UBS executive indicted in US
UBS executive charged with aiding tax evasion
The Swiss Banker and 'Toxic Waste'
Gee could that have anything to do with this;
Top Executives at UBS Will Not Get Bonuses
Or maybe its actually because of this;
UBS warns earnings will be squeezed for rest of year
After being Europe's first major credit crunch victim, writing down $37.0 billion in the first two quarters of the year, there has been a shift in focus in the concerns that investors have about UBS. Its balance sheet is looking decidedly less frightening, now that it has shifted $60.0 billion of illiquid mortgage-backed securities into a vehicle created by the Swiss national bank, while it managed a profit in the third quarter.
And before we get all warm and fuzzy about those poor bankers UBS will still pay em heaping amounts of gold, just not all at once....
UBS said its new compensation model would be "focused on the long-term" and "closely aligned with the value creation of the firm." Executive board members whose bonuses had depended on annual performance alone will now be paid according to the new system that tracks their performance and the bank's share price over a three-year period. The two variable parts of their compensation--in cash and equity--will both be performance linked and the chairman of the bank will no longer get so-called "variable compensation."
And like that other Republican Investment Banker; Dan Quayle, who works for Cerebeus, lookee here UBS has one in their pocket too.
Phil Gramm: A Deregulator Unswayed
RGE Monitor, NY - , he left Capitol Hill in 2002 to work as an investment banker and lobbyist for UBS, a Swiss bank that has been hard hit by the market downturn,
You remember Phil he advised the McCain campaign until last summer when he called Americans concerned about the meltdown appearing on the horizon a bunch of 'Whiners'.
Phil Gramm, a former Texas senator who is now vice chairman of UBS, the giant Swiss bank, said he expects Mr. McCain to inherit a sluggish economy if he wins the presidency, weighed down above all by the conviction of many Americans that economic conditions are the worst in two or three decades and that America is in decline.
"You've heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession," he said, noting that growth has held up at about 1 percent despite all the publicity over losing jobs to India, China, illegal immigration, housing and credit problems and record oil prices. "We may have a recession; we haven't had one yet."
Now he says the push to deregulate the market had nothing to do with the current meltdown.
<'>The retired Texas senator claims that deregulation “played virtually no role” in the current economic turmoil engulfing the globe, nor the housing collapse or the credit crisis. The exempting of any regulation of derivatives, including state insurance supervision, reserve requirements or clearing information was not significant to the crisis. The nonfeasance of the Fed in supervising all of the non-bank lenders that lay at the heart of the housing boom and bust was not the cause either (it was “Predatory Borrowing”). And the payola scandals at the ratings agencies — Moodies, S&P, and Fitch — that slapped triple AAA ratings on paper that turned out to be junk would not have been prevented via better oversight.
Gramm said placing any blame on deregulation was simply “an emerging myth.”
The whole UBS scandal comes home to Canada where we specialize in White Collar Crime....Corporate Captialist criminals get away with murder in Canada. We have no single national regulator liie the SEC, and clearly our bank laws are not enforced effectively, if UBS can set up a secret offshore account for wealthy Americans called the 'Canada Desk' because the deals were done on Canadian soil.
Top Firm Accused Of Having Illegal 'Secret' Desk
This scandale has caused the Montreal Gazzette to pick up on the popular slogan of the Communist Party of Canada Marxist Lenninist in its latest editorial; Make The Rich Pay.
Government has obligation to make the rich pay, too
Raoul Weil, a senior executive of the Swiss bank UBS, has been indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice on charges of helping his U.S. clients hide some $20 billion in assets from the taxman. Americans will be glad to see their government pursue this sort of case aggressively.
In Canada, however ....
The Globe and Mail reported last week that Weil was also in charge of a secretive team of senior bankers whose job was to help Canadians hide as much as $5.6 billion from the Canada Revenue Agency, this country's tax collector.
So what has that agency, and the rest of the Canadian government, been doing about these allegations, the outlines of which have long been known? Nobody knows. Maybe nothing. And that's not nearly good enough.
Nothing is more corrosive to the sense of fairness and transparency that society needs to function well than the idea that there are two standards - one for the wealthy and one for everyone else
And in light of this scandal this failure to collect what is due the people of Canada or to prosecute UBS for breaking our banking laws, what does the Government and Revenue Canada do? Wait for it....
Ottawa targets online merchants who pay no taxes
Canada Revenue Agency to focus on so-called 'power sellers' on eBay
Pound foolish, pennyt wise.
Crime Pays If You Are Rich
Whining and Dining with the Irvings
Hedge Funds, Junk Bonds, Ponzi Schemes
Criminal Capitalism Business As Usual
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