Thursday, July 18, 2024

PUK praises electoral reform, rejects unilateral government formation in Iraqi Kurdistan

2024-07-18 03:27

Shafaq News/ The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) lauded the decision to divide the Kurdistan Region into multiple electoral districts on Thursday, also emphasizing its opposition to the formation of a Kurdish government by any single entity.

PUK spokesperson Saadi Ahmed Pira announced that the party had completed preparations for the upcoming Kurdistan Parliament elections, scheduled for October. "We will participate with 173 candidates across all electoral districts," Pira said.

The PUK has appointed leaders for each electoral district: Shalaw Kosrat Rasul for Erbil, Miran Mohammed for Al-Sulaymaniyah, Barzan Osman for Halabja, and Ali Ormari for Duhok.

Pira noted that the introduction of multiple electoral districts, which will be implemented for the first time, aims to prevent vote manipulation. "This election will be entirely different from previous ones. Dividing the Kurdistan Region into several electoral districts is a very important step that aligns with democratic principles," he said.

Regarding the formation of the new regional government, Pira stressed that no single entity should form the government independently, even if it gains more parliamentary seats. "It is essential for the formation process to be inclusive," he added.

Pira expressed optimism about the PUK's prospects in the upcoming elections, anticipating an increase in votes for the party.

In the 2018 parliamentary elections, the PUK came in second place with 21 seats, following the Kurdistan Democratic Party, led by Masoud Barzani, which secured 45 seats in the Kurdish Parliament.

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