes, in 1937, ‐but was not written down until about the end of 1943. By the time when it came to be written it was obvious that there would be great difficulty in getting it pub lished (in spite of the present book shortage, which ensures that anything describable as a book will “sell”), and in the event it was refused by four publishers. Only one of these had any ideological motive. Two had been publishing anti‐Russian books for years, and the other had no noticeable political color. One publisher actually started by accepting the book, but after making the prelim inary arrangements he decided to consult the Ministry of Information, who appear to have warned him, or at any rate strongly advised him, against publishing it. Here is an extract from his letter:

“I mentioned the reaction I had had from an im portant official in the Ministry of Information with regard to ‘Animal Farm.’ I must confess that this expression of opinion has given me seriously to think. . . . I can see now that it might be regarded as something which it was highly ill advised to publish at the present time. If the fable were addressed generally to dictators and dictator ships at large then publication would be all right, but the fable does follow, as I see now, so com pletely the progress of the Russian Soviets and their two dictators, that it can apply only to Russia, to the exclusion of other dictatorships. Another thing: it would be less offensive if the predominant caste in the fable were not pigs.* I think the choice of pigs as the ruling caste will no doubt give offense to many people, and particularly to anyone who is a bit touchy, as undoubtedly the Russians are.”

This kind of thing is not a good symptom. Obviously it is not desirable that a Government department should have any power of censorship (except security censorship, which no one objects to in wartime) over books which are not officially sponsored. But the chief danger to freedom of thought and speech at this moment is not the direct interference of the M.O.I. or any official body. If publishers and editors exert themselves to keep certain topics out of print, it is not because they are frightened of prosecution but because they are frightened of public opinion. In this country, intel lectual cowardice is the worst enemy a writer or journalist has to face, and that fact does not seem to me to have had the discussion it deserves.

Any fair‐minded person with journalistic ex perience will admit that during this war official censorship has not been particularly irksome. We have not been subjected to the kind of totali tarian “coordination” that it might have been reasonable to expect. The press has some justified grievances, but on the whole the Government has behaved well and and has been surprisingly tolerant of minority opinions. The sinister fact about lit erary censorship in England is that it is largely voluntary. Unpopular ideas can be silenced, and inconvenient facts kept dark, without the need for any official ban. Anyone who has lived long in a foreign country will know of instances of sensa tional items of news—things which on their own merits would get the big headlines—being kept right out of the British press, not because the Government intervened but because of a general tacit agreement that “it wouldn't do” to mention that particular fact. So far as the daily newspapers go, this is easy to understand. The British press is extremely centralized, and most of it is owned by wealthy men who have every motive to be dishonest on certain important topics. But the same kind of veiled censorship also operates in books and periodicals, as well as in plays, films and radio. At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right thinking people will accept without question. It not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other but it is “not done” to say it, just as in mid‐Victorian times it was “not done” to mention trousers in the presence of a lady. Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing, either in the popular press or in the highbrow periodicals.

* It is not quite clear whether this suggested modification is Mr. —'s own Idea, or originated with the Ministry Information; but seems to have the official ring about it.

At this moment what is demanded by the preveiling orthodoxy is an un critical admiration of Soviet Russia. Everyone knows this, nearly everyone acts on it. Any serious criticism of the Soviet regime, any disclosure of facts which the Soviet Gov ernment would prefer to keep hidden, is next door to un printable. And this nation wide conspiracy to flatter our ally takes place, curiously enough, against a background of genuine intellectual toler ance. For though you are not allowed to criticize the Soviet Government, at least you are reasonably free to criticize our own. Hardly anyone will print an attack on Stalin, but it is quite safe to attack Churchill, at any rate in books and periodicals. And throughout five years of war, during two or three of which we were fighting for national survival, countless books, pamphlets and articles advocating a com promise peace have been pub lished without interference. More, they have been pub lished without exciting much disapproval. So long as the prestige of the U.S.S.R. is not involved, the principle of free speech has been reasonably well upheld, There are other forbidden topics, and I shall mention some of them pres ently, but the prevailing attitude toward the U.S.S.R is much the most serious symptom. It is, as it were, spontaneous, and is not due to the action of any pressure group.

The servility with which the greater part of the English intelligentsia have swallowed and repeated Russian propa ganda from 1941 onward would be quite astounding if it were not that they have behaved similarly on several earlier occasions. On one con troversial issue after another the Russian viewpoint has been accepted without exam ination and then publicized with complete disregard to historical truth or intellectual decency. To name only one instance, the B.B.C. celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Red Army without mentioning Trotsky. This was about as accurate as commemorating the battle of Trafalgar with out mentioning Nelson, but evoked no protest from the English intelligentsia. In the internal struggles in the vari ous occupied countries, the British press has in almost all cases sided with the faction favored by the Russians and libeled the opposing faction, sometimes suppressing mate rial evidence in order to do so. A particularly glaring case was that of Colonel Mikhailo vich, the Yugoslav Chetnik leader. The Russians, who had their own Yugoslav protégé in Marshal Tito, accused Mikhail ovich of collaborating with the Germans. This accusation was promptly taken up by the British press: Mikhailovich's supporters were given no chance of answering it, and facts contradicting it were kept out of print.

In July, 1943, the Germans offered a reward of 100,000 gold crowns for the capture of Tito, and a similar reward for the capture of Mikhailovich. The British press “splashed” the reward for Tito, but only one paper mentioned (in small print) the reward for Mikhailovich; and the charges of collaborating with the Ger mans continued. Very similar things happened during the Spanish Civil War. Then, too, the factions on the Republican side which the Russians were determined to crush were recklessly libeled in the Eng lish left‐wing press, and any statement in their defense, even in letter form, was re fused publication. At present, not only is serious criticism of the U.S.S.R. considered reprehensible, but even the fact of the existence of such criticism is kept secret in some cases. For example, shortly before his death Trot sky had written a biography of Stalin. One may assume that it was not an altogether unbiased book, but obviously it was saleable. An American publisher had arranged to issue it and the book was in print — I believe the review copies had been sent out when the U.S.S.R. entered the war. The book was imme diately withdrawn. Not word about this has ever ap peared in the British press, though clearly the existence of such a book, and its sup pression, was a news item worth a few paragraphs.

It is important to distin guish between the kind of censorship that the English literary intelligentsia volun tarily impose upon them selves, and the censorship that can sometimes be en forced by pressure groups. Notoriously, certain topics cannot he discussed because of “vested interests.” The best‐known case is the pat ent‐medicine racket. Again, the Catholic Church has con siderable influence in the press and can silence criticism of itself to some extent. A scandal involving a Catholic priest is almost never given publicity, whereas an Angli can priest who gets into trouble . . . is headline news. It is very rare for anything of an anti‐Catholic tendency to appear on the stage or in a film. Any actor can tell you that a play or film which at tacks or makes fun of the Catholic Church is liable to be boycotted in the press and will probably be a failure. But this kind of thing is harmless, or at least it is understand able. Any large organization will look after its own inter ests as best it can, and overt propaganda is not a thing to object to. One would no more expect The Daily Worker to publicize unfavorable facts about the U.S.S.R. than one would expect The Catholic Herald to denounce the Pope. But then every thinking per son knows The Daily Worker and The Catholic Herald for what they are.

What is disquieting is that where the U.S.S.R. and its policies are concerned one cannot expect intelligent crit icism or even, in many cases, plain honesty from liberal writers and journalists who are under no direct pressure to falsify their opinions. Stalin is sacrosanct and cer tain aspects of his policy must not be seriously dis cussed. This rule has been al most universally observed since 1941, but it had oper ated, to a greater extent than is sometimes realized, for 10 years earlier than that. Throughout that time, critic ism of the Soviet regime from the left could obtain a hearing only with difficulty. There was a huge output of anti Russian literature, but nearly all of it was from the con servative angle and manifest ly dishonest, out of date and actuated by sordid motives. On the other side, there was an equally huge and almost equally dishonest stream of pro‐Russian propaganda, and what amounted to a boycott on anyone who tried to dis cuss all‐important questions in a grown‐ manner.

The author

You could, indeed, publish anti‐Russian books, but to do so was to make sure of being ignored or misrepresented by nearly the whole of the high brow press. Both publicly and privately you were warned that it was “not done.” What you said might possibly be true, but it was “inopportune” and “played into the hands of” this or that reactionary interest. This attitude was usually defended on the ground that the international situation, and the urgent need for an Anglo‐Russian alliance, demanded it: but it was clear that this was a rationaliza tion. The English intelligent sia, or a great part of it, had developed nationalistic loy alty toward the U.S.S.R., and in their hearts they felt that to cast any doubt on the wis dom of Stalin was a kind of blasphemy. Events in. Russia and events elsewhere were to be judged by different stand ards. The endless executions in the purges of 1936–38 were applauded by life‐long op ponents of capital punishment, and it was considered equally proper to publicize famines when they happened in India and to conceal them when they happened in the Ukraine. And if this was true before the war, the intellectual at mosphere is certainly no bet ter now.

But now to come back to this book of mine. The reac tion toward it of most Eng lish intellectuals will be quite simple: “It oughtn't to have been published.” Naturally, those reviewers who under stand the art of denigration will not attack it on political grounds but on literary ones. They will say that it is a dull, silly book and a disgraceful waste of paper. This may well be true, but it is obviously not the whole of the story. One does not say that a book “ought not to have been pub lished” merely because it is a bad book. After all, acres of rubbish are printed daily and no one bothers. The English intelligentsia, or most of them, will object to this book be cause it traduces their Leader and (as they see it) does harm to the cause of progress. If it did the opposite they would have nothing to say against it, even if its literary faults were 10 times as glar ing as they are. The success of, for instance, the Left Book Club over a period of four or five years shows how willing they are to tolerate both scur rility and slipshod writing, provided that it tells them what they want to hear.

The issue involved here is quite a simple one: Is every opinion, however unpopular— however foolish, even—en titled to a hearing? Put it in that form and nearly any Eng lish intellectual will feel that he ought to say “Yes.” But give it a concrete shape, and ask, “How about an attack on Stalin? Is that entitled to a hearing?” and the answer more often than not will be “No.” In that case, the cur rent orthodoxy happens to be challenged, and so the prin ciple of free speech lapses. Now, when one demands liberty of speech and of the press, one is not demanding absolute liberty. There always must be, or at any rate there always will be, some degree of censorship, so long as or ganized societies endure. But freedom, as Rosa Luxemburg said, is “freedom for the oth er fellow.” The same principle is contained in the famous words of Voltaire: “I detest what you say; I will defend to the death your right to say it.” If the intellectual liberty which without a doubt has been one of the distinguishing marks of Western civilization means anything at all, it means that everyone shall have the right to say and to print what he believes to be the truth, provided only that it does not harm the rest of the community in some quite unmistakeable way. Both cap italist democracy and the Western versions of Socialism have till recently taken that principle for granted. Our Government, as I have already pointed out, still makes some show of respecting it. The or dinary people in the street— partly, perhaps, because they are not sufficiently interested in ideas to he intolerant about them—still vaguely hold that “I suppose everyone's got a right to their own opinion.” It is only, or at any rate it is chiefly, the literary and scien tific intelligentsia, the very people who ought to be the guardians of liberty, who are beginning to despise it, in theory as well as in practice.

One of the peculiar phe nomena of our time is the renegade liberal. Over and above the familiar Marxist claim that “bourgeois liberty” is an illusion, there is now a widespread tendency to argue that one can defend democ racy only by totalitarian meth ods. If one loves democracy, the argument runs, one must crush its enemies by no mat ter what means. And who are its enemies? It always appears that they are not only those who attack it openly and con sciously, but those who “ob jectively” endanger it by spreading mistaken doctrines. In other words, defending democracy involves destroy ing all independence of thought. This argument was used, for instance, to justify the Russian purges. The most ardent Russophile hardly be lieved that all of the victims were guilty of all the things they were accused of: but by holding heretical opinions they “objectively” harmed the regime, and therefore it was quite right not only to mas sacre them but to discredit them by false accusations. The same argument was used to justify the quite conscious lying that went on in the left wing press about the Trotsky ists and other Republican minorities in the Spanish Civil War. And it was used again as a reason for yelping against habeas corpus when Mosley [Sir Oswald Mosley, the Brit ish Fascist leader] was re leased in 1943.

These people don't see that if you encourage totalitarian methods, the time may come when they will be used against you instead of for you. Make a habit of impris oning Fascists without trial, and perhaps the process won't stop at Fascists. Soon after the suppressed Daily Worker had been reinstated, I was lecturing to a working men's college in South London. The audience were working‐class and lower‐middle‐class intel lectuals—the same sort of audience that one used to meet at Left Book Club branches. The lecture had touched on the freedom of the press, and at the end, to my astonishment, several questioners stood up and asked me: Did I not think that the lifting of the ban on The Daily Worker was a great mistake? When asked why, they said that it was a paper of doubtful loyalty and ought not to he tolerated in war time. I found myself defend ing The Daily Worker, which has gone out of its way to libel me more than once. But where had these people learned this essentially totali tarian outlook? Pretty certainly they had learned it from the Communists them selves!

Tolerance and decency are deeply rooted in England, but they are not indestructible, and they have to be kept alive partly by conscious effort. The result of preaching totalitarian doctrines is to weaken the instinct by means of which free peoples know what is or is not dangerous. The case of Mosley illustrates this. In 1940, it was perfectly right to intern Mosley, whether or not he had committed any tech nical crime. We were fighting for our lives and could not allow a possible Quisling to go free. To keep him shut up, without trial, in 1943 was an outrage. The general failure to see this was a bad symp tom, though it is true that the agitation against Mosley's release was partly factitious and partly a rationalization of other disconterrts. But how much of the present slide to ward Faseist ways of thought is traceable to the “anti‐Fas the unscrupulousness it has entailed?

It is important to realize that the current Russomania is only a symptom of the gen eral weakening of the Western liberal tradition. Had the M.O.I. chipped in and definite ly vetoed the publication of this book, the bulk of the English intelligentsia would have seen nothing disquieting in this. Uncritical loyalty to the U.S.S.R. happens to be the current orthodoxy, and where the supposed interests of the U.S.S.R. are involved they are willing to tolerate not only censorship but the deliberate falsification of history. To name one instance. At the death of John Reed, the au thor of “Ten Days that Shook the World”—a first‐hand ac count of the early days of the Russian Revolution—the copyright of the book passed into the hands of the British Communist party, to whom I believe Reed had bequeathed it. Some years later, the Brit ish Communists, having de stroyed the original edition of the book as completely as they could, issued a garbled version from which they had eliminat ed mentions of Trotsky and also omitted the introduction writ ten by Lenin. If a radical in telligentsia had still existed in Britain, this act of forgery would have been exposed and denounced in every literary paper in the country. As it was, there was little or no protest. To many English in tellectuals it teemed quite a natural thing to do. And this tolerance of plain dishonesty means much more than that admiration for Russia happens to be fashionable at this mo ment. Quite possibly that particular fashion will not last. For all I know, by the time this book is published my view of the Soviet regime may be the generally accepted one. But what use would that be in itself? To exchange one orthodoxy for another is not necessarily an advance. The enemy is the gramophone mind, whether or not one agrees with the record that is being played at the moment.

I am well acquainted with all the arguments against freedom of thought and speech—the arguments which claim that it cannot exist, and the arguments which claim that it ought not to. I answer simply that they don't con vince me and that our civiliza tion over a period of 400 years has been founded on the op posite notice. For quite a dec ade past I have believed that the existing Russian regime is a mainly evil thing, and claim the right to say so, in spite of the fact that we are allies with the U.S.S.R. in a war which I want to see won. If I had to choose a text to justify myself, I should choose the line from Milton: “By the known rules of ancient lib erty.”

The word ancient empha sizes the fact that intellectual freedom is a deep‐rooted tradition without which our characteristic Western culture could only doubtfully exist. From that tradition many of our intellectuals are visibly turning away. They have accepted the principle that a book should be published or suppressed, praised or damned, not on its merits but according to political expediency.

And others who do not ac tually hold this view assent to it from sheer cowardice. An example of this is the failure of the numerous and vocal English pacifists to raise their voices against the prevalent worship of Russian militarism. According to these pacifists, all violence is evil, and they have urged us at every stage of the war to give in or at least to make a com promise peace. But how many of them have ever suggested that war is also evil when it is waged by the Red Army? Apparently the Russians have a right to defend themselves, whereas for us to do so is a deadly sin. One can explain this contradiction in only one way—that is, by a cowardly desire to keep in with the bulk of the intelligentsia, whose patriotism is directed toward the U.S.S.R. rather than toward Britain.

I know that the English in telligentsia have plenty of reason for their timidity and dishonesty; indeed, I know by heart the arguments by which they justify themselves. But at least let us have no more nonsense about defending lib erty against fascism. If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. The common people still vaguely subscribe to that doc trine and act on it. In our country—it is not the same in all countries: it was not so in Republican France, and it is not so in the United States today—it is the liberals who fear liberty and the intellec tuals who want to do dirt on the intellect: it is to draw at tention to that fact I have written this preface. ■

Copyright 1972 by Sonia Brownell Orwell.

by G OrwellCited by 3234 — The soil of England is fertile, its climate is good, it is capable of affording food in abundance to an enormously greater number of animals than now inhabit it ...
108 pages


Large-scale mapping of pig genes could pave the way for new human medicines

Researchers from Aarhus University have carried out complex genetic analyses of hundreds of pigs and humans to identify differences and similarities.

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It may sound strange, but we can actually learn more about ourselves by studying pigs.

Pigs and humans are pretty similar. Our organs, our skin and the way many diseases develop are largely the same.

Pigs have therefore long been used to develop and test new medicines, even though pigs are larger, more expensive and more difficult to use in experiments than rats and mice.

And now pigs may become even more valuable as laboratory animals, because researchers from the Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics at Aarhus University have mapped the most important genetic similarities between pigs and humans.

The researchers have not only identified the genes that are the same in humans and pigs; they have also identified the so-called 'transcriptome' across a number of tissue types. Where the genome includes all the genes found in the DNA of our cells, whether active or inactive, the transcriptome includes the genes that are active in the different types of cells in our body, says Lingzhao Fang, one of the main researchers behind the new findings.

- We examined which genes are active and how they are regulated in 34 different types of tissue in pigs, and compared this with similar studies in humans. We looked at everything from testicular tissue to skin cells and various brain cells, he says and continues:

- No one has ever conducted a study at this scale and comprehensiveness, and we hope the new knowledge can make a difference in agriculture as well as in the pharmaceutical industry.

More useful knowledge from RNA

A little more than 20 years ago, a group of more than 1,000 researchers succeeded in mapping the entire human genome. After completing the project, the researchers hoped they could now develop treatments for nearly all diseases, because they now knew the code and could identify the errors.

But that is not how the story went.

The researchers soon discovered that there is a big difference between the genes in an individual’s recipe book and the recipes that are actually used and translated in the various cell types. 

This is what is also referred to as genotype and phenotype, with phenotype referring to the traits or symptoms that can be observed in an individual. Because of the greater role played by the transcriptome, a person can have the genetic disposition for a disease without actually suffering from the disease.

In other words, two people who, on paper, have the same disease mutation do not necessarily become ill to the same extent. With greater knowledge about the role of the transcriptome in various diseases, it is possible to develop better and more targeted medicines. 

And this is one area in which the results from Lingzhao Fang’s study can be useful when it comes to pigs as laboratory animals.

- Pigs become more suited as animals for testing new medicines. As the various tissue types in pigs and humans are very similar, in fact more similar than we thought, the pharmaceutical industry can test the safety of new medicines in pigs with much higher accuracy, he says. 

DNA, RNA and transcriptomes 

In the centre of every human and pig cell, inside a small nucleus, are the long, two-stranded DNA molecules that make up the chromosomes. The strands consist of almost endless rows of four small molecules that we abbreviate to A, C, G and T.

The sequence of the four molecules is what forms our genes. A gene is a sequence of the four molecules and it serves as a recipe for a protein.

However, before the cell can produce one of the many different proteins for which it has recipes in its DNA, the sequence must be translated. This happens when the two strands of DNA unwind where the recipe is located and a so-called RNA strand binds to this place and copies the part of the code that makes up the gene. In simple terms, RNA is single-stranded DNA.

RNA leaves the cell nucleus and transports the code to the cell's protein factories, the ribosomes, where the code is then translated into a protein.

All cells in our body have the same DNA, but the parts of the DNA code that are translated and activated differ from cell to cell. Liver cells have other active genes than skin cells, for example. Not all RNA sequences transport code to the protein factories. Instead, some bits attach themselves to other RNA sequences to stop them from being translated into proteins, or to ensure that the body produces even more of the protein in question.

The RNA sequences that are active in a specific type of cell are called the transcriptome. This is what the researchers have been studying in this research project.

Can also help agriculture become greener

The pharmaceutical industry is not the only industry to potentially benefit from the new results. Agriculture can also use the results in their efforts to breed pigs with a reduced climate impact, according to Lingzhao Fang.

- There’s never before been such a comprehensive mapping of the genes that are active in various tissue types. Our results make it possible to more precisely pinpoint the genetic mechanisms that lead to different desirable traits in pigs, he says and continues:

- For example, traits that make them more climate-friendly. Our mapping also paves the way for researchers to edit pig genes far more precisely and in this way develop entirely new properties in the future. Because we now know more about a wide range of traits in pigs, other researchers can more easily use gene-editing techniques such as CRISPR to change genes or insert new sequences with greener properties.

Mapping other animals as well

Pigs are actually not the first animal whose transcriptome Lingzhao Fang and his colleagues have mapped. They started with cows a few years ago, and they plan to map a number of other animals in the coming years.

- We already have a study on chickens in the pipeline. It’s currently being peer-reviewed, but we hope to publish it early next year, he says.

In addition to chickens, pigs and cows, the research team is studying goats, sheep, horses and ducks using the same method. He explains that the ultimate objective is not only to make agriculture greener but also to obtain a better understanding of fundamental animal and human biology. 

- Once we’ve completed the project, we’ll have gained a greater basic understanding of the biology and evolution of a number of animals. This knowledge can be useful in other areas,” he says and continues:

- For example, we have problems with disease transmission between humans and farm animals. Our mapping may provide us with the necessary knowledge to limit and prevent outbreaks in the future.

One of the reasons why Lingzhao Fang is studying farm animals and not wild animals is that it is easy to access tissue samples and large amounts of data. However, the knowledge obtained can also be used in relation to wild and even extinct animals.

- We will gain a fundamental understanding of the biology of several different animals, and these all have wild cousins who basically function in the same way, he concludes.


Pigs resemble humans more than mice and rats do. But because pigs are more expensive to use as a model organism in research into new medicines, the small rodents are used more often. However, better knowledge about what makes pigs and humans similar could make pigs even more valuable in developing new medicines for humans. The photo shows a pig that has been bred to study atherosclerosis.


Jesper Rais/AU Communication

The new knowledge makes it possible to breed more climate-friendly pigs in the future.


Lars Kruse, AU Photo