Saturday, March 06, 2021

AOC Slams Democrats' Betrayal Of American People

Many Americans, in particular Democrats, felt betrayed when Joe Biden and co. went back on their campaign promise of $2000 relief checks in the stimulus bill, paring the amounts down to $1400. Then just this week the betrayal was heightened by the removal of a provision in the bill to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, another promise touted nonstop by Joe Biden on the campaign trail in 2020. Well, as they say in the infomercial business, that’s not all. Because now it appears that the final bill will also dramatically cut back on eligibility for checks, means testing some 12 million adults and 5 million children out of receiving relief - individuals who DID receive checks when Donald Trump was president.

In this clip from The Damage Report, John and Adrienne Lawrence note that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has publicly wondered at the economic or political wisdom of Democrats coming into power and immediately going back on their campaign promises in such a public, obvious way to let millions of Americans know that they will be MORE stingy than Donald Trump in providing help to suffering Americans. Adrienne says it’s as if Democrats know how important a vibrant, secure working class is to a thriving economy, and they just don’t care.

John, meanwhile, wonders what Democratic leadership could possibly be thinking from an electoral standpoint about how these repeated moves to pare down a critical bill and go through repeated news cycles emphasizing how Democrats are going to give you less and less and less will play out come 2022 and 2024.

“To tell people you're going to give them this and then not give it to them, how could that possibly not hurt you politically?” he wonders.

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