Saturday, March 22, 2025

Migrant deaths hit new record in 2024 with at least 8,938 lives lost

At least 8,938 people died while attempting to migrate to another country in 2024 – marking the deadliest year on record for migrants worldwide, the UN said on Friday.

A migrant returns to shore after attempting to cross the English Channel to reach Great Britain on a smuggler's inflatable dinghy at Sangatte beach near Calais, northern France. © AFP/Bernard Barron

Issued on: 21/03/2025 -

The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) warned that the actual death toll is likely much higher, as many deaths go undocumented due to a lack of official sources.

"The tragedy of the growing number of migrant deaths worldwide is both unacceptable and preventable. Behind every number is a human being, someone for whom the loss is devastating," said IOM deputy director general for operations Ugochi Daniels in a press release.

"The increase in deaths across so many regions in the world shows why we need an international, holistic response that can prevent further tragic loss of life."

Five-year upward trend

The 2024 figure continues a five-year trend of rising migrant deaths. It surpasses the previous record of 8,747 deaths recorded in 2023.

Asia recorded the highest regional toll with 2,778 deaths, followed by Africa with 2,242. The IOM documented 2,452 deaths in the Mediterranean Sea. Although not a record, the number remains high.

The agency said: "The figures showed the need for adequate search and rescue systems as well as the need for safe and regular migration routes."

Data for the Americas is not yet complete, but at least 1,233 deaths were reported there in 2024. That includes 341 people who died in the Caribbean – an unprecedented number – and a record 174 deaths in the Darién jungle between Panama and Colombia.

Violence a major cause

Since 2022, at least 10 percent of all recorded migrant deaths have been due to violence. In 2024, this was largely linked to violence against people in transit in Asia. Nearly 600 people died on migration routes across South and South-Eastern Asia.

The IOM said most of the victims remain unidentified, leaving families without answers and hindering efforts to respond to the crisis.

"The rise in deaths is terrible in and of itself, but the fact that thousands remain unidentified each year is even more tragic," said Julia Black, coordinator of the IOM's Missing Migrants Project.

"Beyond the despair and unresolved questions faced by families who have lost a loved one, the lack of more complete data on risks faced by migrants hinders life-saving responses."

Call for global response

The IOM is calling for an international response to address the growing number of deaths.

Its upcoming annual report will provide further analysis of the data from 2024, as well as a new focus on missing migrants in humanitarian crises.

The agency said the rising death toll highlights the need for safe, legal routes for people on the move. It described them as the only sustainable solution to the crisis of migrant deaths.

Antarctica: how geopolitics plays out at the end of the Earth

Antarctica is Earth's only uninhabited continent, home to the South Pole, and subject to a delicate balance of cooperation between key players. So what is at stake in the world's southernmost region?

The Ceremonial South Pole, surrounded by the flags of the member countries of the Antarctic Treaty. © Photo: Business Wire

Issued on: 22/03/2025

Ordinarily, little disturbs the peace of the white continent – inhabited only temporarily, by the scientists and support staff who come and go to work at its various research stations.

When news emerged this week that a member of a South African research team at one of Antarctica's remote bases has been put under psychological evaluation after allegedly assaulting and threatening colleagues – who sent an email to authorities pleading to be rescued – it served to highlight the fragility of that peace.

A few weeks prior, another visit acted as a reminder of the cooperation and collaboration required when it comes to the continent – around the world, far removed from its bases, as well as inside them.

On 3 January, Chile's President Gabriel Boric reached the American Amundsen-Scott station – the first leader in the Americas to visit the South Pole.

It was a visit Boric said reaffirmed Chile's claim to sovereignty over part of the Antarctic, reminding the rest of the world that his country remains "the world's main gateway to Antarctica".

In defence of international agreements over the continent, he added that it "is and must remain a continent of science and peace".

It was a trip that "fits President Boric's profile well," his compatriot Miguel Salazar, who has a doctorate in political science and international relations from Science Po Paris and has written a thesis on the Antarctic, told RFI.

He recounted that in 2023, Boric accompanied UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres to King George Island, 120km off the coast of Antarctica, where there is a Chilean air base. He also adds that Boric hails from Punta Arenas in the Magallanes region, the southernmost of the American continent.

"He had a natural connection, I'd say, and wanted to demonstrate Chile's ability to reach the pole, quite simply," said Salazar. "At the same time, he reinforced the doctrine promoted by Santiago since the middle of the 20th century. It's a country that collaborates and contributes, but which claims part of the Antarctic territory by tradition. What I find interesting is that the visit took place within a framework of cooperation. Going to the South Pole is something you never do completely independently."
Flagship agreements

Alongside Argentina, Australia, France, Norway, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, Chile stakes a claim in Antarctica – claims not recognised by the United States and most other countries.

Chile's claim is based on the historical inheritance of the Spanish Governorate of Terra Australis, which was transferred to the Governorate of Chile in 1555 – what had belonged to Madrid would revert to Santiago.

But Salazar insists that Chile's mindset is "completely collaborative", explaining: "Chile is positioning itself as a logistical and scientific hub. It is planning to build an Antarctic centre in Punta Arenas, a large building in the shape of an iceberg."

The idea is to provide a platform so that "20 or 25 percent" of the world's Antarctic programmes can one day operate from this city. The Chileans want to be "useful to research" – and not just their own, he says.

Ice loss and plant growth mark new era for warming Antarctica

The Antarctic Treaty, which came into force in 1961, was the result of collaboration between 12 nations whose scientists had been working in and around these territories during the International Geophysical Year, an international scientific project of 1957 to 1958 – Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the USSR. The signatories now number 58, including Russia.

Article 1 of the treaty states that Antarctica shall be used for peaceful purposes only. Articles 2 and 3 specify that freedom of scientific investigation on the continent and "cooperation toward that end shall continue" and that "scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall be exchanged and made freely available".

The Neumayer Channel at the Palmer Archipelago from the Antarctic Peninsula, pictured in January 2024. AFP - JUAN BARRETO

While neither the US nor Russia have made any territorial claims, but maintain a basis for claims against the seven "possessor" states, Article 4 of the text freezes the 1959 situation in this respect, stating: "No new claim, or enlargement of an existing claim to territorial sovereignty in Antarctica shall be asserted while the present treaty is in force."

However, there is another, newer agreement just as essential to understanding the recent statements by the Chilean president: the Madrid Protocol, which was signed in 1991 and came into force in 1998. It supplements the 1959 text by prohibiting any activity relating to mineral resources other than those carried out "for scientific purposes" and stating that any activity must be "subject to a prior environmental impact assessment".

Law researcher Anne Choquet of the University of Brest is also vice-president of the French National Committee for Arctic and Antarctic Research (CNFRA). She recounts the adoption of the Madrid Protocol: "It was a response to the non-entry into force of the Wellington Convention, adopted in 1988, which provided a mechanism for considering the exploitation of mineral resources. France and Australia opposed its entry into force, and we subsequently looked for another approach."

Some believe that it will be possible to revisit this point in 2048, half a century after the Protocol was ratified. In reality, that's not the issue, says Choquet: "It's true that in 1991, the [signatory] states said to themselves that such a statement was perhaps too ambitious, and that one day we might need to go and see, explore and exploit mineral resources. So they provided a way out."

But right now, she added, we could very well "consider lifting the ban". However, this would require "a consensus among the states that have voting rights, the consultative parties, of which there are currently 29, and a legal system that strictly regulates activities, particularly in environmental matters".

Such a move would take place within the framework of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting – an annual congress at which every decision is made by consensus. "After 2048," said Choquet, "it will be possible for a state with voting rights to say that it would like to open negotiations on lifting the ban, but under very specific conditions."

In summary, unless all these major treaties are broken, where today the approval of 29 parties is needed, 26 will be needed after 2048 – "the 26 who were consultative parties in 1991".
Fragile riches

In the eyes of glaciologist Éric Rignot, from a scientific point of view Antarctica is "the most important place on the planet". The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest single mass of continental ice on Earth. Its ecosystems concern us all, but are still poorly understood.

Antarctica's southern regions are essential to glaciology, climate and geology, and home to a wildlife population that is consistently high on the agenda at the annual Consultative Meeting. For example: "There is currently a difficult discussion about penguins becoming a specially protected species," explained Choquet. "They deserve greater protection because of the threats they face."

But according to her, it is preferable to adopt an "ecosystem approach" rather than "species by species" because "unbalancing one species has consequences for all the others". This principle was adopted, for example, by the 1980 Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

No chance of saving global glaciers as melt rate goes 'off the charts'

Salazar uses a theory from sociology to illustrate this: the "actor-network theory". By this theory, everything, including humans and non-humans, can be viewed as "actors" that form networks, and agency emerges from these complex, interconnected relationships rather than being solely a human attribute. Applying this theory, if whales eat krill, for example, then in order to protect whales we need to find ways of protecting krill.

Salazar also gives the example of the Antarctic toothfish: "In the early 2000s, we organised ourselves to protect it after a serious crisis of overexploitation, around two species, Dissostichus eleginoides and Dissostichus mawsoni, large fish that can measure two metres and live for 50 years. In France, Europe, the United States etc, they have enormous gastronomic value and were in danger of disappearing. And yet they are essential predators in the trophic chain."

In addition to the involvement of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, an intergovernmental organisation, the establishment of rules has also been made possible by NGOs, says Salazar, notably the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition.
The division of Antarctica between its 'possessor' states. © RFI/Jan van der Made

There have been attempts to link the Antarctic treaties with other agreements, such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora – a move backed by Australia, but which did not pan out. However, this suggestion did lead to the establishment of two Marine Protected Areas around the Antarctic continent – at the South Orkney Islands, and the Ross Sea.

"Other areas have been proposed by France, the EU, New Zealand and recently Chile and Argentina," said Salazar. But these have been "blocked by China and Russia" – states whose stances sometimes raise questions. In 2024, the US magazine Newsweek revealed that Moscow had told London that one of its Antarctic exploration vessels had discovered a large quantity of oil at sea – "around 511 billion barrels worth of oil, equating to around 10 times the North Sea's output over the last 50 years".

Newsweek reported: "According to documents discussed in UK parliament last week, the discovery was made by Russian research ships in the Weddell Sea, which falls under the UK's claim in Antarctic territory. That claim overlaps with those of Chile and Argentina. Despite having no territorial claims in Antarctica, Russia, along with the US and China, has been gradually escalating its presence in the region in recent years through various scientific campaigns, establishing five research stations in the territory since 1957."

In reality, according to Choquet, all the states, including Russia, continue to demonstrate their commitment to banning activities relating to mineral resources. In a resolution in 2023, she notes, they not only reiterated their continuing commitment to this imperative, but even asked governments to "undertake to dispel the myth" that the Treaty or the Protocol would expire "either in 2048 or at any other time".
China, a contentious player

China is the latest arrival on the continent – present since the 1980s and relying heavily on its links with Latin America for its activities. With its icebreakers Xuelong 1 and 2, it has led some 40 expeditions there.

It has also surrounded the Franco-Italian base Concordia with five scientific stations of its own, the last of which was inaugurated last year. However, Choquet insists: "Having more stations doesn't mean more weight in decision-making, because decisions are taken by consensus."

Construction of China's fifth base in the Antarctic worries west

"When it became a state involved in decision-making, China was really collaborative and participative when it came to protection projects. In recent years, however, it has become more contentious," notes Salazar.

Their technique is to challenge studies, such as those carried out by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, prior to projects. "China always finds a small point, makes a remark... and that stops everything."

Is there any guarantee that countries will comply with requirements on their stations in the middle of the desert? "There are inspections," says Salazar, "and everything has always gone well." However, these inspections are announced well in advance.

View of an iceberg on Half Moon island, Antarctica, November 2019. 

And what of Donald Trump and his territorial ambitions? While he has made contentious statements concerning the sovereignty of Greenland – the second largest body of ice in the world – he is yet to make any earth-shattering statements about Antarctica.

The American president has his eyes firmly on the Far North, and on catching up with his fleet of icebreakers against the Russians. "The United States has always had the same attitude towards Antarctica," points out Salazar. "It's a very important player, always committed to protecting the continent and working together. To take a different path would contradict its entire history."

Thanks to Starlink – the satellite internet service owned by Trump's right-hand man Elon Musk – surfing the internet from low latitudes has never been easier – good news for scientists, as well as for increasing numbers of tourists to the region.

"As far as I'm concerned," says Salazar, "this [tourism boom] shouldn't be happening. We're talking about the only region where the human species doesn't exist, where it's not adapted. Every time someone goes there, they bring invasive species and micro-organisms."

He also points out that the tourism sector is made up of private, competitive companies. "I've seen prices of $15,000 for five days on a comfortable boat, with a glass of Champagne. It's the elites, or people who sacrifice a lot of resources, who go there."

"I'm often asked whether I'm in favour of a total ban on tourism in Antarctica," says Choquet. "That would be an admission that we are not capable of managing, and it would be very complicated from a legal point of view." Instead, she favours a stricter framework, with "a responsible approach from all players". But once again, it's all a question of unanimity.

This article was adapted from the original version n French.

International report

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Syria in crossfire as Turkish-Israeli rivalry heats up over Assad’s successors

Issued on: 

The overthrow of Bachar al-Assad's regime in Syria and its replacement by new rulers with close ties to Turkey are ringing alarm bells in Israel. RFI's correspondent reports on how Ankara and Jerusalem’s deepening rivalry could impact Syria's future. 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, right, and Syria's interim President Ahmad al-Sharaa, hold a joint press conference following their meeting at the presidential palace in Ankara in February. © AP Photo/Francisco Seco

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's already strong support for the militant group Hamas has strained relations with Israel.

Now, Syria is threatening to become a focal point of tension.

Earlier this month, Erdogan issued a widely interpreted warning to Israel to stop undermining Damascus's new rulers.

"Those who hope to benefit from the instability of Syria by provoking ethnic and religious divisions should know that they will not achieve their goals," Erdogan declared at a meeting of ambassadors.

Erdogan's speech followed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's offer to support Syria's Druze and Kurdish minorities.

"We will not allow our enemies in Lebanon and Syria to grow," Netanyahu told the Knesset. "At the same time, we extend our hand to our Druze and Kurdish allies."

Gallia Lindenstrauss, an Israeli foreign policy specialist at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv told RFI that Israel view is not very optimistic about the future of Syria, and sees it as a potential threat to Israel.

Success of rebel groups in Syria advances Turkish agenda

"The fact that Turkey will be dominant in Syria is also dangerous for Israel," adds Lindenstrauss.

"Turkey could build bases inside Syria and establish air defences there. This would limit Israel’s room for manoeuvre and could pose a threat. Israel wants to avoid this and should therefore adopt a hard-line approach."

Deepening rivalry

Ankara and Jerusalem’s deepening rivalry is shaping conflicting visions for the future of Syria.

Selin Nasi, a visiting fellow at the London School of Economics' Contemporary Turkish Studies Department, "Turkey wants to see a secure and stabilised unitary state under Ahmad al-Sharaa’s transitional government.

"Israel, on the other hand, wants to see a weak and fragmented Syria. Its main concern has always been securing its northern border," added Nasi.

Israeli forces are occupying Syrian territory along their shared northern border, which is home to much of Syria’s Druze minority.

However, Israeli hopes of drawing Syria's Kurds away from Damascus suffered a setback when the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which controls part of Syria, signed an agreement on 10 March to merge part of its operations with Syria’s transitional government.

Mutual distrust

As Damascus consolidates control, analysts suggest Israel will be increasingly concerned about Turkey expanding its military presence inside Syria.

"If Turkey establishes military posts in the south of the country, close to the Israeli border, presumably with the permission of the government in Damascus," warns Soli Ozel, a lecturer in international relations at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, "then the two sides would be in close proximity, with military forces on both sides. That, I believe, would create a highly dangerous, volatile, and incendiary situation."

As Erdogan celebrates Turkish role in ousting Assad, uncertainty lies ahead

Analysts warn that if Turkey extends its military presence to include airbases, this could threaten Israel’s currently unchallenged access to Syrian airspace.

However, some observers believe that opportunities for cooperation may still exist.

"Things can change," says Israeli security analyst Lindenstrauss.

"Israel and Turkey could resume cooperation and potentially contribute to Syria’s reconstruction in a way that does not threaten Israel. However, this does not appear to be the path the Erdogan regime is currently taking, nor does it seem to be the direction chosen by Netanyahu and his government."

With Erdogan and Netanyahu making little secret of their mutual distrust, analysts warn that their rivalry is likely to spill over into Syria, further complicating the country’s transition from the Assad regime.

Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany

How this German fringe party plans to 'make socialism great again'

While Germany attempts to form its new government, only four of its political parties will have the chance to become part of a new ruling coalition. The far-right AfD is likely to be excluded from negotiations, and there are 24 other parties that didn't win enough votes to enter parliament. RFI went to meet one of them, and hear about their plans to change society, despite being excluded from mainstream politics.

01:16Gernot Wolfer, Berlin representative of the MLPD, arranging placards in the party's office, 21 February, 2025. © RFI/Jan van der Made
15/03/2025 -

"The capitalist system and the bourgeois mode of thinking is in a big crisis," says Gernot Wolfer.

Comrade Wolfer is a representative of the Berlin cell of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD), which took part in the German election under the slogan "Make Socialism Great Again".

Wolfer, 67, is a retired metal worker who was employed by multinational companies such as Bosch and Siemens, and active in the powerful IG Metall union.

In the library at the MLPD Berlin office is a small bust of Karl Marx, and the bookshelves feature titles such as "The End of Socialism?", "Trade Union and Class Struggle" and "On the Formation of Neo-imperialist countries".

On the photocopier sits a yellow hardhat with a sticker that reads "Workers of all countries: Unite!".

Wolfer was well prepared, bearing five A4 sheets of remarks, written in both German and English. "It's approved by the politburo," he told us cheerfully, "so you can quote me on it."

Gernot Wolfer, union organiser and representative of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD). © RFI/Jan van der Made

"We wanted to make a counterpoint to the well-known slogan of the US president," he said, referring to Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" maxim.

"It makes no sense to make America great again, or Germany or Russia or China. They are heading directly to a third world war," he added. "The world will be divided again, over raw materials. If mankind is to survive, we have to overcome capitalism. We need a socialist world."

Fragmentation of the left

But even uniting those who share this goal to fight for it could prove a daunting task.

The MLPD is one of several parties within the German political left that uses "social" or "socialist" principles in their manifestos.

The largest by far is the establishment Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) – the country's centre-left social democrat party, which has been in power on and off since the Second World War. It is the oldest political party in Germany, and the party of recently defeated Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Much further to the left is Die Linke. It is the offspring of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) – commonly referred to in English as the East German Communist Party – which ruled East Germany for seven decades.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the SED morphed into the Democratic Socialist Party (PDS) which in 2005 changed its name to Die Linke, and attained its best election result in 2009 with 11.9 percent of the votes.

Today, the party presents itself as combining green politics with social awareness. They made a surprise comeback during the recent election, with their share of the vote (8.77 percent) meaning they'll have 64 seats in the Bundestag.

Germany's far-left party celebrates surprise comeback in elections

An offspring of Die Linke, led by former MP Sahra Wagenknecht, the BSW, combines left-wing economics with right-wing nationalism and cultural conservatism – it is anti-immigration and pro-Russia – but did not get enough votes to enter parliament.
Left of the left

On the far left are the Socialist Equality Party (SGP), a Trotskyist group whose slogan is "Socialism instead of War!", and Wolfer's MLPD.

Germany's domestic intelligence service (the BfV) names the SGP and MLPD as "strictly ideological left-wing-extremists", as well as "extremist structures" within Die Linke, saying that their "shared goal" is "to dismantle the democratic constitutional state and establish socialism and, proceeding from that, a classless communist society".

But for now, Wolfer believes it is better to operate within the existing system.

Praising France's "anti-fascist front", the alliance led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon's France Unbowed party, he regrets that similar election coalitions are not allowed in Germany. "You have to go to the election as one single party," he says, something he thinks is "a restriction of democratic rights".

What is the MLPD?

The Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) was founded in 1982 by members of the Communist Workers Union of Germany. It advocates for revolutionary change to establish a socialist society through the seizure of power by the proletariat, aiming to create a classless, communist society based on the teachings of Marx, Engels and Lenin.

The MLPD rejects terms such as "Stalinism" and "Maoism" as divisive, while defending their works, and distinguishes itself from other left-wing groups by promoting "genuine socialism" to counter revisionism and reformism.

The MLPD participates in international communist networks, having joined the ICOR in 2010, and views countries such as China and North Korea as "bureaucratic-capitalist". It emphasises environmental issues and the need for a paradigm shift in production and consumption, to preserve human-nature unity. Despite its minor political influence, the MLPD remains active in German politics, advocating for radical social change

He adds that his party supports "a broad anti-fascist unity under all progressive parties, not only left parties".

He also says that they "work together with people from Die Linke" which he says has "progressive demands", adding: "That's good. They are an important force within the anti-fascist movement."

"But," he continued, "they made their deal with the capitalist society. The word 'socialism' is very rarely used in their leaflets or books".
Why socialism?

The question remains: why socialism? After the failure of the USSR, the excesses of Stalin's Gulag, the Chinese Communist Party's experiments with the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, costing the lives of millions of people, who is still interested in socialism as an ideology?

"The first socialist countries of the world have been very successful for decades," counters Wolfer. "So the plane flew before it crashed."

And the reason for this "crash"? "We call it a betrayal of the socialist principles," he says.

A case in point is the Berlin Wall, which was constructed by East German authorities in 1961 to prevent East Germans from fleeing to the West.

"The Berlin wall is not a socialist wall. The main slogan of the communist movement and of Marx and Lenin was for 'workers of all countries to unite', not to build walls and divide yourselves against each other," explains Wolfer.

East German construction workers building the Berlin Wall, near the Brandenburg Gate, in July 1973. AFP

"The Stasi dictatorship in the former East Germany and the criminal acts in the later Soviet Union are not results of a socialist mode of thinking," he says, referring to the infamous intelligence service that arrested and tortured thousands of civilians.

He argues that today, China's Communist party is no longer a working-class party either: "On the latest party congress, there's a bunch of millionaires."

He says such betrayals of socialist ideals and the experiences of socialist countries must be evaluated. "We have to build on this and we have to make socialism great again."

The Stasi museum is housed in the former headquarters of the Staatssicherheit, where tens of thousands of informants were directed to spy on their fellow citizens. RFI/Jan van der Made

The official results of the German election held on 23 February, published on 14 March show that the MLPD won just 19,551 votes nationwide – or 0.04 percent of the total of 49,649,512.

Although the party gained 1,731 more votes than in the 2021 elections, Wolfer knows his party didn't stand a chance of reaching the 5 percent threshold to get into the German parliament. But he will keep on fighting for global socialist unity, he says.

Some time ago, he and some other MLPD members went to Israel to "find comrades". At a demonstration against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he and his friends saw a group of Israelis waving Palestinian flags – and red flags too.

"Bingo," they thought. Wolfer and his MLPD comrades invited this group of Israelis to Berlin, along with a group of Palestinian Marxists.

"In the beginning they were suspicious, they didn't want to talk to each other," says Wolfer. But after a few days of discussions in the offices of the MLDP in Berlin, the atmosphere changed. "When they parted they were hugging and crying."


Can NATO survive the presidency of Donald Trump?

United States President Donald Trump's U-turns have driven NATO to an existential crisis. Between doubts over the continuation of American involvement and pressure for European autonomy, the future of the organisation, key for transatlantic security, has never seemed so uncertain.

Donald Trump at a press conference at the NATO summit in Brussels, 12 July, 2018. AP - Pablo Martinez Monsivais

An article on the home page of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is illustrated with an image of the Ukrainian flag alongside the NATO flag – the blue and yellow side by side with the compass rose on its blue background, representing the Atlantic Ocean and the direction towards peace.

"NATO condemns Russia's war against Ukraine in the strongest terms. The alliance remains steadfast in its support for Ukraine, helping to uphold its fundamental right to self-defence," reads the text.

However, in recent weeks the actions of one member – its main contributor – have seemed distinctly out of step with that statement.

Trump's reversals of the US position on Ukraine and the American rapprochement with Moscow represent an ideological break with NATO, in which Washington has always taken the leading role.


Created in 1949 during the Cold War, the political-military alliance that brings together 32 countries was founded on the need to guard against the expansion of the Soviet Union.

Although following the collapse of the USSR the organisation expanded its missions to include peacekeeping operations, since 2022 Russia has once again been designated a "threat" in the organisation's "strategic concept", which defines its doctrine.

Foundations of the alliance shaken

With the US recently appearing more aligned with Russia than with its allies, this paradox raises questions about the future of the organisation. Trump has been increasingly critical of NATO, throughout his campaign and since his election, and has frequently cast doubt on his country's commitment to it.

During his speech at the Munich Security Conference in mid-February, US vice-president JD Vance urged Europeans to take their defence into their own hands. At the same time, from Warsaw, US defence secretary Pete Hegseth called on Europe to "invest, because you can't assume that the American presence will last forever".

France hails 'progress' of Ukraine ceasefire deal, says onus is now on Russia

On 6 March, Trump questioned the solidarity of his allies: "My biggest problem with NATO is that if the United States had a problem and we called France or other countries that I won't name and said we've got a problem, do you think they would come and help us, as they're supposed to? I'm not sure."

NATO's Article 5 states that if a NATO country is the victim of an armed attack, this will be considered an attack on all members, all of whom will come to its aid, by any means deemed necessary including the use of armed force.

To date, the only time Article 5 has been invoked was by the US after the 9/11 attacks, which led to NATO's intervention in Afghanistan

"For the time being, there has been no statement from the Trump administration calling into question the foundation of the alliance, Article 5," stressed Amélie Zima, a researcher at the French Institute of International Relations (Ifri) and head of the European and Transatlantic Security Programme.

Article 5 is the cornerstone of the NATO edifice. "At a recent press conference, a journalist in the Oval Office asked Donald Trump if he would defend Poland. He immediately replied ‘yes, we are committed’. He was then asked the same question about the Baltic States. There he made a sort of grimace, believing that the matter was more complex, but he concluded all the same 'we are committed’," Zima added.

For its part, NATO is playing down any fears. "The transatlantic partnership remains the cornerstone of our alliance," said the organisation's secretary-general Mark Rutte on 6 March, asserting that he had received guarantees from the US regarding its obligations.

At the same time, he called on Europeans to follow the example of Warsaw, which spends 4.7 percent of its GDP on defence.

"If you look at the spirit of the statements and Trump's pivot towards Russia, there is clearly a doubt that has been introduced," said Fabrice Pothier, former director of foresight at NATO from 2010 to 2016.

'Trump has cast doubt on NATO's reliability'

While fears of American disengagement are tangible, for Alexis Vahlas, director of a master's degree in European security at Sciences Po Strasbourg and a former NATO political adviser, this remains unlikely. According to him: "Nato remains a lever of influence and an essential interoperability tool for the United States."

But the unpredictable nature of the Trump administration means that all scenarios have to be considered. Could NATO function without the US or with less American involvement? Given that the country accounts for around 70 percent of NATO's military spending and that Article 5 is based on the premise of American military strength – particularly its nuclear arsenal – this would represent an unprecedented upheaval for the alliance, which would consequently lose much of its credibility. 

On 7 March, a Swedish media report quoting unnamed NATO sources indicated that the US had informed its NATO allies of its decision to stop participating in the planning of future military exercises in Europe from 1 January 2026. This information has not been confirmed.

EU Commission chief calls for defence 'surge' in address to EU parliament

A US military source quoted by American military newspaper Stars and Stripes then said on 10 March that NATO was "continuing to prepare for military exercises involving the United States this year and beyond".

Amidst these contradictory statements, General Jean-Paul Paloméros, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, told RFI: "These exercises are fundamental because they are representative of the alliance's ability to fulfil its collective defence mission. If there are no more exercises, there is no longer any demonstration of credibility and joint training. That is NATO's great strength."

'A credible alternative'

"Today, there is a feeling of anxiety that is leading to a dual attitude," says Vahlas. On the one hand, it is a question of trying to preserve Western cohesion, while on the other, the 23 EU Member States who are NATO members – Austria, Ireland, Cyprus and Malta are not – are preparing to rely more on their own defence structures.

Brussels has validated the ReArm Europe plan, mobilising some €800 billion for European defence. "But there is no exclusivism," insists Valhas. In other words, the idea is to keep both mechanisms operational: to safeguard NATO as far as possible, while also strengthening the European alternative. 

"NATO is not necessarily dead as an organisation, but it is less reliable, so we need to create an alternative that is sufficiently credible," said Pothier, who believes this alternative is being built outside the usual frameworks of European security – Nato and the EU – and instead, around a coalition of key countries. 

"American developments, both in terms of support for Ukraine and rapprochement with Russia, and with the introduction of the transactional nature of the security guarantee, obviously represent a challenge for the transatlantic alliance in a context where the threat is greater than at any time since the Cold War. But this does not prevent NATO from remaining a forum for political consultation, a planning framework for deterrence and defence, and interoperability for our armies," said Muriel Domenach, former French ambassador to NATO.

"While we are talking, Europe's armies are working within the NATO framework, and this cooperation is useful whatever the framework – EU, NATO or ad hoc," she added.

Previous crises

This is not the first time NATO's existence has been called into question. During his first electoral campaign in 2016, Trump deemed the organisation "obsolete" – before then reversing his position.

In 2019, Emmanuel Macron called the organisation "brain dead", while in the same year, the US decided to unilaterally withdraw its troops from Syria. France in fact left NATO's integrated command in 1966, with General de Gaulle preferring to maintain strategic independence from the US – although it was reinstated in 2009, under Nicolas Sarkozy.

"NATO has already been through some major crises," said Zima. "In the 1960s, when we moved from the doctrine of massive retaliation to a graduated response, De Gaulle was already expressing doubts about the Americans‘ willingness to defend Europe and, in particular, to use nuclear weapons."

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But the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, and the need to support the country, gave new weight to the organisation.

Natalia Pouzyreff, co-chair of the French delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, explained: "It is on this issue that the Europeans want to re-engage in dialogue with the United States. For us, there is a continuum. Ukraine is our shield and it is Europe's shield, and if Europe is not secure, that is not good for the Americans."

The Trump administration's stance, however, has clearly deviated from the values promoted by the organisation: freedom, democracy, the rule of law. "There have always been deviations, such as with Viktor Orban's Hungary or Turkey, but this is the first time that these deviations have been made by the world's leading political and military power," said Zima.  

A NATO summit is scheduled for June 2025 in The Hague. Could there be a change in the organisation's strategic concept, in which Russia would no longer be designated "the most important principal threat" to the Allies?

"If the Americans were to push to institutionalise their position, I think we could be heading for a real institutional crisis," says Pothier. "It's one thing to have a spirit that is no longer that of transatlantic concord, but it's quite another to put it into the very letter of the institution."

This article has been adapted from the original version in French.

Is AI sexist? How artificial images are perpetuating gender bias in reality

AI is increasingly a feature of everyday life. But with its models based on often outdated data and the field still dominated by male researchers, as its influence on society grows it is also perpetuating sexist stereotypes.

Images generated by AI tool Dall-E. When asked to generate an image of someone who practises medicine or runs a restaurant or business, it suggests men. When asked to generate images of someone who works as a nurse, home help or domestic assistant, it suggests women. © ChatGPT

A simple request to an image-generating artificial intelligence (AI) tool such as Stable Diffusion or Dall-E is all it takes to demonstrate this.

When given requests such as "generate the image of someone who runs a company" or "someone who runs a big restaurant" or "someone working in medicine", what appears, each time, is the image of a white man.

When these programmes are asked to generate an image of "someone who works as a nurse" or "a domestic worker" or "a home help", these images were of women.

As part of a Unesco study published last year, researchers asked various generative AI platforms to write stories featuring characters of different genders, sexualities and origins. The results showed that stories about "people from minority cultures or women were often more repetitive and based on stereotypes".

The report showed a tendency to attribute more prestigious and professional jobs to men – teacher or doctor, for example – while often relegating women to traditionally undervalued or more controversial roles, such as domestic worker, cook or prostitute.

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The broad language patterns used by these Large Language Model (LLM) tools also tend to associate female names with words such as "home", "family" or "children", while male names are more closely associated with the words "business", "salary" and "career".

As such, these models demonstrate "unequivocal prejudice against women," warned Unesco in a press release.

"Discrimination in the real world is not only reflected in the digital sphere, it is also amplified there," said Tawfik Jelassi, Unesco's assistant director-general for communication and information.

A mirror of society

To create content, generative AI is "trained on billions of documents produced at a certain time," explained Justine Cassell, director of research at France's National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (Inria). 

She explained that such documents, depending on when they were produced, often contain dated and discriminatory stereotypes, with the result that AI trained on them then conveys and reiterates these.

This is the case with image and text generators, but also for facial recognition programmes, which feed off millions of existing photos.

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In 2019, a US federal agency warned that some facial recognition systems were having difficulty correctly identifying women, particularly those of African-American origin – which has consequences for public safety, law enforcement and individual freedoms.

This is also an issue in the world of work, where AI is increasingly being used by HR managers to assist with recruitment.

In 2018, news agency Reuters reported that Amazon had to abandon an AI recruitment tool. The reason? The system did not evaluate candidates in a gender-neutral manner, as it was based on data accumulated from CVs submitted to the company – mainly by men. This led it to reject female applicants.

Diversifying data

AI is first and foremost a question of data. And if this data is incomplete or only represents one category of people, or if it contains conscious or unconscious bias, AI programmes will still use it – and broadcast it on a massive scale.

"It is vital that the data used to drive the systems is diverse and represents all genders, races and communities," said Zinnya del Villar, director of data, technology and innovation at the Data-Pop Alliance think tank. 

In an interview with the UN Women agency, del Villar explained: "It is necessary to select data that reflects different social backgrounds, cultures and roles, while eliminating historical prejudices, such as those that associate certain jobs or character traits with one gender."

One fundamental problem, according to Cassell at Inria, is that "most developers today are still predominantly white men, who may not be as sensitive to the presence of bias".

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Because they are not subject to the prejudices suffered by women and minorities, male designers are often less aware of the problem – and 88 percent of algorithms are built by men. In addition to raising awareness of bias, researchers are urging companies in the sector to employ more diverse engineering teams.

"We need a lot more women coding AI models, because they're the ones who will be asking the question: doesn't this data contain abnormal behaviour or behaviour that we shouldn't reproduce in the future?" Nelly Chatue-Diop, CEO and co-founder of the start-up Ejara, told RFI.

Under-representation of women

Currently, women account for just 22 percent of people working in artificial intelligence worldwide, according to the World Economic Forum.

The European AI barometer carried out by Join Forces & Dare (JFD – formerly Digital Women's Day) reveals that of the companies surveyed with an AI manager on their executive committee, only 29 per cent of these managers are women. Globally, women account for 12 percent of AI researchers.

"The lack of diversity in the development of AI reinforces biases, perpetuates stereotypes and slows down innovation," warns the report.

It's an observation echoed by Unesco, which posits that the under-representation of women in the field, and in management positions, "leads to the creation of socio-technical systems that do not take into account the diverse needs and perspectives of all genders" and reinforces "disparities between men and women".

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Both organisations have emphasised the need to ensure that girls are made aware of and guided towards STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects from a young age – areas which are still too often the preserve of men, and in which high-achieving women are often invisible. 

With AI applications increasingly used by both the general public and businesses, "they have the power to shape the perception of millions of people," noted Audrey Azoulay, director-general of Unesco. "The presence of even the slightest gender bias in their content can significantly increase inequalities in the real world."

Unesco, alongside numerous specialists in the sector, is calling for mechanisms to be put in place on an international level to regulate the sector within an ethical framework.

But this seems a long way off. The United States, with its colossal weight in this field, did not sign the Paris Summit declaration on AI, issued last month. Nor did the United Kingdom.

While the UK government said the statement ha not gone far enough in terms of addressing global governance of AI, US vice-president JD Vance criticised what he called Europe's "excessive regulation" of the technology.

This article has been adapted from the original version in French.