Monday, January 06, 2020

Can a minimalist mindset help save the planet?

Less is more, according to a growing movement of minimalists. They say a clean space can clear the head, but could it also draw a link between personal and planetary well-being?

If everybody lived in the same way as the average German, we would need almost three planet Earths. If we lived like Americans, it would be almost five. That's according to calculations by the Global Footprint Network.

But what if people chose a different lifestyle — a less consumerist one filled with less stuff?

Read more: Our consumption choices are driving biodiversity loss

Minimalist blogger and podcaster Elisa Stangl doesn't have a couch or even a bed at home. She, her husband and their 2-year-old daughter sleep on Japanese tatami mats in their small flat in southern Germany. "We don't own a lot," she told DW.

Stangl adopted her minimalist lifestyle while still a student, for financial rather than environmental reasons. Travelling the world compounded her sense that she was better off living with less.

"I just learned that don't need anything other than the things I have in my backpack," she said. "So I figured, why should I need more when I'm at home?"

Now, Stangl says her main motivation is living mindfully. Having less stuff means she and her family can focus on what's important to them. They need less money, and therefore have more time for hobbies like hiking and exploring nature.

Stangl and her family plan to move out of their apartment and into a converted van so they can spend more time traveling

But Stangl also believes a minimalist lifestyle goes hand in hand with environmental responsibility.

"Living a mindful life doesn't only concern the individual," she said. "If you get to know how to live mindfully, then you know that you have to respect nature, because you live with nature and it gives you something, and you have to give something back."

Minimal lifestyles for personal rewards

Beyond the decluttering craze sparked by Japanese tidying expert Marie Kondo, there's a growing interest in getting rid of stuff, with the idea that equates living more minimally with living more meaningfully.

Browsing the countless minimalist blogs, vlogs and podcasts, most overlook eco-impacts in favor of focusing on the personal benefits of having fewer belongings.

That's reflected in an ongoing study into minimalist lifestyles by Duke University in the US.

"Typically, people adopt minimalism in the interest of their own psychological wellbeing — to reduce stress and cultivate mental clarity, for example," the study's lead researcher Aimee Chabot told DW.

"But as their practice evolves, their motivations for pursuing minimalism often expand to include more outwardly focused sources of motivation, such as environmental or ethical concerns."

Chabot and her team have so far surveyed more than 800 people, most of them in the US.

"Only about 10% of survey respondents said that reducing their environmental impact was their primary motivation for practicing minimalism, though about 70% said they did consider environmental impacts to be one of their reasons for doing so," she said.

Unsustainable consumption

Even as an unintended consequence, living with less is certainly good for the planet.

A 2015 study found that more than 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions are due to household consumption. That's mainly down to transport and food, but also the other products people buy which generate carbon emissions in production.

Read more: World marks earliest 'Earth Overshoot Day'

Household consumption is of course higher in wealthier countries. As economies around the world develop, consumption is growing. The more people that have money to spend, the more stuff they buy.

But it doesn't necessarily make them happy. As studies show, higher income and bigger spending power boosts well-being only up to a certain point.

And as the minimalism trend suggests, more and more people are becoming disillusioned with the materialistic societies they live in.

Happiness is low emission

In her 2014 book Happier People Healthier Planet, academic Teresa Belton argues that the factors driving human well-being actually have very little environmental impact.

"What generates and sustains well-being are all sorts of what I call 'non-material assets,'" she told DW. "Good relationships, contact with the natural world. Being creative, having a sense of belonging and community and purpose and meaning, being actively engaged in life and things like that, which don't involve any material consumption — or very little."

Spending time in natural green spaces has been found to improve health and well-being

Belton interviewed more than 100 people in the UK who had chosen to live lower-consumption lives. Unlike the Duke University researchers in the US, she found environmental concerns were the most common motivation.

Shift in mindset

"If we as individuals and societies made our priority our well-being, by focusing on the things that really do underpin well-being, rather than on profit-making and the material consumption that goes into profit making, then the world would be a very much better place in all respects," Belton said.

With their focus on conscious, value-driven lives, even minimalists who aren't primarily interested in their carbon footprint would no doubt agree. And those of us whose lives are full of clutter and consciences heavy on emissions might do well to see living with less as a relief, not a sacrifice.

Beyond the individual level, governments are yet to be convinced to focus on human rather than financial and material growth. But leveraging the link between human and planetary well-being could be key to shifting our economies away from consumption and tackling the climate crisis.


World marks earliest 'Earth Overshoot Day'

By the end of Monday, humanity's allotment of natural resources for 2019 will be all used up, according to a report. Over the past 20 years, Earth Overshoot Day has moved up three months to July 29. (29.07.2019)

Can carbon trading cut EU emissions to net zero?

In an effort to cut carbon emissions, the EU established a cap-and-trade system 15 years ago. So far, it hasn’t had much impact. So how does it work, and how can it be made more effective? (03.12.2019)

Environmental psychology: How do you feel about that coffee to go?

DW's Hannah Fuchs likes to think she's pretty responsible about her environmental impact. But the guilt induced by a take-out coffee got her asking why even the most eco-conscious of us slip up. (21.02.2019)

'Lowering our personal carbon footprint is a question of credibility'

Activist Cara Augustenborg says individual action to cut greenhouse gases is essential, but it won't be enough without political engagement and system change. (06.03.2018)

'Our consumption choices are driving biodiversity loss'

Humankind is decimating plant and animal species, with alarming consequences for the planet. From the UN biodiversity conference in Egypt, Cristiana Pasca explains why preserving biodiversity is key to our survival. (28.11.2018)

Bangladesh: Protest over student rape — activists demand justice

Over 1,000 people gathered in Dhaka to demand justice for rape victims in Bangladesh. On Sunday night a student was raped and violently assaulted near the university campus.

More than 1,000 students and activists gathered in Bangladesh's main public university on Monday following the violent rape of a second-year student on Sunday night.

Protesters in Dhaka called for the arrest of whoever was responsible for the rape and for greater female safety in general.

"No more rape, we want justice!" protesters chanted. "We want a higher punishment," they said, linking hands as they marched through the campus of Bangladesh's main university.

Read more: Bangladesh shocked by rise in sex crimes, child rape

The student was walking home from a friend's house on Sunday night when she was grabbed from behind, gagged and taken to a place where she was attacked and raped, a forensic expert said on Monday.

She was rescued and taken to hospital at around midnight on Sunday.

Protesters on the Dhaka university campus

Kazi Sahan Haque, the police chief at Kurmitola Police Station, said authorities recorded a case filed by the victim's father and were investigating.

Rape and violence against women have been described as frequent occurrences in Bangladesh. Non-governmental human rights watchdog Ain O Salish Kendra reported that at least 1,351 women were raped in Bangladesh between January and November 2019.

At least 66 of the women were murdered after the rape, the organization said. The condition of Sunday's victim is unknown.


Bangladeshi soldiers accused of raping 12-year-old Rohingya refugee girl

Bangladeshi troops have allegedly raped an underage Rohingya girl at the Cox's Bazar refugee camp. The authorities deny rape allegations, but the girl's family told DW they were being threatened by security forces. (04.10.2019)

Bangladesh shocked by rise in sex crimes, child rape

Multiple incidents of ghastly sexual violence in recent months have raised serious concerns over the safety of women and children in Bangladesh. Experts blame "a culture of impunity" for the spike in sex crimes. (10.07.2019)

Bangladesh sentences 16 to death for burning teen girl alive

Nusrat Jahan had reported the principal of a religious school for attempted rape, but was then burnt alive for not withdrawing the complaint. Her death sparked public outrage and mass demonstrations. (24.10.2019)

Students protest across India after attack at top Delhi university

Opposition links violence to Narendra Modi’s BJP party and tensions over citizenship law
 Masked mob storms top Delhi university, injuring staff and students – video

Students have protested in cities across India after a masked mob stormed a high-profile university in Delhi and attacked students and teachers with weapons including sledgehammers, iron rods and bricks, injuring more than 30.
Opposition parties and injured students blamed Sunday night’s violence on a student organisation linked to the prime minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), which has increasingly targeted the institution.
The attack at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), long seen as a bastion of leftwing politics, comes as students lead a nationwide campaign against a citizenship law introduced last month by Modi that is seen as targeting Muslims.
Videos that emerged after the assault showed people in masks roaming inside the corridors of the university and beating students who were protesting against a fee rise.
Students at the Sabarmati hostel, which bore the brunt of the violence, described on Monday how they had locked themselves into their rooms when they heard glass being smashed or ran outside and hid in bushes until the attackers dispersed.
“Even after it was over, I had the most fearful night of my life, lying awake listening to every footstep in the corridor,” said Arjit Sharma, 23, a student of ancient history at JNU. One attacker told him: “We’ll come back for you.”
The violent clashes have further polarised an already poisonous atmosphere that’s prevailed for three weeks over the citizenship law. Although the JNU clashes were not about the law, which has triggered massive nationwide protests, they have added to the growing sense of unrest.
The Sabarmati hostel at the Jawaharlal Nehru University campus in New Delhi, India, after the attack.
 The Sabarmati hostel at the Jawaharlal Nehru University campus in New Delhi, India, after the attack. Photograph: Harish Tyagi/EPA
Scores of students left JNU on Monday, ignoring a plea by the university’s proctor to stay. One of those preparing to leave, Gayatri Basumatary, 23, said: “My parents are frantic. What happened is beyond any limit. They want me to get away from this madness.”
Those students who have remained are being extra vigilant. Satarupa Lahiri, who was in the hostel washroom when she heard screams and window panes being smashed, said: “It feels like a battle zone. We are walking around only in groups of 10 or 12 for safety.
“I am staying. Some students live a long way away and can’t afford the fare home so we have to show solidarity by staying on. We have to stick together. After all, it’s our campus. We can’t let these thugs take it away from us,” she said.
Opposition parties have accused the BJP of tacitly encouraging rightwing gangs to enter campuses and attack students. The main opposition Congress party called the attack on JNU “state-sponsored terrorism”. The BJP in turn has accused the opposition of encouraging anarchy and rioting.
“The fascists in control of our nation are afraid of the voices of our brave students. Today’s violence in JNU is a reflection of that fear,” tweeted Rahul Gandhi, a leading Congress politician.
The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, the student wing of the BJP, denied accusations that it was behind the attack, which it blamed instead on rival leftist unions.
Authorities faced criticism for failing to rein in the violence on a campus viewed as a centre of resistance to Modi’s policies, including the abolition last year of special status for Muslim-majority Kashmir.
Amit Thorat, who teaches economics at JNU, said he called the police a little after 7pm on Sunday but they didn’t come until an hour later. Nearly a dozen students Reuters spoke to said police watched as the mob rampaged inside the campus.
Surya Prakash, 25, a research scholar at the university’s Sanskrit school, said he had been brutally beaten in his dorm room despite telling them he was blind. They broke the door and windows of the room, barged inside and hit his head with a rod, said Prakash.
One floor up from Prakash, above the dorm wardens’ residence, students said two Kashmiri Muslim students living in adjacent rooms were targeted. While the attackers used a fire extinguisher to ram open a door, one student climbed over his balcony into the next-door room while another jumped on to the ground below, sustaining an injury, according to Mukesh Kumar, a research scholar who lives across the hall.
An ambulance carrying injured people off campus was attacked by a group of men with sticks while police stood by, bystanders said.
Critics accuse Modi of pushing a Hindu-first agenda that undermines India’s foundations as a secular democracy. The citizenship law lays out a path for Indian nationality for minorities from six religious groups in neighbouring countries but excludes Muslims.
The government condemned the violence. “Horrifying images from JNU the place I know and remember was one for fierce debates and opinions but never violence. I unequivocally condemn the events of today,” said the finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, a member of the prime minister’s party, on Twitter.
Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report
Fresh student protests hit India over university attack

Monday's protests follow a violent attack by masked assailants on students at a university in New Delhi. Some have blamed the clashes on a student group linked to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party.

Fresh student protests are taking place across India following violent clashes at a prestigious university in New Delhi which left more than 30 people injured.

Late Sunday, masked assailants beat students and teachers with rods and bricks at the capital's Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in an assault that opposition lawmakers say is linked to the government.

Police in India criticized for brutal response to protests

Videos of the attack showed people in masks assaulting students who were protesting against a fee hike. Assailants also vandalized dormitories and university halls. Scores of riot police on Monday patrolled JNU. Police have begun a probe and say that they have found some of the assailants, but so far, no arrests have been made.

Students at universities across the country continued to protest Sunday's assault on demonstrators. Nimisha Jaiswal was at the JNU for DW, describing a heavy police presence and tense atmosphere, but also a calm day.

Students also challenged police for failing to step in on Sunday, with police saying they were waiting on authorization to act and to organize a large enough force to manage the crowd. Students countered that the police response had been far swifter during protests last month at the university.

Read more: Indian state shuts down internet ahead of protests

Jadavpur University students protest aginst the JNU attacks, on Monday in Kolkata.

In response to the attacks, more than 1,000 people held a vigil in Mumbai, and demonstrations took place in major cities across India, including Bangalore, Kolkata and Hyderabad.

Read more: India citizenship bill ignites mass protest over migration fears

Uncertainty over the assault

New Delhi Police Commissioner Amulya Patnaik told the Associated Press that Sunday's incident was a clash between rival student groups. However, opposition parties have pinned the blame on Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, a right-wing Hindu nationalist student organization connected with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of the Communist Party of India, said the attack was a "collusion" between the JNU administration and "goons" of the Modi-linked party.

German told to leave India over protests

Modi's BJP, however, denounced the attacks in a tweet. "This is a desperate attempt by forces of anarchy, who are determined to use students as cannon fodder, [to] create unrest to shore up their shrinking political footprint. Universities should remain places of learning and education," the party said.

Many students and organizers at JNU have protested Modi's policies in recent years. Protests against the fee hike, which students said would make education too expensive, kicked off in November.

Hong Kong's stability jolted

Protests erupted across Hong Kong in June over the introduction of a bill to allow the extradition of fugitives to mainland China. The bill was withdrawn in September, but months later, protesters are still demanding full democracy for the territory and an inquiry into police violence. The rallies have regularly turned ugly and security forces have been accused of being too heavy-handed.

Indian state shuts down internet ahead of protests

Authorities in India's most-populous state have been bracing for protests after Friday prayers. At least 16 people have been killed in the state, most of them shot dead. (27.12.2019)

India citizenship bill ignites mass protest over migration fears

In northeast India, protests have broken out over a bill that would grant citizenship to migrants from religious minority groups. Opponents say that the bill would endanger the region's "cultural identity." (10.01.2019)

Protesters killed as India's Modi meets lawmakers over citizenship bill

India's Prime Minister called a meeting with ministers to assess the ongoing protests over a controversial citizenship bill. So far at least 23 people have died, with the violent protests showing no sign of stopping. (21.12.2019)

German student asked to leave India after joining student protests

A German student will leave India after receiving "oral directions" from immigration authorities. He had participated in protests against legislation to expand citizenship for non-Muslim immigrants in India. (24.12.2019)

India's Modi says new citizenship law is not against Muslims

Scores of people have been killed as a result of violent protests against a citizenship amendment law, which critics say discriminates against Muslims. Indian PM Narendra Modi says the opposition is distorting the facts. (22.12.2019)

2019: A year of protests, everywhere!

Millions have mobilized globally this year over a lack of democracy, ethnic discrimination, corruption and climate change. From China to Chile, Sudan to Sweden, people have hit the streets demanding change. (23.12.2019)

New oil, gas field in Egypt promises more discoveries

Egypt’s successive governments have largely ignored drilling of oil and gas in the Western Desert given the high cost of such an operation, although the area is rich.

Ahmed Youness January 2, 2020

REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh
A car crosses the Western Desert and the Bahariya Oasis

 in Siwa, Egypt, May 15, 2015.

CAIRO — Egypt announced Dec. 19 the discovery of a new oil and gas field in the Abu Senan area in the Western Desert. The Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources said in an official statement that the new oil and gas field was discovered after excavation work by Borg El-Arab Petroleum Company, a government-affiliated company.

The statement indicated that the new field’s production is expected to reach an average of 7,000 barrels of crude oil per day, as well as 10 million cubic meters of gas. It added, “New discoveries in the Western Desert are proof that this region is still characterized by its high oil and gas possibilities, especially in the deep layers, in light of modern technologies contributing to achieving several promising discoveries in the area.”

On Dec. 12, Russia Today quoted Adel al-Bahnasawy, a journalist specializing in energy affairs, as saying that the new oil and gas field discovered in the Western Desert was a huge field compared to previous discoveries in the same area, stressing that this discovery will open the door to the possibilities of finding new oil fields in the Western Desert.

Bahnasawy told Al-Monitor over the phone that several discoveries have been made in the Western Desert, and that government officials believe the area is rich in undiscovered oil and gas fields.

CULTURAL HERITAGECan Karnak sphinxes survive on Tahrir Square?

He said that in October 2008 oil and gas wells in the Western Desert were discovered; at that time, a major petroleum discovery in the West Kalabsha concession area was announced, with a daily production capacity of 5,000 barrels in the US Apache concession area for oil and gas exploration.

Bahnasawy added that Apache Corporation CEO John Christmann said Oct. 17 during a meeting with Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouly that his company envisions a promising future for the Egyptian oil sector in light of the great developments over the past years. He added that the company plans to increase activities in Egypt.

In addition, Bahnasawy noted that David Chi, regional vice president and general manager of Apache Egypt, said in a press statement that there are large potential oil and gas discoveries in Egypt, especially in the Mediterranean and Western Desert.

Bahnasawy added that these recent discoveries attracted the attention of officials toward the Western Desert, which prompted the government to reassess the area and explore the presence of oil and gas fields.

Hamdi Abdel Aziz, spokesman for the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, told Al-Monitor, “The new petroleum discovery in the Western Desert is great proof that this area is very promising in terms of oil and gas discoveries, and that the government should take care of it and support it in the coming period, which the ministry is already planning to do.”

He explained that these discoveries were the culmination of the development plans of the Egyptian government — represented by the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources — with Minister Tarek El-Molla signing three agreements for oil and gas exploration in the Western Desert on Aug. 26, 2017.

Abdel Aziz said that these agreements were signed between the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation on the one hand, and Apache Corporation and the American Merlon Petroleum Company on the other, with investments of about $79 million and plans to drill 17 new exploration wells to search for oil and gas.

He noted that the Ministry of Petroleum is working to promote these successes to attract more foreign investors and motivate international companies to expand their activities in this area, as well as to conduct more research and exploration operations.

Abdel Aziz stressed that the Egyptian government is currently working on assessing gas and oil reserves in the Western Desert. The average oil production in the area has increased from 150,000-165,000 barrels per day in 2000 to 240,000 barrels per day currently.

Abdel Khalek Farouk, economic expert and head of the Nile Center for Economic and Strategic Studies, told Al-Monitor over the phone that this new discovery is a major event, especially since it is located in a very important area that officials had not been paying attention to for many years.

Farouk explained that successive governments in Egypt never bothered to focus on exploring for gas and oil in the Western Desert, in particular due to the large financial cost of such an endeavor, as well as the need for advanced technology to explore large quantities of oil and gas and to enable companies to know the expected economic return from drilling operations.

He pointed out that there are several other factors that have hindered the state from exploring gas and oil in the Western Desert, the most prominent of which is that the area is scattered with mines from World War I and World War II, which makes the excavation process difficult and increases its cost as mines must be removed in some areas first before the drilling process can begin.

Farouk denounced Egypt's import of gas from Israel — under an agreement signed between the two countries in 2018 — despite the recent large discoveries, especially the Zohr and Nour fields in the Mediterranean, and the recent discoveries in the Western Desert.
Found in:OIL AND GAS

Ahmed Youness is an Egyptian writer and journalist covering foreign and regional affairs. He writes for a variety of regional media outlets, including Al-Hayat, Aawsat and Raseef22.

Read more:



In pictures: How people celebrate January 6 around the world
January 6 is a special day for many in the Orthodox church, but not all traditions on this day are religious ...

Epiphany carol singers
Epiphany is a Christian feast celebrated on January 6 to commemorate the visit of the Magi to baby Jesus. In Germany, children dress up as the Three Kings and go from door to door singing carols and asking for donations to Catholic Church projects. In return, they write blessings on the door with chalk.


Instead of slandering it, Israel should join the ICC

Israel has a fairly easy option for dealing with the decision by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to probe suspicions of alleged Israeli war crimes: ratifying the court’s founding treaty and joining it as full-pledged member.

Yossi Beilin January 6, 2020

Omar Havana / Getty Images
Fatou Bensouda (center-right), chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, listens to speeches during the opening ceremony of the congress of the International Federation of Human Rights at the Gran Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 21, 2019.

It has been a while since Israel had a new evil enemy threatening its very existence. The Dec. 20 announcement by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, Fatou Bensouda, that she had found “reasonable basis” to suspect Israeli war crimes were and are being committed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and was seeking the court’s ruling on opening an investigation has turned both the Gambian-born jurist and the court itself into our sworn enemies.

This was not always the case. The idea of establishing an international framework to try those suspected of violating international law first arose after World War I. Article 14 of the 1919 Versailles Treaty stated that the League of Nations would approve plans “for the establishment of a Permanent Court of International Justice” that would try individuals — not states. But the plan fell by the wayside, and Article 14 was not implemented. Germany tried after World War I some of its soldiers for international crimes, but the German court acquitted almost all of them. These trials were conducted in Leipzig in 1921 (hence the name "the Leipzig Trials"). The allies mocked these trials because they were pathetic, and the Germans were angry over them, because they considered them a humiliation and as being forced upon their judicial system.

In the wake of World War II, the same demand resurfaced. A demand for an international court that would directly try suspects in severe crimes, which the countries involved could not or did not want adjudicated in their own courts. The renewed effort was more concerted, and appeared to be succeeding.

Jewish jurists were prominent among the advocates of a permanent tribunal, one of them being Shabtai Rosenne, an Israeli diplomat and professor of international law. Years ago, Rosenne told me Jewish jurists sought to ensure that criminals who committed atrocities during the war would not escape prosecution. The Nuremberg and Tokyo trials were the first in history in which judges of different nationalities tried suspected international criminals, highlighting the need for an international criminal court. However, the move was shelved once again, this time due to the Cold War.

The horrific massacres in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda in the 1990s led to the establishment of ad hoc tribunals to try the perpetrators, once again highlighting the need for such a permanent framework. In-depth discussions ensued regarding the court’s jurisdiction and authority, with American and Israeli legal scholars as prominent participants. The 1998 UN vote on the covenant establishing the court (known as the Rome Statute) was supported by 120 nations, with 21 abstentions and seven states voting against, among them the United States and Israel. The United States was opposed mostly because the statute stipulated that individuals would be tried by the court even if their own countries opposed the move. Israel’s opposition stemmed mostly from the treaty’s determination that the transfer of citizens from the territories of an occupying power to occupied territory constitutes a war crime for which those involved can be prosecuted.

Ironically, Israel, whose representatives pushed for years for the establishment of an international court to try criminals whose countries had defended them and provided them with immunity for their actions, voted against its establishment. People like the late Rosenne and others who had been involved in the process were hugely frustrated by the Israeli vote, seeing it as undermining their persistent efforts. They hoped that the Israeli government would eventually come to its senses and support The Hague court’s founding treaty.

Their hopes were fulfilled after the 1999 elections in which Labor leader Ehud Barak defeated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. I myself was appointed justice minister, and together with professor Shlomo Ben-Ami who had been appointed foreign minister we submitted a proposal to the government on Dec. 31, 2000, for Israel to sign the treaty. The date was the deadline for states to join the treaty but put off its ratification; signing the Rome Statute after that date would also require immediate ratification by the signatory state. In essence, this meant that Israel adopted the principles of the covenant, but deferred its commitment to change its laws in order to adapt them to the treaty. The government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, which came to power in March 2001, did not even consider ratifying the treaty. Israel, like the United States, is thus a signatory to the treaty but not among the majority of world nations that have ratified it and enshrined their commitment to it.

The ICC accepted the Palestinians as members following the UN’s 2012 recognition of “Palestine” as a non-member observer state, paving the way for the Palestinian Authority to seek prosecution of Israelis for war crimes stemming from the transfer of Israeli citizens to settlements in the occupied territories, in violation of international law. If the court authorizes Bensouda’s request for such prosecution, many Israelis could be arrested once they leave Israel and taken to the ICC in The Hague. Israel’s main argument against prosecuting its officials by the ICC is procedural, not germane, arguing that Palestine is not a state and thus not authorized to make such demands of the ICC.

The Palestinian leadership, for its part, rightly sees Bensouda’s decision as a tremendous achievement and proof that Israel can be confronted and embarrassed by diplomatic tools, not necessarily violence. This is a victory for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas over Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which seeks to crush Israel through the use of violence. However, the Palestinian achievement need not come at Israel’s expense.

Israel can solve the problem with relative ease: It only needs to go back almost 20 years and ratify the Rome Statute. Any state that ratifies the treaty is authorized to receive a seven-year deferral of action on any part of the document that it finds particularly troubling. If Israel chooses to cite the settlement issue, the ICC will not be authorized to arrest any Israeli on that count until 2028. Ratification would do justice to historic Jewish-Israeli efforts to establish the court and to try individual criminals, and on the other hand would avoid the arrest threat to decision-makers involved in the settlement enterprise. Regardless of the ICC issue, in the coming years, and especially if a different government is formed, Israel will have to make a supreme effort to reach agreement with the Palestinians. Such agreement would address the settlement issue, too. Once an agreement is reached, the issue will be removed from the international agenda, in general, and from that of the ICC.

Yossi Beilin has served in various positions in the Knesset and in Israeli government posts, the last of which was justice and religious affairs minister. After resigning from the Labor Party, Beilin headed Meretz. He was involved in initiating the Oslo process, the Beilin-Abu Mazen agreement, the Geneva Initiative and Birthright.
Read more:

Censorship highlights role of alternative media outlets in Lebanese revolution

Twitter has blocked the accounts of several Lebanese activists supporting the popular movement in what some believe is part of a systematic campaign against it.

Hanan Hamdan January 5, 2020

JOSEPH EID/AFP via Getty Images
Women draped in the Lebanese national flag attend a protest in Zouk Mosbeh, north of the capital, Beirut, Oct. 22, 2019.

BEIRUT — Twitter has blocked the accounts of several Lebanese journalists and activists over the past two weeks. The commentators and activists are in favor of the protests that began in Ocbober and have been tweeting about the demonstrations on a daily basis. Most of them believe their accounts were reported by Twitter users who support the authorities and oppose the protests.

Among those whose accounts have been blocked are Salman Andary, Michel HajjiGeorgiou, Sabine Youssef, Nicole Najjar, Jay Rahmeh and Roger Edde.

The protests broke out Oct. 17, as demonstrators took to the streets across Lebanon to protest the deteriorating economic and social conditions and claim basic human rights. Ever since, social media platforms have been used as a source of information in the absence of coverage by traditional media outlets.

A journalist told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “While covering the tense demonstrations on the evening of Dec. 15, I was surprised to see that my account was blocked. Dozens of other accounts supporting the popular protests were also blocked at the same time! This raises questions about Twitter’s policy. An explanation is in order. Is this the website’s policy, or are there campaigns against us? Some people have not been able to recover their accounts yet,” he said.

This journalist criticized Twitter's practices, saying it “only blocks the accounts of people expressing support for the demonstrators and conveying the voice of protesters while it overlooks those who spread hate and incite against others.”

Andary tweeted Dec. 16, “We are back on Twitter after were blocked yesterday evening. … Our voices shall prevail in the face of thugs.”

Abed Qattaya is the head of digital content at SMEX, a Lebanese non-governmental organization that has been working since 2008 to defend digital rights in the Arab region. He told Al-Monitor, “We cannot know exactly how many Twitter accounts have been blocked given the large number of such accounts. A lot of activists are telling us that their accounts are still getting blocked.”

He added, “As an organization, we have contacted the policy team at Twitter to ask about these accounts. We believe the issue is technical and probably due to excessive activity and tweets since the start of the uprising. This is unfair.”

According to several journalists and activists, the blocking is part of a campaign of systematic intimidation by supporters of the ruling parties to thwart the demonstrations, muzzle activists and suppress freedom of opinion and expression in Lebanon.

“There are accounts that are still getting blocked on a daily basis,” said Qattaya.

The repression suggests that alternative media platforms have played an important role since the start of the protests, conveying the rhetoric of the demonstrations directly while the coverage of TV stations and local newspapers is controlled by political agendas that lead them to focus on a specific angle.

Megaphone, established in 2017 by activists and young journalists to review and analyze local news, has emerged as one of these alternative platforms.

Editor Jean Kassir told Al-Monitor that Megaphone “provides daily summaries of the most prominent events and publishes the authorities’ reactions to such events on social media. It also shares videos that cover the events on the ground and convey people’s opinions. In addition, it analyzes the speeches of prominent political figures, including Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah and Lebanon's Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil, and posts videos analyzing certain concepts related to the economy such as that of capital control, which has been recently raised in Lebanon."

Kassir added, “Megaphone started as a platform that published weekly or monthly content but it was not long before it started publishing daily posts that include a wide range of critical topics within the framework of a very clear analytical and political line. We try to convey the opinions of various groups and demonstrators on the ground and we offer opinion articles, analysis and videos.”

He went on, “What mainly distinguishes us from traditional media outlets is that we emerged on social media right from the start and were suitable for the age groups looking for such content. We are independent and do not belong to any political party, unlike the traditional media outlets that mostly belong to ruling parties and are thus influenced by political money. The editorial line of the platform is opposed to that of the ruling authorities. We work as volunteers to provide material that tackles complex matters in an accessible way so that people can develop their opinions and be able to later hold officials accountable.”

Legal Agenda, a non-governmental organization that covers legal developments in Lebanon from a critical point of view, has played an important role in covering the events of the protests and has held seminars and conferences bringing together experts and researchers.

Joelle Boutros, a researcher for Legal Agenda, told Al-Monitor, “Our work as a specialized research center has marked a quantum leap in the production of knowledge. Before the uprising, we would only publish articles on our website, but when the uprising started, in addition to publishing articles, we started making videos that explain laws such as the general amnesty law and the rights of protesters upon their arrest by the security forces. We comment on issues related to mental health due to the increasing cases of suicide in Lebanon and we conduct interviews with economists to understand the financial crisis the country is going through.”

She explained, “There is a huge difference between our modest capabilities and those of traditional media. But what makes Legal Agenda special is its clear line that has not changed since the beginning of the uprising." Legal Agenda "only works to protect and assist society by covering the events on the ground, studying laws and discussing and clarifying many issues.”

Layal Bahnam, the program director at Maharat Foundation, a non-governmental organization concerned with media issues and freedom of opinion and expression, told Al-Monitor, “Social media websites have played a fundamental and positive role since the start of the uprising on Oct. 17. We have been able to watch events on social media websites as they happened on the ground through the lens of journalists and activists. It is thanks to these websites and their posts that traditional media learns about certain events and goes to cover them.”

However, Behnam stressed the need to identify credible social media sources. “At a time when some activists and journalists proved to be really credible, some pages published falsities such as accusing activists of receiving foreign funding in exchange for participating in the protests.”

Hanan Hamdan, a Beirut-based journalist, reports on social and economic issues for local and international media outlets, among them Al Modon, Raseef22 and Legal Agenda. She holds master's degrees in finance and political science.

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