Sunday, February 19, 2023

HPG reports ongoing Turkish attacks on guerrilla areas

The Turkish army continues to attack guerrilla areas in southern Kurdistan despite the ceasefire declared by the Kurdish side due to the earthquake.

Saturday, 18 Feb 2023, 14:28

According to the Press Centre of the People's Defence Forces (HPG), the Turkish army continued its attacks on the guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) on Friday. The attacks were concentrated against the areas of Çemço and Sida in the Sheladize sub-district near the town of Amadiya. According to the HPG, at least 54 artillery and tank attacks were carried out during the course of the day. In addition, unconventional bombs were used twice.

The guerrillas responded with heavy weapons to the continued Turkish attacks on their positions in Sida. In Çemço, a sniper unit carried out a defensive attack and one Turkish soldier was killed.

Turkey's attacks on guerrillas continue despite a ceasefire announced by the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK). The decision was taken after the devastating earthquake disaster in the Turkish-Syrian border area. The Kurdish guerrillas, which include the HPG and the YJA Star (Free Women's Troops), are implementing the call for a cessation of all hostilities and are in a defensive position.

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