Canadian Political Bloggers: Please Read This!
01-01-07, 11:57 pm @ Big Blue Wave I am launching a blog aggregator that will include bloggers from across the political spectrum.It's called Opinions Canada.If you're a member of the Blogging Tories, LibLogs, Blogging Dippers, GreenBlogs or the Non-Partisan Blogroll, you can apply.If you are not a member of these blogrolls, you can still apply.To apply, email me.
I want the aggregator to be about the exchange of ideas, not shock and schlock.
As for the kinds of opinions that are acceptable, it's wide open, except for the most extreme. I won't accept blogs that advocate for things like white supremacy, pedophilia, grossly racialist, ethnocentric, or xenophobic blogs, that sort of thing. It has to be really exteme and very present. I want to include as many as possible, without sacrificing a minimal sense of decency. Other than that, the sky's the limit. Conservatives, Liberals, Socialists, Social Democrats, Marxists, Libertarians, So-Cons, Neo-cons, Red Tories, Feminists, Masculinists, Environmentalists, Anarchists, Monarchists-- you're all invited.
blogs, blogging, Canadablogs, Canadianbloggers, WWW, Internet, homecomputer, ,
I joined--for the same reason.
Good to see ya back Doc.
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