Sunday, September 22, 2024


Ireland: change sweeps the north

Now is the time to seize the opportunity to work together to build a brighter and better future for everyone who calls our island home.

By Pat Cullen MP

The recent election on 4 July saw Sinn Féin return as the largest party in Westminster, alongside being the largest party in local councils and the Assembly. Michelle O’Neill is now in place as First Minister for All, and leading our team of ministers in the Executive to deliver for people in all communities.

Since 2022, our electoral successes have strengthened our mandate and most importantly, our ability to deliver for workers and families. In the Westminster election, we stood on a platform of strong leadership, positive change, and a commitment to work for every single citizen across the north. We offered voters the opportunity to endorse decisions about their lives being made in Ireland by Irish people.

We believe change will only be delivered in the north by working together in the Executive, Assembly and Local
Government, alongside a strong all-island Sinn Féin team, working alongside our team of TDs, Senators, Councillors and MEPs in Brussels. This message was received across the north, and voters spoke resoundingly. In North Belfast, John Finucane doubled his majority from 2019 and is now beginning his second term as an MP having made history five years ago.

In South Down, Chris Hazzard ensured his majority increased from just under 2,000 votes to over 9,000 votes. In Newry & Armagh, West Tyrone, Mid Ulster and West Belfast, voters came out in their droves to back Sinn Féin’s positive and progressive message. And in my constituency of Fermanagh and South Tyrone, we turned a 57 vote lead into a majority of over four and a half thousand.

Overall, Sinn Féin increased its percentage share of the vote by over 4%, and in East Derry Kathleen McGurk came within a whisker of unseating the DUP’s Gregory Campbell. In the immediate aftermath of the election, we got down to the business of delivery. We have already met the new British Secretary of State for the north Hilary Benn and the British Prime Minister, Keir Starmer.

In these discussions, we strongly made the case for fairer funding to be provided urgently for health, education and public services in the north. For too long, workers and families have borne the brunt of savage Tory cuts and austerity.

We also reiterated the need for immediate funding to be released to build Casement Park. This would allow us to
seize the enormous economic opportunities created by hosting Euro 2028 – a once in a lifetime opportunity that we cannot afford to miss. We welcomed the commitment of the new British Prime Minister to scrap the shameful Legacy Act, which has failed victims and survivors, and now look forward to seeing the details of what their approach will be in the time ahead.

And we urged him to back efforts to work for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the West Bank, an end to the genocide and collective punishment of the Palestinians, the release of all hostages and the establishment of a viable Palestinian state. These meetings marked a historic change, and a new opportunity to foster positive relations between Britain and Ireland. In the north, change is sweeping across the island, and now is the time to seize the opportunity to work together to build a brighter and better future for everyone who calls our island home.

The conversation around what a new Ireland would look like is growing by the day and is flowing throughout all sections of society. We are clear – planning and preparation should start now. The Irish government must lead those preparations and establish a Citizens’ Assembly. One where everyone is welcome, everyone is included, and one where people can openly share their ideas, their hopes, and their ambitions.

There is now a real opportunity to shape a more prosperous future in a stronger, better and fairer Ireland. An opportunity to create an efficient all-Ireland national health service, a sustainable housing system, affordable childcare, and a fair and just transition to a carbon neutral economy. As well as full resumption of EU membership which the Tories’ disastrous Brexit pulled away from our citizens against their wishes.

Now is the time to plan for the future. A future filled with hope and optimism. A future our children and grandchildren can enjoy, cherish and prosper in.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir!

  • This article was originally published in the September/October 2024 edition of Labour Briefing magazine.
  • Pat Cullen is the MP for Fermanagh & South Tyrone and former General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing- you can follow her on FacebookTwitter/X and Instagram.

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