Sunday, August 04, 2024


The rotation of a nearby star stuns astronomers

University of Helsinki
Rotation of a star 


A nearby star V889 Herculis rotates the fastest at a latitude of about 40 degrees.

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Credit: Jani Närhi, University of Helsinki

Astronomers from the University of Helsinki have found that the rotational profile of a nearby star, V889 Herculis, differs considerably from that of the Sun. The observation provides insights into the fundamental stellar strophysics and helps understanding the activity of the Sun, its spot structures and eruptions.

The Sun rotates the fastest at the equator, whereas the rotation rate slows down at higher latitudes and is the slowest as the polar regions. But a nearby Sun-like star V889 Herculis, some 115 light years away in the constellation of Hercules, rotates the fastest at a latitude of about 40 degrees, while both the equator and polar regions rotate more slowly.

Similar rotational profile has not been observed for any other star. The result is stunning because stellar rotation has been considered a well-understood fundamental physical parameter but such a rotational profile has not been predicted even in computer simulations.

– We applied a newly developed statistical technique to the data of a familiar star that has been studied in the University of Helsinki for years. We did not expect to see such anomalies in stellar rotation. The anomalies in the rotational profile of V889 Herculis indicate that our understanding of stellar dynamics and magnetic dynamos are insufficient, explains researcher Mikko Tuomi who coordinated the research

Dynamics of a ball of plasma

The target star V889 Herculis is much like a young Sun, telling a story about the history and evolution of the Sun. Tuomi emphasises that it is crucial to understand stellar astrophysics in order to, for instance, predict activity-induced phenomena on the Solar surface, such as spots and eruptions.

Stars are spherical structures where matter is in the state of plasma, consisting of charged particles. They are dynamical objects that hang in a balance between the pressure generated in nuclear reactions in their cores and their own gravity. They have no solid surfaces unlike many planets.

The stellar rotation is not constant for all latitudes – an effect known as differential rotation. It is caused by the fact that hot plasma rises to the star's surface via a phenomenon called convection, which in turn has an effect on the local rotation rate. This is because angular momentum must be conserved and the convection occurs perpendicular to the rotational axis near equator whereas it is parallel to the axis near the poles.

However, many factors such as stellar mass, age, chemical composition, rotation period, and magnetic field have effects on the rotation and give rise to variations in the differential rotation profiles.

A statistical method for determining rotational profile

Thomas Hackman, docent of astronomy, who participated in the research, explains that the Sun has been the only star for which studying the rotational profile has been possible.

– Stellar differential rotation is a very crucial factor that has an effect on the magnetic activity of stars. The method we have developed opens a new window into the inner workings of other stars.

The astronomers at the Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics of the Helsinki University have determined the rotational profile of two nearby young stars by applying a new statistical modelling to long-baseline brightness observations. They modelled the periodic variations in the observations by accounting for the differences in the apparent spot movement at different latitudes. The spot movement then enabled estimating the rotational profile of the stars.

The second one of the targets stars, LQ Hydrae in the constellation of Hydra, was found to be rotating much like a rigid body -- the rotation appeared unchanged from the equator to the poles, which indicates that the differences are very small.

Observations from the Fairborne Observatory

The researchers base their results on the observations of the target stars from the Fairborn observatory. The brightnesses of the stars have been monitored with robotic telescopes for around 30 years, which provides insights into the behaviour of the stars over a long period of time.

 Tuomi appreciates the work of senior astronomer Gregory Henry, of Tennessee University, United States, who leads the Fairborne observational campaign.

– For many years, Greg's project has been extremely valuable in understanding the behaviour of nearby stars. Whether the motivation is to study the rotation and properties of young, active stars or to understand the nature of stars with planets, the observations from Fairborn Observatory have been absolutely crucial. It is amazing that even in the era of great space-based observatories we can obtain fundamental information on the stellar astrophysics with small 40cm ground-based telescopes.

The target stars V889 Herculis and LQ Hydrae are both roughly 50 million yeara old stars that in many respects resemble the young Sun. They both rotate very rapidly, with rotation periods of only about one and half days. For this reason, the long-baseline brightness observations contain many rotational cycles. The stars were selected as targets because they have been observed for decades and because they have both been studied actively at the University of Helsinki.

Original article: Mikko Tuomi, J. Jyri Lehtinen, W. Gregory Henry, Thomas Hackman. Characterising the stellar differential rotation based on largest-spot statistics from ground-based photometry. A&A, 2024. DOI:

Further information

Researcher Mikko Tuomi, University of Helsinki, tel +358 40 500 7454,

University Researcher Thomas Hackman, University of Helsinki,

Postdoctoral Researcher Jyri Lehtinen, University of Turku (FINCA) and University of Helsinki,

What no one has seen before – simulation of gravitational waves from failing warp drive

University of Potsdam

Warp drives are staples of science fiction, and in principle could propel spaceships faster than the speed of light. Unfortunately, there are many problems with constructing them in practice, such as the requirement for an exotic type of matter with negative energy. Other issues with the warp drive metric include the difficulties for those in the ship in actually controlling and deactivating the bubble.

This new research is the result of a collaboration between specialists in gravitational physics at Queen Mary University of London, the University of Potsdam, the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam and Cardiff University. Whilst it doesn't claim to have cracked the warp drive code, it explores the theoretical consequences of a warp drive “containment failure” using numerical simulations. Dr Katy Clough of Queen Mary University of London, the first author of the study explains: “Even though warp drives are purely theoretical, they have a well-defined description in Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, and so numerical simulations allow us to explore the impact they might have on spacetime in the form of gravitational waves.”

The results are fascinating. The collapsing warp drive generates a distinct burst of gravitational waves, a ripple in spacetime that could be detectable by gravitational wave detectors that normally target black hole and neutron star mergers. Unlike the chirps from merging astrophysical objects, this signal would be a short, high-frequency burst, and so current detectors wouldn't pick it up. However, future higher-frequency instruments might, and although no such instruments have yet been funded, the technology to build them exists. This raises the possibility of using these signals to search for evidence of warp drive technology, even if we can't build one ourselves.

Prof Tim Dietrich from the University of Potsdam comments: “For me, the most important aspect of the study is the novelty of accurately modelling the dynamics of negative energy spacetimes, and the possibility of extending the techniques to physical situations that can help us better understand the evolution and origin of our universe, or the processes at the centre of black holes.”

Warp speed may be a long way off, but this research already pushes the boundaries of our understanding of exotic spacetimes and gravitational waves. The researchers plan to investigate how the signal changes with different warp drive models.

Link to Publication: Clough, Katy, Tim Dietrich, and Sebastian Khan. 2024. What No One Has Seen before: Gravitational Waveforms from Warp Drive Collapse. The Open Journal of Astrophysics 7 (July).

Link to Press Release of Queen Mary University of London

Link to AEI Research Highlight

Prof. Dr. Tim Dietrich, Institute of Physics and Astronomy and Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) Potsdam
Tel.: +49 331 977-230160

Researchers discover graphene flakes in lunar soil sample

Science China Press
Structural and compositional characterization of graphene flakes in the CE-5 lunar soil sample. 


(a) Laser scanning confocal microscopy image and height distribution. (b) Backscattered electron SEM image and (c) Raman spectra corresponding to different areas. (d) TEM image, Cs-corrected HAADF-STEM image, and the corresponding EELS Fe L-edge spectra for different areas. (e) Cs-corrected HRTEM images. (f) HAADF-STEM image. (g) EDS elemental maps showing spatial distributions of the elements. (h) HRTEM images of the corresponding regions marked in (f).

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Credit: ©Science China Press

A recent study, published in National Science Review, revealed the existence of naturally formed few-layer graphene, a substance consisting of carbon atoms in a special, thin-layered structure.

The team, led by professors Meng Zou, Wei Zhang and senior engineer Xiujuan Li from Jilin University and Wencai Ren from the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Metal Research, analyzed an olive-shaped sample of lunar soil, about 2.9 millimeters by 1.6 mm, retrieved from the Chang’e 5 mission in 2020.

According to the team, scientists generally believe that some 1.9 percent of interstellar carbon exists in the form of graphene, with its shape and structure determined by the process of its formation.

Using a special spectrometer, researchers found an iron compound that is closely related to the formation of graphene in a carbon-rich section of the sample. They then used advanced microscopic and mapping technologies to confirm that the carbon content in the sample comprised “flakes” that have two to seven layers of graphene.

The team proposed that the few-layer graphene may have formed in volcanic activity in the early stages of the moon’s existence, and been catalyzed by solar winds that can stir up lunar soil and iron-containing minerals that helped transform the carbon atoms’ structure. They added that impact processes from meteorites, which create high-temperature and high-pressure environments, may also have led to the formation of graphene.

On Earth, graphene is becoming a star in materials sciences due to its special features in optics, electrics and mechanics. The team believes their study could help develop ways to produce the material inexpensively and expand its use.

“The mineral-catalyzed formation of natural graphene sheds light on the development of low-cost scalable synthesis techniques of high-quality graphene,” the paper said. “Therefore, a new lunar exploration program may be promoted, and some forthcoming breakthroughs can be expected.”


See the article:

Discovery of natural few-layer graphene on the Moon

First full 2-D spectral image of aurora borealis from a hyperspectral camera

Acquisition of aurora spectral images succeeded

Peer-Reviewed Publication

National Institutes of Natural Sciences

Figure 1. Observed the different colors of the aurora borealis 


Images of observing color differences in the aurora borealis using the advanced equipment. High energy electrons make the aurora glow at lower altitudes, producing a purple light.

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Credit: National Institute for Fusion Science

Auroras are natural luminous phenomena caused by the interaction of electrons falling from the sky and the upper atmosphere. Most of the observed light consists of emission lines of neutral or ionized nitrogen and oxygen atoms and molecular emission bands, and the color is determined by the transition energy levels, molecular vibrations and rotations. There is a variety of characteristic colors of auroras, such as green and red, but there are multiple theories about the emission process by which they appear in different types of auroras, and to understand the colors of auroras, the light must be broken down. Comprehensive (temporal and spatial) spectral observations are needed to study auroral emission processes and colors in detail.

Complementarily, the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) has been observing the emission of light from plasma in a magnetic field in the Large Helical Device (LHD). Various systems have been developed to measure the spectrum of light emitted from the plasma, and the processes of energy transport and atomic and molecular emission have been studied. By applying this technology and knowledge to auroral observations, we can contribute to the understanding of auroral luminescence and the study of the energy production process of electrons that gives rise to auroral luminescence.

Aurora observation uses optical filters to obtain images of specific colors, which has the disadvantage of a limited acquisition wavelength with low resolution. On the other hand, a hyperspectral camera has the advantage of obtaining a spatial distribution of the spectrum with high wavelength resolution. We started a plan to develop a high-sensitivity hyperspectral camera in 2018 by combining a lens spectrometer with an EMCCD camera, which had been used in the LHD, with an image-sweep optical system using galvanometer mirrors.

It took five years from the planning stage to develop a highly sensitive system capable of measuring auroras at 1kR (1 kilo-Rayleigh). In May 2023, this system was installed at KEOPS at the Swedish Space Corporation's Esrange Space Center in Kiruna, Sweden, which is located just below the auroral belt and can observe auroras with high frequency. The system succeeded in acquiring hyperspectral images of the auroras, that is, two-dimensional images of them broken down by wavelength. Observations began in September 2023, and the data has been acquired remotely in Japan.

Auroral emission intensities and the observation positions were calibrated, based on the positions of stars obtained after installation, and the data will be made publicly available and ready to use.  Using the observation data from an aurora break-up that occurred on October 20, 2023, we clarified what kind of data could be viewed using this system. In the process, we estimated the energy of electrons from the intensity ratio of light at different wavelengths, which led to the publication of this paper.

Figure 1 shows the difference in the color of the aurora when electrons arrive at low energies and speeds and when they arrive at high energies and speeds. When the electrons are slow, they emit strong red light at high altitudes. On the other hand, when the electrons are fast, they penetrate to lower altitudes and emit a strong green or purple light. Figure 2 is a two-dimensional image of auroras resolved into each color (wavelength) observed with the state-of-the-art hyperspectral camera. The different distribution by color was observed because the elements that produce the light differ according to the height at which the light is generated. Thus, we have succeeded in developing a device that can obtain two-dimensional images of the various colors produced by the aurora borealis.

From the ratio of the intensity of the red light (630nm) to the purple light (427.8nm), we can determine the energy of the incoming electrons that caused the aurora. Using the hyperspectral camera (HySCAI), which is capable of fine spectroscopy of light, the energy of the incoming electrons during the auroral explosion observed at this time was estimated to be 1600 electron volts (an energy equivalent to the voltage of about 1000 dry-cell batteries). There were no major discrepancies with previously known values, indicating that the observations were valid. The Hyperspectral Camera (HySCAI) is expected to contribute to solving important auroral issues such as the distribution of precipitating electrons, their relationship to auroral color, and the mechanism of auroral emission.

For the first time, a detailed spatial distribution of color (a two-dimensional image), a hyperspectral image of the aurora borealis, has been obtained. Many previous auroral studies have used a system in which light is selected by a filter that passes only certain wavelengths. This system compensates for the disadvantage of observing only a limited number of wavelengths. By observing detailed changes in the spectrum, it will contribute to the advancement of auroral research. On the other hand, the system will also provide insight into energy transport due to the interaction between charged particles and waves in a magnetic field, which is also attracting attention in fusion plasmas. It is expected that this interdisciplinary study will be advanced in cooperation with universities and research institutes in Japan and abroad, and will contribute to the development of worldwide aurora research.

Scientists pin down the origins of the moon’s tenuous atmosphere

The barely-there lunar atmosphere is likely the product of meteorite impacts over billions of years, a new study finds.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

While the moon lacks any breathable air, it does host a barely-there atmosphere. Since the 1980s, astronomers have observed a very thin layer of atoms bouncing over the moon’s surface. This delicate atmosphere — technically known as an “exosphere” — is likely a product of some kind of space weathering. But exactly what those processes might be has been difficult to pin down with any certainty.

Now, scientists at MIT and the University of Chicago say they have identified the main process that formed the moon’s atmosphere and continues to sustain it today. In a study appearing in Science Advances, the team reports that the lunar atmosphere is primarily a product of “impact vaporization.”

In their study, the researchers analyzed samples of lunar soil collected by astronauts during NASA’s Apollo missions. Their analysis suggests that over the moon’s 4.5-billion-year history its surface has been continuously bombarded, first by massive meteorites, then more recently, by smaller, dust-sized “micrometeoroids.” These constant impacts have kicked up the lunar soil, vaporizing certain atoms on contact and lofting the particles into the air. Some atoms are ejected into space, while others remain suspended over the moon, forming a tenuous atmosphere that is constantly replenished as meteorites continue to pelt the surface.

The researchers found that impact vaporization is the main process by which the moon has generated and sustained its extremely thin atmosphere over billions of years. 

“We give a definitive answer that meteorite impact vaporization is the dominant process that creates the lunar atmosphere,” says the study’s lead author, Nicole Nie, an assistant professor in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences. “The moon is close to 4.5 billion years old, and through that time the surface has been continuously bombarded by meteorites. We show that eventually, a thin atmosphere reaches a steady state because it’s being continuously replenished by small impacts all over the moon.” 

Nie’s co-authors are Nicolas Dauphas, Zhe Zhang, and Timo Hopp at the University of Chicago, and Menelaos Sarantos at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Weathering’s roles

In 2013, NASA sent an orbiter around the moon to do some detailed atmospheric reconnaissance. The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE, pronounced "laddie") was tasked with remotely gathering information about the moon’s thin atmosphere, surface conditions, and any environmental influences on the lunar dust. 

LADEE’s mission was designed to determine the origins of the moon’s atmosphere. Scientists hoped that the probe’s remote measurements of soil and atmospheric composition might correlate with certain space weathering processes that could then explain how the moon’s atmosphere came to be. 

Researchers suspect that two space weathering processes play a role in shaping the lunar atmosphere: impact vaporization and “ion sputtering” — a phenomenon involving solar wind, which carries energetic charged particles from the sun through space. When these particles hit the moon’s surface, they can transfer their energy to the atoms in the soil and send those atoms sputtering and flying into the air.  

“Based on LADEE’s data, it seemed both processes are playing a role,” Nie says. “For instance, it showed that during meteorite showers, you see more atoms in the atmosphere, meaning impacts have an effect. But it also showed that when the moon is shielded from the sun, such as during an eclipse, there are also changes in the atmosphere’s atoms, meaning the sun also has an impact. So, the results were not clear or quantitative.”

Answers in the soil

To more precisely pin down the lunar atmosphere’s origins, Nie looked to samples of lunar soil collected by astronauts throughout NASA’s Apollo missions. She and her colleagues at the University of Chicago acquired 10 samples of lunar soil, each measuring about 100 milligrams — a tiny amount that she estimates would fit into a single raindrop. 

Nie sought to first isolate two elements from each sample: potassium and rubidium. Both elements are “volatile,” meaning that they are easily vaporized by impacts and ion sputtering. Each element exists in the form of several isotopes. An isotope is a variation of the same element, that consists of the same number of protons but a slightly different number of neutrons. For instance, potassium can exist as one of three isotopes, each one having one more neutron, and there being slightly heavier than the last. Similarly, there are two isotopes of rubidium. 

The team reasoned that if the moon’s atmosphere consists of atoms that have been vaporized and suspended in the air, lighter isotopes of those atoms should be more easily lofted, while heavier isotopes would be more likely to settle back in the soil. Furthermore, scientists predict that impact vaporization, and ion sputtering, should result in very different isotopic proportions in the soil. The specific ratio of light to heavy isotopes that remain in the soil, for both potassium and rubidium, should then reveal the main process contributing to the lunar atmosphere’s origins.

With all that in mind, Nie analyzed the Apollo samples by first crushing the soils into a fine powder, then dissolving the powders in acids to purify and isolate solutions containing potassium and rubidium. She then passed these solutions through a mass spectrometer to measure the various isotopes of both potassium and rubidium in each sample. 

In the end, the team found that the soils contained mostly heavy isotopes of both potassium and rubidium. The researchers were able to quantify the ratio of heavy to light isotopes of both potassium and rubidium, and by comparing both elements, they found that impact vaporization was most likely the dominant process by which atoms are vaporized and lofted to form the moon’s atmosphere. 

“With impact vaporization, most of the atoms would stay in the lunar atmosphere, whereas with ion sputtering, a lot of atoms would be ejected into space,” Nie says. “From our study, we now can quantify the role of both processes, to say that the relative contribution of impact vaporization versus ion sputtering is about 70:30 or larger.” In other words, 70 percent or more of the moon’s atmosphere is a product of meteorite impacts, whereas the remaining 30 percent is a consequence of the solar wind. 

“The discovery of such a subtle effect is remarkable, thanks to the innovative idea of combining potassium and rubidium isotope measurements along with careful, quantitative modeling,” says Justin Hu, a postdoc who studies lunar soils at Cambridge University, who was not involved in the study. “This discovery goes beyond understanding the moon’s history, as such processes could occur and might be more significant on other moons and asteroids, which are the focus of many planned return missions.”

“Without these Apollo samples, we would not be able to get precise data and measure quantitatively to understand things in more detail,” Nie says. “It’s important for us to bring samples back from the moon and other planetary bodies, so we can draw clearer pictures of the solar system’s formation and evolution.”

This work was supported, in part, by NASA and the National Science Foundation.


Written by Jennifer Chu, MIT News

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