Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Indonesia: Fundraiser for Page Against the Machine

From Crowdfunder

Why translate and publish Indonesian anarchist literature in English?

Translation and publication of Indonesian anarchist literature into English sheds light on the unique development of anarchism in Indonesia.

The dominance of European and American anarchist narratives has led to an imbalance, with non-Western perspectives often marginalized or overlooked. Translating Indonesian anarchist and critical literature helps to rectify this imbalance, offering a platform for voices from less privileged regions and contributing to a more equitable language cultural exchange.

By incorporating Indonesian anarchist literature, we want to introduce different viewpoints that challenge the dominance of European and American narratives. Indonesian anarchism emerges from a context marked by post-colonial struggles, economic disparities, and indigenous practices. Understanding these differences highlights how anarchism adapts and evolves in diverse environments and reveals the distinct ways in which it addresses local issues.

By translating Indonesian anarchist and critical texts, we can uncover how these colonial legacies affected the local expressions of anarchism and how Indonesian writers responded to and transformed these influences into local narratives. This is not just about making texts accessible; it’s about enriching the global discourse on anarchism, challenging dominant narratives, and acknowledging the complex interplay of colonial legacies. By doing so, we gain a more comprehensive understanding of anarchist movements worldwide and different contributions of Indonesian thinkers and activists.

Who we are…

We are Page Against The Machine, a small independent publisher in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

One of our key objectives is to elevate the narratives from non-academic writers who are first hand witnesses to events. This focus is important because many writers and activists here do not have the privilege of higher formal education. Our publication seeks to address this issue by providing a platform for these direct voices from the grassroots.

As a cooperative, we are collectively managed under mutual cooperation and solidarity principles. We plan to collaborate with local authors and publish a greater number of texts focusing on critical literature, social struggles, feminism, anarchism, and queer topics.

Page Against the Machine was initiated by three individuals: Mila, Mita, and Muhee. We are not only friends and comrades who have known and collaborated with each other for a long time but are also dedicated activists.

Your support

For Indonesian anarchist literature to reach a broader audience, financial support is essential. Publishing and distributing books, journals, and other written materials requires resources that many Indonesian anarchist publishers and authors simply do not have. Financial backing will cover costs including production, translation, marketing, workspace rent, working equipment, and distribution. This support is crucial for making our works accessible to global readers.

The first books under translation are in the image.

Projected budget

The following budget outlines the necessary costs to establish an initial foundation for the project:

1. Initial production cost for first books: 15.000.000 IDR / £735

2. Translator, editor, lay-out wage for first books: 15.000.000 / £735

3. Working equipment - scanner and printer: 4.000.000 IDR / £190

4. Yearly workspace rent: 12.000.000 IDR / £590

Total Required Funding: 46.000.000 IDR / £2,250

By contributing to this call, you will play an important role in enhancing the visibility of Indonesian anarchist ideas and fostering a more inclusive global dialogue on anarchism and other critical topics.

Help us to amplify voices and perspectives that are still very rarely heard and known in the literacy scene and anarchism movement globally.

In solidarity,
Page Against The Machine

Reach us on:

Email: pageagainstthemachine2024@gmail.com
Email: pageagainstthemachine2024@riseup.net

IG: @patmpenerbit

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