Sunday, June 11, 2023



Armed Group Closes Highway and Steals Luxury Vehicles From A Tractor Trailer

Due to the Federal Police having been withdrawn from the highways, daylight robberies and executions on the road are something that happens in Mexico. The National Guard doesn’t attend the calls, they only come to cordon off the area. And in most cases not as first responders in the country.

On the afternoon of Wednesday, June 7, a group of armed robbers intercepted a tractor-trailer carrying luxury vehicles on the Aguascalientes-Leon highway.

All the units were taken and at the moment, the corresponding authorities in the area haven’t made any statement on the matter.

However, a video has been disseminated through social networks showing the maneuvers carried out on the highway to steal all the vehicles transported by this trailer; those involved blocked the road in both directions.

This robbery took about half an hour and after blocking the highway in both directions, they operated calmly.

No security personnel arrived at the scene to provide adequate support and prevent the robbery. So far there are no further details about the case.

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

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