Thursday, June 04, 2020

Shoshana Zuboff on surveillance capitalism 
VPRO Documentary 
Dec 20, 2019
vpro documentary


Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff wrote a monumental book about the new economic order that is alarming. "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism," reveals how the biggest tech companies deal with our data. How do we regain control of our data? What is surveillance capitalism? In this documentary, Zuboff takes the lid off Google and Facebook and reveals a merciless form of capitalism in which no natural resources, but the citizen itself, serves as a raw material. How can citizens regain control of their data? It is 2000, and the crisis has caused deep wounds. How will startup Google survive the bursting of the internet bubble? Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin don't know anymore how to turn the tide. By chance, Google discovers that the "residual data" that people leave behind in their searches on the internet is very precious and tradable. This residual data can be used to predict the behavior of the internet user. Internet advertisements can, therefore, be used in a very targeted and effective way. A completely new business model is born: "surveillance capitalism." 

On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series. This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.

Original title: De grote dataroof Director: Roland Duong

 Research: Tom Reijner, Halil Ibrahim Özpamuk Camera: Adri Schrover Sound: Jochem Salemink 

Editing: Roland Duong, Paul Delput, Rinze Schuurman Production: Marie Schutgens 

Production assistant: Britt Bennink

 Image Editing: Rob Dorrestijn, Paula Witkamp

 Online Coordinator: Arja van den Bergh Commissioning Editors: Bregtje van der Haak, Doke Romeijn 

Shoshana Zuboff: Surveillance capitalism and democracy

Premiered Nov 11, 2019

The collection and analysis of data is changing the way economies operate. Are these changes so fundamental that they can be said to have led to the emergence of a new form of capitalism – surveillance capitalism? If people’s behaviour is made increasingly transparent, do we become a society in which trust is no longer necessary? Are individuals a mere appendage to the digital machine, objects of new mechanisms which reward and punish according to the determinations of private capital? How is social cohesion affected when people become dispensable as a labour force, while their data continues to provide function as a source of value in lucrative new markets that trade in predictions of human behaviour? How should we understand the new quality of power that arises from these unprecedented conditions? What kind of society does it aim to create? And what ramifications will these developments have for the principles of liberal democracy? Will privacy law and anti-trust law be enough? How can we tame what we do not yet understand? Shoshana Zuboff is a social scientist and author of three books, each of which has been recognised as the definitive signal of a new epoch in technological society. Her latest book, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism reveals a world in which technology users are no longer customers but the raw material for an entirely new economic system. Zuboff is the Charles Edward Wilson Professor Emerita at Harvard Business School and was a Faculty Associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School from 2014 until 2016. Making Sense of the Digital Society
The current rapid pace of technological change creates enormous uncertainties – and thus the need for explanations that help us better understand our situation and shape the future. The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) and the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) are therefore continuing the Lecture Series Making Sense of the Digital Society that was launched in 2017. The aim of the format is to develop a European perspective on the current processes of transformation and its societal impact. The first speaker of this year’s series was sociologist Eva Illouz, followed by Dirk Baecker, José van Dijck and Louise Amoore. The event with Shoshana Zuboff on 6 November is part of the Berlin Science Week 2019 and the keynote of the DigiKomm conference 2019. More information about the event and the lecture series: Photo credit: Falling Walls Foundation #digitalsociety #ShoshanaZuboff #ZuboffBerlin

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism - Shoshana Zuboff, Carole Cadwalladr, Paul Hilder & Shahmir Sanni

Sep 30, 2019

Shoshana Zuboff's book, 'The Age of Surveillance Capitalism', reveals a world in which the sovereign forces in today’s economy are advertisers, manipulators, shadowy assemblages of state and private actors whose goal is to predict our behaviour, and change it. Their tools are surveillance, provocation and addiction. IIPP presents this special public lecture featuring Shoshana Zuboff; and a panel discussion with Guardian journalist Carole Cadwalladr, Paul Hilder from openDemocracy and whistleblower Shahmir Sanni. Sign up to our newsletter to hear about our upcoming events: UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment Website: Twitter: ----------------------------------------------- The Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) and the British Library presents a public lecture series titled Innovation and the Welfare State. The dynamic lecture series brings together world-leading thinkers to debate how the 21st century welfare state requires rethinking healthcare, green growth, public access to knowledge and new forms of data ownership. Join us in this powerful discussion on delivering public value through innovation.

The Rise of Surveillance Capitalism

Streamed live on Mar 1, 2019

Join The Intercept’s senior correspondent Naomi Klein and Harvard Business School professor Shoshana Zuboff, author of “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power,” for an engaging discussion about the unprecedented form of power called “surveillance capitalism” and the quest by corporations to predict and control our behavior. #SurveillanceCapitalism

Big Tech Stole Our Data While Democracy Slept: Shoshana Zuboff on the Age of Surveillance Capitalism
•Mar 1, 2019 - Corporations have created a new kind of marketplace out of our private human experiences. That is the conclusion of an explosive new book that argues big tech platforms like Facebook and Google are elephant poachers, and our personal data is ivory tusks. We continue our interview with Shoshana Zuboff, author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power.

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