Friday, April 07, 2006

Rhetorical Question

This is a rhetorical question, right?

Is killing off big, bad wolves the best way to halt attacks?

Of course it is.

Killing wolves is stupid.

Killing wolves works -- briefly

And it is only done to appease stupid ranchers and farmers, who believe that they have the God Given Right to invade the wilderness, and their creation of private property, fenced in enclosures, justifies their wiping out predators.

For generations, ranchers have believed that the only good wolf is a dead wolf.

Predators that they cannot prove kill their cattle.Since wolves and other predators do not enter farms and ranches to kill, they kill the cattle, if they kill them at all on on public land. Land that borders the wilderness. Farmers and Ranchers who celebrate their inherent right to private land allow their Cattle to graze and wander across unenclosed public land. And since wolves don't recognize property rights they come in conflict with humans and their property (cattle).

Of course their stupidity is only matched by the Government of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (sic) Department;

"The wolves are the primary cause of mortality in the caribou," said Dave Ealey, a spokesman with Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, who also cites weather and human development as contributing factors.

Clever turn of phrase, the caribou population is NOT endagered by the wolves, who yes kill them. They are endangered by the expansion of tourism, oil and coal development. Which of course is not Sustainable developement at all, except in the Orwellian mind of the Alberta Government which uses the phrase sustainable to mean, long term development. To anyone else sustainable development means a balance between wilderness ecology and human development.

And while the government claims Wolves are not endangered, that is another bit of Orwellian logic. True in Alberta we have a large population however in B.C. and to the South of us the wolf population is declining. So geographically we are one of the last prairie sites in either the U.S. or Canadian Pacific North West and Prairies that contains a large wolf population.

I would define that as endangered. More endangered than cute furry seals.

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Judas the Obscure

No longer.

A newly released translation of the Gospel of Judas, coming of course from the Gnostic Dead Sea Scrolls, reveals that Judas was not the traitor he is smeared as in the Gospels of the syncophants; Mark and Luke.

Time line since discovery of Gospel of Judas

The text's existence has been known since it was denounced as heresy by the bishop of Lyon in A.D. 180, but its contents had remained an almost total mystery. Unlike the four gospels of the New Testament, it describes conversations between Jesus and Judas Iscariot during the week before Passover in which Jesus tells Judas "secrets no other person has ever seen."The other apostles pray to a lesser God, Jesus says, and he reveals to Judas the "mysteries of the kingdom" of the true God. He asks Judas to help him return to the kingdom, but to do so, Judas must help him abandon his mortal flesh: "You will sacrifice the man that clothes me," Jesus tells Judas, and acknowledges that Judas "will be cursed by the other generations."

Rather as the radical zealot in the liberation army of the Jews at the time, Judas was key to the Passover Plot. To radicalize the Jewish community into a mass uprising, with the symbolic death and ressurection of the Messiah myth being played out in public

According to this book Jesus had planned everything precisely: so that he would not be on the cross for more than a few hours before the Sabbath arrived when it was required that Jews be taken down; that one of his supporters, who was on hand, would give him some water to quench his thirst that was laced with a drug to make him unconscious; and that Joseph of Arimathea, a well-connected supporter, would get him released off the cross while still alive (but appearing dead) so that he could be nursed back to health in the tomb under the safety of the Sabbath.

It is this Gnostic mythology that is celebrated in Progressive Rock Album; Jesus Christ Superstar, and the heretical movie; The Last Temptation of Christ.

If anything is guarnteed to shake up the Pauline church, both the Orthodox and Catholic, this will. For modern Christianity does not originate in the faith of the Jews or Essenes or even the Gnostics of the time, it is the State Religion of Empire, of Constantine and the Pauline heresy of de-judaizing Jesus.

Ironic eh, Judas, Judah, Jews, de-judaizing, the very origin of anti-semitism within Christianity begins with Judas betrayl, a radical Jew a Zealot, then the blaming of Philistines for denying Jesus, etc. The origin of Revisionist History begins with Saul/Paul and the Pauline church which will now face its historic cumupeance with this revelation.

Just in time for Easter, which has nothing to do with Jesus at all, any more than Christmas has.

And of course this is really going to help the sales of the Da Vinci Code.

And did you know that Jesus had a brother?

His name was James and his gospel has yet to be translated.

And of course this is still more heresy.

Op-Ed Contributor The Gospel Truth Elaine Pagels

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Classical Rock

During the heyday of the 70's, before Disco melted down the creativity level of music to drum beats and homogonized dance music, and before the rebellion of the three chord reaction to the dumbing down of music, the Punk DIY movement, the stellar sphere of sound was Progressive Rock.

That is rock music that was longer than two or three minute radio spots. Rock Music influenced by Classical music, and by the idea of the 'Concept Album', the idea of creating a symphonic sound out of rock and telling a story where the whole album spoke to a singular idea or theme.

The Who created Tommy a Rock Opera, and later Quadraphenia as less popular rock opera, Jethro Tull had created Thick As A Brick, Yes and Emerson Lake and Palmer integrated organ music and pre-synthesiser sounds.

ELP originated out of King Crimson and the classical music sound of Keith Emerson's earlier band the Nice, which rockified classical and symphonic music through the use of the electric organ, the percursor to the synthesizer. One of Emersons best rock classical albums is entitled the Five Bridges Suite, took several well known classical compositions and Rockified them, sped them up and underscored the basso sound using electric organ and moog synthesizer. The Bridges are tonal overlaps in classical music. Thus Rock music went from pop sound to full symphonic sound.

Tarkus, ELP's second album was a rock version of Hungarian modernist composer Bela Bartok's work without credit. Their third Album was the rock version of Russian modernist Mussgorsky's Pictures at an exhibition.

Moody Blues were one of the first bands to really work with a symphonic orchestra with their first album and hit single, Knights in White Satin.

Deep Purple would follow up with their concept album Deep Purple in Rock which again contained longer 6-9 minute songs, including the hauntingly beautiful Child in Time, recorded like the Moody Blues had, with the London Sympthonic Orchestra.

In Europe Vangelis first concept album with his band Aphrodites Child; 666 was released as an unheard of double album, live recording which was a musical concept album about the Anti-Christ, Babalon and the book of Revelations, which included famed Greek Actress Irene Papas singing the part of Babalon.

My favorite band of this period is Rennaissance, whose rock motifs are based on Russian composers. Russian Classical music by its inherent nature has been and is modernist, daring to create sound poems and aural stories, using themes to tell stories, not merely using the music to express an inner ideal.

Rennaissance picked up on this as the Folk revival was kicking off in England, and as concept albums, the creation of Progressive or Experimental rock, was begining.

I just picked up the live two CD collection of their performances which were released in the late 1990's almost twenty years after their performances were recorded. The complete collection of their work has yet to make it to CD. So look for them on vinal.

I reccomend the link above on Progressive Rock from Wikipedia, though I must say that while they show the progression from the early rock concept bands such as the Yardbirds, from whence Renaissance originated, and which gave birth to such bands as Led Zepplin, they missed one of the most influential of the Classical, Jazz, Rock crossover musicians, who really should be credited with being the father of the concept album and Progressive Rock, none other than Frank Zappa.

His only hit single Peaches in Regalia is a wholy unique and original modern classical piece of instrumental music. Zappa was influenced by the fifties modernist composer Edgard Varese, whose compostion Ameriques is a stunning combination of modern symphonic music and jazz with a continual police siren in the background, and was written in the 1920's!!

Now compare that with Leonard Bernstiens paen to America, West Side Story, and you can see the paths that modern classical/symphonic music was moving towards, where we end up in the seventies with its merger into Progressive Rock.

Varese and Zappa created tone poems, and Zappa was as egotistical an orchestra leader as ever one could find in the Classical realm. In fact his clashes with that other symphonic egotist, conductor Zubin Meta (whose 1812 Oveture with small live cannons is still the ne plus ultra version of the composition) during 200 Motels is well documented, indeed why Zappa placed Meta and the Los Angeles Philharmonic in a concentration camp setting in his movie. Nasty.

What Zappa has never been given credit for is his guitar playing. He was one of the best guitar players of his generation. And it is perhaps his classical approach to the instrument that deminished the appreciation of his abilities. Becuase he approached his guitar playing like his composing and his leading his band like a conductor, his tightly controled playing did not appear wild, arm swinging, hair flinging, style that was so popular amongst other expressive rock musicians that led to his underappreciation as a guitarist.

What Zappa got from Varese was the concept of the Idee Fixe, "
Some of Edgard Varese's later works make use of the 'Idee Fixe', a fixed theme, repeated certain times in a work. "

Through out his work a common Idee Fixe will appear repeatedly, this is a the very essence of modernist classical music, and Zappa was not only a Rock and Roll guitarist but the very essence of a modern classical composer.

By the 1980's Progressive rock was having a well deserved revival in the works of Genesis, the Quebec band Harmonium, the electronic works of Vangelis, and his team up Jon Anderson former lead singer of Yes, to create thematic concept albums like the Friends of Mr. Cairo, heralded the return of the concept album and the revival of Progressive Rock.

The Alan Parsons Project overlapped many of the concept albums coming out in the eighties, where Parsons had worked with folk musicians like Al Stewart, again there is the connection between the English Folk revival and Progressive Rock, and Pink Floyd, before coming out with his own Concept ablums with the Project.

But it was short lived revival as the ninties diminished all new sound into a wave of unoriginal remastering of 'found' sounds and the diminuation again of music to the drum beat machine staccato of Hip Hop.

Underscoring all this is the continual return to the classical roots of music, its symphonic sound, that ability to layer sound to create depth and imagery. Whether it was with the eight track revolution of the Beatles sound on Sgt. Peppers or the Rolling Stones Their Satanic Majesty's Request, both concept albums, or with the later use of synthesizer, the progressive sound in rock was its imitation of and merger with symphonic music.

As Bakunin once joked when asked if his anarchist revolution would get rid of all culture, he replied, "No we will keep Beethoven's 5th." It was the progressive and radical music of its day. An elegy to human reason. As it remains today.

Reason to Rock: Rock Music as Art Form
A Web Book by Herb Bowie

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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Casanova Harper

He's no Casanova

OTTAWA -- Fending off a torrent of attacks in the debut question period over his decision to "seduce" Liberal turncoat David Emerson to his cabinet, Harper responded with a dry smile. "I do not think I have ever been accused of seducing anyone, even my wife," he quipped, as Laureen blushed from a seat above. Then he added: "I see there is some agreement in the gallery."

Au contraire I would say that our Dear King Stephen I is quite a swinger, which is now legal in Canada.

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Headline From Ontario

Alta. shuffles cabinet as MPPs jockey to replace Klein

Alberta Premier Ralph Klein has shuffled his cabinet to fill vacancies left by ministers departing to...

This is the headline from Global TV News/Canada. com written in Ontario, by an Ontarion for Ontarion's.

Because in Alberta we have MLA's, Members of the Legislative Assembly, NOT MPPs.

I can understand the thinking of the headline writer, we wouldn't want to confuse Ontario readers with a term they are not familiar with now would we....poor easily confused Ontarions.

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God Bless Canada

May Divine Providence guide your deliberations.

So ends the Throne Speech. Is this another way of saying God Help Us All......

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Bush Is A Fascist

A picture is worth a thousand words.......

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Harpers Other Kiss

As I blogged here the other day the Conservatives have dropped the Same Sex Marriage debate for now. Maybe this is the reason why.

Cancun was such a gay time for the Three Amigos

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Where is Harpers other hand?

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Missing Link Missing Funding

Ok here are two stories on evolution that come from Canada. The irony would be delicious, except for the idoicy.

It's a story of two kinds of dinosaurs. One that is a real fossil and one that is political.

The first is the discovery of a possible missing link between fish and amphibians coming from the Canadian arctic. Proof of evolution. Empirical fact.

The fish that crawled out of the water

A crucial fossil that shows how animals crawled out from the water, evolving from fish into land-loving animals, has been found in Canada. The creature, described today in Nature1,2, lived some 375 million years ago. Palaeontologists are calling the specimen from the Devonian a true 'missing link', as it helps to fill in a gap in our understanding of how fish developed legs for land mobility, before eventually evolving into modern animals including mankind.

Tetrapods did not so much conquer the land, as escape from the water. John Maisey American Museum of Natural History, New York

Tiktaalik - the fish that found it's feet

Tiktaalik - the fish that found it's feet

The fossil record is full of 'missing links', transitional forms between organisms on either side of a phylogenetic tree, but with Tiktaalik, a fish that shows striking features of a limbed vertebrate (tetrapod), one of these rare missing links has been found. Nature presents a FREE ACCESS story from alongside the discovery and analysis of this incredible animal, and a discussion of its significance in a special News & Views article.

The other story is how a Canadian scientist who wants to study the influence of the Intelligent Design debate in the US is having on Canadian students. He is denied funding.

No he is not a creationist, he is a scientist who accepts evolution as a fact. Which is why he is being denied funding. Right-o that makes alot of sense.

Professor denied federal research funds for assuming evolution to be scientific fact

Hmm do ya think SSHRC is being influenced politically by the Regime change in Ottawa? Doing their masters bidding and denying funding to 'controversial studies' (sic), that might upset the social conservative fundamentalists in the Conservative government. Like the Rev. Stockwell Day, who is a creationist?

Or are they just jumping the gun anticipating an ideological change now that the vociferous critics of SSHRC/Canda Council are in charge.

The last time the Conservatives were in charge they dismantled large sections of SSHRC/Canada Council.

The government's budget was therefore constructed to show that the federal cabinet understood the Reform Party agenda--that it too was determined to cut government fat and slash away at those parts of the bureaucracy most seen to providing useless services and not helping the ``just plain folks back home.'' Indeed, to conceptualize this view it is useful to look at the National Citizen's Coalition document of a few years ago--we might think of the Coalition as being part of the organic intellectuals of the Reform party. The document was entitled ``Tales from the Tax Trough'' and it listed a whole series of useless government services including a hit list of what the NCC saw as particularly stupid research projects. Who was mentioned? SSHRC projects were the first on the list--followed by those of the Canada Council, the Canadian Institute on International Peace and Security, and IDRC. On the hit list were projects on the analysis of yard art, the fool in Western civilization, the wife's role in food shopping for the family, and the participation of women in trade unions in Argentina. Some of us, myself included, may react by thinking what interesting projects these are--and in fact how socially pertinent--but this is clearly not the intent of the pamphlet. The tone of the pamphlet and indeed the way it is likely to be read is of a totally profligate government flinging out dollars to finance absurd projects without any regard for, and even as an insult to, the hard-pressed taxpayers. In rereading this pamphlet one can easily conjure up the image of Don Mazankowski consulting it in preparing his budget. The ``little people'' speak and Big Don listens.

Evolution of the Reform Alliance Conservative Party

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CIA Front Companies Exposed

Here are the CIA front companies used for 'rendition', that is the illegal capture, transportation and torture of individuals, in violation of national and international law. This is SOP for the CIA since they invaded Guatemala for the United Fruit Company fifty years ago.

Rendering is also a term used in the livestock business for herding animals together in preparation for them to be slaughtered in Rendering Houses, abatoirs, slaughter houses, meat packing plants.

Every time there is some military operation the CIA black ops comes up with an 'Air America' front which inevitably ends up engaged in side operations such as drug (opium/heroin/cocaine) and arms smuggling.

The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations

Which of course is how the CIA pays for its off the books operations which is what Rendition is.

CIA Hawking Heroin in Baghdad?

Meanwhile, Tony Blair agreed that Britain would take the lead in eradicating the opium harvest in Afghanistan, the origin of 90% of British heroin. In his new book, State of War, James Risen quotes a CIA official as saying: "The British were screaming for us to bomb those targets because most of the heroin in Britain comes from Afghanistan. But they [the US military] refused." He writes: "The Pentagon feared that counter-narcotics operations would force the military to turn on the very warlords who were aiding the United States against the Taliban and that would lead to another round of violent attacks on American troops." The rancid relationship

The CIA should be actually called the Corporate Insurance Agency, since it actually works for the Transnational American corporations as their secret army.
BBC News | MIDDLE EAST | Analysis: The CIA and the arms ship

This should give Peter McKay something to look into, and yes he should be afraid we are being used as soft landing space for secret CIA flights.....OTTAWA (CP) — Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay says he "may very well" raise the issue of alleged CIA planes ferrying terrorism suspects around the globe with his U.S. counterpart. It is the first indication the new Conservative government might have concerns about the Central Intelligence Agency’s apparent use of foreign airports. But MacKay’s officials insist the minister has no fears that Canadian air facilities are being abused by the intelligence agency.

Courtesy Infomedia.


The eight CIA shell companies thought to be extant are:


Some of the numbers in the list formerly were registered to a ninth company, PREMIER EXECUTIVE TRANSPORT SERVICES, INC. Its planes have been moved to other companies in the shell game.



The operation of the front-company (CIA-owned) planes is the job of a company called Aero Contractors Ltd, founded by a former CIA pilot. Aero Contractors operates all but one of these out of the Johnston County Airport in Smithfield, NC. The Boeing 737, N4476S (formerly N313P), operates out of the Kinston Regional Jetport in Kinston, NC. Both locations have been recent targets of anti-torture protests. The mailing address and phone number given for the 737's front (Keeler & Tate), by the way, belong to the law office of former US Senator Paul Laxalt of Nevada, once called the "First Friend" for his relationship with President Reagan.

The US Air Force base (Rhein-Main) at Frankfurt, Germany, is the European base of the 737.


Three other large transports on the list -- Lockheeds N2189M, N4557C, and N8183J -- are owned by the shell company Rapid Air Tran (Transport).

Tepper Aviation, Inc., maintains and operates these planes out of the Bob Sikes Airport in Crestview, FL. Tepper was started by a CIA pilot of that name and was and is CIA-financed.

The European base of the Lockheeds also is Rhein-Main. The large CIA planes are involved in Afghanistan operations.

The N8183J, like the N8213G, was investigated by a European government but got a pass because it is a cargo plane. Two Austrian Draken fighter planes intercepted N8183J intruding into Austrian airspace on Jan. 21, 2003. The Drakens normally would have forced the plane to land, but they only intercepted it. The Austrian foreign ministry considered the aircraft as civilian (Is the CIA civilian?) and saw no reason to authorize the ministry of defense to force the plane to land. After all, it was a cargo plane (see photo).


Presidential and AWS are owned by the mercenary firm Blackwater USA. They operate out of the Melbourne International Airport in central Florida. They are run by the former owners, Richard Pere and Tim Childrey.

The companies fly Spanish CASA C-212 wide-body passenger/cargo aircraft. These carry paratroops and oversized cargo and can operate from short and unimproved runways.

In Europe, Malta is the base for these planes and the ATRs in the list, both of which operate in Afghanistan.


Pegasus Technologies works on the avionics (aviation electronics), sensor, and electrical systems of the CIA planes. This presumably includes top-secret encrypted-communications systems and night-vision systems.

At the company's airstrip near Green Cove Springs, FL, in the Reynolds Industrial Park, at a former naval base, you are apt to see many of the planes in the list. Few if any other companies would have the security clearances to work on the CIA's electronics.

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You Are Here

New map of Milky Way charts where stars are born

This is the cosmological equivalent of the shopping mall map......You Are Here......

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Welfare for Millionaires

Gee wonder why the Conservatives just don't tell these folks about how their tax breaks are going to help them down on the farm. You know 5% is a Canadian Value. Ingrates.

So when in doubt sign over more welfare checks to farmers while you try and shut down the Wheat Board. Makes sense eh.

Note that the Ontario farmers protesting are demanding a protectionist market and subsidies like the US grants its agribusiness. Not exactly Tory farm policy.....
Strahl doesn't mention market-solutions for protesting Farmers

Now imagine the crisis on the farm if we had a free and open market with no Wheat Board or other producer run cooperatives or marketing boards. It would be the end of the so called 'family farm'. Which is long in the tooth and almost non-existant in Canada now.
Strahl promises better relief for struggling farmers - 9 hours ago
As thousands of farmers converge on Parliament Hill for a massive rally, Federal Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl is promising better relief for cash-strapped producers.
Provinces have to help, Strahl tells farmers Globe and Mail
Harper promises money for farmers Toronto Star
Brandon Sun - Reuters Canada - CBC Manitoba - 580 CFRA Radio -

Yep these guys would all be gone and all that would be left would be big Agribusiness corporations. Who would then demand subsidies like they do in the US.

Its the battle between the farmer Millionaires versus the Corporate Agri-Billionaires.

And the irony is that these guys are the right wing backbone of the Tories, who demand they kick folks off welfare.

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Duh' Oh

Motive unclear in brazen kidnapping
Police said on Wednesday they do not know the motive of kidnappers who abducted the son of a wealthy Vancouver family from his car in one of the western Canadian city's most exclusive neighborhoods.

He is the son of a multi-millionare, might that have something to do with it?
Do ya think? Duh' Oh.
Back to Timmies for more donuts.

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Nuclear Paradox

Today the US Senate held hearings on why it should be allowed to sell nuclear resources to India, a country which has tested several atomic bombs and is not a member of the Non Proliferation Treaty.

Senate grills Rice on nuclear deal with India

'The Agreement And Its Implications'

Unlike Iran which has no bombs, has not tested a bomb and is a member of the NPT.

The controversy over Iran's peaceful nuclear program has obscured one point in particular: There need not be a crisis. A solution to the situation is possible and eminently within reach.
Lost amid the rhetoric is this: Iran has a strong interest in enhancing the integrity and authority of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. It has been in the forefront of efforts to ensure the treaty's universality. Iran's reliance on the nonproliferation regime is based on legal commitments, sober strategic calculations and spiritual and ideological doctrine.
We in Iran don't need this quarrel

Pakistan and India are still vying over the issue of Kashmir which set off their last round of nuclear show down. Both countries have deals with Iran and its military.

US concerned over India-Iran ties: Rice

India-Iran gas pipeline might go ahead: Rice

So who is the real nuclear threat in the region? Iran poses no threat: Doha Debates

Why the US of course and its attempt to play nuclear geopolitics.

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Development Versus Population Growth

Juhn Murney picked up on this story as well; Malthus Redux

He says;"
Pianka's point has been lost. There are too many people on the planet;". True and the majority of them are poor.

Thus the record number of famines we are having thanks to Global Warming and due to capitalist production for export.

Lack of development opportunities based on sustainable farming and small scale industrial growth is the problem. Whether the issue is population growth, which is always based on labour needs for the family farm, or mass migration (aka illegal immigration) the real solution is to have regional development that creates real industries and self sufficiency.

Europes concern with growing illegal migration from Africa, due to impovershment or America's concern with illegal migrants from not only Mexico but now also Central America, is based on this simple fact. These countries have no sustainable development. If they did then their would be no migration. Development is the only solution to illegal immigration.

Ironically such development needs to be based on womens liberation. Where it has been successful it has focused on women in the community. When this is done, education plus regional based development funded by micro-loans, women begin to reduce the number of children they have and begin to modify the social conditions under which they live, challenging the remnants of fuedal patriarchical cultures that have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century.

Where local sustainable development has been aimed at women we see positive results. Lower birth rates, higher education rates, less migration. Technological solutions for resource developments such as localized rational irrigation based on a harmonious merger of technology and local engineering/environmental development are preferable to the capitalist industrial model.

Not all development has to be based on large scale corporate manufacturing. In fact in Africa in several areas now suffering famines, the most successful village market businesses have remained the collective farms and tertiary production of maize. Large scale corporate models have collapsed due to being inefficient in the global marketplace. While the village collective model, run by women, has succeeded.

Ideals of Fair Trade, the idea of promoting organic farming and collective production of products for export, rather than the hacienda production favoured by large scale Multinational Corporations like United Fruit and Dole, help communities achieve sustainable development, which then allows them to leave the culture of poverty which is what creates unsustainable population growth.

Also See:

IWD Economic Freedom for Women

Water War

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Malthus Redux

Ebola virus best way to kill billions and save world: ecologist
A respected Texas scientist says the best way to kill 90 per cent of the people on the planet and save the world is the Ebola virus

Respected by who? Captain Paul Watson of Sea Shepperd probably......Save the Seals kill off the humans is the subtext of the Vegan moralist ideology.

Which begs the question of these species they think we will destroy the world or is it that we will destroy ourselves and the World will repair itself as it has with other historical extinctions of species.....while we are certainly doing massive damage to the planet and its life forms, we are doing so with the constant possibility of wiping ourselves out thank you very much.....which is the crisis of the decadence of capitalism.

This ideology that the solution to the capitalist crisis of the environment is that we are expendable for the good of the planet is the very ethos of Protestantism gone's Gnosticism not science.

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Mr. Turkey To You

Once upon a time Benjamin Franklin suggested that the official bird for the United States should be the Turkey. He was prescient in his arguement for this North American native.

Every Thanksgiving the President of the US pardons a turkey from the ceremonial fate that turkeys suffer for the founding of that nation.

President Bush holds a platter at Baghdad airport on Thanksgiving. The turkey had been primped to adorn the buffet line, while the 600 soldiers were served from steam trays

Now if this turkey had been around the tables may have been turned.

Even on old Ben...
Benjamin Franklin Tries to Electrocute a Turkey

Scientists Discover New Dinosaur in Utah

New Dinosaur Resembles Large Turkey

The Associated Press
Tuesday, April 4, 2006; 11:07 PM

SALT LAKE CITY -- Fossils discovered in southern Utah are from a new species of birdlike dinosaur that resembled a 7-foot-tall brightly colored turkey and could run up to 25 mph, scientists said Tuesday.

Giant dinosaur raptor unveiled
Fossils found in 2001 in national monument

What's 7 feet tall, 13 feet long, armed with sickle-like claws and covered with feathers? Hagryphus giganteus, the new raptor dinosaur

Benjamin Franklin's Letter Comparing the Eagle and the Turkey

"For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen the Representative of our Country. He is a Bird of bad moral Character. He does not get his Living honestly. You may have seen him perched on some dead Tree near the River, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the Labour of the Fishing Hawk; and when that diligent Bird has at length taken a Fish, and is bearing it to his Nest for the Support of his Mate and young Ones, the Bald Eagle pursues him and takes it from him.

"With all this Injustice, he is never in good Case but like those among Men who live by Sharping & Robbing he is generally poor and often very lousy. Besides he is a rank Coward: The little King Bird not bigger than a Sparrow attacks him boldly and drives him out of the District. He is therefore by no means a proper Emblem for the brave and honest Cincinnati of America who have driven all the King birds from our Country . . .

"I am on this account not displeased that the Figure is not known as a Bald Eagle, but looks more like a Turkey. For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America . . . He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on."

More On Dinosaurs

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A Real Chicken Hawk

In a preverse form of poetic justice the Chicken Hawk advocates of spying on American citizens have attempted to use Child Porn as the basis for expanding their spying operations. They have of course gotten cooperation from most search engines except Google.

Now the chickens have come to roost. Or in this case Chicken Hawks.

Those who call the Republican War administration Chicken Hawks now have good reason to revert to the original meaning of the term.

Homeland security official faces sex-related charges

The deputy press secretary for the United States Department of Homeland Security was arrested for using the internet to seduce what he thought was a teenage girl, authorities said.

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The Privatization of Torture

The War in Iraq has been called the new face of war in the 21st Century by no less than President Bush.

And what is this new war? It is war by private armies the so called 'contractors', private companies like Halliburton, and now the contracting out and privatization of torture.

Of course when the Market State privatizes war completely we will be in the era of decadence that saw the fall of all great Empires that relied upon mercenary armies, from Carthage to Rome.

AI accuses CIA of using private planes for rendition flights


In a report issued on Wednesday, Amnesty exposed what it described as a covert operation involving front companies and private aircraft operators to preserve the secrecy of so-called rendition flights.
Son San Joan airport in Majorca
And of course these private planes have been landing at small regional airports in Canada.

Earlier this year, media reports said that American planes believed to be contracted to the CIA made 74 flights to Canada between September 2001 and November 2005, according to documents released to Canadian Press through freedom of information.But Amnesty's Canadian office said that requests to the Liberal government for a review of the allegations met with no response. Amnesty's secretary general, Alex Neve, sent a letter to Stockwell Day, the minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, calling for an investigation by the Tory government.The human rights organization also called for safeguards ensuring that Canadian airports are not used to transfer suspects to countries where they may be held without protection of international law. More flights linked to CIA

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War Is No Place For A Free Press

In the battle for news accuracy War creates the conditions of censorship and self censorship which has led to the failure of the media to report accurately from their positions as embedded cheerleaders...... this is the latest in the efforts of the War Department to control the Press.....which has resulted in this......

Editor's note: All media organizations reporting on the conflict in Afghanistan while embedded with the Canadian Forces are signatories of Rules for Embedded Media. The Toronto Star has been ordered by the military to refrain from illustrating by graphic the precise area where last week's firefight took place. The army in Kandahar invoked the rules, believing any illustration would put lives at risk.Was Canadian soldier slain by friendly fire?

More on Afghanistan

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Same Sex Marriage No Debate

What was missing from the Throne Speech?

Why there was no reference to Same Sex Marriage and its pending demise under the Tories.

But don't worry King Stephen is still straight.

Stephen and Laureen Harper share a kiss in the rotunda after the Throne Speech was read yesterday.

While there was no mention of abolishing the much-maligned gun registry or holding a free vote in Parliament on same-sex marriage, Justice Minister Vic Toews confirmed they both remain on the government's agenda.Harper's 'clear and focused agenda'

Anyone studying the dynamics of Harper's past election strategy would know that he's developing a formula for handling persistent problems: confront them head on, admit their intractability and then move on. Harper did this in the opening days of the election campaign last December with the same-sex marriage controversy. He said he was against same-sex marriage up front, so his critics didn't say it first. Then it never came up again. HARPER'S OTHER FIVE PRIORITIES

And it still hasn't come up yet.......Which means it was never a priority for Harper merely an issue he could use to get Social Conservative votes.....ever the opportunitst....So Link Byfield and his ilk will have to settle for pictures of Harper kissing his wife, while they cool their heels over his Free Vote on Marriage....And the longer the Tories wait the more entrenched it becomes....clever.....then Harper can say he tried...and when they lose the vote in the house.....we all move on over what has become a non-issue......

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So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

King Ralph has announced his departure, but before the candidates line up at the trough for his job Ralphie boy is still stalling when he will go. End of the year he says, will let you know in the fall, have a good summer. It's going to be a slow de-Klein

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