Saturday, April 20, 2024

How Kurds Missed Their Opportunity to be an Independent Nation


Published: April 20, 2024
April 19, 2024
Author Rauf Naqishbendi
Exclusive to

Retired US Lt General Jay Garne raises arms with PUK leader Jalal Talabani, left, and KDP leader Massoud Barzani, in Dukan, Sulaimani governorate, Iraqi Kurdistan on April 22, 2003. Photo: AP

After the American Invasion of Iraq, the climate matured for independent Kurdistan. It was the responsibility of Kurdish leaders to react, preparing the nation and leaving America with no choice but to submit to our national demand. But our national agenda took a backseat to the leader’s personal gains, prejudices, and tribal ambitions. For over sixty years of current leaders’ reign, they added nothing positive to our lives, but they detracted enough to be lamented for generations to come.

We must understand that independent Kurdistan must be a divine miracle given enormous stumbling blocks in a way. But the American invasion of Iraq was God’s long-awaited gift bestowed upon Kurds. That was one of a rare opportunities in the life of our nation; and made Kurds’ dream for independence come to fruition should Kurdish leaders were to pursue it prudently. The role of leadership is to prepare the nation for all occasions; study risks and plan for emergencies, react to opportunities, march, and galvanize the nation toward its aimed destination. But our leaders went after their personal gains ignoring our national ambition. They accumulated wealth beyond anyone’s imagination to become one of the wealthiest people not only in Kurdistan but the world. They engaged in the assassinations of journalists, suffocating the voice of their opposition, and expanding their criminal enterprises.

Kurdistan occupiers for centuries have been persistent to our subjugation to their dominion, but the American invasion of Iraq rendered them irrelevant on this occasion. Iran and Syria were on American Hit List, and Turkey an old American friend, when America called for its assistance when invaded Iraq, it refused to assist and proved itself perfidious.

America has never favored Independent Kurdistan. But the American invasion of Iraq had ashamed America in the sight of the world and was ready to make concessions to save its faith; besides American casualties were piling up; the economic cost was exuberance; and support for the war at home was fading away as more and more dead and lame soldiers delivered home. At the same time, the Iraqi government was unstable and incapable to fight insurgency and was crippled. That was when Kurds could have taken advantage of the situation and acted accordingly. But their leaders failed them miserably. When they reacted with the referendum of independent Kurdistan, it was too late as they rushed to action and caused the Iraqi government to re-assert its authority over the country’s internally disputed territories, particularly Kirkuk.

It has been six decades since Kurds took arms and fought against Iraq for free Kurdistan. Kurds sacrificed their lives and properties, supported the revolution, endured death, imprisonment, destruction, genocide, and gave everything they had in support of the revolution. Looking back in history, Kurds would have been better off without this bloody and futile revolution which became an i
nstrument to fuel the greed of the two Kurdish dynasties and divide the nation.

                              Members of the Barzani clan and close supporters. Photo:

After all the atrocities committed by the two ruling dynasties, they perceived they were immune from prosecution. Considering what had happened recently in the United States, proves their assumption is invalid. They accumulated wealth by robbing the nation and expanding their criminal enterprises, for example, please visit Michael Rubin from American Enterprise Institute, his article titled “Did the Barzanis kill a US government employee in cold blood?”

According to Mr. Rubin The Kurdistan Victims Fund, a charity incorporated in Wyoming, filed a lawsuit against the Kurdistan Regional Government Barzani’s family for (A) Murder of a United States Agent (B) U.S Immigration fraud and perjury (C) Extrajudicial murders and disappearance (D) Genocide and human rights abuse (E) torture of a U.S. citizen (F) illegal exile of Kurdish citizens (G) international narcotics trafficking.

I heard similar lawsuits have been filed against Barzani’s family in the EU, but I couldn’t confirm it. Based on Mr. Rubin’s analysis, Masrour Barzani, son of Masoud Barzani can’t evade prosecution based on legal precedents before the United States Supreme Court. Let it be known to Talabani’s and Barzan’s clan there will be no hideout places for them, and people in Kurdistan will follow them no matter where they land.

For Iraq to re-assert its control over Kurdistan is dreadful. But how these two dynasties have been bleeding Kurds for six decades is even more tragic. Assuredly, they will not be forgiven, and people will not let them escape unpunished. Unarguably, nothing good comes from the two ruling dynasties, and no good can happen during their reign. Therefore, these corrupt leaders and Mafia thugs must be toppled, let the new page of our history start, and let us give their opposition Goran, New Generation, and others a chance to shape our future.

Regardless of what happens people will not be silenced, and nothing can take away their inspiration for freedom and liberty. The last sixty years of the two dynasties have been deplorable and futile episodes of our history. Let us hope the future years will be different with a new leadership unifying Kurdistan, devoted to our wellbeing and our interest rather than compromising our national inspiration for their own personal gains; and with their creativities transforming our nation from its primitive status to one of the advanced societies. This transformation will be long in the making and painful. Sadly, I will not see it, but I pray my children and grandchildren will.

Death of Kurdish Independence and the Beginning of Kurdish National Nightmare

 April 19, 2024

Massoud Barzani, the tribal leader of the Barzani clan, and the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) (left) with PUK party president Bafel Talabani in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, February 24, 2024. Photo: Barzani’s Pess Office/X/via

Rauf Naqishbendi | Exclusive to

Barzani and Talabani’s dynasty complacently thought they could drill oil and natural gas forever without challenges. The most they shared with people was paying public employee wages which is a small fraction of the proceed and a lion share of proceed from oil and revenue sharing with Iraq funneled into their bank accounts abroad.

They ignored the needs of people and social services. As a result, the education system, healthcare, infostructure and social services in general suffered. They felt secure and invincible for they had American’s backing, but now they can’t drill oil and American will not be able to protect them as Iraqi government is about bringing back Kurdistan under Iraqi government control. As a result, their reign is in doubt and so is the fate of the nation.

Good leadership is a conrnerstone of achieving economic health and social justice, integrity is in the core of leadership. These leaders acted like Mafia thugs and corrupt authorities involved in power abuse, looting natural resources, assassinating, and jailing their oppositions. When a nation is ruled by wicked authorities like these, it warrants the collapse of society with tragic consequences.

Lina Barzani, the daughter of Sirwan Barzani, who is the nephew of Massoud Barzani and the managing director of Korek Telecom, a company worth over $2 billion, with millions of subscribers and close to 3,500 towers across Iraq, Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan region, 2023. Photo: X/via

Since American invasion of Iraq money has been flowing to Kurdistan unprecedented from Iraqi revenue sharing, American fund for the reconstruction of Kurdistan, and oil-for-food. Where did that money end up? Here is an example where some of that money is landed:

As reported by Shan Press, the daughter of Sirwan Barzani admitted her family’s investment in America as the followings:

27 companies, 14 hotels, 6 manufacturing companies, 287 cafeterias, 540 condominiums, 48 restaurants, 8 swimming facilities, a bank, and holding company and several hospitals.

Sirwan Barzani, the nephew of Massoud Barzani and the managing director of Korek Telecom, September 2023. Photo: Barzani’s office/via

Those abovementioned enterprises are owned by only one member of Barzani’s clan, and there are dozens of them. Add to that Talabani’s clan who is also complicit, should we sum all the stolen money we talk about hundreds of billions of dollars.

After American invasion of Iraq, President George W. Bush initiated an agreement for Baghdad to share the revenue of oil with Kurds. His formula was 20% of Iraqi’s oil revenue to be allocated to Kurdistan region, about $20 billion at that time; accordingly, $10 billion check to be written to both Talabani and Barzani.

From Left: Masrour, Massoud, US president George W. Bush, and Mansour Barzani, October 25, 2005. Photo: Barzanis’ fb

The problem with that agreement was it didn’t stipulate checks and accountability but rather left it to vices natural to men. This is an example of how America exported corruption to Kurdistan as it can be traced wherever America engaged. Should George W. Bush be at the helm, that fund would have been deposited into people’s account rather than Talabani’s and Barzani’s account; and have a group of respected citizens along with the United Nations representatives to monitor the allocation of that fund.

Kurds has been suffering at the hand of these two clans and their leaders for many decades. The deep-seated smoldering resentment would have exploded to topple authoritarian mobs, but their actions has been muted by brutalities of authorities who have been willing to gun down any numbers of people to maintain the status quo.

Iraqi government encumbered Kurdish authorities from selling oil & gas, as a result Kurdish authorities are left without revenue. Now it has been months public employees have not paid their salaries. This has resulted in financial difficulties for people. For lack of a private sector, the government is primary employer, and the public employee’s wages trickle down through the economy supporting the region.

Thousands of teachers protest over unpaid salaries in Sulaimani, Iraqi Kurdistan, Jan 3, 2024. Photo: Screengrab/Rudaw TV

Recently, Iraqi supreme court ordered federal government to pay Kurdistan public servants, the Supreme Court said the central administration would pay government workers, employees at public institutions, that means the Kurdish Regional Government will not be involved. That will discard the shadow payroll whereby thugs of Barzani and Talabani have been enrolling their family members and cronies to draw salary from multiple departments.

Gradually, Iraqi government will regain control of Kurdistan, at the end, Talabani and Barzani will be at the edge of demise. Thanks to Barzani and Talabani, not only the independent Kurdistan but the notion of autonomous Kurdistan is a dead dream without hope of resurrection in the foreseeable future.

Kurdish authorities were in their mission to abuse power and accumulate wealth with impunity and felt invincible for they had American backing. Surely, America counted on Kurds to be a beacon of freedom in the Middle East and has invested it’s hope and money knowing the rise of a democratic Kurdistan would justify its invasion of Iraq. For a few years after American invasion of Iraq, Kurds were well-respected internationally and gained sympathy from the western world for keeping their country safe and fighting terrorism. But American faith on Kurds soon evaporated after they found Barzani’s corroboration with ISIS and genocide of Yazidi Kurds; and knowing that Kurdish authorities are not only undemocratic but further one of corrupted and dictatorial authorities. Now, knowing their demise is near Barzani clan pleading for American support. Any American support to these abominable authorities is betrayal of Kurds; and investment in a country whose failure is warranted due to the wicked leaderships and lack of support from their own people.

Jalal Talabani (L) with Mala Mustafa Barzani (R), 1960s. Photo: Creative Commons/wikimedia

Now you Talabani’s and Barzani’s have invited these dreadful and sorrowful days to the life of Kurds. You both know your end is neigh, and you betrayed your people. At the end, you may not be able to exit as your ancestor did, hopefully you will be judged in a court of law. If not, like your ancestors Mustafa Barzani and Jalal Talabani will be forced to flee the country with your treasures hoarded abroad and leave your people at the mercy of their enemies. Congratulations on how you did so well for yourselves; and left your people with grievances and teras of sorrows in their coming days and years. Last but not least, nothing new under the sun, it’s Kurdish history keeps on repeating itself.

Rauf Naqishbendi is a retired software engineer in the San Francisco Bay Area. A long-time senior contributing writer for His memoirs entitled “The Garden Of The Poets”, recently published. It reads as a novel depicting his experience and the subsequent 1988 bombing of his hometown with chemical and biological weapons by Saddam Hussein. It is the story of his people´s suffering, and a sneak preview of their culture and history.

The opinions are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of or its editors.Read more about Independent Kurdistan state

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