Wednesday, February 15, 2023


Pungent ginger compound puts immune cells on heightened alert

Pungent compound stimulates white blood cells

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Ginger tea and ginger 



Ginger has a reputation for stimulating the immune system. New results from the Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich (Leibniz-LSB@TUM) now support this thesis. In laboratory tests, small amounts of a pungent ginger constituent put white blood cells on heightened alert. The study also shows that this process involves a type of receptor that plays a role in the perception of painful heat stimuli and the sensation of spiciness in food.

Whether as a medicinal plant or foodstuff, ginger is also becoming increasingly popular in Germany. According to the German Federal Statistical Office, the annual import volume of the fruity-hot root has almost quadrupled over the last ten years to around 31,600 tons. However, even though ginger consumption has increased, the question arises as to whether normal consumption levels are sufficient to achieve health effects. And if so, which compounds and molecular mechanisms play a role in this.

Ginger compound enters the blood

To help clarify these questions, a team led by Veronika Somoza, director of the Leibniz Institute in Freising, Germany, conducted extensive research. The starting point was a result of an earlier pilot study, in which first author Gaby Andersen from the Leibniz-LSB@TUM also played a key role. As the study shows, significant amounts of pungent ginger compounds enter the blood about 30 to 60 minutes after consuming one liter of ginger tea. By far the highest levels were achieved by [6]-gingerol, with plasma concentrations of approximately 7 to 17 micrograms per liter. 

The pungent compound is known to exert its "taste" effect via the so-called TRPV1 receptor, an ion channel located on the surface of nerve cells that responds to painful heat stimuli as well as to pungent compounds from chili and ginger. Since some studies suggest that white blood cells also possess this receptor, the research team tested whether [6]-gingerol influences the activity of these immune cells.

Pungent compound stimulates white blood cells

In a first step, the team succeeded in detecting the receptor on neutrophil granulocytes. These cells make up about two-thirds of white blood cells and serve to combat invading bacteria. Further laboratory experiments by the research group also showed that even a very low concentration of almost 15 micrograms of [6]-gingerol per liter is sufficient to put the cells on heightened alert. Thus, compared to control cells, the stimulated cells reacted about 30 percent more strongly to a peptide that simulates a bacterial infection. Addition of a TRPV1 receptor-specific inhibitor reversed the effect induced by [6]-gingerol.

"Thus, at least in experiments, very low [6]-gingerol concentrations are sufficient to affect the activity of immune cells via the TRPV1 receptor. In blood, these concentrations could theoretically be achieved by consuming about one liter of ginger tea," says Gaby Andersen. "So, our results support the assumption that the intake of common amounts of ginger may be sufficient to modulate cellular responses of the immune system. Nevertheless, there are still many unanswered questions at the molecular, epidemiological and medical levels that need to be addressed with the help of modern food and health research," concludes Veronika Somoza.

Publication: Andersen, G., Kahlenberg, K., Krautwurst, D., and Somoza, V. (2022). [6]-Gingerol Facilitates CXCL8 Secretion and ROS Production in Primary Human Neutrophils by Targeting the TRPV1 Channel. Mol Nutr Food Res, e2200434. 10.1002/mnfr.202200434.

More information:

Pilot study: Schoenknecht, C., Andersen, G., Schmidts, I., and Schieberle, P. (2016). Quantitation of Gingerols in Human Plasma by Newly Developed Stable Isotope Dilution Assays and Assessment of Their Immunomodulatory Potential. J Agric Food Chem 64, 2269-2279. 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b00030.

In the pilot study, subjects drank one liter of ginger tea within 20 minutes on an empty stomach. The tea had been prepared as follows: 100 g of a fresh Chinese ginger was peeled and crushed, brewed with one liter of boiling water, and allowed to steep for 15 minutes. The infusion was then filtered to remove insoluble components. The research group determined the highest average plasma concentrations for the pungent compounds [6]-, [8]-, and [10]-gingerol (42.0, 5.3, and 4.8 nmol per liter, respectively) approximately 30 to 60 minutes after the subjects drank the ginger tea.

TRPV1 stands for: Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V (for vanilloid), subtype 1.

Link to data from the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis):


Scientific contact:

Prof. Dr. Veronika Somoza
Director of the Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology
at the Technical University of Munich (Leibniz-LSB@TUM)
Lise-Meitner-Str. 34
85354 Freising
E-mail: v.somoza.leibniz-lsb(at)

Dr. Gaby Andersen
Research Group Metabolic Function & Biosignals at the Leibniz-LSB@TUM
Phone: +49 8161 71-2930
E-mail: g.andersen.leibniz-lsb(at)

Press contact at the Leibniz-LSB@TUM:

Dr. Gisela Olias
Knowledge Transfer, Press and Public Relations
Phone: +49 8161 71-2980
E-mail: g.olias.leibniz-lsb(at)

Information about the Institute:

The Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich (Leibniz-LSB@TUM) comprises a new, unique research profile at the interface of Food Chemistry & Biology, Chemosensors & Technology, and Bioinformatics & Machine Learning. As this profile has grown far beyond the previous core discipline of classical food chemistry, the institute spearheads the development of a food systems biology. Its aim is to develop new approaches for the sustainable production of sufficient quantities of food whose biologically active effector molecule profiles are geared to health and nutritional needs, but also to the sensory preferences of consumers. To do so, the institute explores the complex networks of sensorically relevant effector molecules along the entire food production chain with a focus on making their effects systemically understandable and predictable in the long term.

The Leibniz-LSB@TUM is a member of the Leibniz Association, which connects 97 independent research institutions. Their orientation ranges from the natural sciences, engineering and environmental sciences through economics, spatial and social sciences to the humanities. Leibniz Institutes devote themselves to social, economic and ecological issues. They conduct knowledge-oriented and application-oriented research, also in the overlapping Leibniz research networks, are or maintain scientific infrastructures and offer research-based services. The Leibniz Association focuses on knowledge transfer, especially with the Leibniz Research Museums. It advises and informs politics, science, business and the public. Leibniz institutions maintain close cooperation with universities - among others, in the form of the Leibniz Science Campuses, industry and other partners in Germany and abroad. They are subject to a transparent and independent review process. Due to their national significance, the federal government and the federal states jointly fund the institutes of the Leibniz Association. The Leibniz Institutes employ around 21,000 people, including almost 12,000 scientists. The entire budget of all the institutes is more than two billion euros.

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Study finds only about half of AI-generated ads only labeled as such

Consumer decisions being driven unknowingly; bots not required to follow same regulations as humans

Peer-Reviewed Publication


LAWRENCE — While you've been online today, chances are you’ve seen an AI-generated ad, likely without knowing it. A University of Kansas study has analyzed more than 1,000 AI-generated ads from across the web and found that they are only labeled as ads about half the time — and that they intentionally appeal to consumers in positive ways to influence them.

The technology has the potential to influence consumer behavior and decisions without viewers understanding whether the content was an advertisement or if it was developed by humans or bots. The prevalence of AI in programmatic advertising shows how frequently the technology is used and that it can skirt guidelines that human-developed ads have to follow, according to researchers.

“AI is not just a passive technology anymore. It’s actively being engaged in what we think — and in a way, how we make our decisions,” said Vaibhav Diwanji, assistant professor of journalism & mass communications. “The process has become more automated and is taking over the role of creative content online.”

Diwanji was the lead author of a study that analyzed 1,375 AI-generated programmatic ads found on social media, news sites, search engines and video platforms. The study, written with Jaejin Lee and Juliann Cortese of Florida State University, was published in the Journal of Strategic Marketing.

AI-generated ads are those created by algorithms to develop content that is contextualized and personalized for an individual based on their internet usage and demographics. The research team analyzed the ads to better understand if they are labeled as ads, what sort of appeals they made to consumers and how they used sentiment. Only about half of the ads were clearly labeled as such, meaning people frequently see content that they might believe is organic, such as a post by a friend on social media or a news item.

The primary problem with that lack of transparency is that humans must follow guidelines set forth by agencies such as the FCC and FTC when creating advertising content. AI is not bound by such restrictions so far, Diwanji said.

“Higher levels of nondisclosure in the AI-enabled ad content, similar to native advertising, would be likely to cause consumer deception, tracking them into false beliefs, confusion or dissatisfaction. At its core, AI-enabled advertising should be a fine balance between providing consumers with clear source disclosure and offering content that meshes with and provides value similar to the context in which it is placed,” the researchers wrote.

In terms of approach, the ads tended to be positive in their appeals, containing messages that were neither negative or neutral in the way they touted the good or service represented. They also tended to focus on the consumer and the benefit the individual could experience from what was being sold. Analysis showed that ads found on social media platforms revealed sponsorship most frequently, and news and publishing sites labeled them least frequently.

“You leave your footprint wherever you go online, and this is one more way for advertisers to try to persuade you in purchasing decisions,” Diwanji said. “It’s interesting how AI has evolved from a tool people could use to something unprompted. Only about half of the ads we saw revealed their brand sponsorship. From an ethical standpoint, you’re showing us sponsored content, but not telling us. That can create a conflict.”

AI-generated programmatic ads can also be developed much faster than human-generated ads. And with creative optimization, they could be far more effective in their appeals than traditional ads. While that may be good for business’ bottom lines, it could be both deceptive and potentially threaten jobs in creative industries, including advertising. And when ads are not clearly labeled, AI can place them higher in the results of search engines, leading people to click without realizing the link leads to sponsored content. For those reasons, the authors argue that FTC guidelines and federal policy should be updated to require more transparency of AI-generated advertising.

“It’s not wrong to use AI. It’s just important that you disclose that in an ad or marketing appeal,” Diwanji said. “When humans create content, they are bound by guidelines of the FCC, FTC and others. If you’re not told it’s AI-sponsored content, it could influence your decisions outside of those restrictions.”

Scientists find world’s oldest European hedgehog

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Dr Sophie Lund Rasmussen at microscope 



The world’s oldest scientifically-confirmed European hedgehog has been found in Denmark by a citizen science project involving hundreds of volunteers. The hedgehog lived for 16 years, 7 years longer than the previous record holder.

The European hedgehog is one of our most beloved mammals but populations have declined dramatically in recent years. In the UK, studies indicate that urban populations have fallen by up to 30% and rural populations by at least 50% since the turn of the century (British Hedgehog Preservation Society). To combat this, researchers and conservationists have launched various projects to monitor hedgehog populations, to inform initiatives to protect hedgehogs in the wild.

During 2016, Danish citizens were asked to collect any dead hedgehogs they found for “The Danish Hedgehog Project”, a citizen science project led by Dr Sophie Lund Rasmussen (also known as ‘Dr Hedgehog’). The aim was to better understand the state of the Danish hedgehog population by establishing how long hedgehogs typically lived for. Over 400 volunteers collected an astonishing 697 dead hedgehogs originating from all over Denmark, with a roughly 50/50 split from urban and rural areas.

The researchers determined the age of the dead hedgehogs by counting growth lines in thin sections of the hedgehogs’ jawbones, a method similar to counting growth rings in trees. The results have been published as a paper in the journal Animals.

Key findings:

  • The oldest hedgehog in the sample was 16 years old - the oldest scientifically documented European hedgehog ever found. Two other individuals lived for 13 and 11 years respectively. The previous record holder lived for 9 years.
  • Despite these long-lived individuals, the average age of the hedgehogs was only around two years. About a third (30%) of the hedgehogs died at or before the age of one year.
  • Most (56%) of the hedgehogs had been killed when crossing roads. 22% died at a hedgehog rehabilitation centre (for instance, following a dog attack), and 22% died of natural causes in the wild.
  • Male hedgehogs in general lived longer than females (2.1 vs 1.6 years, or 24% longer), which is uncommon in mammals. But male hedgehogs were also more likely to be killed in traffic. This may be because males have larger ranges than females and likely move over larger areas, bringing them into contact more frequently with roads.
  • For both male and female hedgehogs, road deaths peaked during the month of July, which is the height of the mating season for hedgehogs in Denmark. This is likely because hedgehogs walk long distances and cross more roads in their search for mates.

Dr Sophie Lund Rasmussen (based at the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit WildCRU, Department of Biology, University of Oxford, and affiliated researcher at Aalborg University), who leads The Danish Hedgehog Project, said: ’Although we saw a high proportion of individuals dying at the age of one year, our data also showed that if the individuals survived this life stage, they could potentially live to become 16 years old and produce offspring for several years. This may be because individual hedgehogs gradually gain more experience as they grow older. If they manage to survive to reach the age of two years or more, they would have likely learned to avoid dangers such as cars and predators.’

She added: ‘The tendency for males to outlive females is likely caused by the fact that it is simply easier being a male hedgehog. Hedgehogs are not territorial, which means that the males rarely fight. And the females raise their offspring alone.’

Hedgehog jaw bones show growth lines because calcium metabolism slows down when they hibernate over winter. This causes bone growth to reduce markedly or even stop completely, resulting in growth lines where one line represents one hibernation. 

The researchers also took tissue samples to investigate whether the degree of inbreeding influenced how long European hedgehogs live for. Previous studies have found that the genetic diversity of the Danish hedgehog population is low, indicating high degrees of inbreeding. This can reduce the fitness of a population by allowing hereditary, and potentially lethal, health conditions to be passed on between generations. Surprisingly, the results showed that inbreeding did not seem to reduce the expected lifespan of the hedgehogs.

Dr Rasmussen said: ‘Sadly, many species of wildlife are in decline, which often results in increased inbreeding, as the decline limits the selection of suitable mates. This study is one of the first thorough investigations of the effect of inbreeding on longevity. Our research indicates that if the hedgehogs manage to survive into adulthood, despite their high degree of inbreeding, which may cause several potentially lethal, hereditary conditions, the inbreeding does not reduce their longevity. That is a rather groundbreaking discovery, and very positive news from a conservation perspective.’

Dr Rasmussen added: ‘The various findings of this study have improved our understanding of the basic life history of hedgehogs, and will hopefully improve the conservation management for this beloved and declining species.’

The study was published in collaboration with Associate Professor Owen Jones at Interdisciplinary Center on Population Dynamics (CPop), Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Senior Researcher Dr Thomas Bjørneboe Berg from Naturama, and Associate Professor Helle Jakobe Martens, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Copenhagen University.

Hedgehog jawbones which are used for age determination research. A hedgehog’s age can be worked out by counting year rings in sections of their jawbones. 

Credit: Sophie Lund Rasmussen

388 hedgehog jaws being prepared for age determination investigation. 

Credit: Sophie Lund Rasmussen.

Overview of stained sections of hedgehog jaws, showing year rings which allows the researchers to determine the age of the hedgehogs. 

Credit: Thomas Bjørneboe Berg.

The study ’Anyone Can Get Old—All You Have to Do Is Live Long Enough: Understanding Mortality and Life Expectancy in European Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)’ has been published in Animals

You can learn more about Dr Sophie Lund Rasmussen’s work on her YouTube channel ‘Dr Hedgehog’:

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Oxford University has been placed number 1 in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for the seventh year running, and ​number 2 in the QS World Rankings 2022. At the heart of this success are the twin-pillars of our ground-breaking research and innovation and our distinctive educational offer.

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Through its research commercialisation arm, Oxford University Innovation, Oxford is the highest university patent filer in the UK and is ranked first in the UK for university spinouts, having created more than 200 new companies since 1988. Over a third of these companies have been created in the past three years. The university is a catalyst for prosperity in Oxfordshire and the United Kingdom, contributing £15.7 billion to the UK economy in 2018/19, and supports more than 28,000 full time jobs.

The Department of Biology is a University of Oxford department within the Maths, Physical and Life Sciences Division. It utilises academic strength in a broad range of bioscience disciplines to tackle global challenges such as food security, biodiversity loss, climate change and global pandemics. It also helps to train and equip the biologists of the future through holistic undergraduate and graduate courses. For more information visit


The perfect pour: model predicts beer head features

Researchers take on the myriad complex questions of beer foam dynamics, pointing to more precise brewing and nozzle manufacturing

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Beer foam formation side views 



WASHINGTON, Feb. 14, 2023 – From creating drinks with distinctive looks to providing aromas for connoisseurs, beer foam is big business. The complex interplay between the components of a beer, the vessel from which it’s poured, and the glass it’s poured into has garnered plenty of attention from researchers, brewers, and drinkers. A new study looks to provide the most accurate predictions for how a beer will foam.

Researchers have analyzed brewing with numerical simulations to predict an array of beer foam features. Publishing their work in Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing, Lyu et al. demonstrate that their model can determine foam patterns, heights, stability, beer/foam ratio, and foam volume fractions.

The study presents the first use of a computational approach called a multiphase solver to tackle beer heads.

“Simulation of a bottom-up pouring process using a multiphase solver is a complex task that involves modeling the physical and chemical interactions that occur during the process, such as fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, and chemical reactions,” said author Wenjing Lyu. “By using a multiphase solver, it is possible to accurately predict the behavior of the system and optimize the design of the nozzle outlets and the cup geometry to ensure the fastest possible bottom-up pouring under various conditions such as pressure, temperature, and carbonation.”

To tackle this task, the group partnered with Einstein 1, a startup developing a new bottom-up tapping system in which the nozzle pushes up a movable magnet on the bottom of a glass to create a temporary inlet. As the glass fills, the magnet moves back into place and the beverage is ready to drink. After repeatability studies to establish stable pouring conditions, they assembled a model that was then validated with experiments.

The group found that foam from Einstein 1’s tapping system is generated only in the first moments of pouring. Higher temperatures and pressures yielded more foam.

After that, beer’s liquid phase kicked in. Determined in large part by bubble size, the beer’s foam phase slowly decayed, taking approximately 25 times longer to fully fizzle out than it took the foam to form.

Alongside further optimizing their computational approaches, the group next looks to study the effects of nozzle shapes.

“This will help in controlling foam formation, reducing consumption and pouring time, and improving the overall efficiency of the pouring process,” Lyu said. “By accurately simulating the foaming process, our model can help to improve the quality of the final product, reduce costs, and increase productivity in industries such as food and beverage, chemical, and others.”


The article “Experimental and numerical investigation of beer foam” is authored by Wenjing Lyu, Tizian Bauer, Bernhard Gatternig, Antonio Delgado, and Thomas Erling Schellin. It will appear in Physics of Fluids on Feb. 14, 2023 (DOI: 10.1063/5.0132657). After that date, it can be accessed at


Physics of Fluids is devoted to the publication of original theoretical, computational, and experimental contributions to the dynamics of gases, liquids, and complex fluids. See


Discovery could lead to new fungicides to protect rice crops

How the rice blast fungus enters leaves makes it vulnerable to spray-on chemical blockers

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Healthy rice field in China 



A fungus that plagues rice crops worldwide gains entry to plant cells in a way that leaves it vulnerable to simple chemical blockers, a discovery that could lead to new fungicides to reduce the substantial annual losses of rice and other valuable cereals.

Each year, blast disease, caused by the fungal pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae, attacks and kills plants that represent between 10% and 35% of the global rice crop, depending on weather conditions.

University of California, Berkeley, biochemists led by Michael Marletta, professor of chemistry and of molecular and cell biology, discovered that the fungus secretes an enzyme that punches holes in the tough outer layer of rice leaves. Once inside, the fungus rapidly grows and inevitably kills the plant.

In a paper published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Marletta and his colleagues describe the structure of the enzyme and how it works to help the fungus invade plants. Because the enzyme is secreted onto the surface of the rice leaf, a simple spray could be effective in destroying the enzyme’s ability to digest the wall of the plant. The scientists are now screening chemicals to find ones that block the enzyme.

“The estimates are that if you could knock out this fungus, you could feed 60 million more people in the world,” said Marletta, the Choh Hao and Annie Li Chair in the Molecular Biology of Diseases at UC Berkeley. “This enzyme is a unique target. Our hope here is that we'll screen to find some unique chemicals and spin out a company to develop inhibitors for this enzyme.”

This target is one of a family of enzymes called polysaccharide monooxygenases (PMO) that Marletta and his UC Berkeley colleagues discovered a little over 10 years ago in another, more widespread fungus, Neurospora. Polysaccharides are sugar polymers that include starch as well as the tough fibers that make plants sturdy, including cellulose and lignin. The PMO enzyme breaks cellulose into smaller pieces, making the polysaccharide susceptible to other enzymes, such as cellulases, and speeding up the breakdown of plant fibers.

“There is an urgent need for more sustainable control strategies for rice blast disease, particularly in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa," said Nicholas Talbot, who is Marletta's colleague and co-author, a plant disease expert and executive director of The Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich in the United Kingdom. "Given the importance of the polysaccharide monooxygenase to plant infection, it may be a valuable target for developing new chemistries that could be applied at much lower doses than existing fungicides and with less potential environmental impact. It might also be a target for completely chemical-free approaches, too, such as gene silencing.”

Marletta and UC Berkeley Ph.D students Will Beeson and Chris Phillips were originally interested in these enzymes because they degrade plant cellulose much more quickly than other previously described enzymes and thus had potential to turn biomass into sugar polymers that can be fermented more readily into biofuels. Fungi use PMOs to provide a source of food.

He and UC Berkeley colleagues subsequently found hints that some fungal PMOs may do more than merely turn cellulose into food. These PMOs were turned on in the early stages of infection, implying that they’re important in the infection process rather than providing food.

That’s what Marletta, Talbot and their colleagues found. Led by postdoctoral fellow Alejandra Martinez-D’Alto, the UC Berkeley scientists biochemically characterized this unique PMO, called MoPMO9A, while Talbot and UC Berkeley postdoctoral fellow Xia Yan showed that knocking out the enzyme reduced infection in rice plants.

Marletta and his UC Berkeley colleagues have found similar PMOs in fungi that attack grapes, tomatoes, lettuce and other major crops, which means the new findings may have broad application against plant fungal diseases.

“It isn't just rice that small molecule inhibitors could be used against. They could be widely used against a variety of different crop pathogens,” Marletta said. “I think the future for this, in terms of drug development for plant pathogens, is pretty exciting, which is why we are going to pursue both the fundamental science of it, like we always do, and try to put together pieces to spin it out as a company.”

Damage to rice leaves from rice blast disease.


Nicholas Talbot, The Sainsbury Lab

Biofuels lead way to attacking fungal pathogen

Marletta specializes in identifying and studying new and unusual enzymes in human cells. But 10 years ago, when people got excited about biofuels as a way to address climate change, he was awarded a grant from UC Berkeley's Energy Biosciences Institute to search for enzymes in other life forms that digest plant cellulose faster than the enzymes known at the time. The goal was to turn tough cellulose fibers into short-chain polysaccharides that yeast could ferment into fuel.

“I said to two of my first-year graduate students, Chris Phillips and Will Beeson, ‘You know, there's got to be organisms out there that eat cellulose fast,’” Marletta said. “Those are the ones we want to find, because we know the enzymes that eat it slow, and they're not particularly useful in a biotechnology sense because they're slow.”

Phillips and Beeson succeeded in finding fast-acting enzymes in a common fungus, Neurospora, which is among the first fungi to attack dead trees after a fire and does a quick job of digesting wood for nutrients. They isolated the enzyme responsible, the first known PMO, and described how it worked. Since then, Marletta’s students have identified 16,000 varieties of PMO, most in fungi, but some in wood-eating bacteria. To date, these have had some success in speeding the production of biofuels as part of a cocktail of other enzymes, though they haven’t made biofuels competitive with other fuels.

But Marletta was intrigued by a small subset of these 16,000 varieties that seemed to do more than provide nutrition for fungi. MoPMO9A, in particular, had an amino acid segment that binds to chitin, a polysaccharide that forms the outer coat of fungi, but is not found in rice. And though all PMOs are secreted, MoPMO9A was secreted during the infectious cycle of the fungus.

Studies subsequently showed that Magnaporthe concentrates MoPMO9A in a pressurized infection cell, called the appressorium, from which it is secreted onto the plant, with one portion of the enzyme binding to the outside of the fungus. The other end of the enzyme has a copper atom embedded in its center. When the fungus slaps the loose end of the enzyme onto the rice leaf, the copper atom catalyzes a reaction with oxygen to break cellulose fibers, helping the fungus breach the leaf surface and invade the entire leaf.

“We were curious: ‘Hey, why does this enzyme have a chitin-binding domain if it's supposed to be working on cellulose?’” according to Marletta. “And that's when we thought, ‘Well, maybe it's secreted, but it sticks to the fungus. That way, when the fungus is sitting on the plant, it can have between it and the leaf the catalytic domain to punch the hole into the leaf.’”

That proved to be the case. Marletta and Talbot are now testing other pathogens that produce PMOs to see if they use the same trick to enter and infect leaves. If so — Marletta is confident that they do — it opens avenues to attack them with a spray-on fungicide, as well.

“The only place you find PMOs like this is in plant pathogens that have to gain access to their host. So, they're almost certainly going to be working the same way,” Marletta said. “I think the scope of work to develop inhibitors to this particular PMO is going to be well beyond rice, even though that itself is pretty important. We're going to be able to use them in other important crop plants.”

Other co-authors of the paper are Alejandra Martinez-D’Alto, Tyler Detomasi, Richard Sayler and William Thomas of UC Berkeley. Marletta is a member of the Berkeley branch of the California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3). The research was funded by the National Science Foundation (CHE-1904540, MCB-1818283) and the National Institutes of Health (F32-GM143897).

A field in China damaged by rice blast disease.


Nicholas Talbot, The Sainsbury Lab

Acceleration of global sea level rise imminent past 1.8℃ planetary warming

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Figure 1. 



A study published in Nature Communications by an international team of scientists shows that an irreversible loss of the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, and a corresponding rapid acceleration of sea level rise, may be imminent if global temperature change cannot be stabilized below 1.8°C, relative to the preindustrial levels.

Coastal populations worldwide are already bracing for rising seas. However, planning for counter-measures to prevent inundation and other damages has been extremely difficult since the latest climate model projections presented in the 6th assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) do not agree on how quickly the major ice sheets will respond to global warming.

Melting ice sheets are potentially the largest contributor to sea level change, and historically the hardest to predict because the physics governing their behavior is notoriously complex. “Moreover, computer models that simulate the dynamics of the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica often do not account for the fact that ice sheet melting will affect ocean processes, which, in turn, can feed back onto the ice sheet and the atmosphere,” says Jun Young Park, PhD student at the IBS Center for Climate Physics and Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea and first author of the study.

Using a new computer model, which captures for the first time the coupling between ice sheets, icebergs, ocean and atmosphere, the team of climate researchers found that an ice sheet/sea level run-away effect can be prevented only if the world reaches net zero carbon emissions before 2060.

“If we miss this emission goal, the ice sheets will disintegrate and melt at an accelerated pace, according to our calculations. If we don’t take any action, retreating ice sheets would continue to increase sea level by at least 100 cm within the next 130 years. This would be on top of other contributions, such as the thermal expansion of ocean water” says Prof. Axel Timmermann, co-author of the study and Director of the IBS Center for Climate Physics.

Ice sheets respond to atmospheric and oceanic warming in delayed and often unpredictable ways. Previously, scientists have highlighted the importance of subsurface ocean melting as a key process, which can trigger runaway effects in the major marine based ice sheets in Antarctica. “However, according to our supercomputer simulations, the effectiveness of these processes may have been overestimated in recent studies,” says Prof. June Yi Lee from the IBS Center for Climate Physics and Pusan National University and co-author of the study. “We see that sea ice and atmospheric circulation changes around Antarctica also play a crucial role in controlling the amount of ice sheet melting with repercussions for global sea level projections,” she adds.

The study highlights the need to develop more complex earth system models, which capture the different climate components, as well as their interactions. Furthermore, new observational programs are needed to constrain the representation of physical processes in earth system models, in particular from highly active regions, such as Pine Island glacier in Antarctica.

“One of the key challenges in simulating ice sheets is that even small-scale processes can play a crucial role in the large-scale response of an ice sheet and for the corresponding sea-level projections. Not only do we have to include the coupling of all components, as we did in our current study, but we also need to simulate the dynamics at the highest possible spatial resolution using some of the fastest supercomputers,” summarizes Axel Timmermann.

Chicken of the sea

Due to their feed, chicken and farmed salmon have remarkably similar environmental footprints

Peer-Reviewed Publication


We love our chicken. We love our salmon. Thanks to how we farm these two popular proteins, their environmental footprints are surprisingly similar.

The key is in the feed, said UC Santa Barbara marine ecologist Ben Halpern, director of UCSB’s National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis, and an author of a paper that appears in the journal Current Biology. In an effort to tease out opportunities for reducing the substantial environmental pressures of global food production, he and an international team of colleagues took a deep look at how we raise these two highly popular animals for consumption, focusing in particular on dynamics between land and sea.

“Chicken are fed fish from the ocean, just as are salmon, and salmon are fed crop products like soy, just as are chicken,” Halpern said, in comparing  industrially farmed broiler chickens, and farmed salmonids (salmon, marine trout and char). In addition to land-based crops, chickens are fed fishmeal and fish oil; while salmon, which typically eat other fish, are farmed with land-based feed, such as oil crops, soybeans and wheat. “In a sense,” he noted, “we really do have ‘chicken of the sea.’”

The researchers found that 95% of the cumulative environmental footprint of these two items (greenhouse gas emissions, nutrient pollution, freshwater use and spatial disturbance) is concentrated on less than 5% of the planet, with 85.5% spatial overlap between the two products, due mostly to shared feed ingredients. According to the study, the total cumulative pressures from chicken production is highest in the United States, China and Brazil.

For fish, the highest cumulative pressures are found off the coasts of Chile, Mexico and China, with some pressure on land due to salmon aquaculture. Additionally, the researchers found that while chicken has nine times the environmental footprint of farmed salmon, it has 55 times more production than salmon, an efficiency due largely to the very fast reproductive cycle of chickens — six to eight weeks to reach slaughter weight versus one to two years for salmon.

Within that 5% of the planet that bears the environmental pressures of chicken and salmon production, there are variations in the farming methods’ environmental efficiencies. In the case of chicken, for instance, the U.S. (the world’s top producer of chicken) and Brazil (second largest) are more efficient than China (third largest). There are also variations between environmental pressures relative to the amount of salmon produced that differ by geography, indicating opportunities to improve efficiencies while minimizing environmental impacts.

Chicken and salmon are among the most popular sources of protein, and according to the researchers, are relatively environmentally efficient in comparison to other animal protein production such as beef and pork. However, the magnitude of their production, and their overlap in terms of environmental footprint raises interesting questions about the subtle connections between marine and land protein production, which, in turn, could provide opportunities for promoting sustainability. At the same time, the study  underscores the importance of integrating food policies across realms and sectors to advance food system sustainability, according to the researchers.

“We got really interested in understanding how these two critically important and dominant foods affect our planet and how they compare,” Halpern said. “I knew from past research I’ve been part of that what we feed animals is a key part of what determines their environmental footprint, but I really didn’t expect chicken and farmed salmon to be so similar. The old adage that ‘we are what we eat’ applies to farm animals too!”

Study reveals biodiversity engine for fishes: shifting water depth

Peer-Reviewed Publication


New Haven, Conn. — Fish, the most biodiverse vertebrates in the animal kingdom, present evolutionary biologists a conundrum: The greatest species richness is found in the world’s tropical waters, yet the fish groups that generate new species most rapidly inhabit colder climates at higher latitudes.

A new Yale study helps to explain this paradox. The researchers discovered that the ability of fish in temperate and polar ecosystems to transition back and forth from shallow to deep water triggers species diversification.

Their findings, published Feb. 11 in the journal Nature Communications, suggest that as climate change warms the oceans at higher latitudes, it will impede the evolution of fish species.

“The fish clades contributing the most fish diversity in today’s oceans are leveraging the water column and the ocean depths, in particular, to diversify,” said lead author Sarah T. Friedman, who conducted the research while a G. Evelyn Hutchinson postdoctoral associate at Yale. “Fishes that make these forays into the deep ocean are almost exclusively located in high latitudes, where it’s easier to move along the water column. These regions are experiencing the most drastic warming due to climate change, which threatens to disrupt speciation by making it more difficult for fish to change depths.”

Friedman, now a research fish biologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, coauthored the study with Martha Muñoz, an assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology in Yale’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and an assistant curator of vertebrate zoology at the Yale Peabody Museum.

For the study, the researchers analyzed existing data on the global species occurrence of 4,067 fish species that included information on species geographic range and speciation rate. In part, their analysis modeled how often fish lineages might be expected to transition across ocean depths. By laying out a distribution of anticipated shifts in depth, the researchers could compare the number of observed transitions in specific lineages. They found that species-rich, high-latitude lineages — eelpouts, rockfishes, flatfishes, icefishes, and snailfishes — transitioned up and down the water column more often than expected. Meanwhile, hyper-diverse tropical lineages, such as gobies and wrasses, changed depth less frequently than predicted.

Fish clades, evolutionary lineages that share a common ancestor, that can freely disperse along the depth gradient may be more likely to capitalize on novel resources or niches at specific depths and become isolated from other members of their group, the researchers said. This can lead to repeated local adaptation and the evolution of new species.

Many variables can affect a fish’s ability to move between depths, including water temperature, pressure, and light penetration. Friedman and Muñoz suggest that temperature plays an important role in the ability of high-latitude fish clades to transition along the water column. Fish clades that inhabit colder water have an easier time traveling into ocean depths, where water temperature plummets dramatically. By contrast, tropical fish, which spend their lives in warm, shallow waters, face steep thermal barrier to transitioning to the deep ocean, the researchers said.

The existing high biodiversity in tropical waters could be a remnant of the deep past when warmer regions were hotbeds of species generation, but over time, most diversification began occurring closer to the Earth’s poles, they explained.

But this biodiversity engine at higher latitudes is vulnerable to climate change. Since the water profile is so much more uniform at higher latitudes than in the tropics, the fish that inhabit them are physiologically fine-tuned to those environments, Muñoz explained. For them, a one-degree shift in temperature will be physiologically more challenging than for an organism that is more of a thermal generalist.

“As the oceans warm, organisms might face steeper barriers to dispersal across the depth column,” Muñoz said. “Over time, I think we’ll see a slowdown of this engine of biodiversification.”

The study was funded by the G. Evelyn Hutchinson Environmental Postdoctoral Fellowship, which aims to enable creative research collaborations in the environmental sciences at Yale by developing diverse academic excellence at the postdoctoral level.