"Reckless yahoos protest at Queen's Park in Toronto to end the shutdown"
BLOGTO City Tanya Mok Posted 4/25/2020

There's a protest in Toronto today. Civil liberties are at stake, the curve is flattening, haircuts are growing out beyond recognition: it's all too much, for some.
Chants of "Open up Ontario" are resounding at Queen's Park right now as a handful of citizens choose to spend their Saturday afternoon protesting Ontario's social distancing measures during a global pandemic.
Protesters chanting “my body my choice”
No social distancing except by reporters and journalist.
(I am not protesting I am covering independently) #queenspark #protest #COVID19 #toronto pic.twitter.com/R33mdO8g6J— Klara Quinton (@KlaraQuinton) April 25, 2020
The sizeable crowd of "yahoos", as Premier Doug Ford referred to them today, are currently fussing over the fact that trying to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus, which has taken the lives of 811 people in Ontario and more than 2,350 nationwide to date has become unbearable.
Doug Ford condemns lockdown protests happening now at Queens Park in Toronto calling them “wreckless”
pic.twitter.com/52v2rw28UG— LΞIGH (@LeighStewy) April 25, 2020
"We see these people that are absolutely irresponsible, it's reckless to do what they're doing," said Ford in a press conference this afternoon. "And personally, I think it's selfish."
Energetic waving of signs that say things like "I want a haircut" would almost be funny, if it didn't blatantly flout the urgings of health officials and frontline healthcare workers, who have been saving lives amidst PPE shortages and outbreaks in the city's most vulnerable communities.
Protesters not social distancing. Letting kids play together.
Images from the current #endtheshutdown #protest in #toronto (I am not protesting, I am here covering this independently - I am wearing mask/gloves and distanced) #queenspark @blogTO @nationalpost @globalnewsto pic.twitter.com/8CLBPteY0p— Klara Quinton (@KlaraQuinton) April 25, 2020
Interestingly, someone's also holding a sign that says "Covexit", which is a pretty weird conflation of COVID-19 and the U.K.'s split from the European Union. Maybe they can take a leaf out of that book and 'exit' the province for a few months while the rest of us try to isolate?
Singing “get up stand up stand up for your rights” #Toronto #protest #COVID19 #queenspark
I am not protesting I am covering this independently pic.twitter.com/biUYwlgozp— Klara Quinton (@KlaraQuinton) April 25, 2020
Even more ironic than the waving of a "Free The Strong" sign alongside a "Protect The Vulnerable" sign is the fact some of the protestors are wearing face masks.
That's good news for the rest of us, because one can only imagine how many respiratory droplets are being dispersed while people shout for their right to haircuts.
Protesters chanting “Everyone’s essential, freedoms are essential, return our freedoms, return our rights” and moving towards traffic from Queens Park
(I am not protesting I am covering independently) #queenspark #protest #COVID19 #toronto pic.twitter.com/kutSzgc6AV— Klara Quinton (@KlaraQuinton) April 25, 2020
There even appears to be some mindful 2-metre-distancing going on, which shows a basic understanding of community spread, despite advocating for "reopening" of industries which have closed specifically for that reason.
Images from the current #endtheshutdown #protest in #toronto (I am not protesting, I am here covering this independently - I am wearing mask/gloves and distanced) #queenspark @blogTO @nationalpost @globalnewsto pic.twitter.com/LsF8e371Cj— Klara Quinton (@KlaraQuinton) April 25, 2020
Toronto's Medical Officer of Health announced last week the cumulative rate of COVID-19 in Toronto is lower than originally projected, thanks to people staying at home for the last month.
Lead photo by Klara Quinton;
Ford slams ‘bunch of yahoos’ protesting emergency measures outside Queen’s Park
About one hundred people went to Queen's Park Saturday slamming COVID-19 emergency measures and demanding a return to normal.
Chris Herhalt, CP24.com
Published Saturday, April 25, 2020
Ontario Premier Doug Ford says he’s furious at the “bunch of yahoos” who decided to flout physical distancing measures and emergency laws to protest outside Queen’s Park Saturday afternoon, calling them “irresponsible, reckless and selfish.”
About 100 people gathered in front of Queen’s Park, chanting slogans demanding Ford “open up Ontario” and end all emergency measures, with some carrying signs claiming the novel coronavirus is a hoax.

Ford was visibly angry at the gathering, which violates the province’s month-long order banning all gatherings of more than five people.
“We have healthcare workers down the street at these hospitals working round the clock, to protect the community and 99.9 per cent of people in this province are working together side by side, that’s the reason we’re able to see a flattening of the curve,” Ford said.
“But then we have a bunch of yahoos out in the front of Queen’s Park sitting there protesting that the place isn’t open, as they are breaking the law. And putting everyone in jeopardy, putting themselves in jeopardy, putting workers
in jeopardy and god forbid one of them ends up in the hospital down the street.”
He said he hoped Toronto police would ticket them.
Not keeping at least two metres apart from someone not in your own household currently carries a fine of $880 in Toronto.
Some demonstrators complained about not being able to get a haircut for the past five weeks, while others called media reports about the virus’ spread “fake news.”

A few demonstrators also brought children to the rally.
“Imagine if we had every single Ontarian acted like the way they’re doing right now, “Ford said. “It would set us back months.
The virus has so far infected at least 13,000 Ontarians, killing 811.
About one hundred people went to Queen's Park Saturday slamming COVID-19 emergency measures and demanding a return to normal.
'Bunch of yahoos': Ontario Premier Doug Ford sounds off on COVID-19 hoaxers protesting in Toronto
Coronavirus outbreak: Doug Ford blasts 'bunch of yahoos' protesting COVID-19 restrictions outside Queen's Park
Ahmar Khan April 25, 2020
A sunny day in Toronto has led to the Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford questioning the morality and intelligence of a group of protestors gathered outside the legislature at Queen’s Park in Toronto to voice their opinions against COVID-19 measures on Saturday afternoon.
Ford was asked about the group, and said he was appalled at the group for disobeying physical distancing measures and putting the wellbeing of others at risk.
“We have a bunch of yahoos out in front of Queen’s Park sitting there protesting, but the place isn’t open. They’re breaking the law and putting everybody in jeopardy,” Ford said
An anti-lockdown protest has formed outside the #Ontario legislature.
Many people chanting that #Covid19 is not real
1 man’s sign: ”I want a haircut”
At 1 point, they started singing the national anthem
Currently 44,364 Canadians have tested + for the virus & 2,350 have died pic.twitter.com/pJelE7dObu
— Brandon Gonez (@brandongonez) April 25, 2020
The group of protestors were shouting out “fear is the virus” and “the virus is hoax” while carrying placards reading “Open Toronto” and “Save Small Businesses! We R all essential.” The most popular sign was a #COVEXIT sign, which is likely referring to a COVID exit.
“There’s nobody who wants to open up the economy more than I do and everyone else, but we have to do it responsibly, with the guidance of our Chief Medical Officer of Health and consultation with municipalities,” said Ford.
Here’s the clip: premier @fordnation fired up after he is asked about people protesting #COVID19 measures outside Queen’s Park: “a bunch of yahoos putting everyone in jeopardy... we’re better than this” he says “it’s irresponsible, reckless, selfish” and setting us back. pic.twitter.com/4wqv792L4k
— Tina Yazdani (@TinaYazdani) April 25, 2020
Ontario health officials reported 476 new COVID-19 infections and 48 new deaths, bringing the total death toll to 811 and the overall case count including recoveries to 13,995.
Much of the support online has been in favour of Ford’s emphatic response to the protestors, with some on the opposite side of the isle politically siding with his wording.
I'm proud to see the leadership that Doug Ford is showing in how he is handling the #covid19 crisis the province, country and world is facing. Taking a stand and calling out those #yahoos at Queen's Park is exactly what this province needs! @fordnation #ONPoli
— Todd Hamblin (@Hambone9) April 25, 2020
Hell just froze over. I actually agreed with Dougie over the protesters over at Queen's Park... #Covid19 #Covid19Ontario #onpoli
— JT Bean (@jt4702) April 25, 2020
Really disappointed at the amount of folks at Queen's Park in Toronto protesting the shutdown. Stop being so selfish. You're not just putting yourself at risk, you're risking everyone else and the stability of our healthcare system. Smarten up folks. #onpoli #COVID19
— Alfred Lam (@AlfredLam) April 25, 2020
Ford was visibly heated at the fact the group had gathered together, especially while tens of millions of Ontarians sit idly in their homes awaiting recommendations.
“We have these people who want to break ranks with the 14.5 million people and just go rogue? Again, it’s irresponsible, reckless and it’s selfish,” said Premier Doug Ford. “It just burns me up, we worked so hard and we have a bunch of yahoos thinking it’s alright,” he said.
The protests come after protests led by far-right wing personalities caused intersections in Vancouver to shut down. The problem was even more pronounced in the U.S. where protests against government measures took place in over a dozen states, as some armed protestors faced off with healthcare workers.
Are these “yahoos” Americans posing as Canadians in Queen’s Park?
— Mark Mendoza (@mmen_d0za) April 25, 2020
The protests are a black eye on an otherwise very good performance from Ontarians since the start of the pandemic, who have largely followed physical distancing laws.
“We’re better than this as a people, as a province, we proved it then you have these people that want to protest? Hey, I understand people want to get out there, but we have to be responsible,” he said.
With well over a month of pandemic done with, Ford wants Ontarians to keep looking out for each other by flattening the curve and staying at home.
“We’ve come such a long way that we have to protect the health and wellbeing of every single person in this province,” said Ford.
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