“A war between Turkey and the Kurds in Syria must not be allowed to happen,” said Annalena Baerbock, stressing that it would help no one if the terrorist militia “Islamic State” were to emerge as the winner from such a conflict.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024,
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock warned of a worsening of the situation in Turkey's conflict with Kurdish forces in northern Syria. “A war by Turkey against the Kurds in Syria must not happen,’ Baerbock said on Deutschlandfunk radio on Monday. She said it would help no one if the terrorist militia Islamic State were to come out on top of such a conflict. “That would be a security risk for Syria, for Turkey and for us in Europe,” said the Green Party politician.
With regard to ISIS, Baerbock pointed out that “In particular, it was also the Kurds who pushed back ISIS’. In this context, she also recalled ‘the terrible massacres committed by ISIS terrorists’. The city of Kobanê, against which Turkey and its allied jihadist militias are currently preparing an invasion, is ‘a symbol of the courageous fight of the Kurds against ISIS,’ said Baerbock. “Together with the international anti-ISIS coalition, of which Germany is also a member, they defeated ISIS.”
The current situation in Syria should ‘not be used to expel the Kurds again, to allow violence to break out again,’ the minister said, adding that this is precisely what Germany is calling on NATO partner Turkey to do. From the minister's point of view, the international community must now make it clear: “We all have a responsibility to ensure that there is no new violence, that there are no new radical forces, but that after years of this terror, people can finally live in safety.” Baerbock also emphasised the territorial integrity of Syria, saying: “The unity of the country must be preserved, and third parties must not be allowed to wreak havoc there again, as Iran and Russia did before.”
Two weeks ago, the Islamist militia Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which is still listed as a terrorist organisation internationally, and its allies took Damascus, ending decades of rule by the Baath regime. Since then, tensions have been escalating in the areas of the Democratic Autonomous Administration in North and East Syria (DAANES), as Turkey, in the slipstream of the HTS offensive against former President Bashar al-Assad, launched a major attack on North-East Syria together with its proxy army ‘SNA’. The cities of Tel Rifat and Manbij were occupied a few weeks ago, and now the Turkish sabre-rattling is getting louder and louder near Kobanê. The NATO member Turkey has been occupying parts of northern Syria since 2016, including Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî.
French writer Patrice Franceschi said that the attack on Rojava was an attack on freedoms. "They want to destroy Rojava. If the Kurds lose, we all lose."

Tuesday, 24 December 2024,
Researcher and writer Patrice Franceschi told ANF that Western democracies are currently relatively weak and Turkey's NATO membership complicates matters. He added: "As long as Turkey is part of NATO, it has to be considered an ally of European states. In reality, Turkey should be expelled from NATO. It has no place there because its entire program, agenda, and will are against the West, democracies, and everyone else. Therefore, while a country like Turkey is in NATO, it is extremely difficult to help the Kurds."
Franceschi is a French researcher and writer who closely follows the region. He is also the author of the book Dying for Kobanê.
The Ba'ath regime fell following attacks led by armed groups under Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) on November 27. How do you evaluate the fall of the regime?
I should state that the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime is a good thing, but those who overthrew it could be worse. Just because a despicable regime collapses doesn't necessarily mean that its successors will be better. They could be worse. Remember the situation with the Shah of Iran in 1979. There was a tyrant, and when he was overthrown, everybody thought that his successors would be better, but things took a far more terrible turn. Therefore, I think it's very positive that Bashar al-Assad was removed from power because his rule was drenched in blood. However, we must be cautious, as those who take his place could be worse, especially for the Kurds and all minorities in Syria.
HTS is implementing Erdoğan's agenda
You also study jihadist organizations. How should we assess the structure of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the jihadist group currently being proposed as the future of Syria?
To put it bluntly, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham is a coalition of Islamist groups directed, financed, and supported by Turkey and additionally funded by Qatar. HTS is currently implementing the agenda set by Ankara and Erdoğan. It is uncertain whether at some point al-Jolani (HTS leader) will try to free himself from Erdoğan and pursue his own agenda, but for now, he is obedient to Ankara. Obeying Ankara means avoiding, at least temporarily, mistakes similar to those made by the Taliban when they seized power in Kabul. That’s why al-Jolani, HTS, and Erdoğan are trying to present themselves to the West as extremely honorable partners.
We in the West must not fall for this façade. HTS is a radically Islamist group, particularly dangerous for Kurds, Christians, Yazidis, and all minorities. However, they will try to convince us they are reliable partners. If we fall into this trap and, for example, grant them a seat at the United Nations or remove them from the “terrorist organizations list,” we will pay a heavy price. Once they gain such privileges, they will implement their real agenda, starting with establishing Sharia law everywhere. This would be disastrous, especially for Kurds and other minorities.
There is no such thing as a moderate or modern Islamist organization
HTS and its leader are being marketed in the West today as a moderate or modern Islamist group. Yet their links to ISIS and their origins are deeply rooted in a similar tradition. How do you evaluate this Western narrative? Isn't this a danger for the future?
This is a very big danger for the future because there is no such thing as a moderate or modern Islamist organization. Such a concept does not exist. They are Islamists, plain and simple. Therefore, they are enemies of the West, enemies of democracy, enemies of the Kurds, and enemies of minorities. We must not be swayed by the communication campaigns trying to portray them as something else. They are what they are: al-Qaeda, nothing else.
The idea of the Ottoman empire is being implemented in Syria
While HTS's role in shaping Syria's future is being debated, the Turkish state and its affiliated militias continue their occupation attacks on the Autonomous Administration regions in Northern and Eastern Syria. Is it possible to talk about a political solution in a process where these attacks continue?
Currently in Syria, there is a situation where, on the one hand, al-Jolani and HTS aim to conquer southern Syria and integrate it into the idea of the Ottoman Empire, and on the other hand, there is an effort to eliminate the Kurds in Northern and Eastern Syria. The Turkish state has assigned this task to the Syrian National Army (SNA).
The SNA, which is attacking the Kurds, has occupied Manbij and is besieging Kobanê. These are mercenaries, more or less Islamist, entirely salaried, trained, and nurtured by Ankara. Since 2018, they have been involved in the ethnic cleansing of Afrin. They were also sent to Nagorno Karabakh to ethnically cleanse Armenians. Today, they are trying to eliminate as many Kurds as possible from northern Syria. All of this is part of Erdoğan's ambition.
The West must understand this maneuver and continue to support the Kurds by preventing the SNA from taking Kobanê or even Raqqa.
Kobanê is a symbol, and if it falls, we all lose
They want to occupy Kobanê, which is a symbol of resistance against the Islamic State for everyone. You wrote a book called Mourir pour Kobanê (Dying for Kobanê) about the Kobanê resistance. How do you evaluate the Turkish state’s desire to occupy this city, which is a symbol for the peoples of the world?
What happened immediately after Kobanê's victory, that is, the victory of the Kurds against ISIS, holds highly symbolic importance. If we abandon our Kurdish comrades to the hands of Turkish mercenaries and the Turkish army and allow Kobanê to fall into their hands, it would signify, in a sense, the end of a world. In other words, it would mean the end of the West's freedom in the face of terrorism and Turkish totalitarianism.
Western powers - the Americans, the French, and the Europeans - must act to prevent the Turks from occupying such a symbolic city.
The Rojava model terrifies them
Amid the chaos in Syria, a model was established in Rojava that offers solutions to all the region's problems. Why is this model not being considered and discussed for Syria's future?
The problem is that the model proposed and currently operating in Rojava is genuinely an interesting one that could transform the entire Middle East. But the rest of the Middle East does not want this model because Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, and all the countries surrounding Rojava oppose this idea. For them, democracy, gender equality, women’s liberation, and secularism are seen as poison.
They fear the spread of Rojava's excellent model to their own societies, and they do not want it. That’s why our brave comrades defending this model around the world are met with widespread opposition. This is the core of the issue.
We must stand with the Kurds
Another danger in the region is the resurgence of ISIS. Turkish attacks have also led to movements among jihadists in prisons and camps in Rojava. As someone who knows the region well, what kind of threat are we facing here?
The seizure of camps like Roj and Al-Hol by jihadists is a huge danger for everyone. These camps hold over 50,000 jihadists and their families. These camps in Rojava are ticking time bombs for the entire West and all democracies.
I hope Western awareness of this issue will prompt Americans, French, and Europeans to prevent the Turks and their Islamist allies from seizing these camps. What is happening right now is very serious, and everything is at stake. Unfortunately, the transition period in the U.S. between Trump and Biden seems to have left Americans in a state of uncertainty that their adversaries are exploiting to advance their agendas.
I hope that before 20 January, the right response will be made, and we will give full support to the Kurds.
Finally, let me say this: the free world - essentially the West, but also the Kurds and a few other nations - must recognize that what is happening in Northern Syria is of fundamental importance for freedom worldwide. Our support and assistance to the Kurds must be complete right now. Otherwise, the entire world faces the risk of collapse.
Former Minister Ferrero said that a project to destroy Syria is being implemented, and added that "the only model that should be taken as a basis for Syria’s future is Rojava. We must defend it."

Wednesday, 25 December 2024
Following the overthrow of the Syrian regime on 8 December, the situation in the region continues to evolve. While international powers are trying to implement a new plan for Syria through the jihadist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the Turkish state and its affiliated militia groups, which are among the primary supporters of this jihadist group, continue their invasion attacks on the Autonomous Administration regions of Northern and Eastern Syria.
Paolo Ferrero, former Italian Minister of Social Solidarity and former secretary of Rifondazione Comunista, spoke to ANF about the developments in Syria and the attacks on the Kurds.
‘Not a new Syria but a destruction project’
Paolo Ferrero said that the Assad regime was already weak and was overthrown with the direct support of Turkey and Israel and indirect support from the U.S. He added: "They have disrupted the existing balance in Syria. I believe this new situation will not lead to a new Syrian government, but to the destruction of Syria. I say this because Israel is annexing the entire Golan Heights and neighboring areas in Lebanon. Turkey is also trying to do the same in northern Syria. Moreover, although jihadist terrorist groups are portrayed as having formed a government, in reality, they have no sovereignty. Just like the Islamic State was used against the Kurds, they too are being manipulated and used as tools."
‘The project to destroy Syria through Turkey is active’
Ferrero pointed out that the project to destroy Syria through Turkey is being carried out and emphasized that seeking a solution for Syria through HTS is futile. He said: "Given the history and ideology of this jihadist group, it’s very difficult to envision a solution for Syria with them. Turkey wants to implement its plans through this group and other armed groups affiliated with it. As in the past, it is clear that these groups are being used against the Kurds and Rojava. We will see if the U.S. intervenes. As for Russia, like Iran, it seems to be standing on the sidelines. If the U.S. and Turkey want to normalize the situation, talks may be possible. However, if Turkey insists on forcibly changing the situation in Syria, then military action may be the only option, as so far, no real discussion about a solution has taken place. The military power balance in Syria is shifting in favor of the jihadist model because this model reflects the interests of Turkey, Israel, and to some extent the U.S. These powers want to divide Syria into small ethnic, religious, or cultural states in order to better control the region. This situation is part of a long-term vision to maintain these powers' dominance in Syria."
‘They don’t want to accept the Kurdish reality’
Ferrero said that Turkey’s main goal is to implement a new Ottoman policy in the region and highlighted that the attacks on Rojava are aimed at preventing the acceptance of the Kurdish reality by Erdoğan and his regime. Ferrero said: "Moreover, Erdoğan nurtures a rigid and intolerant nationalism that rejects any form of autonomy for the Kurds. Turkey doesn’t want the Kurds to be in a position where they can freely express themselves or govern themselves."
‘The Rojava model is a true revolution’
Ferrero reminded that for half a century, an understanding that does not accept any differences has held power in Syria, and said: "The proposal and model of a democratic region that unites different religions, cultures, and ethnic groups in Kurdistan is truly revolutionary in the current context. The existence of the Assad regime was based on the denial of this pluralism. Despite the knowledge of this reality in Syria, we see that groups that pursue an exclusionary vision of a state based on a single religion, like the jihadists, are being supported."
Ferrero added: "It is crucial for us to do everything we can to support the Kurdish people in Western countries and elsewhere. Attacks on the Kurds are unacceptable. They should be left free to govern themselves. We must put pressure on Turkey and the U.S.
The Rojava model, inspired by the ideas of Abdullah Öcalan, offers an important alternative for a pluralistic and participatory democracy.
However, democratic forces are opposed to this idea because they support the authoritarian democracy that dominates the West today. The Kurdish people are not only defending the right to live and self-govern but also have a vision to solve humanity’s problems. If we follow this path of participatory and pluralistic democracy, it will be possible to move away from the logic of war. Otherwise, war will remain inevitable."
‘They want to destroy Kobanê, the symbol of resistance’
Ferrero said: "Turkey, which sees the victories of the Kurdish people as an insult to themselves, is trying to destroy the symbol of Kurdish resistance, Kobanê."
‘We must defend Rojava for the future of humanity’
In his concluding remarks, Ferrero said: "It is of vital importance to apply pressure on Turkey and the U.S. to end this situation, which reminds us of what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. These great powers think they can impose their will on the people. Rojava is not just a positive experience for the Kurds; it is also important for humanity. This model represents an important practical step showing that living together is possible despite differences. Rojava presents a concrete and realistic proposal for harmonious coexistence among different ethnic groups, religions, and political orientations. This is why we must defend Rojava. It represents a potential model for the future of humanity, where peace prevails over war. By defending Rojava, we will be defending a model for the future of humanity."