Wednesday, March 03, 2021


It's time for Canada to end the shameful practice of exporting live horses to Japan for slaughter.
Over the weekend, CTV's W5 aired a new investigative piece exposing the heartbreaking suffering horses endure on international flights. These sensitive animals are bred, confined in barren feedlots, then shipped to Japan in the dead of night so they can be killed and eaten raw as a delicacy. Tragically, thousands of Canadian horses will suffer this fate every year.
The flight to Japan is long and gruelling, and horses are denied all comfort. Horses are regularly crammed tightly together in tiny wooden crates without any food, water, or rest. It’s common for horses to sustain injuries or die en route.
Canadian authorities aren't effectively enforcing animal transport laws on horse shipments, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is being challenged in court for giving the go-ahead to shipments that don't comply with Canadian laws and cause horses to suffer.
There’s an important opportunity to help end this industry right now. Please take a moment to sign the new parliamentary petition to stop Canada's live horse export trade.

Help End Live Horse Exports!
Thank you for speaking up for horses.

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