Monday, October 19, 2020


Cheaters don't always win: species that work together do better

Extinction may be prevented by diverse communities of mutually beneficial species


Research News




The sign of a healthy personal relationship is one that is equally mutual - where you get out just as much as you put in. Nature has its own version of a healthy relationship. Known as mutualisms, they are interactions between species that are mutually beneficial for each species. One example is the interaction between plants and pollinators, where your apple trees are pollinated and the honeybee gets nectar as a food reward. But what makes these mutualisms persist in nature? If rewards like nectar are offered freely, does this make mutualisms more susceptible to other organisms that take those rewards without providing a service in return?

A team of researchers from the College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University, including co-principal investigators Kari Segraves, professor of biology, and David Althoff, associate professor of biology, along with postdoctoral researcher Mayra Vidal, former research assistant professor David Rivers, and Sheng Wang '20 Ph.D., recently researched that question and the results have been published in this month's edition of the prestigious journal Science.

They investigated the abilities of simple versus diverse communities of mutualists, comparing how each deal with cheaters. Cheaters are species that steal the benefits of the mutualism without providing anything in return. An example of one of nature's cheaters are nectar robbers. Nectar-robbing bees chew through the side of flowers to feed on nectar without coming into contact with the flower parts that would result in pollination.

The research team wanted to test if having multiple mutualists with similar roles allows the community as a whole to persist when cheaters take away the mutualists' resources. The idea was to examine whether having more species involved in a mutualism, such as many pollinator species interacting with many different plant species, made the mutualism less susceptible to the negative effects of cheaters. They also wanted to analyze whether increasing the number of mutualist species allowed all the mutualists to persist or if competition would whittle down the number of mutualists species over time. In essence, the team wanted to understand the forces governing large networks of mutualists that occur in nature.

A&S researchers tested their ideas by producing mutualisms in the lab using yeast strains that function as mutualistic species. These strains were genetically engineered to trade essential food resources. Each strain produced a food resource to exchange with a mutualist partner. They engineered four species of each type of mutualist as well as two cheater strains that were unable to make food resources.

The researchers assembled communities of yeast that differed both in the number of species and the presence of cheaters. They found that communities with higher numbers of mutualist species were better able to withstand the negative effects of cheaters because there were multiple species of mutualists performing the same task. If one species was lost from the community due to competing with a cheater, there were other species around to perform the task, showing that the presence of more species in a community can lessen the negative effects of cheaters.

"It's similar to thinking about a plant that has many pollinator species," says Segraves. "If one pollinator species is lost, there are other pollinator species around to pollinate. If a plant only has one species of pollinator that goes extinct, the mutualism breaks down and might cause extinction of the plant."

Their results highlight the importance of having multiple mutualist species that provide similar resources or services, essentially creating a backup in case one species goes extinct. Segraves compares this phenomenon to the relationship between retailers and consumers. Communities typically have multiple banks, grocery stores, restaurants and hospitals to ensure that there are always goods and services available should something happen to one company or facility, or, as with COVID today, grocery stores now have multiple suppliers to fend off shortages.

Segraves says future research will explore the possibility of a mutualist species becoming a cheater. The group is testing if mutualists that perform the same function might set up an environment that allows one of those mutualist species to become a cheater since there are other mutualists around that can fill that role. They predict that the mutualist species that is experiencing the most competition from the other mutualists will be the species that switches to cheating. They also hope to determine how the mutualists and cheaters evolved over time to provide a deeper understanding of the actual changes that led to differing outcomes in the communities.


The team's research was funded by a $710,000, three-year grant from the National Science Foundation.


Tiny beetles a bellwether of ecological disruption by climate change


Research News




As species across the world adjust where they live in response to climate change, they will come into competition with other species that could hamper their ability to keep up with the pace of this change, according to new University of Colorado Boulder-led research.

The new findings, published this month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, confirms previous models showing that competition between species slows their expansion into new territories over multiple generations.

"The experiment shows how interspecies competition can put certain species at greater risk of extinction," said Geoffrey Legault, lead author of the study, who conducted the research while earning his doctoral degree in ecology and evolutionary biology at CU Boulder. "It has enabled us to improve the ecological models, and that helps us to make better predictions about nature."

The researchers found that competition between species sets the boundary where species expand their ranges, providing support for including interspecies competition in ecological models and studies that monitor, forecast or manage these changes in the natural world.

To achieve this new finding, the researchers used two species of a small, but resilient insect: the flour beetle.

Flour beetles have been studied since the early 1900s and are a model organism in ecology. In the same way that fruit flies are used as a model organism for studying genetics, flour beetles can represent the fundamental ecology of most organisms and their responses in the lab can be applied to larger ecological trends and patterns in the natural world.

In nature, these tiny creatures live on the ground in the leaf litter and in the bark of trees. While inconspicuous to us, they are common across the world.

In the lab, the researchers lined up a series of 1.5 inch-long plexiglass boxes joined by holes, which they could open and close like fences. The two species of flour beetles were born into opposite ends of this lineup, then observed as their populations expanded across the landscape and competed with each other.

"It's a microcosm of the larger natural world that allows you to focus in on the core processes of birth, death and movement," said Brett Melbourne, senior author on the study and associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Product pest and model organism

Upon entering Melbourne's laboratory, you might think you are in a bakery--not a space where scientific experiments are conducted. There is a dusting of flour everywhere and much of the equipment is more what you'd find in a bakery than a lab.

"We even sift the flour like you're supposed to when you're baking something," said Legault, currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of British Columbia.

Flour is both the flour beetles' habitat and their food source--but it's also a high-demand human food product. The beetles are considered a major stored product pest, as they can get into not only your cupboards, but grain silos and flour mills. As a result, many studies about these insects focus on exterminating them.

But for the researchers, these food pests are perfect for conducting tightly controlled experiments. As the beetles have a short life cycle, observing their populations across many generations can be done within a year.

Yet the work is still intensive. In the year of the experiment, 24 CU Boulder undergraduates assisted Legault and Melbourne in counting more than a million beetles.

Climate change and changing habitats

For Melbourne, this research is especially critical in relationship to climate change.

"One way that species are experiencing climate change is that their habitat is moving: It's either going up mountain sides or it's moving toward the poles," said Melbourne.

In many parts of the world, the pace at which habitats are moving in these northern and upward directions across the globe is more than a kilometer per year, according to Melbourne. That is really fast, especially for species with limited ability to change where they live.

Predictions on how well a species will survive due to climate change moving their habitat often focus on single, individual species. But as many species migrate to new areas, they will encounter established species that already live there. Because the two species may rely on the same food sources or other resources, the survival of both is threatened.

"These kinds of species interactions could be super important for the long-term persistence or extinction of species in response to moving habitats," Melbourne said.


Additional authors on this paper include Matthew Bitters in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at CU Boulder; and Alan Hastings of the University of California and Santa Fe Institute.


Russian scientists suggested a transfer to safe nuclear energy


Research News

Scientists from Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Ozersk Technological Institute, and the Russian Academy of Sciences have improved a processing technology of a monazite concentrate which is a mineral raw material employed as a source of rare earth elements and thorium. The latter, in turn, is a part of the thorium-uranium fuel cycle that is more eco-friendly compared to the one based on uranium and plutonium. A related article appears in Energies.

A team of scientists from FEFU and Ozersk Technological Institute (a branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) have optimized the technology of alkaline extraction of thorium from its main source, i.e. monazite concentrate stored at Uralmonazite State Enterprise (Krasnoufimsk, Sverdlovsk Region). The raw material contained 50% to 68% of REEs and 10% to 28% of thorium oxide.

The technology includes grinding and alkaline opening of the mineral raw material, turning target components into a solution, followed by extraction separation and purification of uranium, thorium, and REEs. The new method provided for the extraction of up to 90% of thorium and uranium and 100% of rare earth elements.

"Unlike uranium mineral products, the mineral commodities of thorium are found in abundance both in the Russian Federation and all over the world. A shift to the thorium-uranium cycle would secure the environmentally friendly development of the nuclear industry because this technology does not lead to the accumulation of nuclear waste. Moreover, as it claimed in scientific papers, with thorium-based fuel elements adoption, the nuclear core can be reduced by 2 to 3 times with no losses in the energy output. Also, according to this scenario, the reactor can be operated continuously for an estimated 50 years without fuel reloading", said Prof. Ivan Tananaev, the author of the work, and the Head of the School of Natural Sciences at FEFU.

According to the scientist, moving on to the thorium-uranium fuel cycle could become a medium-term matter in Russia due to the National nuclear energy development program which is considered a priority area for the modernization of the country's economy. Until recently, the nuclear industry in Russia has been working on the basis of the uranium-plutonium cycle that was developed in the middle of the XX century and guaranteed nuclear deterrence. As Prof. Tananaev believes, the utilization of an alternative thorium-uranium cycle has a number of indirect benefits. For example, the production of thorium leads to the development of the REE industry. Furthermore, secondary products of monazite processing are phosphate fertilizers that can be exploited in agro technologies.


The work was carried out under the Cooperation Agreement between FEFU and the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (dd. 24.11.2014), and supported by grant No. 18-29-24138 of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, principal investigator is Prof. Ivan G. Tananaev, Head of the School of Natural Sciences at FEFU, Deputy Head of Research at OTI.


Save it or spend it? Advertising decisions amid consumer word-of-mouth

New research finds it depends on what consumers are saying and what the ads are doing


Research News

INFORMS Journal Marketing Science New Study Key Takeaways:

"Word-of-mouth" is not always a substitute for advertising.

When consumers learn about products from other consumers, businesses should increase advertising spending to prove their product is high-quality.

When all consumers share their experiences, a high-quality business may be better served by reducing its advertising spending.

As more negative experiences are shared, it can be optimal for a high-quality business to spend more on advertising.

CATONSVILLE, MD, October 19, 2020 - Most people have seen or heard from a friend, neighbor or family member about a product or service they've used and how their experience was. It's called observational learning or word-of-mouth. These communications don't provide an unbiased assessment of true quality. Given this, businesses are faced with the difficult decision of determining when and how to spend their ad dollars. New research in the INFORMS journal Marketing Science finds when consumers learn about products/services from other consumers, a business may actually want to spend more money to credibly signal its quality.

The study, "When Consumers Learn, Money Burns: Signaling Quality Via Advertising with Observational Learning and Word of Mouth," details that word of mouth and advertising are not the same. Word of mouth is believed to be "free" advertising; but this may not always be the case. In fact, the opposite may be true when the role of advertising is to credibly signal product quality to consumers.

Word-of-mouth interactions may involve underreporting (not everyone shares experiences), positive reporting (when positive experiences are communicated more widely than negative ones) or negative reporting (when negative experiences are communicated more widely than positive ones).

"While both word of mouth and advertising can provide information regarding quality to consumers, one would suspect a high-quality business should have to spend less on advertising as it would benefit from word of mouth," said Yogesh Joshi, a professor at the University of Maryland. "However, this research shows that word of mouth, rather than softening the need for spending on advertising, may require a high-quality business to allocate more resources to these quality signaling efforts."

Joshi and his co-author Andres Musalem of the University of Chile and Instituto Sistemas Complejos de IngenierĂ­a (ISCI) say the benefits for a low-quality business force a high-quality one to spend more on advertising, to prove their worth and that their quality is better than the low-quality business that's getting traction from word of mouth.

"When all consumers share their experiences, a high-quality business may be better served by reducing its investment in advertising, and in certain cases by a lot," said Joshi. "Further, as more negative experiences are shared, it can be optimal for a high-quality business to spend more on advertising because as the sharing of negative experiences increases, some late consumers who would have otherwise been exposed to no experiences are now exposed to complaints."

When quality differences across types are not too strong, and consumers share more complaints, the researchers say a high-quality business may need to allocate more resources to its quality-signaling advertising efforts.


About INFORMS and Marketing Science

Marketing Science is a premier peer-reviewed scholarly journal focused on research using quantitative approaches to study all aspects of the interface between consumers and firms. It is published by INFORMS, the leading international association for operations research and analytics professionals. More information is available at or @informs.


Ashley Smith

Palau's coral reefs: a jewel of the ocean

The latest report from the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation finds Palau's reefs had the highest coral cover observed on the Global Reef Expedition--the largest coral reef survey and mapping expedition in history.


Research News




Scientists at the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation (KSLOF) have released their findings on the state of coral reefs in Palau. Their research, based on extensive underwater surveys, found Palau's reefs had the highest live coral cover of all the reefs studied on the Global Reef Expedition, a scientific research mission to assess the health and resiliency of coral reefs around the world. Published today, the Global Reef Expedition: The Republic of Palau Final Report summarizes the Foundation's research on the status of coral reefs and reef fish in Palau and provides conservation recommendations that can help preserve these outstanding coral reefs for generations to come.

Over the course of five years, KSLOF's Global Reef Expedition circumnavigated the globe collecting valuable baseline data on coral reefs to address the coral reef crisis. In 2015, the Global Reef Expedition came to Palau, where an international team of scientists and local experts spent nearly a month at sea surveying coral reefs in ten states across the country. Working together, they conducted over 1,800 standardized surveys of the benthic and fish communities on coral reefs in Palau.

They found Palau's coral communities to be in excellent condition compared to other reefs in the region. The average live coral cover recorded in Palau was over 45% and reached 60 or 70% in some marine protected areas. This coral cover is very high, even among the world's best coral reefs. "Palau's coral cover is truly exceptional," said Alexandra Dempsey, the Director of Science Management at KSLOF and one of the report's authors. "It indicates a robust benthic coral reef community with high coral cover and species diversity."

These coral reefs have likely benefited from Palau's efforts to conserve their natural marine heritage. Palau has a long history of marine conservation. Key is the traditional policy of "bul"--a moratorium on catching particular species or fishing on certain reefs to protect habitats that are critical to the community's food security. Conservation of the country's reefs was further boosted in 2015 by the establishment of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary, which delivered one of the world's largest protected areas of ocean.

"Unsurprisingly, this long-term commitment to marine conservation has delivered some of the most vibrant reefs the Foundation encountered on its Global Reef Expedition," said Dr. Sam Purkis, KSLOF's Chief Scientist as well as Professor and Chair of the Department of Marine Geosciences at the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. "Given that Palau's efforts are yielding tangible conservation results, the country might serve as a role model to other countries in the South Pacific and beyond."

Despite a thriving coral community, Palau's reefs had fewer and smaller fish than would be expected for a healthy coral reef ecosystem. Reef fish communities in Palau were similar to those surveyed in other nearby countries in the south and western Pacific. Many of the biggest fish appeared to be missing. Signs of overfishing were also observed on some of Palau's nearshore reefs despite existing regulations, particularly on reefs near population centers.

"Fish are a critical component of a robust coral reef community. They're important not only ecologically, but for the people who depend upon the reefs food or income," said Renée Carlton, Marine Ecologist at KSLOF and lead author on the report. "We saw some warning signs regarding reef fish communities, but are also hopeful that by expanding current fisheries management regulations and establishing more no-take no-entry areas, Palau's reef fish communities could become some of the best in the world. The commitment Palauan's have made to conserving their reefs is highly commendable and I hope they're able to use the findings in this report to continue preserving their natural resources for future generations."

The Global Reef Expedition mission to Palau gave scientists the chance to study some of the most beautiful and pristine coral reefs in the western Pacific Ocean. For the most part, the report released today shows what reefs can be when given the opportunity to thrive.

Although several years have passed since the expedition, data from this research mission will be critical for monitoring changes to the reefs over time and help managers identify priority sites for conservation action. The Living Oceans Foundation has shared copies of the report with government officials, conservation organizations, and marine managers so that these findings can aid in ongoing coral reef conservation and management efforts in Palau.


The Study:

"Global Reef Expedition: The Republic of Palau Final Report" was published on October 19, 2020. The study's authors include Alexandra Dempsey and Renée Carlton from the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation, and Sam Purkis of the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation and the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami. Copies of the report are available to view and download on the foundation's website at

Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation:

The Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation is a US-based nonprofit environmental organization that protects and restores the world's oceans through scientific research, outreach, and education. As part of its commitment to Science Without Borders®, the Living Oceans Foundation provides data and information to organizations, governments, scientists, and local communities so that they can use knowledge to work toward sustainable ocean protection. 


Glimpse deep into Earth's crust finds heat source that may stabilize continents


Research News




Rocks from the Rio Grande continental rift have provided a rare snapshot of active geology deep inside Earth's crust, revealing new evidence for how continents remain stable over billions of years, according to a team of scientists.

"We tend to study rocks that are millions to billions of years old, but in this case we can show what's happening in the deep crust, nearly 19 miles below the surface of the Earth, in what geologically speaking is the modern day," said Jacob Cipar, a graduate student in geosciences at Penn State. "And we have linked what's preserved in these rocks with tectonic processes happening today that may represent an important step in the development of stable continents."

The team, led by Penn State scientists, found evidence that heat from the mantle is melting the lower crust at the rift, where tectonic forces are pulling apart and thinning the lithosphere, or the crust and upper mantle that make up the rigid outer layer of Earth.

Heating the continental crust is considered important to its development. But the process is often associated with crustal thickening, when continental plates collide and form mountains like the Himalayas, the scientists said.

"Our research suggests that these rocks that have been thought of as related to mountain building may have actually been cooked by a thinning lithosphere like what's happening in the modern-day Rio Grande rift," Cipar said. "And more broadly, thinning lithosphere may be more important than previously recognized for stabilizing continents and preventing them from sinking back into the mantle."

The researchers recently reported their findings in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Earth's continents feature a unique silicon-rich, buoyant crust that allows land to rise above sea level and host terrestrial life, the scientists said. The crust also contains heat-producing elements like uranium that could destabilize it over geological time.

Heating the crust creates molten rock that carries those elements toward the surface, resulting in a cooler and stronger lower crust that can protect continents from being absorbed into the mantle, the scientists said. But questions remain about the sources of that heat.

"We are suggesting that thinning of the lithosphere is really the removal of a barrier that keeps that heat away from the crust," said Andrew Smye, assistant professor of geosciences at Penn State and Cipar's adviser. "Removing or thinning that barrier at the Rio Grande rift appears to be what is generating the heat needed to initiate this process of stabilizing continental crust. And this has been overlooked in our understanding of how continents become so stable."

The scientists tapped into rocks brought to the surface 20,000 years ago by volcanoes in New Mexico. The rocks are considered geologically young and are significant because they retain the context of the lower crust, the scientists said.

"In contrast, what we see in the rock record around the world is that oftentimes what it takes to get them up to the surface has disrupted their original relationship with the lower crust," said Joshua Garber, a postdoctoral researcher at Penn State. "This makes it really challenging to use older rocks to try to understand tectonics, and it makes the Rio Grande probably the best place to do this research."

The scientists used analytical techniques to link the age of minerals in the rocks to the pressure and temperature they faced as they made their way through the crust.

Similarities between the pressure and temperature path from the Rio Grande lower crust and rocks from other locations suggest that a thinning lithosphere is important for stabilizing Earth's continents, the scientists said.

"The snapshots of data we do have from other locations really nicely aligns with what we found in the Rio Grande rift," Garber said. "So that tells us this is not just happening now in the western United States. This shows the guts of continents have probably undergone this globally at least for the last billion years."


Andrew Kylander-Clark, a senior development engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara, also contributed to this work.

The National Science Foundation and the Slingerland Early Career Fellowship at Penn State supported the research.

What No COVID Risk? No Climate Change? 
How To Overcome Toxic Denial

DR. Prudy Gourguechon Senior Contributor
Leadership Strategy
Insights into the psychology underlying critical choices in business

LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 26: A protestor holding a placard attends a "We Do Not Consent" ... [+] GETTY IMAGES

It’s common these days for people to talk about denial. But less often do we hear what can be done about it. Without a sound understanding of what denial is and how it operates, efforts to alter attitudes and behaviors founded on denial are bound to fail. Yet inroads are possible if they are based on an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon.

Denial is pernicious and can have dire impacts. Climate change denial leads to lack of action that would preserve a healthy planet. Mask denial leads to increased spread of and mortality from the COVID virus. Denial of sexual abuse leads to horrific instances where an abuser is allowed to persist in their malfeasance for years because those responsible for the institutions in which they operated—schools, churches, companies, scouts, etc) refused to face the terrible reality that existed under their own roofs.

What can be done?

Here are seven steps for leaders, message crafters and policy makers to consider if they want to undermine denial that is threatening public health, the fate of the earth or simply individual well being.

1. Understand what denial is and how it operates. Freud and the psychoanalysts that followed him identified denial as one of a slew of defense mechanisms—mental maneuvers people use to protect themselves from painful, bad or unwanted feelings. Denial is so powerful because it works. In the short run, warding off bad feelings by denying something scary or hard to comprehend makes the denier feel better. There is an immediate release of tension. No matter how bad the long term consequences of denial may be, the short term immediate positive benefit must be acknowledged.

2. Analyze and identify with as much specificity as possible the bad feelings that are being warded off by the defensive action. Helplessness in the face of climate change? Inconvenience and fear regarding wearing masks? Guilt about personal responsibility? A good defense mechanism may serve to help a person (or group) avoid a number of painful emotions.

3. Understand that logic and information will never defeat denial. Public health officials and climate scientists have learned this painful lesson. Messaging needs to be emotional, personal, vivid, direct. Remember that denial operates because it protects against painful emotion so it can only be attacked by dealing with painful emotion in an emotionally vivid way.

Consider this ad from the Lincoln Project, the coalition of veteran Republican strategists that have organized to defeat Trump in the current election.

The information presented isn’t new to the viewer. But the sonorous voice in the background reciting the names of the dead, combined with the visual images stop time for a moment. Thought the intention is to convey a message, “Defeat trump,” the ad would be equally effective if it concluded “Just Wear a mask.”

4. Analyze the factors that are reinforcing denial in this specific situation. Since denial is so effective and efficient in diminishing anxiety and other rotten emotions, it doesn’t take much to keep it going. Groupthink—the tendency of people to jump on the bandwagon when a belief is popular among the people they relate to—can powerfully reinforce denial. Nullifying the effect of groupthink is difficult and leadership plays a major role.

5. Don’t underestimate the role of leadership. If leaders are seen as braving the uncomfortable feelings and ideas that denial could be warding off, then those that look up to them will be more likely to find the strength to do so as well. Conversely, if leaders engage in denial either explicitly or implicitly, those they lead will double down on the position of avoidance.

6. Empathize with the person who is struggling to grapple with an uncomfortable reality. Instead of just touting the importance and safety of vaccinations, say “I realize it’s incredibly hard to get your kids vaccinated when most of the Mom’s in your community say it’s bad for them.”

7. Reinforce and applaud the courage it takes for someone to tolerate anxiety, uncertainty, guilt and bucking the opinions of their friends and families rather than resorting to the quick fix of denial.

Without defense mechanisms, we would be paralyzed. If every source of anxiety or uncertainty were faced all the time in its full glory, we would not be able to get in a car, make an investment or even cross the street. Defense mechanisms like denial are irrational but protective. Avoiding fright, guilt, dread and discomfort feels good, in the moment. To outsmart denial it’s crucial to respect its power, appreciate its adaptive value, appeal to emotion not intellect and offer the alternative of braving short term anxiety and emotional distress for a long term gain.

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Prudy Gourguechon

Prudy Gourguechon is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who advises leaders in business and finance on the underlying psychology of critical decisions. She is currently working on a book, "Starting Older: Understanding and Making the Most of a New Life Stage." As a consultant, she works with senior leaders and investors to help them manage complex business relationships and navigate critical business decisions and transitions. Her unique perspective helps uncover the irrational, emotional and idiosyncratic forces that lie beneath both every day and transformative business decisions. This perspective prevents stalled strategies and repetitive, costly mistakes and helps rising leaders move up. Her consulting work is informed by 35 years of experience as a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and organizational leader (She is a past President of the American Psychoanalytic Association). Dr. Gourguechon has developed a model of leadership assessment and development that spells out the fundamentals of character and cognition that a leader with responsibility for fates and fortune must have. See her LA Times op-ed and interview on The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell for a preview. She invites people in finance to download her free e-book looking at the psychology of investing through a psychoanalytic lens available on her website. Visit her website, and follow on Twitter (@pgourguechon) for updates.

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Fifth Of All Countries Worldwide Facing Ecosystem Collapse From Mass Biodiversity Loss, Report Finds

By Sally Ho Published on Oct 19, 2020 

A fifth of all countries in the world are now threatened with ecosystem collapse as biodiversity continues to be eroded, a new report has revealed. With more than half the global GDP dependent on high-functioning biodiversity, from water security to regulating air quality, analysts are warning of the enormous losses that the world will face if we do not take action.

The new report, published by insurance firm Swiss Re, compiles an index based scientific data that maps the state of the ten primary ecosystem services at a resolution of one square kilometre across the world’s land. Among the services factored into the index are clean water and air, pollination, food provision, timber, arable soil, coastal protection, erosion control and how intact the habitat is – all of which are vital to ensure the health and stability of communities. It also underpins the global economy, with over half (55%) of global GDP – equal to US$41.7 trillion – dependent on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

According to the index, a staggering fifth of countries globally (20%) are now at risk of their ecosystems collapsing due to biodiversity and wildlife loss, and its related beneficial services. While major economies across the world, including in Southeast Asia, U.S. and Europe are all exposed to biodiversity and ecosystem decline, 39 countries were flagged up for having more than one third of their land already eroded. Ranking lowest on the index include Malta, Israel, Cyprus, Bahrain and Kazakhstan. 

Borneo orangutans exploring what is left of their habitat in Indonesia (Source: Ulet Ifansasti / Getty Images)

Read: Scientists warn that SDGs inadequate to protect biodiversity

There is a clear need to assess the state of ecosystems so that the global community can minimise further negative impact on economies across the world.Christian Mumenthaler, Swiss Re Group CEO

Among the G20 economies, South Africa and Australia top the rankings for having a fragile ecosystem, especially in terms of water scarcity, lack of coastal protection and pollination. Within this group, Brazil and Indonesia have the highest intact ecosystems, but analysts highlight that their economic dependence on natural resources still puts them at risk of threats in the longer-term.

Looking at the list of countries with fragile ecosystems and a high economic dependency on natural services, resource-rich developing countries with large agricultural sectors are emphasised as vulnerable to ecosystem collapse – Kenya, Vietnam, Pakistan, Indonesia and Nigeria were flagged.

The index was developed by Swiss Re to help governments and businesses compare and benchmark the state of local ecosystems upon which economies rely on, as well as helping the insurance industry to identify the strongest risk factors.

“There is a clear need to assess the state of ecosystems so that the global community can minimise further negative impact on economies across the world,” explains Christian Mumenthaler, Swiss Re Group CEO. “This important piece of work provides a data-driven foundation for understanding the economic risks of deteriorating biodiversity and ecosystems. In turn, we can inform governmental decision-making to help improve ecosystem restoration and preservation.”
Coral bleaching in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (Source: Kyodo News / Getty Images)

Read: United Nations calls for urgent action to save biodiversity on World Environment Day 2020

Insights from the report could also help inform policies to target nature conservation and provide evidence-based data to back up the economic savings that preventing biodiversity loss will bring. For instance, restoring the ecosystem along the coast of Louisiana in the U.S. could translate to a cost saving of US$5.3 billion per year. Globally, if the world took greater steps to ensure the functioning of coral reefs, it would help lower flood damages that are expected to increase by an astonishing 91% in the coming years.

“The study highlights the dangers of these economies potentially reaching critical tipping points when essential natural resources are disrupted…[and] the value of ongoing economic diversification combined with conservation and preservation efforts in such countries,” say the analysts.

As the world continues to reel from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, the focus on biodiversity is especially relevant. Scientists have continually pointed out that humanity’s destruction of wildlife and nature are one of the leading drivers of deadly emerging diseases, and say that the planet must not tip the balance of nature any further if we are to prevent deadlier zoonotic pandemics in the future.

Lead image courtesy of Cris Bouroncle / AFP / Getty Images.


World Toilet Day 2020: Sustainable sanitation and climate change

19 October, 2020

World Toilet Day, 19th November, celebrates toilets and raises awareness of the 4.2 billion people living without access to safely managed sanitation. It is about taking action to tackle the global sanitation crisis and achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030.

This year the World Toilet Day 2020 focuses on sustainable sanitation and climate change. Climate change is getting worse. Flood, drought and rising sea levels are threatening sanitation systems – from toilets to septic tanks to treatment plants. Everyone must have sustainable sanitation, alongside clean water and handwashing facilities, to help protect and maintain our health security and stop the spread of deadly infectious diseases such as COVID-19, cholera and typhoid. Sustainable sanitation systems also reuse waste to safely boost agriculture, and reduce and capture emissions for greener energy.

So, what does a sustainable sanitation system look like? Sustainable sanitation begins with a toilet that effectively captures human waste in a safe, accessible and dignified setting. The waste then gets stored in a tank, which can be emptied later by a collection service, or transported away by pipework. The next stage is treatment and safe disposal. Safe reuse of human waste helps save water, reduces and captures greenhouse gas emissions for energy production, and can provide agriculture with a reliable source of water and nutrients.

Learn more about this year’s theme and how to engage in the World Toilet Day 2020 campaign here.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg joins campaign to release Hong Kong fugitives detained in China


Prominent Swedish climate activist Great Thunberg on Saturday joined an online social media campaign calling for the release of 12 Hong Kong activists detained in mainland China.

The campaign, aimed at spreading awareness about the group, calls on participants to post a photo of themselves holding up a sign displaying “#Save12HongKongYouths” and to nominate three other Twitter users to “spread the word.”
Greta Thunberg. Photo: Greta Thunberg via Twitter.

Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong nominated Thunberg to take part in the campaign. In her post, the 17-year-old nominated three other international climate activists to join in: Luisa Neubauer, Hilda Flavia Nakabuye and Jamie Margolin.

Kickstarted by Wong last Monday, the #save12 campaign and online petition demands for the “immediate return” of the 12 to Hong Kong.

London-based NGO Hong Kong Watch launched separately a #savethe12hkyouths campaign last Wednesday, calling on UK parliamentarians’ support for the cause. Other demands included granting the detainees legal representation of their family’s choosing, contact with family members and access to medical care.
Nathan Law. Photo: Benedict Rogers via Twitter.

The #save12hkyouths hashtag has been trending on Twitter, amassing more than 234,000 tweets as of Monday morning.

Others figures who have taken part in the campaign included parliamentarian Lord Alton, exiled activist Nathan Law, and British human rights activist Maajid Nawaz.

Thunberg became internationally renowned after she organised school strikes against climate change in her native country of Sweden in 2018.

The EU Bureau Chief of state-owned China Daily, Chen Weihua, criticised Wong’s nomination of Thunberg. Replying to the teen’s tweet, Chen accused Wong of “manipulating” her and railed against “pathetic” attempts to involve her in political issues of which she has “zero-knowledge.”

The 12 activists were arrested on board a speedboat in mainland waters in late August, allegedly while attempting to flee to Taiwan. Most of them were connected to charges relating to the anti-extradition bill protests last year. One of the fugitives, Andy Li, has been charged under the Beijing-enacted national security law.

Andy Li. Photo: Screenshot via Youtube.

The group has been detained for almost two months. They are being held in Yantian District Detention Center in Shenzhen, local media reported.

Earlier this month, nine more individuals in Hong Kong were arrested for allegedly aiding the 12 to flee.