Monday, March 17, 2025

Trump’s Ethnic Cleansing Gaza Plan, Elon Musk, Apartheid South Africa and White Supremacy
March 15, 2025
Source: Originally published by Z. Feel free to share widely.

The title of an astonishing article from one of the oldest and most influential Jewish publications in the U.S., The Forward, reads: The Nazi plan for Jews that anticipated Trump’s Gaza proposal.

The article compares Trump’s plan for Gaza to ‘the so-called “Madagascar Plan,” devised by Nazi Germany in 1940 to “resettle” European Jews. The plan was the Third Reich’s final major proposal for removing the Jews from the Greater Germanic Reich Adolf Hitler envisioned in Mein Kampf prior to the “Final Solution” — the indiscriminate shootings of Jewish men, women, and children on the Eastern Front, leading to mass killings in death camps and gas chambers in late 1941.’

President Trump’s pronouncement that the U.S. would “own Gaza” and remove its population was so outrageous that a Jewish publication compared Trump’s vision for Gaza with Nazi ethnic cleansing of Jews. Of course, Israel’s racist and hyper-militarist leaders gleefully welcomed Trump’s “vision” for Gaza, with an estimated 65 percent of the Israeli public also supporting it. Trump later—in a meeting with the Irish Prime Minister– softened his stance telling reporters: “Nobody is expelling any Palestinians.”

The “owning Gaza” statement was only one of a deluge of outrages emanating from the White House, touching every aspect of the lives of Americans. Pardoning the January 6th insurrectionists, led by White Supremacists and Christian Nationalists, was one of the earliest acts of the Administration. Cruel and racist policies were signaled or put in motion targeting vulnerable communities—immigrants, people of color, minorities, the poor, and people with non-conforming sexual and gender identities. Joining Trump at the helm is Elon Musk, the South African, and the richest man in the world.

Among many belligerent pronouncements against various countries around the world, Trump singled out the government of South Africa, which had successfully argued the case against Israel’s genocidal war on the Palestinians in Gaza. A recent article by the Associated Press argues that Trump’s justification for cutting aid to South Africa reflects Elon Musk’s conviction that the Whites of South Africa are being oppressed and that their lives are in danger.

The fact that Trump has made a predatory billionaire with roots in apartheid South Africa the second most powerful man in the U.S. is fully consistent with the White Supremacist ideology that underlies his policies and rhetoric. The founding of the U.S. and South Africa both followed a pattern of settler colonialism, exterminating indigenous communities or forcefully relocating them. In both cases, religious doctrine was used to justify the horrors and dispossession inflicted on the indigenous people of the land. Is it a surprise, then, that Trump’s and Musk’s supremacist ideologies are making the U.S. even more aligned with the most overtly racist leadership in Israel’s history?

Elon Musk was roundly criticized in the Media for giving a Nazi salute at a Trump victory rally. Musk is also openly and actively promoting the German ultra-right party, the AfD, which most Germans consider to be antisemitic—a party that The Imes of Israel has called “stanchly supportive of Israel.” [see Loathed by Jews, Germany’s far-right AfD loves the Jewish state .] Not surprisingly, Musk was welcomed by Israeli leaders on his November 2023 visit to Israel and was more recently praised by Netanyahu and his son, Yair, during their visit to Washington last month.

But this is certainly not the first time that a White South African racist is, effectively, embraced by Israeli leaders. Back in 1976, John Vorster, prime minister of apartheid South Africa, visited Israel and received a red carpet treatment. Vorster had been imprisoned during the Second World War for being a Nazi sympathizer, but that didn’t stop Israeli leaders, Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Rabin from honoring him with a visit to Yad va Shem, Israel’s holocaust museum.

After the fall of the apartheid regime, Ronnie Kasrill, a Jewish leader of the anti-apartheid struggle, became a minister in the new government. According to him:

“Israelis claim that they are the chosen people, the elect of God, and find a biblical justification for their racism and Zionist exclusivity. This is just like the Afrikaners of apartheid South Africa, who also had the biblical notion that the land was their God-given right. Like the Zionists who claimed that Palestine in the 1940s was ‘a land without people for a people without land’, so the Afrikaner settlers spread the myth that there were no black people in South Africa when they first settled in the 17th century. They conquered by force of arms and terror and the provocation of a series of bloody colonial wars of conquest.”

Now, Israel is turning its attention to ethnic cleansing in the rest of the Palestinian occupied territories. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been forcibly removed from the northern part of the West Bank, while the Israeli army is destroying their homes, schools, and infrastructure.

The world is seeing, in real time, the genocide and the ethnic cleansing being visited upon the Palestinians starting with the active support and complicity of the Biden Administration, and continuing with the Trump Administration. Now the racist nature of the attacks on Palestine are more clearly associated with a White Supremacist agenda that is being condemned by the vast majority of people around the world. Much of this is being done in the name of Christianity by leaders with the most abysmal ethical record in American history. It is time for U.S. faith and civic leaders to publicly condemn this travesty and stand firmly on the side of justice in historical Palestine. For, as Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people the silence over that by the good people.”

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