Sunday, October 13, 2024


Silent march for Gaza on Bold Street, Liverpool  (VIDEO)


Music and conversation are muted as anti-genocide march passes in silence – except at one US-themed bar

Liverpool’s Bold Street, the busiest in the city for dining and socialising, fell into an eerie quiet this afternoon as a march for Gaza and against Britain’s complicity in Israel’s genocide – silent today for a large part of its route to mark a full year of slaughter that has seen hundreds of thousands murdered and maimed with the support of the US, UK and German governments – passed by.

The street is normally loud and lively, with drinkers and diners at pavement tables and music from restaurants and bars spilling out. But today, as if by design – but according to the organisers without any prior arrangement – almost the whole street became strikingly muted:

Only one place, an American-themed bar with US flags hanging outside it, was still loud – perhaps a little less loud than usual, though one of the stewards said it had blocked the street with chairs for the previous week’s march – and one middle-aged man walked off ahead of the march with middle finger raised to the bloodied dolls representing the tens of thousands of infants and children slaughtered by the genocidal apartheid regime.

But apart from those, the sombre march passed down the whole length of the street to near-silence.

Free Palestine. End the genocide. Stop arming Israel.

Thousands continue to take to the streets to demand an end to Israel's violence

March for Palestine in Leeds Photo: Neil Terry Photography

Peter Lazenby
Sunday, October 13, 2024

PROTESTS for Palestine saw thousands of people take to the streets again on Saturday as Israel continued its brutal violence against the people of Gaza.

In London, Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester and other major centres, protesters demanded a ceasefire and an end to Britain’s arms sales to Israel.

Manchester Palestine supporters marched in their 54th consecutive weekly protest since Israel launched its genocidal revenge on the people of Gaza after the Hamas attack on southern Israel in October last year.

Among the placards and Palestinian flags carried by marchers was the flag of Lebanon — Israel’s recent ongoing invasion of Lebanon and its bombing of targets in Beirut and other populated centres have killed more than 2,000 people.

Manchester protests are organised by Greater Manchester Friends of Palestine, which unites a dozen campaign groups.

Chairwoman Norma Turner said: “We must continue supporting the Palestinians in their resilience in the face of the unceasing Israeli bombing of seemingly everyone around them.

“We cannot stop until Palestine is free.”

The next national Day of Action for Palestine in London takes place this Saturday (October 19), when a conference on trade union support for Palestine will also be held in the capital.

Actions are also continuing in the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign launched in Britain and internationally in response to Palestinian appeals.

Tomorrow Richmond & Kingston Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Wandsworth Friends of Palestine will lobby Wandsworth councillors, calling on the local authority to withdraw pension fund investments in firms complicit with Israel.

The lobby takes place at Wandsworth Town Hall at 6.15pm.

On Thursday the High Court in London is expected to approve a bid by Barclays Bank to take over Tesco Bank. Palestine Solidarity Campaign, trade union-backed charity War on Want and Campaign Against Arms Trade supporters will protest outside, demanding the court rejects permission for the sale to proceed.

“Barclays shouldn’t be allowed to use the Tesco brand to hide its complicity in Israel’s genocide,” organisers said. “Barclays holds substantial financial ties to arms companies supplying Israel with the weapons and military technology it is using in its genocidal assault on Palestinians.”

The protest is from 10 to 11am at the High Court at Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1NL.

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