Monday, August 26, 2024

Croatian Singer Questioned At Serbian Border Over Lithium Mining Protests

Croatian singer Severina Vuckovic at the Sarajevo Film Festival in July 2010
Croatian singer Severina Vuckovic at the Sarajevo Film Festival 

 August 26, 2024

Croatian singer Severina Vuckovic was briefly detained at the border with Serbia for questioning that she said was related to her support for protests against the construction of a new lithium mine. Vuckovic confirmed in a press release on August 25 that the border police asked her and her manager to step aside and conducted secondary searches and questioning. She was then taken to a police station for further questioning regarding her opinions on Serbia and recent protests against lithium mining in the country and released late on August 25 after a few hours, she said. The Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Serbia and Croatia on August 26 condemned her detention, saying it was an example of "the attempt to stigmatize regional cooperation and solidarity." 

To read the original story on RFE/RL’s Balkan service, click here.

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