The greatest hope of the people of South Kurdistan, who are portrayed as if they were uncomfortable with the presence of the guerrilla there, is that the guerrilla emerges victorious from this war.

Friday, 12 July 2024, 18:02
The KDP's biggest fear is that the growing anger of the people of Bashûr (southern Kurdistan, northern Iraq) will turn into an organised force, because it knows the people's rebellious tradition.
The Turkish state continues its occupation plan with all kinds of co-operation and support of the KDP. Neither the guerrilla nor the people have patience left for the KDP's sinister role in this war. The residents of Amediyê who witnessed the convoys of the Turkish army passing through the centre of the city; the villagers of Guherzê, whose vineyards and gardens are hit by howitzer and mortar shells every day; those who were forced out of the villages of Mijê and Spîndare; the residents of Sergelê, whose land is burning even today, are waiting for the day when they will get rid of the sinister KDP and the invading Turkish army. The greatest hope of the people, who are portrayed as if they were uncomfortable with the presence of the guerrilla there, is that the guerrilla will emerge victorious from this war.
The KDP's biggest fear today is that the growing anger of the people will turn into an organised force, because the KDP knows that the people of South Kurdistan are rebellious and come from a tradition of rebellion. We know how much the KDP fears the will of the people from the elections that it has postponed for years. The KDP, even afraid of organising the elections, which is the primary necessity of democracy, for years, will of course be on the side of the occupier, not on the side of the people in the days when these occupation attacks have become evident.
After the attacks of the Turkish army on 3 July, the KDP media resorted to lies in order to calm the reactions of the people and to make it seem as if everything is rosy in the region.
No country's media makes such an effort to normalise an occupation on its territory.
Today, while watching the news reported by the K24 channel in the city of Amediyê, we realise again that the KDP media knows no limits in lies and special warfare.
First of all, the K24 reporter talks about how many tourists the city of Amediyê attracts during the day, how majestic and beautiful the landscape is. I wonder if they see the occupying Turkish soldiers who roam in and around the city as tourists. What view are they talking about? Is it the view of the smoke and explosions from the chemical weapons fired against the guerrilla positions on the Amediyê Hill near the city? Or the view of the burning forests in Sergelê and other villages on the slopes of Amediyê? Which view? The view of the burnt bodies of Kurdish children hit by howitzers and mortars fired by the Turkish army?
The K24 reporter then shows a few street scenes to show how peaceful the city of Amediyê is. If he moved his camera a little to the side, he would have a good view of the lands set on fire by the Turkish invaders, and if he moved his camera a little higher, he would get the Amediyê Hill, which has been almost pulverised by the bombardments of the Turkish army, so the angle of the shots is very narrow, showing only a few people shopping in front of a shop. Then a few interviews with pre-prepared dialogue. The interviewee says that the city of Amediyê attracts thousands of tourists a day, that there is nothing extraordinary around and that they live in peace.
The KDP special warfare team is very adept at playing three monkeys.
However, can the people of Amediyê ignore the sounds of explosions even if they cover their ears? Can they not feel the heat radiating from their burning forests even if they never leave their homes? Even if they wear masks, how can they not smell the odour of chemical gases emanating from Amediyê Hill? How can they ignore the invaders who pass through the centre of their cities in convoys with their dirty boots?
Let's say that they do not see or hear, and they claim that they live in peace. Isn't this thanks to the guerrilla that has been resisting the occupation in that region for two years? Isn't it thanks to the heroes who faced all kinds of war crimes for two years on the Amediyê Hill, but still did not allow occupation so that the Turkish army would not turn towards the cities? Undoubtedly, if the guerrilla had not fought there for two years, no one could claim to live in peace in the city of Amediyê. If there is any peace, it is thanks to the guerrilla blood flowing on the hills above that city.
There is no peace in the Amediyê area, but the biggest occupation operation in the history of South Kurdistan. Turkish troops did not come there to watch the magnificent view of the city of Amediyê. They have brought nothing but blood, tears, death, rape and massacre wherever they have set foot in the Middle East, and they will not bring anything to Amediyê. For this reason, those who claim that the inhabitants of Amediyê live in peace today and try to justify the Turkish army's invasion operation will also be responsible for the suffering that will be experienced by those very people when this invasion operation cannot be stopped.
Leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan), in his evaluation titled Southern Perspectives, said, "The KDP is a collaborative power and depends on the dominant will. When the dominant will wants, it is drawn into this conflict by various methods. It was indeed drawn in. In other words, it is a dependent power, it cannot do otherwise. On this basis, the Turkish regime both supported and protected the loyalty to a federal Kurdish state. Its aim in this was to isolate the PKK from the South and gradually turn the Kurdish collaborator forces in the South against the PKK." The collaborationist and treacherous character of the KDP was thus analysed decades ago.
Leader Apo's predictions and analyses on the political, military and social structure of the region offer a perspective for the guerrilla struggle even after decades. For this reason, it is the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla that best interprets the occupying character of the Turkish nation state, best analyses what the Turkish state has done and will do there, and with this foresight and consciousness, is the honour defender of the people of South Kurdistan.
The KDP's media can only deceive the Barzani Family's stooges by saying "There is peace in Amediyê, tourism is developing in Amediyê", but never the patriotic Kurdish people of South Kurdistan who come from the tradition of rebellion. Especially they can never mislead the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla.
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