Thursday, July 18, 2024

 International Press Institute and Factograf launch guide to decoding disinformation

International Press Institute and Factograf launch guide to decoding disinformation

July 17, 2024

The International Press Institute and the Croatian fact-checking website Faktograf have launched a ‘Guide to Decoding Disinformation’.

This resource is designed to give journalists, fact-checkers and researchers a handy framework to investigate disinformation and smear campaigns targeting media professionals on the frontlines of exposing disinformation.

It helps to understand the context of misinformation, analyse timelines and platforms, identify key actors and identify false narratives. 

Javier Luque, head of digital communications at IPI, said: “These guidelines are not one-size-fits-all, as disinformation keeps evolving with new technologies. However, this guide is a starting point to identify the main components of disinformation campaigns targeting journalists and their credibility.”

The ‘Guide to Decoding Disinformation’ is part of the Decoding the disinformation Playbook of Populism in Europe initiative, supported by the European Media and Information Fund, managed by the European University Institute and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

Find out more

Press release

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