Friday, April 15, 2022

Keeping apples fresh using clay films

Long-term food storage technology may help address potential food crises

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Appearance changes 



   An international research team consisting of NIMS, The University of Queensland and National Taiwan University has succeeded in creating a clay film with its gas permeability optimized for long-term storage of fresh produce by adjusting the sizes of the clay nanosheet particles comprising it. The team then uniformly coated the surfaces of various fruits with the film. This treatment kept the fruits’ respiration rates low without completely depriving them of oxygen, preventing them from decaying.


   Efforts have been made to develop gas barrier films using clay nanosheets. Although some researchers attempted to improve the film properties of clay nanosheets by adding organic polymers to them, films can also be formed using only clay nanosheets without additives. Only a few studies had previously evaluated the physical properties of clay films composed solely of clay nanosheets.


   This international joint research team focused on the gas permeability of clay films and found that a film composed of clay nanosheets with particle sizes in the range of several dozen nanometers (1 nm = one millionth of 1 mm) had relatively high permeability to gas molecules as they can pass through gaps between particles. This gas permeability is equivalent to that of plastic bags with minute pores used to store fresh produce. These bags are able to adequately reduce oxygen supply to fresh fruit, preventing it from ripening too rapidly. The gas permeability similarities between the clay film and the plastic bags inspired the research team to assess the ability of the clay film to preserve the quality of fresh produce for long periods of time.

In this research, the team applied a suspension of clay nanosheets to the surfaces of various fruits (e.g., apples, bananas and oranges) to form uniform films on their surfaces. The team also prepared untreated fruits and fruits covered in cling wrap for comparison. The gas emissions and appearance of these treated and untreated fruits were monitored for several months. As shown in the figure below, the untreated apples (the first photo from the left) had decayed by the end of the experimental period and the apples covered only in cling wrap (the fourth photo from the left) had also decayed and grown mold. By contrast, the apples coated with the clay film (the two middle photos) did not decay or grew mold, presumably because the film reduced the external oxygen supply needed for ripening and mold growth. In addition, the clay film was confirmed to be in tight contact with the surfaces of the apples it coated, suggesting that it may be able to effectively block the diffusion of ethylene into the air, a phytohormone which plays an important role in inducing fruit ripening.


   In addition to its potential ability to restrict the external oxygen supply and ethylene diffusion, the clay film may be able to prevent odor compounds produced by fresh produce from diffusing into the air, possibly making them less attractive to pests. In future research, the team plans to improve the ease of application and strength of the clay film to make it more suitable for preserving the quality of fresh produce during its transportation to the market.


   This project was carried out by an international joint research team consisting of Miharu Eguchi (Senior Researcher, Mesoscale Materials Chemistry Group, International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, NIMS) and researchers from The University of Queensland and National Taiwan University. This work was supported in part by  JST-ERATO Yamauchi Materials Space-Tectonics Project.




   This research was published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A (the January 28, 2022 issue, pp. 1956-1964).

Surfing at the atomic scale: Scientists experimentally confirm new fundamental law for liquids

Surfing at the atomic scale: Scientists experimentally confirm new fundamental law for liquids
Dr Dehong Yu (left) and PhD candidate Caleb Stamper of the University of Wollongong at
 the time-of-flight neutron spectrometer Pelican. Not shown: Dr David Cortie. 
Credit: Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)

The first experimental evidence to validate a newly published universal law that provides insights into the complex energy states for liquids has been found using an advanced nuclear technique at ANSTO.

The work has just been published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters as the editor's choice and featured on the front cover of the journal.

The equation for the vibrational density of states formulated by Alessio Zaccone and Matteo Bagglioli was published in a paper in PNAS in 2021, providing an answer to a question that has been elusive for at least a century.

The elegant mathematical theory has solved the problem of obtaining the distribution of these complex energy states for liquids.

"One of the most important quantities in the physics of matter is the distribution of the frequencies or vibrational energies of the waves that propagate in the material. It is particularly important as it is the starting point for calculating and understanding some fundamental properties of matter, such as specific heat and thermal conductivity, and the light-matter interaction, "said Prof Zaccone on the University of Milan website.

"The big problem with liquids is that, in addition to acoustic waves, there are other types of vibrational excitations related to low energies of the disordered motion of atoms and molecules— excitations that are almost absent in solids. These excitations are typically short-lived and are linked to the dynamic chaos of molecular motions but are nevertheless very numerous and important, especially at low energies. Mathematically, these excitations, known as 'instantaneous normal modes' or INMs in the specialized literature are very difficult to deal with as they correspond to energy states described by imaginary numbers."

The time-of-flight neutron spectrometer Pelican at ANSTO's Center for Neutron Scattering has been used to measure the vibrational densities of states for several liquid systems including water, , and polymer liquids. The Pelican instrument has the extreme sensitivity to measure rotational and translational vibrations over short time intervals and at low energies.

The experiments at ANSTO confirmed the linear relationship of the vibrational density of states with frequency at low energies as predicted by Alessio Zaccone and Matteo Bagglioli, as shown in the figure below.

Surfing at the atomic scale: Scientists experimentally confirm new fundamental law for liquids
Confirmation of the universal law with experimental VDOS measured by inelastic neutron
 scattering on real liquid systems including water, liquid metal, and polymer liquids. 
Credit: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2022). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c00297

With the COVID lockdown, no accessibility to instruments, the small team that included University of Wollongong Ph.D. candidate Caleb Stamper, Dr. Cortie and Dr. Yu decided to focus on re-analyzing past experimental data from a new perspective, to validate the new law, inspired by the theoretical work from Alessio Zaccone and Matteo Bagglioli.

"The exercise not only achieves such a great outcome but also provides a good introduction of neutron spectroscopy to Caleb, who has done an excellent job," said Dr. Yu as Caleb's ANSTO supervisor and the corresponding author of the paper.

The work would also help them address questions relating to phase transitions in superionic liquids in their work on thermoelectric materials.

"Major challenges arise because liquids are not mechanically stable, as the atoms in a liquid diffuse and the liquid as a whole will flow," explained Dr. Cortie.

The  is based on a , known as instantaneous normal modes, as described by Prof Zaccone above, which prescribe a set of instantaneous forces, frequencies, and velocities as quantities.

A complication in deriving a theory to predict the vibrational density of states in liquids arose because of the presence of a small fraction of "imaginary modes."

"Imaginary modes are important because they represent the fact that a liquid is not stable. The atoms in a liquid are strongly interacting with one another all the time but not in the same way a solid does. The relationship is not 'harmonic' meaning that the atoms are not going to be restored to the same configuration after an interaction. The atoms will continue to diffuse quickly and slide past each other," said Stamper.

"The imaginary modes reflect the negative curvature on the potential energy surface of a liquid. It is a very complex energy landscape but if you think of the analogy of a surfer on an ocean wave. The atoms in the liquid follow the curves of the wave itself (see the front cover of the journal). But the atoms can be in a position on the crest, under the surfboard or in the trough, always moving," said Dr. Yu.

"The law will play, for liquids, the same pivotal role that the Debye law plays for solids. It will serve as the foundation for the whole research field involving liquids and beyond.Molecular 'dances' determine how liquids take up heat

More information: Caleb Stamper et al, Experimental Confirmation of the Universal Law for the Vibrational Density of States of Liquids, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2022). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c00297

Alessio Zaccone et al, Universal law for the vibrational density of states of liquids, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2021). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2022303118

Journal information: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 

Provided by Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) 


New study provides guidance for reconsidering harmful place names in national parks

Peer-Reviewed Publication


In a new study examining the origins of more than 2,000 place names in 16 U.S. national parks, researchers have developed a tool for evaluating and changing names that may be harmful or rooted in white supremacy.

Oregon State University associate professor Natchee Barnd is a co-author of “Words Are Monuments,” published last week in the journal People and Nature. The intent of the paper is to open a conversation about place names, rather than defaulting to the assumption that those names are neutral, he said.

“There’s a process by which those names are chosen,” said Barnd, whose work focuses partly on Indigenous geography. “And if we’re operating within a system that has been grounded in white supremacy, it’s probably going to reflect that — some really explicitly and vehemently, and some by default or accidentally, such as the fact that a name is in English.”

That doesn’t mean all names need to be immediately changed, he said, but researchers sought to provide a tool people can use to think about how those names came to be.  

While the work focused on national parks, the authors expect the categorization tool they developed to be applicable for people or institutions in any location seeking to improve naming practices.

For the study, researchers analyzed 2,241 place names in 16 national parks across the U.S., from Acadia in Maine to Hawai’i Volcanoes in Hawai’i. They created “decision trees” to classify name meanings into different categories, which allowed them to group together place names with similar origins so they could find and describe patterns in naming across parks in a consistent way.

Classifications included language origin; derogatory (involving use of a racial slur); erasure (such as replacement of Indigenous names); and dimensions of racism and colonialism.

All 16 parks contained at least one place or feature named after people who supported racist ideologies, capitalized on Indigenous colonization and/or participated in acts of genocide, the study said.

Researchers found 107 natural features with traditional Indigenous place names. They classified 214 names as appropriation, where Indigenous or Indigenous-sounding names were used incorrectly and without Indigenous input or consent; and 254 names that memorialize settler colonialism, such as Cadillac Mountain in Acadia, named for a French colonizer.

They found 21 names that commemorate individuals who espoused racist ideas, including Hayden Valley in Yellowstone, named for Ferdinand Hayden, a geologist who wrote that unless Native Americans were forcefully assimilated, “they must ultimately be exterminated.”

More nuanced were the 364 names that researchers classified as European (non-Indigenous) in origin with no record of their meaning, including descriptive names like Clear Creek and Long Pond.

“One goal is to open up the conversation and getting to the place of saying that these names are not neutral; they are values being represented in some way,” Barnd said. “Maybe we find out that the name has this whole history we don’t know about. It’s about trying to find intention, to trace a lineage. But you have to use a scientific process to sort through these names.”

This undertaking should be a collaborative process, he said. For example, in Oregon, a coalition of local agencies led by the Marys Peak Alliance recently worked with the Siletz and Grand Ronde tribes to pick names for some unnamed creeks on Marys Peak, just west of Corvallis.

The next step, after reconsidering place names and potentially replacing them with traditional Indigenous history in mind, will be returning ownership to the tribes as well, Barnd said.

National parks provide a perfect starting point for this process, he said. The parks have a long history of co-management with tribes, including deferring to tribal knowledge for how best to manage the land and resources, and substantial numbers of tribal members working in national parks.

“There are places where we can do things differently,” Barnd said. “Names are part of how we create the world we live in and believe in and understand. They’re not just there; we’re creating that meaning, which is also creating the meaning of ourselves.”

Co-authors on the study were Bonnie McGill, Stephanie Borelle, Grace Wu, Kurt Ingeman and Jonathan Uhuad Koch from the Society for Conservation Biology in Washington, D.C.

Lead toxicity risk factors in Philadelphia

Two studies led by the University of Pennsylvania identify factors that correlate with high blood-lead levels in children, pointing to environmental justice issues that disproportionately fall on children of color and poorer communities in the city.

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Philadelphia is the poorest large city in the United States. It’s also unusual in having a high proportion of homeowners compared to renters. Taken together, this means that poorer homeowners may lack the funds to maintain and make needed repairs to their homes, leaving them at risk of a variety of related health issues, including exposure to lead.

Two papers led by a group at the University of Pennsylvania explore how factors such as household income, building age, building code violations, proximity to former lead smelters, and other factors align with lead-toxicity risk, as evidenced by elevated blood-lead levels in children 6 years old and younger and lead content in soil samples from around the city.

In the first study, published in 2021 in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, the researchers used geospatial tools to develop a lead-toxicity-risk index that identified eight ZIP codes, mainly in North and West Philadelphia, as the most burdened by lead toxicity. The second study, published earlier this year in GeoHealth, took a finer-scale look at some of those at-risk communities, using census tract data. That analysis underscored the link between housing code violations and demolition of older homes to higher lead-exposure risks.

“More than 80% of the housing stock in Philadelphia was built before 1980, meaning that they likely contain lead paint,” says Reto Gieré, senior author on both papers and a professor in Penn’s Department of Earth and Environmental Science in the School of Arts & Sciences. The United States banned lead paint for residential use in 1978.

“Also, the city has had special policies to build affordable homes for low-income residents, so the rate of private homeownership is much higher than in most other cities,” he says. “While that is beneficial in some regards, we also found a correlation between the percentage of children with high blood-lead levels and homeownership.”

The findings underscore the role of economic and racial disparities when it comes to lead toxicity. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognizes that communities of color and low-income populations are at a higher risk of lead poisoning.

“Our data clearly show that lead exposure and poisoning are not only an environmental health problem but also an environmental-justice issue,” Gieré says.

Lead risks, from the ground up

Not only are children more susceptible than adults to lead’s toxic effects, they are also more likely to get exposed, playing outside in soil that may contain lead, or on the floor inside near lead-containing dust. In addition, young children often put objects or their hands in their mouths, increasing the likelihood of ingesting lead.

In Philadelphia, the percentage of children with elevated blood-lead levels (a concentration above 5 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood) appears to be on the decline, with rates falling by half or more since 2008. Yet the lasting harm of lead poisoning to children’s cognitive capacities and other aspects of their development, as well as the unequal racial impact—Black children are more likely to have elevated blood-lead levels than other children—make it an issue that demands action, the researchers say.

For years, Richard Pepino, an instructor at Penn and coauthor on the recent studies, has taught an Academically Based Community Service course on lead in Philadelphia. His students have visited schools and other sites in the city, collecting soil samples and testing them for lead content. In addition, Penn’s Center of Excellence in Environmental Toxicology has led soil sample collection and testing across the city, mapping the results.

Combining these 1,300-plus samples with more than 1,270 soil samples from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) soil library, Penn researchers and a team from Haverford College analyzed them with respect to other publicly available data such as household median income, percentage of homes built before 1980, and rates of elevated blood-lead levels in children age 6 and younger. The group investigated the datasets for possible correlations and created a series of thematic maps of Philadelphia to highlight areas with highest risks of lead exposure.

A major outcome of the first paper, led by Michael O’Shea, Gieré’s former graduate student who now works for the EPA, was the clear connection between demographic factors like household income and race with elevated blood-lead levels. According to the lead index, newly developed during this research, the highest-risk ZIP codes were 19121, 19132, 19133, 19134, 19140, 19141, 19143, and 19144 in North and West/Southwest Philadelphia.

The study also revealed certain limitations of the researchers’ dataset of soil samples, including unevenness in terms of numbers: Some ZIP codes had nearly 200 samples each, whereas others had fewer than five.

“What came out very clearly was that we need to do more testing,” says Gieré. “Some areas, like the Strawberry Mansion neighborhood, had fairly few soil datapoints but are high-risk zones.”

Unequal burdens

Building on those results, the GeoHealth paper focused on the high-risk ZIP codes, this time using census tract data to see whether new patterns would turn up on this finer-scale view. Led by Haverford undergraduate Hasibe Caballero-Gómez, the study found that high rates of housing code violations and demolitions were strongly correlated with elevated blood-lead levels.

“Demolition is an interesting risk factor that has not previously been carefully considered,” says Marilyn Howarth, a study co-author and director of community engagement at the Center foir Excellence in Environmental Toxicology. “Demolition liberates all kinds of particulates from the contents of building materials, and in this case those building materials include many layers of lead paint, and that lead paint may already be in disrepair or fragmented. That gives the material a head start, allowing it to travel to adjacent properties, to streets and sidewalks, to people’s backyards and front porches, and it has the ability to be tracked into homes.”

Gieré describes this as a vicious circle: Poverty prevents residents from completing necessary home maintenance, which leads to housing code violations and exposed lead paint, in some cases triggering demolitions that increase the amount of lead dust in the local environment. 

Both studies also examined the influence of a historic network of smelters, known sources of lead, but lacked the sampling strength to tie their impact to current public health metrics and soil-lead levels. Future effort will go into collecting samples from currently undersampled but high-risk areas of the city. But for now, the researchers say their findings point to specific and localized communities in Philadelphia that require support and intervention to reduce exposure to lead.

Pepino is proud of what Penn has accomplished working with citywide collaborators to address the dangers of lead exposure. But, as he reminds his students, “childhood lead poisoning is a life-long burden that leaves a permanent mark on vulnerable children of color and society at large.”

The team believe their reports should inspire action.

"My hope is that the city will read this article and then specifically direct resources to the identified high-risk areas, which should be the priority of future lead-poisoning prevention intiatives,” says Gieré.

Reto Gieré is a professor in the School of Arts & Sciences’ Department of Earth and Environmental Science.

Marilyn Howarth is a physician and an adjunct associate professor of systems pharmacology and translational therapeutics. She is also director of community engagement at the Center of Excellence in Environmental Toxicology (CEET) and deputy director of the Philadelphia Regional Center for Children’s Environmental Health, both in Penn’s Perelman School of Medicine.

Richard Pepino is deputy director of the community engagement core of CEET and coordinator of the Academically Based Community Service courses in the School of Arts & Sciences’ Department of Earth and Environmental Science at Penn.

Gieré, Pepino, and Howarth’s co-authors on the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health paper were Penn’s Michael O’Shea, Jonas Toupal, and Thomas McKeon, and Haverford College’s Hasibe Caballero-Gómez. O’Shea, now with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, who was first author on the work.

That study was supported, in part, by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) (Grant ES013508), Penn’s Benjamin Franklin Fellowship, and the Greg and Susan Walker Foundation.

Gieré, Pepino, and Howarth’s co-authors on the GeoHealth article were O’Shea and Haverford College’s Caballero-Gómez and Helen White. Caballero-Gómez was first author.

That study was supported, in part, by the NIEHS (Grant ES013508)

Disclaimer: AAAS and Eur

Ultrasonic tech to develop safer railway track lubrication measurement system

Business Announcement


Ultrasonic tech to develop safer railway track lubrication measurement system 



THE University of Huddersfield has forged a partnership with an innovative technology business to work with Network Rail on developing a safer and more reliable track lubrication measurement system.

The collaboration will allow the University’s award-winning Institute of Railway Research (IRR) to work with Sheffield-based small and medium enterprise (SME) Tribosonics Ltd to develop a novel solution to the problem of detecting whether a critical form of lubrication is present between a railway wheel and the track.

In partnership with Network Rail and funded through its commitment to the EU Horizon 2020 Shift2Rail research programme, the advanced sensor solution will utilise ultrasonic technology, which is relatively new to the railway industry, as the basis of the detection method.

Professor Paul Allen, the University’s IRR Assistant Director who developed the concept, outlined the need for such technology.

“This measurement technology will provide an automated vehicle-mounted system that will communicate to Network Rail the presence of lubrication, and critically, locations where it is absent, thereby reducing maintenance costs and improving railway safety,” Professor Allen explained.

“It is not commonly known outside railway circles,” he continued, “that in curved track, a special type of grease is applied between the wheel and rail.  This lubrication is applied to reduce wear but also the risk of derailment, whereby in some circumstances the wheel can climb up and over the railhead.

“Network Rail currently uses manual inspection techniques to determine whether lubrication is present. This approach requires maintenance staff to conduct on-track working and is a scenario Network Rail is looking to reduce,” he said.

According to Matthew Harmon from Tribosonics, the use of ultrasonic technology for detection of lubrication films is new to the railway industry but is widely used in other industries and a perfect fit for this application.

“Embedding ultrasonic sensors into the wheel provides the opportunity for continuous monitoring of lubrication effectiveness and allows preventative measures to be applied before problems arise,” he said.

“Processing the data outputs to ensure the key, relevant metric is obtained and presented in an accessible way forms a large part of this development.

”The detection system and related hardware will be developed by Tribosonics Ltd, with testing and sensor development carried out using the IRR’s HAROLD full-scale bogie test facility. Experimental trials will be conducted under real-world conditions, with axle loads of up to 25 tons and a target operating of 200kph.Network Rail project lead James Lineton says the proposed sensor solution has the potential to not only transform how Network Rail manages its rail lubrication programme but also rail infrastructure managers around the world.

“By reducing downtime for maintenance activities, we can increase capacity, ultimately improving train availability for passengers,” he said.

Urgent action required to protect world’s coral reefs from disappearing within three decades, warn experts

An international team of environmental scientists have published a series of significant recommendations to protect, conserve and study the world’s coral reefs – the ‘canaries in the coal mine’ of climate change

Reports and Proceedings


Tom Vierus © WCS 

IMAGE: TOM VIERUS © WCS view more 


An international team of environmental scientists have published a series of significant recommendations to protect, conserve and study the world’s coral reefs – the ‘canaries in the coal mine’ of climate change.

The Vibrant Oceans Initiative presented their white paper on the future of the delicate and crucial habitats at the Our Oceans Conference held in Palau on Thursday.

Drawing on expertise from universities and wildlife conservation groups from across the world, including the University of Leicester, the group provide six key recommendations intended to promote the ‘persistence and survival’ of coral reefs.

Forecasts show that coral reef ecosystems around the globe – key to huge numbers of marine species and a source of food, livelihoods, and cultural heritage for half a billion people – are likely to become functionally degraded by 2050, if the goals of the Paris Agreement are not met.

Even with drastic emission reductions to ensure global warming is kept within 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, up to 90% of the world’s corals could still vanish in the next three decades, leaving behind a reef structure that will lose many of its functions.

Jens Zinke is a Professor of Palaeobiology at the University of Leicester, whose research examines large coral habitats to track environmental and climate change over the last three centuries into the modern day. Speaking about the report, of which he is a co-author, Professor Zinke said:

“Coral reefs are the ‘canaries in the coal mine’ when it comes to sensing ecosystems under stress from ocean warming due to climate change. Corals can sense when ocean temperatures exceed a dangerous threshold and warn us when we need to take measures.

“Our research has shown that coral reefs have been severely impacted by ocean warming in the past three to four decades, yet some reef locations show lower rates of warming or benefit from mitigating circumstances due to local oceanography.

“Some reefs have the ability to resist or recover from thermal stress faster than others, and these reefs may serve as sanctuaries under future warming. This is a major new research direction – to find those locations and protect them before they are gone.”

In 2018 the Vibrant Oceans group identified 50 reefs that are most likely to resist and survive climate change. The habitats are located largely in the Pacific and Indian oceans, with further reefs in the Caribbean and east of Africa.

Previously the 50 reefs were mainly chosen at sites that escaped climate change. Now, the scientists call for a wider portfolio of reefs that should include resistant and fast-recovering reefs.

The group’s latest recommendations, presented in the white paper ‘Forecasting Climate Sanctuaries for Securing the Future of Coral Reefs’, include:

  • Continuation of the 50 Reefs approach as ‘climate change avoidance sanctuaries’ as a priority for investment in coral reef conservation.
  • Expansion of the 50 Reefs conservation portfolio for climate change to include coral resistance and recovery sanctuaries.
  • Increase in support for regional evaluations of the health of the 50 Reefs portfolio, and sustainable financing initiatives to support the implementation of regional portfolios.
  • Catalysing large-scale, data-driven coral reef monitoring efforts to test and develop new models and predictions of climate sanctuaries.
  • Use of the latest climate coral reef science to guide investments, especially as the impacts of climate change accelerate and produce novel environmental stresses and responses among reefs.
  • Embracing a far-reaching approach to the management of 50 Reefs sites, including connections to broader seascapes, fisheries and water quality management, mitigation of other pressures (for example, industrial development), so that effective and equitable management has measurable benefits for coral reefs and coastal communities.

Forecasting Climate Sanctuaries for Securing the Future of Coral Reefs’ is available in full from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).

Funding partners for the initial Vibrant Oceans study include Bloomberg Philanthropieswhile ongoing conservation work partners include Oceans 5, the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, and Tiffany & Co. Foundation.

Conservation partners include the WCS, Rare, The Nature Conservancy, Blue Ventures, and Conservation Ecosystem Partnership Fund.

Brazilian study finds COVID-19 cases and deaths higher in areas with electoral support for President Bolsonaro

Study of 853 counties in Minas Gerais state finds counties that voted for Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro in the 2018 election are more likely to have higher incidence and death rates from COVID-19

Reports and Proceedings


In a study to be presented at this year’s European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) in Lisbon, Portugal (23-26 April), researchers from Sociedade Mineira de Infectologia and Associação Mineira de Epidemiologia e Controle de Infecções show a correlation between the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s denialist attitude to COVID-19 and higher COVID-19 incidence and mortality.

The study, involving 853 counties in Minas Gerais (the second most populous state located in southeastern Brazil), finds that in Bolsonaro voting counties, COVID-19 cases and deaths were substantially higher than in counties where Bolsonaro lost the 2018 presidential election vote.

“The role of politics had a critical impact on COVID-19 responses to the pandemic in Brazil from the outset”, say Dr Carlos Starling from Sociedade Mineira de Infectologia. “President Jair Bolsonaro has denied COVID-19 severity, promoted treatments without evidence of efficacy, and discouraged social distancing, the use of masks, local lockdowns and other protective measures, which has likely resulted in higher infection rates and deaths from COVID-19 among his supporters.”
The death toll from Covid-19 in Brazil has passed 659,000, the third highest reported toll of any country in the world [1].

In this study, researchers investigated the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in reducing virus transmission and deaths from COVID-19 in 853 counties in Minas Gerais. They also explored the impact of the President’s denialist attitude to COVID-19 on vaccine uptake and COVID-19 cases and deaths, based on whether Bolsonaro had won or lost the 2018 presidential election in these counties.

Using data on confirmed cases of COVID-19 and deaths, vaccination rates, and 2018 election results from official government websites, the researchers calculated the COVID-19 incidence rate (new cases per 100,000 residents in the last 14 days) and mortality rate (deaths per 1,000,000 residents in the last 14 days) for each county between 21st January, 2021 (when vaccination started in Brazil), and 10th November, 2021.

Results showed that by 10th November 2021, over half the population (more than 55%) in most counties (682/853) had been fully vaccinated with either Astrazeneca (41%), Pfizer (32%), or Coronavac (28%; see figure 1 in notes to editors).

Overall, the analyses found that the vaccination rate between January and November was similar between counties (see table 1 in notes to editors). As the percentage of the population fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 increased over time, COVID-19 incidence and mortality rates consistently declined (see figure 2).

However, in counties where Bolsonaro won the electoral vote, the COVID-19 incidence rate was 30% higher (7.6%; 1,284,454 cases/16,961,800 residents of 445 counties) than in counties where he lost the vote (5.6%; 249,704 cases/4,450,502 residents of 408 counties; see table 2).

Moreover, the COVID-19 death rate was 60% higher in counties with the highest electoral support for Bolsonaro compared to those with the least support  (212 deaths by COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants vs 132 deaths by COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants; see table 3).

Researchers also performed a more detailed evaluation comparing the impact of vaccination on COVID-19 incidence and death rates in 33 counties with more than 100,000 residents, and discovered a negative correlation between vaccination and COVID-19 cases and deaths in all 33 counties (ie, counties with the lowest vaccination rates had the highest case incidence and mortality rates), except for five cities where there was a negative, but nonsignificant correlation between the full vaccination rate and the death rate.

“It’s likely that thousands of lives have been lost unnecessarily because President Bolsonaro dismissed COVID-19 as ‘a little flu’ and rallied against lockdowns, school closures and other protective measures”, say Dr Braulio Couto Associação Mineira de Epidemiologia e Controle de Infecções. “However, our results indicate that the Brazilian people have great trust in vaccines, and Bolsonaro's falsehoods and doubts about COVID-19 vaccines did not prevent mass vaccination, with the increasing vaccination rate over time consistently reducing COVID-19 cases and deaths.”

The authors note that this is an ecological observational study and cannot prove that Bolsonaro's denialist stance caused extra cases or deaths from COVID-19, but only suggest the possibility of such an effect. The authors point to several limitations, including the ecological fallacy—that relationships which exist for groups are assumed to also be true for individuals—and they cannot rule out the possibility that other unmeasured factors like education levels and household income may have affected the results.

For interviews with the report authors, please contact:

Dr Carlos Starling, Sociedade Mineira de Infectologia, Brazil E)
T) +55 31 98791-3777  

Dr Braulio Couto, Associação Mineira de Epidemiologia e Controle de Infecções, Brazil
E) T) +55 31 98896-6098 

Alternative contact in the ECCMID Press Room: Tony Kirby T) + 44(0)7834 385827 E)

Notes to editors:

The study did not receive any funding.

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

This press release is based on poster abstract 690 at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). All accepted abstracts have been extensively peer reviewed by the congress selection committee. There is no full paper at this stage, but the authors are happy to answer your questions. The research has not yet been submitted to a medical journal for publication. As this is an oral presentation there is no poster.


Twitter (for when embargo lifts): @escmid #ECCMID2022

[1] - Brazil Coronavirus Map and Case Count - The New York Times (



Paper on the geography of innovation awarded prize from the royal economic society

Grant and Award Announcement


Professor Ruben Gaetani 



Toronto – A paper co-authored by Prof. Ruben Gaetani of the University of Toronto is the recipient of the 2021 Austin Robinson Memorial Prize from the Royal Economic Society. The prize is awarded annually for the best paper published in The Economic Journal by authors who are within five years of receiving their PhDs.’

Gaetani is an assistant professor of strategic management at the University of Toronto Mississauga and the Rotman School of Management. The paper, ‘The Geography of Unconventional Innovation,’ appeared in the May 2021 issue of the Economic Journal and was co-authored with Enrico Berkes, a post-doctoral researcher at Ohio State University.

The paper shows that innovation activity is less concentrated in high-density locations than commonly believed. Yet, inventions based on atypical combinations of knowledge are indeed more prevalent in high-density urban centres. The managing editors of the Economic Journal said that the paper creates a better understanding of where innovation and modern growth comes from as a key part of economics and society in general and demonstrated a combination of new, interesting facts with a rigorous spatial model.  The paper is available online.

“This award highlights that there are great opportunities to work at the intersection of innovation and urban economics. I hope to contribute more to this area in my future research,” says Prof. Gaetani.

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For more information:

Ken McGuffin

Manager, Media Relations

Rotman School of Management

University of Toronto