Tuesday, February 27, 2024

British report confirms that air strikes on Yemen are ineffective & counterproductive

British report confirms that air strikes on Yemen are ineffective & counterproductive


LONDON February 26. 2024 (Saba) - The British website "UNHERD" confirmed that "the US-UK attacks on Yemen were counterproductive," and were "provoking a hornet's nest."

The site said in a statistical report published on Monday that the US-British attacks, which began on January 12, raised the rate of Yemeni attacks in the Red Sea from 0.38 per day before that date, to 0.53 after.

In addition to their lack of effect, the attacks provide U.S. adversaries, primarily China and Iran, with intelligence on Western naval defense systems that could be used in any future conflict, raising serious questions about the wisdom of military action.

The site asserted that the Yemenis have already achieved their goal of imposing an effective naval blockade in the region. He attributed the reason why Western leaders continue to carry out these strikes, despite their opposite effect, to what he called the principle of "do something."

The "do something" principle results from a weak leadership class feeling the need to act when an enemy or competitor engages in provocation, even if such actions would be counterproductive. Weak leaders are unable to make difficult decisions based on evidence and logic, and instead attack — albeit ineffectively — so that it seems as if they are addressing the problem.

The publication of the report comes in conjunction with the launch of five new air raids by US-UK warplanes today on the Ras Issa area of Al-Salif district, northwest of Hodeidah city.


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