Sunday, May 28, 2006

Moscow Mayor Like Edmonton's

The Mayor of Moscow sounds like the Mayor of Edmonton, Bill Smith, who refused to recognize Gay Pride Week. So this is not a uniquely Russian phenomena,it occurs too regularly across Canada. But at least the Gay, Lesbian, Bi and Transexual community gets to parade. And before folks start getting self righteous the USA is no better getting into hissy fits over Gay Veterans and Gays marching in St. Patrick Day parades. And these cops do look pretty ugly so I don't think the flowers are for them.

Cops, Protesters Prevent Moscow Gay Parade

Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov said in a radio interview Friday gay parades ''may be acceptable for some kind of progressive, in some sense, countries in the West, but it is absolutely unacceptable for Moscow, for Russia." ''As long as I am mayor, we will not permit these parades,'' he said.

Fedor Savintsev/Agence France-Presse - Getty Images

Nikolai Alekseyev, left, the leader of a gay rights group in Russia, was stopped by policemen Saturday in central Moscow as the authorities moved to block a parade by gay rights advocates. Religious leaders had condemned the planned march, and right-wing nationalists threatened violence.

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Herr Patels Proves My Point

My favorite blog nutbar, after this guy, Herr Wiener Patels proves my point about being a blog spammer.

He published an attack on me, not once but three times. Same post on all three of his blogs.

He also libels me by claiming I use 'school' property to produce my blog. Which I don't. I produce this on my home computer.Twit.

Ah blog wars are so much fun eh, wot. Since Herr Patels has proven my point, I will now cease documenting the trials and tribulations of this multipleblog personality.

Let the shunning begin.

  1. Blogosphere Is Fast Becoming A Cesspool

    an ideal world, of course, any blog that has a 99% content of schlock would be deleted automatically within 24 hours, such as Eugene Plawiuk?s blog. One can dream, right? If you care to waste a few minutes of your time, visit Eugene Plawiuk?s blog

  2. Blogosphere Is Fast Becoming A Cesspool

    an ideal world, of course, any blog that has a 99% content of schlock would be deleted automatically within 24 hours, such as Eugene Plawiuk?s blog. One can dream, right? If you care to waste a few minutes of your time, visit Eugene Plawiuk?s blog

  3. Blogosphere Is Fast Becoming A Cesspool

    an ideal world, of course, any blog that has a 99% content of schlock would be deleted automatically within 24 hours, such as Eugene Plawiuk?s blog. One can dream, right? If you care to waste a few minutes of your time, visit Eugene Plawiuk?s blog

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Carnival of Socialism #3

Carnival of Socialism Number Three

The lucky third edition has been posted at Andrew Rihn's blog.

And your humble scribe will be hosting the next round so send your contributions to me at

Deadline is before June 11.

See: Carnival of Socialism

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Criminal Capitalism-Sports-Soccer

Economic fallout of Italy's soccer scandal is as wide-ranging as soccer economy
Milan stock exchange authorities have regularly suspended Juventus stock from trading in recent days to stop a free fall that has seen the value tumble 30 percent in the last week -- bad news for the Agnelli family of Fiat SpA, which owns a controlling stake, as well as thousands of small shareholders trying to cut their losses.
World Cup: Italy warms up - with rampant soccer scandal

Less than a month before the World Cup, and on the weekend when Italy's Serie A championship is decided, some of the country's top football clubs are engulfed in scandals that threaten to discredit the sport in one of its spiritual homes.

Worst affected is Juventus, one of the world's most famous clubs, which will win its 29th scudetto today if it beats lowly Reggina. The general manager, Luciano Moggi, has been exposed in tapped phone calls as having leant on referees, the entire board has resigned and several players, including Italy's national goalkeeper, Gianluigi Buffon, are under investigation over separate allegations of illegal betting. But the stench of corruption has spread to other clubs, including Silvio Berlusconi's Milan, which could also win the league today if they beat Roma and Juventus lose. Along with Napoli and Fiorentina, Milan and Juventus are part of an investigation into "criminal association" and "sporting fraud", in which 19 matches are being examined on suspicion that results were fixed.

Sports is big business and thus is subject to criminal manipulation, as we all know just look at Boxing. And Italians love betting as we all know from watching the Soprano's. So we are surprized when the Italian Premier Soccer Team Juventus FC is found to have fixed games? No. Nor should we be surprized when criminal capitalist and would be fascist Sylvio Berlusconi's team A.C. Milan would have won if Juventus hadn't fixed the games. However his team too is caught up in the scandal.

Prodi says soccer scandal metaphor for Italy's 'ethical crises'
Italy's new Prime Minister Romano Prodi has said that Italy's soccer scandal was a metaphor for the many "ethical crises" facing the country.
Prodi, facing a crucial vote of confidence in his new government, told lawmakers in the Senate that allegations of fraud and match-fixing embroiling the nation's top clubs "represents an important metaphor for the situation in the country".
Italy now faced "an ethical crisis, in many sectors, including politics," after five years of rule by the previous conservative government of Silvio Berlusconi, he said.

Also See:

Pro Sports and Criminal Capitalism

The Curse of Bruce McNall

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Papal Fallibility

A Nazi asks for forgiveness.

From Hitler Youth to the Vatican

The visit, by the German-born pope, who was unwillingly enrolled in the Hitler Youth as a teenager and later drafted into the German army, is fraught with significance for Catholic-Jewish relations.

Willing or unwilling it matters not He WAS a Nazi.
Nazi Youth Ceremonies

God is Dead. Gott ist tot

Pope asks why God was silent at Auschwitz "The place where we are standing is a place of memory and at the same time, it is the place of the Shoah," he said. "In a place like this, words fail. In the end, there can only be a dread silence, a silence which is a heartfelt cry to God -- Why, Lord, did you remain silent? How could you tolerate all this?""Where was God in those days? Why was he silent? How could he permit this endless slaughter, this triumph of evil?"
Because the personal diety is dead. The pope has now admited to being fallible, to not having the ear of God. Or that God has no ears to hear the cries, pleas or prayers. As the great American shamanic poet Jim Morrison said; "You Cannot Petition The Lord With Prayer". And science has proved it.And now the Pope admits it.
The Soft Parade
When I was back there in seminary school
There was a person there
Who put forth the proposition
That you can petition the Lord with prayer
Petition the lord with prayer
Petition the lord with prayer
You cannot petition the lord with prayer!

If diety is distant, omniscient, omnipresent yet not here and now, then Gott ist Not.

Friedrich Nietzsche is notable for having declared that God is dead and for having written several of his works in the presumption that man must find a new mode of being given the demise of God. Perhaps the most interesting quote on this theme appears in his The Gay Science (aka Joyous Wisdom).
"Where has God gone?" he cried. "I shall tell you. We have killed him
- you and I. We are his murderers. But how have we done this? How were
we able to drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the
entire horizon? What did we do when we unchained the earth from its
sun? Whither is it moving now? Whither are we moving now? Away from
all suns? Are we not perpetually falling? Backward, sideward, forward,
in all directions? Is there any up or down left? Are we not straying
as through an infinite nothing? Do we not feel the breath of empty
space? Has it not become colder? Is it not more and more night coming
on all the time? Must not lanterns be lit in the morning? Do we not
hear anything yet of the noise of the gravediggers who are burying
God? Do we not smell anything yet of God's decomposition? Gods too
decompose. God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How
shall we, murderers of all murderers, console ourselves? That which
was the holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet possessed
has bled to death under our knives. Who will wipe this blood off us?
With what water could we purify ourselves? What festivals of
atonement, what sacred games shall we need to invent? Is not the
greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we not ourselves become
gods simply to be worthy of it? There has never been a greater deed;
and whosoever shall be born after us - for the sake of this deed he
shall be part of a higher history than all history hitherto."

Is God Still Dead? by Claire Berlinski- Policy Review, No. 129

theism, as theologian Alister McGrath understands the term, is not merely the asseveration that no God exists. It is a distinct movement in intellectual, cultural, and political history and may be mapped to particular historic events — the arc of its rise and decline demarcated at either end by two tumbling edifices, the Bastille and the Berlin Wall. This movement, curiously, has behaved much like a religion: It has produced gurus and proselytizers; it has been appropriated to serve political ends; and, ultimately, it has been embraced not for its compelling internal logic but on faith — or at gunpoint. The political and cultural institutions associated with it having come now to be objects of general revulsion, so too may atheism itself be observed in its twilight; thus the title of McGrath’s book, an allusion and rebuke to Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche’s “grand declaration of war” on religious faith.

McGrath locates the sources of the movement in the challenge posed by Revolutionary France to the Catholic Church and the rotten Bourbon monarchy, institutions viewed by many of that era as inseparable. Before the late eighteenth century there were almost no atheists in Europe. While the Revolution itself was swiftly followed by the restoration of Catholicism, the minds of alienated European intellectuals continued to roil: “Seeds were planted, mental horizons were expanded, and hopes for change ignited.” Thereafter, the giants of atheism emerged — Feuerbach, Marx and Freud. This was not because the existence of God was specifically disproved in the late eighteenth century; nor did any scientific or philosophic innovation of the era suggest anything like a comprehensive answer to the questions posed by religious inquiry. The rise of atheism, McGrath concludes, was above all a response to political events.

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The Naked Truth

Brrrrr, this guy must have brass balls. The Sherpa association is upset because Everest is a Goddess to them. I think the Goddess probably got a kick out of it. Naked man, shivering, on her breast.

Nude Sherpa 'defiled' Everest to set record

Brrrr in the rain. PETA does it again. What gets me is that there are never any photos accompanying these stories. Perhaps the headline then would read; prudish media report on nude protest.

Nude protesters aim to stop bear killing for guards' hats


DOZENS of nude animal rights supporters staged a protest yesterday against the use of bearskin to make hats for the Queen's palace guards. About 70 men and women lay in the rain on steps near St Paul's Cathedral in London to demonstrate against the killing of black bears in Canada to make the hats.

PETA is not the only group to protest in the nude, well ok semi-nude, whats that mean? It was men going topless. Guess it was the penis gourd that got their attention though.

Semi-naked Papuans protest for refugee

Four semi-naked Papuans personally delivered a letter of protest to Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone's Melbourne office.

City workers stopped and stared as the men, three wearing grass skirts and one an eye-popping penis gourd, danced and played traditional folk songs before entering the halls of power.

In March, 42 Papuan refugee activists were given temporary protection by the federal government, with only one denied protection and detained on Christmas Island.

Friday's protest outside the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMA) was part of a bid to make Senator Vanstone rethink the government's decision to refuse the 43rd asylum seeker a temporary protection visa.

The protesters symbolically flew the West Papuan Morning Star flag - an act which can lead to imprisonment in Indonesia.

MYOB. Prudish reactions to semi-nudity seem to be the public domain in Flordia. Flordia for christ sakes, where folks walk around in thongs. Thongs. And some politicians gets upset over a painting on the exterior wall of an art gallery. And it is a picture of a bare back. Bared back, not backside. And it is NOT a nude.
Lawsuit Filed over Nude Painting
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
FERNANDINA BEACH, FL -- The owner of an art gallery is suing the city of Fernandina Beach.

Sid Sax says the city won't let him hang a painting of a nude woman on the side of the building.

The city says it violates the city's sign ordinance.

Sax says it violates his rights.

The city has asked him to remove an art print from the side of the building after another business owner complained they were offended by the print, which shows the back of an overweight nude woman looking into a mirror.

In Warsaw, Poland. What would the Pope say?

Deadline looms for Ryanair CEO to 'walk naked' through Warsaw in protest at fuel surcharge

MYOB In India the fashion industry has been subjected to wardrobe malfunctions alla Janet Jackson. This has become a major issue in Parliament, much to the amusement of India's models and fashion insiders.“I was not dancing nude”!

Jostling for space on the sounding board of a platform that decides the destiny of our nation, were key issues affecting the life of millions.

But then all drowned in the din of protests about the "serious issue of 'accidental' dare bare acts"on the ramp. A proposal was mooted for undergarments being made mandatory for models on the catwalk and anguish expressed about clothes designed for such shows becoming shorter and tighter.

But ask fashion photographer Atul Kasbekar and he is absolutely outraged. "This is a colossal waste of time on the part of Parliamentarians.

Indian parliamentarians are not the only politcial prudes who decide that nudity is far more important than other social issues. American politicians are notorious for such misplaced priorities as well.

Senate approves 10-fold increase for TV, radio indecency fines

Values that matter

Wednesday, May 24
What is more obscene? Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" at the Super Bowl or coal miners killed because of lax and poorly enforced safety standards?

In the eyes of Congress, a flash of female nudity is more of a threat to the republic than deadly mining disasters.

In 2004, it took 40 days for Congress to enact legislation mandating stiffer fines against broadcasters who air material deemed obscene or indecent. Last week, Congress quickly and quietly approved a bill to increase those fines tenfold.

Meanwhile, it's been more than four months since 12 miners died in the Sago coal mine disaster in West Virginia in January. Another five miners died in Kentucky on Saturday. So far in 2006, 31 coal miners have been killed on the job, nine more than in all of 2005.

And Congress has done nothing.

MYOB has been upheld by a court in Wales. Now the question in this case is why the guy who filmed his neighbour sun bathing in the nude didn't get charged with being a peeping tom?!

Court upholds own-garden nudity

THE man saw more than what he had bargained for when his 55-year-old neighbour sunbathed in the buff.

But Mr Morien Jones, 34, was neither titillated nor amused.

He videotaped her and, armed with the evidence, complained to the police that her cottage garden was not private enough for such behaviour.


Ms Lynett Burgess, a nurse and occupational therapist who lives in the village of Llandyfriog in Wales, was arrested and charged with indecent exposure, reported

Sad life with nude (2005)

The Victorians have become a byword for prudishness but even they tolerated Oxford dons bathing nude in secluded stretches of the Cherwell. Nobody expected 19th-century country people, who had spend the winter sewn in their clothes, to sport bathing costumes when, come the summer, they refreshed themselves by plunging into remote ponds.

It is only in our own times — when, ironically, the internet is awash with hardcore pornography and young children are sent to parties in sexually suggestive outfits — that taking off one’s clothes out of doors is unnatural.

I would say the odd behaviour isn’t stripping off in your garden; it is filming others who do. If he is so offended by human flesh, I suggest Morien Jones puts his camcorder away and grows a thick, bushy wisteria atop his garden fence.

In Canada it is not against the law to sunbathe in the nude in your backyard.
Sunbathing - Mere nude sunbathing is not of sufficient moral turpitude to
support a charge for doing an indecent act. (Beaupre(1971)) British Columbia
Supreme Court

Nudists can be good neighbours and a boost to business and the local tax base. But please lets not promote naturism because its controversial. Like Spring Break at Daytona Beach isn't.

Nude resorts taking off the gloves in fight for customers

The American Association of Nude Recreation estimates nudists pump about $400 million into the global tourism economy, up from $120 million in 1992. The association says its ranks have grown 75 percent to 50,000 members in that time. Nudists can chose from 270 clubs, resorts and campgrounds in the United States.

And a lot of that business comes to Pasco County, where most of the six resorts are concentrated along a six-mile stretch of U.S. 41 in Land O' Lakes, about 20 miles north of Tampa.

County officials say it impossible to put a tax value on the dozens of condos, homes and hundreds of acres of land owned by nudists.

"They're good neighbors," Pasco County Commissioner Pat Mulieri said. "They provide a wide tax base. It's great. We get people from all over the world."

Florida's collection of nudist resorts are barely acknowledged by state and local tourism officials who stick to safer terrain such as Disney, the mermaids of Weeki Wachee springs or Busch Gardens, major attractions that flank Pasco's nudist resorts in all directions.
Flordia is missing the boat by not promoting these resorts as tourist destinations. Look at the success Jamaica has had.

Hedonism: people just like us, only naked

One man's trip (purely for research, of course) to clothing-optional resort

Even Arizoan has caught on to the fact that nude resorts are a buff business.

Dude ranch reopens as nude ranch
Levi's and Stetson's are definitely out at the former La Tierra Linda Guest Ranch Resort, a dude-ranch-turned-nude-ranch where Hollywood's elite vacationed during the 1930s.

Well, the hats are still OK.

The 30-acre ranch, renamed the Mira Vista Resort opens Monday as a clothing optional resort, where nudists can enjoy lounging by the pool, playing tennis, doing yoga or Pilates.

"It's hard to go back to wearing a bathing suit once you've tried it nude," said Dave Landman, one of six new owners.

The Mira is targeting a $400 million a year industry that has doubled in three years, according to the American Association for Nude Recreation.

We do have nude beaches and resorts in Canada too. Of course the most famous is on University of B.C. property; Wreck Beach.

In Australia it is still against the law to be nude at the beach.
Nudists call for legal nude beaches

Police should spend their time catching real "crooks" rather than arresting nude bathers, the Queensland Council of Civil Liberties says.

The group urged the state government to decriminalise nude bathing after Sunshine Coast retiree Ken Wenzel, 75, was charged with wilful exposure at Third Bay Beach at Coolum.

Mr Wenzel, who claims Third Bay has been an unofficial nude beach for 30 years, is due to appear in Maroochydore Magistrates court on Monday.

While in Germany nudism is natural, naturism as vital for health has a long social history in Germany, as one shocked American footballer found out.

After Europe, Marshall is loaded for bare

If Keyonta Marshall ever forgot how far from home he was, he had the naked guy on the balcony to remind him.

"When we left for practice, there was this naked guy who'd stand on this balcony outside his apartment," Marshall recalled. "He'd just be naked and watching us drive by. It was just different to see that and nobody getting in trouble for doing it."

Marshall spent a little more than 2 months this spring playing for the Hamburg Sea Devils, of NFL Europe, returning just in time for the Eagles' rookie minicamp that started Thursday. He said he learned a lot, on and off the field.

Marshall never found out why the naked guy was out on the balcony every morning.

"I didn't want to talk to the dude," he said. "Maybe he was drying off or something, getting ready for work. Whatever it was, I didn't want to know."

Marshall deduced that nudity was not all that uncommon in German society.

"It was nothing to be riding by a park and just have somebody lying out naked," he said. "It's OK, I guess... I'd never do that. Only, when you go to use the saunas and the whirlpools at the gyms, you have to be nude, so I did do that."

Marshall wrote a half-dozen diary entries on his experience for the Eagles' Web site, commenting on nudity, German food (he found it bland), missing his girlfriend, and such practical matters as how to save money on overseas long distance via the Internet.

And speaking of football (soccer) there is concern with Prince Willie meeting grown men who are naked and shaking their hands. Well we hope it's their hands.

Are naked footballers offensive?

On Dealing With Contradictions was one of Chairman Maos little chapters in his little red book put out during the Cultural Revolution which happened forty years ago this year.

My how times have changed since then.

The contradiction here is that this blog based beauty contest is not being denounced for being sexist, the women taking the initivative to show their breasts are. The blogs are not denounced for objectifying women, the women comrades who challenge authority are. Hmm, comrades welcome to the Sexual Revolution
better late than never.

Nude bloggers upset China beauty contest

Chinese blog company refuses to remove 'immoral' photos

Simon Burns in Taipei, 25 May 2006

A recent 'beauty contest' for female bloggers has attracted huge attention and aroused fierce controversy in China.

The contest has been criticised as "sexist" and "immoral" after some contestants posted nude photographs on their blogs.

As well as physical appearance, the contestants were ranked on a variety of other criteria, including the quality of their blog postings and the popularity of their blogs.

The winner, who blogs under the name Yi Lan, is a business student from Beijing. She received a $2,500 prize.

Additional prizes of $1,250 each were awarded in four runner-up categories including 'most talented blogger' and 'sexiest blogger'.

One finalist, blogging under the unlikely name 'Hedgehog Mumu', posted several semi-nude photographs of herself on her blog. She received the most votes in the public voting, but won none of the prizes in the finals.

Opinion columnists attacked her for "offending the dignity of women", but Bo kee refused to remove the photographs because they "do not break state laws", according to Chinese news portal AnHui Hotline.

Speaking of the Internet what the hell is Naked DSL?

Telekom Austria launches naked DSL service

Seriously he was known as 'Naked Guy'. Which for some reason struck me as similar to Family Guy since some of the cartoon characters run around nude alot. And finally a news report with a photo.
Berkeley Icon Took It All Off for His Cause
‘Naked Guy’ Who Gained National Media Attention in 1990s Dead In Apparent Suicide

Click to Enlarge
file/daily cal archives
Andrew Martinez is shown in a 1992 file photo re-dressing himself under the supervision of UCPD Lt. Bill Folely. Martinez became notorious for attending classes naked.

Ok here is another story with a photo. Its from the cheeky British Tabloid the Sun. Definitely not a family newspaper.

Nude rambler's plane strip

Sun Online

NAKED rambler Stephen Gough stunned air passengers when he stripped off on a flight to Edinburgh today.

The former marine had been travelling to Scotland to challenge contempt of court finds made against him for being naked.

But the 47-year-old failed to make it into the dock at the Appeal Court after his mid-air stunt.

He wasn't charged with internet luring, or having sex with her but with not getting her consent to photograph her nude.

Man Charged With Taking Nude Photos Of Woman

In Utah,home of the Mormons, they don't like Naked Short Selling.

"I'm glad to see Utah is taking this vanguard role," Overstock Chairman and CEO Patrick Byrne said. "And I predict this will make Utah the most attractive state for entrepreneurs and small companies in America." Now awaiting Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr.'s signature, the law would get tough on stock brokers, dealers and investment advisers who engage in naked shorting of stocks - an illegal practice in which shares supposedly on loan are sold but not delivered.

In Malaysia it's against the law to expose the public to publications which contain nudity. It is also against the law to publish magazines that claim to show nudes but don't.

Naked truth about the ‘Malaysian Playboy’

Fish and Game Association? T&A association. I think we file this under boys wil be boys will be dumb. Old boys club takes on a new meaning in the town of Ashland, Mass.,USA.

Sting reveals naked revelry: Ashland barroom allegedly hosted lewd bachelor bash
By John Hilliard
Thursday, May 25, 2006 -

An underage visitor to an Ashland club tipped off police earlier this month she was served booze while two strippers charmed party goers at a bawdy bachelor’s bash.
Now town officials are investigating whether the Ashland Fish and Game Club, a nonprofit group that hosted a kids’ fishing derby May 7, will juggle violations of its alcohol and entertainment licenses.
"Apparently, a bachelor’s party was going on, and strippers were present," said Assistant Town Manager Mark Purple, who was briefed by Police Chief Roy Melnick on the incident. "I think that’s outside of their entertainment license."

In art the Nude is common. But made out of Scrabble pieces?

ARTIST David Mach has created an 8ft tall sculpture of a nude woman made from 4,200 Scrabble tiles - worth more than 76,000 points.

On sale for £50,000 the piece, called Myslexia, was commissioned by the Cass Sculpture Foundation and is on display in Goodwood, West Sussex.

And while nudes in art are socially acceptable, what about nude ballet?

South Africa: Bean Counter in a Big Tent, Organising Nude Ballets

Vacumming in the nude seems to be a fantasy for some men. Why men, why the vacuum?

Vacuuming Completely Nude in Paradise

Post Katrina even the neighbourhood is naked.

Oak Park feels naked

Nice ladies, concerned about their neighbourhood. Modern day Guinevere's turned Godiva's last year to save Lake Simcoe. No pictures from their calander accompanied the article. It is after all a family newspaper.

Striving to find naked truth
Ladies of Lake hope to demystify Simcoe's problems

Leading the charge are the Ladies of the Lake, who made headlines last year by shedding their clothes for a calendar that raised $243,000 for the Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition.

The Ladies will be back this year, fully clothed, but just as motivated.

Annabel Slaight and Jane Meredith, both Georgina residents, spearheaded the successful campaign.

Their campaign also included The Wave, Healthy Yards, Healthy Waters program, promotes alternatives to harmful chemicals such as phosphorus.

Nude Mice?

Clodronate alleviates cachexia and prolongs survival in nude mice ..

And speaking of Science and the Nature of Things....we have our very own Naturist in Dr. David Suzuki.

Unlike the prudes south of us, we Canadians celebrate nudity, or is it celebrity nudes. Or is it ok for old guys to pose nude.

Look out for Conservative MP's to raise this in the house in order to cut CBC funding.

Science star nude - again

David Suzuki, CBC-TV's resident science star and host of The Nature of Things, has done it again.

To help launch the record 47th season of the much-honoured current affairs series next month, Suzuki has agreed once more to pose mostly nude. And why not? For a 70-year-old he displays a remarkably buff physique. In two shots released by the CBC, Suzuki poses like Atlas, with the world on his shoulders and wearing nothing but a brown maple leaf. In the other, he's Superman in a red cape and blue undershorts.

It was back in 1999 that Suzuki posed wearing a fig leaf in a similar promotional stunt.

And where else but in Canada would you have a rock diva named Bif Naked?

Getting Naked

Ok so you wanted nude photos here they are. Or you can pick up the June issue of GQ magazine.

Christina Aguilera goes nude

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Afghanistan Cover Up?

Calgary Sun Columnist Bill Kaufmann sent me a friendly note taking umberage at being referred to as a 'token liberal' at the Calgary Sun. He insists he is no mere token.
"I'm merely a "token liberal columnist" at the Calgary Sun?
Oh, my - I'm hurt. Heh, heh.
Well, I suppose you could say that, though the paper would likely prefer I not write this stuff at all, that all their writers drink their koolaid. They've certainly never sought a token.
Thanks for the mention on the blog."
And he pointed out that he had written another column recently questioning our role in Afghanistan. Which I thought I would share with you as long as the link lasts. As he says; "It'd be good to get into the real origins and reasons the foreign troops are in Afghanistan in the MSM though, wouldn't it? "

Ugly truth
Corruption clouds coalition achievements in Afghanistan

Late last month, the Christian Science Monitor reported corruption among an Afghan government Canadians are dying for is so rife, some members collude with the Taliban.

Paraphrasing Afghan government officials the paper states "many villagers have little incentive to co-operate when they see government representatives siding with the enemy."

When they're not directly aiding the ousted extremists, the corruption is playing into the rebels' hands by reminding Afghans why the Taliban came to power in the first place.

Why, that sounds even more treasonous than journalists reporting unpatriotic inconveniences. Numerous chiefs of police and governors use their offices and even foreign military muscle to settle old scores and to blackmail, while drug trafficking is often part of the equation, states the CSM article.
See: Afghanistan

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Made In Canada Solution

Rona Ambrose our phoney environment minister likes to pitch the Harpocrites alternative to Kyoto as the Made In Canada solution. She likes to talk about the Conservatives investing in new technologies as the reason for shutting down the Liberals Kyoto programs. New technology, made in Canada like oh I don't know solar panels maybe. Wouldn't this qualify as a Made In Canada solution? So how come they are going broke? Wheres the government inverstment in new technology to bail these guys out? Like everything else Ambrose says, its a lie.

$65 million writedown of unit hits fourth-quarter results
Cambridge company still planning IPO for summer or fall

The Cambridge, Ont.-based company also said yesterday it has written down the value of Spheral Solar Power by $65 million after tax, causing it to post a loss of $65.6 million in the fourth quarter ended March 31.

Spheral's flexible, thin-film solar technology is regarded as a breakthrough because it can be integrated into roofing materials, vehicle roof-tops and other applications that aren't suitable for rigid solar panels.ATS, which has invested more than $120 million in Spheral over four years, has produced high-efficiency cells and modules that are currently being field tested. But, it said it will take at least 12 months of intensive engineering and development to solve technical problems preventing it from profitably making the product in large volumes. Shortcuts the company took to go quickly from development to full-scale production "were not the right ones," said Syl Ghirardi, president of ATS's solar group

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