Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Kingston, Ont. police horse’s future uncertain due to lack of funding

Fawwaz Muhammad-Yusuf -  Global News

The days of having a police horse on the streets of Kingston could be numbered.

If funding doesn't come through, Murney, the Kingston police horse, may not patrol the streets anymore.

City and police officials are once again looking for funding to keep Murney the police horse on the beat.

Read more:
Kingston police horse Murney needs fundraising to continue service in 2022

The fate of the mounted unit has been under scrutiny for the past couple of years due to budget restraints.

In order to save Murney, the Downtown Kingston BIA is launching a campaign to keep the horse on patrol.

"Now the BIA has put a challenge out to anybody who is interested in helping keep Murney on the streets," says Marijo Cuerrier, executive director of the BIA.

"We will match any funds given between now and the end of December up to $8,000."

Read more:
Fate of Murney the Kingston police horse up for debate again

It costs about $75,000 every two years for food, housing and training to keep the mounted unit operational, with money that's been coming from the community.

But with only $31,000 raised so far, there is quite a bit of ground to cover before the end of the year.

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