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Showing posts sorted by date for query AUPE. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, November 23, 2007

Nova Scota Imitates Alberta

Alberta has the most regressive labour laws in Canada. It long ago banned hospital workers, including nurses, right to strike. That of course did not stop those workers from going on strike. The right to strike is an essential workers right and is defended by the International Labour Organization as such. It is as essential as the right to unionize.

If governments banned the right to unionize it would be seen as the actions of an authoritarian state. The same goes for banning the right to strike.
Ironically unions were banned in the 19th Century as 'criminal conspiracies' to limit trade. It was several years after Canada became a nation that Britain changed its laws and Canada followed suit. That did not stop workers from organizing unions, as secret societies; like the Knights of Labor. It meant workers on the job organized, and went on strike because that is their right as workers. All we have to sell is our labour or our time, our presence on the job.

In Alberta hospital workers were declared an essential service that still did not prevent AUPE or the Nurses union from going out on 'illegal' strikes. And win wage and benefit gains.

In Nova Scotia the hospital employers are running TV ads, I have satellite so I get to see them when I watch the CFL or NHL on CBC Halifax, claiming it hurt patients and is in everyones 'best' interest to end the right to strike. They claim other provinces do it and it has brought labour peace. Actually they meant to say appeasement. However that being said these employers are just another arm of government. They are government appointees or hirelings. So while one arm of the government, the legislature, brings in anti-worker anti-union anti-strike laws the other arm of the government, its employer association running the public hospitals, does the PR for the law.

The fact is that if the employer, who is the government, would fund hospitals and medical services properly then workers would be assured of proper wage and benefit increases, and proper hours of work. Instead the employer, which is the government, wants to cut wages, benefits and contract out work, split shifts, end seniority etc. etc.

A group that does not face these draconian attacks is of course the Doctors who are a business monopoly. There are few doctors strikes in Canada, and if they do occur they are short lived because governments assure doctors their services are paid for. Then they turn around and cut services in hospitals and cut other workers wages and benefits and tell them to hold the line.

The reality is that mediation only works between equals. In this case the government and its hospital administration view doctors as indispensable, and other workers as dispensable. If they didn't they would fund hospitals fully so all workers got the pay, benefits and hours of work they deserve. If that was the case there would be no need to strike.

Mediation does not work. Nor does denying workers the right to strike. They will, as history has shown, strike when they get cheated and screwed whether it is against the law or not.

What is interesting is that this balanced and pro-union article is from a Business Journal.

Union Dues: Anti-strike bill 'political posturing'
The Nova Scotia Business Journal

Health workers, the NDP and the Liberals are lined up against the government's highest-profile bill as the Nova Scotia legislature ends a seven-month summer break. Premier Rodney MacDonald said he's pushing ahead with the doomed anti-strike legislation because Nova Scotians deserve to hear it debated and find out how their MLAs vote. But he's not putting his minority government's survival on the line.

"There won't be any confidence votes this fall," MacDonald told reporters.

The government has been working on a bill to replace health strikes with arbitration since a brief IWK walkout earlier this year. Health- and community-care workers don't want to lose collective bargaining rights, and plan to rally outside Province House today while Lt.-Gov. Mayann Francis reads the speech from the throne.

"We're pleased the opposition will defeat this bill," said Joan Jessome, president of the Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union. "But it can come back again and again. We need to make our point strong and clear enough to put this to rest."

The premier said he does plan to revive the bill later. "I'm a patient person," he said.

Both the Liberals and the NDP plan to defeat the bill at the first opportunity, when it goes to a second reading vote. MacDonald said the Liberals are "stuck in the past," while the NDP is standing up for special interests.

"They receive a lot of funding from the unions. They generally tend to be the biggest contributor to the NDP and most of their candidates," he said. "It's unfortunate; you don't put that ahead of health and safety."

NDP Leader Darrell Dexter said MacDonald is trying to distract attention from bigger problems in health care, such as emergency-room closings and the shortage of nursing-home beds. He said it's unfortunate the government is wasting some of the few days it allows the legislature to sit, on a doomed bill. "This bill is purely a product of political posturing," Dexter said.

Liberal Leader Stephen McNeil said he doesn't hear Nova Scotians pleading for anti-strike legislation. He said his party wants to co-operate with health workers, not take away their rights. "Where's the crisis?" McNeil asked. "I have yet to understand why the premier and the government are hanging their hats on this issue."

The House has to sit for only two days to avoid the label of the laziest legislature in Canada for a fourth year in a row. Prince Edward Island's House sat just 24 days this year, one more than Nova Scotia. – The Daily News

EXTRA: Strike threats useful warning system
By Brian Flinn, Transcontinental Media

Taking the right to strike away from health workers would damage an important safety mechanism and jeopardize the care of Nova Scotians, according to a new study by the Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Saint Mary's University professors Judy and Larry Haiven wrote that health workers know when the system is being pushed beyond tolerable limits and can signal it by threatening to strike. They said it's similar to the "red cord" used to stop assembly lines when something goes wrong in a factory.

"Health-care workers must have a way of indicating that the conditions under which they work do not overstress them or the quality of health-care delivery," the Haivens wrote. "Thus, in the health-care system, the red cord can be said to be the power of health-care workers to threaten to, and if necessary, withhold their labour."

Labour Minister Mark Parent has argued a modern health-care system cannot tolerate work stoppages. The report says "management by stress" now predominates in health care, and an outlet is more important than ever. "If politicians and health-care administrators insist on running a system so close to the bone, then the ability of workers to strike, to pull the red cord, as it were, is an essential system mechanism to ensure patient safety in the long run." – The Daily News

And this is from the Dominion Blog

November 23, 2007

NS Government Faces Heat Over Anti-Strike Bill


In one of the more polite demonstrations I've attended, a union coalition lead by the Nova Scotia General Employees Union staged a sidewalk rally of about 500 in front of the province's legislature on Thursday. While members of the crowd, which included a strong contingent of nurses and healthcare workers, heckled Premier Rodney Macdonald's minority government (top pic), the military guard-laden arrival of Nova Scotia's Lt.-Gov Mayann Francis, due to read her first speech from the throne, on the other side of the building was met with no interruption (bottom pic). After Macdonald's assertion that the unions were being "disrespectful" for holding a demonstration during the ceremonial speech from the throne, the union leadership responded by urging demonstrators to remain quiet outside of the legislature while Francis made her speech.

The rally was called in response to a bill due to be introduced by the minority tories banning the right to strike for the 32,000 healthcare workers in Nova Scotia. Macdonald had promised to introduce the bill in May following a one-day strike at a children's hospital in Halifax. The bill seems to be on the verge of being junked as a result of the union campaign, as both the Liberals and NDP have pledged to vote against it, were it to be introduced by the minority government. As a result, Macdonald has admitted he is unwilling to see his government fall as a result of the proposed anti-strike legislation.

Regardless of this apparent defeat, the throne speech outlined the Tory government's plans to establish more publicly funded, private health facilities in the province.

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Friday, October 26, 2007

Labour Rally Today

AUPE and other unions are calling for changes to the labour laws in Alberta in favour of workers.

October 26, 2007
There will be a rally on Friday October 26 at the Alberta Labour Board at 3PM (10808 99 ave) AUPE along with many other concerned Albertans will be presenting the Albertan Government with thousands of letters asking the government to change Alberta's antiquated Laws. Please help spread the word and most certainly bring family and friends

Abolishing the Labour Relations Board would be one solution.

"The employing class and the working class have nothing in common."
Preamble to the IWW Constitution


Alberta's Padrone Culture

Temp Workers For Timmies

Labour Shortage = Union Busting

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Friday, October 19, 2007

How Do You Spell Sell Out?

B U Z Z.

CAW shelves right to strike

In Alberta workers are fighting to change our regressive labour laws to allow the right to strike which was recognized this summer by the Supreme Court. In Ontario workers are being sold out by once progressive talking union leader Buzz Hargrove. All so he can increase his declining membership and assure his pork choppers their salaries. It is sending a chill through out the Canadian labour movement.

Hey maybe Buzz would like to move to Alberta, since the bosses here would love this kind of agreement. In fact thats why CLAC is so popular with employers out here. So what's the difference between CAW and the employee management consultants from CLAC....nothing.

If workers vote in favour of the CAW and the contract at their plant, any subsequent collective bargaining disputes would be resolved through binding arbitration rather than a walkout by the union or a lockout by the company.

The fundamental right to withdraw labour is a provision that unions have protected vigorously for decades as its only ultimate power against management.

But the CAW's decision to give up the right to strike triggered criticism from other labour leaders.

"It's a pretty drastic measure and ultimately is not good for workers because they no longer have the right to withdraw their labour," said Wayne Samuelson, president of the Ontario Federation of Labour.

"It's pretty fundamental to the labour movement and collective bargaining. This is not good, especially if it's exchanged for voluntary recognition of the union. It certainly sets a precedent that working people need to be concerned about."

"Hargrove is creating CAW-employer associations," added Wayne Fraser, Ontario-Atlantic director of the United Steelworkers. "What's to stop other employers, especially Magna competitors, from rightfully asking the CAW for the same no-strike right."

Hargrove said it wouldn't be possible for other auto-parts companies with a union to demand the same provision. However, a non-union employer could get a similar arrangement, he said. "Invite us in."

Hargrove recognizes the need for his business union to adapt to modern business practices, mergers and acquisitions to expand the base of capital (union dues). This began when CAW raided SEIU for its members, claiming it was doing it in the name of democratic social unionism. Which got CAW temporarily removed from the CLC. AUPE in Alberta followed CAW's lead and left the AFL and CLC declaring itself an indepedent union, with support from Buzz.

Neither of these moves were not about democracy or workers rights, since both unions have hired staff and their own management structures. Rather it was about money. In the CAW's case busting a rival union and gaining its members, in AUPE's case retaining affiliation fees they could use themselves.

Now Buzz has gone even further with the potential of 20,000 dues paying workers with a forced dues check off, the Rand Formula, and no right to strike, he will be able to use those funds to balance the books as more attrition hits the auto sector and more of his members retire.

It's a cynical and shallow motive but one that should be expected by business unions that no longer see their purpose as overthrowing capitalism but as getting their members the best deal they can under capitalism.

Once upon a time unions like CAW and others called themselves Social Unions
somehow different from their American International business union counterparts. They were about fighting globalization and neo-liberalism. Buzz has repeatedly claimed he is left wing. Yep the left wing of capitalism.

Today the CAW as I predicted, is all about adapting to globalization and neo-liberalism in order to give Canadian corporations a fighting chance in the world market.

Oct 19, 2007 Sam Gindin The CAW and Magna: Disorganizing the Working Class
Through the 1980s and 1990s, as the attacks on past working class gains intensified, the Canadian Auto Workers Union (CAW) was widely recognized – not just in North America but abroad – as standing at the forefront of working class resistance. With the Magna-CAW Agreement signed on October 15, 2007, the CAW now seems at the forefront of working class desperation and defeat...

This is not unlike the recent mergers of the International Transportation and Steel unions and other international unions that are facing declining memberships and lack of bargaining power.

Once again the unions show they are merely an extension of capitalism not an alternative to it.

That alternative exists and it is Revolutionary Syndicalism that was birthed with the IWW over a hundred years ago.

The employing class and the working class have nothing in common."
Preamble to the IWW Constitution

"When the working class unites, there will be a lot of jobless labor leaders."
Eugene Debs, 1905 speech to the IWW Convention


Unions the State and Capital

Global Labour in the Age of Empire



Will Canadian Labour Accept Free Trade?

Business Unions Sell-out B.C. General Strike

Nationalism Will Not Stop North American Union

This is Class War

CAW To Leave CLC?

Sniveling NDP

Labour Abandons the NDP

Unite the Left

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Monday, April 30, 2007

AUPE Calls General Strike Over Safety

The difference between business unionism and industrial unionism. Business unions are in the business of keeping business operating, industrial/social unionism says wobble the job for health and safety.

The head of Alberta Building Trades Council is calling for calm over the deaths of two foreign workers at a Fort McMurray-area oilpatch worksite.

Executive director Ron Harry called on workers and the public to wait until all investigations into the tragedy are complete before making any decisions.

"There are processes and policies on each site," said Harry.

"In the end a worker is a worker, no matter if he's union or non-union, an immigrant or non-immigrant. It's unfortunate but you must find out what caused the situation first."

He was responding to reports Doug Knight of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees called on workers to walk off the job immediately if they fear the jobsite is not safe.

If there is immediate danger at the workplace you must remove yourself and your co-workers from it," said Harry, "then work with the employers and owners on site about the problem, don't just walk off the job."

The ABTC represents 50,000 unionized workers, 16 affiliate trade unions and 23 locals in Alberta. The two workers killed were not union members.

Harry said that the last thing he wants to see are massive groups of workers walking off the job sites without first going through the workplace safety steps.

The two men died while working at the Canadian Natural Resources Ltd site in the Fort MacKay area, near Fort McMurray. Witnesses said that a massive tank collapsed and killed the two temporary Chinese workers and injured four more.

Fiona Wiseman, spokesman for Occupation Health and Safety, said that four investigators from Alberta Employment, Immigration and Industry are already at the site.

A government translator who speaks Mandarin, the same language the two dead men spoke, is also on the scene. Wiseman said that no details will be released until the investigation is completed. In 2006, 124 people died on the job in Alberta. The death toll reached 27 in the first two months of 2007.


Day of Mourning

Labour Shortage = Union Busting

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Thursday, October 05, 2006


The essence of Sam Gompers politics, the President of the American Federation of Labour, was reward your friends and punish your enemies.

In Alberta the politically backward trades unions, those business unions who are chartered by the American AFL, have revived this dictum for the upcoming Tory leadership race. Traditionally the building trades membership, craft unions, have supported the Liberals in Alberta politics. Several sitting Liberal MLA's are members of the Building Trades unions.

Today they have moved to support aTory right winger who has fought the unionized public sector in this province.

Union Oberg backers buying Conservative memberships

Tactics anger Dinning leadership campaign, labour federation

The Alberta Building Trades Council, an umbrella group that includes 22 local unions, apparently plans to buy as many as 10,000 Tory memberships from the Oberg campaign to give away to its members, allowing each of them to vote for the party's new leader.

A separate union, the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, is giving away Tory memberships to its members as well as their families and friends. The only condition is that they support Oberg.

Typical of craft unions whose only interest is self interest, I got mine Jack. In this case as a former infrastructure minister Oberg is promising lots of construction jobs. The fact that he attacks public sector unions shows there is not solidarity in the house of labour in Alberta. Its each for their own. As AUPE proved successfully under former President Dan McLellan. He would approve this move.

The teachers union the ATA is also encouraging its members to flood the Tories with memberships.

Frank Bruseker, head of the Alberta Teachers Association and a former Liberal MLA, has a PC membership card and is urging his 33,000 members to buy one, too.
Frank Bruseker, head of the Alberta Teachers Association
and a former Liberal MLA, has a PC membership card
and is urging his 33,000 members to buy one, too.

All aboard the gravy train. The reality is that of course this is the real election in Alberta since in a one party state the leadership race is the only time we get to choose our new leader. So shell out your five bucks and vote for our next Glorious Leader. But don't think that will save you from being screwed by the notorious anti-union government of Alberta.


This is Class War


Alberta Democracy Tory Style

Alberta Lowers Voting Age


One Party State


Democratic Deficit

Mormonism Cult of the Political Right

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Friday, April 21, 2006

AUPE gets off its ass

They have a great looking web page, they have up to date press releases and photos. So how come its taken them years to have their communications guy finally post their press releases to LabourStart?

I did it for them gratis for years cause they seemed to forget about this important source of labour news. Well I am happy to let the guy paid to do it, do it. Thanks Climenhaga. Took ya long enough.

Canada/North America AUPE and Calgary Health Region reach tentative agreement for 5,200 GSS workers [Alberta Union of Provincial Employees] For more info 20-Apr-2006 Pass it on! There are 4 more Canada stories today.

Wonder when Gil the former PR guy for the AFL and now their president will get off his ass and do the same thing for the AFL website.He is after all a hands on kinda guy. Probably when he corrects all the dead links on their website and updates it to include Mayweek and Public Interest Alberta.

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Go Willie Go

Are you on the bus or off the bus? That's the challenge Willie Lambert is making to the members of CAW. Bus driver aims to steer CAW at top

And it's about time that Buzz faced an election instead of an acclamation.

Hargrove has been repeatedly acclaimed to the union's top job since he first took over from Bob White in 1992. He has said this will be his last campaign -- the union's constitution requires staff to retire at 65, the age he'll reach at the end of another three year term. Hargrove Challenger

What is important in Willie's run is the criticism that Buzz has been getting over concession bargaining and sweetheart contracts with the Big Three auto giants, while failing to organize Magna International or the Japanese and Korean automakers in Canada.

Lambert also criticized Hargrove for accepting changes in labour contracts with Ford and General Motors and for failing to speak out strongly enough for protection of Canadian manufacturing.By agreeing to work rules and other changes in CAW contracts with Ford and GM, Lambert said, Hargrove is setting the stage for the companies to demand even more concessions in the next round of collective bargaining

Buzz dismisses Willie cause he is a public sector worker, a mere bus driver.

"He doesn't come from the auto industry - he works in the public sector. . . . So he doesn't have the same threat to his job as the auto workers."

Uh huh, well he is a bus driver driving the buses members of CAW make, and without drivers well I guess those buses would just sit idle. And the public sector has taken many hits over the last ten years, under Harris and Rae. What an a-hole.

Gee Buzz I thought you were trying to build a national social union not just an autoworkers union.
Since that's why you said you were raiding SEIU and why you have been cozing up to AUPE.

Anatomy of a raid

And that's awful patronizing of you to attack Willie for saying what your old pal, mentor and ghost writer Sam Gidin has also said. And he came out of the auto industry. He has publicly criticised your cap in hand gofering for Big Auto.

Concessions in Oshawa: The End of an Era?
Monthly Review, VA -
31 Mar 2006

by Sam Gindin.

Go Willie Go.

Also See CAW To Leave CLC?

Get The Buzz

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sniveling NDP

The Federal NDP's defense of Buzz is not about the NDP it's all about the CLC.

A follow up from yesterdays article:
Bye Bye Buzz

Layton says he wouldn't have dumped Hargrove from party

How many knives in the back does it take before the snivelling leadership of the NDP gets the message? Apparently alot.

Hargrove unrepentant after NDP suspension

Buzz violated the party membership requirement that you neither belong to nor support any other Federal Politcal party. Yes Virigina you can be a Trotskyist in the party or even a Labour Leader who is outspoken. But you cross the line even if you are a Labour Leader when you campaign for and say Vote Liberal.

What a bunch of whimps.

Wouldn't boot Buzz, Layton says Toronto Star
NDP Leader Jack Layton says he wouldn't have suspended Buzz ...
Union-boss booting has Layton buzzing
Calgary Sun -
Delivered rude shock Toronto Star
Buzz cut leaves split ends Hamilton Spectator
Why expel Hargrove? Globe and Mail -
Layton says he wouldn't have dumped Hargrove from party CBC British Columbia (Audio)
all 61 related »
Peggy Nash newly minted Federal MP and Buzz's former executive assistant snivels that the Ontario party shouldn't have dumped him.

NPI founder
and NDP reformer MP Libby Davis who allied with Buzz in the NPI whines that he was entitled to express his opinions. Yeah fine. But to endorse Liberal candidates and be Liberal party wall paper, well gimme a break.
Why Vote Liberal When You Can Vote NDP

Dan MacLennan of AUPE and Buzz's bosom buddy, is a Liberal, and broke his union away from the CLC at the same time the CLC sanctioned CAW for raiding. And Buzz visits this breakaway union everytime he comes to Alberta, and Dan visits the CAW annual conventions as well.

The siamese twins of the Canadian Left; the CLC and NDP may not appear united at election time but in the backrooms the boys are trying to patch things up with Buzz.

Cause they are afraid of an independent Labour Federation that would compete with the CLC. One that would be composed of the CAW, AUPE, and perhaps the General Construction Union of Toronto along with some of the Building Trades that have viewed, and here is the irony, the CLC and their relationship to the NDP as too left wing.

You see Buzz's Strategic Voting position is NOT radical. It is a rehash of Samuel Gompers election strategy; Reward your friends and punish your enemies. It is a return to the bread and butter issues politics of the 19th Century, before the labour movement in Canada created its own Labour parties.

Buzz claims to be the left wing of the labour movement would appeal to some other Left unions, but they would probably be more reluctant to leave the CLC as CUPE has shown. And his non alliance with the NDP his call for Stratefic Voting would appeal to right wing business unions, especially those in the Building Trades. Who would be willing to leave the CLC, as they have done in the recent past.

The Federal NDP's defense of Buzz is not about the NDP it's all about the CLC.

My blogs on Buzz

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Monday, February 13, 2006

Bye Bye Buzz

The NDP suspended long time member Buzz Hargrove's membership

Well the NDP finally grew a backbone and ditched Buzz. Though the decision is not with out some flack from progressive bloggers. While Blogging Tories rub their hands with glee. Give it up. Buzz deserved no less and the NDP would have looked stupid if it can enforce a whipped vote on Same Sex Marriage in the house but can't whip its high profile members who sit on its executive board, like Hargrove.

Those who compare Buzz to other high profile NDP members who worked for Liberal candidates or supported the Liberals via third party strategies miss the point. None of these folks called for Strategic voting. None of them were poster boys for the Liberals on the Liberals official election web site. Only Buzz went that far.

NDP ouster of Hargrove `knee-jerk'
Toronto Star - 49 minutes ago
Kicking Canadian Auto Workers president Buzz Hargrove out of the New Democratic Party is a "shockingly bad decision" that is divisive and unnecessary, says a fellow union leader.

In Alberta Hargroves buddy is
Dan MacLennan who is not in the house of labour but building his own little Liberal labour empire called AUPE. Now Buzz can do the same with CAW. Which is what he has been doing for several years now.

He used to fight with bosses now he capitulates to them and acts as their comprador while fighting the NDP and the CLC. His was not an election strategy from the Left it was an election strategy for funding the Big Three Auto companies. It's not just his political strategy that has failed and is quetionable but his labour strategy to deal with the cuts to Canadian autoworkers jobs that is in question too.
What's good for GM is bad for Workers

Buzz is all about Buzz, and his strategy failed. Those who say he was only calling for a vote for the Liberals as a last resort deliberately overlook that he was a poster boy for the Liberals, see here and here. When you are election wall paper you know which side your bread is buttered on.

Buzz made his bed now he can sleep in it. And the NDP doesn't have to worry about being stabbed in the back by bad boy Buzz. Next election Buzz's political clout will be that of a flea. It was only his connection to the NDP that made him and his pronouncements important. Next election he won't even warrent being Liberal wallpaper. See my stories on BUZZ.

NDP tells Hargrove to buzz off
Globe and Mail, Canada - 8 hours ago
Toronto — Buzz Hargrove has been suspended, not expelled, from the Ontario NDP because of complaints that he broke the party's constitution during the ...

Ontario NDP says complaints from party members led to Hargrove's ..., Canada - 9 hours ago
TORONTO (CP) - The president of the Ontario NDP says complaints from party members led to the suspension of Buzz Hargrove's party membership. ...

NDP kicks Hargrove out of party
Toronto Star, Canada - 23 hours ago
The NDP has expelled Buzz Hargrove, the country's most prominent labour leader, for actively promoting strategic voting and Liberal candidates in last month's ...

Hargrove out of NDP after show of Liberal support
Mississauga News, Canada - 9 hours ago
Buzz Hargrove, Mississauga resident and president of the Canadian Auto Workers, has been kicked out of the NDP for turning his back on the party during the ...

NDP sanctions Hargrove over election actions
London Free Press, Canada - 50 minutes ago
By MIKE OLIVEIRA, CP. TORONTO -- Buzz Hargrove has been suspended, not expelled, from the Ontario NDP because of complaints he broke ...

NDP dumps Buzz Hargrove
CBC Montreal, Canada - 17 hours ago
The executive of the New Democratic Party's Ontario wing has voted to revoke the party membership of Canada's best-known union boss. ... Babble Forum on Buzz getting Booted.


Friday, January 20, 2006

Liberals Refuse To Speak To Union

While making a big deal about Conservative candidates missing forums, the Liberals have refused to answer the Federal Corrections Officers union; Union of Canadian Correctional Officers (UCCO-SACC-CSN) Federal election questionaire. Dumb move that.

And it does have blowback since this is after all Landslide Annie's file.

And there is a certain irony in all this since one of her biggest supporters is Union President
Dan MacLennan of AUPE who is a provincial prison guard.

Of course UCCO has been without a contract for five years. So why would the Liberals talk to them now after not having talked to them for all this time.

I guess its ok to embrace Buzz but to offer your own union workers a fair deal, well thats a bit much to ask.

Arrogance and a culture of entitlement. These are Paul Martins Canadian Values.

Also See:

Landslide Anne in Trouble

Laurie Hawn Chicken Hawk

Conservatives Turn Left

Liberals Abandon Redmonton

Redmonton Votes

Redmonton Not In The Bag for the Conservatives
