Showing posts with label Alberta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alberta. Show all posts

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Turncoat Dwarkin Recants

As I posted here yesterday the Big Oil ringer Dr Judith Dwarkin who sat on the Oil Royalty Panel issued her own report on the Oil Royalties, one that was countering her own panels recommendations and denounced her fellow committee members in unflattering terms. Her paper was sanctioned by her company in defense of their pals in the Petroleum Club in Calgary.

Ken Chapman, who has been also doing stellar work covering the reaction to the Royalty review, has published her recantation.

Ken is a thoughtful public policy wonk who also happens to be a Conservative, though he prefers the company of Progressive Bloggers to the partisan whingnuts over at the Blogging Tories. Good on ya Ken.

Once again the One Party State in Alberta resembles other One Party State's where officials make statements and then recant.

Don't Let Big Oil Set Our Royalty Rates make sure Ed hears from you


Headline Says It All

Ohhh Pulllleeeaasse

Alberta Needs A Chavez

Albertans Are Simpletons Says Government

Royalty Is NOT A Tax

Fearless Prediction Confirmed


More Shills For Big Oil

Stelmach Sells Out

King Ralph Shills For Big Oil

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Nationalize The Oil Patch

Under workers control!

A publicly owned Petro-Alberta would have a democratically elected board of directors, including representatives of the workers, consumer advocates, environmentalists, and the public.

Share ownership by the public and the workers, union investment with profit sharing and public debentures.
The Stelmach government should tax energy companies' profits up to nearly 100 per cent and the government should take ownership of part of the oil sector, rather than adopt the tamer recommendations of the royalty review panel, an Edmonton-based think tank said today.

In stark contrast to the energy industry's complaints that the review's proposed hikes go way too far and would cripple the economy, The University of Alberta's Parkland Institute said Albertans deserve to capture at least 90 per cent of available economic rent on oilsands project.

The left-leaning institute also noted that the nationalized oil companies in Norway, China, Korea and Japan have taken stakes in Alberta's oilpatch, and that a predecessor to energy giant EnCana was once partly province-owned.

"Public ownership is the best way to capture royalties, as 100 per cent goes to the owners, the people of Alberta," the report says.

Parkland research director Diana Gibson says Albertans should expect the same kind of return on the province‘s resources as an oil and gas executive earning a multimillion-dollar paycheque would get for his shareholders.

Selling Albertans Short: Alberta's Royalty Review Panel fails the public interest by Diana Gibson, Parkland Institute October 17, 2007
Release View Executive Summary Download Report (pdf)


It's Time to Take Back Our Oil and Gas

NDP And Workers Control

Nationalize the Oil Industry

I Am Malcontent

Who Will Decide About Royalties

The Myth of the NEP

Aren't you sorry you sold your shares

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Robot Protest

Robot comes from the Russian word Robotnichki, meaning drudgery and worker. A wage slave by any other name.

And when the Oil Rig bosses pay their wage slaves to protest on their behalf against the workers own self interest this is what you get.

During the speeches, the workers showed little emotion, cheering only sporadically.

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The Alberta government said yesterday that only $15.2-million was spent on new exploration rights for conventional oil and natural gas in a bimonthly auction.

It is the lowest total this year for conventional energy, a sector in which proposals for higher royalties have provoked considerable anger from industry.

For exploration rights in the oil sands, $15.7-million was collected, which ranks as a median result for the year, ahead of 10 other auctions. With oil prices at a record, the call for higher royalties on that resource has caused less controversy.

In sum, the sale of exploration rights so far this year is down 62 per cent to $1.18-billion from $3.14-billion in the same period a year earlier.

Exploration rights on Crown land in Alberta are posted for sale by the provincial government at the request of individual companies and are awarded in a blind auction where energy firms submit sealed bids. The government take from these auctions can vary dramatically as energy companies spend aggressively when commodity prices are high but pull back quickly when they fall.

A record take of $3.43-billion was reached in 2006, up more than 50 per cent from the previous record of $2.26-billion in 2005. That, in turn, surpassed the long-standing record of $1.15-billion set in 1997, which was reached in part because of the first oil sands boom following the adoption of a generous royalty regime.

This year's decline mirrors collapses recorded in 1981, 1999 and 2002.

That's because such auctions tend to generate less money in Alberta than in other jurisdictions, generally because access to drill for oil and natural gas is seasonal and in the oil sands the raw resource is of lower quality than in major oil fields elsewhere.

Don't Let Big Oil Set Our Royalty Rates make sure Ed hears from you


Real Oil Workers Rally

I Am Malcontent

Who Will Decide About Royalties

Alberta's Tar Sands Gamble

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Don Newmans No Spin Zone

CBC Politics with Don Newman has a new ad on TV. Suddenly the show has become CBC's version of Bill O'Riley and Fox News with this ad quip; "I'm Don Newman, the spin stops here".

Politics with Don Newman taps into the decision makers.
Don brings you the inside look into what is happening in politics: Federally, provincially and the world.
The spin stops here.

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Whoa big fellow that ain't quite truth in advertising. After all even though his business crashed and he is no longer publishing Western Standard, Don still had this guy on last week to talk about Alberta. And he is nothing if not right wing spin.

Of course as I have pointed out before this shows the CBC has given up its apparent "left wing bias" and is now cuddling up to the Conservative right in Canada. Despite right wing assertions to the contrary.

(Fox News Channel is a rare exception, and by no shear coincidence, is where the phrase “the spin stops here” came from before being stolen from Bill O’Reilly’s “O’Reilly Factor” by the state-run CBC).


Ezra Levant Does Not Speak For Me

Conservative Broadcasting Corporation?

Contracting -out Broadcasting Corporation

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rent A Crowd

The right wing press pundits and those opposed to Albertans getting their fair share will make a big deal out of the Oil Bosses Venezuelan Style Protest at the Leg today. Until you realize that the workers there were bussed in by the bosses and paid to be there, complete with signs provided by their bosses.

Also most of them have not read the Royalty Report nor know what its recommendations are. And thanks to your's truly helping get the message out about this right wing demo a counter protest occurred.

The workers, many carrying signs printed by Ensign Energy, the drilling giant based out out of Calgary, and wearing hard hats brought by the company for the occasion, said they fear losing their livelihoods if the report's recommendations are accepted.

Whether the crowd had considered the accuracy of the report was another matter; while several said they felt it was flawed, they either admitted they hadn't read it, or, in several cases, that they didn't really understand the complexities of the royalty structure. Many also confirmed their employers had given them a paid day off to attend the rally.

And about two dozen pro-report demonstrators also showed up. Alan Boyle said he worked in the oilpatch for nearly 40 years. "I don't blame these people for being apprehensive because the message they're getting is fear and they're following that. They're scared for their jobs. I notice some older fellas who in the 80s were perhaps hurt when the NEP came in."

But Boyle also said based on the price of oil, the only reason for companies to fear monger about slowing down is because they want to make more money, instead of paying the public its fair share -- something that repeated reports from multiple economists suggests hasn't happened in years.

"It's generally fear and these people are bought and paid for. I don't think the royalty review is way out of line. I think it's quite fair. I don't really see where, based on the price of oil per barrel right now, that any company is really hurting. There are traditionally seasonal sectors feeling the pinch right now but that's got nothing to do with oil royalties."

The AFL issued in a statement criticizing the Wednesday event planned for the Alberta legislature in Edmonton. Gil McGowan, president of the AFL, said:

"These are people who have bought into the scare tactics currently being used by Big Oil. Obviously, they have a right to speak for themselves. But let's be clear: they don't speak for anything close to a majority of Albertans working in the oil patch or related industries." "It's always scary when the people who sign your paycheques start talking about job loss," says McGowan. "But it's clear that a strong majority of workers in this province - regardless of what industries they happen to be in - want a much better deal on the resources that we all own collectively as citizens. And they're not about to back down just because a few cranky CEOs have been rattling their sabres." "Right now, Big Oil is behaving like a kid throwing a tantrum," concludes McGowan. "They're stamping their feet and making threats. But they're not about to leave the sandbox - because there's too much money to be made and, frankly, because there's nowhere else for them to go."

He described the legislature rally, organized by owners of small energy and oilfield service companies, as “essentially a bosses’ rally.”

While it’s being billed as a “grassroots oil workers rally,” McGowan wondered how it could be when most of the companies don’t work in the northern Alberta oil patch, including Fort McMurray. He added those involved are mostly natural gas employers. At a time when many industry players have already admitted the gas industry is slowing as basins mature and prices increase, McGowan said these companies are using those pre-existing market conditions as scare tactics.
“These employers have been trying to say their recent layoffs are a sign of things to come when in fact they have almost nothing to do with the current royalty regime or the one being proposed by the royalty panel,” he said. “Their problem has nothing to do with current royalty regime or the proposed one. They’re caused by the recent slump in the price for natural gas.”

As for the claims about the slow down in the conventional gas and oil patch, that is the nature of the business. Last spring was too warm for some patch operations. Guys I know working in the patch who start in December or January weren't getting started till late February early March. This fall appears to be another Indian Summer so again the patch will start up later than usual.

Dave Hamsing, who runs a drilling company south of Calgary, said companies are already scaling back operations, waiting to see how the government responds to the royalty review.

Hamsing has only two rigs booked this winter, after six were cancelled. He fears another bust in Alberta is a possibility.

"The ones who suffer from the fallout will be us, the service companies, entrepreneurs, employees, families. The rest of Alberta is going to suffer if they implement the royalty report in its state," said Derrick Jacobson, owner of a small oil service company in Red Deer.

"It's not threats anymore, I mean some companies have shifted operations to Saskatchewan already."

Jacobson called Wednesday's protest in Edmonton a "grassroots oil workers rally," but the involvement of a high-priced public relations firm is raising questions.

Don't believe me,well then lets ask Mr.Right Wing his-self, Neil Waugh;

Threat of job losses in the oilpatch due to royalty boost may just be a Big Oil invention

But it was a great day for the flat-earth believers in the Calgary oil towers and their compliant, soon-to-be communications directors.

Fortress Stelmach had been finally breached and the Stalmachistas are fleeing for the hills after the Cowtown oil aristocrats launched their third and final desperate assault - code-named the "Perfect Storm."

That is where tens of thousands of oilpatch workers would lose their jobs if the modest royalty tweaks go through - not to mention their double wides and dually diesels.


Of course, there is a problem. The winter drilling season is going to be a bust. And the summer one was nothing to brag about either.

Big Oil has already pulled back their big budgets. Rigs are racked and trucks haven't turned a wheel all summer, especially in Stelmach's rural heartland.

Big Oil invented the storm. Now they want to pin the blame on Stelmach, as rig moving king pin Murray Mullen tried to do last week when he announced the "temporary layoff" of 100 truck drivers and swampers.

Yep today's protest was the Oil Rig Bosses blaming the Royalty report for the fact that they had a poor spring and summer and are preparing for a slow start this winter. It has nothing to do with our getting our fair share and everything to do with the weather.

But heck you know they would look silly if they protested the weather.

Come to think of it I wonder if they have considered the impact of Global Warming on their jobs.

Nah, that's just another socialist plot like the Royalty Report.

Representatives from the fledgling Wild Rose Party and the Alberta Alliance, Alberta's two ultra-right wing parties, also addressed the crowd. Alliance leader Paul Hinman, the MLA for Cardston-Taber, called the recommendations a colossal mistake. "It's pure politics to talk about 'fair share' because that's how you make everybody upset, by saying 'you didn't get your fair share'," he said.

Don't Let Big Oil Set Our Royalty Rates make sure Ed hears from you


Our Resources, Our Future, Our Decisions

Real Oil Workers Rally

I Am Malcontent

Who Will Decide About Royalties

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Our Resources, Our Future, Our Decisions

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Our Resources, Our Future, Our Decisions

Sunday, October 21, 2007
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Alex Taylor School Gymnasium
9321 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB

Who should get the royalties - big oil or the people of Alberta? Come and have your say.

Participate in community discussions about the current Royalty Review. Hear from respected panelists and join in the discussion

Panelists Include:
Brian Mason - Leader of Alberta's NDP
Diana Gibson - Parkland Institue
Bill Moore Kilgannon - Public Interest Alberta

Don't Let Big Oil Set Our Royalty Rates make sure Ed hears from you


Mason Hits The Bricks

I Am Malcontent

Who Will Decide About Royalties

Headline Says It All

Ohhh Pulllleeeaasse

Alberta Needs A Chavez

Albertans Are Simpletons Says Government

Royalty Is NOT A Tax

Fearless Prediction Confirmed


More Shills For Big Oil

Stelmach Sells Out

King Ralph Shills For Big Oil

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Real Oil Workers Rally

In response to the right wing rally by oil company executives in hard hats today at the Legislature the Alberta Federation of Labour will be holding a real oil workers rally in a real oil city.

Thursday, October 18, 2007 at 9pm to 10:30pm

Timberline Room, Sawridge Hotel, Fort McMurray

The Real Oil Workers Forum and Rally

Come sign our petition urging the government to increase royalties and guarantee more value-added production in Alberta. Make your voice heard. Bring copies of the petition back to your jobsites!

Hosted by the Alberta Federation of Labour

Meanwhile the guys from Quattro Energy Services and their Alberta Alliance pals might be in for a surprise at their rally today. Real hard hat oil workers might show up to counter protest.

Don't Let Big Oil Set Our Royalty Rates make sure Ed hears from you

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Maid To Order

Wonder if this is what the Premier will be wearing for his Ed TV show when he announces that he serves Big Oil rather than the people of Alberta.

Perry Mah/Sun

I guess the election will be soon. Cause you can't buy publicity like this.

EDMONTON - As if we didn't already think politicians were a drag.

An ad campaign featuring a life-size model of Premier Ed Stelmach in a French maid's outfit, along with black nylon stockings and heels, is proving a hit for the San Francisco chain of gift stores.

``Premier Costumes and Halloween Gear' reads the poster, onto which Stelmach's head has been superimposed. The premier's spokesman says Stelmach has been told about it.

Tom Olsen says the premier has a sense of humour and has no plan to ask the store to take the posters down. San Francisco employee Cherish Byron says the posters had been sent out to the chain's stores across Edmonton and they were receiving comments about it all day

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Monday, October 15, 2007

This Is Better Than Rent Controls?

Instead of accepting the Government appointed Public Panel on Affordable Housing recommendation that the province introduce rent controls, the government instead did what it loves to do; create a subsidization fund. And as usual with the these kind of Tory schemes this of course was so loosy goosey that it was open to abuse. Not by the users but by the bureaucrats in charge.

And while the internal audit by the department found no fraud, which is irrelevant, what they found was business as usual in this Tired Old Tory government.

And note that the average payment made was $827 dollars while provincial average rental rates are over $1000 per month for a one bedroom apartment. Not only a drop in the proverbial bucket, but less than what is needed for one months rent. And for the rest of the eleven months of they year......nothing. And this is better than rent controls, ha, ha!

Nearly three-in-10 claims granted from a fund to help stave off homelessness were improperly approved -- but no fraud has been found, a provincial audit has concluded.

An internal investigation into the $7-million fund -- which is expected to balloon to $21 million by the end of the year -- found more than $60,000 of the nearly $200,000 put under the microscope was handed out without proper checks and balances.

The Government of Alberta, through Municipal Affairs and Housing, introduced

the Homeless and Eviction Prevention Fund (HEPF) in response to the
recommendations of the Alberta Affordable Housing Task Force. Alberta
Employment Immigration and Industry (AEII) began delivering the program on
May 11, 2007. The program is designed to assist Albertans at risk of losing their
homes due to rent increases and to assist those who require assistance in
establishing a residence.

On July 17, 2007 Global News aired a story alleging that the HEPF was being
abused by individuals presenting inadequate and fraudulent documentation for
rent increases, eviction notices, and utility arrears, and that AEII staff were not
taking sufficient steps to verify the authenticity of the claims. On July 18, 2007,
Minister Evans asked the department’s internal auditors to undertake a review of
the administration of the fund to ensure accountability for the program’s

2. Program Description
The Homeless and Eviction Prevention Fund (HEPF) is designed to assist
Albertans with limited resources who are at risk of losing their homes due to rent
increases and to assist those who require assistance in establishing a residence.
The authority to determine eligibility and to provide benefits under the HEPF is
provided under the Income Supports, Health and Training Benefits Regulation.Review the administration of the HEP Fund to ensure compliance with
program directives, policies, and procedures regarding client’s eligibility and

During this period, payments from the HEP Fund totalled $4,866,406 for 5,880 clients for an average of $827 per client

Of the 239 files reviewed from all regions of the province, 171 files (72%) were
processed in accordance with program directives, policies, and procedures. The
documentation (eviction notices, tenancy agreements, notices of arrears, clients’
bank statements, etc.) in these files and staff comments entered into LISA were
sufficiently detailed to support the HEP Fund benefits issued.

In the remaining 68 files the following observations were noted:

• There were 51 files, totalling $50,462 where there was incomplete
documentation detailing the client’s situation for the auditor to confirm that the
client qualified for benefits from the HEP Fund.

• There were 14 files where benefits issued from the HEP Fund were incorrectly
determined resulting in overpayments totalling $6,357. Included in this group
was one case where $3,923 (62% of total overpayments) was incorrectly issued
to cover mortgage arrears. This occurred within 10 days of the start of the
program which suggests the worker may have inadvertently applied the
Income Support policy which allows shelter benefits to be applied to mortgage

• Three files totalling $5525 were identified by the audit team for supervisor
review and possible referral to the Investigation and Review Branch. It was
noted that two other files ($2524) of the 171 files processed correctly had
already been referred to the Investigation and Review Branch prior to the
commencement of the audit.


The Autumn Of Our Discontent

Transparency Alberta Style

Pay 'Em What They Want

And New York Has Rent Controls

Stelmach Blames Eastern Bums

He Can't Manage

Drumheller Bell Weather

Stelmach Tanks

Alberta Deja Vu

Padrone Me Is This Alberta

Income Trusts


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The Autumn Of Our Discontent

It appears that the Alberta Advantage is not all it is trumped up to be. At least to Martha and Henry. I guess we are all malcontents now.

a portrait of disquiet reflected in a new Harris-Decima survey of western Canadians conducted for The Canadian Press.

The online survey looked at the attitudes of 1,400 westerners, but found the most angst and unhappiness in Alberta, the province that leads the nation in growth and per capita wealth.

One in four Alberta respondents said they found people in the province generally grumpier and less civil compared with two years ago.

And despite multibillion-dollar budget surpluses and a provincewide construction boom to try to accommodate the teeming inflow of newcomers:

-24 per cent said the post-secondary education has worsened.

-28 per cent said grade-school education has deteriorated.

-51 per cent said their community has not improved or, in some cases, even worsened.

-70 per cent said there has been no improvement in their family's health and well-being.

The survey, conducted Sept. 10-12, is considered accurate within 2.6 percentage points 19 times out of 20. When just the 350 Alberta respondents are counted, the sampling error is plus or minus 5.2 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

So I guess a Fall/Winter election is not a good idea for Prince Eddie.

Don't Let Big Oil Set Our Royalty Rates make sure Ed hears from you

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Saturday, October 13, 2007

We Get Complaints

Remember the cartoon with the bottomless box labeled 'complaints'.

Foreign workers get complaints office

Of course it's kind of hard to complain when you are dead.


Alberta's Padrone Culture

AUPE Calls General Strike Over Safety

Day of Mourning

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Hugo Stelmach

The tactics used by the oil bosses in Venezuela are now being used in Alberta.

Media Advisory - Oil Workers to Gather at Legislature to Save Jobs ...

A misleading headline, they aren't really the 'oil' workers. Like Venezuela they are the self interested oil bosses forcing their non-union workers to rally for their jobs that they threaten to cut to stop Albertans getting their fare share of royalties.

Derrick Jacobson, the owner of Quattro Energy Services, a small oil and
gas service company operating in central Alberta, took the initiative of
organizing this rally with his employees and other concerned Albertans.

Digging a bit deeper we find like Venezuala it is a right wing political rally organized by the big oil supporters of the Alberta Alliance Party.

RE: Grassroots Oilworkers Rally

Hello all,

We have booked the grounds at the Alberta Legislature for Wednesday, October17th, 2007 at11:00 am. The address is10800-97th Avenue Edmonton, AB.

We will have MLA Paul Hinman as a guest speaker. If there are any others interested in speaking please let me know so that I may have some type of schedule in place.

I will have a link on my website with all of the reports, petition, as well as releases from Oil Companies. This rally will be designed to inform the public on the crippling effect passing the Royalty Review will have as well as protest the passing of it.

Please be advised it will be kept professional and is not intended to have a wolf pack mentality. We only have one shot at this so let’s be on our best behavior and let our concerns be heard. If anyone is lining up buses etc. I will also post it on my website. This link will be up and running by the end of the day.

The premier is booked to make a public address on the 22nd. Bring your hardhats and let’s show them what Alberta is about. The rally will take place in front of the main entrance steps.

Derrick Jacobson
President-Quattro Energy Services Inc.

Don't Let Big Oil Set Our Royalty Rates
make sure Ed hears from you


I Am Malcontent

Who Will Decide About Royalties

Headline Says It All

Ohhh Pulllleeeaasse

Alberta Needs A Chavez

Albertans Are Simpletons Says Government

Royalty Is NOT A Tax

Fearless Prediction Confirmed


More Shills For Big Oil

Stelmach Sells Out

King Ralph Shills For Big Oil

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