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Showing posts sorted by date for query KNOW NOTHINGS'. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, October 10, 2024

How a Newspaper Revolution Sparked Protesters and Influencers, Disinformation and the Civil War  


  October 10, 2024
An image from Harper’s Weekly depicts the ‘Grand procession of Wide-Awakes at New York on the evening of October 3, 1860.’ Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

There’s one question I get every time I give a talk. I’m a curator of political history at the Smithsonian Institution, and when I discuss the deep history of political division in our country, someone in the audience always asserts that we can’t possibly compare past divisions to the present, because our media landscape is doing unprecedented harm, unlike anything seen in the past.

I’m always struck by people’s belief in a placid media landscape in the past, a time of calm before the internet blew everything up.

In fact, the most divided period in the history of U.S. democracy – the mid-1800s – coincided with a sudden boom in new communications technologies, confrontational political influencers, widespread disinformation and nasty fights over free speech. This media landscape helped bring the Civil War.

The point is not that 21st century media is like the 19th century’s, but that the past was hardly full of the upstanding, rational, nonpartisan journalists many like to believe it was.

And at this era’s center, in the campaign that actually led to the war, was a huge, strange, forgotten movement – the Wide Awakes – born from this media landscape and fought out in the newspapers, polling places and, ultimately, battlefields of the nation.

An illustrated document in black and white that says 'WIDE AWAKE CLUB' and whose central image shows crowds and troops before the U.S. Capitol.
A Wide Awake membership form from 1860, printed in New York and showing crowds and troops before the U.S. Capitol. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

From snark to high-minded abolitionism

Newspapers had been around for centuries, but as American rates of literacy rose, millions of ordinary citizens became daily news junkies.

The number of papers jumped from a few publications in 1800 to 4,000 brawling rags by 1860, printing hundreds of millions of pages each year. They ranged from the snarky, immensely popular New York Herald and the blood-drenched true crime reports in the National Police Gazette to the high-minded abolitionism of The Liberator.

A story from the Worcester Daily Spy in Massachusetts, Nov. 5, 1860, reprinted from a New York newspaper, about the work of the Wide Awakes.
A clipping from an article in the Worcester Daily Spy in Massachusetts, Nov. 5, 1860, reprinted from a New York newspaper, about the work of the Wide Awakes. Boston Public Library Collection

Nearly everyone devoured them – from wealthy elites to schoolgirls to enslaved people technically banned from reading. Newspapers published scandals and rumors, riling mobs and sparking frequent attacks on editors – often by other editors.

Well into the 20th century, communities were still pulling newspaper presses out of local rivers, hurled there by angry mobs.

Ninety-five percent of newspapers had explicit political affiliations. Many were bankrolled by the parties directly. There was no concept of journalistic independence and nonpartisanship until the turn of the 20th century.

These partisan presses, not the government, even printed the election ballots. Readers voted by cutting ballots from their pages and bringing them to the polls. Imagine if TikTok influencers or podcasters were responsible for administering elections.

The telegraph may seem old-timey today, but after its introduction in the 1840s, Americans could disseminate breaking news across huge territories along electrical wires. It allowed people to argue the issues nationwide – before the internet, television or radio.

Digesting slavery’s evils daily

Americans became a people by arguing politics in the press.

When politics was local, the major parties had avoided discussing slavery, taking what Abraham Lincoln mocked as a “don’t care” attitude. But now that Maine could debate with Texas, the topic shot to the forefront. By the 1850s, Northerners digested its evils daily.

The National Era – an abolitionist press in Washington – first printed Harriet Beecher Stowe’s hair-raising “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” by far the most influential antislavery novel in history.

Meanwhile, the radical pro-slavery magazine “De Bow’s Review” spread a maximalist vision of expanding slavery far and wide. Americans living thousands of miles from each other could argue the issue, and the only gatekeepers were editors who profited from spreading often legitimate outrage.

It’s fitting, then, that the Northern pushback to expanding slavery came from the 19th century equivalent of “very online” young newspaper readers. Early in the 1860 election, a core of young clerks in Connecticut formed a club to help campaign for the antislavery Republican Party. They happened to live in the state with the highest literacy rates and huge newspaper circulations. So when a local editor wrote that the Republicans seemed “Wide Awake” in the campaign, the boys named their club “the Wide Awakes.”

Adding militaristic uniforms, torch-lit midnight rallies and an open eye as their all-seeing symbol, a new movement was born, which I chronicle in my recent book, “Wide Awake: The Forgotten Force that Elected Lincoln and Spurred the Civil War.” Often, their chief issue was not the knotty specifics of what to do about slavery, but the fight for a “Free Press” – unsuppressed by supporters of slavery, South or North.

The Wide Awakes exploded across the national newspaper network. Within months of their founding, young Republicans were forming clubs from Connecticut to California.

A newspaper clipping from 1860 about a parade by the Wide Awakes in Cleveland, Ohio.

An article about the Wide Awakes from the Cleveland Morning Leader of Nov. 6, 1860. Library of Congress.

Most learned how to organize their companies through the papers. They built a reciprocal relationship with America’s press: cheering friendly newspaper offices and harassing pro-slavery Democratic papers’ headquarters. Friendly editors returned the favor, marching with the Wide Awakes and pushing their readers to form more clubs, like the Indiana newspaperman who nudged: “Cannot such an organization be gotten up in this town?”

None of this could be admired as independent journalism, but it sure spread a movement. It only took a few months to turn the Wide Awakes into one of the largest partisan movements America had ever seen, believed to have 500,000 members – proportionally the equivalent of 5 million today.

‘From Maine to Oregon let the earth shake’

The same newspaper network spread fear as well. Readers in much of the South saw the clubs as a partisan paramilitary organization. Wild accounts shared accidental misinformation and deliberate disinformation, pushing the false notion that the Wide Awakes were preparing for a war, not an election.

The presence of a few hundred African American Wide Awakes in Boston morphed into claims in Mississippi that “the Wide Awakes are composed mainly of Negroes,” who were plotting a race war. A dispersed, partisan media exaggerated such falsehoods like a national game of telephone.

By the time Lincoln won election in November 1860, hysterical editors predicted a Wide Awake attack on the South. Secessionist newspapers used fears of Wide Awakes to help push states out of the Union. The Weekly Mississippian reported “WIDE-AWAKE INVASION ANTICIPATED,” the very day that state seceded.

Meanwhile, Wide Awake editors began to push back against the widening secession conspiracy. German newspapermen in St. Louis helped arm Wide Awake clubs for combat.

In Pennsylvania, the editor James Sanks Brisbin ordered Republicans to “organize yourselves into military companies. … Take muskets in your hands, and from Maine to Oregon let the earth shake to the tread of three millions of armed Wide-Awakes.”

What began in ink was spiraling into lead and steel. It took 16 years to develop from the introduction of the telegraph to the Civil War. Undoubtedly, the fight over slavery caused that conflict, but the newspapers fed it, amplified it, exaggerated it.

Mid-19th century Americans lived with an odd combination: an unprecedented ability to spread information, but also a siloed and partisan system of interpreting it. It helped the nation finally reckon with the crimes of slavery, but also spread bad faith, irrational panic and outright lies.

This history can add a needed perspective to today’s political conflicts, so often magnified by social media. In both eras, new technologies supercharged existing political tensions.

Yet we can see from this heated history that political media is less like an unstoppable, unreformable force that will consume democracy, and more like another in a succession of breathtaking, catastrophic, wild new landscapes that must be tamed.The Conversation

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Jon Grinspan is Political History Curator at the Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, September 29, 2024

OPINION: Ukrainian Americans Face Critical Choice in November Presidential Election

US foreign policy toward Ukraine lies in the balance as Americans prepare to go to the polls.

By Michael Buryk
September 29, 2024
Kyiv Post.
US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris (R) and Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky speak to the press before a private meeting, in the Vice President's ceremonial office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House campus on September 26, 2024 in Washington, DC. 

The recent visit of President Volodymyr Zelensky to the US was in stark contrast to previous trips when he was hailed as a hero in the US Congress. Almost three years into Russia’s full-scaleinvasion of Ukraine, the relative unanimity of Republicans and Democrats on the question of aid for Ukraine in 2022 has melted away into sharp attacks by Republican leaders.

This week, House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested that Zelensky’s visit to a munitions plant in Scranton, Pennsylvania,was a political move favoring the Democrats. And Mr. Johnson proposed that Ambassador of Ukraine to the US Oksana Makarova should be fired for arranging this visit.

Meanwhile, Presidential candidate Donald Trump and his Vice-Presidential running mate JD Vance have offered their own plan to end the war that includes Ukraine giving up their territories currently occupied by Russia and taking a pledge not to join NATO.

What has happened to the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan? When I headed up the Republican Heritage Groups Federation of the State of New Jersey in the later 1970s, the Republican Party openly supported the “Captive Nations” that were shackled to the Soviet Union. Now in the 21st century when Ukraine has chosen to be an integral part of the West, the Republican Party has been hijacked by a bunch of Know Nothings who believe it is not in America’s best interest to help any country outside the US.

In Savannah, Georgia, on Sept. 24, Mr. Trump praised Russia’s military record in past conflicts and suggested that Ukraine should have made concessions to prevent the February 2022 invasion. He implied that there would have been no Russian invasion of Ukraine if he had been president at the time. He insists that the US needs to “get out” of any involvement in this conflict but has offered no specific details on how to resolve it.

Ukrainian American voters are by their nature very conservative. For many years, Republican candidates had a strong appeal for them. But now they must realize that the Republican Party today does not respect their interests in Ukraine. Ukrainians are fighting for their very existence as a nation. Russia is taking every opportunity to destroy innocent people, homes, hospitals and infrastructure as well as cultural sites and institutions to obliterate any memory of Ukraine as an independent nation.

The foreign policy toward Ukraine of the Administration of US President Joe Biden has not been without its flaws. It took far too long to arm Ukraine, and major delays continue in the military supply chain. And the use of US long-range missiles to strike deeper inside Russia is still restricted. While the EU has undertaken a major role in helping Ukraine in its military struggle with Russia, the US is still its important global partner.

Democratic Presidential candidate Kamala Harris in her recent meeting with President Zelensky at the White House said that if she becomes president she would “ensure Ukraine prevails in this war.” Ms. Harris suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin “could end the war tomorrow.” And she said that anyone who would have Ukraine trade territory for peace (like Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance) supported “proposals of surrender.”

The choice for Ukrainian Americans in the November Presidential election is clear. Today’s Republican Party offers no hope for Ukraine to win in its struggle against an imperialist Russia.

Appeasement and concessions will be the fate of Ukraine if Republicans win in the November presidential election. Make no mistake about it. This is a struggle for Ukraine’s ultimate survival as an independent nation.

Mike Buryk had a 40-year career in advertising and publishing. Today, he is a writer, speaker and podcaster on topics related to Ukraine. His articles and twice monthly podcast appear in The Ukrainian Weekly newspaper published in the US. He is a former member of the Republican Party in the US.

The views expressed are the author’s and not necessarily of Kyiv Post.

Friday, August 16, 2024

'Did you actually watch the movie?' JD Vance's reference to 'Gangs of New York' backfires

Kathleen Culliton
August 16, 2024 

Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) speaks during a campaign rally at Middletown High School on July 22, 2024 in Middletown, Ohio. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Sen. J.D. Vance's (R-OH) attempts to justify past comments linking rising crime waves to Irish immigrants raised eyebrows from film buffs who said he used the wrong Martin Scorsese movie to defend himself.

Donald Trump's running mate addressed questions about his 2021 comment on immigration and crime during a campaign address to the Milwaukee Police Association in Wisconsin on Friday.

"Has anybody seen the movie 'Gangs of New York?'" Vance said in response. "That is what I'm talking about; we know that when you have these ethnic enclaves in our country, it can lead to higher crime rates."

Vance was attempting to contextualize a recently resurfaced Skype interview in which he made a similar claim.

"You had this massive wave of Italian, Irish and German immigration, and that had its problems, its consequence," Vance said during the interview. "You had higher crime rates, you had these ethnic enclaves, you had inter-ethnic conflict in the country where you really hadn't had that before."

Washington Post analyst Philip Bump took issue with Vance's characterization of the 2002 film starring Daniel Day Lewis as the notorious anti-Irish gang leader William Poole, or Bill the Butcher.

"The irony here being that the most brutal, vicious killer in that movie is the nativist who loathes immigrants," Bump replied.

"Poole was a thug, a thief and a celebrity, leader of a Christopher Street gang which morphed and coalesced with others to become one of the most terrifying group of criminals in New York — the Bowery Boys," according to the New York City history podcast that draws its name from the group. "The Bowery Boys were an instrument of the Know Nothings, a nativist movement which violently rejected the Irish newcomers."

In 1846, as the Irish potato famine blighted the Emerald Isle's primary crop in a catastrophe that would claim up to 1.5 million lives — and send another 1.5 million fleeing the starving nation — the New York Daily Herald reported Poole was gouging out a foe's eye in the street.

This led national security attorney Bradley Moss to question whether Vance had ever seen the film.

"Did you actually watch the movie?" asked Moss. "Did Bill the Butcher strike you as a nonviolent person?"

Matthew Gertz, a senior fellow with the Media Matters watchdog group, added, "'Bill the Butcher was correct' is a very interesting take on that film."

Political analyst Drew Savicki struck a satirical note by mimicking Vance's comment but changing the movie.

"Has anybody seen the movie 'Toy Story?'" Savicki wrote. "This is what I'm talking about, with these dangerous toys, it can lead to higher crime rates."

Moss was quick with a response.

"Has anybody seen the movie 'Despicable Me?'" Moss replied. "This is what I'm talking about, with people speaking languages no one has ever heard of, it can lead to someone trying to steal the moon!"


Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Republican calls for economic ‘shut down’ while accusing Biden of Marxist agenda

David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement
May 21, 2024

Victoria Spartz (Photo via AFP)

U.S. Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN) is calling on Congress to "shut down" the U.S. economy over the southern border, while accusing President Joe Biden of Marxist policies and denouncing his border legislation that Donald Trump ordered killed months ago.

Congresswoman Spartz on Tuesday spoke to Fox News Business host Maria Bartiromo in a rambling interview on the Senate bipartisan border bill that Donald Trump ordered killed. Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is one again trying to pass it.

Rep. Spartz said, "we need to get them back, you know, to really put pressure to control the border. So I just don't see anything else left there because no one wants to shut down the economy, unfortunately. We should really for such a serious issue, but Republicans are not gonna do it. And, and you know, and we're not just going to let Democrats have messagings bill with lots of loopholes. There are way more loopholes in that bill than people even realized."

The economy is a top issue for 2024 presidential election voters.

READ MORE: ‘Not an Accident’: Trump’s ‘Unified Reich’ Video Alarms Historians and Fascism Experts

After calling to shut down the economy, which economists for months have shown is doing extremely well, she then falsely accused President Joe Biden of socialism and enacting "socialist policies by Karl Marx."

"I think we need to have a serious discussion what really Bidenomics is and how it resembles socialist policies by Karl Marx where it's not just, you know, Biden administration had failed policy in a lot of fronts with its supply chain, whether we're dealing with energy, but also they've been subsidizing corporations very close to the government in trying to control financial markets, in order in essence control the means of production and financial markets. That's what socialism really is."

The Biden administration fixed the supply chain crisis created during the Trump administration, improved the supply chain, and continues to massively invest in it.

"And now they are trying to use you know, the government power to pick losers and winners and you know, this, winners are going to be people who can pay, give campaign contribution to Biden's reelection campaign, and losers are going to be all of us. And this is a serious discussion we need to have because this level of spending and subsidy cannot continue, it's destructive and inflation is going to destroy the middle class and people low income."

Donald Trump recently asked top oil and gas executives to donate $1 billion to his campaign in exchange for lower taxes and a rollback of President Biden's climate and environmental protections

Watch the videos above or at this link.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Philippine seafarers who survived Houthi Red Sea attack arrive home

Tue, March 12, 2024 

Filipino seafarers who survived the deadly Houthi attack on the commercial ship True Confidence arrive at Manila International Airport

By Jay Ereno and Eloisa Lopez

MANILA (Reuters) - Eleven Filipino seafarers arrived in the Philippines on Tuesday nearly a week after they survived a Houthi missile attack off Yemen.

They were crew members of the Barbados-flagged, Greek operated merchant ship True Confidence which the Houthis attacked last week, killing three sailors, including two Filipinos. The migrant workers' ministry said in a statement the 11 survivors received government help on arriving in Manila.

Mark Anthony Dagohoy, a crew member on True Confidence, said it was difficult to recall what they went through, but he was thankful for the military personnel who rescued them.

"We just want to be with our family," Dagohoy told a press conference.

Officials said two other Filipinos who sustained major injuries were recovering in a Djibouti hospital. Once cleared medically, they will be flown back to Manila.

The Houthis have been attacking ships in the Red Sea since November in what they say is a campaign in solidarity with Palestinians in the ongoing war in Gaza.

The attacks have disrupted global shipping, raising costs as companies have been forced to re-route to longer and more expensive journeys around South Africa.

Foreign affairs undersecretary Eduardo de Vega said on Tuesday the Philippine government has also reached a deal with the International Transport Workers Federation for Filipino seafarers to have the right to refuse deployments in high-risk areas.

The Philippines is a major source of seafarers for the global maritime sector. They are among millions of overseas Filipinos sending home more than $2.5 billion each month, boosting consumer spending which drives growth in the domestic economy.

(Reporting by Eloisa Lopez and Jay Ereno, Editing by Ed Osmond)\

11 Survivors of Houthi Missile Attac Return Home, Two Remain in Hospital

An injured survivor from the True Confidence arrives in Djibouti for treatment (Port of Djibouti)
An injured survivor from the True Confidence arrives in Djibouti for treatment (Port of Djibouti)



The surviving crewmembers of the bulker True Confidence have begun to return to the Philippines, and 11 of them arrived in Manila on Tuesday. 

With financial assistance from the Philippine government, the survivors flew home from the port city of Djibouti, arriving to find a press conference and a formal welcoming committee. Two other survivors who were badly injured in the attack are still in Djibouti, receiving hospital treatment, and will be repatriated once they recover. All of the survivors have received about $1,000 in cash aid from officials at the nearest Philippine embassy (Cairo). 

One of the survivors had to have a leg amputated, according to ISWAN - an injury that usually rules out a return to the seafaring life.

The bodies of three deceased crewmembers remain aboard the damaged ship, and recovery of the remains will have to wait until the vessel is towed to the coast for salvage, according to the Philippines' Department of Migrant Workers. A salvage tug has been chartered for the task, and the job carries unusual risks: a French frigate had to defend the salvors from a renewed Houthi drone attack last weekend.

17 Filipino seafarers from the hijacked car carrier Galaxy Leader remain in Houthi custody, and while they are alive and safe, the Philippine government's monthslong attempt to negotiate their release has been unsuccessful. “The Houthis are consistent in their statement that it would need an end to the war in Gaza before they will release the ship or seafarers,” Philippine migration official Eduardo Jose de Vega agency said at a briefing Tuesday. 

Because of the ongoing safety risk from Houthi attacks, seafarers' union Nautilus has called on shipowners to reconsider whether they have an essential need to navigate through the Red Sea, or whether they could take the long way around the Cape of Good Hope instead. Traffic on the Red Sea-Suez route has fallen by roughly half since December, according to the Suez Canal Authority and the IMF PortWatch program, but roughly 30 ships a day still continue to transit the high-risk zone off Yemen. 

Hundreds rescued from love scam centre in the Philippines

Virma Simonette & Kelly Ng
 - in Manila and Singapore
Thu, March 14, 2024 

Hundreds of people have been rescued from a scam centre in the Philippines that made them pose as lovers online.

Police said they raided the centre on Thursday and rescued 383 Filipinos, 202 Chinese and 73 other foreign nationals.

The centre, which is about 100km north of Manila, was masquerading as an online gambling firm, they said.

South East Asia has become a hub for scam centres where the scammers themselves are often entrapped and forced into criminal activity.

Young and tech-savvy victims are often lured into running these illegal operations, which ranges from money laundering and crypto fraud to so-called love scams. The latter are also known as "pig butchering" scams, named after the farming practice of fattening pigs before slaughtering them.

These typically start with the scammer adopting a fake identity to gain their victim's affection and trust - and then using the illusion of a romantic or intimate relationship to manipulate or steal from the victim. This often happens by persuading them to invest in fake schemes or businesses.

Lured and trapped into scam slavery in South East Asia

The Chinese mafia's downfall in a lawless casino town

Thursday's raid near Manila was sparked by a tip-off from a Vietnamese man who managed to flee the scam centre last month, police said.

The man, who in his 30s, arrived in the Philippines in January this year, after being offered what he was told would be a chef's job, said Winston Casio, spokesman for the presidential commission against organised crime.

But the man soon realised that he, like hundreds of others, had fallen prey to human traffickers running love and cryptocurrency scams.

Those trapped in the Bamban centre were forced to send "sweet nothings" to their victims, many of whom were Chinese, Mr Casio said - they would check in on their recipients with questions about their day and if and what they had eaten for their last meal. They would also send photos of themselves to cultivate the relationship.

Mr Casio said those running the scam centres trapped "good looking men and women to lure [victims]".

On 28 February, the Vietnamese man escaped the facility by climbing up a wall, crossing a river, and seeking refuge at a farm. The farm owner then reported it to the police.

There were signs of torture on the man, including scars and marks from electrocution, said Mr Casio, whose team visited the man early this month.

Mr Casio added that several others have tried to escape but were always caught.

Police also seized three shotguns, a 9mm pistol, two .38 calibre revolvers, and 42 rounds of live ammunition from the centre.

Authorities are still in the initial stages of the investigation as most of those rescued from Thursday's raid are still "shaken", he said.

In May last year, Philippine authorities rescued more than 1,000 people who were held captive and forced to run online scams inside a freeport zone in Clark, a city also north of Manila - in what remains its biggest bust to date.

A UN report last August estimated that hundreds of thousands of people from around the world have been trafficked to Southeast Asia to run online scams.

The BBC has previously spoken to people who have fallen victim to these criminal networks.

Many have said they travelled to South East Asian countries such as Cambodia and Myanmar in response to job ads and promises of perks. They are trapped once they arrive, and threatened if they refuse to participate in the scams. Escapees and survivors have alleged torture and inhuman treatment.

Governments across Asia, from Indonesia to Taiwan, have expressed alarm at the rise in these scam centres. Foreign embassies in countries like Cambodia and Thailand, for example, have issued warnings to their citizens to beware of being lured into scam centres.

China issued public rewards for warlords who were running scam centres across the border in Myanmar - these centres were run by Chinese mafia families and targeted Chinese nationals. Many of those arrested have been handed over to China in recent months.

Silsilah: for 30 years Christians and Muslims alongside prisoners in Zamboanga

by Santosh Digal
03/14/2024, 14.20
The movement for interreligious dialogue founded in Mindanao by Fr Sebastiano D'Ambra, a PIME missionary, is also active in offering prisoners training courses for when they regain their freedom. But because of the slow pace of the Philippine justice system, many remain in prison longer than they should. "I pray that during this Lenten period they can be released," said Giljohn G. Rojas, coordinator in Zamboanga prison.

Manila (AsiaNews) - For 30 years the Silsilah Dialogue Movement has been bringing hope, compassion and love to the inmates of the Zamboanga City prison in the province of Zamboanga del Sur, in the southern Philippines.

The activity in favor of prisoners is one of the faces of this initiative for interreligious dialogue in Mindanao: founded by the PIME missionary Fr. Sebastiano D'Ambra in 1984, Silsilah (which means "chain") sees Christians and Muslims working together in many areas of social life.

“We continue to carry out our mission by inviting other Silsilah members from different cities to pay attention to this specific mission,” said Giljohn G. Rojas, staff member and new prison ministry coordinator at Zamboanga Prison. "We collected the testimonies of people deprived of their liberty who shared with us how they were transformed and how, thanks to the project carried out by Silsilah, their time in prison was reduced", he said.

Silsilah works with institutions, police and volunteers providing training courses to reduce prisoners' sentences and prepare them for reintegration when they return to freedom. “In the first few days of visiting the prison, I was eager to talk or interact with the prisoners.

In addition to being uncomfortable at the time, I felt conflicted, anxious, fearful, and ashamed. Little by little, those apprehensions disappeared and gave way to mutual trust,” said Rojas, who, trying to show solidarity with the prisoners, began “wearing colors similar to those of the prisoners' uniforms.”

The coordinator of the movement in Zamboanga underlined the importance of treating prisoners with love and respect: “They are our brothers and children loved by God, even if not impeccable. They need God's mercy and our compassion, just as each of us is imperfect. With all our flaws, we are loved. Each of us is loved,” Rojas said.

Some cases are more harrowing than others, such as that of a man sentenced to eight years, but who, due to the length of the judicial process, has been in prison for much longer: "I have not been able to look this prisoner in the eyes, who continues to feeling like he wasn't allowed to live his life, even after serving more than double his allotted time. He's getting older, and I've been thinking about what chances he would have of surviving outside prison walls if he were released. I believe that he was denied not only freedom, but much more."

Many cases are still pending or proceeding too slowly. Many prisoners cling to the hope that one day they will return to society, but they do not know whether they will be accepted or have the opportunity to work or study again.

Or simply whether they will be given a second chance because of their past. “Now I understand why Jesus specifically mentioned visiting incarcerated people as a work of mercy: because it is a gesture towards him,” Rojas continued. “Even though they have committed crimes, they are more than just criminals. They are human beings, made in the image and likeness of God."

"I pray that in this period of Lent they can leave prison", continued the coordinator. "We often close ourselves off to avoid needing people and also that people need us. Because of our conceit and self-interest, we confine ourselves. And so we also end up imprisoned in this prison of our own creation. I pray that we can be free to love those who are loved by God, who are the most neglected by our society.”