Friday, November 29, 2024

Commercial Fishing Vessel Sinks Off Galicia

El Canavera going down (Salvamento Maritimo)

Published Nov 27, 2024 7:35 PM by The Maritime Executive

[Brief] On Monday, a commercial fishing vessel began taking on water and sank just off the coast of Galicia, according to local search and rescue authorities.

On Monday, the 2005-built fishing vessel El Cañavera reported that it was in danger of sinking just one nautical mile off Punta Candelaria, a cape just north of the port of Cedeira on Galicia's northwestern coast. The crew abandoned ship into a liferaft and their vessel sank by the stern about five minutes later.

SAR authorities responded to the call and dispatched a rescue helicopter, along with the rescue launches Salvamar Shaula and LS Pardo Bazan. The fishing vessel Brisas de Cedeira was nearby, and within 20 minutes, it reached the life raft and rescued all four crewmembers in it. All were delivered safely to Cedeira.

Courtesy Salvamento Maritimo

"They were asking for help and we had them practically in sight, we were ten minutes away from them," said the skipper of Brisas de Cedeira, Angel Gonzalez, speaking to La Voz de Galicia. "But after five minutes it disappeared."

The boat's bow remained in the air as of Monday, so the position of the wreck was marked and broadcast to reduce the risk to shipping. The cause of the casualty is under investigation.

Bulker Reports Explosion in Cargo Holds Off North Carolina Coast

Explosions are reported to have damaged the forward cargo holds on the bulker (Anglo Shipping file photo)

Published Nov 28, 2024 11:28 AM by The Maritime Executive

The UK-flagged bulker Anglo Marie Louise (114,727 dwt) has returned to an anchorage off Virginia after reports that the bulker suffered an explosion on November 27. There are no indications of injuries to the crew and the vessel remained seaworthy, although according to the report it has suffered damage.

“It is reported that the vessel has sustained damage to the No.1 and No.2 cargo hatches as a result of the explosion,” writes claims consultant WK Webster in its report of the incident. 

The bulker, which was built in 2011 at China New Times Shipyard, departed Baltimore, Maryland on November 23. The explosion occurred while the vessel was approximately 150 nautical miles east of North Carolina on November 27. The vessel has now anchored off Virginia Beach near the entrance to Chesapeake Bay.

The same ship was also involved in an incident in March 2024 when it blacked out while maneuvering on the Mississippi River near New Orleans. A dispatcher from Moran tugboat company detailed the incident in a social media posting reporting the Anglo Marie Louise careened out of control on the river and was heading for the Nashville Avenue wharf. Two tugs were able to intercept the vessel before it hit another docked vessel or the wharf.

Previously, the ship was cited for issues during port state inspections in the early 2020s. Its most recent inspections however reflected no problems.

The vessel is registered in the UK and managed by Anglo Shipping in London. It is 837 feet (255 meters) in length. 

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