Friday, November 29, 2024

The Battle for Democracy in the US Must Take On the Military-Industrial Complex

Leftists have long had an understanding of “the deep state” that goes beyond Trump’s fearmongering conspiracy theory.
November 28, 2024

For years, President-elect Donald Trump has portrayed himself as the central victim of the “deep state” — a phrase that now conjures up right-wing paranoia and anti-government fearmongering. But well before Trump held power, the term was used by leftists — and its meaning has played a critical role in its analysis of power.

In Who Owns Democracy?: The Real Deep State and the Struggle Over Class and Caste in America, Charles Derber and Yale R. Magrass reclaim this term and expose the deep state for what it is: a nexus of powerful corporate, military and governmental elites who undermine democracy to retain their wealth and power — sometimes overtly, but more often quietly. They also share a nuanced and historical perspective on how the deep state was born and the struggles and contradictions within it.

Charles Derber, professor of sociology at Boston College, has written 28 books on politics, democracy, fascism, corporations, capitalism, climate change, war, the culture wars and social change. His bestselling books include The Pursuit of Attention and The Wilding of America.

Yale Magrass is a chancellor professor of sociology at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. He is the author/coauthor of nine books, most coauthored with Charles Derber, and 80 articles. His books include Bully Nation, Glorious Causes and Capitalism: Should You Buy It? The following transcript has been lightly edited for length and clarity.

Peter Handel: Can you explain the difference between Trump’s deep state and the one that the left has historically recognized?

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Charles Derber and Yale Magrass: Americans are told they live in a democracy where the common people rule and elect a government that is accountable to them. The left, at least since the time of Karl Marx, has challenged this, saying the state is really a tool of the bourgeoisie or the capitalist class, who own the overwhelming majority of corporate wealth. Often dubbed “the 1 percent,” they are the ruling class. As Marx put it, “The executive of the modern state is nothing but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie.”

While not disputing the power of the capitalist class, 1950s sociologist C. Wright Mills introduced the term “power elite.” Mills described a triangle of power, in which corporate elites ally with the upper echelons of the civilian government bureaucracy and the military. He proposed that there is a convergence of interests among them, and they rule jointly at the expense of common people.

Ironically, there has long been an overlap between this left-wing analysis and the analysis of right-wing movements like the John Birch Society who see the United States as ruled by Wall Street in total disregard for the values or interests of ordinary citizens. Similar to the left analysis, the right also suggests that behind the official elected state is another state with the real power. Trump’s use of the “deep state” draws on this longstanding far right idea.

Trump’s deep state includes the unelected security apparatus within the elected state — including the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI. This is the part of Trump’s deep state that we agree is part of the “real” deep state. It wields great power and is central to the military-industrial state that the left has long critiqued.

But Trump’s concept of the deep state, in most other ways, is deeply misleading. Trump focuses on the liberals in the social service agencies, academia and the media as central to his deep state. He argues they set policy with an agenda and values at odds with the people who he considers “real Americans,” mostly white, native-born, living outside the coasts and often lacking college education. His version of the deep state does not include the capitalist class. Indeed, he would consider leftists who oppose capitalism part of the deep state.

How does the deep state — the one Mills and you document — operate and can you expand on how it differs from Trump’s view?

The “military-industrial complex” is close to the core of the power elite and includes huge defense contractors like Lockheed Martin and Raytheon along with their allies in the Pentagon. They make policy without the knowledge of all but a tiny minority. In fact, most of what they do is classified.

In Who Owns Democracy, we show that the “real” deep state does not include most of the civil servants in the regulatory and social welfare government agencies that Trump targets. Rather, it is dominated by corporate capitalist elites, including the military-industrial complex. Trump sees them as part of the “people” and opposing his deep state. We show how the real deep state — the triangle melding private wealth, leaders of civilian government agencies and the national security establishment — came into being and gained control over the nation. The corporate elite that we see as central to the power elite and the real deep state is seen by Trump as champions of freedom and of the true people of America.

You take a deep dive into the history of the deep state and how it developed in the U.S. In fact, you show that the U.S. was formed by the union of two deep states. Tell us a bit more about this history, which is very much alive today.

From the very founding of the United States, there existed at least two deep states, a northern proto-capitalist one and a southern slave-based one that we call American proto-fascism. One was based on class power and one on caste power. While you theoretically can rise or fall in class, a caste is a state you are born in and keep for life. In order to gain the support of the majority, the two early deep states essentially obscured their mutual rule and presented themselves as democratic representatives of common people against the British crown, really British Parliament.

The founding of America was an uneasy marriage between the emerging northern and southern deep states. The two deep states united to gain independence from British control over taxes, trade and expansion across the continent. They shared economic interests in the slave trade and taking ownership of the Western territories.

But the honeymoon would fade rapidly as the differences between the class-based deep state and caste-based deep state began to drive very different northern and southern agendas. The South wanted an America embodying a feudal caste paradise of happy, white nobility presiding over slaves in an expanding agrarian society. It was proto-fascist because it eliminated large parts of the population from rights and citizenship because of their race or blood.

The North wanted to build a modern industrial state that would serve a growing capitalist class in a post-agrarian urban society based on manufacturing and finance. It also had authoritarian features based on class power by the rich, but it rejected proto-fascism based on race or biology; it was incompatible with the capitalist ideology that everyone had the right to rise and gain class power.

How did this marriage finally unravel and how did the northern and southern deep states evolve after the Civil War up until the present era?

The differences in the class and caste deep states were too deep for the founding marriage to survive. Less than 100 years after the revolutionary marriage, the two deep states divorced in a literal civil war. At first, the South controlled the federal government, but after the North crushed the South in the Civil War, it made the official elected state its tool. The surviving southern deep state never really forgave the northern victor, and vowed it would “rise again.” While the North would gain control of the new federal capitalist state, the Jim Crow regime would sustain the influence of American “fascist ghosts” in the South and much of the nation.

The post-Civil War federal capitalist deep state of robber barons like Carnegie, Morgan and Rockefeller used the federal government to crush labor unions, build infrastructure and make the world safe for American investment through military adventurism. As World War I approached, the American capitalist deep state was building an empire in competition with the British, French and German. Until World War I, the United States maintained a modest military, but in one year, it built the world’s largest. After the First World War, the United States reduced its military as the remaining British and French empires patrolled the world for American investment. During the Second World War, the United States again built the world’s largest military, but this time the American deep state realized there’s gold in them there wars, and transformed the United States into a permanent garrison state. The deep state’s military-industrial complex became a permanent fixture which dwarfed the deep state of the past.

But after the failure of Reconstruction in 1876, southern caste power in the form of Jim Crow resurrected itself in many southern and western state governments and economies. The southern caste deep state did, indeed, rise again and sustained a form of American neofascist authoritarianism born in the Confederate South. The American fascist ghosts literally cloaked themselves in the white sheets of the Ku Klux Klan and the racial codes of the Jim Crow. Hitler was fascinated by American proto-fascism and told German scientists to study American racial theories and social practices. American fascism actually helped to give rise to European fascism.

Trump is today’s leader of American fascism, seeking to restore racial caste power and integrate it again with the class power of the corporate class he grew up in. The Democrats reject the Jim Crow fascist ghosts but are largely allies with the militarized corporate deep state that has ruled the nation since the Civil War and the Gilded Age’s robber barons. Class and caste power still hold deep control over both parties and the nation.

You say that both Democrats and Republicans have cynically used the legitimate concerns raised by identity politics to undermine the kind of class solidarity required to take on ruling elites. How so?

The Reagan “revolution” sought to dismantle the New Deal restraints on unfettered corporate power. President Ronald Reagan saw that if he could divide the working classes by race or caste — through culture wars and white Christian nationalism — the corporate deep state could regain unfettered national control. Trumpism is the latest stage of the Reagan backlash, but Trump has been more aggressive in uniting class and caste in his new version of American fascism.

When President Bill Clinton and Barack Obama abandoned the New Deal, they helped turn the Democratic Party toward identity politics and an embrace of caste reform rather than class politics. This turn to race and gender helped solidify Reagan’s resurrection of the corporate deep state. The Democratic embrace of corporate power and the military-industrial complex is a fatal flaw morally and politically.

Who Owns Democracy? concludes with a chapter on how leftist movements can resist the deep state and the attacks on democracy. How do you think activists can most effectively challenge antidemocratic forces?

Throughout Who Owns Democracy? we show that class and caste elites in the two deep states have long owned U.S. democracy. But ordinary working people have always risen to challenge both forms of power. Anti-caste movements have included antebellum abolitionism, the 1960s civil rights movements and feminism. Populist movements in the 1890s Gilded Age began to challenge early corporate class power. Labor movements, especially in the 1930s New Deal and Great Society, rose more recently to challenge class power, as did Occupy Wall Street about a decade ago and progressives like Sen. Bernie Sanders today.

As the gap between the 1 percent (or perhaps the 1 percent of the 1 percent) and ordinary citizens grows, mainstream liberals and Democrats have done little to address the needs of people feeling left behind. They have focused on race and gender while neglecting the real grievances of the white working class, and in fact many people of color, who face a deteriorating standard of living and an uncertain future. Trump successfully presented himself as their “voice” and laid the blame for their anxiety on “bleeding heart liberals” in the deep state and immigrants who should not be living with “true Americans.” To resist Trump and win power, the left must show it offers solutions that will produce a better life for all working people. This requires resurrecting a class politics that topples the militarized corporate deep state to create deep democracy in the economy as well as in the political system. We desperately need now a left populism aiming to destroy the militarized neofascist capitalism embodied in Trumpism.

This article is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), and you are free to share and republish under the terms of the license.

Peter Handel is a freelance writer in the San Francisco Bay area.

“A Time Before Fear”: Notes From a Black Panther Who Spent 41 Years Behind Bars

Russell Shoatz’s posthumously published autobiography documents a lifetime of fighting for Black liberation.
November 29, 2024

Cover image for I Am Maroon: The True Story of an American Political Prisoner (2024).Bold Type Books

Among those familiar with his life story, the name Russell “Maroon” Shoatz is synonymous with freedom.

His childhood and early adulthood were spent on the streets of Philadelphia, where he transformed himself from a gang member into a dedicated community organizer at the height of the city’s struggle for Black liberation.

Arrested in connection with an attack on a park guard in Philly’s Fairmount Park in 1970, he spent two years underground with various chapters of the Black Panther Party until he was arrested and sentenced to life in prison.

For four decades he served time in one penitentiary after another across the state of Pennsylvania. He earned the title “Maroon” after escaping from two of these prisons. The title — a revered honorific among Black freedom fighters — draws upon the long history of Black and Indigenous slaves breaking free from plantations to form autonomous, liberated zones across the Americas and the Caribbean.

Following his second and final recapture, Maroon began a period of deep self-study, which rapidly drew in scores of other politically conscious prisoners dedicated to organizing and uplifting themselves in the face of institutional racism and brutality. Incensed by his success at mobilizing his fellow prisoners, the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections threw him in solitary confinement. He survived nearly 22 years of no-touch torture before finally winning his release into the general prison population in 2015.

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His first book, a collection of essays entitled Maroon the Implacable, charts his political evolution from a mere “foot solider” in the Black Liberation Army to a sharp theoretician on matters of economics, armed conflicts and ecosocialism.

His recently published autobiography — the result of a 10-year collaboration with me (Sri Lankan journalist Kanya D’Almeida) — tells a different story: not the history of the Panthers, or even of the Maroons, but of a young boy’s journey from city streets to the depths of incarceration. This memoir is the story of how a person goes from being a freedom fighter, to an escaped prisoner, to a free man; a story of finding freedom in confinement and isolation; and a blueprint for how to get — and stay — free.

Shoatz died in December 2021, two months after he was granted compassionate release from prison after 41 years behind bars. The following is an excerpt from his posthumously published memoir, I Am Maroon: The True Story of an American Political Prisoner (Copyright © 2024), which we brought into being together. It is available from Bold Type Books, an imprint of Hachette Book Group, Inc.
When We Were Free

By Russell Shoatz

Before he was assassinated in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem in 1965, Malcolm X warned of a global race war. He did not hesitate to name the cause of the prevailing situation: a long history of white racism, colonialism, and empire, against which the colored minorities of the world were now rising. He described America as a powder keg, and her Black population as the fuse capable of lighting the explosive substance within and pretty much setting the whole damn world on fire. He prophesied a total revolution — not a polite tussle over “civil rights” but a full-blown battle for the basis of emancipation, which is to say, for land.

Long before most Black people got on board with his message, the federal government took Malcolm X’s words to heart. Under the leadership of J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI began to systematically search for and catalog the most capable individuals and organizations dedicated to Black liberation in America. Not for a minute did the agency underestimate the threat posed by dedicated and disciplined groups of Black freedom fighters and their white comrades. The bureau’s archives, which have now largely been made public, include everything from training manuals to correspondence to propaganda materials created by these groups.

The Black Panthers accounted for the FBI’s largest file and was the target of the bulk of the agency’s efforts and resources, including informants, detectives, spies, and a range of other undercover agents and operatives. To this day I believe this was due to the party’s clarity of vision. They had a thorough grasp of capitalism and fascism that came from a lived experience of Blackness, and that enabled them to reach and unify masses of people who had previously been lost, apathetic, or afraid.

When I and other BUC [Black Unity Council] members first visited the Panther offices located on Nineteenth and Columbia Avenue in North Philadelphia, we were largely ignorant of the level of government surveillance of their activities. It was only gradually, as our link with the party deepened, that we would come to understand the lengths to which the state was prepared to go to not only eviscerate the Panthers, but bury all trace of them forever. It was only after we had joined forces with the BPP [Black Panther Party] that we came to fully comprehend what it meant to be blacklisted by the United States government, and to feel the deadly weight of its so-called national security apparatus.

Our first point of contact, in the year 1969, was a dude named Mitch Edwards, a defense captain of the party’s chapter in Philly. He must have been close to my age, mid-twenties, and he was responsible for training and leading a platoon of teenaged Panthers stationed at several offices throughout the city. Given the Black Unity Council’s status as a prominent and respected local group, that initial meeting was one of equals. However, it quickly became clear that the Panthers had a whole lot going for them that was beyond our scope or ability.

For a start, they were a national organization. They had a newspaper, a tool the BUC had never even considered, which allowed them to educate a much wider audience on their programs and ideas. Most crucially they had a fully functional free breakfast program for kids, which earned them tremendous goodwill in the neighborhoods and also served as a model for a community-based form of independent government.

As far as we were concerned, the Panthers had one weakness: They had not dedicated sufficient time and resources to developing a comprehensive military strategy, which forced them to suffer humiliating defeats and unnecessary casualties at the hands of the police. In December 1969, Chicago police officers staged a raid on the party’s headquarters, killing Fred Hampton, the 21-year-old chairman of the Illinois chapter of the BPP, and 22-year-old Mark Clark, an active party member. Police also severely wounded several others, including a female Panther who was in the advanced stages of a pregnancy. We watched this news with growing frustration that the party’s top leadership wasn’t willing to take the steps necessary to protect their own cadres from death and incarceration.

Then, in a sudden but welcome change of direction, Huey P. Newton issued the following directive: “Our organization has received serious threats . . . We draw the line at the threshold of our doors. It is therefore mandated as a general order to all members of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense that all members must acquire the technical equipment to defend their homes . . . Any member of the Party having such technical equipment who fails to defend his threshold shall be expelled from the Party for Life.”

Now we were on the same page! This newly stated position, combined with the dissemination of official Panther pamphlets entitled “Forming Self-Defense Groups,” was the green light for many members of the BUC to give themselves wholly to the Panthers’ cause. These pamphlets served as a set of uniform guidelines for rank-and-file Panthers to recruit, organize, and train thousands of grassroots community volunteers into militias that would serve the Black community. It was exactly the kind of program the BUC had undertaken a couple of years earlier, but on a massive, nationwide scale. This change of direction was sufficient to put us completely in the service of the Black Panther Party.

We began to sell the Panther newspapers and help out with their breakfast program. We flocked to their political education, or PE, classes. It was expected that BUC members would not only attend all Panther rallies, but in many cases provide the necessary security during these functions, a task we were only too happy to fulfill despite the repeated objections of our female members. What we saw as the party’s genuine concern over police repression and surveillance, Asani and the other women in the BUC called “Panther Paranoia.” They believed many of the male leaders and activists were prone to hysteria, often jumping to conclusions or overreacting to perceived security threats.

One evening I was on duty at a political discussion when a couple of unidentified vehicles began circling the neighborhood. When we decided we needed some heavier artillery, I was sent home to pick up shotguns, rifles, and one of my metal ammunition carriers. It was dark when I got to our place, and Asani was alone with the kids. She tried to stop me from leaving, first with verbal pleas and finally by physically blocking my path. When I went to get around her, she grabbed a hold of the shotgun I had in one hand. She had fire in her eyes! She told me to stop acting crazy, to call off the discussion for the time being and reconvene when things had cooled down. It was a struggle to wrench the gun away from her, and as I turned my back on her and the kids, I realized that the question of armed struggle was becoming more than a disagreement — it was widening into a gulf, eating away at the complete trust and honesty that had once existed between us.

But there was no stopping the train. The city had caught the revolution virus and it was spreading to the most unlikely people and places. Up in North Philly, a priest named Father Paul Washington opened the doors of his Church of the Advocate for various Panther activities, and we packed the pews with local supporters whenever a Panther Central Committee member was in town to give a talk. Panther offices had sprung up all over: on Nineteenth and Columbia, Twenty-Nineth and Susquehanna Avenue; at Thirty-Sixth and Wallace Street; at Forty-Seventh and Walnut. There was also a facility in Germantown, and others would eventually find spaces in West and South Philly. A handful of loyal party members ran these operations, capable and dedicated men and women who, it seemed, worked round the clock in the service of the movement.

The first Panther activity that I participated in was a mass rally in front of the State Office Building on North Broad Street in support of a nationwide effort to win the release of Huey P. Newton. He had been arrested in 1967 in connection with the murder of an Oakland police officer named John Frey, and a huge coalition of Black and white liberation groups had been demanding his freedom. The words “Free Huey!” had become a kind of rallying cry for the whole movement, and these protests generally drew hundreds or even thousands of people. Mitch Edwards led the Philadelphia rally — we marched around the building, listened to speeches, and sang liberation songs.

Shortly after that, I drove a bunch of Panthers and Black Unity Council members to New York City to attend a similar rally demanding the release of the Panther 21 — the largest single group of Black Panthers imprisoned anywhere in the country. These New York–based Panthers stood accused of coordinating a major attack on two police stations in New York City. Their arrest represented just the tip of the iceberg of the government’s attempts to neutralize Black revolutionaries. The Panther Party leadership at the time devised the ingenious tactic of turning their members’ legal trials into high-profile media spectacles. This effectively transformed any arrested or detained Panthers into living martyrs, people who had sacrificed their freedom for the cause. It put the authorities in a terrible dilemma because it turned their own weapon—the courts and the courthouses — against them! They were trapped between the options of releasing revolutionaries back into the community or dealing with a torrent of negative publicity around these controversial trials, including in the international press.

When we arrived in the city for the Panther 21 trial, we assembled at the courthouse in downtown Manhattan alongside hundreds of protesters. As we marched we sang, and the song went something like this:

Free the twenty-one! Free the twenty-one, you fascist pigs! Free the twenty-one, we need our warriors beside us!

Uniformed New York City policemen, mounted on horseback, followed us around the block. We listened to a speech by Don Cox, the West Coast field marshal for the Black Panthers, who was at that time probably the third or fourth in command of the entire party.

But rallies were just one square on the chessboard. Before too long, the local Panther cadre in Philadelphia had informed their West Coast leadership about the Black Unity Council’s hardcore training in self-defense. Shortly thereafter, we received a request to share our military hardware with the top brass of the Panther Party.

Until then, we had been laboring under the impression that the Panthers, being a coordinated national movement, possessed their own arsenal. To learn that a small local outfit like the BUC could be called upon to beef up their supplies was a serious wake-up call to guys like me and Sharp. But we quickly shook off our disappointment and put out a call among our female membership for a volunteer to transport a number of hand grenades in her personal luggage on a flight to California — a task she undertook despite the women’s opposition to our armed activities, and with hardly any fanfare for her courage.

It was, in a way, a time before fear. We were audacious. We did not ask if something could be done; we asked only what needed to be done.

Because that’s how it was back then. It was a time of doing, a time of sacrifice. It was, in a way, a time before fear. We were audacious. We did not ask if something could be done; we asked only what needed to be done. There were no limits to our demands because we were demanding things first and foremost from ourselves. No more holding a begging bowl out to our oppressors. Instead, we had identified the needs of our people and drafted the terms and conditions under which we would struggle for them. The Panther Party’s training manuals included strict instructions on how to transform from civilians into soldiers: rise early, develop physical strength, discipline our minds and bodies. Every day was boot camp, right there in the heart of the city, in broad daylight. It was a time of regimented militancy, but you could also say it was the time when we were most free.

Panthers were hijacking planes to foreign countries where they could seek asylum, mainly Cuba but also a few with sympathetic governments in Africa, including Algeria and Tanzania. By this time Eldridge Cleaver had established a kind of Black Panther government-in-exile in Algiers, and he personally received those who managed to escape death and incarceration on American shores.

As for the authorities, the only thing worse in their minds than the flight of wanted Panthers was the exodus of white people into the arms of revolutionary formations.

Groups like the Weather Underground, whose membership was entirely white, became a thorn in the side of the establishment, undertaking some of the most daring attacks on the state and even breaking their members out of jail. On college and university campuses things were reaching a fevered pitch, spurred on by students who were opposed to the outmoded, authoritarian, and racist school administrators. This, coupled with vehement anti–Vietnam War sentiment among the student body, brought white, Black, Latino, and Asian students together in huge numbers to demand sweeping changes in the education system. They clamored for a dismantling of the old colonial curriculum, to be replaced with programs that taught them the true histories of their own people: Black studies, Latino studies, Native American studies, Asian studies. In all of these movements, it was Black students who led their peers into the most militant forms of protest, occupying buildings or organizing sit-ins until their demands were met. Sometimes these actions turned violent, with students taking up arms in self-defense, and that was big news because people felt that if privileged college and university students were resorting to such extreme measures, it meant unrest had reached new heights. Panicked authorities called in the pigs and turned their campuses into active shooting galleries, riot police versus unarmed students. But of course it was the massacre of four white students by the National Guard at Kent State University in Ohio that stole most of the headlines.

By now the notion that we were embroiled in a full-scale conflict was no longer in dispute. This awakening, the awareness of ourselves as combatants against a hostile government, connected us to much larger, and much deadlier, armed uprisings around the world. For some years Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale had been reproducing and distributing the writings of the Chinese revolutionary Mao Tse-tung, who taught us that “political power grows from the barrel of a gun.” For many of us it was a new sensation to learn that Black people’s quest for emancipation in the United States bore such a strong resemblance to the plight of brown and yellow people around the world, many of whom believed that the oppressed must turn to guerrilla warfare to win their freedom. We familiarized ourselves with the works of the Afro-Caribbean revolutionary Frantz Fanon and the Argentine-Cuban guerrilla leader Che Guevara. We read Marcus Garvey and Ho Chi Minh.

In 1967, Muhammad Ali famously answered a young white reporter’s questions on his draft refusal by saying: “If I’m going to die, I’ll die right here fighting you. You my enemy, not Viet Congs or Chinese or Japanese. You my opposer when I want freedom, you my opposer when I want justice, you my opposer when I want equality. Want me to go somewhere and fight for you? You won’t even stand up for me right here in America.”

A couple of years later another Black man made headlines for taking an equally bold stand. But he would pay for it with his life.

Jonathan Jackson was only 17 years old when he stormed the Marin County Courthouse in California with several semiautomatic weapons. He proceeded to free three Black prisoners from San Quentin prison, one of whom was standing trial while the two others had been brought as witnesses. Together, the four young men took a white judge, prosecutor, and three jurors hostage, demanding, in exchange for their release, freedom for the famous Soledad Brothers. This was a group of Black prisoners including Jonathan’s brother, George Jackson, who would soon be facing trial for the killing of a white guard at San Quentin prison — a charge that all three accused denied. During the courthouse raid, neither Jonathan nor any of his accomplices fired a single shot from any of their weapons. They used piano wire to bind their hostages, and verbal commands to usher them from the courtroom. When they were accosted by a bevy of newspaper reporters and cameramen on the courthouse steps, Jackson and the three men he’d liberated allowed themselves to be photographed, while reiterating their demand for freedom for the Soledad Brothers. Finally they bundled their hostages into an escape van destined for a nearby radio station, where they intended to transmit their message to a national audience. The whole thing was a brilliantly maneuvered, bloodless operation — until local police fired on the van, killing Jackson, two of the prisoners he had liberated from the courthouse, and the white judge.

When I walked into a friend’s house that evening and saw the pictures from that courthouse splashed across the front page of the newspapers, I froze. I couldn’t take my eyes off the image of Jonathan Jackson, assault rifle in one hand, disarming cowing sheriffs, while in the background the three liberated Black prisoners stood guard over their bewildered-looking captives. Before I could even pick up the paper to read the whole story, I began to cry. I had seen Jonathan’s face in the papers many times before, always in connection with his brother George and their revolutionary ideas, but seeing him now as a martyr was a new sensation. It made me feel that we had a true leader, someone who was urging us through his own actions to intensify our struggle for liberation. It was not a feeling of sorrow — more of a renewed conviction that all three young men had died a glorious death, one that their oppressed kinfolk could not only understand, but actually envy.

I took the newspaper out to my car and sat alone for a while, trying to collect myself. But only one thought was flashing through my mind: The shit was on. All doubts, restraints, and equivocations were things of the past. Those of us who had committed to this fight were going all in to either win our freedom or perish in the attempt.

I wasn’t alone. In the coming days just about everyone I encountered seemed to be in a state of delirium, enthused, energized, and just plain ready. It felt like a huge wheel had been shifted from a rut, pushed with great difficulty to the edge of a slope, and was about to be sent rolling. Once it got going it would gather too much speed to stop, so we either had to keep up or get crushed beneath it. Pictures of Jonathan Jackson and the Marin County hostage crisis circulated far and wide: they were reproduced in the Panther papers, and penetrated every home in America through television screens.

They also set in motion a train of events that would culminate in the August 29, 1970, attack on the Philadelphia Fairmount Park Guard Station.

I will not jeopardize any party’s freedom or safety by revealing what I know about that attack, but I must state for the record that it was carried out in accord with, and at the behest of, the leadership of the Black Panther Party. It was an attack that would cost me everything but my life; since that fateful summer day, I have been a fugitive and a prisoner for 47 years and counting.

Note: This article has been excerpted from "I Am Maroon: The True Story of an American Political Prisoner" by Russell Shoatz and Kanya D’Almeida. Copyright © 2024. Available from Bold Type Books, an imprint of Hachette Book Group, Inc.

Kanya D’Almeida

Kanya D’Almeida won the 2021 Commonwealth Short Story Prize, becoming the first Sri Lankan and only the second Asian writer to hold the honor. She was awarded the Society of Authors’ annual short story award in 2022. Her journalism has appeared in Al Jazeera, Truthout and The Margins, and her fiction has appeared in Granta. She holds an MFA from Columbia University, where she studied under Victor LaValle.

Russell Shoatz

Russell “Maroon” Shoatz was a dedicated community activist, founding member of the Black Unity Council, former member of the Black Panther Party and soldier in the Black Liberation Army.
Demands Trump release report on investigation of top aide's alleged 'pay-for-play' scheme

November 28, 2024

The watchdog Public Citizen on Wednesday demanded that U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's transition team release a report from an internal investigation into allegations that aide Boris Epshteyn asked potential nominees to pay him monthly consulting fees in exchange for pushing for them to get jobs in the next administration.

"If a pay-for-play operation has corrupted the political appointment process in the Trump transition, as seems to be the case, the full facts must be disclosed to the American people," said Public Citizen co-president Robert Weissman in a statement. "If one of Mr. Trump's close advisers has been compromised by personal monetary considerations, then the personnel selection process itself has been compromised."

In a letter to Trump transition co-chairs Howard Lutnick and Linda McMahon, Weissman and Public Citizen co-president Lisa Gilbert noted that "media accounts indicate that the internal report discovered at least two specific incidents where Mr. Epshteyn made inappropriate demands for payment, so the concerns appear far beyond speculative."

Multiple outlets, including Just the News and CNN, reported on the existence of the internal review on Monday.

"One of those who was pitched by Epshteyn for both a consulting contract and an investment opportunity was Scott Bessent, the hedge fund manager named Friday night by Trump as his nominee for Treasury secretary. Bessent rejected the overtures and eventually, when asked, reported concerns about them to the Trump transition team, including Vice President-elect JD Vance," Just the News detailed. "Trump late last week ordered an internal inquiry into the consulting arrangements of Ephsteyn and other contractors to be conducted by lawyer David Warrington with the results to be delivered to his incoming Chief of Staff Susie Wiles."

U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Boris Epshteyn walk on the day U.S. President-elect Donald Trump meets with House Republicans in Washington, U.S., November 13, 2024. REUTERS/Nathan Howard

Just the News continued:

Former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens, a retired Navy SEAL who previously hired Epshteyn for consulting on an unsuccessful Senate candidacy in 2022, reported to the transition team in a sworn statement that he had an uncomfortable conversation this month with Epshteyn when he inquired about whether he should apply for the job of Navy secretary. "It is too early for that, let's talk business," Greitens quoted Epshteyn as telling him. "Mr. Epshteyn's overall tone and behavior gave me the impression of an implicit expectation to engage in business dealings with him before he would advocate for or suggest my appointment to the president," Greitens wrote in a statement that was submitted Friday to the Trump transition office and obtained by Just the News. "This created a sense of unease and pressure on my part."
Greitens immediately alerted his lawyer to the concerns, who arranged for the statement to be sent to Warrington, the lawyer named by Trump and Wiles to probe the issue, according to interviews and documents.

While CNN reported that the claims "prompted those looking into the matter to make an initial recommendation that Epshteyn should be removed from Trump's proximity and that he should not be employed or paid by Trump entities," the aide broadly denied the alleged behavior.

"I am honored to work for President Trump and with his team," Epshteyn said in a statement. "These fake claims are false and defamatory and will not distract us from Making America Great Again."

In a statement to both outlets, Trump spokesperson Steve Cheung said that "as is standard practice, a broad review of the campaign's consulting agreements has been conducted and completed, including as to Boris, among others. We are now moving ahead together as a team to help President Trump Make America Great Again."

Trump himself told Just the News that "I suppose every president has people around them who try to make money off them on the outside. It's a shame but it happens."

"But no one working for me in any capacity should be looking to make money. They should only be here to Make America Great Again," he added. "No one can promise any endorsement or nomination except me. I make these decisions on my own, period."

Weissman and Gilbert wrote Wednesday: "No doubt Mr. Trump makes his own decisions on personnel. But advisers frame decisions, push for candidates they like, make the case against those they disfavor, and sometimes act as gatekeepers influencing who gets consideration at all. No one doubts that close advisers are impactful."

"The American people have a right to know the facts your internal review has found," the watchdog leaders concluded.

The probe into Epshteyn is part of a flood of ethics problems with Trump's transition team and future administration. Another issue has been a delay in signing transition agreements with the Biden administration. Wiles announced Tuesday that the team finally signed a memorandum of understanding with President Joe Biden's White House.

Wiles also signaled that rather than signing a separate agreement with the General Services Administration to access federal funding, government office space, and cybersecurity support, Trump's transition team will run a privately funded operation. Politicoreported that the team did not respond to a question about another agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice that enables the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to run background checks and start processing security clearances for Cabinet nominees.

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who has criticized the delays in the transition process that is laid out in federal law, said Tuesday that "this announcement fails to answer key questions about national security threats and FBI vetting of nominees, and increases concerns about corruption. There appear to be serious gaps between the Trump transition's ethics agreement and the letter of the law."

While Wiles said the team will disclose its funders and not take foreign money, Warren added that "the reliance on private donors to fund the transition is nothing more than a ploy for well-connected Trump insiders to line their pockets while pretending to save taxpayers money."

Trump brings back government by social media

November 26, 2024

He is not yet in power but President-elect Donald Trump rattled much of the world with an off-hours warning of stiff tariffs on close allies and China — a loud hint that Trump-style government by social media post is coming back.

With word of these levies against goods imported from Mexico, Canada and China, Trump sent auto industry stocks plummeting, raised fears for global supply chains and unnerved the world’s major economies.

For Washington-watchers with memories of the Republican’s first term, the impromptu policy volley on Monday evening foreshadowed a second term of startling announcements of all manner, fired off at all hours of the day from his smartphone.

“Donald Trump is never going to change much of anything,” said Larry Sabato, a leading US political scientist and director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics.

“You can expect in the second term pretty much what he showed us about himself and his methods in the first term. Social media announcements of policy, hirings and firings will continue.”

The first of Trump’s tariff announcements — a 25 percent levy on everything coming in from Mexico and Canada — came amid an angry rebuke of lax border security at 6:45 pm on Truth Social, Trump’s own platform.

The United States is bound by agreements on the movement of goods and services brokered by Trump in a free trade treaty with both nations during his first term.

But Trump warned that the new levy would “remain in effect until such time as Drugs, in particular Fentanyl, and all Illegal Aliens stop this Invasion of our Country” — sowing panic from Ottawa to Mexico City.

Seconds later, another message from the incoming commander-in-chief turned the focus on Chinese imports, which he said would be hit with “an additional 10% Tariff, above any additional Tariffs.”

The consequences were immediate.

Almost every major US automaker operates plants in Mexico, and shares in General Motors and Stellantis — which produce pickup trucks in America’s southern neighbor — plummeted.

Canada, China and Mexico protested, while Germany called on its European partners to prepare for Trump to impose hefty tariffs on their exports and stick together to combat such measures.

– Framing the debate –

The tumult recalls Trump’s first term, when journalists, business leaders and politicians at home and abroad would scan their phones for the latest pronouncements, often long after they had left the office or over breakfast.

During his first four years in the Oval Office, the tweet — in those days his newsy posts were almost exclusively limited to Twitter, now known as X — became the quasi-official gazette for administration policy.

The public learned of the president-elect’s 2020 Covid-19 diagnosis via an early-hours post, and when Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander Qasem Soleimani was assassinated on Trump’s order, the Republican confirmed the kill by tweeting a US flag.

The public and media learned of numerous other decisions big and small by the same source, from the introduction of customs duties to the dismissal of cabinet secretaries.

It is not a communication method that has been favored by any previous US administration and runs counter to the policies and practices of most governments around the world.

Throughout his third White House campaign, and with every twist and turn in his various entanglements with the justice system, Trump has poured his heart out on Truth Social, an app he turned to during his 20-month ban from Twitter.

In recent days, the mercurial Republican has even named his attorney general secretaries of justice and health via announcements on the network.

“He sees social media as a tool to shape and direct the national conversation and will do so again,” said political scientist Julian Zelizer, a Princeton University professor.

Trump mocked after declaring 'productive conversation' officially closes the border

President-Elect Donald J. Trump prepares to sign a plaque placed along the border wall Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021, at the Texas-Mexico border near Alamo, Texas. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead) Image via Flickr.

November 28, 2024

Donald Trump on Wednesday declared that he cut a deal with Mexico President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo to "effectively" close the Southern border.

The president-elect posted to Truth Social: "Just had a wonderful conversation with the new President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo. She has agreed to stop Migration through Mexico, and into the United States, effectively closing our Southern Border."

He continued, "We also talked about what can be done to stop the massive drug inflow into the United States, and also, U.S. consumption of these drugs. It was a very productive conversation!"

CNN political analyst Bakari Sellers replied to Trump's claim via X (formerly Twitter), writing: "But from the desk of President Sheinbaum: You may not be aware that Mexico has developed a comprehensive policy to assist migrants from different parts of the world who cross our territory en route to the southern border of the United States. As a result, and according to data from your country’s Customs and Border Protection (CBP), encounters at the Mexico-United States border have decreased by 75% between December 2023 and November 2024."

Mike Nellis, a former Senior Adviser to Kamala Harriswrote via the social media website Bluesky: "Trump thinks he convinced the President of Mexico to stop all migration across the border LOL"

Trump's failure and the next pandemic

Thom Hartmann, AlterNet
November 28, 2024 

“The political folks believed that because [Covid] was going to be relegated to Democratic states, that they could blame those governors, and that would be an effective political strategy.” —Vanity Fair’s Katherine Eban quoting Jared Kushner’s team in March, 2020

Arguably the most important aspect of political leadership is the ability to deal with a crisis.

The massive incompetence and malice of the Trump administration in 2020 led, for example, to the unnecessary deaths of an estimated half-million Americans. And now we may well be facing a repeat that could be even worse.

The flu pandemic of 1918-1920 was the result of a bird flu (H1N1) that mixed, presumably in a pig, with a human-adapted flu virus and then killed over 50 million people worldwide and almost 700,000 in America (when our population was only 100 million people; it’s 334 million today).

So far, every person in America who’s become infected with this generation’s bird flu (H5N1) has gotten it from an animal, mostly birds (particularly chickens). It’s so widespread in the US chicken population, in fact, that it’s largely responsible for the high price of eggs leading up to the election and today (so much for the GOP/media inflation talking point).

In Canada, though, the science journal Nature published a rather alarming story last week, writing:

“In a children’s hospital in Vancouver, Canada, a teenager is in critical condition after being infected with an avian influenza virus that has researchers on high alert.
“Viral genome sequences released last week suggest that the teenager is infected with an H5N1 avian influenza virus bearing mutations that might improve its ability to infect the human airway. If true, it could mean that the virus can rapidly evolve to make the jump from birds to humans.”

The teenager doesn’t work or even live near farms and has had no known contact with birds. And it appears that the virus that has her at death’s door is a recent mutation:
“But researchers have homed in on three key differences between those [normal bird flu] viruses and the teenager’s: two possible mutations that could enhance the virus’s ability to infect human cells, and another that could allow it to replicate more easily in human cells, not just in the cells of its usual avian host.”

There’s a broad scientific consensus that the H1N1 flu of 1918 acquired its ability to easily infect humans and transmit from person-to-person because a pig with a case of a random human flu virus (pigs are easily infected by people) was simultaneously infected with bird flu. The two viruses are believed to have swapped genes inside the pig, producing the deadly variation that killed millions worldwide (although the hypothesis is still being debated).

And just last month, here in Oregon, a pig farm discovered five of their pigs were sick with bird flu. Public health authorities immediately sealed off the farm and euthanized the pigs to prevent them from picking up a human flu virus, but this is a pretty stark warning.

Another concern is that with Covid we had a virus that was transmitted by air, but died almost immediately when it landed on surfaces we could touch. Nobody got it from buckling a seatbelt used by an infected person on a plane, eating from a plate handled by an infected restaurant worker, or touching a package handed to them by an infected Amazon delivery driver.

The flu, on the other hand, is easily transmitted by touch; it’s why people are advised to frequently wash their hands during flu season.

Nobody wants to create a panic, least of all me, but this is alarming. Even more alarming is that if this mutation (or others like it) spreads, the guys running our nation’s response to a second pandemic this decade will be vaccine-skeptic Bob Kennedy and herd immunity advocate Marty Makary.

Herd immunity is the theory that when enough people are infected with a disease, the survivors have leftover “natural” immunity; some advocates (like Makary) even suggest it’s superior to vaccine-induced immunity.

The problem with the argument for “natural” herd immunity in the case of Covid or a deadly flu is that the disease often kills people so only the survivors have immunity, whereas the vaccine confers immunity without killing people.

Herd immunity is a real thing; we saw it play out during the Black Death in Europe in the 1340s. After a third of all the people on the continent were dead, the remaining two-thirds appear to have a minor immunity, the traces of which are still found in their descendants’ genome today.

Relying on herd immunity to deal with Covid would require roughly 80 percent of all Americans to get infected, leading to at least an additional 1-2 million deaths here as well as more multiple millions of Americans suffering permanent disability from long Covid.

Nonetheless, Makary went so far as to publish an article in The Wall Street Journalin February of 2021 arguing, as the headline read, “We’ll Have Herd Immunity By April”:
“Some medical experts privately agreed with my prediction,” he wrote, “that there may be very little Covid-19 by April [2021] but suggested that I not to talk publicly about herd immunity because people might become complacent and fail to take precautions or might decline the vaccine. But scientists shouldn’t try to manipulate the public by hiding the truth.”

Last week, Trump appointed Makary to head up the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which oversees the production and distribution of vaccines. Not reassuring.

And his boss, of course, could be even more problematic.

That’s the Bob Kennedy who Trump wants to head up the Department of Health and Human Services who argued that:
— Efforts to deal with Covid were part of a “biosecurity agenda that will enslave the entire human race”;

— The mRNA Covid vaccine was “the deadliest vaccine ever made”;
— The Covid virus was “ethnically targeted” to spare “Jews and Chinese people;”
— And efforts to mitigate the spread of Covid were “instruments of compliance for authoritarian regimes.”

Leadership matters, particularly during times of crisis. As do expertise, experience, and competence. Kennedy is a lawyer, not a physician; he has no medical training whatsoever.

We’re facing Russia’s threat to turn their attack on Ukraine into World War III, China’s increasing belligerence toward Taiwan with their spies well-lodged inside every major US phone company, and now the possibility of a new pandemic.

Given how, during the last pandemic, Jared Kushner advised Trump that it would be an “effective political strategy” to ignore the spreading virus and blame it on Blue state (WA, NJ, CT, NY) governors — and Trump took that advice for the first several months while the pandemic blossomed out of control — now might be a good time for us all to assess how prepared we are to go through this again.

Stock up on masks and essentials. Hand sanitizer and things like Vitamin D and Zinc that support the immune system. Consider what’s necessary to work from home.

And those Democratic governors who take science seriously should begin pandemic preparations for their states.

None of this necessitates panic; this time the government will be able to produce a flu vaccine much faster (once the virus finally mutates and stabilizes) than the yearlong wait we experienced in 2020 (assuming Kennedy and Makary don’t screw things up). We’d never before produced a vaccine against a coronavirus; flu vaccines have been produced worldwide since 1945.

As the old saying goes, forewarned is forearmed.

Possible tariffs worry Canada uranium miners as they boost output to meet US demand

Reuters | November 28, 2024 |

Yellowcake (uranium concentrate) produced at Cameco’s Rabbit Lake mine in Saskatchewan. Credit: Cameco

Canada’s uranium miners, confident that only they can meet US demand for the element after Russian supply curbs, have accelerated output and forward contracts to supply US energy companies, but they are now worried about possible tariffs from US President-elect Donald Trump.

Shares of uranium companies rallied in Toronto and New York over the last two weeks on news that Russia was planning to restrict the sale of enriched uranium to the US.

This week, Trump threatened to slap a 25% tariff on all goods from Canada and Mexico. This could inflate prices of the radioactive material unless uranium receives exemptions.

Canada is the world’s No. 2 producer of uranium after Russia. About 85% of its production is exported. Companies say the commodity is in acute shortage.

Vancouver-based uranium exploration company NexGen Energy is still at least four years away from producing in Canada. Company officials told Reuters they were in advanced discussions about possible off-take agreements with US utility companies that are gearing up to produce more nuclear power to meet growing electricity demand.

“We’ve never been busier on that front, and it has dramatically picked up after the Russian announcement and I would say that the utilities are very keen to see a new Canadian uranium miner to diversify the risk,” said Travis McPherson, chief commercial officer.

Jason Barnard, CEO of Foremost Clean Energy, a uranium exploration company, said further upward pressure on uranium prices was inevitable, adding the US may not be ready for the inflationary impact.

Uranium price to recover next year on shortage, Trump policy, Sprott CEO says

McPherson said Canada and NextGen in particular are in a good position to negotiate any tariff proposals.

“Given the dire need of US nuclear reactors for uranium that powers nearly 20% of their power demand combined with the fact they must rely heavily on imports, Canada (and NexGen in particular) is in a strong position to leverage this reality in any potential negotiations/discussions.”

“The potential tariffs on Canada demonstrate the need for Canada to have indispensable goods that the US industry needs and cannot get elsewhere or domestically. Uranium is one of those very unique goods,” he said.

The US imports a quarter of its uranium from Russia and the rest mainly from Canada followed by Kazakhstan, though it has some domestic production.

Russia said on Nov. 15 it had imposed restrictions on the export of enriched uranium to the US, in response to Washington’s ban on imports of Russian pre-enriched uranium. President Joe Biden’s administration had offered waivers allowing for shipments to continue through 2027.

This month US nuclear fuel supplier Centrus Energy announced that its main Russian supplier had canceled exports to the company, adding this loss of Russian supply would affect the company’s ability to meet delivery obligations.

Bids for uranium November 2025 delivery jumped from $4 to $84 a pound after Russia announced its restrictions, market research firm and consultancy UxC said.

Canadian miner Cameco, one of the world’s biggest publicly listed uranium miners, told Reuters it hopes there is “unencumbered” trade in nuclear goods and services between Canada and the US as the country needs a secure western supply of uranium fuel to address its increasing electricity demands.

“The announcement from Russia highlights what we have been saying for some time, that the cumulative risks to the supply of nuclear fuel are significant and that to break the dependence on Russia and other state-owned enterprises, coordinated western responses are required ensuring an industry-led, government enabled secure western fuel supply.”

(By Divya Rajagopal, Ernest Scheyder and Timothy Gardener; Editing by Veronica Brown and David Gregorio)

Ironic Dependency: Russian Uranium and the US Energy Market

Be careful who you condemn and ostracise.  They just might be supplying you with a special need.  While the United States security establishment deems Russia the devil incarnate helped along by aspiring, mischief-making China, that devil continues supplying the US energy market with enriched uranium.

This dependency has irked the self-sufficiency patriots in Washington, especially those keen to break Russia’s firm hold in this field.  That, more than any bleeding-heart sentimentality for Ukrainian suffering at the hands of the Russian Army, has taken precedence.  For that reason, US lawmakers sought a ban on Russian uranium that would come into effect by January 1, 2028, by which time domestic uranium enrichment and conversion is meant to have reached sustainable levels.

The May 2024 Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act, signed by President Joe Biden as law H.R.1042, specifically bans unirradiated low-enriched uranium produced in Russia or by any Russian entity from being imported into the US. It also bars the importation of unirradiated low-enriched uranium that has been swapped for the banned uranium or otherwise obtained in circumstances designed to bypass the restrictions.

At the time, Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm struck a note of hollering triumphalism.  “Our nation’s clean energy future will not rely on Russian imports,” she declared.  “We are making investments to build out a secure nuclear fuel supply chain here in the United States.  That means American jobs supporting the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to a clean, safe, and secure energy economy.”

This does not get away from current circumstances, which see Russia’s provision of some 27% of enrichment service purchases for US utilities.  The Russian state-owned company Rosatom is alone responsible for arranging imports of low-enriched uranium into the US market at some 3 million SWU (Separative Work Units) annually.  Alexander Uranov, who heads the Russian analytical service Atominfo Center, puts this figure into perspective: that amount would be the equivalent of the annual uranium consumption rate of 20 large reactors.

Given this reliance, some legroom has been given to those in the industry by means of import waivers.  H.R.1042 grants the Department of Energy the power to waive the ban in cases where there is no alternative viable source of low-enriched uranium available to enable the continued operation of a nuclear reactor or US nuclear energy company and in cases where importing the uranium would be in the national interest.

The utility Constellation, which is the largest operator of US nuclear reactors, along with the US enrichment trader, Centrus, have received waivers.  The latter also has on its book of supply, the Russian state-owned company Tenex, its largest provider of low-enriched uranium as part of a 2011 contract.

No doubt knowing such a state of play, Moscow announced this month that it would temporarily ban the export of low-enriched uranium to the US as an amendment to Government Decree No 313 (March 9, 2022).  The decree covers imports “to the United States or under foreign trade contracts concluded with persons registered in the jurisdiction of the United States.”

According to the Russian government, such a decision was made “on the instructions of the President in response to the restriction imposed by the United States for 2024-2027, and from 2028 – a ban on the import of Russian uranium products.”  Vladimir Putin had accordingly given instructions in September “to analyse the possibility of restricting supplies to foreign markets of strategic raw materials”.  The Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom confirmed that the ban was a “tit-for-tat response to actions of the US authorities” and would not affect the delivery of Russian uranium to other countries.

In a Russian government post on Telegram, the ban is qualified.  To make matters less severe, there will be, for instance, one-time licenses issued by the Russian Federal Service for Technical and Export Control.  This is of cold comfort to the likes of Centrus, given that most of its revenue is derived from importing the enriched uranium before then reselling it.  On being notified by Tenex that its general license to export the uranium to the US had been rescinded, the scramble was on to seek a specific export license for remaining shipments in 2024 and those scheduled to take place in 2025.

In a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Centrus warned that any failure by Tenex “to secure export licences for our pending or future orders […] would affect our ability to meet our delivery obligations to our customers and would have a material adverse effect on our business, results in operations, and competitive position.”  While Tenex had contacted Centrus of its plans to secure the required export licenses in a timely manner, a sense of pessimism was hard to dispel as “there is no certainty whether such licenses will be issued by the Russian authorities and if issued, whether they will be issued in a timely manner.”  The sheer, sweet irony of it all.FacebookTwitterRedditEmail

Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: bkampmark@gmail.comRead other articles by Binoy.

How Trump’s tariffs would 'aggressively' transfer wealth from the poor to the rich: journalist

Carl Gibson

September 20, 2024

The cornerstone of former President Donald Trump's economic agenda for a possible second term is steep tariffs on imported goods. This is ostensibly to help even the playing field for American companies, but one veteran journalist is arguing that it's a thinly veiled attempt to redistribute wealth upward from the poor to the rich.

In a recent article for the New Republic, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston explained why tariffs are particularly harmful for the working class and a huge boon for the owner class. He made the case that tariffs are not only a form of a sales tax in that tariffs would just be passed onto consumers in the form of higher prices, but that they double as a way for business owners to "aggressively" price gouge goods with little blowback.

Johnston used the example of a car dealership (which often import vehicles from Asia and Europe) to illustrate how tariffs serve as a one-two punch to both inflict higher prices and increase profits for businesses. For the sake of simplicity, the journalist posited a scenario in which cars would sell for $10,000, with $1,000 of each sale being pocketed as profit.

READ MORE: Trump's newest policy proposal would be a 'huge tax increase' for the middle class: analysis

" Trump says he will slap a 60 percent tariff on imported goods from China," Johnston wrote. "The dealers who sell Chinese cars in America will have to raise their prices to $16,000. If you buy a Chinese car, you will pay that tariff, not China. Indeed, the only harm to China would be selling fewer cars because the tariff would make Chinese cars too costly for many Americans."

"But remember, you own an American car company. Will you continue selling your cars for $10,000 to earn a $1,000 profit per vehicle? Not a chance," Johnston continued, noting that a fundamental practice of business in a capitalist economy is profit maximization.

"Trump’s tariff means you can raise the price of your vehicles to $16,000 and not lose any market share. However, the Trump tariff doesn’t apply to you since you are a domestic carmaker. That means you will collect not $1,000 profit per car but $7,000, all paid by your customers," he added. "But because profit maximization is your goal, you will likely undercut the Chinese car companies. To simplify the math, you would charge $15,000 for each car. That’s a large enough discount that some people who want a Chinese car will purchase your American-made car instead."

Johnston then pointed out that the $1,000 profit from each car sold would "skyrocket to $6,000," which "comes at no cost" since the business wouldn't have to hire more workers, or make additional capital investments on improving their facilities.

With imported cars costing 50% to 60% more, Johnston observed that car dealerships would instead likely invest their higher profits in hiring more auto mechanics, in order to extend the life of the cars they're still selling. He noted that this would bring in an entirely new stream of profit, as a car dealership would be able to make more money from selling spare parts and charging for mechanic services.

"Trump’s tariffs stand to make you so much money that you’d be laughing not just on your way to the bank but on your way to your megayacht, private jumbo jet, private Caribbean islands, and your many mansions," he wrote. "Now, if you think America’s problem is that the rich don’t have nearly enough—well, please vote for Donald Trump."

'Who's going to pay? We are': Fox News host admits Trump tariffs are bad for Americans

David Edwards
November 28, 2024 

Fox News/screen grab

Fox News host Julie Banderas warned viewers that they should be prepared to pay more for goods if president-elect Donald Trump follows through with his threat to place tariffs on CanadaMexico and China.

While speaking to small business "expert" Gene Marks on Thursday, Banderas noted that Trump had vowed to make tariffs "so high, so horrible, so obnoxious" to force businesses to move to the United States.

"Oh, it's going to be a wild ride," she remarked. "Let's be realistic. I mean, a lot of American companies do not buy American. They do rely on a lot of merchandise that is purchased from other countries."

"Is this going to increase prices to you and me?" the host asked Marks.

"Oh, yeah. It could," the guest admitted. "It just depends on how the businesses decide to absorb those price increases."

"I think if American companies are forced to buy American, it is going to cost more ultimately," Banderas pointed out. "And then who's going to pay for that? We are."

"We are going to be buying the merchandise that they are going to have to raise the costs on because they're not going to be buying from foreign countries," she added. "So ultimately, it does come down to the taxpayer dollar."

Watch the video below from Fox News.

'Comes out of consumers’ pockets': Here’s how much more you’ll pay under Trump’s tariffs

November 26, 2024

'Totally wrong': Historian flags Trump defense pick's racist conspiracy theories

Travis Gettys
November 28, 2024 

Pete Hegseth speaking with attendees at the 2022 Student Action Summit at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida. (Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

Donald Trump's nominee for defense secretary has made ahistorical Muslim rhetoric a major theme in his writings, and many of his views resemble those expressed by white supremacist mass murderers.

Fox News host Pete Hegseth was tapped by the president-elect to lead the Pentagon, and experts sounded the alarm over his past writings about Islam as troubling and disqualifying, reported The Guardian.

“By the eleventh century, Christianity in the Mediterranean region, including the holy sites in Jerusalem, was so besieged by Islam that Christians had a stark choice: to wage defensive war or continue to allow Islam’s expansion and face existential war at home in Europe,” Hegseth wrote in his 2020 book "American Crusade." “The leftists of today would have argued for ‘diplomacy’ … We know how that would have turned out.”

“The pope, the Catholic Church, and European Christians chose to fight – and the crusades were born,” added Hegseth, who has a tattoo of the crusader slogan "Deus volt," or "God wills it," which associated with Christian nationalism, white supremacist and other far-right tendencies. “Enjoy Western civilization? Freedom? Equal justice under the law? Thank a crusader,” having written the same thing again earlier in the chapter.

However, aside from Hegseth's apparent sympathies to far-right extremist rhetoric, a historian said the conservative broadcaster doesn't seem to know what he's talking about.

“There were absolutely no incursions into mainland Europe,” said Matthew Gabriele, a professor of medieval studies in the Department of Religion and Culture at Virginia Tech. “If anything, Islam was kind of on the retreat in Iberia and other places as well. So there was no large geopolitical shift or any kind of immediate threat of Islam taking over Europe.”

“The Crusaders lost," Gabriele added. "They lost everything. The idea that they kind of like emerged victorious is absolutely false."

Hegseth's book presents Islam as a natural enemy of the west, traffics in "great replacement"-style conspiracy theories and claims leftists and Muslims were trying to subvert the U.S., and the historian said those ideas are drawn from the same extremist ideology that has motivated mass murders.

“This narrative of the crusades as a defensive war, where if the Christians didn’t launch this offensive towards Jerusalem that Europe would be overrun has been a bog-standard narrative on the right: it’s something that was espoused by Anders Breivik, the Norwegian mass murderer, in 2011 and by the Christchurch shooter a few years ago," Gabriele said.

“It’s the worst kind of simplistic thinking,” he added. “Anybody who tells you these simple stories is selling something.”
'Disgusting': Ex-GOP rep shreds Elon Musk's 'dangerous' attack on civil service

Matthew Chapman
November 27, 2024 

Former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) slammed tech billionaire and Donald Trump ally Elon Musk for publicly naming examples of government employees he will target for elimination.

"Shame on anyone who doesn’t have a problem with the wealthiest man on the planet publicly sharing the individual names of government employees he wants fired," wrote Walsh, who went from being a Tea Party activist to one of the most outspoken conservative opponents of Trump. "Calling them out by name. Disgusting. Dangerous."

Musk, who helped Trump run critical sections of his campaign in the election and now heads up a MAGA task force on how to cut government spending, made the threats against specific employees earlier this week, according to CNN.

CNN's Jim Sciutto also condemned Musk's activity, pointing out that it could put them at a security risk.

"So Musk, once a very public anti-doxxer, is now doxxing individual federal employees for the 'crime' of having federal jobs like millions of Americans, forcing some to cancel social media accounts fearing threats and retribution," he wrote.

Musk, who is not a formal member of the Trump administration, cannot actually fire government workers directly; he can only advise Trump on which positions to eliminate. In the case of eliminating entire agencies, an act of Congress would be required.

This also comes as Musk comes under fire for publicly accusing the whistleblower in Trump's first impeachment trial of treason.