Saturday, February 01, 2025

 "Our choice is self-government – anarchists on a march in Warsaw 26.01"

 Our choice is self-government – anarchists on a march in Warsaw 26.01

From Pramen

On January 26, we joined the march of the Belarusian diaspora in Warsaw to protest against the performance called “Elections” held today in Belarus. Our disagreement concerns not only Lukashenko falsifications, not only farce at polling stations this year. We do not agree to manage the country in this way: once every 5 years, choosing a leader.

Democracy requires the continuous participation of everyone in public affairs and this is more than a cross in voting paper. Fortunately, part of the society has already confidently on this path, understanding its subjectivity and boldly taking the word not only on the day of the “election”.

Get to streets and take back your voice!

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