Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Virgin Birth Announced

Scientists hail Komodo dragon's virgin birth

Oh were you expecting something else?

Like maybe about some Man-God and his mother.

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And it was orginally expected for her to give birth at Christmas....oh well a month late.....

It is as if Dr Ian Malcolm from Steven Spielberg’s cult classic Jurassic Park has been vindicated.

His statement ‘Life always finds a way’ rings true today as Flora, the virgin komodo dragon prepares to give birth to little dragons in the Chester Zoo, United Kingdom. Seven baby komodo dragons are due this festive season. So what is so special about the birth of these little ones? Flora conceived them without any male help.

Other reptile species produce asexually in a process known as parthenogenesis. But Flora’s virginal conception and that of another komodo dragon earlier this year at the London Zoo, are the first times it has been documented in a komodo dragon. The reptiles, renowned for their intelligence, are native to Indonesia. They are the world’s largest lizards and have no natural predators – making them survive at par with snakes and lions at the pinnacle of the animal kingdom.

The cases of Flora and the London lizard, Sungai, are described in a paper published in the magazine Nature.

Parthenogenesis is a process in which eggs become embryos without male fertilization. It has been seen in about 70 species, including snakes and lizards. Scientists are unsure about whether female komodo dragons have always had this latent ability to reproduce or if this is a new evolutionary development.


Snakes Alive



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Dion Back Tracks On Afghanistan

It was only a month ago, when Stephane Dion running for Leadership of the Liberal Party declared he opposed the use of Canadian Troops to fight in Kandahar.

Today, well he would like to know more about the Afghanistan Mission, gee maybe he should check his cabinet notes, since it was the Liberals who sent them.

Meanwhile his second in command the warmonger Iggy says;

when asked if he could contemplate any circumstance in which Liberals would call for the withdrawal of Canadian troops.

"I can't see any,'' Ignatieff told reporters.

He said there is "absolutely clear water'' between the Liberal and NDP positions.

"Our position is we support the mission, we support the troops but we have very strong questions about the way the mission is being handled and managed.''

Gee thats not what Gerard Kennedy said during that same leadership race.

Liberal Leadership Rivals On Afghanistan

Yep "clear water", clear as mud. Turpitude continues to swirl around the issue of Afghanistan for the government, her majesty's loyal opposition and the BQ.

The NDP remains the only party consistant on their position of the Harpocrites War.


Liberal Leadership Race


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Prehistoric Bi-Plane

There are no new ideas, just old meme's.

125 million years before Kitty Hawk there was Microraptor gui
iTWire - 23 Jan 2007
By Stan Beer. A small winged dinosaur called Microraptor gui may well have been nature's predecessor of the famous flight of Wilbur and Orville Wright at Kitty Hawk in 1903.
Fossil sheds new light on evolution of flight Houston Chronicle
Dinosaur may have resembled the biplaneSeattle Post Intelligencer

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I guess the Harpocrite honeymoon with the White House is officially over.

American Ambassador David Wilkins is slamming Canada's efforts to have Maher Arar removed from a U.S. security watch list.

Mr. Wilkins says it's “a little presumptuous” for Mr. Day to say “who the United States can and cannot allow into” their country.

Memo to US Amabasador David Wilkins;

When a suit is before the courts and it involves the government which you represent one normally says;

" I am sorry I cannot comment, this matter is before the courts."

Please take note and STFU.



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Could this mysterious prehistoric dinosaur shark be the creature behind the Nessie mythos? That is the idea of sea serpents even if they are in fresh water.

It certainly qualifies as a 'sea serpent' , and proves that factual experiences underlie the sea serpent mythos.

Another living dinosaur like the Sturgeon and the
Coelacanth , and another entry for my cryptozoology files.

Japanese marine park captures rare 'living fossil' shark

A species of shark rarely seen alive because its natural habitat is 600 meters or more under the sea was captured on film by staff at a Japanese marine park this week.

The Awashima Marine Park in Shizuoka, south of Tokyo, was alerted by a fisherman at a nearby port on Sunday that he had spotted an odd-looking eel-like creature with a mouthful of needle-sharp teeth.

Marine park staff caught the 1.6 meter long creature, which they identified as a female frilled shark, sometimes referred to as a "living fossil" because it is a primitive species that has changed little since prehistoric times.

Frilled sharks, which feed on other sharks and sea creatures, are sometimes caught in the nets of trawlers but are rarely seen alive.

Prehistoric Frilled Shark

Frilled sharks can grow to a length of nearly 6.5 feet and eat deep-sea squids and other soft-bodied preys.


Nessie was an Elephant?

They Walk Among Us


Cryptozology Part 1

Cryptozoology Part 2




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The Horror

Proud of his prowess as a butcher

This is the horror of Robert Picktons mass murder of 49 wome
n in the Vancouver area. He was a pig farmer and butcher, what did he do with the womens bodies?

Accused serial killer Robert "Willie" Pickton butchered his victims after killing them A number of bones mixed with debris and manure were found in the farm's slaughterhouse in July 2002, court heard.

Lovecraftian horror
registers in the the minds of the public about this case. It is more than being about mass murder and a serial killer, it is about cannibalism whether real or imagined. And as Lovecraft pointed out on his essay on the Horror in Supernatural Literature, the imagined horror is far worse.

Pickton continued his trade as a butcher, of women and animals. A 'respected trade' unlike that of the women he butchered, according to some rightwing bloggers.

Except contrary to the popluar reporting in the media, not all the women were sex workers. One at least was a bartender. Another respectable trade. And the fact is whatever streets they walked, or line of work they were in, he killed them because they were women.



Jack The Ripper


Violence Against Women

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Get Over It

Me thinks they protest too much.

Canada owed an apology
Hamilton Spectator
By Robert Howard. It is something quite unusual to hear Stephen Harper, Stephane Dion and Jean Charest speaking virtually in unison.

French politician defends Quebec comments

PM decries remarks by French politician

PM, Dion slam remark on Quebec

Quebec 'gaffe' causes Royal grief

French presidential candidate backtracks on support for Quebec

P'shaw, what a bunch of verbal diarrea, and political drivel.

After all Royal only expressed her opinion of what Quebecois meant to her and 'all of France', since she is a socialist and the last French President to say the same thing; Charles de Gaulle was not.

Following a 15-minute meeting in Paris yesterday with Parti Québécois Leader André Boisclair, Ms. Royal was asked by reporters what affinity she felt toward Quebec sovereignty. "It goes with our common values, which are Quebec's sovereignty and freedom," she replied.

After all the Canadian Parliament accepted Quebec as a Nation, which is what France did a long time ago.

Chickens, home, roost.

People, stones, glass houses.

Tempest, teapot.

Vive le Québec libre !



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What He Didn't Say

Boy this was a flashback, he just rehashed last years State of the Union speech, talking about the same issues.

Bush State of the Union: Work with me

What he didn't say anything about was the Post Katrina reconstruction of New Orleans and Mississipi which is as big a boondoggle as the reconstruction of Iraq.

Thanks to privatization and contracting out promoted by the White House.

Unless you consider his reference to temporary workers as being a sneaky way of saying reconstruction will commence once he has enough migrant labour.

Bush took the opportunity to again push his idea of a temporary worker program and treat those who want to come to America "without animosity and without amnesty."



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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Cross Talk

Shoot from the lip Finance Minister Jim Flaherty does it again, remember the Halloween surprise, now he is being the sock puppet for the Chinese Government;

China Wants More Investment From Canadian Banks, Flaherty Says

Making amends for the Harper almost blowing it at the APEC Conference. But wait Flaherty is singing to the choir.

His announcement was on Sunday. On Monday BMO Capital Markets releases it' s report on China and Canada, being critical of the Harpocrites playing politics and interfering with investment opportunities in China.

In a special 17-page report entitled The True North Meets the Middle Kingdom: Why Canada Must Embrace China, Dr. Cooper will highlight how China has the potential to contribute to Canada's long-term growth and prosperity.

There are enormous opportunities for Canadian banks to provide savings and investment
vehicles, personal loans, credit cards, online banking, commercial loans and foreign exchange
services—just to name a few
. Those that are there have joint ventures with Chinese
companies and a growing presence in Beijing and/or Shanghai, in addition to the Hong
Kong ventures they have had for many years. At the end of last summer, BMO became the
fi rst Canadian bank to receive permission to provide banking services such as loans, deposits
and trade fi nance in Beijing in the renminbi. It was also the fi rst to be granted permission
to sell derivative fi nancial instruments such as futures and options contracts. It was the fi rst
foreign bank to buy into a Chinese fund-management fi rm, taking a stake in Fullgoal Fund
Management Co. Ltd in 2003. RBC has a fund-management venture with a local bank in the
works and Scotiabank has a 12% stake in a regional bank and a presence in Shanghai.
Canadian banks will also benefi t from off ering Chinese investment products to domestic
and U.S. clients. Those same mutual funds developed for the Chinese market will be
quite attractive for North American or European investors that want a piece of the Chinese
growth story. Many Canadians, for example, have strong business and familial connections
with China and Chinese is the third most commonly spoken language in Canada.

Hmm, ok both are talking, now who is listening?




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Common Sense of The Common People

90 per cent of Canadians don't think they're wealthy, survey finds

Well the majority ain't that's true, but 10% of these folks are lying to themselves if not to pollsters.

Butdespite all the whooping over the boom in capitalism from the boys on Bay Street and Wall Street, well folks don't feel it in their pocketbooks.

Salary concerns were a prime consideration for many respondents in the Mackenzie Investments study, with 40 per cent saying they expected their incomes to hover around the same mark over the next 10 years, dipping or rising marginally.

And for all the criticism of the Boomers they at least recognize that we are in a debt crisis, which government and business refuse to see.

According to the poll, 79 per cent of respondents said they feared that if shopping continued
to be viewed as a recreational activity, Canadians could face a crisis where they spend too much with little regard for the future.

"Overspending today but worrying about not having enough in the future is like waiting for your roof to fall in — it certainly isn't worth the wait," John Dale, executive vice-president of Mackenzie Investments, said in a release. "The 'haves and have-nots' in the future may be determined in part by the 'shop and shop-nots.' "

But their kids are shopoholics. It is the truimph of consumerism over productivity, the triumph of the American ideology of the lesiure class . Their parents had the middle class dream their kids live it. But it is still a dangerous myth.

But the study noted that more than any other demographic, young people tended to see shopping as a recreational pastime. About a third of respondents between the ages of 14 and 19 said they spent money as part of a larger socializing ritual, as compared with 13 per cent of all Canadians.

More than 92 per cent of young Canadians expect the same or more expensive lifestyles as their parents, it reported, suggesting their expectations may not be realistic.


Canadian Wealth


Housing Crisis

Variable Capital

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The Ultimate Republican Team

This would be a chicken hawks ultimate fantasy dream team for the Republican entry in the 2008 Presidental race.

Tim Russert did not challenge Sen. John McCain's dubious claim that it is not "clear-cut" that the war is unpopular nationally because, if it were, Sen. Joe Lieberman "would not have been re-elected in the state of Connecticut."

Since both have experience being has beens in previous races.

John McCain, Republican, President

Joe Lieberman, Independent Yankee from Connecticut, Vice-President

McCain vehemently opposes the non-binding resolutions and the idea of putting a cap on the number of troops in Iraq.

The Arizona Republican got strong support in his use of the morale issue from his allies Sen. Joe Lieberman, independent Democrat from Connecticut and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.

And, Lieberman asked, Senate passage of a resolution of disapproval of this new strategy in Iraq would give the enemy some encouragement?

“That’s correct,” replied Petraeus.

Lieberman said, “I want to make a plea to my colleagues” to not pass a resolution of disapproval of Bush’s troop surge. He urged them to consider Petraeus’s testimony about the effect on morale and to delay any move to pass a resolution of disapproval.


Richardson On The Ticket


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Silent Tories

Another example of the Harpocrisy of the New Canadian Government.

While the Conservative Ministers of Finance and Industry were in China during the Chinese Satellite Weapons Test, this is all they said;
Canada's New Government Focuses on Strategic Partnership with China

Now where was all that Conservative bombast and outrage that PM Harper mustered up and blasted the Chinese with when he was attending the APEC meeting? Why like most of the Tories Hot Air statements it's a blowin in the wind.




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Arar Redux

So two days before Public Security Minister Stockwell Day visited the U.S. and in advance of the Leahy Senate Hearings, U.S. Homeland Security issued a letter to Canada saying that Arar was still considered a 'terrorist' by the United States.

Gonzales, who cosigned the letter, shouldn't have lied to Senator Patrick Leahy and just handed him this letter.

A letter that
Stockwell Day said proved nothing.

Still waiting for the New Government of Canada to get tough with the U.S. on this...still waiting...yep waiting....waiting still....



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Scooby Secrets

File this under little known facts.

‘Scooby-Doo’ cartoonist dies at 81
Iwawo Takamoto said he created Scooby-Doo after talking with a Great Dane breeder and named him after Frank Sinatra’s final phrase in “Strangers in the Night.”

Actually Frank never said Scobby-doo it was "doo-be-doo-be-doo,"

This is another case of mis-hearing lyrics. I do it all the time so do most people.





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Animal Tales

Passport? Passport?! Skunks don't need no stinkin passport....

- A stowaway skunk that ended up in Canada after traveling more than 3,500-kilometres (2,200 miles) shut in the back of a truck from California has found a ride home.

Do you think they were watching Happy Feet.

Sixty seals at a Dutch refuge took shelter from the devastating storm which

swept across Europe in a cinema.

Elmer Fudd has nothing on this duck hunter....

Duck shot by Florida hunter survives 2 days in refrigerator

Wildlife officials said the feathered Lazarus had been shot by a hunter and put into his refrigerator for two days. That's when the hunter's wife opened the door and the duck lifted his head, giving her a scare. The man's wife "was going to check on the refrigerator because it hadn't been working right and when she opened the door, it looked up at her," said Laina Whipple, a receptionist at Killearn Animal Hospital.

This gives new meaning to Blowin in the Wind....

The pilot of a TV news helicopter used wind from the aircraft's rotor to push a stranded deer to safety after it lost its footing on a frozen lake and could not get up.

You might not be cheering so loudly for Free Willy if you knew where he is ending up....Killer whales drawn to 'warm' Arctic

And this guy obviously was just not tasty enough....Diver 'swallowed' by shark survives

The hew and cry will be raised about the need to kill man eating sharks despite the fact that sharks continue to be endangered....

Conservationists worry about shark population
Experts point out attacks on humans are overblown and millions of the fish are being killed

Conservationists: C'mon, give sharks a break!

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