David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement
April 12, 2023

Donald Trump says the greatest problem facing America is its own “sick radical people,” a claim critics, historians, and political experts are labeling clear fascism.
The ex-president, running his third consecutive campaign for the White House while currently under criminal felony indictment, sat down with far-right Fox News host Tucker Carlson Tuesday.
“I often say, they said to me the other day, one of your fellow journalists said, ‘Who is the biggest problem? Sir is it China? Could it be Russia? Could it be North Korea?'” Trump told Carlson.
“I said the biggest problem is from within. It’s the sick radical people from within,” Trump declared, presumably referring to Democrats and anyone who opposes him.
During that same interview Trump told Carlson the “biggest problem we have in the whole world” is not global warming but “nuclear warming.”
Trump went on to praise current authoritarian leaders and dictators, some who murder their own people, as “top of the line,” including China’s President Xi, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, and North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un.
Professor of History at the New School for Social Research Federico Finchelstein calls Trump a “Wannabe fascist leader.”
Finchelstein, who has written seven books on fascism, warned Trump is “returning to the fascist sources…in fascism the idea of the internal enemy was intrinsically connected to a notion about the inferiority, impurity and treasonous nature of those that were deemed as different to the majority.”
Asked on social media, “Don’t you think someone is coaching him on this messaging? Textbook authoritarianism,” Finchelstein replied, “i think he is a natural…”
Freelance journalist and author of the book, “America’s Holy Warriors: How the Religious Right endangers Democracy,” Annika Brockschmidt, summed up Trump’s “sick radical people” remarks: “This is just fascism plain and simple.”
Brad Moss, a top national security attorney and frequent political commentator: “And there it is. Trump’s 2024 campaign message is that the greatest threat to national security is the American people.”
Journalist David Roberts: “Standard-issue, off-the-shelf fascism. Not even a twist, just the generic label stuff.”
Attorney and civil rights activist Maya Wiley, a former MSNBC legal analyst, took a different approach: “Trump is right! The Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and all those ‘fine people’ who are Neo-nazis and white supremacists…who responded with weapons and violence on Jan 6th after they felt called up by #Trump…They are dangerous radicals.”
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