Our newly elected King, Stephen the Haropcrite is an autarch. Some excuse this as the role of the PMO in the parliamentary system. Stephen Taylor said... Eugene, the PMO is inherently autarchic.
But King Stephen's rejection of the ethics commissioners request he answers questions about the Emerson affair shows that being an autarch is his personal political predilection. Always has been. The Harpocrite is just practicing good old Alberta style politics in Ottawa.
He ran the Alliance and the Conservative party as a one man show. Belinda Stronach faced his wrath and crossed the floor. Peter MacKay faced his wrath and has been sheepishly quiet of late. William Stairs faced his wrath and was fired. He has announced that he will impose Senate reform without consulting the provinces. And the man has been in office for just over a month now!
The Harpocrite ran the 2004 election as a one man show. He ran the 2006 election as a one man show, firing no less than three communications directors, before and after the election. Now this.
Harper has found his Scott McLellan in Susan Buckler. The smear of Mr. Shapiro starts NOW!
From Saturday's Globe and Mail
Stephen Harper and Canada's Ethics Commissioner were headed on a collision course yesterday after the Prime Minister said he is disinclined to co-operate with a preliminary inquiry into his conduct over the political defection of David Emerson.
Some comments on this from the Progressive side of the Canadian Blogosphere include
Harper Loathes to be Accountable by using more Conspiracy Theories...
Still in the picture
Bernard Shaprio was also a Tory Appointment
Harper: "Loath to co-operate" with ethics commish Polunatics insiteful take on this whole affair with background on the controversial Ethics Commissioner.
And typical of the right wing the Blogging Tories all line up waving and cheering our friendly dictator on. It seems they are loathe to apply their sharp criticisms of ethics and accountability and disgust with the autarchy of the PMO to the Harpocrite as they were to Chretien or Martin.
Ethics Czar loses his credibility, just like that
Another useless ethics investigation
Mr. Shapiro, Investigate Yourself!
Ethics Commissioner on a witchhunt
And then our supposed liberal media pundits get in on it and reveal once again their easy ability to sashay to the right.Shapiro has to resign immediately says Paul Wells.
See what happens when you surround a liberal with neo-conservatives at Macleans they end up committing political suicide from sharing tainted water at the office cooler.
Find blog posts, photos, events and more off-site about:
Harper, Government, Canada, Shapiro, Emerson, blogs, investigation, ethics, accountability, autarch, autocrat, politics
Eugene: Have a look at NEaleNews today - article on Bob Prichard. I've blogged his bilderberg connections recently. He might get the top spot in the libs if he runs.
Also, I removed one of your blogs from the albertablogs.com blogroll, as it was included in a list of blogs that have yet to be updated this year. I'm sure you'll re-kindle that one, so just drop me some lines when you have a chance. Just a service to our readers to keep up-to-date content on the blogroll, that's all.
Cheers, AB
Thanks Aaron I am leaving Red Between the Lines and Heresiology dormant and blogging here instead.
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