Friday, September 06, 2024


Putting Irish Unity on the British labour movement’s agenda at #TUC2024

“There is already a very lively and diverse debate taking place throughout Ireland as to the form that a new and united Ireland should take.”

By Nadine Finch, Labour for Irish Unity

Labour for Irish Unity is a labour movement campaign that supports the right of the people of the island of Ireland to self-determination. It believes that the route to this outcome lies within the Good Friday Agreement, and that the time for this Agreement to be fully implemented grows ever closer-and with it the need for a border poll on whether Northern Ireland should remain part of the United Kingdom or rejoin the rest of the island of Ireland.

This decision is for the people of Ireland, but the British Secretary of State for Northern Ireland has to duty to call a border poll if it appears likely to him that a majority of those voting may wish for a United Ireland. The Agreement does not specify how he should reach such a decision, and the Government urgently needs to seek expert and relevant advice on this issue.

There is already a very lively and diverse debate taking place throughout Ireland as to the form that a new and united Ireland should take. The content of this debate has relevance not only for trade unionists who are from an Irish background or who are in trade unions which organize in Ireland, but also for anyone who respects the right of self-determination, which is enshrined in international law.

This is why LFIU has collaborated with Trade Unionists for Irish Unity to hold a meeting in Brighton this year. We would urge trade union delegates and visitors to attend. But if you are busy at the time of our meeting, members of LFIU and Sinn Fein will be in conference on Monday 9 September to answer any queries.

  • Labour for Irish Unity‘s fringe meeting at the 2024 TUC Congress in Brighton will be taking place from 6pm at Friends Meeting House on Monday 9th September. Panellists include MP for Hayes & Harlington John McDonnell, Sinn Féin MP for Fermanagh & South Tyrone/former RCN General Secretary Pat Cullen, former CWU General Secretary Billy Hayes and former PCS officer Lavinia O’Connor.
  • You can follow Labour for Irish Unity on Facebook and Twitter/X.

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